UAE: the best time to relax. When is the best time to vacation in the UAE? When is the beach season in the UAE?

Immediately after a tourist has a desire to go to this Arab country, he has a question about when is the best time to go to the UAE. At all, beach holiday possible in this country all year round, since the sun always shines here and the temperature is high. But the problem is that in some months these temperatures are so high that even local residents prefer to spend most of their time in the shade or in air-conditioned rooms.
In terms of weather, the best time to visit the UAE is from November to May. Even in October the weather can still be quite hot (up to 35 degrees). Blue sky is always the norm, but still for tourists, especially Russian ones, the period from November to May is the most suitable for relaxation. If you've seen the movie " Black gold", then you probably remember that episode when the sheikh, played by Antonio Banderas, said that summer on his land is when the wind blows from the south, and winter when the wind blows from the north. As you understand, from the north The wind blows between November and May, which is why the weather here is cooler during this time.
Daytime temperatures are ideal for a beach holiday in November, December, January and February, but during these times it can get a little chilly at night. Northwest winds (shamal) sometimes blow during these winter months, causing the waters in the Persian Gulf to become choppy. Most of the year's precipitation occurs between December and March, but it tends to fall in short bursts of rain that are forgotten after half an hour.
The period from March to May is optimal time for relaxation for those people who like high (but not very high) temperatures, low humidity air and warm evenings. In May, hot weather gradually arrives in the UAE, when daytime temperatures often begin to exceed 35 degrees.
The period from June to October should be avoided by people who cannot tolerate heat. It is especially hot in the UAE between July and August, when daytime temperatures often exceed 40 degrees. However, during this period it is better to go to the UAE for those people who want to spend as little money as possible on a vacation in this country. During low season Many hotels in the UAE reduce the cost of accommodation, so the total cost of the tour will be noticeably lower, especially in the case of expensive hotels. Despite the very hot weather at this time of year, you can relax in the Emirates in a fairly comfortable environment. The fact is that all hotels, shops, cars, buses and even some bus stops are equipped with air conditioning.
But the question of when is the best time to go to the UAE is asked not only by those tourists who are trying to find the optimal time for themselves in terms of weather, but also by those people who want to visit this country in order to witness any event. The UAE hosts a variety of events that attract tourists from different corners peace. If you are interested in a specific event for which you want to visit the UAE, then you just need to follow the calendar and be aware of when this or that event should take place.
You should also take into account the fact that the UAE is a Muslim country, so here as in others Arab countries, the Muslim holy month of Ramadan is passing. During Ramadan (you need to find out exact dates every year) Muslims do not eat or drink from dawn to dusk. Visitors are sometimes asked not to eat, drink or smoke in in public places at that time. Most restaurants are closed during the day, although food will not be a problem at your hotel. Alcohol is served in some places only after sunset.
Approximate start dates of Ramadan: June 28, 2014, June 18, 2015, June 6, 2016.

Not all seasons in the United Arab Emirates are favorable for comfortable rest. If you decide to visit this country, but do not want to endure the heat there, read our material below and choose the right time for your visit. When is the best time to go to the UAE?

The holiday season in the Emirates is year-round, but there are months that can turn an inexperienced tourist’s vacation into hell. At this time, peak temperatures can reach +60°C! This is June, July and August. Numerous air conditioners installed in hotel rooms, shopping centers, and transport can barely cope with the load and have difficulty saving tourists who are not accustomed to such temperatures from the stuffiness. During this period, it is better to postpone a trip to the UAE if you are not a fan of hot climates. In September, the air temperature “drops” to +45°C, and thirty degrees sea ​​water almost not refreshing. This month can also be considered an unfavorable weather season. The Velvet season in the Emirates with the best temperature regime begins in October and continues until November. The air at this time cools to +30-35°C, and prices for tours reach their maximum level.

The descending months in popularity include December – March with temperature indicators+25-28°C. The water of the Persian Gulf of this period is not " new milk“, but it never gets colder than +17-19°C here. Having visited the Emirates in winter, you will find yourself in Russian summer.

Approaching the Peak summer heat begins in April-May with a temperature of +30-32°C. It’s still tolerable to be outside, although it gets hot like an adult.

Now that you have decided on the season for your holiday in the UAE, you can choose the appropriate pricing policy for it. Holidays in the Emirates in summer in conditions of unbearable heat will cost you much less than in autumn or winter. This is a generally accepted law of the tourism business, and the UAE is no exception. Another question is whether this saving is necessary - here everyone decides for himself. However, summer months for trips to the UAE should not be categorically and irrevocably ruled out. Here even in such extreme conditions you can find entertainment to your liking.

For example, various festivals attract thousands of tourists to visit the unusual environment of the United Arab Emirates. Numerous excursions and museums will immerse you in the history of this fabulously rich country. Shopping lovers can take refuge from the heat in huge “malls” – mega-shopping centers and enjoy the sale prices there. You can sunbathe and swim in the UAE all year round. The water in January is not lower than +18°C, and in summer it reaches +32°C. Why isn't it heaven?

In our article we will look at different variants, where is a good place to relax in the UAE. Note that United Arab Emirates- This is a state of contrasts. Here you can meet very handsome men in national costumes, driving a diamond-studded Bentley. At the same time, builders living in slums walk along the same streets, exhausting themselves with hard work. In the United Arab Emirates, unimaginable luxury borders on deep poverty. Therefore, you need to carefully choose a place to go on vacation in the UAE. In our article we will look at different resorts and tell you why it is good to spend a vacation there.

Seasons in the UAE: when is the best time to go to this country?

Before we start talking about where it’s good to vacation in the UAE, we’ll tell you about the time of year when it’s best to go to this country. This state is dry subtropical climate. It almost never rains here. From about May until September, the emirates experience unbearable heat. Therefore, if you are thinking about where it is better to vacation in the UAE in August (peak holidays in Russia), be prepared for high temperatures.

The period from May to September (inclusive) is considered not a particularly good time for a holiday in this country. In summer, the air temperature rises to +50°C in the shade. This indicator is worth paying attention to those who have heart problems, or families going on vacation with children. If we talk about positive sides holidays from May to September, then this low prices for tours and the warm sea.

The peak season in this country is between October and November. During this period, the daytime temperature is already approximately +30°C degrees. At the same time, prices for vacations during this period of the year are the highest.

Those who are thinking about where to go on holiday in the UAE in February will be interested to know that the cost of travel packages decreases from December to March. At the same time, the air temperature is lower: only about +25°C. The water also cools down during this period. But for many vacationers, the cold snap is not critical. Therefore, beach holidays do not lose their relevance almost all year round.

Already in April, the heat gradually begins to return to the United Arab Emirates, the temperature rises to plus thirty degrees. With this indicator, prices for tours are also rising.

Where is a good place to relax in the UAE? All seven emirates are great. Vacationers in the UAE can satisfy any of their needs. Next, we will talk about the most popular and sought-after tourist destinations.

Amazing and modern Dubai - a great place to spend your holidays

Where is the best place to relax in the UAE? In reviews, many tourists write that it is worth going to Dubai. This is a fairly modern and progressive region of the country. This emirate is divided into eleven districts. Each of them will be interesting for travelers with its own characteristics. Next, we will look at the popular areas of this emirate.

What's there to see in Jumeirah?

This popular area of ​​Dubai is home to some of the best hotels. It is the center of beach holidays in the UAE. This luxury resort is adjacent to the famous Palm Jumeirah archipelago. It is an artificial island in the shape of a palm tree, which protects an eleven-kilometer sand crescent from the waves. The “trunk” was occupied by various restaurants and shopping centers, on seventeen “leaves” there are villas famous people. The “crescent” houses elite hotels from leading international chains.

Another big project is The World. It is located four kilometers from Dubai itself. The World is an artificially created archipelago consisting of three hundred islands. They form a bird's eye map of the world. The islands are divided into three types: commercial, residential and resort.

Also located in The World is the famous Burj Al Arab hotel, which is designed in the shape of a giant sail.

What is interesting about the prestigious Downtown Dubai area?

In the center of this prestigious area is the tallest building in the world - the Burj Khalifa skyscraper. It offers a unique view. Here you can dine in the highest-rise restaurant. Also at the base of the building there is a well-known dancing fountain.

If you are planning to combine relaxation and shopping, then visit Downtown. There is the Dubai Mall (the largest shopping center). On the opposite side of the road is the Souk Al Bahar TC. The complex is stylized as an Arab market. The center offers a wide range of national goods.

Abu Dhabi is not only the capital, but also an excellent resort for relaxing with friends and family

Where is a good place to relax in the UAE? In Abu Dhabi. This is the official capital of the country. The city is considered one of the richest in the world. The largest oil companies are located here. Abu Dhabi not only has chic boutiques, but also attractions. Therefore, tourists can go on a bus tour.

Vacationers should visit the Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan Mosque. It is the sixth largest shrine in the world. This mosque has 82 domes and 1000 columns. The shrine can accommodate more than forty thousand people. But just remember that there is a strict dress code for visitors to Muslim temples. Women should be especially attentive to these rules.

You can travel to Abu Dhabi with children. After all, there are various amusement parks with many attractions.

On the island with interesting name Yas is themed Ferrari World. This park is stylized as a Ferrari GT car. Its area is two hundred thousand square meters. The park has dozens of attractions in the style famous brand. There is also a car museum there.

Beach holidays in the UAE: what to look for?

Where is a good place for beach lovers to relax in the UAE? The length of the coastline is more than 700 km. The beaches are washed by the waves of the Oman and Persian Gulfs. The season in the UAE lasts the whole year. Now let's look at popular beaches in different cities:

  1. Abu Dhabi. The beaches of the capital are located remotely from the city, on the island of Bahrain Island. There are both developed and wild beaches. You can only get to Bahrain Island by water.
  2. Fujairah. This emirate is most loved by fans of fishing and diving. Scuba divers are attracted not only by the exotic fish that live in coral reefs, but also wrecks of sunken ships. The most popular beaches in Fujairah are Shark Island and Al Aqah.
  3. Sharjah. The beaches of this emirate are perfectly clean. Sharjah differs from others in the severity of its prohibitions and rules. Not all beaches in this emirate allow women to undress down to a swimsuit. If somewhere there is no such taboo, then you will still have to forget about the bikini. In order not to swim in your clothes, you should choose beaches and hotels in advance, specifying the dress code.

Dubai: famous beaches

Dubai is an emirate that is considered the leader in beach holidays. This resort is admired by many. Now let's look at the most popular beaches of the emirate:

  1. Jumeira Beach Park. It is located in the Jumeirah area. The municipal beach park is enveloped in the scents of flowers and filled with the chirping of birds. There are many on the territory tropical plants and lawns. Entrance to the park is paid, five AED per person. Admission for children is free. The entrance to the water is gentle, which is why holidays with children are most popular here. Please note that on Monday only children under eight years of age and women are allowed on this beach.
  2. Al Mamzar Park. Located in the Deira region. This beach park is the second most popular. His main feature- these are houses with terraces and air conditioning. There is also a swimming pool in the park. In addition, the coastline is beautifully landscaped. Here you can see an unusual wooden fortress. Entrance to the territory is paid. The ticket price is 5 AED. On Wednesday, men are prohibited from relaxing on this beach.
  3. Jumeirah Open Beach. This beach is free. It is very popular, especially among tourists from Russia. The main advantage of the beach is the view of the main attractions of the city. You can also use the changing room, shower, toilet, barbecue terrace and children's playground for free. Monday is a day when only children and women can visit the beach.
  4. Jebel Dhanna is an uninhabited beach. Located 400 km from Dubai. The depth 50 meters from the shore does not exceed waist level. But the atmosphere here is very pleasant, one might say heavenly.

Vacation with children

Annually entertainment center receives more than seven thousand tourists. This place has become popular for family vacation. There are green parks, terraces where you can sunbathe, as well as various attractions, both on land and on water.

In Dubai you can also find a place to relax with a child. There is located famous park entertainment Wonderland. He is considered one of best places for a holiday with the whole family. There is also a water park in Dubai; it is, of course, not as big as Dreamland, but also quite modern.

If you are planning to go on vacation with a teenage child, you can go to Abu Dhabi for an experience. This city is one of the most modern in the world. Teenagers will definitely appreciate Abu Dhabi. After all, the city has very beautiful fountains, palaces and modern skyscrapers. And on the neighboring Yas Island there is a unique park - Ferrari World.

You should definitely visit the Dubai Zoo with kids. It contains more than 1,500 animals from different parts of the world. There is also a huge Lost Chambers aquarium, which will also be of interest to children of any age.


Now you know the areas of the UAE. Where is the best place to relax in this country? Every tourist must answer this question himself, because a lot depends on personal preferences. There are many good resorts in this state.

Tell me which resort to choose and when to go on holiday to the UAE? Which emirate is best for a holiday with a child? We will be glad to receive all your feedback and recommendations. Thank you.

Exotic nature, luxury vacation, exclusive hotels, snow-white sands and aquamarine waters in the Persian Gulf - all this describes the most famous beach holiday destination - the UAE. This tourist destination is considered a premium class, since the pricing policy here is quite high for both accommodation and other additional services. But, despite this, tourist flows to the United Arab Emirates from Moscow and other Russian cities are increasing annually.

Many tourists who have made their choice and decided to go on vacation to the United Arab Emirates often puzzle themselves with the question of when and where is the best time to go on vacation?

Jumeirah Beach (Dubai). One of the best places for a beach holiday in the UAE.

Currently, the UAE is a country with picturesque resorts, magnificent desert oases covered with exotic vegetation and the Hajar mountain ranges are ideally combined with expensive hotel projects and Arabic architecture. The country has achieved all this in almost half a century; in the past there were only dunes, trade caravans and fishing boats in the bay. Today, in place of the desert there is a busy resort with developed infrastructure.

Holiday seasons in the UAE

When wondering what time of year is best to travel to the UAE, you need to take into account the fact that throughout the country there is a lot of exposure to dry tropical air. Best time for relaxation there will definitely be a period from to , during these months the weather is not too hot, average temperature air from 25 to 30 °C. IN winter time The water in the bay is quite warm, its temperature will be about 20 °C, and in May it will already reach 30 °C. All summer period very hot and dry, average air temperature is 40 °C and water temperature is 35 °C.

The northern emirate is rich in fertile lands, there are significant reserves drinking water. Concerning climatic conditions, then more satisfactory months for are the period from to, then the temperature reaches from 25 to 35 °C. There is no sea in this region of the Federation. The air here is very dry throughout the year. However, thanks to the mountain peaks and cool springs, the heat of the scorching sun is slightly reduced. Due to the fact that the Oasis has a well-thought-out underground water supply, exotic greenery pleases the eye everywhere.

Popular emirates for families with children

The most popular tourist centers in the UAE are undoubtedly the emirates.

Let's figure out where it is better to relax in the UAE by the sea. What beaches are there at the resorts, what to do and what to see.

Map of resorts and beaches of the UAE

Beach holiday in Dubai

Where is the best place to relax in the UAE if you want to combine a beach holiday with shopping and excursions? Dubai is a universal city, it fits better everything, especially if you are there for the first time. It is convenient to go on excursions to other emirates, and in the city itself there is something to see on your own - we visited the beaches, Deira and the Old City, singing fountains and the Dubai Mall, and the aquarium. In Dubai you can live on different budgets - from quite modest to luxurious.

Shopping in Dubai is wonderful, there are plenty of shopping centers. In addition to the famous Dubai Mall (which can be considered a separate attraction), visit the Dubai Marina Mall, Mall of the Emirates, Outlet Mall Dubai, as well as the markets in Deira.

Dubai Mall. The famous aquarium can be viewed for free, but only partially, from the outside.

Interesting video! TV presenter and blogger Anton Ptushkin conducts a video tour of rich life In Dubai:

For those for whom it is important to live by the sea, we advise you to settle in Jumeirah - this is where there are great long beaches. In Jumeirah there is the Burj Al Arab sail hotel and the Atlantis water park hotel. Another beach area in Dubai is Marina Beach, a local Manhattan. Expensive yachts, glass skyscrapers, very beautiful.

When asked where to relax in the UAE with a child, the answer is the same - the best place is Dubai. The beaches there are good, the entrance to the water is smooth, and the infrastructure is developed. There are water parks and amusement parks for children - Wild Wadi and Wonderland.

Beach holidays in Abu Dhabi

Some believe that in the UAE it is better to relax in the capital - Abu Dhabi. It is in many ways reminiscent of Dubai: the same ultra-modern city with skyscrapers, there are also good beaches and shopping centers, you can go on excursions.

If you just want to lazily lie on the beach, then Abu Dhabi has everything for this. The beaches are good and suitable even for small children.

Clear water in Abu Dhabi (Photo © Michaela Loheit /

What to do and what to see? Be sure to visit the sixth largest mosque in the world, Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan Mosque. This marble shrine of 82 domes and 1000 columns can accommodate more than 40 thousand worshipers. Take your children to Ferrari World, Al Mushrif Children's Garden and Hili Fun City amusement parks, as well as Waterworld water park - lots of fun and delight are guaranteed!

Huge funnel on the Dawwama tornado slide at Yas Waterworld

Beach holiday in Sharjah

Some tourists believe that in the UAE it is better to relax at sea in the emirate of Sharjah. This Cultural Center country and an ideal place for a relaxed family holiday. There is no noisy entertainment here, like in Dubai, but there is a lot of greenery and excellent beaches. It’s also cheaper to live in Sharjah, and Dubai is about 30 minutes to 1 hour by bus or taxi! True, there may be traffic jams in the morning and evening, take this into account.

The beaches are clean and the entrance to the sea is smooth. The bottom is sandy and flat, so you can relax in Sharjah even with infant- however, like almost everywhere in the UAE.

Beach in Sharjah (Photo © sophiemachin /

However, Sharjah has strict laws - you can sunbathe in a swimsuit only on hotel beaches, where entry is paid if you do not live in this hotel. Men are not allowed to come to public beaches on Mondays.

Alcohol is also prohibited, but you can drink in the hotels. For some, this is, on the contrary, a plus.

What to see? This is the oldest emirate, so there are many museums here - archaeological, ethnographic, historical. For children - Al Majas Green Park, Desert Park, national park, themed Adventureland, aquarium and water park.

Sharjah Desert Park (Photo © / @chinkinthearmour)

Beach holiday in Fujairah

Here's where it's best to relax in the UAE for families with children or lovers of solitude! The emirate of Fujairah is very, even too calm and quiet - mass tourism has not yet reached here and there is no noisy entertainment. But in the capital of the emirate and in the resorts next to it there are many good hotels, including all-inclusive ones.

Snoopy Island, Fujairah (Photo © nate2b /

It’s worth going to Fujairah just for a beach holiday, snorkeling and diving. The emirate has wide and clean sandy beaches - all owned by hotels. Best beaches are located in the north, where it is better to snorkel and dive. Tourists prefer the beaches of Al Aqah Beach, Dibba Al Fujairah and Shark Island. The climate is milder, and you can relax at any time of the year, except summer.

What to see? See the fort and Old city, Fujairah Museum and Madhab Ethnographic Park, Mosque and

Heritage Village. Visit gardens, waterfalls and healing springs.

Al Aqah Beach in Fujairah (Photo © _ _steven.kemp_ _ /

Beach holiday in Ajman

Ajman is an alternative to beachfront Dubai, Abu Dhabi and Sharjah. Yes, there are no amazing skyscrapers, grand mosques or amusement parks here. However, if you just want a calm and relatively inexpensive holiday in the UAE by the sea, then this emirate is for you.

The beaches are clean, with fine white sand. Private closed beaches are well cleaned and have all the infrastructure there. Many hotels, cafes and restaurants.

Beach strip in Ajman (Photo © tutanh_blog /

Another advantage is that the laws are not as strict as in Sharjah, plus you can buy alcohol in a bar, restaurant or store.

Things to do? The list of entertainment is meager: go to the historical museum and ancient fort, admire the mosques and shipyard, visit camel racing and mineral springs. If you get bored, go to Dubai or Sharjah - they are nearby.

Camel on the beach in Ajman (Photo © Shelley M Lantz-Burrell /

Beach holiday in Ras Al Khaimah

In this little popular among tourists, but very colorful emirate of the UAE, you can have a good rest - there are the same long beaches as anywhere else on the Persian Gulf. And also - a beautiful canyon of the Hajar Mountains, sand dunes, desert villages, ancient valleys (wadis) with oases and archaeological sites, mangroves and picturesque hills.

There are no skyscrapers or luxury malls here yet, but there is a lot of nature and cultural and historical attractions. The infrastructure is developed - hotels, shops, cafes, there is enough of everything. You can stay in regular hotels on the first line, or in non-standard accommodation - for example, live in a nature reserve or in a Bedouin tent in the middle of the desert. In general, if you are bored with other emirates and don’t know where to go on vacation in the UAE, come to Ras al-Khaimah - a very authentic emirate!

The Ritz-Carlton Ras Al Khaimah in Al Wadi Desert (Photo © / The Ritz-Carlton Ras Al Khaimah, Al Wadi Desert)

Beach holiday in Umm al-Quwain

Where else can you relax in the UAE in a varied way? The emirate of Umm al-Haiwain offers more than just a relaxing beach holiday. There is a lot of entertainment for almost all categories of tourists. The infrastructure is very developed, but the resort is quiet and peaceful.

What to do and what to see? If you are interested in historical sites, see the excavations of the cities of Tel Abraq and Ad-Dur, an old fort with a museum and watchtowers, a 19th century mosque and a market. If you want an active tourist, try diving, sailing, windsurfing, horse riding or fishing. You can ride a catamaran, boat and water ski.

Beach in Umm al-Quwain (Photo © niketa579 /

When is the best time to vacation in the UAE?

The Emirates has a dry subtropical climate and almost never rains. Starting in May, the heat is unbearable and lasts until September. Despite the fact that prices for tours are reduced at this time, better in summer Do not travel to the UAE - air temperatures can exceed +50°C in the shade.

It is better to vacation in the UAE in October and November, when the thermometer drops to +30°C. Holiday prices during these months are the highest.

In December, January, February and March, the cost of tours decreases, as does the temperature - up to +25°C. The water also cools down a little, but for many this is not critical. In April, the heat gradually begins to return to the Emirates.

Review of Dubai beaches

Introductory image source: © / @darceybeau.
