Head of Labor and Social Protection. Vladimir Petrosyan: My best, true friend is my mother

And he immediately said that he was very happy about this meeting with young people, and would be extremely honest. In fact, the meeting was called “100 honest questions for the minister.”

Please tell us about yourself, and if possible, the most vivid memory of your childhood...

It would probably take a long time to talk about myself... I was born Baku, in the capital of Soviet Azerbaijan. When I was two years old, my father died. He saved my life, I was in his arms, he managed to throw me away, push me away - and he himself fell under a car and died. My father died because of a scumbag, although he went through three wars - the Finnish, the Great Patriotic War and fought in the Japanese.

We with older sister We stayed with our mother - by the way, she also went through the war. It was difficult, but we survived. Mom was able to give us higher education. And like for many of her generation, the real tragedy was the events that led to the collapse of the USSR. We had to leave Baku in 1988. At that time I was already the youngest director high school, I was only 26 years old.

When we moved to Armenia, I first worked as a history teacher, and then an earthquake happened in Spitak. Your parents probably remember this terrible tragedy.

I was sent to work there, in a destroyed city that had to be restored from ruins and life restored. I was involved in health care, education, supervised restoration work, some construction projects...

Then I was appointed director of a nursing home in Yerevan, this was in 1990, so I began working in the social security system. Worked there for 10 years, created major center social services. Then, in the Moscow region, I was the director of the Kurovsky psychoneurological boarding school - and I’ll honestly tell you that perhaps these were the best four years of my life. When I left there, they didn’t want to let me go, though I’m not bragging: they literally surrounded me, shouting that I was shameless, that I was leaving them, that they wouldn’t eat cutlets and wouldn’t eat at all! Of course, he calmed me down as best he could.

Then he went to work at the Department of Social Protection, became deputy head, and now... your humble servant.

Vladimir Arshakovich, will young social security specialists be allocated official housing?

We are providing service housing, and this program will continue.

How do you feel about this problem: on the one hand, social security should help and does help people, but on the other hand, there is also the problem of dependency...

I think dependency is a flaw in our system... I have been saying for a long time that help should be TARGETED, but it is still far from being as specific as we would like. And this is fundamentally wrong. We need to help those who REALLY need it, because we have people of different incomes, and some do not need this help at all, but those who do need it need more help.

This is clearly stated in the “Program of Social Support for Moscow Residents for 2012–2016” - there will definitely be a transition to targeted assistance, we are already moving along this path.

Will we have experience exchange programs with young social workers abroad?

There are such programs, our Institute for Advanced Training of Social Workers is engaged in this; groups of specialists have traveled to London and Slovenia; in addition, we have concluded an agreement with Berlin on the creation of a barrier-free environment - under this program, groups of our specialists regularly travel to Germany. This work will continue.

Vladimir Arshakovich, tell us about your family, children, maybe you already have grandchildren?

I happy husband and father. My wife is a doctor by profession, I have three children, a daughter and two sons. The eldest daughter and son have already found themselves in the profession, they have their own families, wonderful children, my beloved grandchildren. Younger son He graduates from school this year.

And how does your family feel about your lifestyle?

Sincerely. Our whole family are workaholics, so we understand each other. Of course, they miss me, and I miss them, because there is not enough time for many things...

Do you have a best friend?

You know, I'm probably very happy man and I am grateful to God that at every stage of my life path There was always a person who became my guardian angel... And my best friend... Best friend- That's my mom. We REALLY were the closest, best, true friends with her - in life, in everything and always. When my mother died, it was a terrible, unbearable tragedy for me. There was a breakdown. Despair. I couldn’t imagine life without her, I lay in bed for a month, didn’t get out of bed, didn’t want anything, couldn’t see anyone... And they saved me... my old people.

I was then the director of a nursing home, and so they came to me, all my grandmothers, hugged me and said: there are so many of us mothers here, can’t we replace one for you?! And I still miss her, my mother.

How do you feel about the trend towards rejuvenation of the social security system?

I believe that rejuvenation must happen. Last year we accepted one and a half thousand young specialists into the system, I am sure that the creation of councils of young specialists - both in the department, and in districts, and in institutions - is very the right step. And this will always be my position towards all young specialists who can prove themselves...

Where do you like to spend your holidays and at what time of year?

The time of year is the end of April or August-September, and the places... You know, I don’t like repetitions, I always like to discover something new for myself. I was in Belokurikha on vacation, this Altai region, - I had tremendous pleasure, I recommend it to everyone!

Vladimir Arshakovich, a young specialist in the social security system - what is he like? And what, perhaps, prevents our young specialists from growing and moving up the career ladder?

I think, unfortunately, these are frames. Those people who got into our system by accident, somewhere in the 90s, and now hold on to their chairs with all their might and cannot understand that a new time has come, that we need to think and work in a new way.

And if we talk about a young modern social worker, he is a highly educated specialist striving to become a professional, a purposeful and ambitious person - in the best and most correct sense of the word.

A person without ambition is, in my opinion, a generally spineless creature. The main thing is that no one gets dizzy from these ambitions...

Why do you think we have so many orphans in our country?

This is probably a matter of upbringing... This is not a family problem, this is a problem of the whole society, its pain. By the way, it is a mistake to think that the problem of orphanhood exists not only here, in Russia.

I was recently invited to speak on the radio, the conversation turned to how good the traditions are in the Caucasus, how respectful they are of elders, how they honor family values, but here everything is so bad... And I ask the question: “Who has this in our country? » They fell silent. What are you saying, own story do not know? How in Russia from time immemorial they treated parents - they called YOU, because it’s nothing else - you, mamma, you, father! How proud they were of their families and family traditions! You talk about the Caucasus, but in the Caucasus there are also lonely old people and nursing homes.

Don't mindlessly generalize! I'm sure the Russians, the Russians family traditions will definitely be reborn, but for this it is necessary that society recover completely, completely, because what we, the people of the former Soviet Union, have lived and experienced over the past twenty years - it could not pass without a trace, such wounds were inflicted on people! But we are recovering, and - if we talk about the problem of orphanhood - every year we have more and more foster families.

I also want to say - since we are talking about family values. One great thinker said that you cannot be a hero if you are fighting against your Motherland, your Fatherland. And today, unfortunately, we have enough of such “heroes.” But they are not heroes, they are traitors, and so it was and was considered at all times: the most terrible sin, the biggest crime is to betray your homeland, which is the same family. Only big. And those who betrayed their family will be betrayed by their own children...

What qualities should a political leader have?

This must be a man of word and deed who knows how to make decisions. A leader, a Personality with a capital P, in whom Russia will be treated with respect.

Draw your own conclusions, but the person who ended the war in our state is the kind of person I trust completely and completely, for me he is an example of a real political leader - Vladimir Putin.

Vladimir Arshakovich, can I do a quick poll? Which virtue do you value most?

What is your idea of ​​happiness?

Happiness is when everyone else around you is happy.

If you met God, what would you say to him?

Forgive me, Lord... Young social workers at a meeting with Vladimir Petrosyan asked questions about life, work, love...

Vladimir Arshakovich, the capital has begun accepting applications from those wishing to participate in the project on active longevity. Why was this program needed?

Let's start with the fact that 2 million 600 thousand old-age pensioners live in Moscow. Moscow, like world capitals, is an aging city. Today, 24.5% of the city's residents are disabled. Unfortunately, this figure will continue to grow. According to sociologists' forecasts, in 25 years it may come to the point that in the capital there will be 50% of the population of non-working age.

In addition, life expectancy in our city is increasing. Today it is 77.4 years old, and by May it will already reach 78 years old. Let me remind you that President Vladimir Putin set the following goal: to bring the figure to 80 years in the next decade. And Mayor Sergei Sobyanin generally proposes to reach the figure of 80 years in 4 - 5 years. We must do everything to ensure that this age passes actively for as long as possible. This is exactly what the “Moscow Active Longevity” program is aimed at.

- What will participants receive?

Training, classes and various events in three main areas - physical activity, education and creativity. To do this, you must submit an application and fill out a form at the social service center in your area. After this, the visitor will be enrolled in a group based on his interests. If he needs sports, then this is fitness, gymnastics, nordic walking. Creativity - knitting, macrame, crafts, dancing, singing, drawing. Training - courses on computer technologies, English language, “Silver University” project.

- Are the classes paid? And at what age do you take it?

For pensioners aged 55+ everything is free. But if a young unemployed disabled person comes to us, he will also be accepted. Such classes and clubs for older people have existed before, but they were not held so often. And now Sergei Sobyanin has ordered this work to be carried out on an ongoing basis on the basis of our state budgetary institutions of the education system, social protection, culture, physical culture and sports, tourism, partly healthcare. All classes will be held within walking distance in each area. In addition, we will continue to care for those who do not leave their homes. There is a patronage service, nurses, and a sanatorium at home for them.


- Are there many beneficiaries in the city in general? Those who receive not only pensions, but also benefits and compensation?

Today there are about 4.5 million beneficiaries in Moscow. Depending on the category, they are entitled to city assistance to pay for housing and communal services, compensation for major repairs and other benefits. For example, 3.6 million Muscovites have the right to free travel on urban and suburban railway transport. Monthly supplement to pension - 2.1 million people. Almost 1 million residents are either completely exempt or pay part of the telephone subscription fee. The mayor has repeatedly said that all social obligations of the city will be fully fulfilled. This year, the Moscow government announced an increase in all social benefits. Monthly child benefits increased from 2 to 5 times, monthly payments increased 2 times large families, as well as a monthly payment, allowance for a disabled child in the family.

- Starting this year, there are also more free trips...

This is an unprecedented step taken by the mayor of Moscow. Residents often complained to us about the lack of sanatorium and resort vouchers. Previously, we purchased only 63 thousand vouchers. Last year there were 122 thousand of them, but not all disabled people and beneficiaries received them. This year the mayor has doubled funding for these purposes. Now we will purchase an additional 125 thousand vouchers. In total we get 250 thousand. Of these, 170 thousand vouchers have already been purchased. In the next two weeks we are purchasing another 75 thousand.

- Can everyone get it?

Unfortunately no. Only those beneficiaries who are entitled to sanatorium treatment for medical reasons.


You are responsible not only for social security, but also for employment in the city. During the recent heavy snowfalls, it turned out that the capital does not have enough street cleaners. What professions are still needed?

Today the most in demand are the professions of the construction complex. The city needs chefs, managers, contract workers, engineers of all profiles. But there are already enough economists and lawyers.

- Are there any vacancies in the city?

Now in our database there are 160 thousand vacancies for 29,500 registered unemployed. Moscow has one of the lowest unemployment rates in Russia - 0.41. Last year, 152 thousand people contacted us, and 64% of them have already found work.

On June 15, at the Syamozero children's camp, 14 children drowned while swimming on a local lake in a storm. If you google a little, you can easily find a whole wave of negative reviews about Syamozero, as well as information about complaints about the camp to Rospotrebnadzor and the prosecutor’s office, even last year. Question: what normal parent would send their children to such a camp after two minutes of Googling? That's right, none. Therefore, the drowned children are orphans who were sent to rest in Syamozero by the Moscow Department of Social Protection of the Population, having concluded contracts with the camp for almost 100,000,000 rubles
It is clear that negative reviews are just chatter from the official’s point of view, but the flurry of officially filed complaints (and, again, filed a year ago) are already official documents that cannot be ignored. Finally, even a fool is clear that the Department could not conclude a contract for 100 million rubles without its head approving the deal for such a significant amount.

And here we would like to introduce you to the head of the Department of Social Protection of the Population of Moscow, Petrosyan Vladimir Arshakovich who sent orphans to rest in the next world. There will be no further comments, just official biography Mr. Petrosyan:

Born in 1959 in the city of Baku.
In 1980 he graduated from Stepanakert Pedagogical Institute named after. 60th anniversary of Soviet Azerbaijan.
In 1980 - 1981 - teacher of the dormitory of the Housing and Communal Services of NGDU Kirovneft.
In 1983 - 1986 - head of the cultural department of the Palace of Culture named after. S. M. Kirov.
In 1986 - 1987 - organizer of extracurricular and extracurricular educational work at secondary school No. 276 of the Kirov district of Baku.
In 1987 - 1988 - director of secondary school No. 30 in the Kirov district of Baku.
In 1989 - history teacher at school No. 7 named after V.V. Mayakovsky in Yerevan.
In 1989 - 1990 - instructor in the organizational department of the Spitak Republic of Kazakhstan Communist Party of Armenia, Spitak.
In 1990-1999 - CEO Center for Social Services for Pensioners of the Ministry social security Armenia.


In 1999 - 2003 - director of the Kurovsky psychoneurological boarding school of the Committee for Social Protection of the Population of the Moscow Region.
In 2003 - 2004 - Head of the Department of Social Protection of the Population of the Western Administrative District of Moscow.
In 2004 - 2007 - Deputy Head of the Department of Social Protection of the Population of Moscow.
In 2007 - 2010 - Head of the Department of Social Protection of the Population of Moscow.
Since November 9, 2010 - Minister of the Moscow Government, Head of the Department of Social Protection of the Population of the City of Moscow. Because you want it or not, but someone needs to help Muscovites.

Awarded a Certificate of Excellence in Military Construction from the Ministry of Defense of the USSR, a Certificate of Honor from the Komsomol Central Committee, a Certificate of Honor from the Moscow Regional Duma, a Certificate of Honor from the Ministry of Health and social development Russian Federation, the badge “Excellence in the Social and Labor Sphere”, declared the Gratitude of the Mayor of Moscow.

One has only to add that the competitions for children's holidays were clearly fake - the founder of the only competing company that competed in the competitions, "Syamozera", is connected with "Syamozera" itself, which is impossible not to detect even with minimal checking. And we don’t think that the respected Minister of the City of Moscow, Mr. Petrosyan, is so stupid that he didn’t instruct his assistants to do a little Googling before shipping 100 million government rubles. Which means...

A terrible accident.
- This is not an “accident”, this is a monstrous consequence of monstrous corruption, when orphans were fucked through vacation budget resources. The children in the camp were kept in poor conditions; they were taken to the lake by 4 inexperienced first-year students, who were forced to work as instructors under the threat of expulsion from the university. In turn, the very organization of the hike during the storm was caused by the fact that there were twice as many children in the camp with 200 places, and in order to get rid of the “extra” orphans, they were sent on hikes for 3-5 days. Such a carousel is only possible in a camp that lives off the budget, when the quality of the services provided is not important, only the number of children driven through the camp, money allocated for each of them, is important.
- What is the government going to do?
- Tighten the licensing rules for children's camps. Well, so that before issuing a contract for 100 million next time, the Minister of Moscow would first call where necessary and ask to draw to the right people a couple of licenses.

Don’t imprison a “respected” person, really. Have a nice day!
