Russian language as the national language of the Russian people, forms of its existence. The importance of the Russian language as a means of interethnic and international communication

Our country, Russia, strictly speaking, is not a state of only Russians or Russian-speaking citizens. This is a country in which numerous nationalities and peoples live and communicate in their national languages. Each of these languages ​​is a separate task not just for preservation, but also for improvement and development. The same applies to national cultures.

But how then can we ensure interethnic communication between these folk groups, if each of them predominantly uses its own national language? It is precisely this kind of contact in a huge multinational state that the Russian language must cope with, of course, in addition to the tasks of communication between Russian people themselves.

Common usage of the Russian language

Russian has always been the official and state language of the country, when it was an empire, when it was a Union, and now when it is simply Russia.

This language

  • used in diplomatic, legal, cultural communication,
  • on it we convey to the world all our achievements,
  • We conduct our office work on it (in most regions of the country).
  • National media broadcasts are conducted in this language.

Of course, difficulties arise periodically regarding the interaction of Russian and national languages. They are determined by the desire for isolation not only at the territorial, but also at the linguistic level. It is obvious that such phenomena narrow development and close the prospects for improving both interethnic contact itself and the maturation of national cultures themselves.

It seems that it would be right to simultaneously develop and study national languages ​​and the Russian language, while preserving national traditions and Russian culture.

Interpenetration of languages

The relationship between Russian and national languages ​​is interesting - the mutual influence and influence of Russian and national languages ​​is noted. This phenomenon is classified as interpenetration and is called interference. As an example, one can observe the emergence of phonetic systems of the Russian language of other national languages. This is usually obvious when a person who is not a native speaker speaks Russian (i.e. speaks with different levels accent.)

This trend of using Russian as an interethnic means of contact also leads to the emergence different types bilingualism, when a person’s speech consists of national Russian vocabulary and phonetics. And such prospects, in turn, determine qualitatively new and intensive, complex and multifaceted connections and relationships between Russian and other languages ​​of our country.

What do you think is the attitude towards the Russian language among people of different nationalities in our country?

The relations that existed between the central government and the local population in the Soviet Union were often perceived as expansion. The same applied to the Russian language. Now, when in many ways everything has not yet been established, but is only being formed, a negative attitude towards the center leaves its mark on the attitude towards the Russian language. In a favorable economic situation, people will understand that it is more convenient to communicate with a state like Russia, and in a state like Russia, to speak the same language. Without a doubt, Russian has always been and will remain such a language.

What linguistic formulas are preserved when non-Russians communicate in Russian?

These are, of course, linguistic formulas of national linguistic etiquette (greetings, addresses, etc.), as well as interjections and expressive words of the native language that convey the feelings or attitude of the speaker to the event that excited him.

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Use within one state.

Examples of languages ​​of interethnic communication


See also

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See what “Language of Interethnic Communication” is in other dictionaries:

    LANGUAGE OF INTERNATIONAL COMMUNICATION- LANGUAGE OF INTERNATIONAL COMMUNICATION. A language that serves as a means of education, office work and communication in a multinational state... New dictionary methodological terms and concepts (theory and practice of language teaching)

    language of interethnic communication Dictionary linguistic terms T.V. Foal

    Language of interethnic communication- A language that ensures linguistic contacts between all peoples within the state. For example, in the Russian Federation the language is Russian. The languages ​​of interethnic communication can be regional languages: Uzbek is used by Karakalpaks, Tajiks, Tatars and some... ... General linguistics. Sociolinguistics: Dictionary-reference book

    Language of interethnic communication- A language that ensures linguistic contacts between all peoples within the state. In this language in the Soviet Union, and then in Russia, due to the naturally formed historical reasons, became Russian. Yam.o. may be regional... ... Dictionary of sociolinguistic terms

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    LANGUAGE OF INTERNATIONAL COMMUNICATION- a concept used in relation to the language used by citizens of different nationalities living in given state or in some specific area. Often I. m.o. is the state language or language: official... ... encyclopedic Dictionary constitutional law

    A concept used in relation to the language spoken by citizens of different nationalities living in a given state or in a particular locality. Often I.m.o. is the state language or the official language. However… … Encyclopedia of Lawyer

    The language of interethnic communication is an intermediary language used by the peoples of a multinational state for mutual communication, for example, the Russian language as a means of communication in Russia. Differs from international language use within ... ... Wikipedia


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Language is a phenomenal invention of mankind, capable of preserving the past, reflecting the present, and capturing the gradually opening boundlessness of the world.

Currently on Globe there are from 2500 to 5000 languages ​​(the exact figure is impossible to establish, because the difference between different languages and dialects of one language conditionally). From a social point of view, languages ​​perform different functions: some operate within the framework of only their national territory, others connect many peoples and countries. Any multinational state cannot do without a single means of communication, i.e. without an intermediary language.

IN historical development The Russian language has become interethnic and interstate, being a “member of the club of world languages”, it has become a connecting thread between many peoples in time and space.

Russia is a unique country in terms of the number and diversity of languages. Even countries as large in population as China and India do not have such a wide variety of languages ​​belonging to different systems and families (East Slavic, almost all Finno-Ugric, most Turkic, Caucasian, Tungus-Manchu, Paleo-Asian, etc.). In this diversity of languages ​​in Russia, the Russian language has become an intermediary language connecting these languages ​​and peoples.

The Russian language is necessary for the CIS countries, because... economic, political, cultural contacts between these states are conducted in Russian. Therefore, the Russian language is as necessary as the market economy, and the Union itself Sovereign States. According to B.C. Tishkov, director of the Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, “national-Russian bilingualism, including official, is the option that can become the most powerful means in favor of cultural pluralism and avoid ethnic conflicts. Directors of enterprises in Adjara and Khakassia will still negotiate with each other on supplies in one language - Russian.

This is a really existing means of interstate and human communication, which is now not connected with the imperial center, and it is impossible and irrational to dismantle it.”

Why did the Russian language become an intermediary language, a connecting thread in the former Soviet Union and now in Russia?

Without an intermediary language, not a single multinational state or even any multinational collective can function normally. It is clear to everyone that every citizen of a multinational country cannot know all the languages ​​of the peoples inhabiting it.

The most authoritative language, the most advantageous from the point of view of objective historical, economic and political-cultural conditions, is put forward to the role of intermediary language. The Russian language turned out to be such a language in the former Soviet Union and in Russia. His special role was also caused by the fact that he did not have a competitor claiming to be an interethnic mediator of the peoples of the former Soviet Union.

The Russian language has become an intermediary language due to the following objective historical reasons:

1. Russian is the native language of the majority of the country's population. According to the 1989 census, there were 145,162 thousand Russians in the Soviet Union, and in Russian Federation they made up 81.5% of the population. If we include those who considered Russian their native language, this figure rises to 90%. And according to the latest Russian population census of 2002, there are 115,868 thousand Russians in Russia, which is 79.8% of the population. At the same time, the Russian language is closely related to two other East Slavic languages ​​- Ukrainian and Belarusian, united by a common origin.

2. Russians are widely spread throughout the country. They are in contact with all other peoples of the former Soviet Union.

3. Due to historical conditions, the Russian language became quite widespread among non-Russian peoples even before the revolution, and a significant part of the non-Russian population of the country speaks it. No other language is as widespread among the non-Russian peoples of the Russian Federation and the former republics of the Soviet Union as Russian.

4. The Russian language is characterized by internal homogeneity: territorial dialects, colloquial and literary forms of the Russian language are close to each other, the pronunciation of words and their spelling are relatively close.

5. Russian language is one of the developed languages ​​of the world. Many authorities, and by no means only those for whom Russian is a native language, noted its originality and beauty, richness of vocabulary, flexibility of grammar, expressive power and euphony.

6. The Russian language is the language of the richest Russian literature.

7. Despite the colonial policy of tsarism, long before the revolution, the Russian language became a kind of “window” to Europe, to world culture. It is not for nothing that many pre-revolutionary leaders of the peoples of Russia themselves had a good command of the Russian language and encouraged others to learn it as best as possible. One of the pre-revolutionary Yakut legends directly conveys the idea that only a good knowledge of the Russian language can lead to the rise of the Yakut people.

One of the founders of Yakut literature, poet and scientist A.E. Kulakovsky persistently pointed out that the Russian language is the only means of introducing the Yakut people to advanced culture, that the Yakuts perceive advanced European culture only through the Russian language.

Another Yakut writer, poet and playwright A.I. Sofronov mastered the Russian language so well that he literary activity started in this language. In Russian, he wrote the poems “Dream”, “Separation”, “To the Fighter”, and the stories “ Modern look", "Witty Yakut", "Dying delirium", etc.

The Russian language connects peoples through translation activities. Thanks to the translations into Russian of the works of the Kurilov brothers, the world learned about the existence of Far North such small people, like the Yukaghirs. According to Vladimir Soloukhin, he was lucky enough to translate the poems of Alexei Kulakovsky into Russian. “Working on them, I became so fused with your literature, culture and customs that I myself became a little bit of a Yakut.”

Thanks to the Russian language, books by writers and poets of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) have crossed the borders of our Motherland. The Russian language made the Yakut heroic epic “Nyurgun Bootur the Swift” a cultural heritage of the peoples of the former Soviet Union and France. In 2005, UNESCO recognized the Yakut epic Olonkho as a masterpiece of oral intangible cultural heritage humanity.

It is clear that the tendency to rely only on one’s own nation, one’s republic, only on one’s native, national language cannot lead to anything other than artificial and harmful isolation - to conditions when the achievements of world culture, science, technology, and his own will remain only within the framework national republic. And the use of an intermediary language is clearly in the interests of every people.

The dignity of a people lies not in ethnic self-isolation, but in spiritual freedom, in mutual cooperation of peoples, in joint equal historical creativity.

The intermediary language does not substitute or replace the languages ​​of ethnic communities - national languages, but, serving the peoples of Russia, functions in interaction with them. In the life of every nation, both languages ​​- national and Russian - perform differently, but equally important functions: one is an indispensable means of intra-national communication between people, the other is their inter-ethnic communication. They are both vital.

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The importance of the Russian language as a language of interethnic communication in modern world

Prepared by: Igoshina Anna Viktorovna,

teacher primary classes

April 2014

The importance of the Russian language for the world and international communication.

"…I want to believe,

what is this great language

given to a great people..."

I.S. Turgenev

The role of the Russian language in the modern world is defined as follows: it is the national language of the great Russian people, which includes all the diversity of lexical and grammatical means. It is one of the most developed and rich languages ​​in the world, with a huge vocabulary. The Russian language is heterogeneous in composition: it includes a literary language, dialects, vernaculars and jargon. Currently spoken by 230 million people, it is a world language along with English and Chinese. The Russian language is used by the peoples of the Russian Federation as the language of national communication. Knowledge of the Russian language facilitates communication between people of different nationalities inhabiting our country. In Belarus and Kyrgyzstan, Russian is the second state language. But even in those countries where Russian is not recognized as the state language, it still remains the main means of communication for many people.

According to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, Russian is the state language throughout its territory. The Russian language is one of the world languages, it is becoming increasingly international significance, it is studied by many people in different countries ah peace and he is obligatory language for study as foreign language in many schools.

Among the five thousand languages ​​that exist in the world today, the Russian language occupies a prominent place in its meaning and the functions it performs. After all, it is one of the official and working languages ​​of the UN, UNESCO and other organizations. It is used in a wide variety of areas of international communication; Russian is used at various scientific forums, conferences, and symposiums. Our language acts as the “language of science” - a means of communication between scientists from different countries, and is a necessary accessory to world communication systems (radio and television broadcasts, space communications, etc.).

Highest form The Russian language is a literary language. This is the language of the school business documents, fiction, the language of everyday communication among cultural people. Literary language characterized by a system of norms in the creation of which scientists, publicists, public figures as A.S. Pushkin. The power and richness of the Russian language was noted by many writers: Gogol N.V., Dostoevsky F.M., Tolstoy L.N., Bunin I.A.

The richness of the Russian language, its enormous role in the life of our country and the world oblige us to study it seriously and carefully, to constantly improve our knowledge, skills and abilities in this area. Thus, the enormous role of the Russian language in the modern world is determined by its cultural value, power and greatness, the great significance that the Russian people, the creator and speaker of this language, had and still has in the history of mankind. I think we should not forget the call of I.S. Turgenev about careful attitude to the Russian language. After all, the future of our language is also our future.
