The character of a person is determined by the shape of the nostrils. Big nose: plastic or cosmetics

Physiognomy considers at least 24 signs related to the nose. But these are 576 possible combinations! By looking at the nose of your interlocutor, you can better understand its owner

Physiognomy considers at least 24 signs related to the nose. But these are 576 possible combinations! By looking at the nose of your interlocutor, you can better understand its owner. Let’s figure out what features immediately attract attention and are clear for interpretation

From an expert

German Teplyakov, doctor, teacher, psychologist, highly qualified specialist in the field of medical and psychovisual diagnostics:

- Scientists are still arguing about the mysteries of human origins. According to one version, our distant ancestors lived on the banks of reservoirs and got their food in the water. So the man lost hairline, which prevented him from swimming, acquired subcutaneous fat to keep warm in the water, and improved a device that allows searching for food - the nose. Nose - amazing gift nature. It can be small and large, narrow and wide, straight and with a hump. And in all cases, this wonderful organ makes a person unique, giving him his own charm and special uniqueness.

Nose length

Lorenzo Villoresi

A person with a long nose (an example is the outstanding modern perfumer Lorenzo Villoresi) is thorough and knows how to appreciate beautiful and tasty things. Gives great importance aesthetic side of the issue. He is well versed in haute couture and haute cuisine. The owner of a long nose should not be rushed - on the contrary, you should try to imbue him with his pace. Where the gift of diplomacy is required, long-nosed people will be simply irreplaceable.

Danielle Westbrook

People with short noses (for example, British actress and TV presenter Danielle Westbrook) are more specific, prefer to receive information quickly and immediately, in a compact form; the beauty of the packaging will not be of particular importance. Such people give out information in the same way - quickly and compactly. True, it is not always polite - which, however, is simply perceived by the short-nosed people themselves as frankness. Is it possible to be offended by the truth? And one more thing: people with short noses are invaluable if you need the ability to quickly navigate and make decisions.

Now the question is: what is the length of the nose? would be better suited sommelier, and which one for the fireman?

With and without a hump

Paris Hilton

A straight nose (for example, the famous party girl Paris Hilton) is characteristic of people with the same straight character. It is usually easier to negotiate with them: they do not change the original conditions.

Adrien Brody

Another thing is a nose with a hump (for example, actor Adrien Brody). The owners of such noses are very changeable; new ideas constantly come to their minds, forcing them to change their path and, alas, sometimes retreat from previously reached agreements. If your child has a hooked nose, you should not ask him two weeks before his birthday what mobile phone he wants as a gift - new versions of “wants” will be announced every day.

Always remember that a person with a hump on the nose has a particularly sensitive pride. If in a conversation with him you notice that he has begun to rub his hump, know that you have inadvertently offended him.

So, the question is: will you draw up a contract in every detail or will you just take the word of a person with a hump on his nose?


The width of the nostrils is used to judge the degree of energy of a person (sometimes called temperament). Indeed, a person with wide nostrils is able to absorb more air at once, which serves our species homo sapiens as the main type of “fuel”.

Mikhail Pugovkin

A person with wide nostrils (an example is actor Mikhail Pugovkin) is easy-going, quickly lights up and... alas, quickly deflates. Long-term programs are not his thing. Such people are best suited to the “eat an elephant” technique, when a large task is posed successively in small fragments.

Roald Amundsen

Narrow nostrils (for example, the traveler Roald Amundsen) endow their owner with regularity and balance. Such a person is by nature capable of long-term work at a measured pace. In other words, if the term “sprinter” is better suited to wide nostrils, then narrow nostrils are always a stayer.

Business problem: which employee is more suitable for a startup and which one is more suitable for implementing a long-term project?

Nose ridge


The narrow ridge of the nose (for example, the Central Asian conqueror Tamerlane) belongs to people who are sharp, sometimes hot-tempered, always ready to rush into battle. In combination with aquiline nose- explosive mixture! You need to negotiate everything with such people in a friendly, calm atmosphere, eliminating stress and quarrel.

Steve Wozniak

Wide nose ridge (example - one of the founders of the company Apple Steve Wozniak) reveals peace-loving, kind, sincere natures. These characters are always looking for (and successfully finding!) a peaceful way out of the most ambiguous situations. They have the rare gift of not only avoiding conflicts, but also stopping them at the very beginning.

Question: If you were to go on a space flight, which nose ridge would you prefer to choose as your neighbor in the orbital station?

bridge of the nose

Monica Lewinsky

A wide bridge of the nose (an example is the well-known Monica Lewinsky) inclines a person to investigative behavior. In science, psychology and the practice of investigative bodies, this is a most valuable quality, but in ordinary life it can lead to conflicts. In addition, people with this feature sometimes have difficulty setting goals - they need help with choosing a goal.

Prince Charles

A narrow bridge of the nose (for example, Prince Charles) gives excellent goal setting and completely predictable behavior that is comfortable for others. Although... openness in behavior does not always please those who are nearby with its frankness.

Challenge: Which bridge of your nose would you choose to be the head of security for your corporation?

tip of the nose

On this basis they look at how neat a person is and is able to delve into details.

Steve Jobs

Let's remember Steve Jobs, whose nose was as sharp as a beak. Jobs paid exceptional attention to every detail of every device produced by his company. If you are negotiating with a sharp-nosed person, prepare for the fact that he will want to ask you about the smallest details related to the matter. And if your marriage partner has a sharp tip of the nose, pedantry in everything will be your constant companion.

Gerard Depardieu

A blunt tip of the nose (like, say, Gerard Depardieu) betrays a person for whom the big picture is much more important than small details. Hence, there is not so much attention to order and a reluctance to delve into details. Do not expect deep analytics and scrupulousness from such a person - this is not in his nature. But it will come in handy where you need to act quickly and in “broad strokes.”

Scarlett Johansson

Snub-nosed people (for example, actress Scarlett Johansson) are most often open and optimistic people, with a cheerful and easy-going disposition. They prefer to enjoy today without thinking too much about the future. It’s another matter if the tip of the nose hangs down (example - the owner Microsoft Bill Gates). In ancient and medieval treatises on physiognomy, such a sign was noted as a nose for money. There really is something to this. A person with such a nose tip will not always be a millionaire, but in almost all cases he has some special talent that can be successfully monetized.

Question: Which nose tip shape would you choose as your personal financial advisor?

One of the Chinese treatises on face reading says that the nose is the “emperor” of the face, this is related to the theory of the elements that make up our being. Being naturally practical, the Chinese have tried to express the five essential elements in terms they are familiar with. Those who have ever read books on Feng Shui will understand that we're talking about about earth, water, fire, wood and metal. So, the nose is called the “emperor” because it belongs to the element of earth, the symbol of which is the Yellow Emperor.

The analysis shows that the size, shape of the nose and the condition of the skin in this place are directly related to a person’s status in society and the ability to achieve material well-being.

Long nose (first type)

According to Chinese research, the longer a person's nose, the more serious a person he is. Men with this type of nose are sophisticated, creative, responsible and hardworking. They are almost not interested in the material aspects of life, they are more attracted to spiritual values, which is why there are so many men with long noses among scientists and religious figures.

Long nose (second type)

The second type includes people with long, large and high noses. This nose shape in men is a sign of stubbornness, sharp mind, the tendency to do everything in life in one’s own way, without taking into account anyone’s advice, without focusing on any authorities. If the nose is too large and inharmonious with the rest of the facial features, then a person with such an appearance is likely to push others away from him, only if he does not have any positive features character. As a rule, men with non-standard appearance have a great sense of humor and artistry, compensating for their shortcomings with gifted talents.

Short nose (first type)

A short nose, like a long one, comes in two types: the first is simply a short nose, the second (we’ll talk about it later) is short and flat. The first type - just a short nose - is also conventionally divided into two categories, but they are from the category of mental and intellectual abilities: those with high or average intelligence, and those with below average intelligence. Naturally, men of the first category are successful both in business and in love. Men of the second category, on the contrary, are boring, impractical and irresponsible. Women with short noses are hardworking, able to quickly advance in career ladder, but due to their changeable nature they are unhappy in marriage.

Short nose (second type)

The second type includes people with a short and flat nose. Despite the fact that these traits are unfavorable, because along with an unattractive appearance, people with the second type of nose also have other disadvantages (both physical and mental), they - faithful friends, attentive and hardworking colleagues, loyal to everyone who is kind to them.

Asymmetrical nose

Even if a person is talented and has excellent character traits, a crooked nose brings such dissonance to the appearance that it alienates others, since they are judged primarily by their appearance, especially by something that catches the eye. The only consolation can be a sense of humor and a smart response to problems.

Ideal nose shape

Both men and women with ideal forms noses are distinguished by refined taste, they are mainly great lovers of art and music, they dress beautifully, following fashion. It is possible that some of the fairer sex are overly narcissistic creatures, but this is not surprising for people with beautiful appearance.

Little snub nose

Mostly women have noses like this. They look more like children's noses that never grew up. People with such traits are not always intellectuals and give the impression of general immaturity.

It cannot be said that owners of such a nose are very lucky in love and marriage: they are very defenseless against strong-willed and aggressive men. You should be careful when choosing a partner and not wait for a mythical prince on a white horse, who may ultimately turn out to be “Bluebeard.”

Facial physiognomy - nose with a hump

Most often, a nose with a hump is found in men (we will not take into account the inhabitants of the Caucasus). This trait is inherent in men who are strong in all aspects: courageous, strong-willed, uncompromising, impatient. Women with such a nose, if they occur, have similar masculine qualities. Unable to give in and lose, they often conflict when deciding family problems.

Nose color

Unless a person is an alcoholic, a red nose indicates financial difficulties, inability to express oneself and make a career, as well as poor health. Considering that we are still assessed by appearance, it is difficult for such people, even those with good character, to create a favorable first impression.

If your nose has a forked tip

Without a doubt, once you meet a person with such a nose, you will never forget him. This trait is mainly characteristic of men. They differ from other representatives of the “stronger sex” in the originality of their judgments and character: they are excellent speakers, skeptics, accustomed to questioning and analyzing everything, having a quarrelsome nature, great debaters, completely unable to communicate with others. As a rule, all of the above-mentioned features are characteristic of people involved in science, which may be why you often see such noses among scientists.

Correctly shaped female nose

This one is typical female version The nose indicates the femininity of its owner. They are great mothers, neat people who love comfort and cleanliness in their home, good designers because they know how to appreciate beauty and harmony. If we talk about shortcomings, then the fragility of these women (both emotional and physical) makes them defenseless against more strong men.

Straight nose with pointed tip

A person with such a nose, from childhood, develops the ability to understand everything in the world around him. Their main goal is to make the world and the people living in it a better place. Their Creative skills Both men and women with this trait tend to direct for the good of people.

Facial physiognomy - nose with pronounced nostrils

For many centuries, Chinese physiognomists have been observing people who are considered geniuses. Their analysis showed that most of these people have small noses with pronounced widened nostrils.

Nose shaped like a “bag”

If you look closely at the profile of a person with this type of nose, he really looks like a bag. Therefore, it is not at all surprising that in China such a nose is associated with a person’s having money. As a rule, people with this trait measure everything and everyone with money. Possessing an extraordinary mind, they are more like Jewish moneylenders, ready to use every chance to enrich themselves.

Straight nose with a slight hump at the top

Perhaps we can say that people with such a nose are ideal in all respects. They are honest, open, reliable, live in harmony with themselves, sincerely love and respect people, that is, they have all the qualities of a leader. Not experiencing a lack of attention from representatives of the “weaker sex” (and women find such men the most attractive), they are happy in their marriage, as they choose the most beautiful, smart and talented.

individual characteristics ratios of length, width, height of the external nose, in which it looks disproportionate in relation to other parts of the face. A nose that is too large disrupts the harmony of facial features, attracts attention and causes ridicule from others, and contributes to the development of complexes in its owner regarding his appearance. At the same time, the large external nose protects a person to a greater extent from the penetration of airborne pathogens and allergens into the respiratory tract. If an individual is dissatisfied with the size and shape of the nose, nose surgery (rhinoplasty) comes to the rescue.

    The characteristics of a large nose are very individual and depend not only on its length and width, but also on its proportionality and balance with the rest of the facial features. If a person’s face is naturally endowed with small eyes, lips, and thin eyebrows, then even a nose of average anatomical size will seem “giant.”

    The shape of the nose is determined by the ratio of a number of its structural components: base, root, back, tip; size - length, width and height of individual parts of the nose. Endless combinations of these values ​​create a variety of options for the structure of the nose.

    The variability of the size and shape of the nose depends on age: over the years, the shape and relationship of the nose with the facial skeleton become different, and besides, against the background of general ptosis of the soft tissues of the face and sagging skin, the nose looks much larger and larger. On average, the growth and development of the nose continues until the age of 18-21. The shape and size of the nose is also influenced by hereditary and national characteristics. European peoples have tall and thin noses, Mongolian - flat and wide.

    Anthropological parameters of the nose

    The length of an ideal nose is 1/3 of the length of the face, the width does not exceed 1/3 of its length, and the height is approximately 1.5 times its width. With a classic profile, the angle of the nose is 30°; the break at the bridge of the nose should not be too deep.

    The percentage ratio of the width of the nose to its length is the so-called nasal index, which can vary from 60% to 110%. The nasal index is widely used in anthropology and has the following options:

    • leptoria - nasal index up to 69.9% characterizes a high narrow nose;
    • mesorinia - nasal index from 70% to 84.9% is typical for a medium-sized nose;
    • chamarinia - nasal index from 85% to 99.9% is observed with a low, wide, wide nose;
    • hyperchamarinia - a nasal index above 100% occurs in those with a large, large nose.

    According to this classification, leptoria is characteristic of the peoples of European groups and Eskimos; Chamarinia is found among African, Australian peoples, etc. Anthropologists suggest that the size of the nose has adaptive significance for performing the most important respiratory function.

    Physiological features of a large nose

    A big nose often seriously complicates the life of its owner, introducing disharmony into the appearance, becoming the subject of ridicule in childhood and a source of complexes in adulthood. However, the undoubted advantage of a large nose is that it is able to protect its owner from the penetration of infectious pathogens and allergens into the body. American researchers have experimentally confirmed that a large nose represents a kind of barrier that prevents the penetration of microorganisms into the nasopharynx, as well as plant pollen, which causes allergic rhinitis (hay fever).

    Those with a large, protruding nose inhale 7% fewer dust particles and bacteria from the air than those with a normal or average nose. Also, a large nose protects the oral cavity from inhaled microorganisms.

    And, nevertheless, not all owners of a large nose are ready to reckon with its advantages. Women especially often resort to nose reduction.

    Plastic correction of the shape and size of the nose

    Surgeries to change the shape and size of the nose are called rhinoplasty. With the help of plastic correction, you can make a wide nose narrower, a long nose short, i.e., recreate the proportions of the nose that are in harmony with the appearance of a person.

    Rhinoplasty, performed to correct a nose that is large in size or disproportionate in shape, involves reducing its osteochondral frame. Access to the nasal frame is made by making incisions on the inner surface of the nostrils. During the operation, “excess” bone and cartilage tissue is removed, the resulting defect is then closed by bringing the nasal bones together. If necessary, part of the skin in the nostril area is removed. With an isolated reduction of the wings of the nose, the nasal septum and bone structures of the nose are not affected.

    If the patient has difficulty breathing through the nose, the position of the nasal septum is simultaneously changed - septorhinoplasty. If new form or the size of the nose comes into dissonance with the rest of the face (chin, cheeks, etc.), there is a need to change the appearance of these parts of the face, which can be performed simultaneously with rhinoplasty or separately in the future.

    Rhinoplasty to correct the shape and size of a large nose is performed under general anesthesia and takes 1-2 hours.

    During the recovery period, it is necessary to protect the surgical area from trauma. With qualified rhinoplasty, the risk of postoperative complications is minimal.

Physiognomy especially highlights the shape of the nose as a very significant aspect of reading a person’s character traits. The disadvantage of such a diagnosis, and a very serious one, may be the fact of rhinoplasty among people. In this case, we could be very wrong. Although men undergo such operations much less often, the peculiarities of reading a person’s character in this way will still be useful to you.

To begin with, let's talk about perfect nose , which is also called lion's. This average length, well-shaped wings of the nose, rounded tip, not too wide bridge of the nose. Such people are courageous, passionate and assertive. Especially if the nostrils are a little larger than necessary.

A big nose reveals courageous, rather conflict-ridden personalities. Such people will not go into their pockets for words and will defend their own. Such people strive to occupy a leadership position, they need to be organizers, they always want to make a big contribution to the matter, to steer the process.

A long nose is considered a sign of high intelligence and strong individuality, although it is also often a sign of conservatism. Such a nose indicates a desire to control everything, to set the rhythm. If the nose is extremely long, then this is a sign not only of intellectual achievements, but also of capriciousness. A long and wide nose speaks of a stable character and generally calm temperament.

The nose is bony and long– an indicator of pride, sometimes even arrogance and quarrelsomeness.

And here is the nose long, large with a hanging tip speaks of the owner's insight. Such a person keeps other people's secrets and knows the skeletons in the closet. Loves money.

Eagle nose indicates vanity and ambition.

The nose is long and straight speaks of the logic and consistency of the owner. Such a person plans well and sees the future.

Narrow nose speaks of independence. Such people are accustomed to relying only on themselves in life and working hard. We are sure that nothing is given for free and will always think about how much any of your proposals is worth.

If short nose, then this speaks of responsibility and hard work. Such people are not afraid to work, they complete everything and often do meticulous work. Also, a short nose is a sign of optimism and good nature.

At all small nose indicates jealousy and pettiness.

And here snub nose reveals an emotional, often creative nature. They really want others to recognize their achievements and support them. Snub nose, just like the short one, speaks of optimism, sociability, and gullibility.

Aquiline nose reveals people who are creative, active and practical. Such people strive to manage others and consider themselves experts in many things. They love innovative ideas.

Bony nose with a hump shows that the owner is stubborn, often arrogant, proud, but at the same time decisive and even aggressive.

The hump generally says a lot. First of all, it’s about self-control.

If hump is located closer to the tip of the nose, this speaks of the ability for rapid mobilization, self-defense, and constant strengthening of one’s positions.

Hump ​​in the center of the nose indicates a desire to protect others and heroism. Such people are noble and protect the weak.

The hump is closer to the bridge of the nose speaks of an aggressive and cocky character. Such a person is always ready to fight back.

The ridge of the nose – its upper part under the bridge of the nose – says a lot about a person.

If no ridge at all, that is, a flat place under the bridge of the nose, or completely depressed, then this is a sign of a team player. Such a person always works better in a team, but it is difficult to work alone - there is always a need for communication.

But if nose with high ridge When the nose protrudes strongly from above, in the bridge of the nose, a person is used to working alone, independently. He is responsible, chooses his own rhythm of work, is assertive, and does not tolerate strong control. At the same time efficient and hardy.

Nose with a high and wide ridge, like a direct continuation of the forehead, without a notch. This type of nose is also called Greek when the bridge of the nose is missing. People with such a nose are decisive and have an iron will. They are stubborn, purposeful, with pronounced leadership qualities.

The nostrils are also a serious indicator that always corrects the first impression of the shape of the nose.

Small nostrils talk about conservatism and frugality. Such a person may even turn out to be a miser; he values ​​the energy of money very much. No matter how many there are, they will always be few.

Small nostrils with a rounded tip noses speak of gullibility, conformism and a tendency to boast.

And here big nostrils, on the contrary, they talk about generosity and ingenuity. Such a person is brave and desperate, often takes risks.

Long and narrow nostrils indicate the emotional generosity of the owner. He provides moral support and loves to share advice.

Huge, flared nostrils They talk about energy, self-confidence, even extravagance. Life energy is overflowing. A person considers himself a winner and has creative potential. Such a person takes on excessive responsibility and goes from one extreme to another. Not always consistent.

Large nostrils, wide open, indicate that a person works all his life to increase wealth, for him the material aspect is the most important. He loves money and believes that it is the key to a happy life.

Rectangular nostrils They talk about conservatism in spending: a person does not waste money, but does not particularly value it. Calm attitude towards financial resources.

Triangular and small nostrils indicate excessive frugality and stinginess. A person is very afraid that there will not be enough money.

Nostrils are round talk about generosity and high dedication.

The tip of the nose is characterized by two aspects: the angle of inclination and its shape.

The angle of inclination is the degree of gullibility. The more strongly the tip of the nose is inclined, the less trusting a person is.

The tip of the nose is turned up betrays curiosity, gullibility and impressionability. A completely upturned nose indicates strong curiosity and attention to the secrets of others. It is difficult for such people to keep other people's secrets.

Pointed and upturned nose, in addition to curiosity, also speaks of wastefulness in financial affairs and savings difficulties.

Nose horizontal, when there is no inclination either up or down, reveals a reliable person, very practical and thorough. He trusts others moderately, but it is extremely difficult to deceive him.

The nose seems to be bent down betrays strong suspicion and skepticism. A person is calculating, rarely takes his word for it, and, as a rule, manages finances well.

If the nose is bent down and has a pointed form indicates selfishness and even cruelty.

The tip of the nose resembles eagle beak speaks of vindictiveness and cunning.

If the tip of the nose is completely drooping, almost to upper lip, then experts regard this as a tendency towards betrayal and treachery.

The tip of the nose hangs down like a piece of meat: The owner is often fixated on sex issues.

And here fleshy nose (potato) speaks of the good-heartedness of the owner. At the same time, such a person attaches great importance financial success, manages finances well, loves comfort around him, and often collects things. At the same time, she loves life and knows how to have fun, loves company.

If you notice a groove (or pit) at the tip of the nose, the nose seems forked. This person often searches for himself, often changes activities, as he needs his work to bring emotional satisfaction. This also speaks of suspicion and shyness, although contact with people and communication are very important to him.

Round nose tip(like a small ball) talk about the aesthetics of the owner. A person has artistic taste, is drawn to elegant things, an esthete.

The nose is narrow as if someone who is squeezed from the sides does not save money and easily parts with it. At the same time, such a person perfectly understands the value of it, and at the same time treats financial resources as a tool, a means for acquiring something. This is especially true if the tip is thin and the nostrils are wide.

Pointed nose tip issues musical ability and self-control, as well as manipulative tendencies.

Heart-shaped tip of the nose speaks of stinginess.

As you can already understand from such a significant description, the nose is very important element in physiognomy and in competent reading of a person. The nose, as the most prominent part of the face, can tell a lot of interesting things about the interlocutor. However, it is worth noting that diagnosis should always be comprehensive, in combination with other facial features. We will talk about this in subsequent posts.

Vadim Sokolov
