Ilona from the battle of psychics, what’s wrong with her. For those who are interested in the biography of Ilona Novoselova

Psychic, clairvoyant, medium, participant in the sixth and finalist of the seventh season of the show “Battle of Psychics”.

Biography of Ilona Novoselova

Ilona Novoselova born on November 2, 1987 in Pavlovsky Posad, Moscow region. Ilona Novoselova was a man in the past; at birth, her parents named the boy Andrey. However, when his son grew up, he decided to change his sex. According to Novoselova, this was a necessary measure, since she could not live in a man’s body.

According to Ilona Novoselova herself, her gift came from past life.

“I lived somewhere in Germany in the 1800s, my name was Eleanor. For some reason I didn't have parents, so I was adopted by one family. Even then, since childhood, I was drawn to everything mysterious and mystical.”

In a past life, as a child, Ilona-Eleanor came across an old burial place and remembered only a strange, inhuman voice. The gift manifested itself at the age of 30, and people began to turn to her for help. Ilona did not remember the moment of her last death; only the moments in her mother’s womb and the moment of birth in this life were preserved in her consciousness.

“Since childhood, I described to my mother people whom I had never seen before; as it turned out later, they all died before I was born. I could tell what the weather would be like, whether they would give me a salary or a delay.”

At the age of 8, Ilona went to school. Her classmates did not accept her, Ilona kept to herself. The girl also couldn’t get along with the teachers, because she didn’t think they were right. Psychic abilities continued to develop: at age 10 Ilona Novoselova I saw my deceased grandmother in the mirror. Over time, little Ilona learned to communicate with the spirits of deceased relatives. Conflicts with teachers and misunderstandings among classmates caused Ilona to refuse school education, and her mother took the documents out of school when the girls were 12 years old. The clairvoyant began to develop her gift.

At home I found diaries, or rather excerpts from them, which described the fates of people who turned to my relatives for help and how they helped them (in my family there was a healer on my mother’s side, and a witch on my father’s side).

At the age of 14, the development of Ilona Novoselova’s gift reached a new level: she could not only communicate with the spirits of the dead, but also accurately determine people’s illnesses, as well as treat them. At the age of 19, Ilona experienced severe psychological stress due to a breakup with her beloved young man. Overcoming yourself and the hard emotional condition, Ilona devoted herself entirely to extrasensory perception.

Ilona Novoselova went on a trip to Russia, studied ancient magical rituals and technology, improved the gift of healing and divination. Having reached a new level, Ilona Novoselova continued to help those in need.

Ilona Novoselova in the show Battle of Psychics

At first Ilona Novoselova appeared in Season 6 of “Battle of Psychics” on the TNT channel in 2008. But, having reached the finals, she left the project of her own free will, saying that the spirits forbade her to test her psychic abilities in a television show on pain of death. Ilona Novoselova surprised the jury and TV viewers " Psychic Battles"by such a turn of events, but amazement knew no bounds when the clairvoyant appeared at the casting of the next, seventh season in 2009.

Ilona Novoselova known as one of the most scandalous participants in the “Battle”. Ilona could answer unpleasant questions from observers and skeptics sharply and unrestrainedly; if she was disturbed, she could express herself obscenely. In case of stress, Ilona allowed herself to smoke in front of the cameras.

But shocking behavior Ilona Novoselova during filming was more than compensated for by successfully passing the tests. During the seventh “Battle”, special magical attributes helped her in solving the tasks assigned to psychics: a colorful scarf, a dried roe deer’s foot and cards. In addition, Ilona used spells, candles, rituals, and conspiracies.

At the first test after the casting of the seventh season of “Battle,” the crowd on Arbat did not take the witch with incomprehensible attributes seriously. But opinion ordinary people and the skeptics watching the test changed dramatically as soon as Ilona began to name specific details from the lives of the people turning to her. So, she told one teenager the date and mentioned that an important joyful family event was associated with it. To many of the people on Arbat, Ilona Novoselova correctly named the diseases from which they suffered and advised how to recover.

Ilona Novoselova from the very beginning of the “Battle” she became a recognized leader, showing strong, stable results. It was the successful combination of black and white magic that became her recipe for success. But despite phenomenal results throughout the season, Ilona Novoselova could not find the child hidden in the park at the Grebnevo estate. This was only possible Alexey Pokhabov. It was this episode, according to Alexei, that became the turning point in the “Battle”.

After participating in the “Battle,” even more people began to come to Ilona Novoselova for help. Like many participants in the psychic competition, Ilona helped search for missing people and investigate crimes in the “Psychics Are Investigating” project.

Ilona Novoselova died on June 13, 2017 in Moscow as a result of a fall from the sixth floor. The girl fell out of the window after a quarrel with her boyfriend.

At the time of her death, Ilona Novoselova was 29 years old. According to the mother of the deceased, before her death, her daughter had a strong fight with her boyfriend Artem Besov, since he announced that he had decided to leave her and go home to Chelyabinsk.

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Biography, life story of Ilona Novoselova

Ilona Novoselova is a psychic.


Ilona was born in Pavlovsky Posad (Moscow region) on November 2, 1987 into an intelligent family. When the girl was only 5 years old, her parents divorced. Ilona stayed to live with her mother. Perhaps it was precisely because of the lack of fatherly attention and his care (for a child this was akin to betrayal) 3 years later, when Ilona went to school, she could not find mutual language with peers. The girl kept to herself, trying not to get close to anyone. Novoselova also had a difficult relationship with teachers. As a result, at the age of 12, Ilona switched to home schooling.

Psychic abilities

Ilona discovered the unusual gift of seeing what others do not see in herself when she was barely 10 years old. One day a girl looked in the mirror and clearly saw a silhouette next to her reflection. deceased grandmother. Since then, Ilona began talking to the dead. At the age of 14, she already knew how to treat diseases. And at 17 she realized that helping people was her purpose, her destiny. In order to develop your abilities for clairvoyance and magic, Ilona long years traveled around different corners world and communicated with esotericists, became acquainted with their practice and adopted some techniques.

As it turned out a little later, Ilona’s gift was hereditary, and on both lines. So, her father’s mother was a real witch, and her mother’s mother was a healer.

Thanks to her talent, Ilona Novoselova was able to find out who she was in a past life. Before this incarnation, Ilona was a woman named Eleanor who lived in Germany in the 18th century.

"The fight of extrasensories"

In 2008, the mysterious Ilona Novoselova appeared on the 6th season of the popular TV show “Battle of Psychics.” The girl only managed to open the chest of her talent a little when she immediately left the program. She did this of her own free will, telling the audience that the spirits strictly forbade her to publicly test her gift. However, it didn’t take long to miss the outrageous brunette. Already in next year Ilona came to the casting of “Battle” again.


Season 7 of the program was remembered by viewers not only for its interesting tasks, the fantastic abilities of the participants and their chilling discoveries, but for Novoselova’s penchant for scandals. Ilona more than once plunged those around her into a state of shock with her sharp attacks and obscene language. However, Ilona’s increased irritability did not prevent her from easily passing the tests, reaching the finals of the show and becoming the public’s favorite.

During the project, Novoselova used certain magical paraphernalia, which helped her reveal other people’s secrets and find out the details of this or that incident. So, Ilona always took a dried roe deer shoulder blade with her on missions, fortune telling cards and a bright scarf. In addition, Novoselova performed various rituals and read conspiracies right in front of the cameras.

Personal life

There were rumors among the people that Ilona was former Andrey. Suspicions of gender reassignment arose after Ilona clumsily walked in front of the camera in heels. Later, Novoselova called this gossip the machinations of envious competitors.

For some time, Ilona Novoselova dated a young man named Oleg Petrov. After breaking up with Ilona, ​​Oleg became Lana. At the age of 26, the man changed his gender. Perhaps it was this fact that led to the fact that Ilona was also credited with the operation.

In 2015, Ilona Novoselova began dating black magician Artem Besov (born 1991). The young people lived together in Moscow.

Psycho-emotional state

Ilona’s mental health was impaired in her youth. At the age of 19, the girl experienced a difficult breakup with her lover. Due to mental pain, she even tried to commit suicide. Since then, Novoselova’s nerves have always been on edge. Shortly before her death, the girl underwent treatment in a psychiatric clinic.

Tragic death

On June 13, 2017, Ilona and Artem, while intoxicated, had a strong quarrel. Besov stated that he intended to go to his home in Chelyabinsk. Ilona, ​​wanting to scare her lover, jumped onto the balcony railing (they lived on the 6th floor) and threatened to jump out. And either Novoselova really wanted to give up her life, or she accidentally stumbled, but... At that same second, Ilona fell down. Death came instantly.

Recently, information appeared in the press that the famous clairvoyant, participant in the show “Battle of Psychics”, Ilona Novoselova - ex-man! According to the media, the real name of the transsexual is Andrey.

The popular television project “Battle of Psychics” brought unprecedented fame to the medium, clairvoyant, tarot reader and witch Novoselova. Hundreds of people seeking her help sought to see the hereditary clairvoyant. During the “Battle” tests, Ilona showed unique abilities, thanks to which she reached the finals of the program and took second place. According to the clairvoyant herself, she has had an extraordinary gift since birth. The girl predicted her mother's payday and accurately gave the weather forecast, surprising her relatives detailed description people who died long before she was born. Ilona believes that she inherited the gift - on her mother’s side there was a healer in the family, on her father’s side she was a dark witch. At school, Novoselova was an outcast, she avoided her classmates and argued with teachers. From the age of 12, the girl switched to home schooling. During this period, Ilona actively developed her abilities and studied the diaries of relatives with paranormal abilities.

At the show “Battle of Psychics,” the witch amazed the audience not only with her supernatural abilities, but also with her appearance, which was unusual for a witch. The girl appeared on set in provocative miniskirts, tattered tights, a leather biker jacket and high heels. Bright makeup was invariably present on the clairvoyant’s face. And now, several years after the end of the “Battle of Psychics” with her participation, information appeared that Ilona Novoselova was a man named Andrei. Is this true or fiction? Confirmation of this data was not received from the sorceress herself.

Psychic Ilona Novoselova brilliantly passed the tests of the “Battle of Psychics” show and was one of the brightest and most memorable participants. Supporters of the witch believe that such a gift could hardly go to a transsexual.

The scandal erupted in May 2013, when Ilona Novoselova was kidnapped by criminals for ransom. During the operation to free her, an interesting fact emerged - allegedly Ilona Novoselova is a transsexual.

However, first things first. The kidnapping of the psychic took place at the entrance of her house; along with Ilona, ​​her boyfriend, Oleg Petrov, was also kidnapped. The criminals demanded a ransom from Novoselova's mother - 7.5 million rubles for her daughter and her fiance. As it turned out later, the attackers attacked young people returning from a walk and “neutralized” them with a stun gun. Then they beat her severely and forced her to call Ilona’s mother demanding that she give her money.

During the investigative actions, it was reliably established that the guy, accompanied by Ilona Novoselova, was abducted - a transvestite. The girl’s groom is Oleg 21, who according to the documents “passes” as the girl Lana. The girl's mother paid the ransom, the couple returned home, and the kidnappers were soon detained. When discussions about the kidnapping of the psychic subsided, scandalous information arose in the media about the clairvoyant herself, allegedly Ilona Novoselova - the guy who had sex reassignment surgery.

Immediately, the journalists remembered the interview that the psychic gave to the NTV channel several years ago, where she said that in her life there was a period of extreme depression, bordering on the desire to commit suicide. Perhaps it was then that Andrei decided to become Ilona. Meanwhile, find any reliable “evidence” confirming this information, it didn’t work out. There is no photo where Novoselova would be a guy, there is no confirmation of this information from Ilona or her relatives.

Journalists have not yet been able to find genuine evidence that Ilona was born a man. This pretty girl does not look like a man. However, many observers note low voice And male type figures of Novoselova.

The flames of rumors about Ilona's true gender flared up with new strength, when one of the participants in the “Battle of Psychics” confirmed that she felt that something was wrong with Ilona. According to her, the girl loved high heels, but she didn’t know how to walk on them at all. And her low timbre of voice, high growth and not too outstanding female forms They only confirm that Ilona Novoselova is a transsexual.

At the same time, Ilona Novoselova’s other colleagues on the television project are at a loss - they did not feel there was a “catch” in her or a discrepancy between her appearance and her natural essence. At the same time, Ilona’s teacher, Irina Bogdanova, categorically denies the information that Novoselova was a man.

After rumors about a gender change appeared, Novoselova hid from journalists and visitors in her apartment. The girl canceled the reception of the sufferers and did not contact the media. There was also an opinion that the clairvoyant’s clients would want their money back, because if the witch deceived them with her appearance, then she could deceive them in her predictions. And how can a true psychic go against his essence, which is given to him by nature? However, many observers are inclined to believe that this rumor is just an attempt to “promote” and remind the public of oneself. Whether Ilona wanted it or not, her name is indeed now associated with the scandal and is being discussed in the press.

The true gender of Ilona Novoselova is not yet known for certain. The name of the clairvoyant today does not leave the pages of tabloid newspapers and Internet portals. Supporters of the theory that Ilona is a man give their arguments, including her relationship with the transsexual Oleg-Lana and external signs masculine.

It is not yet known for certain whether Ilona Novoselova is truly a transsexual. The psychic does not react in any way to the rumors that have appeared and does not contact journalists.

Ilona Novoselova is a wonderful girl, a strong psychic, an extraordinary personality. Russia learned about it thanks to one famous television program, which has been shown on the TNT channel for many seasons. But what do Russians really know about Elon? And what did this unusual girl even tell about herself?

Key facts from life, the history of the development of a psychic and the terrible retribution for playing with dark forces. We will consider these and many other interesting aspects of the biography of Ilona Novoselova in this article.

Birth of Ilona

In 1986, on the second of November, in the city of Pavlov Posad, which is located near Moscow, a girl was born into an intelligent family. Her parents gave her beautiful and original name- Ilona.

And everything seemed to be fine, but every family at some point faces some difficulties. Which are popularly called household appliances. When Ilona was five years old, her parents separated. And the girl stayed with her mother.

Money, as happens in many single-parent families, was scarce. And Novoselova Sr. had to go to the factory. As a result, Ilona, ​​already at a fairly young age, was forced to learn to live and take care of herself on her own.

School years

Future psychic Ilona Novoselova went to school later than her peers, at eight years old. But relations with classmates, as well as with teachers, did not work out from the very beginning. After all, the girl was clearly different from the guys; they did not understand her. Ridicule and bullying began.

Ilona really liked the learning process itself, so she endured them for a long time. Then, as is known in adolescence children become especially cruel, the antipathy of classmates intensifies. As a result, her mother transferred her to home schooling. Ilona was 12 years old at the time. More in educational institutions Ilona Novoselova did not appear.

The first manifestation of extraordinary abilities

The further biography of Ilona Novoselova tells us that it was not only the ridicule of classmates and the dislike of teachers that caused the girl to leave school. Perhaps even more influential was the manifestation psychic abilities Elon.

After all, the girl first encountered such an oddity at the age of ten. She saw her late grandmother. And from then on, the spirits did not leave the young witch, asked for help, tried to warn about what was coming. They followed her everywhere. Including in the classroom.

And this really bothered Ilona, ​​aggravating her already difficult relationships in the school community.

Knowing yourself

As soon as the future participant in the show “Battle of Psychics” Ilona Novoselova began studying at home, her thirst for knowledge intensified. After all, now she did not have to endure the ridicule of her classmates, and she could completely focus on obtaining new information.

One day Ilona found old handwritten books. Having opened and leafed through them, she realized what they were and what important information they contained for the girl.

These books were the diaries of her late grandmothers. Of course, Ilona was very interested in them. And she began to read the content more carefully. As a result, the girl learned that one of her grandmothers was a healer, and the other practiced magic. Ilona realized how she was different from those around her. After all, she inherited from her grandmothers not only ancient diaries, but also a strong gift of witchcraft.

Development of psychic abilities

The diaries of grandmothers gave a lot to Ilona Novoselova (whose biography we explore in the article). Thanks to them, the girl learned about methods of alternative healing, various methods of helping people and other useful information. Ilona began to study a lot and develop her gift according to her grandmother’s “tips.”

Unhappy love and suicide attempt

It would seem that life has improved, the girl has found herself and an important purpose for her existence. But a year after coming of age, Fate “wrote” a tragic episode into Ilona Novoselova’s biography. The girl fell in love, but love did not bring her happiness, but only pain, disappointment, hostility and distrust of the entire male sex.

Ilona even wanted to commit suicide and almost did it. But her eternal companions, the spirits, dissuaded her, saying that the bearer of a great gift, which millions of people need, should not leave so hastily.

As a result, Ilona began a serious struggle with stress and after some time she began to improve her craft again. She traveled around Russia and foreign countries to find out various ways healing, master new methods of helping people.

Participation in the “Battle of Psychics”

Ilona Novoselova took part in the famous and extremely popular show “Battle of Psychics” twice. For the first time, people met an unusual and rather eccentric girl in the sixth season. She immediately attracted attention with her gothic appearance and excellent results.

But Ilona never made it to the finals. And the reason for this is not at all that the judges identified her as the weakest participant who should leave. The spirits again influenced the girl’s decision, threatening her with death if she disobeyed and continued the competition.

Viewers fell in love with the powerful witch. Those who believed that she could win were very upset when they heard her decision. Others began to search the Internet for information on how to get an appointment with Ilona Novoselova.

It’s hard to say what influenced the witch, but in the seventh season of “Battle of Psychics,” viewers again saw a familiar face. Perhaps the spirits finally had mercy and allowed Ilona to show the country her abilities? In the new season, Ilona reached the very final. However, she did not become the winner, because television viewers gave their preference to her opponent.

But second place did not deprive the witch of audience sympathy. And many people began to be interested in the question: “What is the cost of receiving Ilona Novoselova?” After all, some clients of the psychic claimed that they paid 30,000 rubles in one session.

Sudden death

But popularity did not bring the powerful witch who practiced black and white magic, joy. At some point, someone started spreading rumors that she was actually a man. This hypothesis was discussed for a very long time in the press and on hundreds of sites on the Internet.

Then Ilona was kidnapped unknown people, after which they began to demand money from her relatives for the return of the girl alive. But by some miracle she escaped from captivity, escaping with only fright.

The personal life of psychic Ilona Novoselova was also very far from a fairy tale. Her chosen one, Artem Besov, who also has superpowers, encouraged Ilona’s “dark” side. Together they often performed complex and very dangerous rituals and practiced black magic. Perhaps that is why they lived in constant quarrels and abuse.

On their last day - June 13 last year - the lovers also had a big quarrel. And at 17:00 Ilona fell out of the window own home. The examination proved that the girl was pushed. But who did it? After all, investigators found out that the witch was completely alone in the apartment.

Many psychics say that in childhood Ilona Novoselova was lucky enough to avoid death, but in adulthood the “dark” spirits got theirs.

26-year-old Ilona Novoselova, a finalist in the seventh season of the TV show “Battle of Psychics,” was kidnapped. This happened last week, on May 21, but it became known only now. Bandits attacked a psychic in Moscow. Her fiance disappeared along with Novoselova.

According to the police, Ilona was kidnapped for ransom.

“The victim was grabbed at the entrance together with her friend, put in a car and taken to the apartment of one of the suspects in the city of Sergiev Posad, Moscow Region,” Sergei Stukalov, a representative of the Russian Investigative Committee for Moscow, told Komsomolskaya Pravda. — The kidnappers called Ilona’s mother and demanded a ransom of 1 million rubles. Ilona’s mother handed over the money to the extortionists, but they made additional demands - another 6.5 million rubles.

Novoselova’s mother also paid this money. And as soon as the kidnappers released the captives, those released immediately turned to the police.

Detectives found out that one of the kidnappers was a 39-year-old repeat offender previously convicted of theft and robbery. A year ago, he was renovating Ilona’s house and realized that there was something to profit from here. According to the stories of people who were clients of the “clairvoyant,” Novoselova charged 25-30 thousand for a visit.

The second kidnapper is a graduate of the Sergiev Posad school. It was in his apartment that the hostages were kept. When the special forces came to take him, they met the student’s neighbor. He noticed the operatives and agreed to ring the doorbell for the extortionist. After the student was detained local school told the police that he was sure that he would not be found. He wanted to spend his two million rubles on a good car.

Just the day before, the extortionist took the Unified State Exam in mathematics and expected to get a high grade. Two more guards of the “witch” were detained during the day. One of the detainees turned out to be 19 years old, the other turned out to be a 30-year-old repeat offender from Yaroslavl region. The extortionists have already begun to spend the Novoselovs’ money. The schoolboy managed to buy himself fashionable clothes to graduation party.

The next morning, Novoselova and her boyfriend were brought in a car to the girl’s house. After their release, the hostages immediately contacted the police.

“They were detained in Moscow and the Sergiev Posad district of the Moscow region,” the police said.

According to preliminary information, three were detained, one of them is a 17-year-old schoolboy, and the second is a repeat offender, twice convicted of theft. The abducted people were kept in Sergiev Posad, near Moscow, all this time. Ilona and her young man they did not beat, perhaps because the hostages did not resist the criminals.

Investigators are currently conducting searches in the apartments of the detainees. Clothes purchased with the “proceeds” from one of them have already been found and confiscated; investigators also found part of the money given to the kidnappers by Ilona’s relatives.

In the near future, the suspects will be charged under articles of “kidnapping” and “extortion.”

The 26-year-old finalist of the seventh season of the show “Battle of Psychics” Ilona Novoselova was born on November 2, 1986 in the town of Pavlovsky Posad near Moscow. According to Ilona, ​​the realization that she had a special gift came to her in early childhood, and from the age of 17 she decided to help people with the help of her unique abilities.

Novoselova appeared in the “Battle of Psychics” in 2008. However, having reached the finals, she left the project of her own free will, saying that the spirits were unhappy with her participation in the television show.

According to clients' stories, the clairvoyant charged 25-30 thousand rubles for a visit.

Previously, the name of the popular program had already appeared in operational reports. In March 2013 Employees of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation opened a criminal case against the head of Kefir Production LLC, Vladislav Severtsev. According to investigators, his company evaded paying value added tax and income tax for a total amount of more than 46.5 million rubles. The production of the “Battle of Psychics” program is carried out by Kefir Production.

In September 2012 employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Federal service security guards stopped the activities of an organized group, whose members monetary reward"assigned" their victims to leadership positions to the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the State Duma.

The group included former employee Moscow City Hall - citizen of Russia and Holland Zaur Mustafayev, border service officer of the FSB of Russia Mikhail Kostin, who introduced himself as Maxim Boychenko, participant in the fifth season of the program “Battle of Psychics” Svetlana Solovyova, known under the pseudonym Isolde Gross, as well as her fitness trainer - citizen of Ukraine Dmitry Vershina .

Ilona Novoselova - ex-man

The kidnapped psychic Ilona Novoselova and her “boyfriend” Oleg Petrov turned out to be transsexuals.

This became clear during the operation to free them. Investigators were extremely surprised to find a girl instead of the wanted young man, who, according to documents, was identified as citizen Petrov.

It turned out that Oleg underwent sex reassignment surgery, removing the male genital organs, and completed a course hormone therapy. Oleg’s classmates told the media that he had been very feminine since childhood, and in high school he even shared with them that he decided to become a woman. Soon Oleg will have to have his documents replaced, and he will start wearing female name Lana.

According to media reports, famous psychic Ilona Novoselova was also a man from birth, whose name was Andrey. However, the young man felt like a woman trapped in a male body and also underwent sex reassignment surgery.

Ilona Novoselova crashed

A participant in the “Battle of Psychics” had a quarrel with her loved one before her death. The girl jumped from the sixth floor right before his eyes. Before that, she twice threatened to commit suicide if the “teacher and guru” left her.

Before her death, she had a strong quarrel with her beloved man Artyom Besov. The scandal broke out right in the witch’s apartment.

The last straw, according to the girl’s mother, was another quarrel with Artem. He told Ilona that he was leaving her and leaving for Chelyabinsk. The girl lost her temper, called her mother and asked her to come. When her mother arrived, Ilona said that she couldn’t do this anymore, that she didn’t want to live. This was not the first time Mom had heard this from Ilona, ​​and therefore she was not afraid. Until I heard a dull thump on the ground from the street. Ilona did what she threatened to do. She fell from a 6th floor window onto the canopy of a dental clinic and died before the ambulance arrived. She was so afraid of loneliness and did not want to be alone. expresses condolences to the relatives and friends of the deceased.

He threatened her that he would go home to Chelyabinsk and leave her, but she was categorically against this, Ilona’s mother told law enforcement officers. - After the quarrel, he turned away literally for a moment and she, taking advantage of the moment, threw herself out the window.

Let us remember that the finalist of the esoteric show, Ilona Novoselova, was widely known in the media not only due to her victory in the popular show and the sex change scandal, but also because she regularly found herself in crime news.
