S and when es. Ending -s in nouns

The English language is a storehouse of exceptions, special cases and stable constructions. People just starting to study it, of course, are scared off by the peculiar rules, and even more so by the exceptions to them, but these difficulties arise only at first. As they master English grammar, students come to understand the simplicity and logic of this foreign language. And what was difficult at first glance becomes immediately clear and obvious at second glance. Let's verify this in practice by examining today's topic: the ending s in verbs in English language, as well as the use of endings in nouns and adjectives.

Russian speech is a synthetic language, that is, to create the correct context, we inflect words, add prefixes and suffixes to them, and also change places of any members of the sentence. English, on the contrary, is a typical representative of the group of analytical languages. In his system, the main emphasis is placed on a strictly fixed order of sentence members, and additional expression of connections is carried out using service and auxiliary words. To put it simply, in such speech the relationships between words are conveyed not by the endings of these words, but by their place in the sentence and proximity to prepositions.

  • Beautiful cat A sitting at the door -Abeautifulcat issittingatthedoor (word order – subject).
  • I see a beautiful cat atIseeabeautifulcat(word order – addition).
  • I'm going to a beautiful cat e . – Igoto abeautifulcat(preposition of direction + object).

As can be seen from the examples, the English manage perfectly well without a system of declensions of words. But grammatical category endings still exist in their language, and have as many as three representatives. We will find out what they look like and what their purpose is in the following sections.

The ending s for verbs in English

The most common case of using an additional letter at the end of words is when the verb is placed in the 3rd person singular simple present tense. It includes the pronouns he, she, it (he, she, it) and nouns that can be replaced by these pronouns. Recall that it denotes only inanimate objects, which in English can also include animals (if they are not pets).

Simple describes regular, everyday, habitual actions, so it can often be found in English speech. Accordingly, incorrect placement of the predicate in the third person is very blunder, which will hurt the ears of a foreign interlocutor. In order not to blush for your English, you need to remember a simple rule.

Let's consider the use of this law in practice.

  • Shewatch es manyTV-showseveryday – She watches a lot of television shows every day.
  • It sound s very strange – This issoundsVeryWeird.
  • He eats chip s and drink s lemonade – HeeatingchipsAnddrinkslemonade.

For the third person, the verb ending is also preserved in the negative and interrogative form, undergoing small change on – es, and adding not to the main verb, but to the auxiliary verb. In this case, the main predicate is in the form of a simple infinitive.

  • Do es Jessica write a letter to him? – She do es n't write a letter to him.
  • Is Jessica writing him a letter? – She doesn’t write him a letter.
  • Do es a koala become a big and strong animal? – It does es n’t become a big and strong animal.
  • Is the koala becoming a big and strong animal? – She does not become a big and strong animal.
  • Do es your father work as a lawyer? – He don’t es n’t work as a lawyer.
  • Is your father a lawyer? – He does not work as a lawyer.

The ending s of Present simple verbs in English has its own nuances of use and pronunciation, which the table below will help us understand.

Category Rule Example
Spelling Verbs ending in the letters o, x or letter combinations –ch, sh, ss, zz, tch require the ending in the form – es. Father wash es (wash) his car once a week – FatherwashesmycaronceVa week.
Predicates that end in –y have two spellings. If there is a vowel before –y in a word, then no changes occur, just an s is added to the ending. In verbs with a consonant preceding y, the transformation occurs y→I, and then the addition of -es. Jackplay s (pl ay ) basketballverywell – Jack plays basketball very well.

The rule appl ies (app ly ) to verbs and nouns– The rule applies to verbs and nouns.

Pronunciation The ending s is read as [s]( Russian with) in cases where it is preceded by a voiceless consonant.

works, sleeps, calls, stops andT.P.

My little son always sleep s with toys.

My little son always sleeps with toys

The ending s is read as [z]( Russian z), if it is preceded by a pronounced vowel or voiced consonant.

opens, reads, plays, sings andT.P.

She play s tennis twice a week.

She plays tennis twice a week.

The ending es is pronounced like (iz).

The additional es should not be confused with simply adding an s to a verb with an unpronounceable e.

He usually watch es (from) horror movies.

He usually watches horror films.

She like s (c) to dance.

She likes to dance.

At the end of the section, we note that in the third person they also have a special form verbs have(3 l. – has) and to be (3 l. – is, in PastSimple- was). In sentences, such constructions are often shortened to form the ending ‘s. It s(is/was) a pen. He s(has) learned 10 words.

Ending s in nouns

The second most popular way to meet English ending- is to compose plural noun or put it in the possessive case. In both cases, nouns in English have the letter s added to their stem.

Typically, the plural is formed by adding a simple s. But, if we take a noun ending in sh, tch, ss, ch, x, o, then the ending, as in the case of verbs, turns into es. Important role in this case, borrowed nouns ending in –o are played. They, unlike native English words, will only accept the letter s.

  • Mygrandparentsgrowpotato es andtomato es atthedacha – My grandparents grow potatoes and tomatoes in their dacha.
  • Wherearemyphoto s fromthebirthdayparty? – Where are my photos from the birthday celebration?

Another important feature relates to nouns ending in f/fe. In most cases, they change these letters to v and end up with es. But there are some exceptions that use the letter s.

  • Therearemanyshel ves intheroom – There are many shelves in the room.
  • The cats like to walk on the roof s – CatslovewalkByroofs.

In other cases, the rules for reading, spelling and pronunciation s in English for nouns completely coincide with the table given in the verbs section.

As for possessive forms, their ending is formed using a special symbol - an apostrophe (‘). Nouns h. they get the ending -‘s, and noun. pl. h., if they already end in s they receive only an apostrophe.

  • I remember my parents’ advice – II rememberadvicemyparents.
  • Jack’s life is very interesting – LifeJackVeryinteresting.

Endings ed and ing

And the last part of speech that English grammar has endowed with endings is adjectives with endings ed and ing. The roots of their formation lie in verbs, so they can rightfully be called participles. These adjectives in English are characterized by the expression of active or performed actions, which corresponds to Russian active and passive participles. At their core, both types of these words are the same, and differ only in the additional endings. Therefore, it is important to understand what these endings hide within themselves.

Adjectives ending in ing convey characteristics of a person/object, its ability to take active actions and influence someone. The expression answers the question “Which one?” and refers to the object of speech, not the speaker. It is noteworthy that the form of the word completely coincides with the English present participle (participle I).

  • I watched an interesting film yesterday – Ilookedyesterdayinterestingmovie.
  • This lesson is very boring – ThislessonVeryboring.
  • It was an amazing evening – Thiswasamazingevening.

Adjectives with ed in English express reverse side: the effect exerted by an object. With their help, the speaker describes his state; the impression made on him by the subject of conversation. Such constructions correspond to the form of the participle in the past tense (participle II).

  • She was disappointed that her boyfriend hadn’t called her – Shewasdisappointedthose, WhatherboyNotcalledto her.
  • I was surprised that all my books were sold for 2 weeks– Iwassurprisedthat, WhatAllmybooksweresold outbehind2 weeks.
  • My little brother is tired of his homework – MyJrBrothertiredfromhishomework.

Examples show that the meaning of the entire statement depends on the use of the ending. Therefore, it is necessary to be able to navigate when the endings ed and ing are used.

As we learned from the material, endings in English have important function and can correspond to three parts of speech. Let's check your understanding of the theory by completing small exercises.

The English language does not have many endings when compared to the Russian language. The connection between words, and therefore the meaning of a phrase or sentence in Russian, is conveyed by different types of endings - case, generic, tense, conjugative endings and others.

In English, many problems concerning grammar and meaning are solved by fixed word order, prepositions, and a system of auxiliary verbs. But still, endings in some cases are also used in English grammar. One such case is the ending -s.

The endings s and es in English are used in the following cases:

When forming the plural of nouns

break- breaks change - change

birch - birches birch - birches

When forming the third person singular form of verbs in the present simple ( Present Simple) time

Lima rarely sews. - Lima rarely sews.

Rebecca washes the porch every weekend. - Rebecca washes the porch every weekend.

The ending s for verbs in English

1. When to put the ending s in English

The 3rd person singular in English is determined by a noun or pronoun (subject). The pronouns he, she, it, or nouns that can be replaced by these pronouns, will be markers that determine the need for -s at the end of verbs in English in the Present Simple form.

Greta (she) prefers chips with cheese sauce. - Greta (she) prefers chips with cheese sauce.

Yan (he) dresses his son in the morning. - Jan (he) dresses his son in the morning.

Tilda and Melissa (they) try to learn Spanish. - Tilda and Melissa (they) are trying to learn Spanish.

2. How to write English verbs ending in -s (-es)

When adding endings to English words It is necessary to keep in mind that these endings can affect the spelling of the word. The rules for adding the ending s to English verbs in the 3rd person singular form can be presented in the form of a table:

The word ends with...

hissing/whistle sound (ch, sh, s, ss, -z, -x)

He mi xes English and Spanish words, it's really funny.

He mixes English and Spanish words, it's really funny.

Lima d oes her hair once a week.

Lima gets her hair done once a week.

vowel plus -y

Lima st ays at school till late.

Lima stays at school late.

consonant plus -y

Es (-y changes to -i)

Lima's father always carr ies out his promises

Lima's father always keeps his promises.

all other words

Rebecca usually pi ns the messages to the door.

Rebecca usually puts notes on the door.

3. How to pronounce English verbs ending in -s (-es)

The pronunciation of the ending -s (-es) is possible in three different ways. It can be conveyed by the sounds [s], [z], . The pronunciation option, as well as spelling, depends on the sound with which the verb ends.

4. When a verb in the Present Simple does not need an ending -s (-s)

As already mentioned, in the third person singular tense Present Simple verb the ending -s is required. But according to the rules of this time, such an ending is added to the verb only in affirmative sentences.

As follows from the rule, in negatives and questions an auxiliary verb comes to the aid of the semantic verb. In the case of the Present Simple, this is the verb do. It is used in all forms except the 3rd person singular.

Do they often repeat these words? - Do they often repeat these words?

They don't often repeat these words. - They don't often repeat these words.

At the same time, in the 3rd person singular. the number ending does not go away - it moves from the main verb to the auxiliary one. Thus, do turns into does.

Lima adores such kind of scent. - Lima loves this smell.

Lima doesn’t like such kind of scent. - Lima doesn’t like this smell.

Does Lima adore such kind of scent? - Does Lima love this smell?

As we can see from the examples, verbs in the 3rd person singular in interrogative and negative forms endings -s are exempted.

5. What other English verbs have an -s ending?

The third person singular category is generally very useful to remember in order to correctly use the whole series English rules. The ending -s can be seen not only in the verbs of this person in the present simple tense. We see traces of it in such forms as:

All these forms are also used in the 3rd person singular. numbers.

To correctly use endings in English, the table of which is given above, you need not only to know the rule, but also to practice regularly. Present Simple is the simplest tense in the English language. And the most common mistake students - missing ending of 3rd person verb. At first, everyone does it without exception. Don't forget about this feature, do the exercises, speak more - and mistakes will disappear from your speech.

Bottom line.

How to pronounce words with an apostrophe

Where is the apostrophe placed?

An apostrophe is placed at the end of a word; English beginners call it a top comma.
A comma, whether it’s an upper one or a lower one, changes everything. We have known it since childhood: Execution cannot be pardoned. In Russian, a comma changes its meaning.IN English apostrophe only the quantity changes, but it changes everything!

The girl " s phone number - girl's phone number
one girl, the same one

Let's move the apostrophe one letter to the right, after -s":

The girls " phone number - girls phone number
many girls at once, a list

Not everyone will get her number, but their number is here, on the Internet on a pink background, call whenever you want.

This is how an apostrophe works in English. Its job is to form the possessive case animate noun. An apostrophe works either in pairs with the letter s, or alone. Let's see.

Forming the possessive case

1. Singular noun: apostrophe together with the letter s:


Who? →

whose bag? →
girl "s

girls bag
girl "s bag

The exception is the pronoun it:
it - he, she, it + s without apostrophe = its - his, her.
Russia and its rules. - Russia and its rules.

If we see it's with an apostrophe, which means we see a non-possessive case: his her, and the abbreviation: it is- it is, or it has- it has.

2. Plural noun - one apostrophe, without the letter s:


Who? - girls

whose bag? →
girls "

girls bag
girls " bag

There is no difference in pronunciation, it sounds the same. The difference is only visible in the letter:

girls - girls (who?)
gir ls"- girls (whose?)
girl's - girls, girls (whose?)

In English, all nouns are plural. numbers end in -s, usually. But there are exceptions to this rule, for example: man-men man - men, woman - women woman's woman. To such exceptions we add an apostrophe along with the letter s.

3. Apostrophe with -s:



men - men


men's - men

The possessive case was formed. Now the letter -s at the end of a word must be pronounced correctly - depending on the letter that comes before it.

How to pronounce a word with an apostrophe - rules

Letter s after an apostrophe it is pronounced either voiced or voiceless, or like . Three options:

1. Loudly.
After a voiced consonant the letter s pronounced loudly [z] - girl's.
I have read the story "From one girl"s diary" by Chekhov. - I read Chekhov's story "From one girl's diary."

2. Deaf.
After a voiceless consonant the letter s pronounced dull [s] - cat "s.
Did you see the movie Cat's Eye? - Have you seen the movie “Cat's Eye”?
No! Why do people like horror movies? - No! I don't understand why people love horror movies?

3. Like /iz/.
After a hissing or whistling sound -
-s, -ss, -sh, -ch, -tch, -x, -z, -zz: horse’s, George’s.

Nimble English apostrophe - the result

Apostrophe - he's nimble. We see it before the letter s, then - after, but always with an animate noun.
Apostrophe before a letter s- this is a noun. in units number in possessive case: girl's day - girl's day.
Apostrophe after a letter s- this is a noun. in plural number in possessive case: girls" day - girls' day.
The apostrophe is before the letter again s- this is a noun. - exception in pluralnumber in possessive case: women's secrets - women's secrets.

In English, the apostrophe is also used for abbreviations:
it "s = it is - it is,
it "s = it has - it has.
But the apostrophe shows its nimble and reckless character only when formed possessive case. Whose? Whose? Just add an apostrophe!

Endings -es and -s are quite common in English. Every English learner needs to understand the rules for using the above endings.

This article will help you quickly and easily understand the essence of this grammatical material. So, the ending -s can serve:

1) indicator 3 l. units part of the verb in;
2) sign;
3) an indicator of the possessive case in nouns;
4) reduction.

Rules for using endings -s/-es have their own specifics. IN affirmative form the third person singular ending is most often added to the verb -s, BUT after root bases on -sh, -ss, -o etc. (see rule below) we use the ending - es. For example,

Pass – passes;
Kiss – kisses;
Finish – finishes;
Wash – washes;
Do – does;
Go – goes.

Ending -s in Present Simple

We use the present simple to express regular actions or constant situations. Ending -s in third person singular h. (he, she, it) in time English verb Present Simple should be added in cases where the subject matches the pronouns "he", "she" or "it".

Rules for writing verbs in the third person singular in the Present Simple

If the verb ends in –ss, sh, ch, x, o– then the ending is added -es .

I always wash up at home.
He always wash es up at home.

If the word has an ending to the consonant and the following one -y, then -y changes to -i plus is added -es .

I sometimes cry.
Baby sometimes cr ies.

If the last letter of the verb is a vowel -y, then it will only follow -s .

I often play with this toy ship in the afternoon.
Alla often play s with this toy ship in the afternoon.

Reading verb endings in the third person singular

Remember: In negative and interrogative forms where an auxiliary verb is used does(not), the main verb has no endings -s, -es .

Does she sing every day?
Ann doesn't go to that college.

Don't forget about the spelling of the verbs to have and . If these verbs are in the third person singular, then they change dramatically. This can be seen in the following examples:

Daddy has much money.
Jane is tired of doing numerous exercises.

Ending -s in nouns

Ending -s occurs not only in verbs, but also in nouns. In the case of nouns, similar endings, as a rule, occur in the plural or in the possessive case. If we're talking about about people and animals in the possessive case, then we use ’ s in the case of one actor.

This is the girl’ s doll. – This is a girl’s doll.
The cat' s tail is long. - The cat's tail is long.

But should be used s' in case two or more are involved characters, people or animals.

These are the boys s' boots. - These are boys' boots.

In English there are exception nouns that create the possessive case in the following way:

Those are the men 's hats. - Those are men's hats.

For a complete list of such exceptions, see.

Abbreviations with 's

And finally 's can be not only an indicator of the possessive case, but also an abbreviation. For example:

it is = it's
that is = that's
let us = let's
How long has it been? = How long has it been?

Other abbreviations can be studied in more detail and.

Ending - s can be added to the infinitive of a verb to form the form 3 l., singular. or to a noun to form the plural form.

Formation -s forms

1. Adding an ending to the infinitive of a verb or noun - s.

2. Addition to an infinitive or a noun ending in - s, -ss, -sh, -ch, -tch, -x, -z, -zz(hissing, whistling consonants) endings - es.

a dress – dresses (dress – dresses)
a witch – witches (witch – witches)
to kiss – kisses (kiss – kisses)
to push – pushes (push – pushes)
3. Addition to a word ending in - y: y is replaced by i and the ending is added - es:

a puppy – puppies (puppy – puppies)
to fly – flies (fly – flies)

If before y there is a vowel, then y is preserved, and is added to the word - s :

to play – plays (play – plays)
a toy – toys (toy – toys)

4. Words ending in - O :

a. Verbs to go, to do take the 3rd person singular ending - es :

to go – goes (to walk – walks)
to do – does (do – does)

b. Nouns also in most cases add - es :

a potato – potatoes (potatoes – potatoes)
a tomato – tomatoes (tomato – tomatoes)

5. Nouns ending in - f or - fe form the plural by changing f on v and adding the ending - es :

and wife – wives (wife – wives)
a shelf – shelves (shelf - shelves)
a leaf – leaves (leaf – leaves)


a chief – chiefs (chief – chiefs)
a handkerchief – handkerchiefs (handkerchief – handkerchiefs)
a roof – roofs (roof – roofs)
a safe – safes (safe – safes)

Reading ending -s

1. After voiced consonants and vowels – [z]:

to read – reads [ r J dz ] (read – reads)
to see – sees [
s J z ] (see – sees)

2. After dull sounds – [s]:

to work – works [ w W ks ] (work – works)
a bolt – bolts [
b P lts ] (bolt - bolts)

3. After ss, ch, sh, x(i.e. hissing or whistling consonant sounds) –

to pass – passes (to pass – passes)
to teach – teaches (train – teaches)
a dress – dresses (dress – dresses)

Note. How to pronounce the 3rd person singular ending of verbs ending in silent e preceded by a letter s, With or g: I rise-he rises.

4. The verbs to go, to do in the 3rd person singular are read as follows:

to go – goes [ g Eu z ]
to do – does [d A z]
