Folk signs, traditions and customs for Trinity and Spirits Day. For health and beauty

Trinity is celebrated seven weeks later - on the fiftieth day - after Easter. The holiday is also called Trinity Day or Pentecost.

The celebration of the Trinity, like the Easter holiday, has its roots in the times of Old Testament. On the 50th day after Passover (the day the Jewish people left Egypt), the prophet Moses founded the Old Testament priesthood at Mount Sinai and gave his people God's law. This day becomes the day of the founding of the Old Testament Church.

The Day of the Holy Trinity is also related to the New Testament Easter, since on the 50th day after the resurrection from the dead, Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to the apostles.

In Rus', the holiday began to be celebrated 300 years after the introduction of Christianity by Prince Vladimir.

In Ukraine, the holiday is closely associated with welcoming summer and seeing off spring - Green Holidays. The week before Trinity is called “green”, “mermaid” or “clecal”, and the 3 days before the holiday itself and 3 days after it are called Green Week. During the Green Holidays, oats bloom, people decorate their houses with flowers and greenery, young girls weave wreaths. According to legends, at this time mermaids emerge from the water and the dead awaken.

The Holy Trinity is one of the important provisions of Christianity. Orthodox Church on this holiday remembers the descent of the Holy Spirit on the apostles. The concept of the Trinity symbolizes the image of God - God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.

This big church holiday symbolizes liberation from everything sinful and bad in human soul. The Holy Spirit, who descended on the apostles in the form of sacred fire, endowed them with grace and gave them strength to create the Holy Church on earth, with the goal of bringing God’s word to every person.

The holiday of Trinity is the birthday of the church. On this day chosen by God The disciples were given special powers to help them preach the Gospel throughout the world and spread the message of Jesus as Lord and Savior. Today the clergy are the successors of the apostles. They are considered mediators between people and God.

Celebrating Trinity: customs

For the holiday, housewives clean the house, decorate the rooms with flowers, using young grass and green branches for this purpose, which symbolize spring, the continuation and prosperity of life. For decoration, branches of oak, birch, maple, rowan, mint, calamus grass, and lemon balm are most often used.

On the morning of Trinity Day they go to church for a festive service. Parishioners hold flowers, green branches and fragrant herbs in their hands.

Relatives and loved ones are invited to a festive dinner and treated to loaves of bread, pancakes, egg dishes, pies, and jelly. On this day it is customary to give each other funny gifts. Many people prefer to go to nature and organize picnics, because Trinity is always celebrated on a day off.

From ancient times to the present day, the tradition of folk festivals has been preserved. Concerts and cultural events are held in cities public events, trade fairs.

Trinity: traditions and rituals

In the old days, people, having served the morning service on Trinity Sunday, began to celebrate the holiday. In cities and villages there were massive folk festivals, round dances, chants, competitions and active games in the open air. In the evening unmarried girls danced in circles, and single guys looked after brides. The girls wove wreaths from herbs and flowers, carried them to the river and floated them along the water. Wreaths could also be secretly given to chosen ones as a sign of sympathy.

On Trinity Sunday, herbs were dried, and subsequently used as a remedy for various troubles and a cure for many diseases. According to legend, such greenery can protect a house from a thunderstorm.

Rusks from a loaf baked for Trinity were kept until the wedding. They were added to wedding cakes in the belief that they would bring happiness to the newlyweds.

Our ancestors had a tradition of consecrating “tear herbs” in the church - herbs that were specially mourned because tears symbolized rain. After church, this grass was taken home and hidden behind window frames or icons. Thus, people asked nature for a good and fruitful summer without drought.

Also, so that there would be a rich harvest in the summer, birch branches were inserted behind the shutters, platbands, and window frames, and green grass was scattered throughout the room. This was the case in every home.

In the village, any peasant labor was condemned on Trinity Sunday: it was forbidden to do anything either in the house or in the field. Only cooking was allowed. Swimming in the river was also strictly forbidden, because Trinity is the time when mermaids come to land and can lure people to the bottom.

The Saturday before Trinity is for parents. On this day it is customary to go to the cemetery and remember relatives. Our ancestors believed that a person who did not go to the churchyard on this day and did not remember his deceased relatives was inviting the dead to come to him, and they, in turn, would take someone from home with them, i.e. In the near future, someone may die in this house. Therefore, before Trinity, a memorial dinner was held, the clothes of the dead were hung on the fence, thus trying to drive death away from their home.

On Trinity Sunday, old women went to the cemetery and swept the graves with birch wreaths. It was believed that by doing this they drive away evil spirits and bring joy to the deceased, who promote harmony, peace and wealth for all village residents.

Wooing on Trinity was a good omen. It was believed that if they were wooed on Trinity and married on the Intercession, it means that these spouses would have a happy and long life, they would live in love and harmony.

If on Trinity it's raining, then wait good harvest, warm weather without frost and lots of mushrooms.

Monday after Trinity is Spiritual Day. On this day, the Earth was considered the birthday girl. They didn’t work on the land, but early in the morning they went looking for treasures. It was believed that on her name day she would open to a good person something valuable.

Fortune telling for Trinity

On Trinity Sunday, girls wondered about their betrothed and their fate. One of the most popular fortune telling was weaving wreaths and “curling” a birch tree. On the eve of the holiday, the girls went into the forest, found young birch trees there, and on their tops they wove a wreath of twigs - “curled”. On Trinity, the girls returned to their birch trees and looked at the wreath; if it had developed or withered, then nothing good should be expected. If it remains the same, then this year a wedding with a loved one and wealth in the house are expected.

Another popular custom for Trinity is weaving wreaths. We did this in women's company; men were not allowed. It was believed that if a guy saw a wreath, he would be in trouble. With the finished wreaths they went to the river and lowered them into the water:

  • Where the wreath floats - from there wait for the betrothed;
  • if the wreath is left near the shore, then the girl will not marry;
  • if she drowns, the girl will die soon.

The wreath was not removed from the head by hand, but the head was tilted so that it fell on its own.

To see the betrothed in a dream, birch branches were placed under the pillow.

Customs and traditions of celebrating the Holy Trinity

The Day of the Holy Trinity (Pentecost) in 2018 falls on May 27. Trinity is the third most important church holiday after Christmas and Easter. Every year, depending on the date of Easter, Trinity falls on different days, it is celebrated on the 50th day after Easter, hence its second name - Pentecost.

On Trinity, the house is decorated with greenery and flowers, which are symbols of life and spring.

It is customary to go to divine services on Trinity, and on the eve of Trinity, on parent's Saturday, be sure to go to cemeteries and remember the dead.

Trinity is the third main of the twelve holidays after Christmas and Easter.

The name of the holiday Trinity is explained by the fact that the descent of the Holy Spirit on the apostles revealed “the perfect activity of the third Person Holy Trinity, and the teaching of the Lord Jesus Christ about the Triune God and the participation of the Three Persons of the Godhead in the Economy of the salvation of the human race has reached complete clarity and completeness."

The symbol of the Trinity is the birch tree. It is birch branches that are usually used to decorate churches and houses on Trinity Day. Birch is considered blessed in Rus'. The holiday of Trinity without a birch is the same as Christmas without a tree. True, in some regions of Russia, where birch does not grow, the holiday trees were oak, maple, and rowan.

Since ancient times, Trinity has been celebrated cheerfully and noisily in Rus'. After the service, festivities and round dances with games and funny jokes were held in the churches.

On Trinity Sunday, loaves are always baked, and for a festive dinner it is customary to call all friends, relatives and acquaintances, exchanging gifts with each other.

Before Trinity, housewives always carefully cleaned the house and cooked festive table, for which the whole family gathered. People loved to celebrate the holiday on the street, young people danced around birch trees, and boys chose brides for themselves. A young man approached a girl he liked and proposed marriage. If the beauty agreed, matchmakers could be sent.

But weddings cannot be held on Trinity Sunday. It is believed that this will bring bad luck to the young family life.

On this day, the girls wove wreaths and let them float down the river. If the wreath floats smoothly, but family life will be prosperous, if it starts to spin, then expect discord in the family. If the wreath washed ashore, then marriage soon It's not worth the wait.

Trinity is a major church holiday, so you cannot work on this day. On this day you should not allow unkind thoughts, slander and envy. You need to make peace with everyone with whom you are in a quarrel.

Our ancestors never swam in bodies of water on Trinity Sunday. It was believed that on this day mermaids were active and could drag a bather under water.

Based on materials from the website “News to the Top Ten”

According to legend, on this day the descent of the Holy Spirit took place on the apostles. Jesus' disciples then all gathered together. Suddenly there was a noise from the sky, as if from strong wind. At that moment tongues appeared and descended on each of the disciples.

And they began to speak different languages. Multilingualism was revealed so that they could preach Christian teaching among different nations. Jewish holiday Pentecostal converted to the Christian Church.

By folk calendar. Trinity Day can rightfully be called green Christmastide. On this day, parishioners held masses in churches with bouquets of meadow flowers or tree branches, and houses were decorated with birch trees.

Wildflowers that had been in the church were dried and stored behind the icons for various needs: they were placed under fresh hay and in the granary to prevent mice, in holes in the ridges from shrews and in the attic to eliminate fire.

Trees were transported to village streets in whole cartloads and decorated with them not only doors, but also window jambs, and especially the church, the floor of which was strewn with fresh grass (everyone, leaving the church, tried to grab it from under his feet in order to mix it with the hay, boil it with water and drink as healing). Some people made wreaths from the leaves of the trees that stood in the church and placed them in pots when growing cabbage seedlings.


The birch tree became a symbol of the holiday, probably because it was one of the first to dress in bright, elegant greenery. It is no coincidence that there was a belief that the birch tree has a special growth power and that this power must be used.

They decorated windows, houses, courtyards, gates with birch branches; they stood with birch branches at church services, believing that they possessed healing power. On Trinity Sunday, the birch tree was destroyed - “buried”, drowned in water or taken out into a grain field, thereby trying to beg from higher powers fertility of the earth.

Curling a birch tree is a ritual from ancient times. The girls believed that they would tie their thoughts tightly with the guy they loved.

Or, curling the branches of a birch tree, they wished their mother a speedy recovery.

The birch branches were filled with water precisely on these days healing power. An infusion of birch leaves was also considered healing. Our ancestors also used birch branches as a talisman against all unclean spirits. Still in the grooves of the corners of the house in Vologda region peasants stick birch branches so that purity and healing spirit are transferred to the walls.

After mass, the girls changed their outfit, put fresh birch wreaths intertwined with flowers on their heads, and in this attire they went into the forest to develop a birch tree. Having arrived there, they stood in a circle near a curled birch tree, and one of them cut it down and placed it in the middle of the circle.

All the girls approached the birch tree and decorated it with ribbons and flowers. Then a triumphal procession opened: the girls walked in pairs, in front of everyone one of them carried a birch tree. In this way they surrounded the birch tree around the entire village. On one of the streets they stuck a birch tree into the ground and began to dance around it.

Guys joined them. In the evening they removed the ribbons from the tree, broke off one twig at a time, and then tore the tree out of the ground and dragged it to the river to drown. “Drown, Semik, drown angry husbands!” - and the unfortunate birch tree floated to where the current of water carried it (Vladimir province).

On this day, the girls parted with the wreath woven in Semik. They threw him into the water and watched. It was bad if the wreath sank: you won’t get married today, and maybe you’ll even die. If the wreath stuck to the other shore, a girl’s love will take root and stick to the heart of any guy.

The youth of the Novgorod region performed a ritual adapted specifically to the Trinity, called “shaking gunpowder.” During a walk in the meadow, among round dances and games of ogaryshi (burners), one of the men would tear off the cap from the young spouse, shake it over his head and shout loudly: “Gunpowder on the tube, the wife doesn’t love her husband.”

The young woman quickly responded to this cry, stood in front of her husband, bowed to him at the waist, took off the cap that was placed on his head at the moment of her appearance, took her husband by the ears, kissed him three times and bowed to him again in all four directions.

At the same time, the villagers aloud assessed her qualities and made various jokes about her. The young women were usually shy and said: “When they shake gunpowder, it would be better to fall through the ground.”

On Trinity Sunday, the ritual of remembrance of the dead was performed. Only on Trinity Sunday were funerals held for the dead who had not been buried during the year. Thus, in times of war, plague, and famine, the dead were usually dumped in a common pit. During Trinity-Semitic week, the bodies of the dead were sewn into matting, coffins were made and buried. On Trinity Sunday, dew was collected and used as a potent medicine for ailments and for sowing vegetable seeds.

Fortune telling for Trinity

The most common fortune telling is considered to be “curling” birch trees and weaving wreaths. Before Trinity, the girls went into the forest and found a young birch tree. It was necessary to tilt the top of the tree and weave a wreath from these branches.

After this, right on the holiday, the girls had to go into the forest again and see what happened to the birch tree after such a process. If everything remains as it was, then you should expect a wedding and wealth in the house. But if the branches have withered, then you definitely shouldn’t expect anything good.

Fortune telling by wish. Trinity

It is worth immediately paying attention to the fact that you should only make fortunes on Trinity early in the morning. This must be done exclusively on your own and on an empty stomach. You need to approach a birch tree, make your deepest wish and break off a birch branch. But just before this, a special conspiracy should be pronounced.

To do this, you need to weave the same wreath, but, as you understand, only from St. John's wort. Then throw it on the roof. If he fell back, then this year the girl will have a wedding, but if he remains there, then it is too early to start a family.

To find out whether a certain guy loved a girl or not, she took St. John's wort and twisted it with such force that juice flowed out of it.

Rituals for Trinity

Trinity Day is one of the most important holidays at Eastern Slavs, especially loved by girls. In folk tradition, Trinity Day is part of the Semitsko-Trinity holiday complex, which included Semik (the seventh Thursday after Easter two days before Trinity), Trinity Saturday, and Trinity Day.

In general, the holidays were called “Green Christmastide.” The main components of the Semik-Trinity festivities were rituals associated with the cult of vegetation, maiden festivities, maiden initiations, commemoration of the drowned or all the dead.

U Slavic peoples The holiday of the Holy Trinity is also closely connected with seeing off spring and welcoming summer:
During Trinity (Semitic) week, girls aged 7-12 broke birch branches and decorated the house with them outside and inside.

On Thursday (the next day) the children were fed scrambled eggs in the morning, which was then a traditional dish: it symbolized the bright summer sun. Then the children went into the forest to curl the birch tree: it was decorated with ribbons, beads, and flowers; The branches were tied in pairs and braided. Children danced around the decorated birch tree, sang songs, and had a festive meal.

On Saturday, on the eve of the Holy Trinity, the Slavs have one of the main memorial days. This day is often called “stuffy Saturday” or parents’ day.

On the day of the Holy Trinity, everyone went to church with flowers and birch branches. On this day, houses and temples were decorated with a green carpet of leaves and flowers. After the festive service in the church, the youth went to develop the birch tree. It was believed that if this is not done, the birch tree may be offended.

After the birch tree had developed, they repeated the meal, again danced in circles and sang songs. Then the tree was cut down and carried around the village singing, writes w. Often a birch tree could also be sent down the river, believing that the tree would give up its strength to the first shoots in the field.

Trinity 2017, when is Trinity in 2017, celebration of Trinity, signs for Trinity, traditions for Trinity, rituals for Trinity, celebration of Trinity, folk beliefs on Trinity, what not to do on Trinity, birch on Trinity, birch wreaths

Traditions for Trinity

How it happened in Russia Orthodox holidays closely intertwined with folk traditions.

So, leaving the church, people tried to grab the grass from under their feet in order to mix it with hay, boil it with water and drink it as a healing one. Some made wreaths from the leaves of the trees that stood in the church and used them as amulets.

The wonderful tradition of decorating houses and churches with branches, grass, and flowers on Trinity Sunday has been around for centuries. The ritual of decorating for Trinity is not accidental. In folk tradition, greenery symbolizes life on Trinity Day. Traditionally, decorating houses on Trinity Sunday with branches, herbs and flowers, people express joy and gratitude to God for reviving them through baptism into a new life.

Historically, to decorate temples and houses, according to folk traditions, birch branches are used. We can say that the Trinity holiday without a birch is the same as celebrating Christmas without a tree.

At the same time, in some areas the tradition of decorating houses and churches on Trinity Day may be slightly different and oak, maple, rowan can be used for decoration...

Among the people, Trinity was revered as a great holiday; they carefully prepared for it: they washed and cleaned the house and yard, put out dough to prepare dishes for the festive table, and prepared herbs. On this day, pies and loaves were baked, wreaths made of birch (in the south made of maple) and flowers were made, guests were invited, and young people held parties in the forests and meadows.

The girls wore their best outfits, often made especially for these holidays. Everywhere heads were decorated with wreaths of herbs and flowers. Dressed up girls usually walked around during a general meeting of people - the so-called “bride's show”.

For a long time, it was considered a good omen to get married on Trinity. The wedding took place in the fall, on the Feast of the Intercession of the Virgin Mary. Many still believe that this helps family life: those married on Trinity, they say, will live in love, joy and wealth.

On this day, roes were baked for the girls - round cakes with eggs in the form of a wreath. These roe deer, along with scrambled eggs, pies, and kvass, made up a ritual meal, which the girls arranged in the grove after curling the birch tree, that is, decorating it with ribbons, flowers, and weaving wreaths from its thin branches.

The girls worshiped through these wreaths - they came up in pairs, kissed each other, and sometimes changed pectoral crosses and they said: Let’s kiss, godfather, let’s kiss, we won’t fight with you, we’ll be friends forever. For the funeral ritual, the tops of two birch trees were curled and intertwined.

Then the girls split into pairs and walked under these birch trees, hugging and kissing. Having thought about each other, they formed one big round dance and sang trinity songs.

Then we went to the river. When they approached the river, everyone threw their wreaths into the water and cast spells on them. future destiny. After this, the birch tree was cut down and carried to the village with songs, they placed it in the center of the street, they danced around the birch tree and sang special, Trinity songs.

Trinity 2017, when is Trinity in 2017, celebration of Trinity, signs for Trinity, traditions for Trinity, rituals for Trinity, celebration of Trinity, popular beliefs for Trinity, what not to do for Trinity, birch for Trinity, birch wreaths

What not to do on Trinity Sunday - popular beliefs

A whole cycle of beliefs and prohibitions was associated with the Trinity Days, the violation of which was strictly prohibited under the threat of misfortune:
It was forbidden to make birch brooms on Trinity;
for a week it was forbidden to fence the fence or repair harrows so that “ugly-looking domestic animals would not be born”;

it was strictly forbidden to work on the first three days of Trinity - however, you can prepare a treat, as well as invite guests to a festive meal;
It was impossible to go to the forest for a week, to swim - swimming on Trinity Day is undesirable, because, as our ancestors believed, that Trinity Day belongs to mermaids - if you swim, the ancient Slavs believed, you will go to the bottom. Starting from the “Green Christmastide” and until Peter’s Day (July 12), mermaids come out of the pools, hide in the forests, in the trees, luring travelers with their laughter.

Signs for Trinity

There are other beliefs and traditions for the Trinity. Let's now find out what signs there are on Trinity Day.
If it rains on Trinity, then expect a mushroom harvest.
Flowers and healing herbs, collected on such a day are considered healing and can cure any ailment.
It is believed that from Monday, the Day of the Holy Spirit, there will be no more frosts, warm days are coming.

On the Day of the Holy Spirit, it is customary to give away all the change to the poor, thereby protecting yourself from adversity and illness.
There was also such a belief that an honest person could find a treasure, as if hearing its call from the depths of the earth.
There was a belief that plants on Trinity were endowed with a special magical power, which was reflected in the custom of collecting medicinal herbs on Trinity night.

Based on portal materials Wordyouru

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The Feast of the Holy Trinity is an important day for everyone Orthodox man. According to legend, it is from this date that the formation of true Christian faith. Folk customs and the signs of the Trinity have been carefully passed down from generation to generation for several centuries.

Trinity already for a long time is a sacred symbol for everyone Orthodox Christian. This image embodies the unity of God the Father, God the Son and the Holy Spirit. In all churches on this day, a solemn liturgy is held, festive canons and prayers of thanks are read.

Becomes a symbol of external and internal renewal green color: priests traditionally conduct services in green robes, and the church premises are decorated with cut birch branches and mown grass.

The people accepted the holiday of the Trinity and passionately loved it: signs, customs and traditions, carefully collected and passed on from generation to generation, have survived to this day.

Signs and beliefs on the day of the Holy Trinity

It is believed that if it rains on Trinity Day, then the summer will be rainy and dank.

According to legends, all plants on this day have healing powers. Medicine men and herbalists tried to prepare as many plants as possible at dawn and dusk.

It is believed that a person encountered in the forest on Trinity Sunday may turn out to be a forest spirit. You must be extremely polite and courteous with everyone you meet, otherwise you can bring disaster upon yourself.

appease evil spirits on this day you can by floating on water or leaving bread and fresh milk in the forest.

On the morning of Trinity, you need to go out into the field and put your ear to the ground: it is believed that then the field spirits can reveal the future to those who listen.

If thunder rumbles and lightning flashes on Trinity Sunday, it means that everything evil spirits by evening they will be expelled from the face of the earth.

Finding a dead bird on the road on this day is a sign of imminent illness.

To ward off troubles, on Trinity Sunday they wear a bunch of spicy plants around their necks.

It is believed that on this day you can receive news from deceased relatives. To do this, you need to come to the cemetery, decorate the graves with cut birch branches and talk to the dead as if they were alive. When leaving, be sure to leave a treat at the grave.

If the weather is clear and sunny on Trinity Sunday, then the year will be fertile.

After the church service, it is necessary to set the festive table. If there are unmarried girls of marriageable age in the family, then after dinner the tablecloth should be folded and hidden separately, without washing. It is believed that she will “attract” a worthy groom within one year.

On this holiday, the icon of the Holy Trinity has special power. Orthodox Christians believe that prayers before her can heal many illnesses and help change lives. We wish you good mood and peace in the soul. Be happy and don't forget to press the buttons and

04.06.2017 05:24

On April 7, Orthodox Christians celebrate one of the main church holidays. This event was a turning point for...

Peter's Day is not only Orthodox, but also national holiday. Customs and traditions observed in...

Trinity is one of the main Christian holidays, celebrated on the fiftieth day after Easter, which is why it is also called Pentecost. On this holiday, in addition to directly Orthodox traditions, there are also features of ancient pagan rituals. Official church, of course, has always protested against such heresy, but such dualism is not uncommon among the Russian people.

The peasants celebrated Trinity noisily and cheerfully. It was special holiday farmers, the time when the sowing season is already over, preparations are underway for haymaking and the first harvest, and therefore a few free days without hard work should have been celebrated. People associate many signs and rituals with the Trinity.

Signs for Trinity

Trinity always took place at the beginning of summer. For the peasants this time was very important: good rain guaranteed thick grass, which means excellent haymaking, moist, nutritious soil, which means a good harvest. Therefore, the signs of the Trinity were treated very carefully, passing them on in the family from adults to children.

One of the most ancient signs is the custom of bringing to church for consecration, and then hiding in the house behind a frame or later behind an icon, bunches of “tear” herbs - grass that was specially mourned, since tears symbolized rain. Thus, people begged from nature, and later from God, have a nice summer without drought, with rain and a rich harvest from the soil saturated with moisture.

Birch branches inserted behind window frames, platbands, shutters, green grass, scattered around the upper room, also symbolized a good, fruitful summer, because it was like that in every village house.

In the village, any peasant labor on Trinity Day was condemned: neither in the field nor in the house was it possible to do anything other than cooking. It was also impossible to swim, because this time is the time of mermaids, when mermaids can lure you to the bottom.

The day before Trinity, on parental Saturday, everyone went to the cemetery - to remember relatives; if someone did not make it on this day, it was believed that he was inviting the dead to come to him, and they, in turn, would take someone away from home (then there is a relative who will die). Therefore, before Trinity, a funeral dinner was left, and the clothes of the dead were hung on the fence - both to remember, and to push away death, to drive away.

On Trinity Sunday, old women went to the cemetery to sweep the graves with birch brooms - it was believed that evil spirits retreated, and the dead rejoiced and promoted peace, harmony and wealth throughout the village.

Matchmaking was a good omen. It was believed that if they wooed on Trinity and got married on the Intercession, it means that these spouses would have a long, happy life, in love and harmony.

Among the agricultural signs, we can note the well-known “rain” ones: rain on Trinity - for the harvest, for mushrooms, for warm weather, no frost.

And the next day after Trinity is Spiritual Day. The earth was considered the birthday girl, they also did not work on it, but in the morning they went in search of treasures, because on its name day the earth would definitely reveal something valuable to a good person.

Fortune telling for Trinity

The Church rejected all kinds of fortune-telling, but it so happened among the people that between Christmas and Epiphany, the major Christian holidays, there was a long period of Christmastide - the time of fortune-telling, and on Trinity, during the Rusalia, the girls told fortunes about fate, about their betrothed, and waited with trepidation for matchmakers .

The most common fortune telling is “curling” a birch tree and weaving wreaths. On the eve of Trinity, the girls went into the forest, bent the tops of young birch trees and wove a wreath from the branches - “curled”, if upon arriving at Trinity the girl saw that it had developed or withered, good things would not be expected. If she remains the same, there will be a wedding, a beloved betrothed, and wealth in the house.

Weaving wreaths is also a custom on Trinity Sunday. Girls weaved in a group; men were not allowed in; if a guy saw someone’s wreath, it was bad omen, the “evil eye” of the girl. Wreaths were woven directly into Trinity and went with them to the river. There they launched it into the water: wherever it swam, the groom will be from there; if he stayed by the shore, the girl wouldn’t get married, and if she drowned, she would die this year. Moreover, the wreaths were not removed from the head by hand, but bent so that they themselves fell into the water.

To make the betrothed dream, they put birch branches under the pillow.

Trinity conspiracies

The culture of Russian people is rich - right hand He prayed to God in church on Trinity Sunday, and at that time he could hold a bunch of grass with his left hand. Then, leaving the church, bow to the four cardinal directions, weave a wreath from this bunch at home, speak the cherished words on it and put it behind the icon - for a happy and rich year, until the next Trinity. Thus, both the Christian and pagan views of the Russian people merged into one whole. And there was no contradiction here, everything was harmonious and coherent.

Even food for Trinity was sometimes prepared with a conspiracy and in a special way. In the pre-Christian world, everything round was valued - pancakes on Maslenitsa - the same tradition, since the circle is a symbol of the sun. So on Trinity Sunday they baked a round loaf and made fried eggs in a frying pan from two eggs.

A round scrambled egg is both a symbol of the sun and a friendly married couple, “without corners,” that is, without quarrels and disagreements. While the scrambled eggs were baking, the hostess always said the cherished words over her, salted Thursday salt, and did not tear the greens, but laid them out with twigs and onion feathers, which also signified the unity and strong bond between husband and wife. The husband himself did not participate in this, but waited for his wife to perform all the sacraments, put scrambled eggs on a rye loaf and go with her husband to the grove, to the birch tree decorated in advance with bright shreds - to celebrate the Trinity and eat the enchanted dish together - a talisman against all evil.

To cast a love spell on a loved one, take grass blessed in the church, weave it into a wreath and place it under the pillow, while saying:

“I go to bed without praying and without crossing myself, Lord, forgive me, Christ. I put a wreath of holy herbs under my head. As these herbs curled and intertwined into a wreath, so let the servant of God (name) curl and twine around me, just as the wreath withers and dries, so let him dry and grieve for me, God's servant(name), doesn’t binge on food, doesn’t wash it down with drink, doesn’t go on a spree; whether he is at a feast or during a conversation, whether he is in the field or in the house - I would not lose his mind. May my words be strong and sculpted, stronger than stone and damask steel, a sharp knife and a greyhound spear. And the key to my words and confirmation, and the fortress is strong, and the strength is strong in heavenly heights, and the castle is in deep sea. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen."

A spell for good luck, for success in business, was done at dawn, always on the street on the morning of Trinity:

“I will get up, pray, go out, cross myself, climb a high mountain, look around on all four sides. How on the eastern side a black horse grazes in a green meadow, wild and violent. No one saddled him, no one rode him, that horse did not know the stirrups or reins. I will tame that horse, and he will walk under me obediently, carry me wherever I want. My will is strong, my word is true. Amen."
