Beautiful Kazakh names. Modern beautiful Kazakh girl names, the meaning of Kazakh girl names

And Persian roots. Kazakhs, like many other peoples, believed in the power of a name. They named the children wisely, gave great importance meaning of the name, they chose those words that characterized something strong and good. In this way they wanted to influence the fate and character of the child.

The Kazakhs had an interesting tradition: the choice of name fell on the shoulders of the elders of the clan. They gathered at dawn on the fortieth day after the birth of the child and chose how best to name the new person. Afterwards, the mullah (priest) read a prayer three times and whispered the name of the baby. The ritual clearly demonstrates how seriously Kazakhs take choosing a name.

Women's Kazakh names mainly glorify beauty, intelligence, and chastity, while men's names glorify strength, courage, and courage. Girls are compared to the moon and flowers, and boys to animals. Choosing a name is difficult, because you need to combine not only the wishes, but also the wishes of the parents. Kazakhs often give their children the names of ancestors and relatives who distinguished themselves by intelligence or strength, earning authority and respect.

The meaning of Kazakh names

In Kazakh culture, there is no female name that has no meaning. Considering that there are more than 10 thousand Kazakh names, this is a great achievement. There is always the opportunity to consider options from the list of rare Kazakh names, traditional for Kazakhstan or Muslim. To protect the child, you can choose the name of a relative of the Prophet or his closest companions. It is believed that such a name will protect the baby from the vices of modernity and endow it with piety.

Beautiful Muslim names:

  • the name of the Prophet's wife is Aisha;
  • the names of the daughters of the Prophet are Khadija, Ruqaiya, Zainab, Fatima.

In order for a girl to grow up virtuous, she was called Aliya (divine), Aidana (chaste) or Ainagul (devotee). There is a large group of names based on appearance, another reflects character traits, the third consists of translations beautiful words, objects and phenomena.

Popular names with good value:

  • Asiya - helping the weak;
  • Rimma - everyone likes it;
  • Bagila – faithful;
  • Zilya – merciful;
  • Hania – happy;
  • Sabira – patient;
  • Rakima - merciful;
  • Zakiya is pure.

Borrowed names

Kazakh names for girls, borrowed from the Turks: Anan (clouds), Varda (rose), Khana (happiness), Jumana (pearl), Yakutakh (emerald). Some names borrowed from the Turks are two-part: Aizhan ( moon soul), Aigul (light of the moon), Nargul (flower of light). “Moon” names have the prefix “ai”: Aisulu, Aidan, Aibala.

There are several types of Kazakh names for girls, which are taken from the Turks:

  • direct translation: Arman (dream);
  • wishes for the future: Bagila (constantly faithful);
  • names with two roots: Nurzhan (solar soul);
  • names consisting of a noun and a verb: Zhumabike (princess born on Friday).

Kazakh names of Arabic origin:

  • historical and biblical (Mariam, Israel, Zakaria, Ibrahim, Isa);
  • Turkic and Arabic roots (Gulzada);
  • “sweet” names (Assel, Alua);
  • abbreviations of Arabic names;
  • changed.

Kazakh-Russian families use Russian names with Turkic roots, like or. In Kazakhstan they use the names of Sakas and Massagets (, Sogdiana).

Kazakh female names of our time

There are approximately 5 thousand modern Kazakh names for girls. Their meanings are surprisingly varied. Parents have big choice, but often still end up in a dead end. They want to choose beautiful name with a good meaning that the family will like and suit the child. Also today, Kazakh parents want unique names.

Among modern Kazakh names, euphonious names like Amal, Imal or Hanan are very popular. Both parents and the girls themselves will be pleased to hear it every day. To express the boundless love and admiration of your daughter, you can give her the name of a gemstone or flower: Zumrat (emerald), Gulshat (flower of joy), Altyn (gold), Zamzagul (many flowers).

Kazakh female names and their meaning

Names based on character traits

Agila is smart.

Gafura is forgiving.

Adela is fair.

Azima is feminine.

Amanay – calm as the moon.

Maksat is purposeful.

Rakima is merciful.

Aigerim is a smart beauty.

Ainagul is sincere, devoted.

Kanipa is sincere.

Aidaria – generous.

Akshara is good help.

Aripa is wise.

Zhazira is a broad person.

Alima is knowledgeable.

Bagila is faithful.

Aisha is life-loving.

Wasila – protector, support.

Malika is a princess, a queen.

Akaisha – cheerful, immaculate.

Ashima is a protector, patroness.

- faithful, safe.

Danesh – knowledgeable, scientist

Amal is active.

Sabira – hardy, patient.

Akbanu is an immaculate girl.

Kalima – noble, sweet.

Aidana is chaste.

Rabiga is affectionate, carefree.

Bates is pure.

Akbayan – infinitely happy.

Almazhan is a darling.

Aman – safe, healthy.

Names that characterize appearance

Ademi is an elegant, sophisticated beauty.

Aibala is as beautiful as the moon.

Badigulzhamal is an incomparable beauty.

Asylbike is a noble beauty.

Badiga is an amazing beauty.

Gulshara is a beautiful face.

Gulbarshyn is like a flower.

Akzhamal is beautiful.

Aru is a beauty.

Saulet is beautiful, pretty, prominent.

Ziba – elegant, beautiful.

Ayagoz – beautiful eyes.

Azima – feminine, great.

Zeine – beautiful, decorated.

Zhamal – beautiful, charming, attractive.

Asem – beautiful, beautiful.

Uazipa – clean, beautiful.

Azhar – beautiful, sweet, pretty.

Bayansulu is a rich beauty.

Gulmaria is beautiful, like Maria.

Aksulu is a pure, immaculate beauty.

Dariga is wonderful.

Zulfiya is curly.

Aktoty is beautiful.

"Precious" names

Altyn is gold.

Dilda is pure gold.

Zara is golden.

- silver coin.

Meruert is a gem.

Danara is a talisman.

Zumrat is an emerald.

Zere – golden.

Gauhar is a diamond.

Akaltyn is pure gold.

"Flower" names

Balgul is a honey flower.

Gulayim is a moon flower.

Gulbarshyn is as beautiful as a flower.

Gulshat – a lot of joy.

Zamzagul - an abundance of flowers.

Almagul is the color of an apple.

Arshagul is a heather flower.

Zhupar – fragrant.

Ziyagul – shining like a flower.

Anargul is the color of pomegranate.

Arnagul is the flower of the valley.

Zarina – golden-flowered.

Alkagul is a precious flower.

Ayimgul is a lunar flower.

Other beautiful Kazakh names for girls

Sholpan is the morning star.

Kunke is my sunshine.

Karlygash is a swallow.

Torgyn is precious silk.

Leila - night.

Zhania is a sweet soul.

Zhibek – silk.

Duria - silk.

Aluash - sweetness.

Aktolkyn - white wave.

Anar, Anara - pomegranate.

Adiet is a gift, a gift.

Azel – eternal, eternity.

Balsheker – sweet as honey.

Alma is an apple.

Kazakh female names. The meaning of Kazakh names.


  1. AZHAR, Kaz. - 1) beautiful in appearance, pretty in face; 2) clear view, blooming.

  2. AIDA, ar. - benefit, reward.

  3. AYBARSHA, Kaz. ai - moon + barsha - fabric with gold, silver patterns and border. Beautiful, like the moon, woven with gold.

  4. AIBIKE,, charming lady. Moon-like beauty, noble.

  5. moon-like beauty.

  6. AIG-L - moon flower.

  7. AYGANSHA, Kaz. ay - moon + hansha. Moon-like princess.

  8. AIDAN, Kaz. ay+taj. dana - knowledgeable, chaste.

  9. AIZHAMAL, Kaz. ay+ar. zhamal - beauty, charm, comeliness. Beautiful,

  10. AIZHAN, Kaz. ay+zhan. Beauty, like the moon, lunar-like. Synonym - Aizhania.

  11. AYZADA, Kaz. ay+ir. back - child child. Child of the Moon, like the moon.

  12. AIK-MIS, Kaz. ay+kumis - -silver. Beautiful, wonderful, moon-silver.

  13. AINAGUL, Taj. Aina - mirror + gүl - flower. A symbol of sincerity, purity, devotion. Compound names - Ainazhan, Ainasia, Ainanur, etc.

  14. AINUR, Kazakh, ar.nur - light, radiance ray. Emitting moonlight.

  15. AYSULU, moon + sulu - beautiful. Moon-like beauty.

  16. AISHAH, Ar. Gaisha

  17. AYYM, Kaz. - my moon, my happiness, my beauty, my companion.

  18. AKBOTA, BOTA is a baby camel. White, gentle camel.

  19. AKZHIBEK,zhibek - silk.

  20. AKMARAL, + maral. Beautiful as a white deer.

  21. ALMA, Kazakh - apple. Compound names - Almagul, Almakhan, Almazhan.

  22. ALTYN, Kazakh - gold. Compound names - Altynay, Altyngul, Altynshash.

  23. ANAR, ir. - pomegranate. Compound names - Anargul, Anarzhan, Anarkhan, Gulnar (anar), etc.

  24. ANFISA, gr. - full-blooded, blooming.

  25. ARINA, gr. Irina - peaceful, .Name of the goddess of peaceful life.

  26. AZIMA (Arabic) feminine, great.

  27. AIDA (Arabic) benefit, reward. Nowadays, this name is often found among the Kazakh people.

  28. AIGERIM (Kazakh) ay – moon. The word kerim (Arabic) means generous.

  29. AIGUL (Kazakh) ay – means moon. Ghoul – flower, beauty, grace, pretty. Moon flower, you can convey the meaning - like a shining flower.

  30. AIDAN (Kazakh) ay – means moon. The word dana (Kazakh) means knowledgeable, wise.

  31. AYMAN (Arabic) 1. known, clear, glorious 2. oath, oath. There is a famous lyrical epic - "Aiman-Sholpan"

  32. AYYM - Translated from the Kazakh language, ay means “moon”. The moon symbolizes beauty, fidelity and eternity. My moon

  33. AYYA (Arabic) amazing, wonderful, wonderful, delightful, wonderful, special. This is the name of the smallest part of the Koran.

  34. ALINA (Arabic) Alina has meanings - faithful, faithful woman, safe, prosperous.

  35. ALIA (Arabic) Aliya – tall, sublime.

  36. ALMAGUL (Kazakh) apple flower.

  37. ALTYNAI (Kazakh) altyn means gold, ay means moon. The name has meanings - golden, precious, beloved and beautiful.

  38. AMINAH (Arabic) Amina has the meaning of honest, faithful, safe. This name was borne by the mother of the Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.).

  39. ASEM (Kazakh) means beautiful, graceful.

  40. ASIA (Arabic) Asia means healer, healer.

  1. BAGILA, Ar. bahi - eternal, constant, faithful, ever-living.

  2. BAZARG-L, ir. bazaar + ir. gүl - flower.

  3. BAKTYGUL, from Ar. bak - luck, happiness. Flower of happiness.

  4. BALAUSA, Kazakh - younger generation, young.

  5. BALYM, Kazakh - my smart girl, my dear, my sweet. An affectionate shortened form of the full name Balganym.

  6. BALKADISHA, Ar. bal+kadisha - smart.

  7. BANU, Ar. ebnatun - daughter, girl, young lady + ir. banu - mistress, mistress, mistress.

  8. BӘZILA (see Fazila).

  9. BIBIG-L, Irish - bibi - lady + gul - flower. Blooming lady.

  1. BIBISARA, ir. bibi - mistress, mistress + sarah - clean.

  2. BIBIGANYM, Kaz. - madam, princess. The shortened form is Biganym.

  3. BOTAKOZ, Kaz. - camel's eye, black as currant eyes.

  4. BULBUL, ir. - nightingale.

  5. Balshuak (Kazakh) bal – honey, sweetness. The word shuak (Arabic) - Sunbeam, streak of light.

  1. GALINA, rp. galena - calm, silence, calm.

  2. GAUKHAR, ir. gauhar - gem, pearl, diamond. Synonym - Jauhar. The name indicates quality, purity, beauty, value.

  3. GULAYYM, my moon flower.

  4. GULBANU, Taj. - girl, young lady, blooming, charming.

  5. G-LZHAMILA, delightful, blooming.

  6. GҮLZHEҢІS, +kaz. zhenis - victory. Victory flower. These names were given to girls born on Victory Day in the Great Patriotic War. Synonym - Zhenisgul.

  7. GULZIPA, ir. zipa from zebo - beautiful, wonderful, elegant. Beautiful, beautiful, like a flower. The phonetic version is Kulzipa.

  8. GULMIRA, ir. gүl + rus. world(s). Flower of peace. Synonym - Beybitgul.

  9. GULNAZ, ir. noz - coquetry, pampered girl. Graceful, charming, beautiful, like a flower, graceful. Short form - Nazym.

  10. G-LNAR // G-LNARA, ir. nar

  11. GULNAFISA, Ir., Ar. - beautiful, lovely, radiant, charming, pretty.

  12. GULNUR, ir„ar. nur - light, ray. A beautiful, light-emitting flower.

  13. GULSHAT, Irish - flower of joy, fun.

  14. GALIA (Arabic) venerable, respected, beloved.

  15. GULAY (Kazakh) gul – flower, grace, beauty, comeliness. (Kazakh) ay – moon. The moon symbolizes beauty, soft light that does not burn like the sun in southern countries.

  16. GULZHAZIRA (Kazakh) gul – flower, beauty, grace, pretty. (Arabic) zhazira means - wide open space, wide steppe, i.e. They want the girl to be sociable or hospitable.

  17. GULNAZ (Kazakh) gul – flower, beauty, grace, pretty. (Persian) name means coquetry, grace, charm.

  1. GAZIZA, Ar. aziz - 1) strong, mighty; 2) rare, valuable; 3) dear, dear. Rare, dear, beloved. Option - Kaziza.

  2. GAINIZHAMAL, Ar.- beautiful eyes, wonderful eyes. Beautiful eyes.

  3. GALIMA, Ar. - knowledgeable, enlightened, wise, learned lady.

  4. GALIYA, Gali-1.dear, highly noble, sublime 2.precious, beloved 3.respected, venerable, beautiful. Options Kalia, Alisha.

  1. DAMIR, neologist. from the words “long live the world.”

  2. DANIRA, which from the ancient language means Melody of Battle. God is my judge

  3. DANA, Irish - knowledgeable, wise, chaste.

  4. DANAG-L, ir. Lit. - Wise, chaste, blooming, intelligent, beautiful girl.

  5. DARIGA, Irish - an exclamation expressing surprise, emotional experiences. Oh, beautiful, beautiful!

  6. DILA, cargo - morning, dawn.

  7. DINARA, Ar. - gold coin.

  8. DURIA, Ir. - beautiful silk fabric.

  9. DILYARA (Arabic) means beloved, beauty.

  10. DINA (Kazakh) 1. Translated from Hebrew - court; 2. (Arabic) – religion, faith, gold coin.

  1. ELENA, gr. - sunny, sunlight.

  2. ELIZABETH, scant. - took an oath. Abbreviated as Lisa.

  3. EҢLIK, Kaz. - a steppe plant, from the roots of which hair and face dye is prepared. Symbol of beauty, grace.

  4. YERZADA, Kaz. er - 1) man, husband; 2) hero, hero. Such names were given with the goal that the daughter would be brave and lively.

  5. YERZIBA, Kaz. er+ir. ziba zebo - beautiful, wonderful, beauty, elegant.

  6. ERKE, Kazakh - pampered girl, sissy.

  7. ERKEZHAN, Kazakh - a sissy who requires attention.

  1. JAZIRA, Ar. - wide open space, spacious, wide steppe. Sociable, broad by nature.

  2. JEANNA, Kaz. - to shine, to be an adornment, beautiful, shining.

  3. ZHAMAL, Ar. - beauty, charm, comeliness, attractiveness.

  4. ZHANAN, Taj. John is soulful.

  5. ZHANAR, Kaz. - 1) eyes, shine of eyes; 2) a ray of sunshine. Translation - appearance, complexion, beauty, grace.

  6. ZHANAT, Kaz. - bliss, the most beautiful.

  7. ZHANIPA, ir. Taj. jean john. Polite, courteous, modest, beautiful.

  8. ZHANIA, Ir. Taj. Jean-John - honey.

  9. JANNA, other Hebrew - pigeon. The affectionate form is Zhanneta.

  10. ZHANSAYA, + saya - shadow. Protection, patronage.

  11. ZHANSULU,+Kaz. Sulu - beauty of the soul, beautiful, beauty.

  12. ZHAMILA, Ar. zhamil - 1) beautiful, wonderful, pleasant, beauty; 2) kind, sweet.

  13. ZHLDYZAY, Kaz. zhuldyz - -star + ay - moon. Like the star and the moon.

  14. ZHIBEK, Kazakh - silk.

  15. ZHADIRA (Kazakh) this name means "shining".

  16. ZHAINA (Kazakh) zhaina means to shine, to be an ornament, to be shining.

  17. ZHEҢІSGҮL (Kazakh) zhenis means victory, conquest. The meaning of this name is to achieve success, to fight for some specific purposeful cause, for good results. Ghoul – flower, beauty, grace, pretty.

  1. ZAGILA, Ar. - 1) wealth, precious, high quality, expensive; 2) appearance, appearance, image, figure. Synonym - Zagira.

  2. ZAGIPA, Ar. sahib - friend, comrade, companion, buddy. Girlfriend.

  3. ZAYRA, Ar. - the female form of the male name Zaire. Explicit, undoubted.

  4. ZAKIRA, Ar. zakir is the feminine form of the male name Zakir. Remembering, knowing.

  5. ZAMIRA, Ar. zami - 1) playing the pipe, flute; 2) secret dream, secret thought. ZARA, Ar. zar - gold. Golden.

  6. ZARINA, ir. zar - gold.1) gold, gold decoration„2) gold-colored.

  7. ZAMZEGUL, Ar. zemzem – abundance, much + ir. gүl - plentiful, a lot. Abundance of flowers.

  8. ZӘURE, ar. - 1) shiny, sparkling; 2) Venus, morning star. Options - Zura, Zukhra.

  9. ZEYNEP, Ar. zainab - well-fed, strong, in body.

  10. ZOYA, gr. - life.

  11. ZUBAYRA, Ar. - strong, smart.

  12. ZLFIA, Ar. - curly, curly hair beautiful girl.

  13. Evil, Ar.- younger sister, close relative. Phonetic variants - Zilikha, Zү-likha.

  1. INGA, scand. - abundance.

  2. INDIRA, ind. - moon.

  3. IRINA, gr. - peace, quiet.

  1. KARINA, neologist. - from the name Kara Sea.

  2. KORIMA, Ar. karim - generous, magnanimous, noble, merciful, kind, pleasant, handsome gentleman. Noble.

  3. KATERINA, rp. - cleanliness, honesty, decency.

  4. KELBET, Kazakh - sympathy, beauty, figure, posture.

  5. KENZHE, Kaz. - the youngest of the children. Synonyms - Kenzhegul, Kenzhekyz.

  6. KE'ESG-L, Kaz. - neolog. Flower of the Land of Soviets.

  7. CLARA, lat. - clear, light.

  8. KUMISAY, Kaz. kumis + silver + ay - moon. Beautiful like a silver moon

  9. K-NAI, Kaz. kun - sun + ay, - moon. Like the sun and the moon.

  10. KUNZHAMAL,+ar. zhamal - beauty. Beautiful as the sun. The affectionate form is Kunke.

  11. KUNSULU, Kaz. kun + sulu -ray. Radiant, sunny beauty.

  12. KULYASH (Kazakh) gul – flower, beauty, grace, prettiness.

  1. KALAMKAS, Ar., Kaz, - black-browed, thin-browed.

  2. KALBIBI (see Akkal).

  3. KARAKOZ Kaz. black eyes Black-eyed.

  4. KARLYGASH, Kazakh - swallow.

  5. KATIRA, ar. hatira - opinion, thought, consciousness, idea.

  6. KORLAN, Ar. - beauty, beautiful girl.

  7. KUNDYZ, Kazakh - otter. Shiny, sparkling. Sparkling like otter fur.

  8. KURALAY, Kazakh - time period (May 10 - 20). This is a warm, affectionate time when baby saigas and goitered gazelles are born.

  9. KYZGALDAK, Kaz. - tulip.

  10. KYMBAT, Kaz. - dear, very valuable.

  1. LAZYM, Ar. - necessary, obligatory, necessary.

  2. LALA, Ar. - spring, red flower, tulip. Synonym: Lola.

  3. LARISA, gr. - lovely, beautiful.

  4. LASHYN, Kazakh - gyrfalcon, falcon, peregrine falcon.

  5. LӘZZAT, Ar. - 1) sweetness, pleasantness; 2) pleasure, pleasure, interest; 3) positive, sweet.

  6. LAYLA, Ar. - night, evening, other Heb. Lily. Option - Leila.

  7. LATIFAH, Ar. - kind, beloved, amiable, sweet, friendly, pleasant.

  1. MAGRIPA, Ar. - knowledge, cognition, art, literacy and the owner of all these qualities. Highly educated.

  2. MAKPAL, ir. bakhmal - velvet, ivy.

  3. MANAT, Kazakh - material, often red, like flannel.

  4. MARGARITA, gr. - pearl, pearl. Short form - Rita.

  5. MARZHAN, Kazakh - 1) corals; 2) pearls. Compound name-Marzhangul.

  6. MARZIA, Ar. - 1) positive, wonderful; 2) liked by the majority, pretty.

  7. MARINA, lat. - sea.

  8. MARIA, other Hebrew - 1) excellent, beautiful; 2) high-ranking madam. Phonetic variants - Mariam, Meriem, Marya, Mayra, Mara.

  9. MARFUGA, Ar. - high-ranking, standing above others in rank.

  10. MARKHABA, Ar. - welcome, dear.

  11. MARKHABAT - merciful, kind

  12. MAHBARA, Taj. mah - moon + bara - beautiful.

  13. MADINA, Ar. - Muslim holy city of Medina in Saudi Arabia.

  14. MӘLIKA, Ar. - 1) queen, queen, empress; 2) mistress; 3) wife of the shah, sovereign, shakhin.

  15. MEIRAMG-L, Kaz. meiram - holiday + ir. gүl - flower. The affectionate form is Meirash.

  16. MERUERT, ir. from gr. - pearls, mother of pearl.

  17. MIRA, neolog. The name is formed from the word world+a.

  18. Magira (Arabic) Mahira means master, skillful, expert. Others come from this name similar names. For example, Myra.

  1. NAGIMA, Ar. - 1) kind, polite, bright; 2) graceful, delicate, soft.

  2. NAZG-L, (see Gulnaz).

  3. NӘFISA, ar. - 1) beautiful, wonderful; 2) tender, graceful.

  4. NESIPZHAN, Ar. nasib - 1) share, part; 2) fate, fate.

  5. NURAI, moon-like beauty.

  6. NURZHAMAL, Ar. - ray, light of beauty, elegance.

  7. NURZILA, Ar. - very beautiful, pretty, amiable.

  8. NURIKAMAL, Ar. - a real beauty.

  9. NURSULU, Radiant beauty.

  10. NABIRA (Arabic) grandson, granddaughter.

  11. NAZIRA (Arabic) Nazira means similar, similar.

  1. OKSANA, Ukrainian from gr. Ksenia - hospitality.

  2. OLGA, scand. -holy.

  3. ORYNSHA, Kaz. - unchanging, constant.

  4. ORAZGUL (ancient Turkic) oraz means happiness, good luck. Ghoul – flower, beauty, grace, pretty.

  1. PERIZAT, fairy-like.

  2. PERNEGUL (Arabic) perne means a tender feeling, a complacent mood. Ghoul – flower, beauty, grace, pretty.

  3. PERUZA (Persian) word firouz - winner, happy.

  1. RAISA gr. - soft, submissive, compliant. The short form is Raya.

  2. RAYKHAN, Ar. - fragrant flower, basil.

  3. RAUSHAN, Ir. - 1) light, clear, bright; 2) shining, visible. Rose

  4. RAHILA, Ar., Taj. - mobile, energetic.

  5. RAHIMA, Ar. - merciful, merciful, kind.

  6. RӘBIGA, Ar. - 1) fourth girl in the family; carefree 2) spring; 3) comrade, companion,

  7. ROSE, rauza-garden, flower, eye-catching...

  8. RUFIAH, Ir. - gold or silver coin.

  9. RUKHIYA, Irish - elevated mood, spirit, moral state.

  10. Rabiga (Arabic) Rabiga has several meanings: 1. carefree; 2. spring; 3. comrade, companion; 4. fourth daughter in the family.

  1. SAGIRA, Ar. - obedient, respectful, the smallest.

  2. SAIDA, Ar. Sayyid

  3. SAILAUG-L, Kaz. saylau - elections. A flower born on election day.

  4. SAIRA, ar. Sayera is a star. Born under a lucky star.

  5. SALTANAT, Ar. - 1) sultanate, kingdom, reign, rule; 2) pride, wealth; 3) brilliance, splendor, luxury.

  6. SANDUGASH, other Turkic - sanduvach - nightingale.

  7. SARAH, ir. - 1) chosen, precious, the best; 2) Ar. - madam; 3) other heb. Sarah - highest, noble.

  8. SAFURA, Ar. - patient, strong, enduring.

  9. SӘBIRA, ar. sәbir - patient, hardy, calm.

  10. SӘLIMA, Ar. - 1) whole, sound, unharmed; 2) real true, prosperous; 3) simple, sincere, honest.

  11. SӘNIYA, Ar., Taj. - second child.

  12. SANDIG-L, Kaz. Beautiful flower. Cute, attractive.

  13. SӘULE, Kaz. - ray, radiance.

  14. SOFIA, gr. - wisdom. Short name - Sonya.

  15. SULUSHASH, Kazakh - beautiful haired. Synonym - Gulshash,

  16. SYMBAT, Kaz. - slimness, stateliness, elegance.

  1. TAMARA, other Turkic. On behalf of the princess of the Massagatets Tumarsha-Tomiris.

  2. TAҢSULU, Kaz. Tan-morning+sulu beauty. Beautiful as the dawn, morning beauty, radiating beauty.

  3. TASHOLPAN, Kaz. - morning star, Venus.

  4. TEҢDIK, Kaz. - freedom, equality, equality.

  5. TOZHAN, Kazakh - prosperous, wealthy.

  6. TONGANAY, Kazakh - Exciting.

  7. TOLKYN, Kazakh - wave on the sea and lake.

  8. TOMIRIS ancient Turk. – tumar – amulet, amulet. The name of the Saka princess Tumarsha-Tomiris.

  9. TORYMBALA, other Turkic. the other - a young camel + bala.

  10. TOTY, Kaz. - parrot. The name expresses the wish for eloquence, beauty and longevity.

  1. ULBALA. Kaz. ul - son, boy + bala. Such names were given with the hope that after this girl a son would be born.

  2. ULZHAN, + ir. Taj. jean/john - soul. In a family where there were few or no sons, girls were called by this name. Synonyms - Ulbike, Ulbibi, Ulganay, Ultai, Uldai, Uldysh, etc.

  3. URKIA, Ar. - very attractive, beautiful, sweet.

  1. FARIDA, Ar. - 1) pearls; 2) the rarest, incomparable. Rare pearl.

  2. FARIZA, Ar. - duty, obligation. Mandatory.

  3. FATIMA, Ar. - Weaned, adult girl. Option - Batima.

  4. FAUZIA, Ar. - 1) winner, victorious; 2) triumph.

  5. FIRUZA, Ir., Taj. - 1) happy; 2) radiant; 3) turquoise.

  1. HABIBA, Ar. - beloved, sweet, life partner. Option - Kabiba.

  2. HADISH, Ar. - premature. Option - Kadisha.

  3. KHALIDA, Ar. - living forever, immortal, long-lived.

  4. HALIMA, Ar. - dear, kind, peaceful. Option - Kalima.

  5. HATIMA, Ar. - generous, good-natured.

  1. SHARAPAT, Ar. - 1) gratitude, humanity, humanity; 2) honor, honor, glory, respect.

  2. SHARBANU, Ir. - 1) queen, head of the city, commandant; 2) beautiful lady of the city.

  3. SHAHZADA, Ir., Ar. - daughter of the Shah.

  4. SHӘKIRA, Ar. - 1) kind, noble; 2) merciful, benevolent.

  5. SHOLPAN, Kazakh - Venus, morning star.

  6. ShҰҒА, Kazakh cloth, soft fabric.

  7. SHYNAR, Kaz. 1.mountain plane tree.2. high deciduous tree. 3.trans. high, unattainable.

  1. YRYSALDI, Kaz. The beginning of happiness, this name is usually given to the firstborn.

  2. YRYSTY, happy, bearing, having happiness and good luck.

  1. ІНЗУ, - pearls.

  2. ІНКӘР, attraction, strong desire, beloved, desired, dream.

  3. ІNKARBALA, long-awaited, desired child, child of dreams.

  1. ELA, lat. Stella - star, gr.. Ela - abbr. From Elena.

  2. ELVIRA, Spanish – protected, protected.

  3. EMMA, dr.germ. – precious, affectionate, friendly.

  4. ERA, neologism, from era - era, time. Long-lasting, long-lived.
Kazakh male names


  1. Amanzhol is a good road

  2. Abzal - respected, highly esteemed

  3. Adil - honest, fair

  4. Azamat is a real horseman

  5. Azat – free, independent

  6. Aidar - strong, mighty

  7. Aidos - friend of the moon

  8. Arystan - lion, brave

  9. Askar - greatness

  10. Askat – happy

  11. Ahmet – worthy of praise

  12. Ayan is widely known

  1. Baktiyar – happy, desired

  2. Bakhyt - happiness

  3. Bekzat – descendant of the ruler

  4. Berik - strong

  5. Birzhan is the only one

  1. Gabit – servant

  1. Danial - gift of God

  2. Daniyar is a close friend

  3. Duman – cheerful, happy

  1. Edige - good, noble

  2. Eleu – noticeable, famous, respected

  3. Erasyl - the most expensive hero

  4. Erbolat is a real man

  5. Erdos is a responsible friend

  6. Yerzhan - brave, courageous

  7. Ermek is funny

  8. Ersayin is a remarkable hero

  9. Yesen – prosperous, healthy

  10. Eskali - smart, sensible

  1. Kadir - powerful

  2. Kairat – strength, energy

  3. Kaysar – persistent, strong-willed

  4. Kaiyrgali – kind

  5. Kambar – great power

  6. Karim - generous, magnanimous

  1. Malik - king, ruler

  2. Manap - ruler

  3. Manar, Minarbek – lighthouse (Arabic) the word manar means: 1. a place that is illuminated, a sign, a lighthouse; 2. convenient settlement, endless wide valley.

  4. Marhabat - merciful, kind

  5. Maulen - beneficent ruler

  6. Makhambet – praised, worthy

  7. Medet, Medetbek, Medetbay - help, support

  8. Murat – goal, ideal

  9. Musa - the name of the prophet, literally - pulled out of the water

  10. Mustafa - chosen, chosen

  11. Mukhit - ocean

  12. Mukhtar - the chosen one

  1. Nabi - Messenger of the Almighty

  2. Nazarbay - attracting people's attention

  3. Nariman - fiery warrior

  4. Nurlybek – shining, emitting light

  5. Nursultan - Sultan radiating light

  1. Sabit - steadfast, unshakable, faithful

  2. Sagit - lucky, prosperous

  3. Samat – eternal, constant

  4. Sanjar – piercing

  5. Seifolla - sharper than the sword

  6. Suyinbay – rich in joys

  7. Suleimen – peaceful, protected

  1. Wali - ruler

  2. Umbet – useful to society

  1. Hamza - a medicinal plant

  2. Hamit – harmless

ABIRA - Translated from the Tajik language, the word Abera means great-granddaughter.

AGILA - The name comes from the Arabic word agila, which means smart, wise.

AGNESS - These are lively, kind and brave girls: little Agnes is without timidity and will perform in front of guests with pleasure.

ADELYA - The name Adelya comes from the word adil, which translated from Arabic and Kazakh means fair. This name also appears in German, and means a noble person.

ADEMI - Translated from the Kazakh language, the name means graceful, beautiful.

ADINA - Translated from Iranian, the name Adina means Friday. Translated from Aramaic, this name means tender. Muslims consider the fifth day holy. Children born on this day are called by this name. Among the Kazakhs, only girls were called by this name, and among the peoples of Iran - boys.

ADIA - translated from Arabic, this name means - gift, reward, present.

AZHAR - Translated from the Kazakh language, the word Azhar means appearance, appearance, beautiful, pleasant, noticeable, charming. About external beauty People in the Kazakh people say “azharly” - beautiful.

AZALAH - Translated from Arabic it means - saddened by grief.

AZAPA - Translated from Arabic, azab means torment, suffering.

AZATKUL - Translated from the Kazakh language, the word azat means free, free. Gul - flower, beauty, grace.

AZIZA - Translated from Arabic, this name means honorable, dear, great, sweet, precious.

AZIMA - Translated from Arabic, this name means feminine, great.

AIDA - Translated from Arabic, this name means benefit, reward. Nowadays, this name is often found among the Kazakh people.

AYASEL - Translated from the Kazakh language, ay means moon. The moon symbolizes beauty, fidelity, eternity. Translated from Arabic, asel means honey, sweet.

AIBALA - Beautiful as the moon.

AIBANU - Translated from the Kazakh language, ay means moon. The moon symbolizes beauty, fidelity and eternity. Banu translated from Tajik means girl.

AYBARSHA - Translated from the Kazakh language, ay means moon. The moon symbolizes beauty, fidelity and eternity. Barsha - fabric with gold and silver patterns, also means - all, completely.

AIBIBI - Translated from the Kazakh language, ai means “moon”. The moon symbolizes beauty, fidelity and eternity. Bibi is the most common prefix to female names among the peoples of Central Asia and the Kazakhs, Bashkirs and Tatars. The Turkic word bibi means "mistress". The Bibi console has special function: it serves as a determinant of female names. For example, boys are usually called Zhamal. This name could also be given to girls, but almost always with the bibi component. For example, Bibijamal or Zhamalbibi.

AIBIKE - Translated from the Kazakh language, ai means moon. The moon symbolizes beauty, fidelity and eternity. Bike translated from Kazakh means lady, beauty. IN Kazakh language Girls are addressed with the word bikesh, which means beauty.

AYAGYM - Translated from the Kazakh language, ay means moon. The moon symbolizes beauty, fidelity and eternity. Ganim - comes from the word khanum, which means princess or mistress.

AYGANSHA - Moon-like princess.

AIGERIM - Ay (ah) is an exclamatory interjection, the word kerim means beautiful, wonderful.

AYGUL - Translated from the Kazakh language, ay means moon. The moon symbolizes beauty, fidelity and eternity. Gul - flower, beauty, grace, pretty. Moon flower, you can convey the meaning - like a shining flower.

AIDAN - Translated from the Kazakh language, ay means moon. The moon symbolizes beauty, fidelity and eternity. The word Dana translated from the Kazakh language means knowledgeable, chaste.

AYDARA - Translated from the Kazakh language, ay means moon. The moon symbolizes beauty, fidelity and eternity. Translated from the Kazakh language, the word dara means unique, special.

AIDARIA - Translated from the Kazakh language, ay means moon. The moon symbolizes beauty, fidelity and eternity. Daria - sea, big river. The meaning of the name is generous, complacent.

AIZHAINA - Translated from the Kazakh language, ay means moon. The moon symbolizes beauty, fidelity and eternity. Translated from Kazakh zhaina means to flourish, shine, shine.

AIZHAKSYM - Translated from the Kazakh language, ay means moon. The moon symbolizes beauty, fidelity and eternity. Zhaksym - from the Kazakh language - my good one.

AIZHAMAL - Translated from the Kazakh language, ay means moon. The moon symbolizes beauty, fidelity and eternity. Translated from Arabic, the word jamal means beauty, charm, comeliness.

AIZHAN - Translated from the Kazakh language, ay means moon. The moon symbolizes beauty, fidelity and eternity. The component zhan in the Persian and Kazakh languages ​​is breath, soul, life. In the Kazakh people this word is used in endearing form.

AIZHANAR - Translated from the Kazakh language, ay means moon. The moon symbolizes beauty, fidelity and eternity. Zhanar in translation from the Kazakh language means 1) the shine of the eyes 2) the ray of an elephant.

AIZHANIA - Translated from the Kazakh language, ay means moon. The moon symbolizes beauty, fidelity and eternity. Translated from Iranian and Tajik, the word zhaniya is translated as sweetheart.

AIZHARKYN - Translated from the Kazakh language, ay means moon. The moon symbolizes beauty, fidelity and eternity. Zharkyn is translated from the Kazakh language as light, radiant, sweet.

AYZHULDIZ - Translated from the Kazakh language, ay means moon. The moon symbolizes beauty, fidelity and eternity. Zhuldyz is a star.

AYZADA - Translated from the Kazakh language, ay means moon. The moon symbolizes beauty, fidelity and eternity. The Iranian word zada means child, child. The literal meaning of the name is a child like the moon.

AYZARA - Translated from the Kazakh language, ay means moon. The moon symbolizes beauty, fidelity and eternity. Translated from Arabic, the word zara means gold.

AYZAT - Translated from the Kazakh language, ay means moon. The moon symbolizes beauty, fidelity and eternity. Zat is a shortened form of the word zada, which translated from Iranian means child, child.

AYZEYNEP - Translated from the Kazakh language, ay means moon. The moon symbolizes beauty, fidelity and eternity. Zeynep (from Arabic zaynap) means full, strong, also means full moon.

AYZERE - Translated from the Kazakh language, ay means moon. The moon symbolizes beauty, fidelity and eternity. Zere is derived from the Iranian word zar, which means gold.

AIZIBA - Translated from the Kazakh language, ay means “moon”. The moon symbolizes beauty, fidelity and eternity. Translated from Iranian, ziba means beautiful, elegant, beautiful.

ISIAH - Moonlight.

AIKEN - Translated from the Kazakh language, ai means “moon”. The moon symbolizes beauty, fidelity and eternity. Ken in translation from Kazakh and Arabic means fossil; mine; wealth.

AIKUMIS - Translated from the Kazakh language, ay means “moon”. The moon symbolizes beauty, fidelity and eternity. In translation from the Kazakh language, kumis means “silver”.

AIKUN - Translated from the Kazakh language, ay means “moon”. The moon symbolizes beauty, fidelity and eternity. Kun translated from Kazakh means day, sun. The moon is common, the sun is common, and everything good is common. (Kazakh proverb)

AYMAN - This name means - 1) famous, clear, glorious 2) translated from Arabic - oath, oath. There is a famous lyrical epic - "Aiman-Sholpan".

AIMARIA - Translated from the Kazakh language, ay means “moon”. The moon symbolizes beauty, fidelity and eternity. Mary, translated from Hebrew, has two meanings: 1) excellent, beautiful; 2) High-ranking madam.

AINA - Translated from the Kazakh language means “mirror”. The mirror is a symbol of purity. Translated from the Kazakh language, the word “aynadai” means pure, like a mirror.

AINAGUL - From the Kazakh language, aina means mirror. The mirror is a symbol of purity. Gul from the Kazakh language means flower, beauty, cuteness.

AINAKHAN - Translated from the Kazakh language, aina means “mirror”. The mirror is a symbol of purity. Khan translates as king, ruler.

AYNASH - Translated from the Kazakh language, this name means “mirror”, also an affectionate form of the name.

AYNEK - Translated from Arabic and Iranian, the word ein has the following meanings: 1) eyes; 2) source.

AINUR - Translated from the Kazakh language, ay means moon. The moon symbolizes beauty, fidelity and eternity. Nur - reflection, radiance, shine. A common name among the Kazakh people.

AINURIA - Translated from the Kazakh language, ay means “moon”. The moon symbolizes beauty, fidelity and eternity. Translated from Arabic, Nuria means clear, beautiful.

AIPARA - Moon-like fairy.

AYSANA - Ay translated from Kazakh means Moon. The moon symbolizes beauty, fidelity, eternity. Sana - consciousness, thought, smart.

AYSARA - Translated from the Kazakh language, ay means “moon”. The moon symbolizes beauty, fidelity and eternity. From the Hebrew language, the name Sarah means: 1) chosen, noble, precious, good, mistress; 2) oath, oath.

AYSAULE - Translated from the Kazakh language, ay means moon. The moon symbolizes beauty, eternity and fidelity. Saule - ray, radiance, light.

AISIPAT - Translated from the Kazakh language, ay means “moon”. The moon symbolizes beauty, fidelity and eternity. Sipat means: character, trait, image.

AISULU - Translated from the Kazakh language, ay means moon. The moon symbolizes beauty, fidelity and eternity. Sulu means beautiful.

AYTOL - Translated from the Kazakh language, ay means “moon”. The moon symbolizes beauty, fidelity and eternity. Tol has the meaning: to mature, to grow up. Be a mature, reasonable person.

AYTOLDY - Full moon.

AYTOKYN - Translated from the Kazakh language, ay means “moon”. The moon symbolizes beauty, fidelity and eternity. Tolkien means "wave". How the wave is unpredictable, how the moon is beautiful. Symbolizes eternity. The wave is endless, the moon is eternal.

AITOLYS - Translated from the Kazakh language, ay means “moon”. The moon symbolizes beauty, fidelity and eternity. The word tolys has meanings; mature, grow up, be a mature, reasonable person.

AIKHAN - Translated from the Kazakh language, ay means “moon”. The moon symbolizes beauty, fidelity and eternity. Khan - king, ruler; Previously in eastern countries it was the title of princes and monarchs.

AISHA - Translated from Hebrew, Aisha means: living, cheerful.

AISHABBI - Translated from Hebrew, aisha means: living, life-loving. Bibi is the most common prefix to female names among the peoples of Central Asia and the Kazakhs, Bashkirs and Tatars. Bibi is a Turkic word meaning "mistress". The prefix bibi also has a special function: it serves as a determinant of female names.

AISHAGUL - Translated from Hebrew, aisha means: living, cheerful. Gul - flower, beauty, cuteness.

AISHAYYM - Translated from Hebrew, aisha means: living, cheerful. Translated from the Kazakh language, ay means “moon”. The moon symbolizes beauty, fidelity and eternity. The name literally means - my life-loving beauty.

AISHAHAN - Translated from Hebrew, aisha means: living, cheerful; khan - king, high position of a person.

AISHOLPAN - Translated from the Kazakh language, ay means “moon”. The moon symbolizes beauty, fidelity and eternity. Shcholpan is translated from the Kazakh language as Venus.

AYYM - Translated from the Kazakh language, ay means “moon”. The moon symbolizes beauty, fidelity and eternity. My moon.

AYYMBIBI - Translated from the Kazakh language, ay means “moon”. The moon symbolizes beauty, fidelity and eternity. Bibi is the most common prefix to female names among the peoples of Central Asia, Kazakhs, Bashkirs and Tatars. The Turkic word "Bibi" means "lady". The prefix bibi also has a special function: it serves as a determinant of female names. For example, boys are usually called Zhamal. This name could also be given to girls, but almost always with the bibi component.

AYYMBIKE - Translated from the Kazakh language, ay means “moon”. The moon symbolizes beauty, fidelity and eternity. Bike is a beautiful lady. Title beautiful girls and addressing unfamiliar young girls as “bikesh.”

AYIMGUL - Translated from the Kazakh language, ai means “moon”. The moon symbolizes beauty, fidelity and eternity. Gul - flower, beauty, cuteness.

AIYMZHAN - Translated from the Kazakh language, ay means “moon”. The moon symbolizes beauty, fidelity and eternity. Ayim means my moon. Zhan in Persian and Kazakh languages ​​- breath, soul, life. In the Kazakh language this word is used in an affectionate form.

AYYMKHAN - Translated from the Kazakh language, ay means “moon”. The moon symbolizes beauty, fidelity and eternity. Ayim is my moon. Khan translated from the Kazakh language means king, head, high position.

AYA - Translated from Arabic, this name means: amazing, wonderful, beautiful, delightful, wonderful, special.

AKAISHA - Translated from the Kazakh language, ak means “white”. White color symbolizes purity and innocence. Translated from Hebrew, aisha means living, life-loving.

AKALTYN - Translated from the Kazakh language, ak means “white”. White color symbolizes purity and innocence. The word altyn is translated as “gold”, “purity”. Pure gold. Let him be poor, but be honest. (Kazakh proverb)

AKBALA - From the Kazakh language ak means “white”. White color symbolizes purity and innocence. Bala translates to "child".

AKBANU - From the Kazakh language ak is translated as “white”. White color symbolizes purity and innocence. Translated from the Tajik language, banu means girl, mistress.

AKBAYAN - Translated from the Kazakh language, ak means “white”. White color symbolizes purity and innocence. Translated from Arabic, bayan means: effective, successful, beauty.

AKBIBI - Translated from the Kazakh language, ak means “white”. White color symbolizes purity and innocence. Bibi is the most common prefix to female names among the peoples of Central Asia and the Kazakhs, Bashkirs and Tatars. The Turkic word "bibi" means "mistress". The prefix bibi also has a special function: it serves as a determinant of female names. For example, boys are called Jamal. This name could also be given to girls, but almost always with the bibi component.

AKBIKE - Translated from the Kazakh language, ak means “white”. White color symbolizes purity and innocence. Bike means lady, beauty. The title of beautiful girls and calling unknown young girls "bikesh".

AKBOPE - Translated from the Kazakh language, ak means “white”. White color symbolizes purity and innocence. Bope is translated as “child”, “baby”.

AKBOTA - Translated from the Kazakh language, ak means “white”. White color symbolizes purity and innocence. Botha is a baby camel. Affectionate form of address.

AKGULIM - Translated from the Kazakh language, ak means “white”. White color symbolizes purity and innocence. Gulim means: my flower, my beauty.

AKGUL - Translated from the Kazakh language, ak means “white”. White color symbolizes purity and innocence. Gul means: flower, beauty, comeliness.

AKZHAMAL - Translated from the Kazakh language, ak means “white”. White color symbolizes purity and innocence. Translated from Arabic, the word jamal means beauty, charm, comeliness.

AKZHAN - Translated from the Kazakh language, ak means “white”. White color symbolizes purity and innocence. The component zhan from the Persian and Kazakh languages ​​is breath, soul, life. In the Kazakh language this word is used in an affectionate form. Clothes are cleaned from washing, the soul from intimate conversation. (Kazakh proverb)

AKZHARKYN - Translated from the Kazakh language, ak means “white”. White color symbolizes purity and innocence. Zharkyn is translated as “light”, “radiant”.

AKZHELEK - Translated from the Kazakh language, ak means “white”. White color symbolizes purity and innocence. The jelly begins to form a petal.

AKZHIBEK - Translated from the Kazakh language, ak means “white”. White color symbolizes purity and innocence. From the Kazakh language zhibek means silk. The meaning of the name is gentle, soft.

AKZHULDIZ - Translated from the Kazakh language, ak means “white”. White color symbolizes purity and innocence. Zhuldyz translated from Kazakh means star.

AKZHUPAR - Translated from the Kazakh language, ak means “white”. White color symbolizes purity and innocence. Translated from the Kazakh language the word zhupar means aroma.

AKZADA - Translated from the Kazakh language, ak means “white”. White color symbolizes purity and innocence. The Iranian word zada translates as "child", "child".

AKZEYNEP - Translated from the Kazakh language, ak means “white”. White color symbolizes purity and innocence. Translated from Arabic, the word zeine means light, beauty, decoration.

AKZERE - Translated from the Kazakh language, ak means “white”. White color symbolizes purity and innocence. Translated from Iranian, zer means gold.

AKZIA - Translated from the Kazakh language, ak means “white”. White color symbolizes purity and innocence. Translated from Arabic, ziya means shine, radiance.

AKKAL - Translated from the Kazakh language, ak means “white”. White color symbolizes purity and innocence. Translated from the Tajik language, kal (hal) means mole. Among the Kazakh people, a girl with a mole is considered beautiful.

AKKALA - Translated from the Kazakh language, ak means “white”. White color symbolizes purity and innocence. In the Kazakh language, the verb kala means: choose, choose the best.

AKKENZHE - Translated from the Kazakh language, ak means “white”. White color symbolizes purity and innocence. Kenzhe translated from the Kazakh language means the youngest, the very last; also kenzhe - an affectionate form of address.

AKKU - Translated from the Kazakh language, akku means “swan”. Among the Kazakh people, beautiful girls were compared to the beauty of a swan. The swan is a symbol of love.

AKKUMIS - Translated from the Kazakh language, ak means “white”. White color symbolizes purity and innocence. Kumis means: silver, white metal.

AKKYZ - Translated from the Kazakh language, ak means “white”. White color symbolizes purity and innocence. A sincere, pure, immaculate girl.

AKLIMA - Translated from Arabic, the word halim means: kind, gentle. Phonetically modified form of the name Halima.

AKMARAL - Translated from the Kazakh language, ak means “white”. White color symbolizes purity and innocence. Maral is a doe. White doe. This name is common among the Kazakh people.

AKMARZHAN - Translated from the Kazakh language, ak means “white”. White color symbolizes purity and innocence. Marzhan from the Kazakh language means pearls. White pearls. The meaning is purity, purity.

AKNASIA - Translated from the Kazakh language, ak means “white”. White color symbolizes purity and innocence. Translated from Iranian it is called quality, grace, charm.

AKNIET - Translated from the Kazakh language ak - white, conscientious, loyal, fair, pure, sinless, innocent. The word Niet is intention. Pure, good intention.

AKNUR - Translated from the Kazakh language, ak means white. White color symbolizes purity and innocence. Nur - from the Kazakh language - reflection, radiance, beam, shine, ray of light. A common name among the Kazakh people.

AKSAMAL - Translated from the Kazakh language means “white”. White color symbolizes purity and innocence. Samal - translated from the Kazakh language means - breeze, light wind. The meaning of the name is pleasant, gentle.

AKSANA - Translated from the Kazakh language, ak means “white”. White color symbolizes purity and innocence. Translated from Arabic, san (sofa) means purity, transparency.

AKSARA - Translated from the Kazakh language, ak means “white”. White color symbolizes purity and innocence. Translated from Hebrew, the name Sarah means: 1) chosen, noble, precious, good, mistress; 2) oath, oath.

AKSAYA - Translated from the Kazakh language, ak means “white”. White color symbolizes purity and innocence. Saya in the Kazakh language is a shadow, that is, protection, patronage.

AKSULU - Translated from the Kazakh language, ak means “white”. White color symbolizes purity and innocence. Sulu translated from Kazakh means beauty.

AKTOKYN - Translated from the Kazakh language, ak means “white”. White color symbolizes purity and innocence. Tolkyn from the Kazakh language means wave. White wave.

AKTOTY - Translated from the Kazakh language, ak means “white”. White color symbolizes purity and innocence. The word toty translated from the Kazakh language means firebird. The name has a meaning - beautiful.

AKSHA - Translated from the Kazakh language, the word aksha means: snow-white, tender, white.

AKSHARA - Translated from the Kazakh language, ak means “white”. White color symbolizes purity and innocence. The word shara or chare translated from Persian means an event, a way out of a situation, help.

AKYLZHAN - Akyl - mind, zhan - Soul.

ALIMA - Translated from Arabic, the word alim means learned, knowledgeable, knowledgeable.

ALINA - Translated from Arabic, the name Alina has the meaning - 1) faithful, faithful woman, safe, prosperous.

ALIPA - Translated from Arabic, alif means - 1) friend, girlfriend 2) the name of the first letter of the Arabic alphabet.

ALIYA - Translated from Arabic, the name Alia means dear, beloved, sublime. Historical name - Aliya Moldagulova - Hero of the Soviet Union.

ALKAGUL - Alka translated from the Kazakh language means: necklace, jewelry. Gul - flower, beauty, grace.

ALMA - Translated from the Kazakh language, the name means “apple”. The meaning of the name is beauty, grace.

ALMAGUL - Translated from the Kazakh language, the name means “apple”. The meaning of the name is beauty, grace. Apple flower. Gul - flower, beauty, grace.

ALMAZHAN - Translated from the Kazakh language it means “apple”. The name has a meaning: beauty, grace. Zhan from Persian and Kazakh languages ​​- breath, soul, life. In the Kazakh language it is used in an affectionate form. The main thing is not to be beautiful in body, but in soul. (Kazakh proverb)

ALMASIA - Translated from Arabic, almas means “hardest”. Precious stone.

ALMASH - Translated from the Kazakh language means “apple”. The meaning of the name is beauty, grace. The name Almash is an affectionate form of address.

ALTYN - Translated from the Kazakh language, Altyn means “gold”. The name has a meaning - purity, preciousness.

ALTYNAI - Translated from the Kazakh language, the word altyn means gold, ay means moon. The moon symbolizes beauty, fidelity and eternity. The name has meanings - golden, precious, beloved and beautiful.

ALTYNBIKE - Translated from the Kazakh language, altyn means “gold”, bike means “lady”, “beauty”. The title of beautiful girls and the address to unfamiliar young girls is “bikesh”.

ALTYNGUL - Translated from the Kazakh language, Altyn means “gold”. Gul - flower, beauty, grace, pretty. Golden flower.

ALTYNKUN - Translated from the Kazakh language, Altyn means “gold”. Gold symbolizes purity. Kun is translated from the Kazakh language as “sun”.

ALUA - Translated from Arabic, alua (halva) means “sweetness”. Phonetic alphabet - Kahlua.

ALUASH - Translated from Arabic, alua (halva) means “sweetness”. The phonetic variant is Kahlua.

ALBINA - Translated from Latin language What matters is white. Translated from ancient German it means a gnome or a noble friend. This name is widespread among the Kazakh people.

ALNUR - The term Al in the past indicated the supreme position of a person. The title Al was worn by khans and sultans in eastern countries. Used before a name. Nowadays it serves as a component. The word nur translated from the Kazakh language means: reflection, shine, ray of light.

ALPHIYA - From Arabic, alphayya has the meaning - 1) thousand-line epic 2) millennium 3) eternity. Can be translated as “long-liver.”

ALKHAN - The term Al in the past indicated the supreme position of a person. The title Al was worn by khans, sultans in eastern country. Used before a name. Nowadays it serves as a component. Khan is a king. This female name is rare.

AMAL - This female name means hope from Persian.

AMANAY - Translated from the Kazakh language, aman means: prosperous, healthy, unharmed; ah - moon. The moon symbolizes beauty, fidelity and eternity.

AMANGUL - Translated from the Kazakh language, aman means: prosperous, healthy, unharmed; gul - flower, beauty, cuteness. AMANKUL

AMANJAN - Translated from Arabic, Aman means: safety, calm, peace, healthy, unharmed. The word zhan in Persian and Kazakh languages ​​means breath, soul, life. In the Kazakh language this term is also used as a form of endearment.

AMANKESH - Translated from the Kazakh language, aman means: prosperous, healthy, unharmed. The word kesh literally means evening. The name has meanings: live, live, exist.

AMINAH - Translated from Arabic, the name Amina has the meaning - honest, faithful, safe. Famous name- Amina Umirzakova - People's Artist RK.

ANAR - Translated from the Kazakh language, anar means pomegranate, a round granular dark red fruit with numerous sweet and sour seeds. A beautiful euphonious name.

ANARGUL - Pomegranate flower.

ANIPA - Translated from Arabic, the word hanifa means: true, real.

ANISA - Translated from Arabic, the name means “friend”. "Friendship is priceless wealth." (Kazakh proverb)

ARAY - Translated from the Kazakh language, aray means “morning dawn”. The meaning of the name is beauty, freshness.

ARAILYM - Translated from the Kazakh language, aray means “morning dawn”. The meaning of the name is beauty, freshness, my beauty.

ARZADA - Translated from the Kazakh language, ar means: honor, reputation. Zada translated from Iranian means child, child.

ARIPA - Translated from Arabic it means: knowledgeable, wise.

ARNAGUL - Arna from the Kazakh language means: canyon, a deep narrow valley with very steep slopes, washed away by a river flowing along its bottom, a bed; gul - flower, beauty, grace, pretty.

ARU - Beauty.

ARUZHAN - Translated from the Kazakh language, aru means beauty, miss. Jean - used in an affectionate form.

ARSHAGUL - Translated from the Kazakh language, Arsha means: heather, an evergreen shrub with small leaves and lilac-pink flowers. Heather flower. Gul - flower, beauty, grace.

ARSHAT - Translated from Arabic, the word ar means: humanity, conscience, honor. The word shat is translated from Persian as “cheerful, joyful, contented.”

ASEL - Translated from Arabic, Asel means honey, sweet, pleasant.

ASEM - Translated from the Kazakh language, asem means beautiful, graceful.

ASEMAY - Translated from the Kazakh language, asem means beautiful, graceful. Ai is the moon, which symbolizes beauty, fidelity, eternity.

ASEMGUL - Translated from the Kazakh language, asem means: beautiful, graceful. Gul - flower, beauty, grace, pretty.

ASIMA - Protector, Patroness (Arabic)

ASIA - Translated from Arabic, Asia means healer, healer.

ASYLAI - The name Asylai comes from the word asyl. From Arabic, asil means noble, precious. Ay is translated from the Kazakh language as moon. The moon symbolizes beauty, fidelity and eternity.

ASYLBIKE - Translated from Arabic asil: noble, precious. Translated from the Kazakh language, bike means lady, beauty. The title of beautiful girls and the address to unfamiliar young girls is “bikesh”.

ASYLGUL - Translated from Arabic asil: noble, precious. Gul - flower, beauty, grace, pretty.

ASYLZADA - Translated from Arabic asil: noble, precious. Translated from the Iranian language, zada (zaide, zaidan) means son, child. Zadeh is translated from Persian as “descendant”.

ASYLZAT - Translated from Arabic, asil means noble, precious. Semantic meaning – real man. Zada is translated from Kazakh and Arabic as an aristocrat, a person of noble family.

ASYLNAZ - Translated from Arabic asil: noble, precious. Naz translated from Iranian means coquetry, grace, charm.

AYAGOZ - Translated from the Kazakh language, aya means: the best, beautiful eyes. Goz from a word that means eyes, eye.

AYAZHAN - Aya translated from Kazakh: best, good, beautiful. The component jan from Persian and Kazakh languages ​​is breath, soul, life. In the Kazakh language this word is used in an affectionate form.

AYAUZHAN - The word AYAU has the meaning: to regret, to express sympathy. The component jan from Persian and Kazakh languages ​​is breath, soul, life. In the Kazakh language this word is used in an affectionate form. A compassionate, merciful soul.

AYAULYM - Translated from the Kazakh language, the name Ayaulym has the meaning - my dear, my valuable, my good.

Unusual names for Russia have become fashionable for some time now. And therefore in last years Many children appeared with names from Europe and America. Less often, parents turn to the East and Asia, but in vain. This article is dedicated to Kazakhstan and will be useful for those who are looking for beautiful Kazakh

List of names

The names included in this list will be divided into thematic categories. It is immediately worth noting that due to strong Islamization, many original Kazakh names were forgotten, but the traditional Muslim onomasticon, composed mainly of words of Arabic and Persian origin, plays a huge role in the current culture of the republic.

Reason, wisdom and intelligence

  • Aguila. Arabic origin. Translated as "wisdom".
  • Galima. Means “knowing”, “competent”.
  • Dana. Translated as "wisdom".
  • Laliba. This word refers to the quality of a discerning mind.
  • Magripa. Given name can be translated by the word “talent”. In addition, it means skill, knowledge and mastery of art.

Personality qualities

  • Adela. There are two translations of this name. For example, in German it means “nobility.” But this name came to Kazakhstan from the Arab East, where its meaning is “justice”.
  • Bagilya. The name is of Arabic origin. Translated as “faithful”, “eternal”.
  • Gaini. Bright personality traits often become the basis on which names for girls are then compiled. Kazakh modern traditions have brought to us this name, meaning “the most noticeable”.
  • Galia. The word is derived from an Arabic root meaning “venerable”, “respected”.
  • Zhazira. Sometimes you have to sacrifice the literal meaning to understand what some girl names really mean. Kazakh modern traditions have brought to our time, for example, this name. If translated literally, it will mean “wide”. However, in reality we're talking about about the sociability and sociability of its owner, about the breadth of soul.
  • Zaliha. This name is difficult to translate into Russian. In Kazakh, its meaning is something between an eloquent and a sharp-tongued girl. Probably the most accurate translation would be “witty.”
  • Kabira. The word is of Arabic origin. Means majesty and solidity.
  • Latifa. This name does not have a clear translation. This word is a collective term that combines the concepts of goodness, peace, prosperity, beauty and everything positive.


  • Ademi. Beauty is a common theme with which names for girls are associated. Kazakh names are no exception here. Actually, “beauty” is a direct translation of this name.
  • Azhar. When describing beautiful Kazakh names for girls, it is necessary to mention this original Kazakh word, which translates as “beautiful”, “charming” or “charming”.
  • Bagida. Many names for girls, Kazakh and borrowed, are associated with the concept of charm. This name is one of them.
  • Yerziba. This name is also compound. But in in this case the Kazakh root was combined with an Iranian word meaning beauty. The result was a name that can be translated as “masculine beauty.” If translated not literally, the name will become an illustration of the expression “the beauty of a wife is the pride of her husband.”
  • Zhaina. This name translates as “brilliance”, “shine”, “shine”. Talks about the beauty of its bearer.
  • Zhamalai. A name that again combines Arabic and Kazakh roots. Literally translated as "beautiful moon".


  • Adia. Translated as “gift” or “reward”.
  • Lala. According to the main version, this name was borrowed from India, and should be translated as “pearl”. There is, however, a version that it comes from Azerbaijan, where it means “lighthouse”.


  • Gaisha. This name - unique example female form name of Jesus Christ. Accordingly, its meaning is “salvation from God.”
  • Dameli. Many Arabic borrowings in the Kazakh onomasticon are Kazakh traditions that have been adopted, for example, and this name, which is translated as “hope”, “hope”.
  • Zakira. Many names in Kazakhstan, as already mentioned, are Islamic in origin and meaning. This name is one of them. It means “she who praises God.”
  • Madina. This word in Arabic called the city as such. But as a personal name he points to Medina - one of the most important cities in the Islamic world.

Other names

  • Abira. In Tajikistan this word means great-granddaughter. In Kazakhstan, it began to be used as a personal name.
  • Adina. Some rare Kazakh names for girls were originally male name. For example, given from the Iranian language and meaning “Friday”.
  • Gaziza. To convey the meaning of this name, it is necessary to use words such as “honor” and “courtesy”.
  • Eldana. Some Kazakh girl names are traditionally believed to be actually composed of multilingual roots. For example, this name consists of two words in Arabic and Kazakh languages, which together give the translation “wise people.”
  • Enlik. This name cannot be translated into Russian because it is actually the name of a local plant from which hair dye is obtained.
  • It stung. Difficult to translate word. The general meaning can be conveyed by the concept “majestic”.
  • Zaida. A name that has two translation options. On the one hand, it means “the best.” On the other hand, it can be understood as “growth”, “development” and “evolution”.
  • Zaytuna. Plant theme is also often the source from which names for girls are generated. Kazakh names, among others, contain this beautiful name, which means In addition, the same word also refers to a crown woven from olive branches and leaves. The latter is a symbol of victory.
  • Cadia. Translated as “gift”.
  • Laik. Female original Kazakh name. It means "dignity".
  • Lamzia. Literally translated as “radiance of light.”
  • Magira. This name is of Arabic origin. Means "craftswoman".
  • Alarm. which means plant or shoot. An alternative translation is “sweetness”, “sugar”.

Oleg and Valentina Svetovid are mystics, specialists in esotericism and occultism, authors of 14 books.

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Kazakh names

Kazakh female names and their meaning

Kazakh names are very diverse and include both native Kazakh and borrowed names.

Most Kazakh names are of Arabic, Turkic and Persian origin. There are Mogul names.

Borrowed names in the Kazakh language have undergone significant phonetic changes and differ significantly from the original names.

Kazakh names The structure can be simple, complex and complex.

Many Kazakh names are derived from the names of plants, animals, birds, food and other words associated with the culture and religion of the people.

Our new book "The Energy of the Name"

Oleg and Valentina Svetovid

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Kazakh names. Kazakh female names and their meaning

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