How to declare money when crossing the border. Exporting cash currency from Russia: personal experience

Anyone will agree that traveling abroad requires money, and sometimes a lot of it. And this, of course, is not about buying tickets and booking a hotel in advance. All this can be done without leaving Russia. But no one goes to the resort without cash. And this raises a logical question for all tourists: how much money can you carry across the border? After all, there are known cases when a person was refused to pass the cordon or was fined for exceeding the limit. In addition, it begins New Year, which often brings with it changes in legislation.

When planning a vacation or business trip, it is better to resolve such issues in advance. To import and export funds without problems, you need to track customs regulations countries. They regulate the rules for transporting any currency (both foreign and national) within and outside the Russian Federation. By the way, the reasons why a person goes somewhere are completely unimportant; only his status plays a role, for example, whether he is an individual or a legal entity.

So, the very first thing a tourist needs to know is how much money you can actually take with you on a trip, so as not to go into legal subtleties and not lose money with documents. It should be taken into account that you can use cards abroad, but they must be foreign currency. Also keep in mind that non-cash transfers in other countries are often subject to taxation. cash commission. The easiest option is to change the money into the required currency in Russia and go to the airport with it.

The starting point in 2017 is the amount of 10 thousand dollars, and it is relevant both for export from Russia and for import. This amount does not require any additional documents, statements, or declarations. Declaration is possible only in one case - if a person, for some reason, wants to carry out this procedure himself.

But here you need to remember the following nuances:

  1. This amount of 10 thousand is the sum of the entire currency. If you are bringing with you something in dollars, something in euros, something in rubles, then according to customs laws it will all be counted, and you will need to fill out a declaration in order to cross the “Red Corridor” without any problems.
  2. Also, this quantity is the amount per person, not per family or company. That is, if you are traveling in a “husband, wife, child” train, then, accordingly, you can carry 30 thousand. The age of the children does not matter.
  3. The amount does not include funds from cards. It's about only about cash.
  4. Also ignores regulations and credit cards.
  5. But funds in traveler's checks are equivalent to cash.

When preparing for a vacation or business trip, it would be useful to find out the rules that apply not only in Russia, but also in the country where you are going.

Transport permit

When you know how much money you can carry across the Russian border without a declaration, it is easier to plan your trip. But it also happens that, according to preliminary calculations, you will have to take more with you. And what to do in this case?

If you are going to transport large amounts, then you need to strictly follow the customs rules of the country. They have clauses that regulate such situations. The following provisions apply here:

  • to transport an amount greater than 10 thousand, you must obtain permission from the Central Bank;
  • if the amount is greater than the established amount, then any currency and checks must be declared;
  • bank checks, bills of exchange, any securities, regardless of the amount and currency, are always declared.

The permission from the bank indicates how much money the institution allows a person to have with him. In fact, the procedure for obtaining a certificate is not complicated, but employees will take into account the person’s income, his position, work, and all similar data.

Declaration and what you need to know about it?

Not every person even understands what declaration is, but still it is very important point when the date of the trip is set, and the amount exactly exceeds the established norms. Not only do you have to take permission from the Central Bank, but also fill out a declaration. When crossing the border, you need to enter the following information:

  • data of the person who crosses the border - date, and, most importantly, place of birth and registration;
  • rewrite the details of the documents used to cross the border;
  • all data about any securities, shares and other financial market instruments;
  • the source from which the funds were received (often a certificate of income from work is enough);
  • travel route;
  • time to return home.

Violations and liability

You need to realize that transporting money in the amount of more than 10 thousand dollars and hiding it from customs authorities is a serious violation. Ignorance of the rules does not exempt you from responsibility. Therefore, check all accounts and penalties immediately. Illegally smuggled goods are considered smuggling.

Penalties for transporting contraband, depending on the amounts and circumstances, are as follows:

  • fine from 3 to 10 times the amount of money you have with you;
  • a fine in the amount of 2 months' salary of the offender;
  • in serious cases - imprisonment for 2 years;
  • forced correctional labor for a period of 2 to 3 years.

Fines and other penalties depend not only on the amounts, but also on who is trying to smuggle contraband. People without a criminal record or problems with the law, who often commit violations out of ignorance, may be limited to paying a fine. For legal entities the law will be more serious. If the amount transported was more than 50 thousand dollars, then the punishments become more severe:

  • 15-fold fine of the amount transported;
  • penalty for a three-year period of earnings;
  • imprisonment for more than 4 years.

The same penalty is imposed for the conspiracy of several persons for the purpose of transporting contraband. As a summary, we can say that customs rules have remained virtually unchanged compared to previous years. The main thing is to always balance your cash when traveling abroad. Therefore, when planning a vacation, take care of documents and declarations so as not to spoil your vacation. By the way, there is nothing complicated in filling out the declaration itself, the procedure takes very little time, and the set of certificates is minimal.

Going shopping abroad or returning from a vacation with souvenirs for friends is a common practice for modern tourists. However, not many of them study Russian customs regulations in advance. This document indicates the things (and their quantity) that can be freely carried across the border, and also must be declared or even paid for customs duty. Russian customs regulations have undergone changes in 2019.

From January 1, 2019, the amount for which goods can be imported duty-free has been reduced threefold, and the permissible weight has been halved.

Today, without paying customs duties, you can transport goods for personal use in an amount equivalent to 500 EUR and weighing up to 25 kg across the border.

The new customs rules apply only to those who cross the Russian border by car, train or ferry. Innovations are relevant for everyone. For air travelers, the old rules still apply.

Sample of filling out a customs declaration

Not a single trip is complete without the tourist having required quantity money. It's different for everyone. You can avoid declaring your financial capabilities at the border and then have no problems if the import of currency (the total amount of cash and traveler's checks) does not exceed $10,000. Moreover, the available funds can be in any currency, but should not exceed the specified threshold.

Import and export of any currency is permitted without submitting additional documents if the amount does not exceed 10 thousand US dollars. A customs declaration can be completed in this case if desired.

If tourists have a need, the equivalent of which exceeds 10 thousand dollars, or enter similar funds, then for this they need permission obtained from the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

Alcohol and tobacco

Import rules mean that these goods can only be transported by adult citizens who are 18 years of age or older. The following restrictions apply for 2019:

  • without including it in the declaration and, accordingly, without paying a fee. What kind of alcohol it will be is completely unimportant: for customs workers, beer, whiskey, wine and absinthe are completely equal;
  • 2 liters of alcohol can be carried in excess of the established duty-free limits, provided that they are included in the declaration. For each liter you will have to pay a separate customs fee - 10 euros, that is, for two in excess of the norm - 20 euros. Whether alcohol was purchased abroad or in a duty-free zone does not matter;
  • 50 cigars;
  • 100 cigarillos;
  • 200 cigarettes;
  • 250 grams of tobacco.

The mutual exclusion rule applies to the import of tobacco products. You can choose just one thing.

Scheme for checking a truck at customs

Violation of customs rules regarding import alcoholic products is punishable by confiscation of contraband goods, initiation of an administrative case and imposition of penalties. Moreover, the fine can range from half to twice the cost of the goods.

Whether or not to confiscate goods that have crossed the border with violations will be decided on a case-by-case basis, as will the size of fines.

The rules for the export of alcoholic beverages from Russia do not provide for any restrictions. But these restrictions are very clearly stated in the customs rules of other countries. That is, you can export as much as you like, but it is unlikely that you will be able to import them into another country. In addition, customs officers may be interested in a large volume of alcohol, using an excerpt from the rules as an argument. It states that goods can be taken out of the country in quantities necessary for personal use.

Duty-free import and export of things

In order to transport things across the Russian border and not fill out a declaration and, accordingly, not pay a duty, all luggage must comply with three basic import rules:

  • Anything you intend to transport across the border must be for you and your family personally. Including new goods, used items, clothing and equipment. That is, 10 new iPhones or other modern expensive gadgets will definitely interest a customs officer;
  • If the border is crossed by car, train or ferry, the total weight of your luggage should not exceed 25 kg. Air travelers are allowed to carry up to 50 kg;
  • The total cost of your luggage cannot exceed 500 euros if you are returning to Russia by land, and. The cost in any currency not exceeding the equivalent is taken into account.

The exception is things that refugees and migrants bring into the territory of the Russian Federation.

But for this you need to have confirmation of your social status. There is also a special attitude towards things that you inherited. However, in order to transport them, it is necessary to submit documents confirming ownership to customs inspectors.

The rules for duty-free import into the territory of the Russian Federation apply to works of art, but with one caveat. They must be declared and, after crossing the border, registered with regional ministry culture.

Violation of customs rules entails administrative liability and payment of a fine. In some cases, customs officers have the right to confiscate items that are prohibited from entering the country or that have not been properly declared.

Mandatory declaration

It is imperative to indicate cash in the customs declaration if the amount exceeds $10,000 in any currency, and even provide additional permitting papers if you are going to cross the border with more than large sums 20,000-30,000 in your pocket.

You also need to mention two liters of alcohol in the document if you have exhausted the duty-free limit, which is equal to three liters for each adult.

Imported personal items are also indicated if their total value exceeds 500 euros when traveling by train, and 10 thousand euros when traveling by air.

If all your property is worth less and falls within these limits, but exceeds the permissible weight limits (25 kg when crossing the border by land and 50 kg by plane), then the rules customs clearance The Russian Federation also requires their mandatory registration.

In addition to the cases already mentioned, the following things need to be included in the customs document when returning from a trip in 2019:

Some items on this list will require a special export permit obtained from the relevant authorities, or certificates and documents explaining their need for personal use, for example, a prescription from a doctor.

Crossing the border of the Russian Federation is carried out according to the rules reflected in legislative acts related to customs control. Import into the country and export of currency from the Russian Federation individuals is permitted within the established limit, which is this moment reaches the equivalent of 10 thousand dollars. Exceeding this value entails the need to fill out a declaration, which reflects all the necessary information - full name of the person, presence of accompanying persons, final destination of the trip. Violation of established standards leads to liability, which can be administrative or criminal.

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Regulation of the export of funds

The main purpose of regulating the amount of funds exported outside the Russian Federation is to take into account their movement, which is carried out between states.


In parallel with this, the problem of tracking the available income of citizens of the Russian Federation is partially solved in order to identify those who evade paying taxes or entrepreneurial activity without registering a physical or legal entity, as the current legislation suggests.

Export of currency is regulated by the current edition Federal Law“On currency regulation and currency control.” In accordance with its provisions, the rules and basic conditions for the export of funds in cash are established, which can be transported without documentation and with a declaration - a document filled out to allow the export of money in excess of a certain amount.

Regulatory legislation defines uniform rules and norms - residents and non-residents alike can take out of the country an amount of no more than 10 thousand dollars.

Exceeding the established value does not prohibit export, but requires filling out a special declaration containing the following type of information:

  • Information about the person who exports the currency and information about the travel document;
  • Country of permanent residence;
  • Residency;
  • Which country is the person leaving (namely from the Russian Federation) going to and what is the final destination of his trip;
  • The presence of minors accompanying the person filling out the declaration and their number;
  • The method by which finance is transported;
  • The amount of funds and the currency in which the funds are transported;
  • Goods and those products that, in addition to finance, are transported across the border. The price of such goods must be indicated in dollars or euros - other types of currencies are prohibited.

Features of transportation of funds

When transporting money across the border, the following features and existing exceptions must be taken into account:

  • If the applicant is moving with members of his family, he has the right to transport currency without declaration in an amount equivalent to the number of people traveling with him;
  • When calculating the amount that a resident or non-resident can withdraw, all types of cash are reduced to one indicator - US dollars. For example, even if a traveler has rubles, euros, dollars and money from another state, they are all recalculated at the current rate and only after that the need to fill out a declaration is determined;
  • In case when entering Russian Federation a person imported an amount exceeding 10 thousand dollars, the right arises to export the same amount (or in a smaller amount) without filling out a declaration. In such a situation, you will need to have supporting documents with you;
  • If, during an inspection, a customs officer reveals that a citizen of the Russian Federation or another state exports an amount of funds greater than stated in the declaration, or exceeding 10 thousand dollars without such a document, a violation of the law is recorded and the person is held accountable.

It is worth noting that in order to carry out simplified customs control at each customs service post, when crossing the border, travelers are directed along the green corridor, if there are no items and money to be declared, and along the red corridor, when there are such items.

Penalty for breaking the law


Due to tightened control by government agencies, including the tax service, over the movement of funds in current accounts, individuals and organizations with illegal earnings are trying to hide it by keeping it in kind. In the case of transporting large amounts of funds, information regarding the source of their origin may be required from the traveler. In this regard, many citizens transporting large sums are not always in a hurry to declare this fact.

If it is discovered that money has been transported in violation of the law, a person who has not complied with the law is first of all brought to administrative responsibility. Such an action entails an imposition - its value can vary from 1 to 2.5 thousand rubles.

The money that was not declared by the traveler (above the established limit of 10 thousand dollars) is not confiscated by customs officers.

At the request of the person, they can be dealt with as follows:

  • Immediately convey to mourners;
  • Leave for storage for 2 months. This period, if necessary, can be extended to 4 months. In order to comply with all legal requirements, the customs officer must draw up a receipt in the TS-21 form, which is handed over to the traveler. It reflects the amount of funds that remains to be stored, and upon entering the country, the citizen has the right to receive it back.

Subsequently, data on the fact of violation of the law is transferred to the financial and budgetary control service. After considering the circumstances, depending on the amount that they tried to take out, the characteristics of the person who intended to do it, his place of work, a decision is already made on further actions and sanctions.

How much currency can you export from Russia? This is one of the key questions for Russian citizens planning a trip abroad. The topic is relevant both for tourists and businessmen, and for those traveling to another country for permanent residence. After all, in a foreign country you cannot do without money. And the traveler should know how much currency can be brought across the border in 2019 without declaration.

The export of currency across the border of the Russian Federation is regulated by customs rules. No changes were made to them in 2019. To export a certain amount of dollars or other currency from Russia, it is necessary to declare it. It is the customs rules that determine how much money can be taken outside the Russian Federation freely, and how much - by declaration.

Before visiting abroad, travelers are advised to clarify customs details. This will allow you to avoid problems at checkpoints and freely take out the required amount from the Russian Federation - in rubles, dollars, euros, pounds, yuan, etc. It is worth remembering that the rules for exporting currency apply not only to banknotes. Exported money is divided into 2 types:

  1. Cash that is legally in circulation in countries around the world. Such means include:
    • Banknotes.
    • Treasury notes.
    • Coins (with the exception of coins made of precious metals).
  2. Monetary instruments:
    • Bills of exchange.
    • Securities.
    • Bank checks.
    • Traveler's checks.

Main rules

A Russian citizen leaving the Russian Federation must comply with the following customs rules for the export of money:

  • Without a declaration, it is allowed to export an amount equivalent to no more than 10 thousand US dollars. At the same time, at the request of the tourist, the amount can be declared. The rule applies:
    • Cash.
    • Traveler's checks.

  • According to the passenger customs declaration, an amount equivalent to 10 thousand US dollars is exported. The entire amount is subject to accounting. The rule applies to:
    • Cash.
    • Traveler's checks.
  • Upon written declaration, it is allowed to export any amount in monetary instruments. The rule does not apply to travelers checks. Thus, the following are subject to mandatory accounting, regardless of the amount:
    • Bills of exchange.
    • Securities.
    • Bank checks.

Based on customs rules, a traveler can take out as many rubles, dollars and other currencies as he wants from the Russian Federation. The only question is the declaration.

Important! Bank cards when crossing the border they are not taken into account and declared. On such rollers it is allowed to transport an unlimited amount of money.

Main nuances

What is prohibited from being imported into some countries?

  • Conversion into dollars occurs at the exchange rate of the country to which the Russian resident is sent. The rate is calculated at the time of filing the declaration.
  • When accounting for monetary instruments (in addition to traveler's checks), the following is recorded:
    • Or their face value in the currency of a foreign power.
    • Or the quantity of monetary instruments themselves (assuming that there is no nominal price).
  • The minimum of 10 thousand dollars is calculated for 1 person, including minor children. That is, a family consisting of a father, mother and child has the right to freely take out 30 thousand dollars. The declaration for the child is completed by the parents.
  • The amount of 10 thousand dollars consists of all the currencies available to the traveler. Exported rubles are added to this amount.
  • It is important to remember that each state has its own customs rules. Eg:
    • You are allowed to import up to $20,000 duty-free into Thailand.
    • In China, a declaration is required for the import of amounts over 5 thousand dollars.
    • In the EU, the equivalent of freely transported 10 thousand is calculated in euros.

Filling out the declaration

In 2019, the same rules for filling out passenger customs declarations apply. A citizen exporting an amount subject to accounting from Russia should indicate:

  • Date and place of your birth.
  • Address:
    • For residents Customs Union(RF and several CIS republics) – place of residence or registration.
    • For non-residents of the Union - the place of intended temporary stay (name of the hotel, address of relatives or friends, etc.).
  • Confirmation of the right to travel abroad. Details of one of the documents are required:
    • Visa (if available).
    • International passport, etc.

  • Data on how much money is exported from the Russian Federation.
  • Information on monetary instruments (other than traveler's checks):
    • Type of instrument.
    • Date of issue.
    • The name of the organization that issued it.
    • Identification number (if available).
  • Data on the source of money exported from the Russian Federation (cash and instruments):
    • Official certificate of income.
    • Document on the sale of property.
    • A deed of gift in the name of the tourist, notarized.
    • Inheritance (court decision on entry into inheritance rights), etc.
  • Intended Use Details Money(cash and instruments).
  • Information about the owner of the exported amount (cash and instruments), if it does not belong to the declarant.
  • Route and method of transportation of funds (cash and instruments). It is required to indicate the type of transport on which the tour is carried out.

Declaration form

The passenger declaration form can be printed on the website of the Russian Customs Service or. The document consists of a main and an additional form. The latter concerns cash and monetary instruments.

Example of filling out a declaration

The tourist has the right to independently prepare additional questionnaires monetary declaration. To do this you will need a computer and a printer. The form must be printed on both sides of an A4 sheet (210×296 mm). You will need 2 copies - for customs and the declarant. Information is entered:

  • Or by hand (the words are written clearly, legibly, without errors or blots).
  • Or on the computer.

The applicant personally signs both forms and puts the date of completion. Neglect of customs rules for the export of currency entails punishment. Various penalties are applied to violators - from a warning to an administrative fine. In some cases, citizens face confiscation of cash by court order or imprisonment.

Customs rules of Ukraine 2018 (new rules from 01/01/2018). How much currency can be exported from Ukraine in 2018, rules for the import of currency, goods, food, medicines and drugs, tobacco products, alcoholic beverages, objects of history and art are the main questions of all tourists, namely “ What can you bring across the border??”

You can find the latest information for 2019 in the updated article

Customs rules of Ukraine 2018 are the same for all types of crossing the customs border of Ukraine: by plane, by train, by car (except for the total purchase amount), by water. The norms for transporting currency, goods, medicines, food, tobacco products, alcoholic beverages and other items are calculated for one person of any age for one border crossing within one day (24 hours).

When crossing the border at international ports, passengers independently choose one of two types of border crossing: passengers pass through the “green” corridor without declaration and without paying customs duties; along the “red” corridor - passengers must undergo customs control, document verification, written declaration (filling out a customs declaration) and pay customs duties. How to choose a corridor?

The content of the article:


Passing customs control involves oral or written declaration of goods and items that the passenger transports to hand luggage and in luggage. For convenience, traffic lanes in the form of a corridor are organized at international checkpoints:

“Green” corridor (without declaration) is a process of simplified customs control, which excludes all types of written declaration and payment of customs duties.

A passenger undergoes customs control along the “green” corridor (without filling out a customs declaration and without customs fees) if he transports in his luggage personal belongings, food for personal use for a total amount of up to 200 euros, goods for a total amount of up to 1,000 euros, currency up to 10,000 euro (equivalent), medicines no more than 5 packages, within normal limits alcoholic drinks(strong alcoholic drinks up to 1 liter, wine up to 2 liters, beer up to 5 liters) and tobacco products (no more than 1 block of cigarettes or no more than 250 grams of tobacco).

Passing customs control along the “green” corridor frees citizens from filling out a customs declaration.

⚠ Remember, by choosing the “green” corridor, you confirm that you do not have any items that are subject to written declaration, taxation and that are prohibited or limited in import into Ukraine.

The “red” corridor is the process of passing customs control with mandatory written declaration (filling out a customs declaration) and payment of customs duties.

The passenger passes through the “red” corridor, undergoes mandatory customs control, fills out a customs declaration and pays customs duties, if he has the following items: weapons, explosives, narcotic, psychotropic, poisonous, potent substances and medicines; radioactive metals; antiques, history and art objects, musical instruments; printed publications, audio and audiovisual materials, other media; objects of flora and fauna, their parts or products obtained from them, domestic animals (with the original international veterinary certificate of the country of origin of this animal); medicines, goods and food products in volumes that are subject to taxation ( medicines and drugs in quantities of more than 5 packages or cans, goods totaling more than 1,000 euros, food products - more than 200 euros); precious metals, stones and products; currency over 10,000 euros, including national currency and traveler’s checks; above the norm alcoholic drinks (strong alcoholic drinks more than 1 liter, wine more than 2 liters, beer more than 5 liters) and tobacco products (more than 1 block of cigarettes or 250 grams of tobacco).

⚠ Passengers have the right to choose their own corridor, but remember that violation of the rules for passing customs control and the requirements for declaring items and goods entails administrative and criminal liability!

IMPORTANT! From 01/01/2018 new rules for the duty-free import of goods in hand-held or accompanied baggage have come into force - up to €500 (at airports - up to €1000) and weighing up to 50 kg will apply to those who have been absent from Ukraine for more than 24 hours and enters the country no more than once within 72 hours. According to the amendments adopted by the Verkhovna Rada to the Tax Code (No. 6776-d), with more frequent entries, goods can be imported without taxes up to €50. The new restrictions do not apply to the transportation of baggage through checkpoints open to air traffic.

Parcels to Ukraine from abroad

Regarding parcels to Ukraine from abroad, a limitation has been introduced on the number of parcels received from abroad up to 3 per month per recipient (tax-free value each parcels should be 150 euros). That is, 450 euros per month is the maximum you can count on if you don’t want to pay a fee. Starting from the fourth shipment, you will have to pay 10% duty and 20% VAT. If the product is excisable, then there is also an excise tax, the amount of which depends on its weight, volume and quantity. Fees will be assessed on amounts that exceed the duty-free minimum of 150 euros. That is, if the amount of goods in the parcel is 200 euros, then duty and VAT will be calculated at 50 euros, and an additional 15 euros will need to be paid (excluding excise tax). You can receive such a parcel at the customs post after paying fees, filling out a declaration and a special form.


Personal belongings are items intended exclusively for personal use:

  • clothing, underwear and shoes;
  • personal hygiene items;
  • used cosmetics and perfumes (up to 500 ml eau de toilette or up to 100 ml of perfume);
  • personal jewelry, including precious ones, with traces of use;
  • 2 wristwatches;
  • 2 mobile phones, 1 video camera, 1 photo camera, 3 flash drives, 1 calculator, 1 e-book, 2 portable personal computers(laptop), 1 portable projector, 1 portable TV, 1 portable typewriter;
  • 2 portable musical instruments;
  • 1 portable sound-reproducing device (tape recorder, voice recorder, CD player, etc.);
  • a reasonable number of disks, records, tapes, cassettes;
  • reasonable number of accessories ( Charger, battery, headphones, cable, etc.);
  • sport equipment;
  • 1 binoculars or 1 monocle;
  • 1 stroller;
  • other personal items.

If the passenger’s luggage contains only personal belongings, then you can safely go along the “green” corridor without filling out a customs declaration.

  • Read also:

GOODS: what goods can be transported across the border

Goods are items not intended for personal use. To confirm the cost of transported goods, we recommend that you have checks, receipts or invoices with the names of goods and prices. In the absence of documents confirming the value of goods, Customs Service employees evaluate the goods in accordance with internal regulations.

What goods can be transported across the border of Ukraine:

  • Goods with a total value of less than 1,000 euros are subject to verbal declaration and the passenger passes through the “green” corridor. There is no need to fill out a customs declaration or pay duties.
  • Goods with a total value of more than 1,000 euros (or if imported more than once a day) are subject to mandatory written declaration; the passenger fills out a customs declaration, pays customs duties and passes through the “red” corridor.

Customs duties on imported goods:

  • If the total customs value of goods exceeds 1,000 euros, but less than 10,000 euros, then such goods are subject to an import duty of 10% of the total customs value, value added tax (VAT).
  • If the total customs value of goods exceeds 10,000 euros, then such goods are subject to import customs duties at full rates in accordance with the Customs Tariffs of Ukraine, value added tax (VAT).

The amount of customs duties paid is calculated from the total value of the goods. The passenger can confirm the cost of goods by presenting sales receipts, labels, receipts, invoices with names of goods and prices, and other documents to the customs officer. If the passenger does not have such documents, then customs officers will be forced to determine customs value goods based on prices for similar or similar goods.

⚠ Remember that in the customs declaration you must provide accurate information about the goods you have, their quantity and names.

FOOD PRODUCTS: what products can be transported across the border

It is allowed to transport food products for personal consumption into the territory of Ukraine for a total amount of up to 200 euros in the following amounts:

  • Products in manufacturer's packaging intended for retail(for example: chocolate, spaghetti, tea, coffee, olive oil, etc.) - it is allowed to transport 1 package or a total weight of up to 2 kg of each item;
  • Products without packaging (for example: fruits, vegetables, meat, lard, cheeses, etc.) - it is allowed to transport up to 2 kg of each item;
  • Products without packaging - an indivisible product, ready for immediate consumption (for example: smoked chicken, sausage, home canned food, etc.) - are allowed to be carried in the amount of 1 piece of each item.

Example: One person can carry a package of tea, coffee, chocolate, up to 2 kg of apples, up to 2 kg of pears, up to 2 kg of potatoes, up to 2 kg of carrots, up to 2 kg of mushrooms, up to 2 kg of meat, up to 2 kg of lard, 1 smoked chicken, 1 sausage stick, 1 can home canning, 1 jar of homemade honey, etc. But the total amount of all food products should not exceed 200 euros!

Secure your personal luggage and the luggage of other passengers - hermetically pack food in a special container for transportation. In case of import of food products into the territory of Ukraine, their declaration is carried out (oral or written - at the request of the owner of the products or at the request of a customs official).


Medicines and drugs can be transported in checked luggage and hand luggage in the following volumes:

  • no more than 5 packages (cans) of each name per person (except medicines that contain narcotic and psychotropic substances);
  • no more than the amount specified in the prescription from the attending physician (usually for a course of treatment requiring large quantity drugs). This is only possible if you have a prescription that contains the names of the attending physician and the patient, the doctor’s signature and the clinic’s seal.

⛔ It is prohibited to transport medications containing narcotic and psychotropic substances without written permission from the Ministry of Health of Ukraine.


Parents, guardians or other family members may import into Ukraine special baby food that is not produced or sold in Ukraine. Applies to children with diseases requiring special nutrition. Special baby food can be carried in hand luggage and checked baggage according to the following standards:

  • no more than 5 packages (cans) of each name per person;
  • no more than the amount specified in the prescription from the attending physician. The prescription must contain the names of the attending physician and the child being treated, the doctor’s signature and the clinic’s seal. Passengers carrying special food, you must have documents confirming family ties with a sick child.

CURRENCY: How much currency can you import into Ukraine? How much can be exported from Ukraine without declaration in 2018?

One of the most frequently asked questions in the section “Customs rules for import and export of Ukraine” is a question about the rules and restrictions on the movement of cash, namely export of currency from Ukraine in 2018 and import of currency. "Cash" is often replaced by the word "currency". Below are the rules for importing currency into Ukraine and exporting currency from Ukraine. How much currency can you export from Ukraine without declaration? and how much can be imported into Ukraine without providing any documents and without filling out customs declarations. Read about all this carefully below.

Currency (cash) is monetary units states, cash currency of Ukraine (Ukrainian hryvnia) and cash foreign currency (US dollars, euros, Russian rubles, Turkish lira, etc.) in banknotes and coins that are in circulation and are a legal payment method in the territories of the respective states.

  • If the amount of cash is less than 10,000 euros (for CIS countries - less than 10,000 US dollars) for one person of any age, then an oral declaration for customs control and the passenger passes through the “green” corridor (without providing documents and without filling out a customs declaration).
  • If the amount of cash exceeds 10,000 euros (for CIS countries - more than 10,000 US dollars) for one person of any age, then a written declaration (filling out a customs declaration) is required and the passenger goes along the “red” corridor. You must provide a bank statement showing the withdrawal of cash from your personal account at a bank or financial institution. These statements are valid and accepted for 30 calendar days, starting from the date of issue. At the request of an employee of the Customs Service of Ukraine, the passenger must provide documentary evidence of the source of receipt of the currency.

⚠ Persons who have not completed the mandatory declaration and violated the customs rules of Ukraine for the export/import of cash are liable in accordance with the current legislation of Ukraine. A completed customs declaration is the basis for the export/import of the cash indicated in it and the conduct of operations within one year from the date of registration of the declaration.

Thus, without providing documents and without filling out a customs declaration, it is allowed to export currency from Ukraine and import currency into Ukraine in the amount of up to 10,000 USD per person of any age. For example, Ukrainians can travel to Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan and other CIS countries with cash up to $10,000, and to Turkey and European countries - up to €10,000.

The total amount of cash is converted into euros or US dollars on the day of crossing the border at the official rate of the National Bank of Ukraine (NBU), published on the website Cash in hryvnias is recalculated at the rate of Ukrainian hryvnia - euro/US dollar, in foreign currencies (Turkish lira, Russian rubles, etc.) are recalculated at the cross-currency rate.

Transportation of bank metals among ordinary passengers is quite a rare event, but for information we inform you that banking metals are gold, silver, platinum, metals platinum group, brought to highest standards accordingly up to international standards in ingots and powders that have a quality certificate, as well as coins from precious metals not lower than 900 standard.
