Natural gas is oil's soul mate. History of natural gas use

Gas industry Russian Federation is one of components fuel and energy complex. It includes enterprises for the production of electricity and its transportation (electric power industry), production and processing of all types of fuel (this is the fuel industry).

The development of the fuel industry is determined primarily by available reserves various types fuel. After all, if they are not there, then there cannot be their prey. However, the reality is more complicated.

Natural gas occupies one of the special places in the fuel, energy and raw material base due to its high consumer properties, low production and transportation costs, a wide range of applications in many areas human activity. Today, reserves are being built up at a rapid pace. natural gas and its consumption.

Natural gas is the most valuable mineral resource, as the cheapest environmentally friendly fuel in preparation for the transition to wider use of alternative non-traditional types of electricity (wind, solar, tidal, internal heat of the earth). That is why a thorough analysis of the gas industry is necessary, as one of the most important sectors for the Russian economy. It is distinguished by:

Simplification of extraction, does not require artificial pumping;

Ready to use without intermediate processing;

Transportation in both gaseous and liquid states;

Minimum emissions of harmful substances during combustion;

Convenience of fuel supply to already gaseous state when it is compressed (lower cost of equipment using this type of fuel);

Reserves are more extensive than other fuels (lower market value);

Use in large industries national economy A;

Sufficient quantity in the bowels of Russia;

Emissions of the fuel itself during accidents are less toxic to the environment;

High combustion temperature for use in technological schemes National economy.

The use of natural gas leads to increased efficiency of social production. Because natural gas production is much cheaper than oil and coal production. If we consider the cost of coal (in terms of 1 ton of standard fuel) as 100%, then the cost of gas will be equal to only 10%.

Natural gas is also one of the most highly economical sources of fuel and energy resources. Natural gas has a high natural labor productivity, which contributes to its widespread use in many sectors of the national economy. Favorable natural conditions for natural gas and high level Scientific and technological progress in its transportation largely ensures the accelerated development of the gas production industry.

The Russian gas industry is still a very young branch of the fuel complex. It includes the following elements:

Natural gas production;

Associated gas production;

Production of combustible gas from coal and shale;

Gas storage.

The main proven sources are concentrated in two regions - the CIS countries and the Middle East, despite the large distribution of proven gas reserves around the globe.

compressed natural gas motor fuel

Of the total volume of proven reserves in Western Siberia accounts for 36.2 trillion cubic meters. m (77.7%), on the shelf of the northern seas - 3.2 trillion cubic meters. m (6.8%), on Eastern Siberia And Far East- 2.8 trillion cubic meters m (6%) (see Fig. 1.1). In general, proven gas reserves in Russia (free gas and gas caps) amount to approximately 48 trillion cubic meters. m.

Rice. 1.1

As can be seen from Figure 1.1, almost 73% of gas reserves are located in 22 unique (over 500 billion cubic meters of gas) fields, such as Orenburgskoye, Urengoyskoye, Yamburgskoye, Zapolyarnoye, etc. 104 large fields contain about 24% of gas reserves, and only 3% of proven reserves are accounted for by numerous (663) small and medium-sized deposits Federal Service state statistics[Electronic resource] - Access mode: http: //irkutskstat. (date of access: 05/02/2016). .

It should be noted that the gas industry is a source of significant income for the state, so it takes quite a lot of money to develop it. a large number of Money and government attention. This leads to the fact that the industry is constantly developing and improving. This is explained by the fact that new pipelines are being introduced that are of high quality and reliable. Unique gas production technologies, machinery and modern equipment are used. All this leads to the fact that the gas industry is constantly developing and becoming a source of such large income that another industry can be developed with these funds. New gas fields are discovered, which increases profits. We can say with confidence that the gas industry expects effective and constant development, which will affect the economy of the country as a whole. It should also be noted that the Gazprom company acts as a monopolist, so there is no need to worry that the gas sector will be unstable, since the unified structure of the monopolist will not allow the disintegration of economic ties to occur, as could happen in a competitive environment. At the same time, the company is constantly introducing new innovative technologies, participates in various projects, and all its activities are aimed at increasing the efficiency of the gas industry.

Today, the demand for gas in Russia is growing. Gas is consumed by over 2 thousand cities, 3.5 thousand urban settlements, and more than 190 thousand rural settlements. The share of gas in Russia's fuel balance is 48.8%. Over the past decade, the volume of supplies of blue fuel on the domestic market has increased significantly. We can confidently say that there is significant growth potential, since at the moment gasification in rural areas reaches only 31%.

Gas is used in the metallurgical, cement, light, and food industries as fuel. Gas is also used as a raw material for the chemical industry. Gas often replaces conventional fuels such as coal, fuel oil or peat. Thanks to high quality When using gas, production efficiency increases. For example, in the metallurgical industry, the use of gas allows saving expensive coke, increasing the productivity of furnaces and improving the quality of the metal produced. The use of gas in thermal power plants allows significant savings on fuel transportation, increasing the operating time of boilers, automating power plant control and reducing the number of required personnel. IN Lately An important application of gas is its use as fuel for cars. This approach makes it possible to reduce the emission of harmful substances generated during the operation of a car engine by 40-60%.

In Russia, 93% of cast iron, 59% of open-hearth steel, 49% of rolled ferrous metals, 100% of refractories, 89% of sheet glass and 45% of prefabricated reinforced concrete are produced using natural gas. Specific gravity natural gas in the consumption of fuel and energy resources by power plants reaches 61% Federal State Statistics Service [Electronic resource] - Access mode: http: //irkutskstat. (date of access: 05/02/2016). .

The engineering industry is also one of the major consumers of natural gas. In the fuel balance of the engineering industry, the share of combustible gas accounts for about 40%. Heating and thermal furnaces are the main consumers. The use of natural gas in these furnaces instead of other types of fuel makes it possible to reduce the cost of heating, improve its quality, increase the efficiency of the furnaces and create more favorable sanitary and hygienic conditions in production premises. Enterprises in this industry have a varied energy consumption structure.

Availability at enterprises technological equipment with different temperature conditions opens up the possibility of wide application of the method integrated use natural gas. Of great interest in industrial energy are autonomous combined schemes for using natural gas for the simultaneous generation of thermal and electrical energy. In such installations, natural gas is burned in a gas turbine or internal combustion engine that drives electric generators.

The method of direct reduction of iron from ores is also based on the use of gas fuel. In cupola furnaces, the use of gas reduces coke consumption by half.

In the food industry, gas is used for drying vegetables, fruits, food products, baking bakery and confectionery products. The following gases are widely used as coolants: air and, less commonly, gaseous products of exothermic processes (ammonia oxidation, production of sulfuric anhydride, etc.), combustion products.

The use of natural gas opens up wide opportunities for creating simple, less metal-intensive and more economical boilers (steam and hot water) running on natural gas. Coefficient useful action boiler installations at power plants when switching from solid to gas fuel increases by 1-4%; the number of service personnel is reduced by 21-26%. The total reduction in fuel consumption due to increased efficiency and reduced electricity consumption for own needs is 6-7%. Combustion of natural gas in the furnaces of low-capacity boilers increases the efficiency compared to boilers using solid fuel, by 7-20% (depending on the type of fuel) and allows you to increase productivity by 30% or more.

Also wide application natural gas was found in municipal services. And it is impossible to imagine the existence of our world without this useful substance. Life would simply stop. Use of natural gas in everyday life modern man so familiar and ordinary that it seemed like it had always been like this. Using gas equipment is very convenient and, most importantly, economically profitable. In fact, gas stoves geysers, gas water heaters do the same job as their electric counterparts, but they charge much less for their labor. Especially if you act wisely and, in addition to gas equipment, have gas meters at home.

The use of liquefied gas for heating greenhouses in the cold season makes it possible to automate the heating process, as well as increase the level of carbon dioxide production for successful photosynthesis of greenhouse plants. Additional heat is required even for small barns or stables, and liquefied gas is also effectively used for drying feathers or their disposal.

Liquefied gas is indispensable in many areas of farming and is used not only for heating industrial and residential premises. Thanks to the high calorific value of propane, it is possible to grow, process and store crops with maximum efficiency, while maintaining the required level of environmental safety.

When using liquefied gas as energy for a grain dryer, it is necessary to install an autonomous gas supply system. Depending on the production capacity, containers of various sizes are installed. An underground gas pipeline is run from the gas storage facility to the equipment using gas. The amount of gas in the tank can be controlled using telemetry devices, this will allow timely delivery of fuel.

During the cold season, a variety of heating systems are used to produce heat in greenhouses and greenhouses, and the fundamental factor in economic benefit is the energy source.

The use of energy-saving equipment such as infrared heaters will reduce the cost of liquefied gas. Radiant heating is characterized by limited heat loss, efficient use of resources and minimal emissions into the atmosphere. For objects remote from highways, the use of liquefied gas is the optimal solution.

Farms are usually located at a considerable distance from the main energy routes. At the same time, energy is one of the the most important factors in farm activities: energy supply is required for space heating and water heating, combustion organic waste, steam production and other technological processes. These tasks are effectively solved by installing an autonomous gas supply system. Liquefied gas is the optimal source of energy if farming located far from natural gas networks. Delivery of liquefied gas is carried out throughout Russia, even to the most remote areas. Excellent calorific value and the efficiency of propane will keep your income intact in the harshest winter.

In medical practice, the use of various gases is common. The most common are oxygen and nitrogen.

The range of uses of medical oxygen is quite large - this includes the enrichment of gas mixtures used for breathing disorders, decompression sickness, for the treatment of asthmatic diseases of various etiologies, for the prevention of hypoxia - in the manufacture of oxygen cocktails and filling oxygen pillows. Oxygen concentrators are the most popular now, due to their safety, reliability, mobility, economic profitability and, of course, the high concentration of “produced” oxygen - up to 95%. The main sources of oxygen are primarily oxygen concentrators, special devices for chemical production oxygen, and then oxygen enrichment systems and cylinders with liquid or gaseous oxygen. Medical oxygen differs from any other oxygen in its higher concentration and the absence of various impurities.

It is necessary to use medical oxygen in emergency situations, during major surgical operations, during anesthesia, where artificial ventilation is required, and during resuscitation measures. Such serious illnesses like stroke, heart attack, chronic respiratory failure also require oxygen treatment. But in Russia, medical oxygen is one of the most expensive medicines - oxygen is brought to many hospitals in our country from other cities.

Another gas used in medicine, but in smaller volumes, is helium. Pure helium gas is used to produce breathing mixtures. Air filled with helium is several times lighter than ordinary air and, accordingly, breathing it is several times easier. The most common mixtures in medicine are helium and oxygen mixtures due to their optimal viscosity. This “helium” air is used to treat asthma, suffocation and other diseases associated with breathing difficulties.

Like oxygen, nitrogen finds its use in liquid and gaseous form. In medical practice, the prevalence of its use is about 90%. It is used to preserve blood, blood-containing preparations, blood substitutes, to preserve various organs and tissues in frozen form, as well as to prepare some powdered medicines. Don't forget about another area where medical nitrogen is used - inhalation anesthesia. Nitrous oxide is used in surgical gynecology, painful childbirth, during surgical operations and sometimes even during myocardial infarction, since its toxic effect on the respiratory and cardiovascular systems is extremely insignificant. Nitrous oxide is also used to relieve pain in attacks of acute pancreatitis and to relieve pain in acute coronary insufficiency. Medical nitrogen is supplied in special steel cylinders with a volume of 10 liters, filled at the enterprises.

Today, natural gas is the most economical, environmentally friendly and safe fuel. Cost of 1 cubic. m of gas as of May 1, 2016 for transport, the average in Russia is 14 rubles. Natural gas belongs to the safest class of flammable substances. At the same time, the engine is such vehicle meets the highest standards - Euro-5 and Euro-6. Two types of natural gas are used as motor fuel: compressed (CNG) and liquefied (LNG).

Target market segments: compressed natural gas - passenger, light truck, passenger transport and municipal vehicles; liquefied natural gas - main road, rail, water transport, quarry and agricultural machinery.

So, the products of the industry under consideration are provided by industry (about 45% of total economic consumption), thermal power generation (35%), and municipal household services (more than 10%). Gas is the most environmentally friendly fuel and valuable raw material for the production of chemical products. Over 30 different gases are used in technology. Gases in technology are used mainly as fuel; raw materials for the chemical industry: chemical agents for welding, gas chemical-thermal treatment of metals, creating an inert or special atmosphere, in some biochemical processes, etc.; coolants; working fluid to perform mechanical work ( firearms, jet engines and shells, gas turbines, combined-cycle plants, pneumatic transport, etc.): physical environment for gas discharge (in gas-discharge tubes and other devices).

Natural gas, which we are all so accustomed to in our kitchens, is a close relative of oil. It consists mostly of methane with admixtures of heavier hydrocarbons (ethane, propane, butane). Under natural conditions, it also often contains impurities of other gases (helium, nitrogen, hydrogen sulfide, carbon dioxide).

Typical composition of natural gas:


  • Methane – 70-98%
  • Ethane – 1-10%
  • Propane – up to 5%
  • Butane – up to 2%
  • Pentane – up to 1%
  • Hexane – up to 0.5%


  • Nitrogen – up to 15%
  • Helium – up to 5%
  • Carbon dioxide – up to 1%
  • Hydrogen sulfide – less than 0.1%

Natural gas is extremely widespread in the depths of the earth. It can be found in the thickness of the earth's crust at a depth of several centimeters to 8 kilometers. Just like oil, natural gas, in the process of migration in the earth's crust, falls into traps (permeable layers limited by impermeable rock layers), resulting in the formation of gas fields.

Five largest gas fields in Russia:

  • Urengoyskoe (gas)
  • Yamburgskoe (oil and gas condensate)
  • Bovanenkovskoe (oil and gas condensate)
  • Shtokmanovskoe (gas condensate)
  • Leningradskoe (gas)

Natural (hydrocarbon) gas is a frequent companion oil fields. It is usually found in oil in dissolved form, and in some cases accumulates in the upper part of fields, forming a so-called gas cap. Over a long period of time, the gas released during oil production, called associated gas, was an undesirable part of the mining process. Most often it was simply burned in torches.

Only over the past few decades has humanity learned to fully utilize all the benefits of natural gas. This delay in the development of this extremely valuable type of fuel is largely due to the fact that gas transportation and its use in industry and everyday life require a fairly high technical and technological level of development. In addition, natural gas, when mixed with air, forms an explosive mixture, which requires increased safety measures when using it.

Gas Application

Some attempts to use gas were made back in the 19th century. Lamp gas, as it was then called, served as a source of illumination. Gas fields were not yet being developed at that time, and gas produced along with oil was used for lighting. Therefore, such gas was often called petroleum gas. So petroleum gas, For example, for a long time Kazan was illuminated. It was also used to illuminate St. Petersburg and Moscow.

Currently, gas plays an increasingly significant role in the world's energy sector. The range of its application is very wide. It is used in industry, in everyday life, in boiler houses, thermal power plants, as motor fuel for cars and as a feedstock in the chemical industry.

Gas is considered a relatively clean fuel. When gas is burned, only carbon dioxide and water are produced. At the same time, carbon dioxide emissions are almost two times less than when burning coal and 1.3 times less than when burning oil. Not to mention the fact that when oil and coal are burned, soot and ash remain. Due to the fact that gas is the most environmentally friendly of all fossil fuels, it occupies a dominant position in the energy sector of modern megacities.

How gas is produced

Just like oil, natural gas is produced using wells that are distributed evenly throughout the entire area of ​​the gas field. Production occurs due to the difference in pressure in the gas-bearing formation and on the surface. Under the influence of reservoir pressure, gas is pushed through the wells to the surface, where it enters the collection system. Next, the gas is supplied to a complex gas treatment plant, where it is purified from impurities. If the amount of impurities in the produced gas is insignificant, then it can be immediately sent to a gas processing plant, bypassing the complex treatment plant.

How is gas transported?

Gas is transported primarily through pipelines. The main volumes of gas are transported by main gas pipelines, where gas pressure can reach 118 atm. Gas reaches consumers through distribution and in-house gas pipelines. First, the gas passes through a gas distribution station, where its pressure is reduced to 12 atm. Then it is supplied through gas distribution pipelines to gas control points, where its pressure is again reduced, this time to 0.3 atm. After that, the gas reaches our kitchen through gas pipelines inside the house.

This entire huge gas distribution infrastructure is truly a big picture. Hundreds and hundreds of thousands of kilometers of gas pipelines, entangling almost the entire territory of Russia. If this entire web of gas pipelines is stretched into one line, then its length will be enough to reach from the Earth to the Moon and back. And this is only the Russian gas transportation system. If we talk about the entire global gas transportation infrastructure, then we will be talking about millions of kilometers of pipelines.

Since natural gas has neither odor nor color, in order to quickly detect gas leaks, it is artificially given an unpleasant odor. This process is called odorization and occurs at gas distribution stations. Sulfur-containing compounds, such as ethanethiol (EtSH), are usually used as odorants, that is, unpleasant-smelling substances.

Gas consumption is seasonal. In winter, its consumption increases, and in summer it decreases. To smooth out seasonal fluctuations in gas consumption, underground gas storage facilities (UGS) are being created near large industrial centers. These may be depleted gas fields, adapted for gas storage, or artificially created underground salt caves. In summer, excess transported gas is sent to underground gas storage facilities, and in winter, on the contrary, a possible lack of pipeline system capacity is compensated by taking gas from storage facilities.

In world practice, in addition to gas pipelines, natural gas is often transported in liquefied form through special vessels - gas carriers (methane carriers). In liquefied form, the volume of natural gas is reduced by 600 times, which is convenient not only for transportation, but also for storage. To liquefy the gas, it is cooled to its condensation temperature (-161.5 °C), causing it to turn into a liquid. It is transported in this chilled form. The main producers of liquefied natural gas are Qatar, Indonesia, Malaysia, Australia and Nigeria.

Prospects and trends

Due to its environmental friendliness and the constant improvement of equipment and technologies, both in the production and use of gas, this type of fuel is becoming increasingly popular. BP, for example, predicts faster growth in demand for gas compared to other types of fossil fuels.

The growing demand for gas leads to the search for new, often unconventional, sources of gas. Such sources may be:

  • Gas from coal seams
  • Shale gas
  • Gas hydrates

Gas from coal seams Mining began only in the late 1980s. This was first done in the USA, where the commercial viability of this type of mining was proven. In Russia, Gazprom began testing this method in 2003, starting trial production of methane from coal seams in Kuzbass. Gas production from coal seams is also carried out in other countries - Australia, Canada and China.

Shale gas. The shale revolution in gas production that occurred in the United States in the last decade has not left the front pages of periodicals. The development of horizontal drilling technology has made it possible to extract gas from low-permeability shale in volumes that cover the cost of its extraction. The phenomenon of rapid development of shale gas production in the United States is spurring other countries to develop this direction. In addition to the United States, active work on shale gas production is underway in Canada. China also has significant potential for developing large-scale shale gas production.

Gas hydrates. A significant part of natural gas is in a crystalline state in the form of so-called gas hydrates (methane hydrates). Large reserves gas hydrates exist in the oceans and in permafrost zones of continents. Currently, estimated gas reserves in the form of gas hydrates exceed the combined reserves of oil, coal and conventional gas. The development of economically feasible technologies for the extraction of gas hydrates is being intensively pursued in Japan, the USA and some other countries. Japan, which is deprived of traditional gas reserves and is forced to purchase this type of resource at extremely high prices, pays particular attention to this topic.

Natural gas as a fuel and source chemical elements has a great future. In the long term, it is considered as the main type of fuel that will be used during the transition of the world energy sector to cleaner, renewable resources.

What do we know about hydrocarbons? Well, perhaps something from the school chemistry curriculum, and the word “methane” periodically flashing in the media... What do we know about natural gas, besides its explosive properties? What other uses of natural gas are there besides the well-known cooking and heating of residential buildings? What's new in the world of energy consumption and energy security?

Basic properties

Let's start with the fact that the well-known phrase about the smell of gas in an apartment or on the street is not entirely correct. The liquid that is supplied to our apartments for cooking or heating water has neither taste nor smell. What we sense is nothing more than a special additive necessary to detect gas leaks. This is a so-called odorant; it is added at specially equipped stations in the following proportions: 16 mg per thousand cubic meters of gas.

The main component of natural gas is, of course, methane. Its contents in gas mixture is about 89-95%, the remaining components are butane, propane, hydrogen sulfide and so-called impurities - dust and non-flammable components, oxygen and nitrogen. The percentage of methane content depends on the type of deposit.

The energy of natural gas released during the combustion of one cubic meter of fuel is called the calorific value. This value is one of the initial ones in all matters of designing gas facilities, and different values ​​are taken as a basis in different countries. In Russia, calculations are carried out according to lower heat combustion, in Western countries such as France and Great Britain - at the highest level.

Speaking about the explosiveness of natural gas, it is worth mentioning such concepts as explosive limits and dangerous concentrations. The gas explodes when its concentration in the room is from 5 to 15% of the volume. If the concentration is lower, the gas does not burn; if the concentration is more than 15%, then the gas-air mixture burns with additional air supply. A dangerous concentration is usually called 1/5 of the lower explosive limit, that is, 1%.

Basics of types and uses of natural gas

Butane and propane have found their application as fuel for cars (liquefied gas). Propane is also used to refill lighters. Ethane is used extremely rarely as a fuel, since it is a raw material for the production of polyethylene. Acetylene is extremely flammable and is used in welding and cutting metals. We have already discussed the use of natural gas, or to be more precise, methane; it is used as a combustible fuel in stoves, water heaters and boilers.

Types of produced natural gas

Based on the type of gas produced, fields are divided into gas or associated. The main difference between them is the percentage of hydrocarbon content. In gas fields, the methane content is about 80-90%, in associated, or, as they are commonly called, “oil” fields, its content is no more than 50%. The remaining 50% is the oil separated from the gas. One of the biggest disadvantages of gas from associated fields is its mandatory purification from various impurities. The production of natural gas is also associated with the production of helium. Such deposits are quite rare; helium is considered the optimal gas for cooling nuclear reactors. Sulfur, released from hydrogen sulfides extracted as an impurity in natural gas, is also used for industrial purposes.

The main tool for natural gas extraction is the drilling rig. This is a four-legged tower about 20-30 meters high. A pipe with a drill at the end is suspended from it. This pipe increases as the depth of the well increases; during the drilling process, it is added to the well special liquid so that the destroyed rocks do not clog it.

This liquid is supplied using special pumps. Of course, the cost of natural gas includes the costs of operating and constructing gas production wells. From 40 to 60% of the cost is the cost of this.

How does gas come to us?

So, having left the production site, purified natural gas enters the first compressor station, or, as it is also called, the head station. It is most often located in close proximity to the deposit. There, with the help of installations, gas at high pressure enters the main gas pipelines. To maintain a given pressure, stations are installed on main gas pipelines. Since laying pipes with this pressure category inside cities is prohibited, before each big city a branch is installed. This, in turn, does not increase, but decreases blood pressure. Part of it is consumed by large consumers of gas - industrial enterprises, factories, boiler houses. And the other part goes to the so-called hydraulic fracturing stations - There the pressure decreases again. Where is the use of natural gas most familiar and understandable to us? These are stove burners.

How long has he been with us?

The active use of natural gas dates back to the mid-19th century, after the invention gas burner. Moreover, its initial use is not entirely familiar to us now. At first it was used to illuminate streets.

In the Soviet Union, until the end of the 30s of the last century, an independent gas industry did not exist. Gas deposits were discovered by chance, only during oil exploration. The active use of natural gas began during the Great Patriotic War. The shortage of fuel, due to the loss of part of the coal and oil fields, gave a powerful impetus to the development of the gas industry. After the end of the war, the gas industry actively developed and gradually became one of the most energy efficient.

There is no alternative

Perhaps the best proof of the advantages of natural gas as the most convenient source of energy is Moscow's performance. Connecting gas made it possible to save daily one million cubic meters of firewood, 0.65 million tons of coal, 150 thousand tons of kerosene and almost the same amount. And all this was replaced by 1 million cubic meters. m of gas. This was followed by gradual gasification of the entire country and the search for new fields. Later, huge gas reserves were discovered in Siberia, which are still being exploited to this day.

Industrial use

The use of natural gas is not limited only to cooking - although indirectly, it is used to supply heat to residential buildings. Most large urban boiler houses in the European part of Russia use natural gas as the main fuel.

Natural gas is also increasingly used in the chemical industry as a raw material for the production of various organic matter. All large quantity automobile giants are developing cars based on alternative types fuels, including hydrogen and natural gas.

Only gas is to blame

From an environmental point of view, natural gas can be called one of the safest types of organic fuel. However, the connection of gas to many areas of human life and subsequent combustion has led to a manifold increase in the content in the atmosphere. Otherwise, this process is called the “greenhouse effect.” And this has an extremely negative impact on the climate of our planet. However, new technologies and production levels have recently reduced the level of emissions into the atmosphere as much as possible. Let us remember that gas is one of the safest types of fuel.


Natural gas is a mixture of gases (organic and inorganic nature) formed in the bowels of the Earth during the anaerobic decomposition of organic substances. Mineral resource.

A significant component of natural gas is methane (70 - 98%), followed by ethane, propane and butane; among inorganic gases, natural gas may include carbon monoxide and dioxide, nitrogen, inert gases, hydrogen, and hydrogen sulfide. Chemical composition natural gas (volume content of each gas) may vary depending on the field.

Chemical properties of natural gas

Since natural gas is a mixture of gases, it is impossible to specify which Chemical properties characteristic of him, because Each substance included in its composition has its own special chemical properties. However, it can be said that natural gas is characterized by combustion, and of all the substances that make up natural gas, only hydrocarbons (methane, ethane, etc.) and carbon monoxide burn in air. Natural gas combustion reaction products:

CH 4 + 2O 2 = CO 2 + 2H 2 O;

2C 2 H 6 + 7O 2 = 4CO 2 + 6H 2 O;

2C 3 H 8 + 10O 2 = 6CO 2 + 8H 2 O;

2CO + O 2 = 2CO 2.

Physical properties of natural gas

Natural gas, when located in the bowels of the Earth, can be in a gaseous state (gas deposits), in the form of a gas “cap” of oil and gas fields, in a dissolved form in oil or in water. Pure natural gas is odorless and colorless. The combustion temperature of natural gas is 650C. Natural gas is 1.8 times lighter than air.

Obtaining natural gas

Natural gas is extracted from the depths of the Earth using wells. Gas comes out of the depths due to the fact that the formation is under pressure many times greater than atmospheric pressure. Thus, the driving force is the pressure difference between the reservoir and the collection system.

Application of natural gas

The main use of natural gas is as a fuel for heating residential buildings, heating water and cooking; as a fuel for cars, boiler houses, thermal power plants, etc. Natural gas is also used in the chemical industry (raw materials for the production of various organic substances).

Examples of problem solving


Exercise The natural gas of one of the fields contains 85% methane, 6% ethane, 3% carbon monoxide (II), 4.5% carbon dioxide, 1.5% nitrogen and inert gases by volume. What volume of air is required to burn 1 m 3 of this gas. The volume fraction of oxygen in the air is 21%.
Solution The combustion of natural gas in air occurs due to the oxidizing ability of the oxygen included in its composition. Among the gases that make up natural gas, only hydrocarbons and carbon monoxide (II) undergo combustion reactions. Let us write down the equations for the combustion reactions of these gases in oxygen.

2CO + O 2 = 2CO 2 (3).

V(CH 4) = 1000 × 0.85 = 850 l;

V(C 2 H 6) = 1000 × 0.06 = 60 l;

V(CO) = V gas ×φ (CO)/100%;

V(CO) = 1000×0.03 = 30 l.

According to equation 1, n(CH 4) : n(O 2) = 1:2, therefore, n(O 2) = 2 × n(CH 4) = 2 × 850 / 22.4 = 76 mol. Then the volume of oxygen required to burn 850 liters of methane:

V(O 2) 1 = 76 × 22.4 = 1702 l.

By equation 2 n(C 2 H 6) : n(O 2) = 2:7, therefore, n(O 2) = 7/2× n(C 2 H 6) = 7/2× 60 /22.4 = 9.4 mol. Then the volume of oxygen required to burn 850 liters of methane:

V(O 2) 2 = 9.4 × 22.4 = 210.6 l.

According to equation 3 n(CO) : n(O 2) = 2:1, therefore, n(O 2) = 1/2× n(CO) = 1/2× 30 /22.4 = 0.7 mol. Then the volume of oxygen required to burn 850 liters of methane:

V(O 2) 3 = 0.7 × 22.4 = 15.7 l.

V sum = V(O 2) 1 + V(O 2) 2 + V(O 2) 3 = 1702 + 210.6 + 15.7 = 1928.3 l.

Because the volume fraction of oxygen in the air is 21%, then the volume of air required to burn natural gas:

V = V(O 2) sum / 0.21 = 1928.3 / 0.21 = 9182 l = 0.9182 m 3.

Answer Air volume – 0.9182 m.


Exercise The natural gas from one of the fields contains 92% methane, 4% ethane, 7% propane, 2% carbon dioxide and 1% nitrogen. What volume of oxygen is required to burn 200 liters of this gas.
Solution Among the gases that make up natural gas, only hydrocarbons undergo combustion reactions in oxygen. Let us write down the equations for the combustion reactions of these gases in oxygen.

CH 4 + 2O 2 = CO 2 + 2H 2 O (1);

2C 2 H 6 + 7O 2 = 4CO 2 + 6H 2 O (2);

2C 3 H 8 + 10O 2 = 6CO 2 + 8H 2 O (3).

Let's find the volumes of combustion gases, knowing their volume fractions (see the problem statement):

V(CH 4) = V gas ×φ (CH 4)/100%;

V(CH 4) = 200 × 0.92 = 184 l;

V(C 2 H 6) = V gas ×φ (C 2 H 6)/100%;

V(C 2 H 6) = 200 × 0.04 = 8 l;

V(C 3 H 8) = V gas ×φ (C 3 H 8)/100%;

V(C 3 H 8) = 200 × 0.01 = 2 l.

According to equation 1, n(CH 4) : n(O 2) = 1:2, therefore, n(O 2) = 2× n(CH 4) = 2× 184 /22.4 = 16 mol. Then the volume of oxygen required to burn 850 liters of methane:

V(O 2) 1 = 16 × 22.4 = 358.4 l.

By equation 2 n(C 2 H 6) : n(O 2) = 2:7, therefore, n(O 2) = 7/2× n(C 2 H 6) = 7/2× 8 /22.4 = 1.25 mol. Then the volume of oxygen required to burn 850 liters of methane:

V(O 2) 2 = 1.25 × 22.4 = 28 l.

According to equation 3 n(C 3 H 8) : n(O 2) = 2:10, therefore, n(O 2) = 5× n(C 3 H 8) = 5× 2 /22.4 = 0.4 mole. Then the volume of oxygen required to burn 850 liters of methane:

V(O 2) 3 = 0.4 × 22.4 = 8.96 l.

The total volume of oxygen spent on natural gas combustion will be:

V sum = V(O 2) 1 + V(O 2) 2 + V(O 2) 3 = 358.4 + 28 + 8.96 = 395.36 l.

Answer Oxygen volume - 395.36 liters.

Natural gas is a mixture of certain types of gas that form deep in the earth after the decomposition of sedimentary organic rocks. This is a mineral that must be extracted together with oil or as an independent substance.

Properties of natural gas

In its natural state, gas is presented in the form of separate accumulations. They are usually called gas deposits, which accumulate in the bowels of the earth like gas caps. Natural gas in some cases can be found in deep layers of the earth in a state of complete dissolution - this is oil or water. Standard terms for gas formation is the presence temperature regime at twenty degrees and a pressure of about 0.101325 Pascal. It is worth noting that the presented mineral from a natural deposit is extracted only in a gaseous state - gas hydrates.

The main properties of natural gas are the absence of any odor and color. To detect a leak, substances such as odorants, which have a strong and characteristically unpleasant odor, can be added. In most cases, the odorant is replaced with ethyl mercaptan. Natural gas is widely used as fuel at power plants, in ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, cement and glass industries. industrial enterprises. It can be useful during the production of building materials, for municipal and household needs, and also as a unique raw material for obtaining organic compounds during synthesis.

In what state is gas transported?

To significantly simplify the task of transporting and further storing gas, it must be liquefied. An additional condition is the cooling of natural gas if there is a constant high pressure. The properties of natural gas make it possible to transport it in conventional cylinders.

To transport gas in a cylinder, it must be divided, after which it will consist mostly of propane, but also include heavier hydrocarbons. This happens because methane and ethane cannot exist in liquid states, especially if the air is warm enough (18-20 degrees). When transporting natural gas, it is necessary to comply with all requirements and established standards. Otherwise, you may encounter explosive situations.

What is liquefied natural gas?

Liquefied gas is a certain state natural gas that has been cooled by pressure. Liquefied natural gas is brought into this state so that it is easier to store and does not take up much space during transportation. Thus, it can be delivered to the end consumer. The density of gas is half that of gasoline. Depending on the composition, its boiling point can reach up to 160 degrees. The liquefaction rate or economic mode is up to 95 percent.

The gas that is in the wells must be carefully prepared for further transportation in order to bring it to enterprises. These can be chemical plants, boiler houses, as well as city gas networks. The importance of proper preparation lies in the fact that natural gas contains various impurities that cause certain difficulties during its transportation and use.

How gas is produced in Russia

Natural gas is formed during the mixing process various types gases that are found in the earth's crust. The depth can reach almost 2-3 kilometers. Gas can appear as a result of high temperature conditions and pressure. But oxygen access to the mining site should be completely absent.

Natural gas production on the territory of the Russian Federation is carried out today in the deepest well. It is located near the city New Urengoy, where the well goes almost six kilometers deep. The gas in these depths is under strong and high pressure. Proper extraction of natural substances involves drilling wells. In places where there is gas, several wells are installed. Specialists try to drill evenly so that the formation pressures have the same distribution.

Chemical composition of natural gas

Gas, which is extracted from natural deposits, consists of hydrocarbon and non-hydrocarbon components. Natural gas is methane, which includes heavier homologues - ethane, propane and butane. In some cases, you can find a natural substance that contains pentane and hexane vapors. The hydrocarbon contained in the deposits is considered to be heavy. It can be formed exclusively during the formation of oil, as well as during the transformation of dispersed organic substances.

In addition to hydrocarbon components, natural gas contains impurities of carbon dioxide, nitrogen, hydrogen sulfide, helium and argon. In some cases, gas and oil fields contain liquid vapors.
