The most beautiful foxes in the world (20 photos). The most beautiful species of foxes in the world

Common red foxes, even those living in the same area, vary in fur color. Some have brighter fur, others have less bright coloring. The most beautiful, very bright, large ones are the foxes living in the northern regions. They are also called moths. Foxes inhabiting the southern regions are much smaller, and their red color gradually turns into sand.

Foxes live everywhere: in forests, steppes, deserts, and mountains. They can be found in the vicinity of villages and cities. The fox is a predatory animal, but it is omnivorous. If the hunt is unsuccessful, then she will be content with carrion or garbage. In general, foxes can eat anything: roots, berries, chafers, fish, birds, frogs, hares. All year round foxes hunt rodents. Voles are their main prey.

Foxes live and hunt in families in a certain territory. They use their burrow to raise their young. Adults prefer open dens. In summer there is a small hole in the grass, in winter - in the snow. Foxes can also occupy other people's homes. They especially like clean badger holes. Foxes themselves are not known for their cleanliness. There is a lot of different debris near the hole and in the hole itself: feathers, bones, food debris.

At one and a half months old, little fox cubs eat adult food. Gradually, their parents teach them to hunt on their own. For this purpose, they bring live prey to their lair. In captivity, foxes live up to 25 years. IN wildlife this period is reduced to several years due to traps, guns, hunger and disease.

A selection of photos of foxes

We know how much you love foxes, so we decided to introduce you to some of the most beautiful and amazing types of foxes so that you can decide which fox will be your favorite!

Red fox (Vulpes vulpes) usually comes to mind when you hear the word "fox", which is quite natural, since they can be found throughout the Northern Hemisphere. However, species in this diverse and adaptable genus live throughout the world, each specifically adapted to its own environment.

If you love foxes and think they look better in nature than on someone's neck, then you will definitely love the look of all these foxes in nature!

Fennec Fox

Photos: Francisco Mingorance

Fennecs living in North Africa and the Sahara Desert, differ in their big ears, which are designed to dissipate their body heat. These ears give them such good hearing that they can hear their prey moving under the sand. Their creamy coat helps reflect heat during the day and retain it at night.

Red Fox

Photo: Roeselien Raimond

Photo: Kai Fagerström

Photo: Wenda Atkin

The red fox is the largest, most widespread, and as a result, the most diverse species of all foxes. They can be found throughout the Northern Hemisphere, as well as in Australia. They are very agile hunters and can jump two-meter fences. (Photo: Roselen Raymond)

Marble Fox

The Arctic marbled fox is also a member of the red fox species, but its coloring is not something common in nature - people specifically bred these foxes for their skin. (Photo: Ewald Mario)

Gray Fox

(Photo: Variegated Vibes)

Gray fox living in North America, is distinguished by its salt-and-pepper coat and black tail tip. This fox is one of the few canids that can climb trees. (Photo: John Pane)

Black and brown fox (Silver Fox)

Photo: Shelley Evans

The black and brown fox is actually a representative common fox– they just have different variations in pigmentation. The fur of the black-brown fox was at one time one of the most valuable types of fox fur. They are still bred for their valuable fur. (Photo: Matt Knoth)

Arctic Fox

Photo: Daniel Parent

Photo: Einar Gudmann

Photo: William Doran

Arctic foxes can be found in the Arctic Circle. Their thick fur allows them to withstand temperatures as low as -70 degrees Celsius. These foxes are characterized by relatively short legs and snouts, which allows them to reduce the surface area of ​​their body and retain heat. (Photo: Cecilie Sonsteby)

Silver-black fox (Cross Fox)

Photo: Ben Andrew

The silver fox is another species of the common fox. They are distributed mainly in North America. (Photo: Ben Andrew)

About the fox.

The fox is one of the most popular heroines of fables, fairy tales and proverbs. Since childhood, each of us knows that this red-haired cheat cunning and curious, and also beautiful, thanks to her valuable fluffy coat.

The fox is a small animal. On average, the body length of an adult reaches 60–80 centimeters, half of which is the fluffy tail. The weight is 6 – 10 kilograms.

These red animals inhabit almost all continents with the exception of Antarctica. You can see a fox both in dark, untouched forests and near villages and hamlets. Moreover, the second option for life is much more attractive to her.

Burrows of cheats can be found almost next to the houses of the villages. This is explained by the fact that the fox is practically not afraid of humans, and it is even beneficial for it to live close to humans.

This cunning animal brings benefits agriculture, eating rodents. Daily norm for her diet: about 20 mice or hamsters. At the same time, the fox often raids chicken coops: poultry meat is its favorite delicacy.

This red predator feeds not only on the meat of rodents and poultry, but also on fish, insects, earthworms, and also some vegetables. She also wouldn’t refuse hare meat, but catching such a fast animal is quite a difficult task for a fox, so the established opinion that the hare comes first in the diet of this red cheat is wrong.

“A fox will lead seven wolves,” says the Russian proverb about its outstanding trait - cunning. Indeed, the fox often confuses its tracks, leading the hunter into a dead end, and also uses other tricks.

The cheat is also a wonderful actress. There are times when a red-haired predator passes by partridges, not paying any attention to them, and can even lie down nearby and seem to fall asleep. This behavior confuses the birds. After a while, they stop worrying and continue going about their business. At this moment it is time to attack. The fox quickly grabs the gaping partridge and goes to eat.

The red-haired cheat is distinguished by her curiosity. Often this feeling leads her to problems. A fox can come into a person's yard, which is guarded by a dog, or come close to a trap, studying an unknown object. If not for its acute sense of smell and excellent hearing and vision, this animal would hardly have been able to avoid most of the problems in its life.

Developed hearing helps the fox to hunt. If a mouse squeaks within a radius of 100 meters somewhere under the snow, the predator will immediately determine its location. Slowly creeping up, she will wait for the rodent to make some rustling noise, after which she “dives” her whole body into the snow with lightning speed, leaving only her fluffy red tail on the surface. Within a moment you can see the cheat feasting on fresh prey.

The mating season for these representatives of the canine family occurs at the end of January - beginning of February. During this period, most often the female is courted by several males, between whom frequent fights arise for the bride. Only the strongest have such an honor - to continue the race with a female.

Photos of foxes taken in their natural environment habitat, and short descriptions species will give you an idea of ​​these colorful furry wild animals.

Photo by: Roselyn Raymond

Photo by: Kai Fagerstrom

Photo by: Wenda Atkin

The red fox is the most widespread and therefore the most varied look of all the foxes. They can be found throughout the Northern Hemisphere and in Australia. These agile hunters are known to be able to jump over fences two meters high. (Photo credit: Roselyn Raymond)

Marble fox

Author of the photo: unknown

Author of the photo: unknown

The Arctic marbled fox is a subspecies of the red fox. It is not found in nature with this color; people raised it for its fur. (Photo credit: Ewald Mario)

Gray fox or tree fox

Photo credit: Variegated Vibes

The gray fox is common in North America. It is distinguished by its fawn-gray fur color with a black tip of the tail. This fox is one of the few dogs that can climb trees. (Photo credit: John Payne)

Black and brown fox or silver fox

Photo by: Shelley Evans

This is another variety of fox with a beautiful color ranging from completely black with a white tip of the tail to gray with a blue or brown tint. The silver fox is known as one of the most valuable fur-bearing animals. They are still bred and raised for their fur. (Photo credit: Matt Knoth)

Photo by: Daniel Parent


Photo by: Einar Gudmann

Photo by: William Doran

The arctic fox lives beyond the Arctic Circle. Thick fur saves him from the most low temperatures up to -70 degrees Celsius. These foxes have relatively short legs and snouts, which help them retain heat. (Photo credit: Cecile Sonsteby)

Let's look at pictures for children with a fox and talk about this animal. The guys will find out whether the fox is justified in becoming an animal - an anti-hero in children's fairy tales, and why it symbolizes cunning and deceit. We will show them the animal in photographs in the wild, stills from cartoons, and pictures drawn with pencil and paints.

We will tell you what the fox actually eats, what interesting habits it has, and who its enemies are. Kids will watch an educational video and receive a short master class on drawing an animal step by step.

Photos of foxes for children

In one of our articles we talked about the wolf, the ancestor of the domestic dog. So, the fox, an elegant beauty with a bright red back, a white belly and dark paws, is his little sister. also belongs to the Canidae family. It is somewhat smaller in size than a wolf. Its length without tail is up to 1 m, weight – up to 10 kg. The animal's tail is fluffy, its length is up to 6 cm. While running, the tail helps the fox keep its balance. People say that she uses it to cover the tracks left in the snow. We'll find out a little later if this is true.

The cheat lives not only in forests. Chanterelles inhabit the tundra, forests, forest-steppes, steppes, deserts and mountain ranges. The color of the animal’s coat depends on its habitat: among those individuals that live further south, it is more faded, among northerners it is brighter, more saturated. The fox coloring is clearly visible in the photo against a white background.

In fairy tales, the fox hunts for food, steals chickens from the chicken coop, and at the same time is not averse to eating cheese. It's almost the same in nature. The red-haired animal is a predator and hunter; its prey is mice and other rodents, hares, geese, wood grouse and other birds that find themselves on the ground. At the same time, she eats eggs, berries, fruits, and sometimes leaves and stems of plants.

Cool and funny pictures with foxes

The fox is an animal symbolizing cunning and deceit. Because of its bright red fur, many peoples considered it evil spirits. IN ancient roman mythology there was even such a demon, a fiery fox. But animals cannot be good or bad; in nature they are driven by the desire to live, feed, and raise offspring. That's why the fox is like this - to hunt those who are tough for her, steal when she's hungry, and confuse her tracks in case of danger.

Funny foxes know how to adapt. Unlike the same wolves, they can live near human settlements. More than once, cheaters were caught stealing from garbage cans on the outskirts of big cities.

Even the cheat's face looks cunning. Cool pictures for children with red and black-brown foxes you can download for your baby for free and set as wallpaper for your phone.

Fox with cubs. With cheese, in a hole. Covers his tracks with his tail

Foxes live in pairs or families. Their houses are badger burrows or dug themselves. For minks, animals choose mountain slopes and ravines with sandy soil. These areas must be protected from rain and melt water. Several fox holes are connected by a complex of passages and lead to a single nest in which the animals raise their young.

The mother fox gives birth to cubs once a year, 4-14 cubs at a time. They are deaf and blind, but covered with fluffy fur. A newborn wolf cub and a fox cub could be confused if not for the white tip of the tail of the latter.

To protect babies from danger, the cheat can “move” from hole to hole several times. People also say that when escaping from pursuit or hiding, a fox covers its tracks with its tail. But if you make a request on the Internet for photos of this process, they will not be available, since the animal does not act that way. While running away, she keeps her tail hanging.

With other animals: with a hedgehog, with a hare, with a crane, with a wolf

Interesting relationships between foxes and other animals. In folk tales, she is often credited with, if not friendship, then some kind of temporary alliance with, in order to catch a bunny, for example, or to implement some other cunning plan. In the wild, wolves and foxes are enemies, competing over territory and prey. There are only a few known cases of friendship between these animals, and all of them took place in zoos.

In some other children's fairy tales, the fox tries by force or cunning to overcome a bunny, crane, cockerel, and other seemingly defenseless animals. In the end, thanks to their intelligence and ingenuity, they manage to escape from the cheat, even punish her. In nature, clashes between a fox and its prey are not a pleasant sight; it is better not to witness such a thing.

Sly and kind cartoon foxes. Guess the cartoon or fairy tale from the picture

The cheat used to appear in cartoons based on folk tales, such as “Kolobok”, “The Fox and the Crane”, “The Zhikharka”, and others. Her image was approximately the same - cunning, insidious, striving in every way to get what she deserves, and in the end being left with nothing.

Today, in domestic and foreign animated films, you can find a completely new cartoon fox - kind, smart, going to the rescue of others, and able to be a devoted friend.

Drawn: Red Fox Pencil Drawings

Look at these funny pictures of foxes drawn in a cartoon style. They show cheats in images from fairy tales. You can print these pictures and cut them out for miniature puppet theater for babies.

Pictures of red-haired predators, drawn in pencil or paint, are all very beautiful. On those that are colored, the artist wanted to benefit from the contrast: the fiery red-haired beauty simply looks gorgeous against the backdrop of white snow.

Pencil drawing step by step for children and beginners

For a child who wants to make his own illustration for any folk tale and asks how to draw a fox, one of these diagrams for beginners will help.

This video shows well how the smallest artists can quickly draw a fox step by step with a pencil.

Rhymes and videos for kindergarten and primary school children

Educational videos for children kindergarten- a great opportunity for at least a short time find yourself in the thicket of the forest, watch the red fox and her little fox cubs in the wild, look into their hole. Even at the zoo, children won't be able to see this close!

Short poems

Just a few lines, but such a vivid and very accurate description of the red-haired cheat!

We have already said that foxes have begun to get used to people. If the baby rests with his parents near the forest, the same story may well happen to him as to the author of this short poem.

Even the cunning fox has enemies in nature. It is from them that she and her babies hide in a deep hole.

Children's video

How fast does the fox run? How good is her hearing? The guys will learn the answers to these and many other questions about the forest cheat from a short educational video.

The folk tale “The Cockerel is the Golden Comb,” one of the characters of which is our cunning little animal, will amuse your child and tell you about what kindness, courage and friendship are.
