How to make a gun from wood with your own hands. How to make a toy wooden gun yourself

How to make a gun from wood You can find out not only out of love by shooting bullets from rubber bands at others. In fact, boys really love such truly masculine crafts as cars and soldiers. And in the process of sawing out and bringing a wooden gun to working condition, the little master, under strict guidance, will master all the main stages of execution, see and learn how to handle complex tools used in woodworking.

How to make a gun from wood master class

There are several videos online about how to how to make a gun from wood. Master Class This one is quite complicated, so it will be simply impossible for the baby to cope alone, and even very dangerous. Think about which main stages of the entire complex technological process you cannot safely entrust to him. Maybe it will be grinding, maybe working with a chisel, or maybe tracing the outline of the future pistol will be enough.

When working with wood, it is imperative to follow the simplest safety rules. And this applies not only to children, but also to adults. Wear thick gloves, as wooden splinters are extremely unpleasant, they are difficult to remove, and the wound can bother you for a long time. In order to prevent this when working with unsanded boards, you need reliable protection for the skin of your hands. The second mandatory point is a protective mask or goggles. If splinters getting under the skin are unpleasant, then pieces of wood getting into the eyes can lead to very serious consequences. It’s better to play it safe and buy each production participant his own pair of safety glasses. At the same time, you will look like real professionals in this semi-game process.

The production of wooden pistols as a form of children's creativity already has a considerable history in terms of the years passed. What material will be equally accessible and at the same time equally easy to process, relative to metal or plastic? The boys, who always wanted and will want to imitate adults, made pistols for themselves from plywood, from school rulers, from boards, carried their toys with them for street games during the war, and took care of them. Previously, wooden and homemade toys were more likely associated with low-income families who could not afford to buy beautiful plastic toys in the store. Today, when a huge number of plastic pistols are sold in stores, no parent can be absolutely sure of the safety of both the material (toxic or not, what additives are present in the plastic) and the reliability of the design itself (fragility of plastic, small parts). And wooden toys nowadays are environmentally friendly, and, like everything environmentally friendly, they are fashionable and highly valued. Especially those made by yourself.

Photo of how to make a gun from wood

Let us briefly examine the main stages and photo of how to make a gun from wood. In fact, if your dad is not into plumbing, then you probably won’t have the entire set of tools needed for either your home or your dacha. Therefore, further we will also analyze more simple ways production of quite worthy combat units. By the way, an excellent compromise for dads is to take their son to a small metalworking workshop, where they ask permission to make a toy with their son. At the same time, you will show your son what tools there are, and the time spent working together, as advertising teaches us, is simply priceless.

For crafts, we take unvarnished and untreated chemicals board. A thickness of 2-2.5 centimeters will be enough to create a high-quality pistol. On the Internet, find a picture of a small life-size pistol, print it and cut it out. Place it on the board and carefully trace the outline. It's best to do this ballpoint pen or an indelible thin marker, since in the future the lines should not be smeared or erased, which could lead to incorrect cutting. It is best to cut such a thick board with a band saw, which will help form a smooth and neat edge. Using a grinder, process the barrel and handle, giving them the required rounded shape. Clamp the semi-finished product in a vice and cut out the trigger. It will be convenient to use a scroll saw for this. All relief notches are made using a cutter, the trigger is up to perfect shape finish with a rasp. All small details, such as notches or patterns on the handle, are cut out using a chisel. The gun is almost ready, but its surface definitely requires proper processing, because it is intended for delicate children's hands. We sand the entire surface thoroughly. First we go over it with sandpaper, smoothing out the protrusions and irregularities, and with the help of scratch paper we polish it completely.

The finished gun can be coated with varnish, which is used specifically for working with wood, and you can also use paint for working with wood; it will create a protective film on the surface of the craft, necessary for its long and faithful service to its little owner. Little secret- before applying paint to the surface of a wooden toy, you need to first treat it with a special primer. This way, the adhesion of paint and wood will be maximum and the risk of paint chipping during play, and, therefore, further damage to the wood, will be minimal.

How to make a gun from wood: ideas

A thick board allows us to make a pistol that is closest in shape to the real thing. If everything is complicated technological process Since the abundance of tools and steps scares you, you can still find out how to make a gun from wood. Ideas in this case, the emphasis will be on materials that are easier to handle.

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How to make a gun yourself?

When we think about what a toy shooting gun should be like, we immediately imagine a large design with big amount parts, complex mechanisms, additional accessories. But in fact, you can make a gun that shoots from ordinary thick cardboard or a wooden panel. Don't believe me? Then read and remember the instructions on how to do this.

How to make a gun from wood

  1. Prepare a wooden panel measuring 20x12 cm and 2.5 cm thick.
  2. Draw the outline of the gun on the surface, for which you can use an old plastic toy or a paper template.
  3. Cut out the drawn outline with a band saw.
  4. Round off the edges of the trigger guard, grip, and barrel using a sander (be careful not to remove too much!).
  5. Cut the trigger with a scroll saw (be sure to hold the gun in a vice to avoid injury).
  6. Make indentations in the trigger area with a cutter.
  7. Give the hammer its final shape using a rasp.
  8. Saw out notches on the trunk with a grinder, then continue cutting with a chisel.
  9. Clean off any imperfections with sandpaper.

Now we have to construct the firing mechanism. Making your own shooting pistol is quite difficult. For everything to work out correctly, you need to use step by step instructions.

Thus, at home you can make a pistol that will also shoot. Let's try to fire a practice shot. We take the gun in right hand. With your thumb we push the sear up - it moves the piston along the barrel. This is how a rubber band is fired from a wooden pistol.

If the description is not enough for you, then you can watch the video on this page on how to make a pistol.

Let's also consider another method of making a shooting pistol.

How to make a gun out of paper

At home, it is not always possible to use the tools with which we constructed a wooden pistol. But it can also be made from cardboard.

Making a barrel

Fold the A4 cardboard sheet several times until you get a thin strip in the form of a long rectangle - this will be the trunk.

Making the handle

Fold the A4 cardboard sheet several times in the form of a thick strip - this will be the handle.

Now we unfold both blanks, place the barrel on the handle, bending the edges slightly towards the center. The handle needs to be folded in half and a longitudinal hole cut at the base.

Making the trigger

Roll a sheet of cardboard lengthwise long side. Fold the sheet into small pieces and then in half. Insert the workpiece into the hole cut out on the handle.

How to make a shooting mechanism

Cut the trunk on both sides. Cut the elastic from the unnecessary tire and insert it into the resulting slots.

Now you can shoot paper from our gun. How? We put the crumpled paper ball into the groove, thumb remove the rubber band and release. It contracts and shoots out a paper ball.

Using a homemade cardboard gun, you can even knock down a tin can at close range. Therefore, you must use it very carefully and do not shoot towards people and animals!

How to make a gun from plywood

To complete the picture, let's look at how to make a gun at home from plywood. To do this we need to do the following:

A shot from a plywood gun is made as follows: the trigger is pressed, the rubber band clings to it and the shot occurs. You can use ordinary small buttons as bullets.

Shooting toys can be bought in a store without any problems, but you can successfully make them yourself. On the pages of the website Secret of the Master, various designs of cool toys are considered, from the simplest to the more complex, which, in addition to gaming and experimental purposes, can bring practical benefits, for example, in protecting crops from pests at the dacha.

How to make an office cannon with your own hands

A simple gun design invented to carry out “office wars”. A projectile is a sheet of paper or a light ball crumpled into a ball. The gun does not allow firing in a straight line, but it shoots well with a canopy, which allows you to bypass obstacles in the form of office partitions;). The gun can be easily made with your own hands from plastic bottle and stationery erasers. For details, watch the video and.

How to make a rubber gun with your own hands

Rubber gun

A simple wooden automatic three-shot pistol. The pistol fits comfortably in the hand. It is cut out of plywood with a hand jigsaw; you only need to cut out 4 parts. The gun fires rubber bands. With such a pistol it is easy to organize a small airsoft game in an apartment or on the street. We look at the drawings of the gun stencil (link at the end of the blog). Load your homemade pistol carefully according to the instructions. For safety reasons, wear safety glasses.

How to make a vortex cannon with your own hands

A wonderful weapon for children's games and experiments. The gun shoots... with air, an invisible toroidal vortex erupts from the barrel, which moves in the direction of the shot for some distance. A safe thing for children to play with weapons and remotely “destruct” toy buildings. Design details are shown in the video and.

How to make a pneumatic machine gun with your own hands

If you have an air compressor with a receiver on your household, then you have every opportunity to make a game console for the compressor. The weapon was adapted to the available ammunition - rowan and pea, and accordingly the machine guns were called rowan launcher and pea shooter. The design of a homemade machine gun is simple. It is based on manual blowing, which makes it easy to control the weapon. For manufacturing details, see the video.

How to make a gas gun with your own hands

When repeating this design, strictly follow the safety rules. You build a gas gun at your own peril and risk and take ALL responsibility for the construction, use, consequences of using this device, as well as for any damage caused. The authors summarized the accumulated experience in building potato cannons and tried to use ready-made elements in the design. In total, three types of guns of different calibers were designed.

Mini gun 32 mm caliber

The gun is made by hand in the shape of a pistol and shoots small balls. A reliable piezo spark source will not create problems. The gun is used for target shooting competitions. Requires some experience when loading. See production details

Gas apple potato gun 50 mm caliber

Gas gun

This is a serious design in terms of sound and projectile. The main application is to imitate the sound of a hunting rifle shot to scare away birds. A reliable budget gun, but only if used correctly and sparingly. Strictly follow safety rules and assembly recommendations. See how to make an Apple Gun

Gas mortar 100 mm caliber

Experimental design for firing volumetric light projectiles with electronic filling. Some results are shown in the video. When repeating, do not forget that this is not a real mortar, but just a thin-walled plastic pipe. Not all planned experiments have been carried out with this gun and will be published as the results are obtained. The record height of the shot is 80 meters. The mortar in its repetition is the simplest design, see the video for details.

The topic of designing guns is not closed and will be continued.

You are going to play cowboys or scouts. Or maybe you want to organize a competition in accuracy. Then you absolutely need a pistol. If you don't have a toy gun, you can make your own. As a result, you will have a shooting pistol that looks like a real weapon.

How to make a gun that shoots paper

Take thick paper or cardboard and fold it in half. On one half, close to the fold, draw the contours of the weapon according to the diagram. Carefully cut out the design.

Make a groove for the cartridge. To do this, cut the top of the barrel and fold the paper inward so that in profile the barrel looks like the letter “M”.

Make a thin cut on each side of the trunk and insert a thin elastic band there. This will be your trigger.

Color the gun as you wish. The handle can be covered with fabric to give it roughness.

Pull the elastic back and secure it to the shutter. Place a ball of paper rolled into the groove. Its radius should be slightly less than the depth of the gutter. Take the gun in your hands and use your thumb to push the rubber band up. The rubber band that slips off will hit the ball and it will fly to the target.

How to make a gun at home using a balloon

Take 2 cardboard tubes. One is longer (barrel), the other is shorter (handle). At the top of the “handle”, cut a semicircle-shaped recess so that you can smoothly connect it to the barrel. By changing the depth of the front and rear cutouts, you can adjust the angle of contact of the barrel with the handle. Fasten the pieces together using glue or tape.

Cut balloon across in half. The part with the inflation hole can be removed. Pull the second half over the end of the barrel, closing the hole on the side of the handle, and secure. Please note that if you tighten the rubber too much, it will be difficult to shoot.

Give the gun a realistic look by covering it with paper, painting it with paints and pencils.

To fire, lift the pistol up with the muzzle, place the cartridge, take aim, pull back the ball membrane with your fingers and release sharply. You can use rolled paper or plastic balls as bullets.

How to make a gun from wood

Take a piece of wood 20x12 cm, 2.5 cm thick. Draw the outline of the gun on the surface of the wood. It is best to use a template or dummy for this.

Cut the blank out of wood. To do this, you can use a band saw.

Using a sander, round off the edges of the handle, barrel, and trigger guard. At this stage you need to be careful not to remove excess.

The hammer is cut with a scroll saw while the gun is held in a vise.

Recesses on the trunk are made with a cutter.

Use a rasp to give the hammer its final shape.

The notches on the trunk are cut out with a rasp or a grinding machine.

Smaller parts of the gun are cut out with a chisel.

Finally, go over the gun with medium sandpaper, and then polish it with a scratch pad.

How to make a gun at home from plywood

Transfer the image of the parts onto plywood and cut them out.

Glue the right and left parts of the gun to the internal parts.

Place the trigger (D) inside. Drill a hole as shown in the figure, insert a screw into it and secure with a nut. Attach the rubber band to the barrel with nails.

The rubber band clings to the trigger, the gun is loaded. After pressing the trigger, a shot occurs. You can use pieces of plywood, buttons, or other small things as bullets.

How to make a gun out of paper

Fold a landscape sheet of paper along the short side into a thin strip. This will be the trunk, so roll the paper as tightly as possible. Once you have folded the sheet, fold it in half.

Take another landscape sheet and fold it in the same way as the first, but so that the workpiece is wider (handle). Fold it in half.

Unfold the blanks. Place the “barrel” on the “handle”. Visually divide the wide part into 3 parts and alternately bend the outer parts towards the center. To obtain even bends, it is convenient to use a narrow piece.

Fold the handle in half, fold the edges along the intended fold. Cut a small longitudinal hole at the base of the workpiece.

Take a landscape sheet and roll it (maybe not all the way) along the long side (trigger). You need to bend the sheet as small as possible. Then fold the piece in half and insert it into the hole you just cut.

Slide the barrel blank into the “pockets” of the handle blank. Iron all the folds again. Trim the exposed edge of the trigger.

Bend the landscape sheet lengthwise as described earlier. As a result, you should end up with a piece slightly wider than the handle. Seal the edge with tape. Make small cuts along the folds and place the workpiece on the handle, cutting off the excess. Now your pistol is comfortable to hold.

Bend the album sheet crosswise as described earlier. As a result, you should have a blank approximately the width of the trunk. Bend it in half. Bend the upper corners of the ends of the workpiece inward, step back a few millimeters from the fold and cut it off. Place the blank on the back of the barrel. Tuck the cut, folded edges behind the handle.

The gun is ready. Paint it, giving the weapon a menacing look. The gun shoots paper stars. Its power is enough to close range knock down an iron can.

Video, make a gun out of paper

If you still have questions, or some point is not clear, watch the video on making a paper gun. True, it is in English, but everything is shown clearly and is understandable without knowledge of foreign languages

How to make a gun that shoots marshmallows

You can load it with paper or shady balls, chewing gum, but then the accuracy and range of the shot is reduced.

You will need: a PVC pipe - 55 cm, a pair of corners, tees and PVC plugs; cutting tool.

Cut 5 tubes 7.5 cm long from the pipe. The length of the remaining section should be 17.5 cm.

Assemble the gun according to the diagram.

All parts must fit tightly together.

Load the weapon with marshmallows and blow sharply into the top tube. The pistol shoots several meters, but if the marshmallow dries out, its accuracy decreases.

How to make a homemade pistol simulator

This gun not only looks scary. It can be used for rapid fire training. But to make it you will need wooden and metal parts shown in the diagrams, and certain skills.

The pistol model consists of a wooden blank (the dimensions of the handle are adjusted to suit the shooter’s hand), a hammer trigger mechanism, a front sight and a rear sight with a slot.

Metal weights are inserted into the handle to balance and adjust the weight of the machine. (Fig. 10). The length of the weights is 116 and 86 mm. The weights are fastened with screws with a diameter of 3 mm. The front sight and rear sight protrude 5-7 mm above the surface.

The gun is assembled in this order.

A starting spring (Fig. 6) is attached to plane B, located on the base of the mechanism (Fig. 4); it is made of steel grades 55, 65G, 70G. Then screw the trigger to plane B in such a way (Fig. 5) that under the pressure of the spring, after pressing, it can easily return to its initial position.

Insert and secure the spring (Fig. 8) into the slot of the striker (Fig. 7); it is made of carbon wire. Screw the hammer with the spring to plane B so that it rotates freely.

Then screw the base to the body (Fig. 9) with two screws, adjust the hook between the trigger and the firing pin.

After pressing the trigger, it should catch on the firing pin and rotate it until the firing pin comes out of the hook under the action of the spring and hits the body (imitation of a shot). When returning to the initial position, the trigger pushes the firing pin upward to engage it. The engagement should be more than 1.2 mm. If engagement does not occur, file off the trigger and firing pin tabs.

Secure the trigger mechanism - it is secured with 2 screws in the housing on the right.

The trigger force can be adjusted by turning screw b (Fig. 1, 2, 13).

Remember, even toy pistol is a weapon. If you hit a person in the eye, you will most likely leave him crippled for life, and if you hit him in the face, you can cause serious injury. Therefore, never point the gun at animals or people. Avoid shooting at fragile, unstable objects (glass, dishes, etc...).

Today, toy stores offer such a large and colorful selection that parents are clutching their heads and children are drooling. Unfortunately, the economic situation and one’s own capabilities do not always allow one to have sufficient income to please one’s own child. a good gift. Hands and head help us! You can always make some of the toys yourself. Many craftsmen cut cars, horses, whatever they want out of wood and sell them.

Wood is a very convenient material, with minimal skill in handling it and necessary tools, a lot can be done. For girls, you can cut out dolls, furniture, dishes from it, and for boys - a car, a pistol, a sword. The question of how to make weapons from wood is of great interest to them!

Wooden weapon options

In fact, you can do a lot, the main thing is, why do you need a specific thing? For a child who will play in the yard, for using weapons for their intended purpose, for role playing games, for hunting or maybe for a costume? Homemade weapons made of wood will take the shape and appearance that you desire.

If the main purpose is a game, then the main thing in this case is durability. All paint and thin fragile parts will fall off in a few days, if not immediately. When schools hold military training camps, and schoolchildren are given wooden Kalashnikov assault rifles, 50% of the guys tear off magazines on the first or second day. But these machines are made in bulk, not really caring about beauty, painting them in one color and trying to make them stronger. How to make a weapon out of wood that won't break, you ask? No way, the item will remain intact only if you do not use your product.

For roleplayers, the situation is much more complicated; they need weapons that are both beautiful and durable, so they often use other materials. If it is wood, then they make two swords or knives, one beautiful, the other durable.

Material selection and processing

The choice of material determines how much processing time will be required. Birch is a very strong and unyielding tree; it is good for making a club; without special treatment the product will be heavy. Aspen, poplar, and pine are softer and easy and pleasant to work with. Oak is rare in many regions of Russia, but if you decide to make a weapon with your own hands from wood, then better material You're unlikely to find it. It is easier to process than birch, lighter in weight and stronger than pine, and retains its quality well over time.

The wood for products must be free of knots, wood holes, rot, with a uniform direction of fibers, and without curvature. It is necessary to dry it, preferably in a dry room or under a canopy. It is necessary that the wood dries evenly without direct impact sun rays, otherwise it will begin to crack and bend later.

Making a Club

The simplest wooden weapon is a club or stick. What could be simpler, break off a branch - and you're done. But if you suddenly decide to take this issue seriously, you want to make a durable, light, comfortable product, then you are faced with the question “how”. Making a weapon out of wood according to all the rules is not easy.

For the club they choose young tree suitable sizes. They cut down closer to the root, since at the butt the fibers begin to intertwine, making the material even more durable. Then, carefully, so as not to damage the top layers, remove the bark, cut off the knots, give the desired shape to the handle, and if necessary, soak the workpiece in water or special brines for a day. Then the drying begins, a fire is lit and, using the smoke, protecting the future club from the flames, it is dried. As soon as the tree has turned black, the blackness is removed fine sand or hard grass. This is repeated six times, the surface becomes smooth and dry. Even if birch was chosen, the final product will be light and durable. Such wood does not rot.

Using the same principle, our ancestors made strong arrows and spears without steel tips.

Shield and sword

How to make weapons from wood for role-playing games and historical reconstructions? If for beauty and ambience, then it is very convenient to cut out a shape from plywood with a jigsaw, smooth the edge, varnish, paint, and insert decorations. If the paint is good, without holding the item in your hands, it will be difficult to determine what material it is made of. For combat, it is worth making a weapon from thick, durable wood, with a comfortable handle, so that the vibration from the impact is less transferred to the hand, otherwise you can damage the hand or simply drop the object during the first hard collision.

The shield can be made perfectly from plywood, but for combat it is better to use iron-bound or steel versions with a shock-absorbing lining. During reconstructions they usually show a wall-to-wall battle, in which it is extremely difficult to strike a strong blow to the shield. A good and durable one is needed for individual combat; for all other cases, plywood is suitable.

Firearms mockups

No matter how much you would like to, make it homemade firearms it is impossible to make a tree that will shoot. Maybe for one or two shots, and it’s not a fact that the weapon won’t explode when the gunpowder explodes.

All self-propelled schemes come down to one algorithm. The tree is a frame to which the barrel is attached, a trigger with a striker, and sometimes a magazine is added. Inconvenient, short-lived, but cheap and cheerful.

Hunting weapon

Do you remember running around the yards with slingshots as a child? If you haven't run, be sure to try it, you will like it. Modern elastic materials impart such striking power to a small metal ball or pebble that, with proper skill, you can knock down targets from thirty paces. But the frame of a slingshot can be easily made of wood.

Drawings of weapons made of wood for hunting are quite common. This is how crossbows and bows are made. It's not that difficult to make a wooden frame; it requires sleight of hand and no magic. But there is an important detail that is needed to make weapon lethal and effective over long distances. For this you need shoulders that are flexible and strong, as well as a bowstring. There are old technologies for making shoulders, but nowadays it is too labor-intensive and difficult to implement at home. Easier to apply modern materials type of plastic.

It is best to make the main frame from wood, and the shoulders from flexible, rot-resistant plastic; a synthetic cord will go to the bowstring. A little decoration and paint, and you’ll get a very attractive and effective bow.
