Correction of crooked legs without surgery. The shape of your legs can be corrected! Exercises for O-shaped legs

In 2001, the leading Russian orthopedic surgeon, Doctor of Medical Sciences Alexander Artemyev, developed the most popular classification of leg shape today, which is generally recognized and is used as the basis in methods of correction of the lower extremities.

In addition to classification, Dr. Artemyev introduced such terms and concepts as ideal legs, their true and false curvature.

What do these concepts mean, how to correct crooked legs at home? How to determine your shape? Find out the answers right now.

The beauty of legs is a concept that everyone builds on personal aesthetic perception. Just beautiful, that's all, you say. But it turns out that ideal legs exist, and their shape is calculated mathematically.

They should reach a length of up to 55% of your height, and it is also necessary to maintain certain proportions between body height and the volume of the hips and ankles. But the main thing is the straight line rule: if you draw an imaginary straight line from the middle of the thigh through the closed knees and ankles, then three gaps will be visible along the smooth inner contour of the limb: from the perineum to knee joints, under the brought knees to the calves and from calf muscles to the ankles. In front of you are perfect legs. But not everyone has been blessed with such things by nature. Anthropometric cosmetology deals with the correction of such defects.

The legs of many men and women are characterized by curvature, varying in severity and divided into two types - false and true. What is it and what is their fundamental difference?

1. True Such curvature is the result anatomical features or deformation of the skeletal bones of the femur and lower leg. The lower limbs seem to form an arc. The cause of true, that is, bone curvature, is most often hereditary genes or transferred to at a young age diseases, such as rickets, or metabolic disorders. 2. False Such curvature is a disproportionate distribution of the soft tissues of the thigh and lower leg with an even, without defects, position of the skeletal bones. We can say that false curvature is the appearance of curvature in its real absence.

Types of true curvature and methods for determining them at home

True curvature is divided into two types:

O-shaped or varus

People with such bone deformities are said to have legs like wheels or like a football player. Wherever the discrepancy begins - from the level of the hip or the area below the knee, the shape of the legs will still end up looking like the letter “O”. The knees will “fall out” of the three ideal points of contact - they will not close with such a deformation. X-shaped, or valgus In this case, the knees, on the contrary, close tightly, but the ankles cannot come together. As a result, the shape of the lower limbs resembles the letter “X” and such people are said to have “X” legs.

We offer simple mini-test:

  1. Stand straight in front of the mirror, bend one limb and observe the kneecap of the straight supporting leg. If it is displaced inward, you have an O-shaped deformity; if it is displaced outward, you have an X-shaped deformity.
  2. Place your hands on your belt and do a simple squat at a slow pace. Watch your knees: with an O-shaped curvature, they tend to the sides, with an X-shaped curvature, they want to connect, if the legs are straight, they bend parallel to the feet.

An x-ray will help to finally put an end to this issue. She will not be deceived by false curvature - in the picture the axis of the leg, no matter what impression the disproportionately distributed muscles make, will be straight.

It must be said that distortion of the lower extremities is not only a problem of aesthetics. This can harm your legs and back. But today, almost any curvature can be straightened and leveled - it can be done independently or using special techniques.

Peculiarity! There are cases when valgus and varus refer to false curvature. As a result of age-related changes or ligament injuries, joints that are not held together by them may become loose, and as a result, the knees may stop closing. It can be difficult to figure out on your own why the shape of your legs is distorted and to distinguish false curvature from true one.

False curvature - what to do to win?

Let us immediately emphasize that false leg deformity is not a pathology. It does not cause harm to physical health, but represents only an aesthetic defect. This means that we are quite capable of correcting crooked legs without surgery.

How to correct and correct true curvature? We will start the correction with proper physical activity. The result, depending on the degree of deformation, can be seen in six months to a year, and even completely get rid of the defect. But time and effort will not be wasted - your body will become healthier and stronger overall, you will look and feel much better. And the proposed complexes can be performed not only in the gym, but even independently at home.

A set of exercises for correcting O-legs

How to make your legs straight with this type of defect? The impact should be aimed at strengthening the adductor muscles, as well as the lower leg. So, we present to you exercises for crooked legs at home.

  1. Walking on the inner arches of the feet and on the heels with the toes pointing outwards, lifting on the toes and others.
  2. Run or walk up stairs, raising your toes with each step. Can be replaced.
  3. Squats: as deep as possible with knees brought together, the second type is ballet “Plie”. The legs are spread as wide as possible, the toes point in different directions, the emphasis when moving is on the inner thigh. .
  4. Swing your leg to the side from a standing position - free or with.
  5. Straight leg raises: one leg lying on your side, alternately from a sitting position with support on your hands behind you
  6. vertical and horizontal or .
  7. Lunges. Move your body weight to the heel of the working limb, lifting from a lunge - without jerking, with tension on the buttocks, not the knee.
  8. Mixing and breeding. Feet - shoulder-width apart, bring your knees closer and apart without lifting the entire surface of your feet from the floor.
  9. Cross "twine". Not only straightens, but also lengthens limbs.

Classes must be conducted three times a week, every other day. Walking takes 5-10 minutes, and with your arms connected it can be considered a warm-up. Each exercise - 3 sets of 12-15 repetitions.

To correct O-shaped curvature of the legs, it is useful to engage in speed skating, ballet and swimming. Also watch the video on how to straighten your legs using exercises:

Below you can see photos of o-shaped types in women before and after training:

A set of exercises for adjusting X-legs

The abductor muscles of the outer thigh are to be worked.

  1. Walking on the outer arches of the feet.
  2. The so-called and others.
  3. We gradually increase the weight from session to session.
  4. with the toe pulled towards you - from a position with emphasis on your knees and elbows, lying on your side or standing.
  5. The step to the side should be wide, arms extended in front of you, heels not coming off the floor.
  6. Squats – regular or with a ball held between the knees.
  7. Static exercise
  8. Knee abduction. Standing on one leg, pull the other knee higher and turn it as far back as possible (this element can be seen in ballet). Do it on each limb in turn.
  9. Turkish squat. In this position, press on your knees, bringing them as close to the floor as possible. Do the same, slightly changing your position and bringing your soles together.
  10. Lying on your stomach, place your soles together and spread your knees apart. Hold for at least 3 minutes, gradually increase the time to 10-15 minutes.

This exercise is also performed 3 times during the week, for each exercise - 3 sets of 12-15 repetitions.

Sports that will benefit X-shaped legs are yoga, breaststroke swimming, horseback riding and cycling.

In the given complexes, the load is directed to the target muscles and, in combination with stretching, can increase the volume of the calves, correct the hips and shape of the legs.

We present to you photos of x-shaped legs in women before and after exercises:

Important! The most effective exercise for adding volume to your calves is calf raises. For extension muscle mass you need to do not 50 or more repetitions, but 12-15 in three approaches, preferably with an additional weight of 10-20 kg until the muscles burn slightly during the last repetitions. Remember to stretch, keep your knees slightly bent during the exercise, and position your feet correctly with your toes in or out, depending on the problem.

True curvature - 5 ways to correct it

Unlike false curvature of the legs, where efforts to eliminate it must be directed to working with muscles and fat deposits, true one is skeletal deformation. And here we need more effective methods, with the involvement of medical specialists. What is offered for this today?

1. Surgery

There can be two options for orthopedic surgery:

1. Surgical intervention with installation of the Ilizarov apparatus on the shin bones

10 days after installation, the process of bone correction begins, which consists of applying compression to the bone by regularly tightening the nuts for 1.5-2 months.

Use is recommended no earlier than 14 years of age. After removing the device, active physical activity is excluded for 4-6 weeks. This method can be called traditional, but, according to experts, its use gives the maximum result.

2. Operation in the clinic plastic surgery called cruroplasty.

It can be carried out using two methods - installation on the lower leg area, in the area of ​​the calf muscle, corrective silicone implants of the required shape and size, and lipofilling, when a volume is formed in the same area of ​​the legs from fat cells pumped out from the patient’s abdomen. The operation lasts an hour and a half, rehabilitation takes 1.5-2 months. The disadvantages include the fact that over time, implants can move on their own, distorting the shape of the leg, as well as a ban on playing sports.

2. Massage

As an independent measure, massage for correcting curvature of the legs is effective only for children under three years of age.

He can help adult patients only if the key to the problem with the limbs lies in the back area, and an experienced chiropractor has undertaken to eliminate the defect.

But still the massage remains auxiliary measure It is not able to completely eliminate bone deformation.

3. Pull-up machine

The principle of action is horizontal stretching of the spine and legs.

With regular exercise, it gradually relieves spasms and tension in bones and joints, restores blood circulation, and lengthens the limbs.

4. Correction belts

This device consists of three length-adjustable belts that grip the legs in three places.

In this position, you should perform a number of exercises described in the instructions.

5. Visual effect

A few little tricks will help ensure this.

    • Overlays.

Flesh-colored silicone corrector pads will help to visually correct the curvature and create the appearance of increasing the volume of the calves. They must be attached directly to the limb - on the inside, in the area of ​​the calf muscle. After this, you can wear tight tights or skinny jeans.

    • The right clothes.

To hide crooked legs with clothes, your wardrobe needs straight classic trousers or jeans, straight-cut breeches, maxi or midi length skirts or dresses - flared and puffy, boots with a loose top and over the knee boots to wear with shorts or a short skirt.

Check out the photos below before and after correcting true curvature using various methods:

If you are on the path to correcting false curvature of your legs, try to say goodbye to several bad habits:

  • sleep on your stomach After all, in this position the spine does not rest and a difference in the length of the limbs can form, but it is often quite insignificant. The effect of constantly sleeping on your stomach is the same as carrying a bag on one shoulder;
  • cross your legs while sitting and cross your legs while standing;
  • go to high heels, which constantly keeps the muscles tense. The result is a deterioration in blood circulation and lymph flow, pain and swelling in the extremities, the development of varicose veins and the formation of cellulite.

Step by step - to the feet of your dreams.

Much that is a tragedy for us is perceived by others as something insignificant or even unnoticeable. Spectacular beautiful legs are the dream of every girl. But there are no people who do not have their own special beauty at all. Learn to correctly place accents in your appearance, be an interesting conversationalist and, of course, do not give up your dream of having beautiful legs. Even women after forty can correct defects. Go towards it step by step, achieve your goal using our advice and recommendations - and you will have everything will definitely work out!

Exercises for O-shaped curvature of the legs are an effective therapeutic technique that, with a regular and systematic approach to exercise, will help to correct and correct their shape without surgical intervention. How to overcome curvature of the lower limbs with the help of therapeutic exercises? What exercises will be most effective and how to do them correctly?

Characteristics of the problem

Bow legs are a common problem that can have many causes. Experts distinguish 2 types of curvature of the lower extremities:

  1. X-shaped curvature is a leg deformity in which the patient cannot connect the ankles if the hips are closed.
  2. O-shaped curvature is a deformation of the internal contour of the limbs (from the ankle to the perineum). When the patient connects his legs together, they resemble a wheel in appearance.

It is necessary to combat curvature of the lower limbs. The problem not only causes the patient psychological discomfort and reduces self-esteem, but also negatively affects the gait, as well as the functioning of the musculoskeletal system.

According to medical experts, curvature of the legs, the appearance of which is due to hereditary, genetic reasons or traumatic injuries, is practically impossible to correct. This problem can only be dealt with through surgical intervention.

However, in all other cases, physical therapy exercises can bring very tangible, impressive results. According to Irina Krasikova, gymnastics will be especially effective in the case of curvature of the legs in young patients, because their bone tissues are soft and highly elastic and respond well to external influences.

Regular and conscientious exercise will also help adult patients. After about a year of training, your leg will become much slimmer and smoother!

When is therapeutic exercise needed?

Curvature of the legs is a cosmetic defect, usually noticeable to the naked eye. However, before starting classes, it is recommended to make sure that you really need correction.

For these purposes, you need to stand up straight, with your limbs closed, and try to relax the muscle groups of the lower limbs as much as possible (it is advisable to perform the test while standing in front of a mirror). After this, take a close look at your feet. According to the established standard, the limbs should touch each other at the following points:

  • feet;
  • knees;
  • middle ankle.

If the legs are deformed according to the 0-shaped type, then they touch in the crotch and heels. In the case of an x-shaped curvature, they are connected exclusively at the knees.

If you have identified obvious defects in the shape of your legs, then you need to deal with this problem. However, before starting exercise, it is strongly recommended that you consult with a qualified orthopedic specialist, especially when we're talking about about a small child or teenager.

The benefits of gymnastics for curvature of the legs

In most situations, deformation and curvature of the lower extremities are caused by specific defects bone tissue, weakening of the knee joint or improper development of muscle groups of the lower extremities. Physiotherapy exercises in this case are aimed at achieving the following goals:

  1. Strengthening weakened muscle groups of the lower extremities.
  2. Correction of ligament functioning.
  3. Rotate the knee joint into an anatomically correct position.

Thus, exercises help get rid of curvature of the legs. Moreover, according to numerous reviews from patients, with systematic daily training according to the regimen prescribed by a specialist, the results become noticeable within just a couple of months.

If you skip classes and do the exercises half-heartedly, gymnastics will have absolutely no effect. In addition, a preliminary consultation with an orthopedist is necessary, who will help develop an optimal set of exercises taking into account age category And individual characteristics specific patient. Moreover, for some patients this kind of activity may be completely prohibited if they have diseases for which any kind of exercise is contraindicated. increased load to the lower limbs.

Where to begin?

Experts recommend starting any exercises aimed at correcting the shape of the legs after the muscles are sufficiently prepared and warmed up. The optimal warm-up includes the following types of exercises:

  1. Standing on the floor, lift your toes, as if lifting them off the surface. At the same time, the foot is pressed harder against the surface.
  2. Do the “Bicycle” exercise (up to 10 repetitions).
  3. Sit on a chair and, with your legs apart, place your heels on the floor. Raise your feet and begin to alternately turn them from side to side.
  4. Walk on your toes (3 to 5 minutes).
  5. Stand up straight and begin to bend your toes, as if moving them under the foot area.

Corrective gymnastics

Now let's look at an effective set of exercises aimed at correcting legs with an o-shaped curvature:

  1. Walk on the inside of your foot.
  2. Do about 20 squats, keeping your toes as far apart as possible.
  3. Stand up straight, lift your leg and move it as wide as possible to the side. Repeat the same exercise with the second one.
  4. Sit with your hands on the floor and your legs straight. Begin to lift your limbs one at a time, while making sure that the leg remains perfectly level.
  5. Lie on the floor, close your legs and begin to slowly raise and lower them. At the same time, make sure that your torso remains motionless.
  6. Stand on one leg, straighten the other as much as possible and move it to the side. Do about 15 swings, then change the support and repeat the exercise.
  7. Sit on the floor and clasp your leg with both palms, and then slowly lift it and try to hold this position for at least 5 seconds. After this, change limbs and repeat the exercise.
  8. Lie on the floor on your side and alternately lift your straightened legs up.

The average workout duration should be at least half an hour. Start each session with a warm-up. You should train daily, and to achieve the fastest and most positive results, do such corrective gymnastics 2 times a day. When performing any exercises, try to keep your back as straight as possible and your stomach pulled in. Now let's take a quick look effective exercises with x-shaped legs:

  1. Do squats. Start with 15-20 repetitions, gradually increasing the number of approaches. Squats with a rubber ball pre-clamped between your ankles give a good effect.
  2. While standing, lunge with your leg to the side, pulling your toe as far as possible.
  3. Walk on the outside of your foot (10 steps each).
  4. Practice on the wall bars. Raising your legs on the floor stairs allows you to achieve very good results.
  5. Lie on your stomach, spread your knees as far apart as possible, and then try to connect your feet together.

In order for corrective gymnastics to be extremely effective and efficient, it is important to follow the following recommendations of experts:

  1. After each exercise, try to relax the muscle groups as much as possible.
  2. Don't skip training.
  3. Combine physical therapy with a course of corrective massage.
  4. Visit the physical therapy room at least twice a year.
  5. Take up sports such as swimming and figure skating.
  6. Do some stretching and learn to do the splits.
  7. Wear comfortable shoes.

O-shaped curvature is a serious problem that spoils the appearance and causes a lot of trouble. As a rule, this deficiency can be corrected through regular, systematic exercises in therapeutic corrective gymnastics. In order for the training to be most effective, it is recommended to select a set of exercises together with an orthopedic doctor or physical therapy instructor. A good effect is achieved by combining corrective gymnastics with massage and exercises. certain types sports.

O-shaped curvature (varus deformity) is the most common reason for cosmetic orthopedic correction of the shape of the legs (about 15-20 times more often than X-shaped curvature).

Classification of leg shape (Artemyev A.A., 2001):

  1. Perfect legs;
  2. True O-shaped curvature (varus deformity);

Below is a video on how to fix crooked legs

What is O-shaped curvature

Using the classification, it is easy to independently determine what shape your legs are and decide whether something needs to be changed or not.

  • Perfect legs. The knees, calves and feet close together, with three spaces between them.
  • True O-shaped curvature (varus deformity). The knee joints do not close when the feet are closed, and a spindle-shaped defect of the internal contour is formed from the perineum to the feet.
  • Associated with the distribution of soft tissues on the lower leg. With false curvature, the knees and feet close together, but the calves do not. As a result, a soft tissue defect is formed from the knees to the ankles, and the appearance of thin and crooked legs is created.
  • - the knees close, the feet do not close.

It is very important that timely correction of shin deformities allows not only to achieve a very good aesthetic result, but also prevents the development of diseases of the knee joints in adulthood and old age. Incorrect distribution of loads during varus deformity leads to uneven and premature “wear” of the knee joints.

Therefore, timely correction of the curvature of the legs is a measure to prevent arthrosis of the knee joints.

Three options for correcting the shape of the legs

You can rest assured that we will make perfect legs in almost any case. The point is how long this process will take. We offer three ways to correct leg varus deformity:

  • Ilizarov correction (see details below);
  • Express method;
  • Improved express method.

Express methods involve fixation with a pin, which significantly reduces rehabilitation time - in fact, you can begin active rehabilitation within 19 days after surgery

If you think you have false curvature -

Principles of leg shape correction using the Ilizarov apparatus

O-shaped curvature- the most common reason for cosmetic orthopedic correction of the shape of the legs (about 15-20 times more often than).

General principle correction of the shape of the legs - intersection of the bone in the area of ​​​​deformity and fusion in the correct position.

To perform an osteotomy, it is not necessary to make a large skin incision. A small (5 mm) puncture and one suture are sufficient. With an aesthetically favorable distribution of soft tissue on the lower leg, an excellent result can be achieved without completely crossing the bone, but only by breaking it on one side. This allows us to expect a reduction in treatment time by 5-15%.

After crossing the bone (osteotomy), it is necessary to bring the limb axis to the correct position and fix it in this position until fusion.

X-shaped deformation is corrected in the same way, only the direction of displacement of the bone fragments is exactly the opposite.

The ideal device for bringing the limb axis into the correct position and fixation is the Ilizarov apparatus. Unfortunately, not everyone realizes the possibilities of this method. The maximum experience in using the Ilizarov apparatus has been accumulated in Russia. For the purpose of aesthetic correction of the shape of the legs, we have been using this method since 1996. During this time, more than 1.5 thousand corrections and lengthenings of the thigh and lower leg were performed at the most various states- different leg lengths, improper healing of fractures and, of course, with increased height and cosmetic correction of shape.

The Ilizarov apparatus allows:

  • correct angular deformity;
  • perform medialization;
  • eliminate rotational displacements;
  • remove the protruding head of the fibula;
  • lengthen a limb.

More simplified open-loop designs have limited capabilities. At the same time, the Ilizarov apparatus can be covered with trousers without any problems and weighs only 900 grams.

Angular correction

Angular correction is the easiest way to correct the shape of your legs. At the request of the patient, using the Ilizarov apparatus, any curvature can be corrected, regardless of the type and severity.

The effect of angular correction in cases of pronounced O-shaped curvature of the legs.
On the left is a 19-year-old girl, on the right is a 26-year-old man.

A prerequisite for obtaining an excellent result by performing angular correction alone is an aesthetically favorable distribution of soft tissues on the lower leg - when the calf muscles are located along the inner surface of the lower legs. The reason for this condition lies in the peculiarities of the attachment of the head of the gastrocnemius muscle, and not in the fact that the muscles are not “pumped up”. Physical exercise in this case will not lead to success.

When correcting varus deformity, medialization can be performed simultaneously, which will significantly improve the aesthetic effect.

Medialization of the tibia

Medialization is the inward displacement of the peripheral (lower) fragment of the tibia after osteotomy. In modern pin-rod devices, this procedure is performed at the patient’s request almost painlessly and gradually by twisting the rods in the process of correcting the curvature.

At the request of patients, angular correction is complemented by medialization in almost 60% of cases and significantly improves the aesthetic effect.


Rotational displacement is caused by the installation of the limb in a position of displacement around the longitudinal axis.

This type of deformation occurs in 2-3% of cases and can be unilateral (asymmetrical) or bilateral. Correction of rotation is carried out in case of significant severity or asymmetry on different legs.

Appearance of a 19-year-old patient before and after combined correction
(angular correction + medialization + rotation + lengthening of the legs by 3 cm).
On the right are radiographs during the correction process.

Reduction of the protruding head of the fibula

A protruding head of the fibula in combination with varus deformity occurs in no more than 1% of cases.

Appearance of a 26-year-old man before and after correction (correction of varus deformity + reduction of the head of the fibula + lengthening of the tibia by 1.5 cm)

Lowering the head of the fibula involves lengthening the legs by 1-2 cm, which significantly enhances the cosmetic effect.


Limb lengthening is based on the discovery of G.A. Ilizarov - biological tissues respond to stretching with regeneration. This is achieved by increasing the distance between the rings of the apparatus, which entails an increase in the distance between bone fragments and, accordingly, stretching of the tissue.

Scheme of limb lengthening using the Ilizarov apparatus

(correction of O-shaped curvature + medialization + lengthening 4.5 cm)

Lengthening by a small amount (2-4 cm) in order to optimize proportions significantly improves the aesthetic effect when correcting curvature of the legs, completely changes a person’s self-esteem, and often his lifestyle.

Ways to reduce treatment and rehabilitation time when correcting crooked legs

The average time from surgery to removal of the devices is 3 months. In the case of leg lengthening, you need to add approximately 1 month for each centimeter of lengthening. The specified period assumes a gradual increase in loads and activity during the fixation process and the ability to fully load the legs and walk freely without restrictions immediately after removing the devices. You can remove the devices earlier, for example, after 50-60 days. However, after this you will have to sharply limit the load (even walking with crutches) for another month and a half until the final fusion occurs.

There are the following ways to reduce treatment time:

  • a gradual increase in loads on the legs (under the supervision of a doctor) reduces the time of fixation with Ilizarov apparatuses by 5-10%;
  • incomplete osteotomy reduces the fixation period by 5-15%.

Alternative methods of correction (without the Ilizarov apparatus)

  • osteotomy with plate fixation allows you to correct curvature of the legs without Ilizarov apparatus;
  • osteotomy with devices moving the legs into the correct position and subsequent transition to fixation with a rod allows you to remove the devices approximately a month after the operation and immediately begin rehabilitation.

Features of rehabilitation

Rehabilitation is recovery from temporary limitations of function. After surgery, restoration of motor activity should occur gradually and strictly in accordance with the doctor’s recommendations.

Gradual expansion of activity mode is made easier with use special means support and movement.

Modern means support and movement after surgery

Additional information and frequently asked questions

At the decision-making stage and during the correction process, additional questions often arise. Answers to all the questions listed below - Here you can find out what examination is necessary before surgery, how to properly take photos for an absentee consultation, and much more.

Often asked:

— Will exercises help correct the true curvature of the legs?
- No, they won’t help. The reason is bone deformation, which is the reason for this shape of the legs.

— Will exercises help in cases where there is false curvature of the legs?
- No, they won’t help. False curvature of the legs is associated with the distribution of soft tissues. Many people believe that there is a deficiency of soft tissue, the muscle is not “pumped up”. In fact, muscle volume in all people is usually proportional to the volume of the lower leg. But for some, the calf muscle is located on the inner surface, it is clearly visible, and it’s beautiful. Other people seem to have small calf muscles. In fact, the volume is sufficient, but these muscles are displaced posteriorly. Exercises will increase their volume, but this will not reduce the deficiency of the internal contour, which actually creates the impression of false curvature of the legs.

— The child’s legs are crooked, what should I do?
- If the child is between 0 and 8 years old, then the shape changes at this age. You just need to observe. If this causes serious concern, and the curvature is pronounced, then you need to contact a pediatric orthopedist to identify various diseases that can cause deformation of the legs. The effectiveness of massage, exercise and other conservative methods at this age is greatly exaggerated. If the deformity is a consequence of diseases, for example, Blount's disease, then the operation should be performed without delay. If the curvature of the legs is a structural feature, then it is better to wait until the growth zones close. This usually occurs between the ages of 14 and 18. This is the optimal age to correct the so-called. idiopathic varus or valgus deformity.

— Does shin deformation affect the position of the foot?
- Yes, it does. As a rule, these are interconnected processes. Parents pay more attention to the position of the foot, as problems arise with the selection of shoes. In fact, in such cases it is necessary to examine the entire child. The shape of the entire lower limb needs to be assessed. In 90% of cases of foot deformity, a careful examination will reveal a deformity of the knee joints, different lengths legs and much more. Moreover, the correction must begin from top to bottom - first the hips, then the legs, and only then the feet.

If you want to study the problem in more detail, we recommend that you refer to this book:

If you are interested in the problem under consideration and would like to receive additional information or professional advice, call +7 909 641-36-41

Photo gallery of works

Woman 27 years old. Varus deformity of the legs.

Male 21 years old. Varus (true O-shaped) deformity of the legs, short stature. We performed angular correction, medialization, and lengthened the tibia by 4 cm (see detailed patient diary).

Often, children barely 2 years old are diagnosed with x-shaped legs. Even 25-35 years ago, such a problem was not so acute, either due to its absence as such, or due to the fact that infants were not referred for a systematic examination by an orthopedist. Often, many mothers suddenly find out that their child has one or another deformity of the lower extremities. What can be done about this and how to correct x-shaped legs in a child?

The shape of the lower extremities is called normal, in which you can draw an imaginary straight line passing from the head of the femur of the hip joint through the middle of the patella and the space between the first and second toes. A deviation in one direction or the other is considered abnormal. It could be:

  1. Hallux valgus means that the legs, brought together at the knees, have a distance of more than 5 cm in the area of ​​the feet, that is, it is an x-shape. If you look at the legs in full, their silhouette resembles hourglass or the letter X.
  2. Varus deformity is an O-shaped curvature of the legs. In this case, the pathology affects the middle part of the lower leg, which deviates outward, and the knee joints cannot be connected to each other. As a result, the knees develop unevenly. The meniscus is compressed and the joint space expands from the inside and outside.

Pathology data can be:

  • congenital;
  • acquired;
  • physiological.

Immediately after birth, children most often have an O-shaped leg deformity. Further, as they grow, the legs gradually level out. However, during the period when walking begins, excess weight, lack of developed muscles and other factors can lead to the appearance of one or another form of curvature of the legs. The most common age for the development of the disease in a child is 2-4 years.

If the problem was not corrected in time, in adulthood, constant improper distribution of the load on the knees and ankles provokes curvature of these joints and the development of knee gonarthrosis, which is a deforming non-inflammatory arthrosis. All this significantly worsens a person’s quality of life. Moreover, women are more predisposed to these diseases.

The initial changes in valgus deformity begin in the knee joints - the internal condyles grow faster than the external ones, and the joint space is narrow on the outside and wide on the inside. As a result, the ligaments that provide stability to the knee are overstretched on the inside. This deformation of the legs in profile is noticeable by bending at the knees.

The development of the process does not end there; already at one year old, the baby may experience a planovalgus change in the feet, that is, flat feet with the heels deviating outward. Then an unsteady gait develops, the baby often stumbles and falls, and also complains of tired legs. Without treatment, curvature of the spine gradually develops.

Causes of pathology

The reasons include the following:

  1. Early onset of child walking. A baby who is just beginning to stand on his feet gradually trains his muscles. Crawling also plays an important role here, which helps in their formation and strengthening of ligaments. If the baby missed this phase of development, the load may be excessive, so the fragile legs become bent. Orthopedists emphasize the negative role of children's jumpers and walkers, which are designed to relieve the load from the legs of infants. However, no load means no training.
  2. Heavy weight. Babies fed on mother's milk often have a body weight that exceeds the statistical average. However, it will not be possible to deprive them of food, the only option- reduce the fat content of the woman’s diet. You can adjust your children's nutrition by artificial feeding or on complementary foods. Recommended for weight loss vegetable purees, not cereal porridges.
  3. Congenital weakness of the musculo-ligamentous apparatus. Heredity may play a role to some extent. If children have an asthenic body type, they are characterized by thinness and undeveloped muscles. Another problem is any disease that causes this pathology.
  4. Diseases associated with calcium metabolism disorders, which provoke a decrease in bone strength. This could be kidney disease or rickets.
  5. Hereditary predisposition. If one of the parents has X-legs, it is likely that the baby will have a similar deviation after birth. However, the vast majority of newborns have an O-shaped curvature.
  6. Congenital malformations - dysplasia of one or both hip joints, hip dislocation, underdevelopment of the knee joints and others. Subsequently, a unilateral deformity of the lower leg may develop here.
  7. Intra-articular fractures and injuries.
  8. Benign and malignant tumors of bone and cartilage tissue of the lower extremities.

According to statistics, girls have strength anatomical structure pelvic bones X-shaped legs are more common, and in boys - O-shaped.

By the way, the doctor can diagnose a false x-shaped deformity of the legs. Unlike the true one, an external defect is observed due to the location of muscles and fat deposits; treatment is not required.

If a 2-year-old baby quickly gets tired while walking, does not want to walk with his legs, has an unsteady gait and often falls out of the blue, you should see an orthopedist and undergo appropriate treatment. In principle, parents themselves can see that when the child’s knees touch, the child’s ankles do not close. You can measure the distance between the feet of 4-5 cm using a ruler.

There is no point in postponing a visit to the doctor and thinking that everything will go away on its own, since the development of the process can affect not only the ligaments of the knees, but also the ankle joints, and even the spine. After an external examination and measurements, the orthopedist will ask the child to walk barefoot on the floor. At the same time, it will become clear whether there is a flat-valgus position of the feet. The presence of planovalgus changes in the feet is clearly visible on plantography. This may be a visual, ink or computer research model. In the latter option, the plantar part of the feet is scanned at rest and under functional load conditions. The computer will calculate the morphological parameters and give a report on what type of flatfoot is observed - longitudinal, transverse or mixed.

For diagnosis, X-rays of the knee joints are used. The image shows the unevenness of the joint space. In addition, X-shaped legs in children have more developed internal condyles, and the external ones have a bevel. If the valgus curvature is inherited, the x-ray will show blurry edges of the ossified parts of the external condyles.

After diagnosis, correction of the pathology comes to the fore. Childhood up to 3-4 years old is well suited for massage, physiotherapy and physical therapy. How older child, the more pronounced the consequences are - uneven gait, rapid fatigue of the legs, pain in the feet, poor posture and curvature of the spine. In the future, an adult may experience bone changes chest and pelvis, as well as dysfunction of certain organs.

X-legs in a child under one and a half years old are a physiological norm. This requires systematic monitoring by an orthopedist. In order not to miss the initial stage of the disease. The most in a simple way Correction is considered therapeutic massage. Give preference only to experienced massage therapists, otherwise the procedure may cause harm rather than benefit. Usually a course of 12-15 sessions is carried out, followed by a break for 2 months and repeat. During the year, massage in combination with physiotherapy is carried out on average 4 times. This type of massage involves strengthening the muscles on the inside of the lower leg and relaxing overstrained external ligaments. The procedure affects the buttocks, back, feet, front and back of the lower limbs. It is important that the massage therapist’s movements bring joy to the baby and not pain, otherwise he will not relax.

As prescribed by the doctor, the child may be referred to warming procedures using paraffin and electrophoresis with calcium chloride. Very important role plays by wearing specially ordered orthopedic shoes with a high hard back and hard insoles that combat flat feet. Such shoes or boots help to form the correct position of the foot and normal tilt of the body. Doctors usually advise wearing such shoes at home and on the street with a break for sleep and exercise.

If conservative methods do not help, plaster casts, articulated orthoses or removable splints are recommended. The period of their use ranges from 3 weeks to several months. This type of therapy is not suitable for hyperactive children and toddlers with neurological disorders.

In severe cases it is recommended surgical intervention. If only one leg is affected, the Ilizarov apparatus with simultaneous varus osteotomy of the tibia can be used for correction. This is especially true after suffering injuries and leg fractures. The correction period can take from 2 months to a year. The postoperative recovery stage consists of massage, exercise therapy and physiotherapy. In the future, gymnastics are performed to strengthen the muscular-ligamentous apparatus and completely restore range of motion.

Treatment of hallux valgus is a very long process, sometimes it requires many years of effort and a certain perseverance from children and parents. Among other things, it is expected to correct the baby’s lifestyle:

  1. Make sure that the child does not stand with his legs wide apart, as this position increases the inward deviation of the knee joints. A more advantageous position is with legs tightly closed.
  2. Children with X-shaped legs need frequent rest during active games or while walking. No wonder the children kindergarten often put on a bench "as punishment for disobedience."
  3. It is advisable to attend specialized sports clubs, dance, go swimming, or enroll your child in an orthopedic nursery preschool, where daily physical therapy and massage courses will be conducted.

At home, it is advisable to do a simple set of exercises every day:

  1. To correct hallux valgus in children, walking on a plank in the spirit of “the bull is walking and swinging…” is excellent. Another time you can play circus and walk along a rope laid on the floor, like a real tightrope walker.
  2. Squats with knees apart and cycling promote development the right groups muscles.
  3. Play the game “The bear is walking through the forest.” Lay out toys on the carpet, and then walk on the outside of your feet and pick up objects.
  4. Sitting cross-legged can be varied with various additional games. Roll a ball to each other while sitting in this position, or pretend to be an oriental fakir charming snakes.
  5. It is useful if at home you have the opportunity to build a wall bars, ladder, trapeze and hang a rope. In addition to reducing excess weight, exercise stress will strengthen the muscles and ligaments of the legs, knees and feet.
  6. Let the child during summer holiday walks barefoot on sand, grass and pebbles. Such exercises help treat flat feet.

A 1.5-2 year old baby is more susceptible to treatment for X-shaped legs, provided that a persistent and patient approach to the procedures is applied. In the vast majority of cases, getting rid of pathology takes from 2 to 7 years, but you still shouldn’t give up. Valgus curvature of the lower extremities is not a cosmetic defect. Subsequently, it can provoke a whole range of skeletal disorders, including the development of arthrosis of the knees and feet. Correct exercises, a balance of active play and rest, wearing orthopedic shoes and systematic monitoring by an orthopedist will protect the child from unpleasant consequences at an older age.

True X-shaped curvature (valgus deformity) is manifested by the presence of a distance between the feet with the knees tightly closed in a free stance.

Classification of leg shape (Artemyev A.A., 2001):

  1. True X-shaped curvature (valgus deformity);

Below is a video on how to fix crooked legs

Correction of X-shaped legs. Part 1. Dangers and consequences

Correction of X-shaped legs. Part 2. At what age should surgery be performed?

What is X-shaped curvature

This classification allows you to independently determine the shape of your legs and make a decision about correcting the curvature.

The “ideal” shape of the legs involves the closure of the knees, calves and feet and the presence of three spaces between them.

True X-shaped curvature is manifested by the presence of a distance between the feet with the knees tightly closed in a free stance. Conventionally, we can assume that an axis deviation of 10-15° is a cosmetic problem, and more than 15° is an orthopedic problem. With pronounced curvature, we are already talking about valgus deformity.

How common are X legs?

The shape of the legs is an ethnic characteristic. X-shaped curvature of the legs is more common among residents European countries. Owners of such legs seek surgical correction approximately 10-15 times less frequently than those with O-shaped curvature of the legs.
It is difficult to say how often X-legs occur among all people, but men resort to the services of surgeons approximately 2-3 times more often than women.

Manifestations and consequences of valgus curvature of the lower extremities

An interesting observation is noteworthy: in trousers, legs with slight valgus deformity appear straight. Straight legs, especially in thin people, look a little like wheels in trousers. With severe hallux valgus, X-shaped legs, on the contrary, are not only very noticeable in trousers, but even make it difficult to wear clothes. A very common reason for seeking surgical help, especially among men, is problems in choosing fashionable clothing.

Valgus deformity upon in-depth examination is accompanied by underdevelopment of the condyles of the femur or tibia, as well as flat feet. With age, these features can lead to the development and progression of various pathological conditions, and therefore require as early correction as possible.

Three options for correcting the shape of the legs

You can rest assured that we will make perfect legs in almost any case. The point is how long this process will take. We offer three ways to correct leg varus deformity:

  • Ilizarov correction (see details below);
  • Express method;
  • Improved express method.

Express methods involve fixation with a pin, which significantly reduces rehabilitation time - in fact, you can begin active rehabilitation within 19 days after surgery.

If you think you have false curvature -

Features of correction of X-shaped legs

Principle surgical treatment- the same as when - only the direction of displacement is exactly the opposite.

In the process of correction for improvement appearance you can lengthen your legs.

Surgical correction of the lower leg is technically simpler and has much fewer complications than surgery on the hip. However, with severe valgus deformity, it is necessary to correct the specific segment that is curved.

Considering that the correction principle X-shaped curvature legs is the same as with, the main features of the operation and postoperative management, as well as the cost of treatment are however the same for the treatment of both types of deformity.

Additional information and frequently asked questions

At the decision-making stage and during the correction process, additional questions often arise. The answers to them are . Here you can find out what kind of examination you need to undergo before the operation, how to take photos correctly for an absentee consultation, and much more.

Hallux valgus is often understood as a deformity of the foot, including the first (big) toe (hallux valgus). Both valgus deviation of 1 toe and deformation (valgus and varus) of the knee joints are phenomena of the same order. They refer to static deformations, and the reason lies in the peculiarities of the development of connective tissue. This cannot be considered a pathology. In many cases these are developmental features. However, with age, such deformities can lead to serious problems. If one of these diseases is detected, additional examination is necessary to identify other deformities.

Such static deformations can be detected in early childhood. The child must undergo additional examination to exclude any pathology. If you suspect a child, you should see an orthopedist at least once a year.
