The Indigirka River and its seven wonderful places. Indigirka River: geographical information

Estuary - Height - Coordinates A country

Russia, Russia

Region K:Rivers in alphabetical order K:Water bodies in alphabetical order K:Rivers up to 5000 km in length Indigirka Indigirka


The hydronym Indigirka is based on the Even generic name indigir- “people of the Indi clan” (-Gir Evensk plural suffix). Or Dog River. In Russian documents of the mid-17th century - Indiger, Indigir. Also called Western Kolyma.


The length of the river is 1726 km, the basin area is 360 thousand km². The beginning of the Indigirka is taken to be the confluence of two rivers - Tuora-Yuryakh (Khastakh, Halkan or Kalkan - 251 km) And Taryn-Yuryakh(63 km), which originate on the northern slopes of the Khalkan ridge; flows into the East Siberian Sea. The total length of Indigirka and Tuora-Yuryakh (Khastakh or Kalkan) is 1977 km. The Indigirka basin is located in an area of ​​development of permafrost rocks, and therefore its rivers are characterized by the formation of giant aufeis.

According to the structure of the valley and channel and the speed of the flow, Indigirka is divided into two sections: the upper mountain (640 km) and the lower plain (1086 km). After the confluence of the rivers Tuora-Yuryakh And Taryn-Yuryakh The Indigirka flows northwest along the lowest part of the Oymyakon Highlands, turning north, cutting through a number of mountain ranges of the Chersky ridge. The width of the valley here is from 0.5-1 to 20 km, the bed is pebbly, there are many rivers, the flow speed is 2-3.5 m/s. When crossing the Chemalginsky ridge, the Indigirka flows in a deep gorge and forms rapids; flow speed 4 m/s. This area is unsuitable even for rafting. Above the mouth of the Moma River, where the Indigirka River enters the Momo-Selennyakh depression, the lower section begins. The Indigirka Valley is expanding, the channel is replete with shoals and spits, and in some places it breaks into branches. Having rounded the Momsky ridge, the Indigirka flows further along the low-lying plain. On the Abyi lowland it is very winding, on the Yano-Indigirka lowland the Indigirka is characterized by straight long reaches 350-500 m wide. 130 km from the mouth the Indigirka breaks into branches (the main ones: Russian mouth, Average- the largest Kolyma), forming a delta (with an area of ​​5500 km²). The mouth of the Indigirka is separated from the sea by a shallow bar.


Indigirka is fed by rain and melt (snow, glacial and ice) waters. Flood in the warm part of the year; The flow in spring is 32%, in summer 52%, in autumn about 16%, in winter less than 1% and the river freezes in places (Crest Major, Chokurdakh). Average consumption at Ust-Nera 428 m³/s, maximum 10,600 m³/s, at Vorontsov, respectively, 1570 m³/s and 11,500 m³/s. The range of level fluctuations is 7.5 and 11.2 m, the highest levels in June - early July. Annual flow at the mouth is 58.3 km³; solid runoff 13.7 million tons. Freezes in October, opens at the end of May - beginning of June.


In its upper reaches, the Indigirka receives its main tributaries: on the left - Kuidusun, Kuente, Elgi, on the right - Nera. The main tributaries of the lower reaches: on the right - Moma, Badyarikha, on the left - Selennyakh, Uyandina, Allaikha, Boryolekh.


Economic use

Navigable from the mouth of the Moma River (1134 km). Main piers: Khonuu, Druzhina, Chokurdakh, Tabor. In the Indigirka basin there is gold mining.


The Indigirka is rich in fish; at the mouth there is a fishery for vendace, broad whitefish, muksun, nelma, omul, and whitefish.


Located on Indigirka North Pole cold - the village of Oymyakon and the monument city of Zashiversk, extinct from smallpox in the 19th century. In its middle course, the river passes through the Great Gorge, which is about 100 km long.

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  • Rudich K. N. Mountains and gorges of Indigirka / USSR Academy of Sciences. - M.: Nauka, 1973. - 96 p. - (The present and future of the Earth and humanity). - 22,000 copies.(region)
  • Rudich K. N. The river that awakened the mountains / Preface. prof. I. Ya. Nekrasova; Siberian Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences. - Novosibirsk: Science. Siberia department, 1977. - 160 p. - (Man and the environment). - 34,700 copies.(region)
  • Pankov A.S. Oymyakon meridian. - M.: Mysl, 1979. - 176 p.
  • Chikachev A. G. Russians on Indigirka: Historical and ethnographic essay / Rep. ed. Dr. Philol. Sciences A.I. Fedorov; Reviewers: Dr. Ist. Sciences N. A. Minenko, Candidates of History Sciences F. F. Bolonev, F. I. Zykov. Institute of History, Philology and Philosophy; Siberian Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences .. - Novosibirsk: Science, Siberian Branch, 1990. - 192 p. - (Pages of the history of our Motherland). - 25,000 copies. - ISBN 5-02-029623-6.(region)

Topographic maps

mouth of the river Gusinaya
polar Art. New Village
White Mountain



  • Indigirka // Great Soviet Encyclopedia: [in 30 volumes] / ch. ed. “Look, devils, they put firewood on the road,” he grumbled.
    - It’s over, so why wear it? - said one of them.
    - Well, you!
    And they disappeared into the darkness with their burden.
    - What? hurts? – Tushin asked Rostov in a whisper.
    - Hurts.
    - Your honor, to the general. They’re standing here in the hut,” said the fireworksman, approaching Tushin.
    - Now, my dear.
    Tushin stood up and, buttoning his overcoat and straightening himself, walked away from the fire...
    Not far from the artillery fire, in the hut prepared for him, Prince Bagration sat at dinner, talking with some of the unit commanders who had gathered with him. There was an old man with half-closed eyes, greedily gnawing a mutton bone, and a twenty-two-year-old impeccable general, flushed from a glass of vodka and dinner, and a staff officer with a name ring, and Zherkov, looking at everyone restlessly, and Prince Andrei, pale, with pursed lips and feverishly shiny eyes.
    In the hut there stood a taken French banner leaning in the corner, and the auditor with a naive face felt the fabric of the banner and, perplexed, shook his head, perhaps because he was really interested in the appearance of the banner, and perhaps because it was hard for him hungry to look at dinner for which he did not have enough utensils. In the next hut there was a French colonel captured by the dragoons. Our officers crowded around him, looking at him. Prince Bagration thanked individual commanders and asked about the details of the case and losses. The regimental commander, who introduced himself near Braunau, reported to the prince that as soon as the matter began, he retreated from the forest, gathered woodcutters and, letting them pass by him, with two battalions struck with bayonets and overthrew the French.
    - As I saw, Your Excellency, that the first battalion was upset, I stood on the road and thought: “I’ll let these through and meet them with battle fire”; I did so.
    The regimental commander wanted to do this so much, he regretted so much that he did not have time to do this, that it seemed to him that all this had actually happened. Perhaps it actually happened? Was it possible to make out in this confusion what was and what was not?
    “And I must note, Your Excellency,” he continued, recalling Dolokhov’s conversation with Kutuzov and his last meeting with the demoted man, “that the private, demoted Dolokhov, captured a French officer before my eyes and especially distinguished himself.”
    “Here I saw, Your Excellency, an attack by the Pavlogradians,” Zherkov intervened, looking around uneasily, who had not seen the hussars at all that day, but had only heard about them from an infantry officer. - They crushed two squares, your Excellency.
    At Zherkov’s words, some smiled, as always expecting a joke from him; but, noticing that what he was saying also tended towards the glory of our weapons and the present day, they took on a serious expression, although many knew very well that what Zherkov said was a lie, based on nothing. Prince Bagration turned to the old colonel.
    - Thank you all, gentlemen, all units acted heroically: infantry, cavalry and artillery. How are two guns left in the center? – he asked, looking for someone with his eyes. (Prince Bagration did not ask about the guns on the left flank; he already knew that all the guns had been abandoned there at the very beginning of the matter.) “I think I asked you,” he turned to the officer on duty at the headquarters.
    “One was hit,” answered the officer on duty, “and the other, I can’t understand; I myself was there all the time and gave orders and just drove away... It was hot, really,” he added modestly.
    Someone said that Captain Tushin was standing here near the village, and that they had already sent for him.
    “Yes, there you were,” said Prince Bagration, turning to Prince Andrei.
    “Well, we didn’t move in together for a bit,” said the officer on duty, smiling pleasantly at Bolkonsky.
    “I did not have the pleasure of seeing you,” said Prince Andrei coldly and abruptly.
    Everyone was silent. Tushin appeared on the threshold, timidly making his way from behind the generals. Walking around the generals in a cramped hut, embarrassed, as always, at the sight of his superiors, Tushin did not notice the flagpole and stumbled over it. Several voices laughed.
    – How was the weapon abandoned? – Bagration asked, frowning not so much at the captain as at those laughing, among whom Zherkov’s voice was heard loudest.
    Tushin now only, at the sight of the formidable authorities, imagined in all horror his guilt and shame in the fact that he, having remained alive, had lost two guns. He was so excited that until that moment he did not have time to think about it. The officers' laughter confused him even more. He stood in front of Bagration with a trembling lower jaw and barely said:
    – I don’t know... Your Excellency... there were no people, Your Excellency.
    – You could have taken it from cover!
    Tushin did not say that there was no cover, although this was the absolute truth. He was afraid to let down another boss and silently, with fixed eyes, looked straight into Bagration’s face, like a confused student looks into the eyes of an examiner.
    The silence was quite long. Prince Bagration, apparently not wanting to be strict, had nothing to say; the rest did not dare to intervene in the conversation. Prince Andrey looked at Tushin from under his brows, and his fingers moved nervously.
    “Your Excellency,” Prince Andrei interrupted the silence with his sharp voice, “you deigned to send me to Captain Tushin’s battery.” I was there and found two thirds of the men and horses killed, two guns mangled, and no cover.
    Prince Bagration and Tushin now looked equally stubbornly at Bolkonsky, who was speaking restrainedly and excitedly.
    “And if, Your Excellency, allow me to express my opinion,” he continued, “then we owe the success of the day most of all to the action of this battery and the heroic fortitude of Captain Tushin and his company,” said Prince Andrei and, without waiting for an answer, he immediately stood up and walked away from the table.
    Prince Bagration looked at Tushin and, apparently not wanting to show distrust of Bolkonsky’s harsh judgment and, at the same time, feeling unable to fully believe him, bowed his head and told Tushin that he could go. Prince Andrei followed him out.
    “Thank you, I helped you out, my dear,” Tushin told him.
    Prince Andrei looked at Tushin and, without saying anything, walked away from him. Prince Andrei was sad and hard. It was all so strange, so unlike what he had hoped for.

    "Who are they? Why are they? What do they need? And when will all this end? thought Rostov, looking at the changing shadows in front of him. The pain in my arm became more and more excruciating. Sleep was falling irresistibly, red circles were jumping in my eyes, and the impression of these voices and these faces and the feeling of loneliness merged with a feeling of pain. It was they, these soldiers, wounded and unwounded, - it was they who pressed, and weighed down, and turned out the veins, and burned the meat in his broken arm and shoulder. To get rid of them, he closed his eyes.

The largest settlements are: Chokurdakh, Khonuu, Belaya Gora, Ust-Nera, Oymyakon. The main piers are: Tabor, Khonuu, Chokurdakh, Druzhina.

The river can be reached along the M56 highway Magadan - Yakutsk and the Ust-Nera - Kadykchan highway.

The source of the Indigirka River contains major tributaries: on the right side is the Nera River. On the left side are the rivers: Kuidusun, Elgi, Kuente. The lower reaches of the Indigirka River contains large tributaries: on the right side are the Badyarikha and Moma rivers. On the left side are the rivers: Uyandina, Selennyakh, Allaikha, Boryolekh. Small tributaries of the Indigirka River: on the right side: Chubukalah, Nelkan, Chiya, Echenka, Tikhon-Yuryakh, Khatys-Yuryakh, Ilin-Eselyakh, Berelekh, Dakhatekha, Uchyugey, Berezovka. Good .

On the left side: Achchygy-Chagachannakh, Tyi-Yuryakh, Ulakhan-Chagachannakh, Sarylakh, Inyali, Walchan, Taskan, Tirekhtyakh, Atabyt-Yuryakh, Kieng-Yuryakh, Arga-Yuryakh, Talbykchan. Select here.

The upper reaches of the river are the slopes of the Halkan mountain range. When the Tuora-Yuryakh and Taryn-Yuryakh and Indigirka rivers merge, they flow through the lower part of the Oymyakon Highlands. When the waters cross the Chemalginsky ridge, just above the mouth of the Moma River, the Indigirka flows through the Momo-Selennyakh basin. Having bypassed the Momsky mountain range, the Indigirka River flows through the low-lying plain part. Afterwards it flows through the Yana-Indigirka and Abyi lowlands. The Indigirka River has a basin that is located on the territory of permafrost rocks, it is for this reason that the formation of large ice deposits can be explained.

The soil near the river near the village of Vorontsovo is of alluvial origin, since the Indigirka River brings a large number of plant particles, characteristic morphology.

River flora

The territory of Yakutia, where the Indigirka River flows, is located almost from the southern to the northern border of the republic. Yakutia belongs to four geographical zones: taiga forests(80 percent of the republic's area), forest-tundra, tundra, arctic desert.

The river has a length of 1726 kilometers. drainage basin has an area of ​​360,000 square kilometers. On average, water is consumed near Ust-Nera at approximately 428 cubic meters per second. The highest flow rate reaches 10,600 cubic meters per second. The village of Vorontsova has from 1,570 cubic meters per second to 11,500 cubic meters per second.

The water level varies from 7.5 - 11.2 meters. The highest water level can be observed in June or early July. According to its structure, the river bed, the high-speed flow, as well as the structure of the valley, Indigirka is conventionally divided into two zones: the upper mountain length is 640 kilometers and the lower plain length is 1086 kilometers. After the Chersky mountain range, the valley acquires a width from 500 meters to 20 kilometers, the high-speed current is 2-3.5 meters per second. While crossing the Chemalginsky mountain range, the Indigirka River flows in a deep cave and creates rapids; the current in this place has a speed of 4 meters per second.

A lower river section appears in the Momo-Selennyakh basin. The valley of the Indigirka River begins to expand in it, the bed has shallows and spits, and at times branches into branches. But in the Abyi lowland the river begins to meander. In the Yana-Indigirka Lowland, the Indigirka River is characterized by long open reaches, their width reaching 350-500 meters.

130 kilometers from the mouth, the Indigirka River begins to divide into tributaries (Russkoe estuary, Kolyma, Sredny). A delta with an area of ​​5,500 square kilometers is formed. Directly from the East Siberian Sea, the river mouth is isolated by a shallow sandbank. The Indigirka River is fed by rain, snow, and glaciers. The spill occurs during the warm season. The river begins to become covered with ice in October, and is cleared of ice almost in June. The Indigirka River is the coldest river on the planet. Winter in this area is harsh, the air temperature on average reaches minus 50 degrees, and then the river freezes through. There are a lot of fish in the Indigirka River.

Lena, Yana, Indigirka and Kolyma are the main ones water arteries Yakutia. Where does the Indigirka River flow? What are the major tributaries of the Indigirka River? Nutrition and economic use of the Indigirka River - all answers to questions in 33 facts and 12 photographs.

  1. The river flows into the Kolyma Bay, East Siberian Sea.
  2. Indigirka, Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) is one of the most large rivers Siberia.

  3. In terms of river catchment area, the Indigirka basin ranks 3rd in Yakutia (after the Lena and Kolyma) and 10th in Russia.

  4. To get to the Indigirka River, you need to follow the M56 highway Magadan - Yakutsk and the Ust-Nera - Kadykchan highway.
  5. The area is sparsely populated. The main settlements on the river are Chokurdakh, Khonuu, Belaya Gora, Ust-Nera, Oymyakon.

  6. The Indigirka River freezes in October and remains under ice until May-June. Some believe that this is the coldest river on the planet.
  7. The harsh winter of this area - the Oymyakon depression has gained worldwide fame as the pole of cold of the northern hemisphere. average temperature January is about -50°C, and the absolute minimum of -71.2°C was recorded in 1926.
  8. The Indigirka River is located in a zone of permafrost; the formation of giant ice accumulations is characteristic of its area.
  9. The Indigirka is navigable for 650 miles, but only from June to September, when it is ice-free.
  10. Main piers on the river:
    ⦁ Honuu
    ⦁ Squad
    ⦁ Chokurdakh
    ⦁ Tabor
  11. Gold mining in the Indigirka River basin has been going on for decades. Ust-Nera is a gold mining center and the largest locality on the river.
  12. Indigirka is teeming with fish. The most valuable are whitefish, vendace, broad whitefish, muksun, white fish (nelma), omul, and grayling.
  13. The village of Russkoe Ustye is located in the delta of the Indigirka River. Russian settlers live here, whose ancestors came here several centuries ago. Historians believe that the Russian Ustye was settled by Pomors at the beginning of the 17th century.
  14. Ivan Rebrov reached Indigirka in 1638. Elisha Buza first laid out a land route along the Indigirka River system in 1636-42. Around the same time, Postnik Ivanov ascended the tributary of the lower Lena, crossed the Verkhoyansk ridge along the waters of the upper Yana, and then crossed the Chersky ridge along the waters of the Indigirka. In 1642 Stadukhin reached Indigirka by land route from the Lena.
  15. The village of Zashiversk on Indigirka was an important colonial outpost beyond the Arctic Circle in the early days of Russian colonization. It was abandoned in the 19th century.
    Chapel in Zashiversk

  16. Other historical settlements, long abandoned, are Podchiversk, Polustny, Yandinskoye Zimovye. These are the polar cities of Kitezh. They fell into decline as soon as the fur-bearing animals were exterminated.
  17. Baron Eduard von Toll conducted geological surveys in the Indigirka basin (among other Far Eastern Siberian rivers) on instructions Russian Academy Sciences, in 1892-94. Over the course of one year, the expedition covered 25,000 km, of which 4,200 km were along the river, carrying out geodetic surveys along the way.
  18. The Indigirka forms a large delta consisting of several streams.

    Each such branch of the river is designated on Russian maps as Protoka. 100 kilometers before reaching the East Siberian Sea, the river divides into 3 main channels:
    ⦁ Russian-Ustinskaya Protoka
    ⦁ Middle Channel
    ⦁ Kolyma Channel
  19. The Indigirka descends from the Verkhoyansk Range, flows from south to north, its length is 1726 km. Indigirka is divided into two stages: the upper mountain (640 km) and the lower plain (1086 km). The water level (river depth) varies from 7.5 to 11.2 meters.

  20. After the confluence of the Tuor-Yuryakh and Taryn-Yuryakh rivers, the Indigirka flows in the lower part of the Oymyakon highlands, cutting through a number of mountain ranges of the Chersky ridge. Flow speed 2-3.5 m/s.
  21. When passing the Chemalginsky ridge, the Indigirka River flows in a deep gorge, forming rapids; flow speed 4 m/s. This place is not even suitable for rafting.
  22. From the mouth of the Mama River, from the Momo-Selennyakh depression, the lower part of the Indigirka begins. The river bed is widening. In the plain, Abyyskaya lowland, the section of the Indigirka is very winding.
  23. On the Yana-Indigirka Lowland, the width of the Indigirka is 350-500 m. These are straight long stretches.
  24. Indigirka is fed by rain and melt water.
  25. The main tributaries of the Indigirka: Moma, Badyarikha, Selennyakh, Uyandina, Allaikha, Boryolekh.
  26. The name of the river, from the Even word “Indigir”, means “Indi people”. Indi is an Evenki clan. The Evenki also referred to it with the word “lamu” - this means “river flowing into the sea.” In the Yukaghir language, the word "laame" means "dog". Therefore, the Yukaghirs understood the name of the river as “dog river.”

  27. Economic activity in the Indigirka basin is limited to fishing, reindeer herding, mammoth ivory collection, and gold mining.
  28. Indigirka is the only transport route in the region.
  29. The river flows to the North Arctic Ocean- a distant, wild, uninhabited river.
  30. Yukaghirs, Evens, Yakuts and Russians live here.

  31. The village of Ust-Nery is located at the intersection of two transport arteries - the Indigirka and the Kolyma highway (the only highway, connecting Yakutsk with Magadan).
  32. Indigirka operates as a transport route in summer and winter. The winter road along Indigirka carries out all cargo transportation between villages. And summer navigation is possible only for small boats - from Ust-Nera to a place called the “Indigirsk Pipe” (here the river enters a narrow gorge in the mountains of the Chersky ridge).
  33. Indigirka is a paradise for a landscape photographer. The river has amazingly beautiful landscapes. Among the aesthetic attractions: Lake Labynkyr, Oymyakon Kisilyakhi (granite miraculous remains / on Evenksom, Kigilyakh - humanoid), the mouth of the Inyali River, the Indigirka Pipe (Moljogoydokh Valley), the Mouth of the Chibagalakh River, Mount Sogo-Khaya.

Indigirka is a river located in the north of the Asian part of Russia. It is the largest in the Republic of Sakha (formerly Yakutia), the third largest in Siberia. The length of the river is 1,726 km, it flows from south to north, its mouth is the East Siberian Sea. This means that Indigirka belongs to the Arctic Ocean basin. The area of ​​the river's water basin is about 360 thousand km. The surroundings along the entire coastline amaze with their splendor: the mountains on one side symbolize courage, the plains on the other - gentleness and good nature.

Name and origin

Indigirka is a river that got its name from the Siberian Tungus people of the Evens. According to their dialect, the hydronym translates as “dog pond.”

The Indigirka begins at the place where two small mountain streams meet. The source of the streams is located on the northern slope of the Khalkan ridge. The beginning of the river is located at an altitude of 792 m above sea level.

Characteristics of the river

According to the characteristics of the channel, valley and flow speed, the Indigirka is a river that can be divided into two parts: mountainous and flat. The length of the upper mountain part is 640 km, the lower plain part is 1,086 km. Flowing from the northern slope of the Khalkan ridge, the stream is directed along the lower border of the Oymyakon Highlands, cutting through the Chemalginsky and Chersky mountain ranges. Continuing further, rounding the Moma Ridge, Indigirka emerges into low-lying, flat terrain. The riverbed in this area is pebbly; there are relatively small sections of the river with sharp stone blocks protruding from the ground, which are called shivera.

The speed of water movement in these areas is 2-3 m/s. When Indigirka crosses the Chemalginsky ridge, the speed increases to 4 m/s. In this area, the river forms rapids as it flows through deep gorges. This area is very difficult and dangerous, so it is unsuitable even for rafting.

In the flat part, the Indigirka (river) flows through the Yana-Indigirka and Abyi lowlands. The valley increases, creating a large number of spits, shoals and branches. The average width of the river in these places is 500 m. The Indigirka here is very winding.

Closer to the delta, the width of the valley increases to 600-800 m, and the river is divided into: Russian mouth, Kolyma branch, Middle branch - the largest of them. The branches 130 km from the sea, in turn, form a wide delta, its area is more than 5,500 square meters. km. The river basin runs along the border permafrost Therefore, icy shores and huge ice fields are a characteristic state of the Indigirka water flow.

But between the mouth and the sea a shallow bar (a sandbank made of sea and river sedimentary sediments) formed.

Nutrition, runoff and glaciation

Nutrition of the Indigirka River mixed type. Most of it is rain and melt water. Moreover, the latter option involves turning snow, ice and dams into liquid. The reservoir is characterized by the East Siberian type of regime. During the warm season there is constant flooding. It lasts from 70 to 100 days. But the river is covered with ice already in October, and this period lasts until May-June. The icebreaker takes about a week. The annual water flow is about 58 km, most of it occurs in summer (50%), in spring - 32%, in autumn - 15%, and in winter less than 1%.

In addition to the local population, people are lured to these places by gold deposits. Gold mining is taking place on the banks of the river. There are coal deposits near the Moma River basin.


Indigirka is rich in representatives of ichthyofauna. About 30 species of fish have found their home in the waters of the river. Fishing near the mouth is quite popular. The most common commercial species of aquatic animals in Indigirka are vendace, omul and broad whitefish. In addition to these representatives, others are also known: muksun, whitefish, burbot.

In addition, endangered species of fish are also found in the waters of Indigirka, some of which are listed in the Red Book. This, for example, is the Siberian sturgeon - a representative that is endangered. Population size Siberian vendace decreased to critical levels. Recently, a ban on fishing for muskellunge was introduced.
From time to time, salmon come to the Indigirka delta to spawn: pink salmon and chum salmon.

IN summer period year from the village of Khonuu the stream is navigable. At this time, the river becomes the main water transport route in the northeast of Russia.


Traveling along the Indigirka River is not an easy undertaking, the terrain is dangerous. But most of all, the harsh temperature regime. Students of geographical institutes often come here for research practices, since most of the coast of Indigirka has not yet been studied.

But there are plenty of adventurers everywhere, and canoeing and kayaking are carried out in the lower reaches of the stream. There are also wonderful places suitable for fishing and hunting.

The natural attractions of this region include Named in honor of the explorer of this region I.D. Chersky. Its highest point is Pobeda (3,003 m). It is the last major geographical feature put on the map of Russia. Discovered only in 1926 by researcher S.V. Obruchev.

River fall and slope

The fall of the Indigirka River (and any other) is calculated based on the distance between the source and the mouth of the reservoir. In essence, this term refers to the difference between these two indicators. According to some official information, the fall is about 1 thousand meters. The figure has average level among other Russian flows.

Indigirka is equal to 58 m/km. This number is obtained as a result of the ratio of the fall to the size of the reservoir. In principle, the figure is not so high, however, still being on the river, you should be extremely careful.
