Autumn crafts for adults. Autumn crafts for kindergarten and school (136 ideas)

Fresh cucumbers and tomatoes are enriched with vitamins and minerals necessary for the development of the body. Juicy fruits increase appetite and promote better absorption nutrients. However, in order to avoid allergies, it is necessary to know exactly at what age children can be given vegetables.

How are tomatoes and cucumbers good for a child?

Tomatoes are good antioxidants. They are enriched with organic acids and phytoncides, which normalize the work digestive system. Pectin contained in tomatoes activates metabolic processes and has an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect on the baby's body. Other beneficial properties of the vegetable include:

  • promotion protective functions due to zinc, vitamins A and C;
  • normalization of the functioning of the hematopoietic organs;
  • maintaining water-salt balance thanks to potassium and sodium;
  • stabilization of gastrointestinal tract functions, prevention of constipation;
  • appetite stimulation.

Cucumbers - famous dietary products, which have a detoxifying and mild diuretic effect. The fruits are easily digestible and do not cause a feeling of heaviness in the stomach. Eating these vegetables also brings significant benefits to children:

  • stimulation of hematopoiesis due to folic acid;
  • strengthening bones thanks to calcium and phosphorus;
  • normalization of work thyroid gland;
  • obesity prevention;
  • increasing protective functions;
  • stabilization of metabolic processes;
  • increasing protein digestibility.

Cucumbers and tomatoes are rich in vitamins, but they are not included in the list of vegetables for first feeding

When and how to introduce each vegetable into the children's diet?

Vegetable complementary foods are introduced into summer months when it is possible to buy vegetables from the garden. Answering the question of parents, from how many months can tomatoes be given, pediatricians recommend including thermally processed vegetables in the diet from 11 months of age, and fresh fruits after a year. Early introduction of vegetable complementary foods provokes allergies.

To prevent an adverse reaction from taking new foods, it is recommended to start feeding your baby with varieties of tomatoes with yellow and orange colors. You need to give the baby a teaspoon tomato juice and puree during the main meal. If the child does not have a rash or redness on the cheeks, you can increase the portions of dishes.

Despite the fact that cucumbers do not contain irritating components and rarely provoke allergies, they are also introduced into complementary foods after 12 months. It is better to feed the baby local fruits. Imported and greenhouse vegetables are chemically processed and enriched with nitrates. When introducing cucumber crumbs into the diet, they are guided by the following rules:

  • For the first dose, a few pieces are enough;
  • the child is given peeled pulp;
  • During the adaptation period, it is better to give the baby purees; later, introduce salads with herbs, seasoned with vegetable oil.

Cucumbers and tomatoes should be introduced into the diet very carefully, observing the reaction of the baby’s body

Are there allergic reactions and other negative consequences?

Tomatoes are strong allergens, and therefore it is not recommended to introduce them into the diet of an infant before 10 months of age. You should not overuse tomatoes even after a year, but give them to your baby in small portions. Consumption of this vegetable in large quantities provokes malfunctions in the digestive and excretory systems.

Cucumbers almost do not cause allergies and rarely lead to adverse reactions. Despite this, it is also better to introduce them into the baby’s menu after a year. The child's body does not produce enough enzymes necessary to break down new food, which leads to the development of colic, flatulence and other gastrointestinal disorders in the baby.

There are restrictions under which tomatoes and cucumbers are contraindicated in feeding a baby. Vegetables should be consumed with caution in case of any form of food allergy in a child. It is necessary to avoid tomatoes if you have kidney disease or increased gastric secretion. Cucumbers are excluded from the diet for measles and enterocolitis.

Can a small child have canned vegetables?

To increase appetite, you can give it to a 2-year-old baby pickle or tomato. The child should not eat the vegetable; it is enough to suck on it so that the juice activates food receptors.

Pickles are fully introduced into a child’s diet from the age of 3. At this age, the child's stomach easily digests food with excess salt, vinegar and seasonings.

  • kidney diseases;
  • disruptions in the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  • increased blood pressure.

How to choose the right tomatoes and cucumbers?

High-quality tomatoes have thick, shiny skin. The degree of suitability of vegetables for consumption is indicated by their color and elasticity. Ripe fruits are characterized by bright color and elasticity. Excessive hardness indicates immaturity or an excess of nitrates, and softness indicates staleness or the beginning of the process of rotting.

Complementary feeding should be introduced in the summer, when special fertilizers are not used to grow vegetables. “Overfed” cucumbers have a bitter taste and often cause poisoning. High-quality fruits are rich in flavor green without yellow stains, an elastic surface without rot and a dry tail.

Do not buy vegetables brought from afar. Cucumbers and tomatoes are grown in any area, so finding organic fruits is not so difficult.

Ideal if vegetables are grown in your own garden

Some simple recipes

To prepare a simple vegetable salad you need to chop 1/4 of a head of small cabbage, an apple, carrots and cucumber. The ingredients are thoroughly mixed, salted and seasoned with refined oil. It is unacceptable to use fatty dressings such as mayonnaise and sour cream in the dish, which are difficult for a child’s stomach to digest.

To prepare a meat salad, you need to chop 50 g of boiled chicken, 1 cucumber, apple, carrot and potato. The ingredients are seasoned with a small amount of vegetable oil, sprinkled with chopped boiled egg and parsley. To increase your baby’s appetite and mood, you can lay out grass from greens, and cut flowers from orange carrots.

To prepare vitamin soup, you need to chop boiled zucchini, a small pumpkin and a head of cauliflower (see also:). The ingredients are poured into 1 liter of water and cooked until tender. Pour puree from 2 tomatoes into the softened vegetables and keep the dish on the fire for another 4-5 minutes. The slightly cooled soup is served with finely chopped herbs.

Improper consumption of tomatoes and cucumbers provokes allergies in infants. To avoid adverse reactions, follow the recommendations of specialists. Then your baby will only benefit from new products.

Despite all their usefulness, tomatoes are considered a rather allergenic product. Usually they are in no hurry to introduce them into complementary foods, fearing a negative reaction from the child’s body.

Nevertheless, tomatoes play a significant role in nutrition, being a source of many useful substances.

Moreover, they often become children’s favorite vegetable. We’ll talk more about at what age you can give your child tomatoes and why they are good and bad, below.

Useful properties of tomatoes

Tomatoes are rich in vitamin A, carotene, ascorbic acid, magnesium, lycopene, iodine, antioxidants and other valuable elements. Tomatoes are useful for children because:

  1. they have a positive effect on cardiovascular activity;
  2. strengthen bones and promote growth (see article Growth of newborns by month >>>);
  3. prevent the occurrence of thrombosis;
  4. help increase hemoglobin levels;
  5. improve intestinal function;
  6. reduce the risk of developing tumors;
  7. strengthen vision;
  8. improve metabolism;
  9. influence strengthening of immunity;
  10. regulate the functioning of the nervous system, providing a calming effect.

In view of the above beneficial properties, tomatoes should be a must in a child’s diet. True, only natural fruits, that is, seasonal ones (from June to September), have a full range of such properties.

Important! Those products that are available in stores and markets all year round may contain substances hazardous to health.

Harm and contraindications

Harmful effects on the body may include the following:

  • Tomatoes quite often cause allergies;
  • Their consumption in large quantities can negatively affect the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Separately, it is worth noting tomatoes that are grown artificially. They often contain pesticides and nitrates that are dangerous to the body;
  • You should also not use unripe fruits fresh due to the presence of solanine in them. This substance may cause poisoning.


You should not eat tomatoes if:

  1. diseases of the digestive system (gastritis, pancreatitis, ulcers);
  2. kidney diseases;
  3. cardiovascular pathologies (canned fruits should not be consumed).

When can you give your child tomatoes and in what quantity?

So, at what age can children be given tomatoes? This vegetable can be introduced into complementary foods from 9-10 months, but it must be thermally processed (in the form of purees, in soups). It is recommended to give fresh fruits to children after one year.

By the way! Cooked tomatoes contain more lycopene, which increases their health benefits.

A reasonable question that often arises among mothers who run a private garden: is it possible to give a child under 1 year of age a tomato if it is completely natural, grown in season in their own garden?

  • In this case, after the age of 9-10 months and in the absence of a tendency to allergies, you can offer the baby a few pieces of fresh fruit;
  • If there is no negative reaction, then the volume is gradually increased.

How many tomatoes can you give your child every day?

  1. First, the baby is given no more than 0.5-1 teaspoon of puree from this vegetable and carefully observed throughout the day;
  2. It is always recommended to offer a new product in the first half of the day, so that you have time to track a possible negative reaction to it before going to bed at night;
  3. If this does not happen, then after a day the norm can be doubled, etc.;
  4. After a year, children can eat the vegetable fresh, peeled. It is removed quite simply: the fruit is doused with boiling water and crushed to the desired state;
  5. You can continue to serve tomatoes as a puree or add them to other dishes.

Can children eat canned tomatoes?

  • Fruits stored for the winter, for the most part, lack the beneficial properties that fresh vegetables have. Therefore, they will definitely not provide a child’s body with vitamins;
  • But additives such as salt, vinegar, various seasonings contained in pickled and salted vegetables, can put a serious strain on the digestive system and kidneys.

In accordance with this, it is not recommended to give canned tomatoes to children under three or four years of age. The same goes for ketchups and sauces.

How to identify allergies?

An allergy to tomatoes in a child may manifest itself in the following symptoms:

  1. skin rash (in different areas);
  2. "red cheeks";
  3. the appearance of itching;
  4. sudden change in stool (diarrhea or constipation). On this issue there is also good article on the website Stool when introducing complementary foods >>>);
  5. bloating, abdominal pain;
  6. watery nasal discharge, sneezing, congestion;
  7. cough;
  8. tearfulness;
  9. severe anxiety, irritability.

Important! If, after your baby has tried a tomato, he has the above symptoms, then you need to stop giving the vegetable for the next two weeks (or even a month).

There is also such a thing as pseudo-allergy.

  • It appears due to the consumption of a large number of fruits at one time;
  • At the same time, previously no negative reaction followed if the child ate them in a small volume;
  • As a rule, negative symptoms go away when you return to age-related nutritional norms.

Which tomatoes to choose?

  1. Tomatoes for children under one or two years old should be exclusively seasonal, grown naturally;
  2. These are the fruits that contain greatest number vitamins, they do not contain substances harmful to health. It is only important that they are mature and thoroughly washed;
  3. If you buy tomatoes in a store or at the market, give preference to vegetables grown in the ground. Various chemicals are often used for the growth of greenhouse fruits;
  4. When purchasing, you must carefully inspect each tomato:
  • The peel should be intact, and there should be no dents or dark spots on the fruit;
  • If a vegetable is hard to the touch and pale in appearance, then this indicates its immaturity.
  • Thick skins are often an indication of the presence of nitrates;
  • And, naturally, a putrid smell indicates a spoiled product;
  • Store-bought tomatoes will keep better if they have a stalk.
  1. In order for all the beneficial substances (in particular, lycopene) contained in tomatoes to be better absorbed by the child’s body, they should be added vegetable oil(in purees, in salads);
  1. Until the age of two, you should offer your child peeled fruits;
  2. You should not combine tomatoes with fish, eggs, or bread. This slows down digestion and increases heaviness in the stomach;
  3. It is not recommended to add salt and sugar to tomatoes for children under one year old. Due to the fact that tomato juice contains a lot of salt, it can be given starting from three years;
  4. Tomatoes can be eaten together with any other vegetables (zucchini, carrots, broccoli, potatoes) and main courses (for example, meat. Read, what to do if a child does not eat meat?>>>);
  5. If you have difficulties with digestion, you should not give the tomato and cucumber at the same time;
  6. It is highly not recommended to use for heat treatment aluminum cookware, since the acid contained in the vegetable reacts with the metal;
  7. From the age of three to four years, you can eat tomatoes in any form: fresh, in salads, in borscht, in stews, in juices, in sauces, etc.

Subject to age-specific nutritional standards and cooking rules, consuming this valuable vegetable can be the most in a positive way affect the development of the child’s body, increase appetite and take its rightful place among your baby’s favorite dishes.

If a child is over a year old and his appetite leaves much to be desired, see the online course

When can you give tomatoes to your child? The answer to this question depends on many factors. First of all, you should find out what this vegetable is, why it is good and what reaction the baby’s body can cause.

Vegetables for children are what give the growing body strength and health. Tomato is one of the most beautiful and healthy. It is he who attracts the curious glances of kids. ​At what age can you give your child fresh tomatoes?

The benefits of tomatoes

Rich vitamin composition and taste qualities allow this product to be used as food in its raw form, as well as used for preparing various vegetable dishes, pickles, sauces and marinades.

Tomato contains:

  • vitamins A, K, E and group B;
  • fiber;
  • minerals: magnesium, zinc, phosphorus, iodine, potassium, iron;
  • phytoncides;
  • antioxidant lycopene;
  • sugars - glucose and fructose;
  • acids - folic, citric, tartaric, pantothenic;
  • organic acids;
  • starch;
  • pectin.

What is the advantage of vegetables for baby food?

  • This is a delicious fruit. In addition, the color of tomatoes attracts kids - this allows them to make their choice in favor of vegetables. Children usually prefer fruit, but balanced nutrition both are necessary.
  • Tomato contains many essential micro- and macroelements for a growing child’s body.
  • It can be easily added to mashed potatoes, in soup or unsweetened porridge, it is appropriate as a seasoning and goes well with many dishes.
  • The consistency of tomatoes is such that a child of 9 months can easily cope with the soft, peelless base of the vegetable.
  • You can grow tomatoes yourself own plot, this culture does not need special conditions, which are required for growing many other vegetables.

When to introduce tomatoes into your child's diet?

Parents often ask pediatrician Question: when can you offer your baby fresh tomatoes? Indeed, this is not idle curiosity, because tomatoes belong to the group of foods that can cause an allergic reaction.

For the first time, you can let your baby taste the pulp of this vegetable on the tip of a teaspoon. This is necessary in order to observe the child’s reaction and see how he will feel after introducing a new product.

What consequences can you expect after feeding with tomatoes?

In rare cases, the baby may experience colic. Disruption of the digestive system is a common reaction to a new product. In such a case, you should wait and give the child this product to try again after a few days.

You shouldn’t give up tomatoes completely: the reaction of the baby’s stomach and intestines can be unpredictable. It is not at all necessary that the baby will perceive the test in the same way next time.

Disadvantages of tomato

  • The possibility of an allergic reaction in the baby - skin rashes, intestinal disorder, swelling of the throat mucosa. By the way, allergies to tomatoes in children are not uncommon, so you need to be careful when introducing tomatoes into complementary foods.
  • Experts do not recommend consuming this vegetable if you have kidney, liver, or gallbladder diseases. If a child often has digestive problems, it is better to introduce tomato into the diet after the baby turns 1 year old.
  • Everything is good in moderation - if a child really loves tomatoes, their consumption should be limited, otherwise overeating can lead to negative consequences.
  • You should be careful with tomatoes bought in a store; often “early” vegetables grown in greenhouses are impregnated with chemical additives.

How to choose tomatoes for making baby food

The fruit must be fresh. If it is not possible to remove it from the garden, then to prepare puree or juice you need to ensure the quality of the tomato. When purchasing, check where the vegetables were grown. If in greenhouse conditions, you should not give them to your child.

A good tomato should be elastic, have a rich scarlet color and a pleasant aroma. A vegetable that does not smell of anything is not suitable for cooking for a baby. The smell indicates that the fruit is ripe enough.

How to properly include it in your diet

First of all, we should not forget about baby food, which is produced by companies that have proven themselves with the most the best side. It's quite possible that you'll try a tomato for the first time. one year old child It will be more convenient in the form of ready-made and adapted puree from a jar.

You can, as a test, give your baby tomato juice in a teaspoon. True, it is better to do this if the juice is prepared at home from a tomato grown in your garden, or purchased from people you trust. Getting juice from “store-bought” vegetables - big mistake, this is not worth doing.

Never give your baby a whole vegetable with its peel. The film from the fruit must be removed. U one year old child There are no skills yet to handle such products, so a piece of peeled and seeded vegetable is quite suitable for introducing new food.

At first, it is better to pour boiling water over the tomato and remove the skin. Blanched tomatoes are considered healthier.

Dishes for children using tomato

  1. Potato and tomato puree. Boil a couple of medium potatoes, mash thoroughly so that there are no lumps, add half a teaspoon of butter, dilute with boiled milk. Pour boiling water over a fresh tomato, peel it, chop finely and simmer in a frying pan, adding a teaspoon olive oil. Mix the resulting mass with mashed potatoes.
  2. Cauliflower with tomatoes. Cut the cabbage into cubes or thin slices. Simmer in boiling water with olive oil until transparent. Grind in a blender, adding a slice of fresh tomato.
  3. Cucumber and tomato salad. This dish can be given to a child who is 2 years old. Grate cucumbers and tomatoes. Add chopped dill. The salad should be seasoned with any vegetable oil that the child easily accepts.

So that the new product does not have negative impact on the baby’s body, you should, before introducing tomatoes into complementary foods, ask the pediatrician: is it possible to give tomatoes to the child? The specialist is able to assess the baby’s condition for a given period of time and suggest how best to introduce him to new food.

As for the baby's reaction to a new product, it should be remembered that an allergy to tomatoes in young children can manifest itself in the form of redness of the skin of the cheeks, arms and legs. If such a process is not observed after the child first tried a tomato, you can safely increase the portion, but not by much.

Children prepare salad from tomatoes and cucumbers: video

Of course, children are allowed to give tomatoes, however, young parents need to know that the reaction to any new product is individual. Therefore, caution and attentiveness are what you should remember when introducing vegetables and fruits into your baby’s diet.

Vegetables are necessary in a child's diet - they replenish the child's body with vitamins, minerals and trace elements that are necessary for his growth and development. Tomatoes become one of the favorite vegetables for most children who have already learned to chew due to their pleasant taste. sweet and sour taste and an abundance of juice inside.

However, the bright color of this vegetable may cause doubts among parents - red fruits are considered allergenic. In this regard, the question arises - when can you introduce a tomato into a baby’s diet, what effect can this tasty and healthy vegetable have on the child’s body?

What are the benefits of tomatoes?

Tomatoes can be called a real storehouse of vitamins. Let's take a closer look at exactly what substances these vegetables contain and how they affect health.

IN chemical composition tomatoes have a lot of vitamins:

Potassium – improves heart function. It also has a hypotensive and diuretic effect; Iodine – stimulates the activity of the thyroid gland; Iron – participates in oxygen saturation of the blood; Calcium – strengthens bones; Copper and zinc – important elements, necessary for the development and growth of cells and tissues; Magnesium - have a calming effect on nervous system.

In addition to the above chemical elements Tomatoes are also rich in other substances that have a beneficial effect on the functioning of various body systems:

Lycopene is a substance that can interfere with the development oncological diseases; Pectin and fintocides are real helpers of the digestive and excretory systems. They contain choline, which lowers cholesterol levels in the blood; Tomato contains a lot of vitamin A and carotene, therefore good for growth and vision; Antioxidants – remove heavy metal salts and free radicals from the body.

Tomatoes help relieve stress and improve mood; they have a calming effect on the nervous system. They stimulate appetite and speed up metabolic processes.

In this episode of the TV show “Live Healthy!” with Elena Malysheva you will learn about beneficial properties tomato:

Do tomatoes have any disadvantages?

If this vegetable is so tasty and healthy, then the question arises: is it possible to give it to small children? What factors can become an obstacle to introducing tomatoes into a baby’s diet?

Tomato is considered a highly allergenic product. If you have problems with digestion and kidneys, this vegetable is contraindicated. Tomatoes grown artificially can be hazardous to health - they contain a lot of pesticides that cause severe poisoning. It is not recommended to consume tomatoes in large quantities - this will have a detrimental effect on the gastrointestinal tract.

At what age should a child be introduced to tomatoes?

Since a tomato can cause allergies in a baby, it is not recommended to give this vegetable fresh until 12 months. If it is known that the child is allergic, then it is better not to rush, but to consult with a pediatrician about introducing red fruits to the menu. Tomatoes that have undergone heat treatment (boiled or stewed, containing vegetable soups and purees), are safer, so they can be offered to a baby from 9 months.

When cooked, some of their beneficial properties are lost and they are used mainly to improve the taste of the dish. In ready-made vegetable purees, which are sold in stores, tomatoes also appear in products recommended for children from 8-9 months.

ADVICE. The baby's first acquaintance with delicious vegetable can be done by treating him to tomato juice or tomato puree.

From the forums:

Kima: I gave my son a tomato when he was 8 months old, he really liked it, I cut it in half and let him bite from the edge, making sure he bit off a little and chewed it. I didn’t remove the peel on purpose, only if it came off on its own, I removed it. We have tomatoes for lunch with vegetable puree: a spoonful of puree, a bite of tomato, a piece of bread. Sometimes he just runs after a tomato, it’s juicy, and now in the heat he really likes it.

Tanya: When I turned 10, I tried both tomatoes and cucumbers. She liked it. Unfortunately we don’t have our own, we give purchased ones, everything is fine. They gave us tomatoes from the village and for some reason we became allergic to them. I peel the skin and give it a slice and my daughter eats it. We already have 8 teeth, so I don’t crumple them.

The safest choice of product for first feeding is baby food in jars from a well-established manufacturer. Even if you are confident in the quality of the product, the first portion is still no more than half a teaspoon. Next feeding with tomato should be carried out within a day, not earlier. If there are no signs of allergy, then the next day the portion can be doubled.

One-year-old children can be offered fresh vegetables, previously peeled. To remove it, just pour boiling water over the tomato. For kids, it is better to grind the tomato, bringing it to a puree state. If the child already chews well on his own, then it makes sense to add chopped tomatoes to the salad. Vegetable oil is ideal as a salad dressing for children; it will help lycopene be better absorbed in the body.

IMPORTANT! If a child has difficulties with digestion, the consumption of tomatoes should be limited, and it is also not recommended to give cucumber and tomato at the same meal.

From the age of three, when children's menu becomes varied, you can cook meat baked with tomatoes and cheese in the oven, make vegetable casseroles with sour cream and herbs.

It is allowed to give to children over one year old, but the child must be able to chew well before you give him a piece of tomato, otherwise he may choke on a piece of tomato. Young children can only eat fresh tomatoes in the summer-autumn season. Until the age of 2, it is better to give your child tomatoes without the skin, after scalding the tomato with boiling water. It is better to give children tomatoes without salt or with only a little salt. (Due to the high salt content, tomato juice is not recommended for children under 3 years of age). For better absorption of carotenoids and fat-soluble vitamins, it is recommended to eat tomatoes with sour cream, vegetable oil or cheese. It is not recommended for children under 3 years of age to eat large quantities of tomatoes at once due to the high risk of allergic and pseudo-allergic reactions; it is better to limit yourself to one small tomato (50 g) per day. It is good to combine tomatoes with other less allergenic vegetables (cucumber, boiled potatoes) as well as meat. Sauces and ketchups with tomatoes, as well as salted and pickled tomatoes, are allowed to be given to children no earlier than 3 years old, and it is better not to give them at all.

Are canned tomatoes contraindicated for children?

Winter preparations, including salted and pickled tomatoes, will not bring any benefit to small children. What ingredients are added to jars when canning? - This a large number of salt, vinegar, hot peppers. It is known that salt prevents the removal of fluid from the body, and this puts a greater burden on children's kidneys and leads to edema.

Acetic acid can cause stomach problems, just like hot spices. Given these factors, children under three years of age should not be offered canned tomatoes. Starting from the age of four, such products are given in small quantities.

Which tomatoes are suitable for baby food?

Which tomatoes are suitable for baby food? Choose only vegetables grown in the soil. Greenhouse tomatoes are fraught with danger - they use a lot of chemical substances.

When choosing tomatoes at the market or in a store, carefully inspect them. Vegetables should not have a putrid odor, they should not have dark spots or damage to the integrity of the peel.

Several recipes

Puree with tomato and cauliflower (suitable for children over 3 years old)

Ingredients: Cauliflower – 150 g; Butter – 20 g; Tomatoes -300 g; Hard cheese – 30.

Break the cabbage into florets, wash and boil until tender in salted water. Then melt in a saucepan butter, add finely chopped and peeled tomatoes. Simmer, stirring, until the dish begins to resemble mush.

Add grated cheese to hot tomato puree and stir. Mix cauliflower with cheese and tomato mixture and puree in a blender. This dish can be frozen.

Borsch. It can be prepared for children from 2 years old

Ingredients: Potatoes – 2 pcs.; ¼ quiver of cabbage; 1/3 onion; tomatoes – 1-2 pcs.; Carrot – 1 pc.; Beets – 1 pc.; Salt, sugar to taste.

First you need to wash and peel the beets and carrots, cut them into strips and cook them in boiling, salted water for about 15 minutes. Then add shredded cabbage and diced potatoes and cook for another 20 minutes. At the same time, fry the onion in a preheated frying pan, then add chopped tomatoes to it. Simmer the borscht for 7 minutes under the lid. Then add onions and tomatoes, salt, add sugar to taste and cook until tender over low heat. Your child will be delighted with this dish!

Polina and Yulia prepare a salad of tomatoes and cucumbers with soy sauce. A quick and easy recipe that will lick your fingers:

Allergy to tomato - what to do?

If, after your baby’s first acquaintance with this delicious vegetable, you notice allergy symptoms - rash, itching and red spots on the body, sneezing or coughing, then tomatoes should be removed from his diet.

When the allergy becomes severe - swelling appears, you need to urgently consult a doctor to prescribe treatment. In this case, repeated attempts to introduce tomatoes into the diet should be made no earlier than six months later.

We also read: Vegetable purees for first feeding (3 recipes)

How to keep tomatoes fresh

Vegetable complementary foods are one of the most important for a child in the first years of life, as it provides the baby with valuable vitamins, fiber, microelements and other useful substances. One of the favorite vegetables for both adults and children is tomatoes. But their bright color raises concerns, so before introducing such a tasty and healthy vegetable In the children's menu, parents should learn more about its effect on the child's body and the optimal time for children to become acquainted with tomatoes in different forms.

Benefits Tomatoes are rich in vitamins B1, PP, K, A, B2, beta-carotene, potassium, iodine, copper, iron, calcium, zinc and many other valuable compounds. Tomatoes contain the substance lycopene, which has a beneficial effect on cardiovascular system. It can also prevent cancer. It is important to know that its absorption is improved by heat treatment of tomatoes. Ripe tomatoes contain organic acids, phytoncides and pectin. They are useful for the functioning of the digestive tract and excretory system. Tomato is considered a good antioxidant. It also has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Eating tomatoes thins the blood, speeds up metabolic processes, and calms the nervous system. Tomatoes are good as a snack because they can stimulate your appetite. Tomatoes are not only tasty, but also very healthy

You can learn more about the beneficial properties of tomatoes by watching the program “Live Healthy.”

Cons Often occurs on tomatoes allergic reaction. Tomatoes are contraindicated for diseases of the digestive system, as well as kidney diseases. Greenhouse tomatoes may contain too many chemicals that can cause poisoning in a child. Excessive consumption of tomatoes can cause problems with the gastrointestinal tract. From what month can complementary foods be introduced?

Heat-treated tomato can be introduced into children's diets from 10 months of age.

Fresh tomatoes should not be given to children under one year of age.

In what form should it be given?

You can introduce tomatoes to a first-year child in the form of tomato juice or tomato puree.

The best choice would be a ready-made product from a trusted baby food manufacturer. The first portion should be no more than 1/2 teaspoon of the product, and if tolerated normally, it can be gradually increased.

Babies over a year old are offered raw tomatoes, peeled (to peel the vegetables, you need to scald them with boiling water).

Tomatoes should be introduced into the diet no earlier than 10 months.

For one-year-old children, tomatoes are crushed into puree, and for children over 1.5-2 years old who have already learned to chew, they can be added to salads and snacks. At the same time, it is recommended to season dishes with vegetable oil, since it improves the absorption of lycopene. If a child has digestive problems, it is not recommended to combine tomatoes and cucumbers in salads.

Dishes with tomatoes for children over 3 years old are becoming more varied - they are baked with other vegetables, cheese or meat, added to soups, a variety of salads and pies. Do not combine tomatoes with dairy products.

Should I give salted or pickled tomatoes?

Canned and pickled tomatoes contain ingredients that are harmful to children's bodies (vinegar, salt, spicy seasonings), so they are not recommended for baby food under 3 years of age, and for children aged 4 to 7 years, the daily portion of such products should be limited .

If a child has problems with the kidneys, blood pressure and heart, salted or pickled tomatoes are generally contraindicated for them.

Tips for choosing

For baby food, it is best to use soil-grown tomatoes, since greenhouse vegetables contain more chemicals. Buy undamaged, ripe vegetables that are evenly colored and free of dark spots or rotten areas.

If a child who has tried tomato for the first time or within several days has an allergic reaction in the form of a rash, digestive disorders, runny nose, dry cough, areas of redness on the skin or other signs, the product must be discontinued.

If symptoms are severe, you should consult a doctor so that he can prescribe the appropriate treatment, and a repeated trial of introducing tomatoes into the diet is recommended at a later age.

Tomatoes are a must dining table, especially in summer period. And many parents wonder: at what age can your child try this wonderful vegetable? Let's try to find the answer further. But first, let's look at the benefits of tomatoes for the human body.

The benefits of tomatoes

The positive effect of eating tomatoes is due to their composition. Tomatoes contain a huge amount of minerals, vitamins, and microelements. This vegetable can be classified as a natural antioxidant, as it has a beneficial effect on the heart and blood vessels. The carotene it contains helps improve vision, and pectin normalizes the functioning of the digestive system, reduces blood pressure and the amount of cholesterol in the blood.

Tomatoes contain 66% water, which allows them to be used for problems with the urinary system. This vegetable also contains almost all vitamins: A, K, B6, PP, C, B, B2, E. It contains microelements such as magnesium, phosphorus, iron, zinc, manganese, potassium, calcium, iodine, copper, sodium.

The antibacterial effect is exerted by phytoncides that are part of the ripe fruit. It also contains a lot of tartaric, malic, acetic acid, mineral salts, glucose and fructose.

Based on the composition, the following types of beneficial effects of this vegetable on the body can be distinguished.

Has a positive effect on the functioning of the digestive tract. Strengthens the heart and blood vessels. Helps cope with the manifestations of stress. Thins the blood, reducing the risk of blood clots. Improves metabolic processes. Reduces arterial pressure and cholesterol levels. Positively affects the nervous system. Has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects. It is a powerful natural antioxidant. Helps get rid of bladder diseases.

Thus, tomatoes can be of great benefit to children. But at what age should a child be given this vegetable? After all, some advise delaying the introduction to tomatoes until the child is at least 1 year old, while others argue that it is permissible to start a little earlier.

How to properly introduce tomatoes into your diet?

If your child is 10 months old or older, encourage him to try tomato juice or puree from baby food manufacturers. You need to start with a small dose (0.5-1 teaspoon) and gradually increase the portion. It is important to observe the reaction. Children who have problems after eating tomatoes in the form of allergies or digestive disorders should stop giving this product.

If your child is over one year old, you can offer him to try raw tomatoes. Before doing this, pour boiling water over them and remove the skin. It contains a lot of chemicals that are unlikely to benefit your health.

At one year old, the baby is not yet able to chew food on his own, so it is worth freeing the vegetable from the seeds and turning it into puree. Over time, it will be possible to prepare salads from it and serve it to your child.

From the age of three, children can eat tomatoes in any form: juices, borscht, stews, salads, sauces and other dishes.

There is no need to rush to introduce this product into the diet until the baby is 1 year old, since bright red tomatoes are considered potential allergens.


Although tomatoes are quite useful product, in some cases they should not be given to children. These include:

cholelithiasis; allergic reaction in the form of rashes, itching, swelling, shortness of breath; pathology of the digestive system; kidney diseases.

There is no need to give your baby canned, salted or pickled tomatoes if he has been diagnosed with the following diseases:

sharp or chronic forms kidney diseases; hypertension; pathological conditions of the heart or blood vessels.

Before giving your baby a juicy vegetable, adhere to the following rules.

Buy only ripe, quality tomatoes. For the children's menu, choose exclusively ground vegetables, since greenhouse vegetables contain a huge amount of chemicals. IN canned tomatoes There is a lot of salt and vinegar, so it’s better not to give them to your baby. Heat-treated tomatoes contain more lycopene, which makes them even healthier. Do not combine tomatoes with dairy products. It is better to serve them with main courses or other vegetables.

Children can not only eat tomatoes, but also need them, because they are great source useful substances. The main thing is to start getting acquainted with it juicy vegetable no earlier than the baby turns one year old.

The tomato has proven itself excellent fresh. It perfectly improves the taste of boiled, stewed, baked vegetable and meat dishes. There has been no debate about the benefits of tomatoes for a long time, but in families with growing children, the questions become relevant: when to introduce them into the children’s diet and in what quantity to give them.

Benefits for children

Nature has endowed tomatoes with lycopene, a powerful antioxidant that can resist free radicals. By protecting the body from their oxidative effects, lycopene prevents the appearance of serious illnesses, including oncological ones.

The presence of almost 94% water and low calorie content do not limit the beneficial properties of this tasty vegetable crop. Tomatoes are superior to apples in the content of phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, selenium, vitamins K, A, E, C, folic and pantothenic acids.

Menu Introduction fresh tomatoes promotes:

improving appetite and bowel function; increased secretion of gastric juice; reducing blood cholesterol levels; maintaining hematopoietic and metabolic processes; strengthening the body's defenses; replenishing the lack of vitamins and minerals.

Tomatoes have a pronounced diuretic and choleretic effect, antioxidant and anti-stress effect, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties.

When and how much?

The baby is the last to get acquainted with tomatoes. They appear in baby canned food as part of multi-component vegetable purees, recommended from 8-9 months of age. Some vitamins are lost after heat treatment, but the amount of useful lycopene, on the contrary, increases significantly.

After a year you can add it to the children's menu fresh tomato. “Red, round, soft, sweet - you can eat it straight from the garden.” It's hard to disagree with this children's poem. “From the garden” - a ground tomato ripened in natural conditions without “overfeeding” with fertilizers. After all, it is during the harvest season that tomatoes have the greatest nutritional value.

Before feeding, the tomato must be freed from the skin and seeds. The child is given only pulp in the form of puree and no more than 1/2 tsp. If there is no reaction to the new product, gradually increase the amount of tomato pulp.

Children from 1 to 3 years old are offered fresh tomatoes without skin, up to 50 g per day. After 2 years of age, you can prepare a salad from them with the addition of a small amount of vegetable oil, and from the 3rd year of life - sour cream. Having one medium sized tomato in daily ration a baby will be enough.

Precautionary measures

Tomatoes can cause unexpected reactions when combined with other foods. So, they are not “friendly” with milk and yogurt, causing upset bowel movements. For the same reason, salads made from tomatoes and cucumbers are not recommended for children under 3 years of age.

You need to know that organic acids, which tomato pulp contains in excess, contribute to the formation of stones in the bladder and kidneys. This is a serious reason to consult a pediatrician about the advisability of introducing a new product into the diet if a child’s urine test reveals an increased amount of oxalates.

Oxalic, citric, malic and tartaric acids increase the acidity of gastric juice. Therefore, with gastritis with increased acidity Tomatoes in a child’s diet should not exceed age-appropriate norms. It is recommended to eat them in cooked dishes.

Mitigate the effect of natural acid It will help to prepare multi-component purees, in which tomatoes are offered in combination with zucchini, potatoes, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, and carrots.

Will be useful for the child tomato soups on vegetables and meat broths and tomato juice diluted with boiled chilled water in a 1:1 ratio.


Be careful when including tomatoes in the diet of children suffering from:

gallbladder diseases; gastritis with increased secretion; kidney diseases.

An absolute contraindication is food allergies.

Children under 3 years old should not consume pickled and salted tomatoes, sauces, and ketchups. It is also advisable to exclude store-bought tomato juice from the menu.

Allergy to tomatoes

Red tomatoes in children's riddles are often compared to a traffic light. For parents, this analogy can be interpreted differently - “be careful, potential allergen.” Indeed, bright tomatoes of red and yellow color can cause an allergic reaction.

Food allergies often manifest themselves as reddening of the skin of the cheeks. Sometimes rashes are found on the arms, buttocks and legs. Skin rashes are often accompanied by loose stool and vomiting. Less common are conjunctivitis, swelling of the nasal mucosa and runny nose. More severe allergy symptoms include swelling of the mucous membranes of the lips, pharynx, and larynx, which is accompanied by difficulty breathing and requires immediate medical attention.

The allergy may be true, that is, to the first introduction of tomatoes to the baby’s menu. In this case, the new type of complementary food should be abandoned for a couple of months. A false allergy occurs when a child is overfed with a product that has not previously caused negative reactions. Returning to age norms will quickly eliminate the problem. Simple recipes on every day Vegetable puree with tomatoes

To prepare homemade puree you will need: 2 potatoes, a small zucchini, carrots, young broccoli, tomato.

Peel the potatoes and carrots and add water. Rinse the cabbage thoroughly under running water. Cut the peeled zucchini, potatoes and carrots into cubes, strips or circles. Place all the vegetables in a saucepan, add water and cook until tender, focusing on the potatoes. Drain the water and puree the vegetables in a blender. Add peeled tomato puree, vegetable oil and stir well. Vegetable tomato soup

To prepare the soup, you need to take: half a carrot, zucchini (about 60 g), 4-5 cauliflower florets, 80-100 g pumpkin, 2 tomatoes and greens.

Wash the vegetables, cut into cubes and place in a pan of boiling water, barely covering the pumpkin, carrots, cabbage, and zucchini. Cook over low heat until done. Peel the tomatoes, chop in a blender, add to the vegetables, cook for another 3-4 minutes. A little salt, chopped herbs (dill, parsley) - and the soup is ready.

The good thing about homemade recipes involving tomatoes is that you can safely give them to your one-year-old baby, especially if you grew the vegetables yourself.

Also read: When can you give your child dill?

A caring mother wants her child’s diet to be as varied and healthy as possible, therefore, during the season of fruit and vegetable abundance, she tries to feed the baby with these gifts of nature so that the body can receive maximum amount vitamins Tomatoes are no exception, which are available to everyone, since they grow almost throughout the country, but if the question is whether to give tomatoes to children school age, there is no doubt that with kids the situation is more complicated. This is why the question arises: When can a child be given fresh tomatoes? and why he is so good.

The benefits and harms of tomatoes for children

Tomatoes are just as beneficial for children as they are for adults, as they are not only a source of fiber, but also a wealth of vitamins and minerals.

But much more often they remember the benefits of tomatoes when it comes to lycopene, a substance that prevents cancer. It is in tomatoes that there is a huge amount of it, but it is absorbed only when the tomatoes have undergone heat treatment.

But with all the beneficial properties of a tomato, you need to remember that it, like other fruits and vegetables of rich colors, is a fairly strong allergen.

That is why there is no need to rush to introduce it into a child’s diet, nor should you worry about whether children under one year of age can eat tomatoes.

When can a child be given tomatoes?

Until the child reaches one year old, tomatoes are not given in their pure form, and this is not only due to allergenicity.

The structure of the tomato is such that it is too heavy to digest, so if the mother is really unbearable and wants to treat her child to a new dish, you should pay attention to tomato juice. You can prepare it yourself or find it among ready-made baby food offered by manufacturers.

But we can immediately note that not everyone likes tomatoes in this form, so don’t be surprised if the baby refuses to drink the juice.

Closer to the year, you can make puree from tomatoes, preparing it according to the same principle as from any vegetables.

For cooking, use only the pulp, peeled and freed from seeds. You can grind it either through a sieve or with a regular blender.
