Folk calendar of weather, signs and holidays for February. Some folk signs for February Signs according to the folk calendar for February

With the permission of the site administration, I will write a series of articles about folk signs for every day of 2019. I started in order from, now February.

A short, difficult month for the peasants, cold, severe lack of food for people and animals.

February signs suggested what kind of weather to expect for the year; one could also assume something very important for farmers - a summer with rain or drought.

1.02. Macarius day. The stove was heated with special care. It was necessary to ensure that at one moment each log was engulfed in fire, then prosperity would settle in the house. The effect was achieved only in the presence of well-prepared, dried firewood, finely plucked wood, harvested in winter, which has a lower moisture content.

Signs: the weather on Makara is the same as during the entire short month.

2.02. Efim's day. More than others winter months, snowstorms are blowing. The cat's scratching of the floor and the chicken's wagging tails indicated its approach.

It was noted: it is clear at lunchtime on Efimiya - early spring warmth will come.

The Efim's snowstorm will last throughout the week and Maslenitsa.

3.02. Maxim's Day, protector, comforter of the offended, helper in adversity, protector of the weak.

Signs: Maxim is fine - the same by spring.

4.02. Timothy's Day. The beginning of February snowstorms.

Note: sunny in the middle of the day - spring can be expected earlier.

Window frost up - expect cold; to the side - short-term warmth will come.

5.02. Day of Agathia the Half-Bread Man. The peasants were calculating whether there would be supplies left until the new product arrived or whether they would have to tighten their belts. Condition was checked seed material, necessary arable utensils, order was restored in barns and chests.

Signs: the morning cry of a titmouse means a fierce cold.

6.02. Ksenia is a half-winter woman. Winter break.

Social sign: the price of bread is increased - to a bad harvest. The cost is the same - one can hope for a future bountiful harvest, and bread should not rise in price.

From this day on, exactly the same amount of supplies before the new product will be required as was safely consumed during the winter.

According to Ksenia, the character of spring was determined: if it is beautiful, the weather is clear in spring; if it starts to snow, spring will get sick, the warmth will come late.

7.02. Gregory the Theologian.

The nature of winter was noted next year: what noon - such and winter before Christmas Nativity. And the afternoon “mood” of the day will indicate the character of its future second half.

Snow on Gregory means long warmth in the fall of next year.

And again: the singing of a tit is a sign of imminent cold.

8.02. Fedorov day. The longing of the dead for their household. We need to remember dreams. The deceased can influence the lives of their loved ones.

Note: cold and dry weather indicates a sultry August.

9.02. John Chrysostom. Patron of education.

It was noted: the thaw cannot be trusted.

The clouds are not in the wind - snowy. The windows are fogged up - it won't get warmer for a while.

Round snowdrifts mean a good harvest.

10.02. Ephraim's day. This is not the day to get rid of domestic insects; you might offend the brownie.

Windy Ephraim promises a damp year, a rainy summer, and generally nothing good.

11.02. Ignatius Day. The moon indicates many things: reddish - to a strong wind; In the month born on Ignatius, the weather is similar to the beginning of March.

Stove smoke with a rocker means warming.

Ignatius will caress you in March and beat you up in January.

12.02. Vasiliev's day. They don’t blame Vasily. Animal weddings, fights in the forest. Obligatory dishes are prepared from hunting trophies.

Large flakes of snow, frost on the branches, mice crawling out into the snow - it will get warmer.

North wind without clouds means cold weather.

13.02. Nikita's Day. Protects from fire (caused by the elements), prevents drought.

It was noted: intense raven and jackdaw screams - for snowfall, blizzard.

Daytime frost is a night without snow.

14.02. Trifonov day. Analogy to the Catholic day of St. Valentina. Day of the wedding month. Brides beg grooms.

It was noted: in the evening there is a foggy haze in the sky - to a clear day.

Snowy day - rainy spring.

Starry sky - spring will be late.

There are many stars - it will be winter for a long time.

15.02. Candlemas. First visit of spring. The next frost is Sretensky. The toboggan path is already dangerous. It was necessary to feed the bird more densely, to strengthen it so as not to be left without eggs in spring and summer: check the grain for seeds; caress the trees in the garden.

At the end of Candlemas the sun is invoked.

Note: A warm day indicates a bad spring; blizzard - for a later onset of summer, an acute shortage of feed.

The sun is before sunset - there will be no more frost; end of the day without sun - frosts are expected on Vlasia, at the end of February.

Starry sky - late melting.

16.02. Day of Saints Simeon the God-Receiver, guardian of infants, and Anna. The peasants beg them for health for their newly born children. Prepare and repair tools for sowing.

17.02. Nikola Studeny. Every year, the seventeenth day of the month is truly chilling. In the forest wedding season. Hunters assured that foxes began to dance, and hares ran around like crazy in the moonlight.

18.02. Agafya the Cow. Keeper of domestic animals.

Note: warm weather- the cold is over.

Frosty day indicates have a nice spring, but dry summer.

19.02. Vukol-calf. Calving is underway.

Signs: a frosty day promises the same for spring and summer months, as the previous day. The colder Vukol, the nicer March.

20.02. Luke's Day. The onions were necessarily baked and some were given to the very poor. This should come back a hundredfold in goodness. The departed were remembered.

Note: if it melts from the north, the summer will be warm.

21.02. Zachary the Sickle Seer. The sickle shown to the month from the lintel (it had been there since the end of December) should be sharpened by it and ensure a rich harvest.

Signs: steady smoke on the ground - expect solid snow.

The dog predicts the weather: lies on the snow - it should thaw for a short time; lying around - the blizzard will come tomorrow.

Cold at the end of the month - fine month next.

22.02. Day of Pankrat, Nikifor. The peasants began to weave bast shoes and prepared for arable work. The seeds were hardened. Winter is receding. Only at night the frosts are pressing.

Note: the forest is noisy in the cold, snow sticks to the branches - a thaw.

Tree branches bend under the weight of snow - to a bountiful harvest.

23.02. Day of Harlampy (protected from unrepentant death), Prokhor.

Signs: Prokhor - spring has come into the yard.

24.02. Vlasiev day. A riot of evil spirits. For protection, they close the pipes, even cover them with clay, and fumigate them with thistles.

Signs: Vlasiy prophesies spring during the day, but the frosts will return.

25.02. Alexey's Day. The seeds are hardened (stratified) in the cold.

Noticed: melting on Alexey means a fish catch. And cooked fish is a must on the table.

At night, the red moon indicates wind, snow, and warmth for tomorrow.

26.02. Day of Martinian, Svetlana. They turned to the stars and asked for good vision.

Note: melting snow - to a friendly spring, cold and cloudy - to delaying the warmth of spring.

27.02. Kirill's Day. The peasants kept the snow on the field by trampling it down. They cajoled the field worker.

Good Kirill will return the cold.

28.02. Day of Anisim, patron saint of sheep farmers.

Signs: good haymaking promises floods in Anisim.

1st of February. Macarius. A clear sunny Makaryev day - early spring. Drops on Macarius - believe in early spring. Whatever the weather is on the first day, such is the whole of February.

February 2. Efim. It’s sunny on Efimiya - for a red, early spring; cloudy - expect late snowstorms. "A broom broom for Maslenitsa; the Empress Maslenitsa blizzard will come."

February 3rd. Maksim. If the moon rises this evening and peeks out from behind a cloud, the harvest will be good; and if the sky is clear, the barn will be empty in the fall.

February 4. Timofey-half-winter. Timofeevsky frosts. In the frost, the windows and frames sweat - wait for warmer weather. If the “snow plants” go up the glass, the frost will continue, their shoots are bent, wait for a thaw.

February 5th. Agafonnik Polukhlebnik. Half of the bread supply has been eaten. Half the time is left until new bread is ready (Most often the bread ripens within August 6). Agafonik does not straighten his back in the bins, he keeps track of the healthy grain.

February 6. Ksenia (Aksinya). Aksinya is a spring indicator, half-winter. Aksinya divides the winter in half, but it doesn’t evenly divide the winter: it’s harder by spring. A snowstorm on Ksenia will sweep away food, rain - it will be a good spring.

February 7. Grigory. What is the day before noon - what will be the first half next winter, and the time from noon to evening foreshadows its other half.

February 8. Fedor Studit. "Fedor Studit - chills the earth." There are many stars in the sky - there will be many berries and mushrooms for next summer. To make the omen come true, tea is brewed for Fyodor with dried raspberries, strawberries or blueberries. In some villages, it was customary to eat as much cabbage soup as possible on this day: the more cabbage soup you eat, the warmer the winter will be.

February 10. Ephraim's day. It is believed that on this night the brownie mocks in the courtyards, they cajole him, put porridge on the table for him, saying: “Master-father, take care of the cattle.”

11 February. Ignat. Ignat is fickle: sometimes it’s January, sometimes it’s March. On Ignat there are big frosts - for a hot summer.

12th of February. Day of Three Saints Basil the Great, Gregory the Theologian, John Chrysostom. Hares come to the gardens - there will still be a harsh winter. The trees were covered with frost - to the warmth. Red moon - to a big wind. For three saints, each popular belief, you can't spin.

February 13. Day of Nikita of Novgorod - the guardian from fires and lightning. The wood in the stove hisses, smokes, and does not light well - a thaw. Red fire in the stove - for frost, white - for thaw.

The 14th of February. Tryphon. On Tryphon the starry sky - late spring. Mice were charmed against Tryphon so that the stacks of bread would not be spoiled. The girls prayed to Tryphon for a good groom.

February, 15. Meeting of the Lord. Winter meets spring. What is the weather on Candlemas, so is spring. Thaw - spring will be early and warm; cold - cold.

February 16. Simeon and Anna. Repairs - preparation for spring. “Semyon and Anna are repairing the harness,” “Semyon and Anna are repairing the harness.” From February 16 to February 24, seven cool matinees are expected.

February 19. Vukola Calf. On St. Vukola, beetles calve (this is the name given to cows and calves born in February). The beginning of spring calving of cows.

February 20th. Luke. They bake pies with onions. "If the sun sets red, there will be a cold summer; clouds are high - for good weather; midday wind - for the spring harvest."

February 21. Zechariah the Sickle Seer. On this day, peasants sprinkled sickles Epiphany water, getting ready for work. “If you don’t protect a crooked sickle in time, you won’t even harvest a sheaf in the field.”

February 22. Pankrat. “Not every Pankrat is rich in bread, but every Pankrat is rich in bast shoes.” On this day they began to weave bast shoes.

February 23. Prokhor and Kharlampy. Kharlampy was considered the patron saint of officials and the sovereign's people. Prokhor and Vlas came: “It’s not like spring is coming soon!” The colder the last week of February, the warmer it is in March.

24 February. Vlasiev day. Vlasyev's day came, and Vlasyev's frosts came. Vlasiev Day was celebrated as a big holiday: crumpets and pancakes were baked, and loaves of rye bread were blessed. "Vlasiy's beard is covered in oil." “If Vlasiy spills oil on the roads, it’s time for winter to put off its feet.”

25 February. Meletius and Alexy. They took the sowing seeds out into the morning frost, saying that if touched by frost, they would give a better harvest.

February 26. Day of Martinian - the tamer of passions. If on this day the snow melts and the water runs together, it means a wet summer.

28th of February. Onisim Zimobor. On this day, winter and spring begin to fight - who should go further and who should turn back. Long icicles - for a long spring. A large increase in water foreshadows good haymaking.

Blizzards and blizzards arrived in February. I really don’t want winter to give up its rights to the inevitably approaching spring. It is in February - the blizziest, windiest month of the year that winter meets spring.

February is popularly considered a difficult month, rich in trials, which is reflected in signs, proverbs, and sayings.

It was February that ended in the Roman calendar. calendar year. And the name of the month was febris, which in Latin means “fever.”

The name is associated with the name of the god Februs, who rules in the underworld, or the goddess Febris, who is responsible for fever. Literally, the month Februarius was associated with purification and propitiation.

No less interesting are Slavic names February.

Snezhen (for Russians). The volume of snow, blizzards and blizzards in February sometimes goes off scale.

Szechen. After all, it is February that is divided into winter and spring, or separates winter from spring, and it is also “cut” by the winds. February - cuts the winter in half.

Bokogray - the first rays of the sun are already starting to warm, but only one side, as it freezes at night, and during the day the sun tries to warm it up again.

February the sun will turn to summer.

February will warm the side of a cow and a bear in their den.

Fierce (among the Poles and Ukrainians) - winter is fierce at the last and tries to force winds and blizzards. Svećen (among Croats) and unor (among Slovaks and Czechs).

The month is the shortest of the year. Moreover, it is the heaviest. After all, winter depresses us mentally and physically. And by the end of it, the body is simply exhausted. In addition, supplies are running out, and Lent is still ahead.

The place of February in the calendar also changed. There were times when a month completed the year or was sixth in a series. And only after Peter’s reforms in 1700, he took his usual place and became second in the calendar.

Signs of February: the calendar will accept

The good news is that the day has already become much longer. In fact, in a month the length of the day increases by two hours and this is already significantly noticeable.

February adds three hours of the day. The soul asks for warmth and sun, but winter is in no hurry to recede in February. It is believed that there will be seven more frosty mornings throughout the month. Directly on Vlasiya on February 24, as well as three days before and three after.

The month of February is fierce: he asks who is wearing shoes.

February - knock off the horns of winter.

In February, winter and spring will meet for the first time.

The sun warms up during the day, which melts the snow on the roads. By evening, the roads freeze again, becoming slippery and impassable. But where the mud had already appeared, it was impossible to drive through.

February rosemary is worth nothing.

Therefore, they drove around the roads on the sides. Such cunning maneuvers turned roads in southern Russia into wide and crooked roads in February.

February - the roads are crooked, but wherever you turn, you will pass.

February - snowstorm and wind, crooked roads.

Peasants and farmers were more interested in the fact that the days of winter were numbered. And work to prepare for the season has already begun in full swing. Seed material is sorted and processed. Some are starting to sow vegetable crops for seedlings. Although outside the window the first subtle signs of spring are being replaced by winter signs.

Severe frosts in February occur only at night. It seems that the day has become longer, and the sun is warming, and then suddenly the calm snowfall suddenly turns into a blizzard, and sometimes into a real blizzard.

The blizzards and blizzards started flying in February.

It is in February that the number of “blizzard” days breaks records. And the direction taken for spring forces nature to fight, which adds additional tension to the month. But spring is inevitable and winter will meet it on February 15 at the Presentation of the Lord.

What is the weather at Candlemas, such will be the spring.

On Candlemas there is snow - in the spring it rains.

On Candlemas, drops indicate a harvest for wheat.

February – wedding

Another popular name for February is “wedding day”. by all signs it foreshadowed happiness and a long life together.

Moreover, church calendar allowed weddings until Maslenitsa.

Almost the entire winter, starting from November 28 from the beginning of the Nativity Fast and until January 19, wedding baptisms were prohibited. And very soon, with the beginning of Maslenitsa week, weddings will again be banned until the end of Lent.

The beginning of Maslenitsa is always transitional and depends on the beginning of Lent. Therefore, this fun week often falls precisely at the end of February. Most often, weddings take place throughout February, which is why the month got its name “wedding party”.

Weather signs in February

As usual, people's observation allowed us to judge weather changes. But in February, people were more worried about the arrival of spring, what the weather would be like and whether there would be more severe frosts. It was according to the signs of February that spring work in the fields and sowing dates were planned.

The wind is blowing, but there is no frost - there will be a snowstorm.

The moon seemed to turn red at night - expect wind, heat and snow tomorrow.

In February, snow sticks to the trees - a sign of warming.

Rainy February foreshadowed a similar summer and spring. And since there is little rainfall in February, you can expect drought in the summer. Warm February brings cold spring.

February is cold and dry - August is hot.

A fine February means drought.

Dry and cold February leads to hot August.

Frequent fogs in February mean a rainy summer.

They made sure to compare February with neighboring months, and on this basis many beautiful proverbs appeared.

Father January - frosts, February - snowstorms.

February with snow, March with water, and May with flowers.

February is heavy with snowstorms, and March is dripping.

February is rich in snow, April - in water.

February will let you in, and March will pick you up.

February builds bridges, and March breaks them.

February blows away the winter, and March breaks it.

And the colder the end of February is, the earlier spring will be.

The beginning of February is fine - spring will be early and pleasant.

Rainy February - for a rainy spring and summer.

Severe frosts in February mean a short winter.

Long February icicles mean a long winter.

Warm February means cold spring.

Signs of the February harvest

No less interesting were the signs associated with future harvests. Even children knew such signs of February. Since it depended on future harvests how the big winter would survive the next winter and whether part of the harvest could be sold.

Just as it comes back to haunt you in February, it will respond in the fall (or in August).

In February there is a lot of frost on the trees - there will be a lot of honey.

What will the animals tell you in February?

Animals were good assistants in prediction. They paid attention to their behavior first of all, since living creatures were sensitive to weather changes and the arrival of spring.

If the cat is in February days stands on hind legs and begins to scratch the walls with his claws - it will be warm.

Horses' hooves sweat - a sign of warmth.

Video: the calendar will accept for February

Watch the video for the signs of February by day:

1st of February

Makar-weather indicator, Makaryev day. Memory of St. Macarius the Great.

Drops on Macarius - believe in early spring.

As Macarius is, so is the whole of February.

Clear, sunny Macarius - for early spring.

The people made fun of Macarius:

Our Makarka is all cinders.

Poor Makar was beset by misfortune everywhere.

All the trouble falls on poor Makar.

They will drive them where Makar did not drive the calves.

February 2

Efim Day, memory of St. Efimy the Great.

The second day of February shows spring: sunny - for a red spring, cloudy - wait for late snowstorms.

If there is a snowstorm on Macarius and Efimiya, then for the whole Maslenitsa.

February 3rd

Maxim's Day. A clear dawn means frost.

February 4

Timofey-half-winter, half the winter has already passed. Memory of the Holy Apostle Timothy.

The Timofeevsky frost took away the half-winter with it.

The snow is deep on Timofey - the bread will be good!

On this day, beekeepers examined the bees in the omshaniks. They listened: a restless hum indicated the unwellness of the bee colony.

Signs of this day

Shoots of snowy plants rise up the glass - the frost will continue; they bend down - towards the thaw.

If the windows and frames “sweat” in the cold, wait for warmer weather.

February 6

Aksinya. Memory of Venerable Xenia of Petersburg. Aksinya is a half-winter, half-bread woman, spring indicator. Winter grain lay in the ground half the time before germination. Before the new harvest, you need the same amount of bread as has already been eaten (half-bread).

Half-winter in half, but it doesn’t evenly divide the winter: by spring it’s harder for a man.

On this day, they wondered about the prices of bread: if the weight of the loaf decreases overnight, prices will fall; if it increases, the price of bread will rise.

February 7

Day of St. Gregory the Theologian. By the weather from morning to noon on this day they judged the first half of the next winter, and by the weather from noon to evening - about its second half.

Aksinya hurries Grigory, so as not to miss spring, to plant the sun on the roof.

As the day is from morning to noon, such will be the first half of the next winter, and as it is from noon to evening, such will be the other half of the winter.

February 9th

In the villages they began to spin dog hair - on this day, it was believed that it acquired healing powers. If you noticed a cobweb in the corner of the house, this sign indicated that money would soon appear in the house.

February 10

Day of St. Ephraim the Syrian, wind blower, baker, joker, cricket protector. On this day, you definitely need to appease the brownie who is celebrating his name day - leave porridge with butter and tobacco for him to eat. In the morning, the treat was taken to the forest or field. It was not customary to kill insects - it was believed that the brownie would be offended and good luck would leave the house.

The Efremov wind is not good for the summer.

On Ephraim the wind means a damp year.

Snow - for good and profitable trading in the spring.

In the evening, Ephraim was amused by endless stories about the brownie and various jokes, which the children especially loved to listen to.

12th of February

Day of the Three Saints, or Three Non-Spinner Saints: You can’t spin on this day. There are animal weddings in the forest. On this day, they ate only raw onions with salt, black bread and kvass - such a one-day fast protected people from spring illnesses. They begin to let the cattle out into the fresh air.

February 13

Nikita Novgorod Day Oh, guardian from fires and lightning.

The 14th of February

Day of the Holy Martyr Tryphon, mouse charmer. The peasants charmed the rodents so that they would not cause damage to the farm.

It's starry on Tryphon - late spring.

February, 15

Meeting of the Lord. Since ancient times, this day has been considered the first meeting of winter and spring, when they fight: who should go forward. The Slavic word “sretenie” is translated into modern Russian as “meeting”. The Christian holiday was established in honor of the meeting of Elder Simeon with the baby Jesus Christ in the Jerusalem Temple.

On this day, a miraculous candle was made and celebrated, which protects the house from thunder and lightning.

At Candlemas, winter and summer met.

At Candlemas, a caftan and a fur coat met.

On Candlemas, sun for summer, winter for frost (about Sretensky frosts).

At Candlemas, winter welcomes spring, wants to freeze the red one, but she, the feverish woman, only sweats from her desire (about the Candlemas thaw).

The day has more light, the night has less cold.

In the evening, the children invited the sun.

Bucket sun,

Look out from behind the mountain

Look out, red,

Until spring!

Sunny, show yourself

Red, gear up!

So that year after year

The weather gave us:

Warm summer

Mushrooms in birch bark,

Berries in a basket,

Green peas!

Signs for Candlemas

What is the weather at Candlemas, such will be the spring.

If the sun peeks through the clouds before sunset, the last frosts have passed.

Snow blowing across the road means it will be late spring, and if it doesn’t blow, it will be early spring.

On Candlemas there will be snow in the morning - there will be a harvest of early grain, if at noon - medium, in the evening - late.

At Candlemas they started feeding chickens oats:

Feed your chickens oats and you will have eggs in spring and summer.

February 16

Simeon and Anna - make repairs. Memory of the righteous Simeon the God-Receiver and Anna the Prophetess.

It's time to prepare summer sowing equipment.

The grandfather gets up at first light to repair the summer harness and the hundred-year-old harrow.

February 17

Nikola Studeny Day. Time for animal weddings.

It's a cold day - put your fur coat back on.

Nikola Studeny - wolf matchmaker, poppy sunset."

18th of Febuary

Day of Agafya the Cowshed, memory of the martyr Agafya. Death cows are walking around the villages, which can be scared away by the smell of tar: old bast shoes soaked in tar were hung in the barns.

Agafya protects cows from diseases.

February 19

Day of Vukola the Calf Raider. The beginning of spring calving of cows.

Beetles (cows) calve on Saint Vukol.

February 20th

Day of St. Luke of Greece.

We baked pies with onions.

On Luka, the midday wind means the spring harvest.

February 21

Zechariah the Sickle Day. It is necessary to examine the sickles and sprinkle them with holy water.

If you don’t protect a crooked sickle in time, you won’t even harvest a sheaf in the field.

It’s not the time to sharpen sickles when it’s time to go to the harvest.

On the eve of this day, merchants cleaned their shops, and in the morning, while it was still dark, they turned on the light in front of them. This contributed profitable trading. They also made a “money burial”: they walked away from the shop so as to remain in the light, and buried a shallow handful small coins. If, when leaving home in the evening, the merchant did not find the money or the place where he buried it, then he could count on a big profit. It was customary to trade, exchange money, lend money and generally carry out any transactions on this day with a covered head, so as not to become a loser.

On this day, the seedlings of the plant that they liked best were planted so that it would take root and produce good seedlings.

February 22

Valentine's Day - dropper, or Nikifor-Pankrats. They began to weave bast shoes:

Our Pankrat is rich in bast shoes.

The Pankratyev bast shoes are good, and even those are Nikiforians.

February 23

Prokhor's Day, memory of the saint. Prokhor Pechersky. The day indicates what summer and autumn will be like.

Winter and winter will groan at Prokhor!

Frost on haystacks means excessive wetness.

Blessed loaves of rye bread were fed to livestock.

24 February

Day of the Hieromartyr Blaise, Bokogrey, patron livestock.

Blasius is a bestial god.

Vlasiev day is a cow holiday.

On this day, the cattle were first taken out for a walk to “warm their sides” in the weak February sun. A meeting with a pet with a red tail promised good luck in trading matters and profit. Gifts were given to the owner of such an animal.

In Russia, Saint Blaise was honored until the middle of the 19th century. It was customary to perform a prayer service, feed the loaves consecrated in the church to the cattle, and during epidemics to make a sacrifice - stoning four infected animals: a sheep, a ram, a horse and a goat. They were driven through the square to the place of execution with their tails tied together. Wanting to protect livestock from death, peasants hung icons of St. Blaise in their cowsheds and said special prayers:

Saint Blaise, give happiness to sleek heifers, to fat bulls, so that they come from the yard and play, and come from the field and gallop.

Before the introduction of Christianity, the Slavs revered Veles as the “cattle god”. He was honored in winter, during the lack of food - the most dangerous time for livestock. This holiday was not complete without mummers, who dressed in sheepskin coats turned inside out and animal masks. Housewives baked special cookies called “cows”, “bagels”, “horns” and “kozulki”. With the spread of the religion of Jesus, Christians began to consider Saint Blaise the patron saint of livestock, but continued to honor their beloved god Veles during the winter holidays.

Vlasievo frosts are the last ones that end winter:

Vlasiy - knock off the horn from winter.

Vlasiy will spill oil on the roads, it’s time for winter to put its feet away, it knows the way - following Prokhor.

On this day, they drove evil spirits out of the house: they took water from puddles and sprinkled their homes with it. Puddles on February 24 are a good omen.

25 February

Alexey Rybny, memory of Saint Alexy.

There were drips on Alexy - the fish should be caught.

It is necessary to “spray” (expose it to the morning frost) seed grain and yarn.

If you disgrace the yarn after Vlasiy, you will have money for Maslenitsa.

February 26

Martinian Day, tamer of passions. Young families gathered together and shared the experience of living together.

February 27

Day of Equal-to-the-Apostles Cyril.

Good weather on this day means frost. They also called him “woman’s kicks.”

28th of February

Onisim-ovchar, Zimobor. Memory of the Holy Apostle Onesimus. The shepherds called out to the stars for Onesimus so that there would be sheep with a good offspring. A large increase in water foreshadows good haymaking.

On Onesima, winter and spring fight over who should go forward and who should turn back.

On Onesim the Shepherd, winter becomes hornless.

February 29

Kasyanov day, memory of the Venerable Cassian the Roman. It happens only once every four years, which explains the quarrelsome character of Saint Kasyan:

Kasyan is envious, vindictive, and stingy.

Kasyan looks at everything and everything withers.

Kasyan on cattle - the cattle dies, Kasyan on grass - the grass dries.

Poor offspring in a leap year.

In the folk calendar, this is the most terrible day: the vindictive Kasyan sends a pestilence to people and livestock.

Folk signs and observations of our ancestors are still used today. With their help, you can attract prosperity into your life.

February was popularly considered a turning point month, when winter strengthens its grip, as if resisting the arrival of spring. We can check many signs of this month in the current conditions and find out whether they “work” in relation to modern world and weather conditions.

1. Folk signs of February

  • A warm start to the month with melting snow foretells a poor harvest.
  • Blizzards and prolonged blizzards in February echo with heavy rainfall in March.
  • Rain will be frequent in the summer if there is rain and frequent fog in February.
  • If there is a lot of sun in February, then summer can be expected with droughts.
  • If frosts get stronger in February, it means winter is coming to an end.
  • Warm February promises a cold and windy spring, and frosts foreshadow a hot summer.
  • Based on the February weather, we looked at what autumn would be like.
  • Beekeepers were hoping for frost in February. If there is a lot of it on trees and bushes, then honey will be in abundance.
  • March and April will be fine if frosts break out from the 20th.
  • Long icicles in February indicate that spring will be long.

2. February signs for every day

  • February 1: Macarius Day. Whatever the weather is like on that day, it will continue to be like that for the rest of the month. If the day is sunny, then spring will come early. The starry sky foreshadows a long frosty winter.
  • February 2: a snowstorm on this day promises the same weather for the whole week after Maslenitsa. The sun coming out at 12 noon indicates the imminent approach of warm spring.
  • February 3: the moon peeking out of the clouds speaks of good harvest grains
  • February 4: very coldy On this day the blizzard season opened.
  • February 5: The onset of spring is determined by the behavior of animals. If a squirrel runs out of its nest and descends to the ground, it means spring is just around the corner.
  • February 6: on this day clear sky foreshadowed a warm and prosperous spring, while snowstorms promised a cold and damp spring.
  • February 7: The sun rarely appears - autumn will be stormy. Wind from the west - expect mushrooms in late autumn.
  • February 8: sunny day - early spring. A snowstorm blows and delays spring.

  • February 9th: a large number of clouds foreshadow long snowfalls.
  • February 10: a warm summer was not expected if a piercing wind blew from the north.
  • February 11: at this time we looked at the forest. If the tops of the trees make noise, then the thaw will come soon.
  • February 12: The moon is clearly visible in the sky and glows red - wait strong winds and weather changes.
  • February 13: frost on this day indicates the approach of a big snowfall.
  • February 14: fogs on this day indicate an imminent change in the weather. We were waiting for a thaw.
  • February 15: on this day the weather of spring was determined. Whatever the day, such is March. The rains spoke of a wet summer and late haymaking.
  • February 16: snow was not expected on this day, as it promised a summer full of rain and strong thunderstorms.
  • February 17: this time was considered the frostiest. If there was no frost, expect trouble.
  • February 18: attracted good things to the house, watched the weather. A dry day means warm summer.
  • February 19: frosts were predicted for the 19th nice summer and a rich harvest of grain crops. Fogs promised mushrooms and nuts, rain - a large amount of fish.

  • February 20: the wind on this day is large rye and buckwheat.
  • February 21: The moon is clear in the sky and in a circle of light - wait for the end of winter and a thaw, do not go on the ice so as not to fall into the wormwood.
  • February 22: cold on these and subsequent days means a good spring, warmth and the absence of large floods.
  • February 23: spoke at home, attracted prosperity. The smoke from the chimney is torn - there will be a thaw, up in a column - expect a bitter frost at night.
  • February 24: they performed rituals with livestock, treated the animals with fresh bread to get rid of diseases.
  • February 25: we looked at the icicles to see how much the harvest would be. Many and long - to good tomatoes, short and thick - a rich harvest of carrots. Drops from icicles - to the harvest of legumes.
  • February 26: There will be a dry autumn if a thaw occurs on this day. If the ice turns gray, expect a big flood.
  • February 27: if the weather on this day is fine, warm and cloudy, then there will soon be new frosts. The fish are biting - don't expect a bite in the summer.
  • February 28: the grain that was left for planting was exposed to frost so that it hardened.
