When is the best time to go to Crimea? Swimming season in Crimea: when can you swim on the beach? What month is the best month to vacation in Crimea?

Excellent climate, beautiful nature, picturesque rocky bays cut by water and wind, overgrown with coniferous and relict plants, as well as the gently splashing warm sea - congratulations, you are in Crimea, on the peninsula of southern Russia. Find out on the Tour Calendar why the last days of May, June, the end of August and September are considered to be the best holiday times here.

Tourist season in Crimea

The miraculous properties of Crimean nature and its generous sun were known back in the second half of the nineteenth century. The peninsula was considered a resort royal families. It is thanks to this that Crimea has a huge number of stunning architectural masterpieces in the form of palaces, estates and estates. Its popularity did not subside even during the USSR: Crimea became a VIP resort general secretaries. Today, the tourism infrastructure of Crimea is developing at a breakneck pace. During the season, which lasts here from May to October, not only Russians and residents of the CIS countries, but also immigrants from the USA and Europe relax and recuperate at a string of resorts.

High season

A tourist wave hits the peninsula in mid-June: streams of people flock to the beaches surrounded by pristine nature. A significant proportion go to famous health resorts and sanatoriums, while others send their children to wonderful camps, where they not only take care of their interesting leisure time, but also temper and strengthen their growing bodies. Excursion and rural tourism are very developed in Crimea: there is practically not a single path that would not be of interest to an inquisitive mind, so they are all well-trodden. In the summer, the peninsula hosts a huge number of festivals, celebrations and competitions that attract sold-out crowds. In addition, at the height of the season, prices in Crimea are comparatively lower than in European resorts. Of course, there is still a long way to go to get European service. And even Türkiye is ahead of Crimea in this regard, not to mention the material issue. At the same time, the local climate is more healing and adapted to our body. What is more important than health? Nothing!

Low season

As a rule, September and October are no longer the high season in Crimea, but not the off-season either. In other words - velvet autumn. But after it there comes a complete calm, which lasts in Crimea until the end of next spring. Certainly, late autumn, winter and early spring cannot be called a “dead” season. A powerful recreational base attracts people to the peninsula even at this time of year. However, their numbers cannot be compared with those that can be observed in summer. Well, don’t forget that prices for holidays in low season automatically reduced by 20% - 50%.

Beach season in Crimea on the Black Sea

Dozens of beautiful resorts are scattered along the Black Sea coast. There are pebble, sandy and rocky beaches. Beach season is considered open already in last days May, but actually swimming becomes possible only in early June. By this time, the water warms up to 20 °C - 21 °C. However, on the southern coast of Crimea, cold underwater currents are not uncommon, bringing these indicators down to 15 °C - 17 °C. In July and August, the water warms up to 24 °C -26 °C, but again on the South Coast these levels can be a couple of degrees lower.

Beach season in Crimea on the Sea of ​​Azov

The eastern shores of the peninsula are washed by waters Sea of ​​Azov, which is separated from Black by the Kerch Strait. It is very shallow, so the swimming season here starts in mid-May with temperatures around 20 °C. In subsequent months, there is an increase in air temperature, and as a result, the water warms up to 25 °C - 26 °C. The resorts of the Azov Sea are quite popular these days, although people still come here less often. They are great for those who are not confident on the water, as well as for families with small children. But it is worth knowing about the other side of the coin of the shallow bottom of this sea: during strong winds sand and algae from the depths rise to the surface, causing severe turbidity in the water.

Velvet season in Crimea

September in Crimea is not autumn, it’s the Velvet season. The sun becomes gentle, the daytime air temperature drops slightly, and the sea remains comfortable for swimming: on average from 20 °C to 22 °C. The velvet season on the Sea of ​​Azov ends at the end of September. But the Black Sea cools down much longer, so the first days of October in some resorts can be spent on the beach. The price level at this time is comparable to those in May and June. The number of vacationers is significantly less. In general, all the advantages of the velvet season in Crimea cannot be listed.

Best time for excursions

Crimea has a lot of diverse attractions. It is easier to list what is not here than what the peninsula is rich in. Although this is a controversial issue. Get ready for the fact that you will have to walk a lot in Crimea - archaeological monuments, historical places and unique creations nature is here at every step. This is not Europe with neat museums and galleries, although there is something for those who like glamorous outings, it is rather unique natural Park. Nai best time to participate in excursion programs: from late spring to early summer and from early to mid-autumn.

It's time for holidays and festivals

Residents of Crimea celebrate all the same public holidays as other residents of Russia. But the peninsula also has a lot of its own personal dates. Firstly, these are City Days, which each city celebrates in a special way. Secondly, Crimea is favorite place pop stars, show business figures, actors and directors who give their concerts here, hold talent competitions, and film festivals. Filming in resort towns is already a pattern. Thirdly, these are all kinds of festivals: crafts, arts, dance and songs, wine and gastronomic festivals. Fourthly, these are various rallies, buy shows and sports competitions. And finally, holidays of the Russian Navy.

Wellness season

Crimea is home to about 600 specialized sanatoriums, health resorts and boarding houses. They all have their own specific characteristics, offering different solutions to different wellness programs. To correct this or that dysfunction of the body, this or that season is good. But in general, experts believe that warm, not hot or cold, is favorable for undergoing procedures. cold weather. That is, the time is from mid to early summer, as well as from early to mid-autumn.

Ski season in Crimea

Especially to Crimea for ski holiday they don't go. But being here in winter, why not take a ride to Ai-Petri? The season here opens in mid-January and closes at the end of March. The air temperature in the villages varies on average from -10 °C to -1 °C.

Climate in Crimea

It is impossible to give any one definition to the climate of Crimea. It varies depending on location. In general, it can be divided into 3 groups: temperate continental in the north, west and east, subtropical in the south and mountainous, characteristic of deciduous forests, V Crimean mountains. Crimea is a very sunny peninsula with maximum number sundial- 2470. So, in the northern part of Crimea: summer is hot and extremely dry, and winter is windy and with little snow. On the southern coast of Crimea: summer is hot and humid, winter is mild and snowless. In the Crimean Mountains: summer is moderate and dry, winter is wet and cold. As for precipitation, on the southern coast and southern slopes of the mountains most of it falls in December and January, in the center and north of the peninsula - in June and July, in the west and east precipitation is distributed evenly throughout the year.

Crimea in spring

Spring in Crimea is one of the driest times of the year. Its onset is characterized by frequent mood swings, both positive and negative. It happens that there is still snow on March 8th. In another spring, at this time the bright sun is shining, and the birds are chirping cheerfully. Snow is falling from the Crimean mountains, the melt waters of which fill the rivers. The real warming begins in April. This is the active time of flowering: the hillsides are covered with fragrant herbs and wild flowers, the buds on the trees are swelling, which in a few weeks will give a real riot of color and smell, gardens and parks are dressed in fresh greenery. In May it becomes summer-like warm. As a rule, lilac bushes bloom by Victory Day, and acacia bushes bloom a little later.

Temperature and weather in Crimea in spring

Weather in MarchWeather in AprilWeather in May
Temperature average+5 +9 +14
Temperature during the day+8 +13 +18
Temperature at night+1 +5 +10
Water temperature+8 +9 +16

Crimea in summer

June greets everyone throughout Crimea bright sun and green decoration. But next month the picture will be somewhat different. The steppe areas will take on a scorched yellow hue due to the heat. On the southern coast of Crimea, on the contrary, everything will be surrounded by greenery, and this is thanks to torrential rains, which are so typical for this part of Crimea in summer period. In the mountains at this time the weather is more moderate, and at night, especially in the gorges, there are very low temperatures. In the evening, high daytime levels always drop, bringing the desired coolness. The water warms up by June. In the west, this process occurs faster than in the south, thanks to the relatively shallow Kalamita Gulf.

Temperature and weather in Crimea in summer

Weather in JuneWeather in JulyWeather in August
Temperature average+19 +23 +22
Temperature during the day+23 +27 +27
Temperature at night+14 +18 +17
Water temperature+21 +22 +23

Crimea in autumn

Autumn in Crimea is one of the best times of the year. It is much warmer than spring, since after three (and actually four) summer months the sea turns into a huge reservoir of heat, which keeps the weather very warm. The first month and a half of autumn is swimming season. Only November days indicate that it is still autumn. And that’s only in the last decade. At this time, the foliage turns golden-purple. The intensity of precipitation increases towards the end of autumn, as do the blowing winds, which gain greater strength. Daylight hours are becoming shorter, and at night there is a significant cooling.

What time to go on vacation to Crimea? — It all depends on the purpose of your trip, because holidays in Crimea are multifaceted and interesting at any time of the year.

The beach holiday season is considered to be from mid-May to mid-October, with its peak in July and August. During the rest of the year, Crimea is open for excursions and visits to sanatoriums, most of which are open all year round.

When choosing when is the best time to go to Crimea with a child, you should plan your vacation for the end of June or beginning of September, especially if you have a baby. Prices at this time are quite reasonable, and there are not yet (or no longer) many vacationers on the beaches.

In which month to go to Crimea, it’s up to you to decide, but we will try to help you choose by describing the main pros and cons of each in this article!

Crimea in winter

For residents of most of our homeland, the Crimean winter will be more like spring, because the air temperature at the resorts does not fall below 0 degrees during the day and below -5 at night. And in areas protected from cold winds, for example, in Yalta and Feodosia, the air during the day can warm up to +15 degrees. Snow rarely falls, but rain and fog are almost constant companions of the winter months.

February is the most cold month per year. At this time things happen severe storms, the sea can even freeze near the shore.

Actually, the lack of opportunity to swim in the sea and the cool weather are the main disadvantages of winter holidays in Crimea.

The advantage of holidaying in Crimea in winter is that the main attractions (with the exception of natural ones) are open to tourists, and visiting them without crowds of tourists and in weather comfortable for an excursion holiday is much more pleasant.

Also attracts more low price on air tickets and on prices inside resorts than during the high season. Therefore, if the purpose of your trip to Crimea is treatment in a sanatorium (especially considering that not all people tolerate the heat well) and an excursion holiday, then winter is just your time!

When planning a holiday in Crimea in winter, it is best to choose one of the major cities central Crimea- Yalta or Alushta. They have enough entertainment even when the beach season is closed. In addition, from these cities it is easy to reach all the attractions located both in the east and in the west of the peninsula.

In addition to the undoubted advantages of location and developed infrastructure, the fact that winter in these places is the mildest speaks in favor of these cities.

So, in Yalta and Alushta average temperature air in December is +8 during the day, and at night does not fall below 0; in January and February it becomes a little colder - the thermometer often rises above +6 degrees during the day, but at night it also does not fall below 0, as in December.

The southern coast of Crimea, as well as Sevastopol and Evpatoria, should not be chosen as the main place for a winter holiday, since they are quite far from the main attractions of the peninsula

From winter fun, in Crimea you can go skiing and sledding. You can practice winter sports in the Angarsk Pass (located near Simferopol, just 30 km) and Ai-Petrinskaya Yayla and Chatyr-Dag.

And after descending from the mountains, you can start picking mushrooms. No matter how strange it may sound, in Crimea, winter is the mushroom season.

Crimea in spring

Spring is a good time to relax not only for visitors to sanatoriums and history buffs, but also for those who want to see the nature of the peninsula in all its bloom and splendor. After all, it is in the spring, while there is still no scorching heat, that you can see deep rivers, lakes and waterfalls, enjoy the spicy smells of flowering herbs and listen to the singing of nightingales.

When is it better to go to Crimea in the spring, because it has so many faces - March is still cool and unpredictable, April gives a feeling of the revival of nature after hibernation, and May will surprise you with the splendor and richness of the nature of the peninsula?

IN March The thermometer needle usually stays at +10-15 degrees, sometimes reaching +20. However, frosts are still possible at night. There are still a lot of tourists, so you can explore the sights of the peninsula without haste and with pleasure. In March, the nature of Crimea begins to wake up after hibernation– primroses and buds are blooming, and almonds are beginning to bloom.

IN April Gardens and steppes are blooming in Crimea. The nature of the region is revealed in full force. This month is ideal for visiting mountains and gardens. The average daytime temperature is +20 degrees, but, unlike March, there are no night frosts in April. The number of tourists is beginning to increase - mainly those wishing to receive treatment in sanatoriums and lovers of hiking.

May in Crimea it’s almost summer. During the day you can sunbathe - the air temperature reaches +30 degrees, and those who like cool temperatures sea ​​water They can easily take a swim - it warms up to +18 degrees. In May there are still short-term showers that begin quite suddenly. There are more and more tourists in May, and prices are getting higher.

Crimea in summer

We can talk endlessly about summer Crimea. Summer in Crimea is a time of sea, sun and festivals.

What month is it better to go to Crimea in the summer? It all depends on the purpose of your trip and how well you can handle the heat.

IN June There is no scorching heat yet, and the vegetation retains its lush and blooming appearance, but the sea is still not warm enough for beach lovers - at the beginning of the month the sea water temperature rarely exceeds +19 degrees, and by the end of June the sea warms up to +22 degrees. The average air temperature is +30+32 degrees. Therefore, in June the number of tourists is much less than in other summer months.

When choosing when is the best time to go to Crimea on vacation in June, it is most reasonable to plan a vacation for the second half of the month - the weather at this time is already more stable and conducive to a beach holiday.

July in Crimea it is a time of sweltering heat, but this cannot frighten the crowds of tourists who flock to the coast with a desire to fry in the sun until “crispy” and swim to their hearts’ content in the warm sea. The air temperature in July reaches +40 degrees, and the sea warms up to +24-25 degrees. July, as well as the first half of August, is not the time for excursion tours and sanatorium-resort treatment, because it is much more difficult to endure all this under the scorching sun than in the cooler months. Easiest to carry summer heat in Yalta and Alushta, since their favorable location allows the winds to save the city from the sweltering heat.

Back to top August the heat in Crimea reaches its peak - the air temperature remains at over 40 degrees, and even the sea does not give coolness, since its temperature reaches +27. In the second half of the month, the heat begins to gradually subside, and the weather becomes more comfortable for relaxation. At night in August it can become noticeably colder, so if you plan to visit Crimea at this time, you should take with you not only a swimsuit, but also a couple of warm clothes for evening walks.

On the plus side summer holiday In Crimea, one cannot help but note the variety of fresh vegetables, fruits and seafood, which can be found in abundance in restaurants, markets and shops. In addition, it is in the summer that it is worth purchasing infusions of medicinal herbs, which grow in abundance on the peninsula - then you can be treated with such infusions throughout the year by brewing medicinal teas.

When choosing when to go to Crimea with a child in the summer, you should pay attention to the fact that at the height of the beach season - in July and August, outbreaks often occur in Crimea rotavirus infection, so you should take care of the first aid kit in advance and take a medical insurance card with you.

Another disadvantage of holidays during the hot season is, of course, crowds of tourists on the beach and on excursions, which makes visiting them quite difficult, especially under the scorching sun. In addition to these inconveniences, it is worth considering that a summer vacation will cost you more - after all, prices for accommodation and other services during the holiday season are much higher than during the rest of the year.

Crimea in autumn

When is the best time to go to Crimea? – In the velvet season, many will answer! After all, the beginning of autumn is one of the most beautiful and comfortable seasons for relax.

IN October It gets cooler, but the swimming season continues until the middle of the month. In the first half of October during the day the air warms up to +25 degrees, and in especially warm days the temperature can reach +30 degrees, but the sea is already cooling down significantly - the water temperature, as a rule, does not rise above +18 degrees. It rains quite rarely in October, but it is still worth taking an umbrella and a windbreaker with you.

IN November weather A in Crimea it changes a lot, and it becomes quite slushy - it often rains, which can really spoil the impression of your vacation. The sea is often stormy, so November is rather time for relaxation in sanatoriums than for excursions. Crimea is preparing for winter...

Tickets to Crimea

Where departure date Return date Price Find a ticket


1 776


4 160


4 219

Mineral water

5 160


7 308


7 520

Nizhny Novgorod

7 520

The Black Sea warms up to optimal temperatures already in May, which allows tourists to swim and sunbathe on the sea coast. And for some, summer spent at one of the resorts on the peninsula is the best time. Skiers love winter, and romantics love autumn, which is why they choose the velvet season for a holiday in Crimea. Whatever period of the year travelers choose, the Crimean Peninsula will provide many opportunities for active and passive tourism, entertainment and solitude.

When does the holiday season in Crimea begin?

Traditionally beginning of summer resort- tourist season falls in May and lasts until mid-September, and sometimes until early October. Winter holidays in the mountains begins in December, when enough snow falls in the Crimean mountains.

There is also a holiday season in Crimea, which lasts from October-November to April. Off-season popular with those who want to see the sights, go on excursions, and stroll along the ancient streets and embankments of resort towns without the heat and crowds.

Thus, travelers individually decide when the holiday season in Crimea begins. It is important that the holidays bring pleasure and give positive emotions.

Holiday season in Crimea by month: when and where to go?

Tourists and Crimeans share calendar year on several periods:

  • Season which starts in May and ends in September;
  • Not a season– from January to April;
  • Off-season– November and December.

The holiday season is conventionally divided into high or large, low or small. High season starts in July and lasts until October, and small covers May and June.

Among the others features The holiday season in Crimea by month is worth noting the following:

  • May is different warm sea, temperature changes, wild nature and bright colors;
  • June– there are more and more people swimming in the sea every day, prices in the first half of the month can still be the same as in May, and after the 15th they rise sharply;
  • July– the beginning of the tourist and sea season in Crimea, when most vacationers lie on the beaches or bask in the sea;
  • August– the peak of the Crimean season, when maximum limit reach prices for housing, services, food and entertainment.

The Velvet season Holidays in Crimea by month are as follows:

  • September– romantic, soft, warm and autumnal, which gives tourists unforgettable emotions. The weather is warm, the sea is gorgeous, there are people on the beaches, but not many of them. You can walk around the sights, go on hiking and horseback excursions to the mountains, and wander through the forest for hours.
  • October– a unique month when it stands during the day warm weather, and in the evening suddenly the wind catches up with clouds, and it's raining. Tourists still swim, but the swims are not as long as in July. You won't be able to sunbathe on the beach for a long time.

Speaking separately about the holiday season in Crimea by month, it is worth dwelling on off-season. November, and then December, is the best time for recovery, a romantic weekend for two. In December, you can go to the mountains to ski, snowboard, do other winter sports, and meet New Year and Christmas under starry sky, surrounded by picturesque rocks.

The holiday season in Crimea by month - January, February, March and April - is considered non-tourist and non-resort, although the number of visitors suggests otherwise. IN winter months skiers and lovers of extreme pastimes come to the peninsula, and the first two spring months beckons with its unique nature, clean air, privacy.

When is the season for a beach holiday in Crimea?

Tourists answer this question differently. It all depends on individual preferences and the desire to swim in the Black or Azov Sea. The water temperature in these reservoirs allows for short swims already in May, and someone does not risk doing this, waiting for the beach holiday season in Crimea to start in July. On the southern coast, the water at this time warms up to +26-28, while in other regions of Crimea it can be several degrees lower.

The perfect time for swimming is coming in September and October, when the season in Crimea for beach holidays is not yet officially closed. The “Golden Crimean Autumn” does not quickly cool the sea, so it is quite possible to swim in the mornings and afternoons, but you should not do this in the evening, as there is a high probability of catching colds. The water temperature drops at night.

Favorable climate, unique nature, colorful bays carved by wind and water, warm gentle sea - and all this is Crimea. Although it occupies a relatively small area, it is truly unique and anyone who has visited it once will always want to return to discover something new every time.

Of course, most people prefer to visit Crimea in the warm season, when you can do whatever your heart desires: scuba diving, visit the sights, of which there are many, go cycling, and just sunbathe in the sun.

Crimean spring

When can you swim in Crimea? This question interests many who want to relax there and gain strength before their next vacation. Officially, the swimming season opens at the beginning of May, but in reality, swimming at this time is still cold. The water becomes sufficiently warm only towards the end of this month. Then you can safely go on vacation, without fear that your vacation will be in vain.

June on the Crimean coast

June begins summer, but the weather there can be somewhat unstable. You can already swim, but children will not be too comfortable, because they are more thermophilic. But much cleaner than in subsequent months. This is also an ideal time to dive if you have the skills or desire to learn.

In June it turns out to be profitable and quite budget holiday. All entertainment venues, cafes, bars and water parks are already open, and numerous travel companies offer a variety of excursions. The cost of housing, by the way, is one and a half times lower than in July.

Midsummer in Crimea

In July, prices are already rising noticeably, the sea becomes gentler and warmer, and the air is filled with fragrant aromas. flowering plants. The sun is no longer just warming, but truly frying. Therefore, although the sea is warm in July, you should still choose the time for swimming in the morning before 11 a.m. and in the afternoon from 4-5 p.m.

For some reason, this month is considered the hottest, but in reality, August is even hotter. In addition, vacation at this time of summer is the most expensive of the entire season, and if you need a calm and measured vacation, then it is better to plan it in some other month.

August Crimea

The sea in August becomes the warmest of the whole year, as the weather sets in appropriately. City beaches are crowded at this time, and to get a place you need to get up early, although for most this is not a problem.

Velvet season on the beaches of sunny Crimea

Crimean autumn continues to delight holidaymakers gentle sun and warm enough sea ​​water. In addition, by relaxing during this period, you can save a lot of money, because during the high season the influx of tourists is not so great.

In the meantime, you are deciding what date to buy tickets for, you can watch Crimea in this video:

Today Crimea has become one of the most popular holiday destinations. Many Russian citizens prefer the beaches and attractions of their own country to foreign resorts. If you are going to see this beautiful peninsula and spend an unforgettable vacation here, then first of all you should find out what time of year is best to choose. Since everyone has their own preferences, not everyone will like extreme heat, for example, while others may be disappointed by cold weather and closed beaches.

When is the best time to go to Crimea on vacation?

The peak tourist season begins in mid-June and ends in late August and early September. At this time, the most a large number of holidaymakers due to the hot weather and the opportunity to fully enjoy beach holiday. The beach season opens at the end of May (the water warms up to 20 degrees), but finally hot weather installed only in June. In July and August, the water warms up to 24-26 degrees.

Summer in Crimea is not only about heat and beaches. At this time, numerous festivals, holidays, and events take place on the peninsula. entertainment programs, various open-air establishments are open.

September and October are the velvet season. The number of tourists is noticeably decreasing, the heat is subsiding, but throughout September, and sometimes early October, the sea still remains warm and suitable for swimming. This time is suitable for those who prefer excursions and hiking trips. In September and October, Crimea will be comfortable for tourists who cannot tolerate extreme heat. In addition, at this time it will be much calmer due to the fact that there are much fewer tourists.

Starting from the end of October and ending in spring, a lull begins in Crimea. And yet, even at this time, tourists come here, because prices for vacations in the low season sometimes drop by up to 50%, and all the attractions of the peninsula can be seen in the same way as in the summer, but without jostling among crowds of vacationers. Despite the fact that the water is quite cold from October to May, the weather at this time of year is quite comfortable: in January up to +20 degrees during the day, in February up to +15 degrees.

Crimea photo
