Staff of a communications company of a motorized rifle regiment. Motorized rifle battalion of the Russian army

Motorized rifle battalion of the Russian Army consists of management battalion a, headquarters, combat units and support units. Composition of motorized rifle battalion but little has changed since Soviet times, and all the changes are not fundamental. The main changes affected larger structures: instead of regiments and divisions, brigades appeared, which are now united into corps.
To combat units of motorized rifle battalion and relate
three motorized rifle companies;
mortar battery;
anti-tank platoon;
grenade launcher platoon;
anti-aircraft missile platoon.
In addition, the motorized rifle battalion has service and support units:
communications platoon;
support platoon;
battalion medical center
The battalion command includes the battalion commander - as a rule, this is a major or lieutenant colonel, his deputy for personnel affairs and his deputy for weapons.

Headquarters battalion and includes the chief of staff (also deputy commander battalion a), communications chief battalion a (who is also the commander of a communications platoon), a chemist-instructor (warrant officer) and a clerk (private).
The communications platoon is designed to organize radio and wired communication in departments battalion A.
The communications platoon consists of a command armored personnel carrier (the squad commander is also a senior radiotelephonist, an armored personnel carrier driver) and two radio squads, each consisting of a squad commander, a senior radio master of a low-power radio station in the first squad and a senior radiotelephone operator in the second squad, an armored personnel carrier driver-electrician in the first squad and the driver of an armored personnel carrier in the second compartment.
In total, the communications platoon has 13 personnel, 1 command armored personnel carriers, 2 wheeled armored personnel carriers, 22 radio stations, 8 km of cable.
A motorized rifle company is a tactical unit that performs tasks, as a rule, as part of a SME, but can also perform tasks independently in reconnaissance and security, as a tactical airborne assault force or special squad behind enemy lines.

A mortar battery is designed to suppress and destroy manpower and fire weapons located openly, in trenches and dugouts, on the reverse slopes of heights and ravines. Depending on the nature of the target, the duration of fire and the consumption of shells, it can suppress manpower in an area of ​​2-4 hectares and conduct barrage fire at a front of up to 400 m.
A mortar battery consists of: a battery command (battery commander, political deputy, sergeant major, medical instructor, senior driver), a control platoon (platoon commander, reconnaissance department, communications department), two fire platoons (each with four). In total, the mortar battery contains: personnel - 66 people, radio stations - 4, mortars - 8, tractor units - 8, cable - 4 km. True, in Lately Instead of two platoons, mortar batteries consist of three platoons, the first two of which are armed with three 2B14 Trays, and the third with three. Sometimes included battalion but it turns on self-propelled battery mortars. It consists of two platoons of four units.

As part of the Serdyukov-Taburetkin reform, it was planned to replace all mortars with six self-propelled howitzers 2S34 “Hosta” - a modernized version of the famous one, but now this question is up in the air.

Anti-tank platoon - an artillery fire unit designed to destroy tanks and other armored vehicles enemy. It can also be used to destroy other enemy fire weapons, including those located in fortifications.
An anti-tank platoon consists of a platoon command (platoon commander, deputy platoon commander, 2 machine gun gunners, senior driver, driver), three ATGM squads and three grenade launcher squads.

An ATGM squad consists of a squad commander (also a senior operator), a senior operator, two operators, a machine gunner, a senior driver and a driver of the launch complex or 9M113M Competition M.
The grenade launcher squad consists of a squad commander, a grenade launcher commander, a grenade launcher gunner, and two gun numbers. SPG-9M-1 grenade launchers.
In total, there are 42 people in the anti-tank platoon of personnel, launchers ATGM 9K11-6, grenade launchers SPG-9M - 3, - 5.

An anti-tank platoon is available only in battalion e, whose motorized rifle companies are equipped with guns. In the company, each combat vehicle is equipped with its own. Instead of an anti-tank platoon, the company does not include a machine-gun platoon, consisting of two machine-gun sections of three company machine guns each.

A grenade launcher platoon is designed to destroy enemy personnel and fire weapons located outside of shelters, in open trenches (trenches) and behind folds of terrain.
A grenade launcher platoon consists of a platoon commander, a deputy platoon commander, those squads (in each squad commander, 2 senior grenade launcher gunners, 2 grenade launcher gunners, a machine gunner, senior driver or driver).
In total, the grenade launcher platoon has 26 personnel, 30-mm automatic grenade launchers - 17-6, - 3.
The anti-aircraft missile platoon is designed to destroy enemy aircraft, helicopters, unmanned vehicles and airborne assault forces at low and medium altitudes.
A platoon consists of a platoon commander, a deputy platoon commander (also known as a squad leader), three squads (each with a squad leader, 2 anti-aircraft gunners, a machine gunner, a senior driver and a driver).
In total, the platoon of personnel is 16 people, Strela-2M or Igla launchers are 9, -3.

Medical Center battalion A designed to collect the wounded in battalion e and their evacuation, as well as to provide assistance medical care. The platoon consists of the head of the medical post (warrant officer), a medical instructor, two orderlies, a senior driver, and three driver-medics. The first-aid post has four cars and a 1-AP-1.5 trailer.
The support platoon is designed for uninterrupted logistics support, maintenance of routine repairs of military and transport equipment battalion A,
A platoon consists of a platoon commander (warrant officer) and a deputy platoon commander (also known as squad commander), from the squad Maintenance, automobile department, economic department.

IN Soviet time V battalion There was a reconnaissance platoon and an engineer platoon, but the current staff does not provide for them.
The maintenance department consists of a department commander, a senior auto electrician-battery mechanic, a car mechanic (installer), and a driver-car mechanic.
The department has: personnel - 4 people, a workshop for maintaining MTO-AT-1, ZIL-131, ZIL-157 vehicles under MTO-AT-1.
The automobile squad consists of a squad leader (also deputy platoon commander), 3 senior drivers and 5 drivers. The department has: personnel - 9 people, GAZ-66 trucks for personal belongings and company property - 3; GAZ-66 trucks for kitchens and groceries – 4; trucks - 9, RPK -27, machine guns - 352, RPG - 33, trucks - 20.
In motorized rifle battalion There are 462 personnel, 120-mm mortars - 8, - 6, Strela-2M anti-aircraft launchers - 9, - 42, BMP-2K - 1, - 18, RPK - 27, machine guns - 315, RPGs -7-39.


Boss military department Colonel

__________ ___V. Matveychuk


Methodological development was reviewed and discussed at a meeting of the tactical cycle Protocol No. __________ dated



in general tactics (BUS 030403 and VUS.030600)


Purpose of the lesson:

Know the organization of a motorized rifle battalion, a tank battalion, an artillery battalion, an anti-tank artillery battalion and the organization of the artillery of a motorized rifle regiment, the tactical and technical characteristics of the main types of weapons;

To instill in students pride and love for their branch of the military, faith in the reliability of military equipment and weapons.

Time: 2 hours

Delivery method: lecture

Material support: diagrams, posters.

Literature: school Tactics (b-on, company), pp. 43-51.

Collection of organizations of Sukhoi units. Troops


This lecture provides basic data on the organization and armament of a motorized rifle battalion, a tank battalion, an artillery division of an artillery regiment, an anti-tank battalion and the organization and armament of the artillery of a motorized rifle regiment. Begin the lecture with a clear, unhurried announcement of the topic, purpose, and questions so that all students can write them down. The topic of the lecture can be written on the board. Recommended literature will be provided upon completion of the lecture. At the end of the lecture, draw general conclusions and leave 3-5 minutes to answer questions. In case the audience does not have any questions, the teacher should always have the necessary material ready with which he could complete the lecture and summarize. The teacher has the right to postpone answers to questions to the next lecture or consultation.

When answering questions, you should not repeat verbatim the provisions that have already been discussed in the lecture; it is better to give them additional evidence and justification or, depending on the nature of the questions, report new material. The lecture material should be presented with conviction and confidence. During the lecture, continuously maintain contact with the students, observe the audience’s reaction to the material presented. Evaluate how the expressed thoughts reach the consciousness of the students, whether they have time to take notes

During a lecture, the teacher must behave confidently with dignity, but modestly, and not make unnecessary gestures and movements, such as frequently correcting his hair, periodically raising his hand with a watch to his eyes, putting his hands in his pockets, etc. The teacher is obliged to periodically conduct a control survey of students before the start of lectures on the completed part of the theoretical course, if necessary, review the students’ notes and call them for consultation. A well-prepared lecture is the fruit of the lecturer’s extensive teaching work.


1. For students of BUS 030403 - do not organize an anti-tank artillery division;

2. When describing the organization of a motorized rifle battalion, give the difference between an SME and an armored personnel carrier, as well as the difference between a SME tank battalion and a tank battalion of a tank regiment.



1. Organization and armament and combat equipment of a motorized rifle battalion

2. Organization and weapons and Combat vehicles tank battalion

3. Organization and armament and military equipment of the artillery division (only for VU 010403)

4. Organization and armament of a separate anti-tank artillery unit

division (only for VUS 030600).



The most important indicator of the combat power of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation is their equipping with all modern means of armed warfare, which ensure reliable defense of the country.

When addressing issues of improving the country's defense power and the combat readiness of the Armed Forces, the government fully takes into account the political, economic, spiritual and military resources of the state. Currently, the Armed Forces are equipped with the most modern types of weapons and military equipment, their organizational structure is constantly improving, and the art of war, theory and practice of training and educating troops are constantly being improved.

Armored vehicles represent a significant striking force. Tanks, armored personnel carriers, infantry fighting vehicles and other models have reliable bronze protection, powerful rapid-fire weapons, effective devices for navigation and targeted fire, increased mobility, maneuverability and service life. Motorized rifle and tank units have great firepower, which is achieved through the massive equipping of personnel with automatic small arms, various anti-tank systems, and other weapons.

The design features and tactical and technical characteristics of domestic models of military equipment give a clear idea of ​​the level of development of military affairs that has been achieved in modern conditions. They also testify to the amount of requirements that are placed on personnel who have mastered this technique.

It is necessary to know and constantly remember that in armed struggle, technology only determines the possibility of achieving victory. Man turns this possibility into reality.



Equipped with modern weapons, combat and other equipment, the motorized rifle battalion has powerful fire, high maneuverability, armor protection and resistance to enemy weapons of mass destruction; he can march long distances, quickly use the results nuclear strikes, successfully conduct an offensive and hold the occupied area on the defensive in various terrains and in any weather, as well as destroy airborne assault forces, airplanes, helicopters and other low-flying enemy targets. A motorized rifle battalion can be equipped with armored personnel carriers or infantry fighting vehicles. A motorized rifle battalion on an armored personnel carrier consists of:

from battalion control, headquarters

Combat units:

Three motorized rifle companies;

Mortar battery;

Anti-tank platoon;

Grenade launcher platoon;

Anti-aircraft missile platoon.

Service and support divisions:

Communications platoon;

Support platoon;

Battalion medical station

For the teacher:

Show the diagram of the motorized rifle battalion, give time to draw the diagram.

Describe the purpose and composition of the battalion units

The battalion command includes the battalion commander, his deputy for personnel affairs and his deputy for weapons.

The battalion headquarters includes the chief of staff, who is also the deputy battalion commander, the battalion communications chief, who is also the commander of the communications platoon, a chemical instructor (warrant officer) and a clerk.

The communications platoon is designed to organize radio and wire communications in battalion units.

The communications platoon consists of a command armored personnel carrier (the squad commander is also a senior radiotelephonist, an armored personnel carrier driver) and two radio squads, each consisting of a squad commander, a senior radio master of a low-power radio station in the first squad and a senior radiotelephone operator in the second squad, an armored personnel carrier driver-electrician in the first squad and the driver of an armored personnel carrier in the second compartment.

In total, the communications platoon has 13 personnel, 1 command armored personnel carriers, 2 wheeled armored personnel carriers, 22 radio stations, and 8 km of cable.

A motorized rifle company is a tactical unit that performs tasks, as a rule, as part of a SME, but can also perform tasks independently in reconnaissance and security, as a tactical airborne assault force or a special detachment behind enemy lines.

A motorized rifle company on an armored personnel carrier consists of a company command, three motorized rifle platoons (each with three motorized rifle squads) and an anti-tank machine gun platoon, consisting of an anti-tank guided missile (ATGM) squad and a machine gun squad. The company has 9 RPG-7s.

A mortar battery is a fire and tactical artillery unit. The battery is designed to suppress and destroy manpower and fire weapons located openly, in trenches and dugouts, on the reverse slopes of heights and ravines. Depending on the nature of the target, the duration of fire and the consumption of shells, it can suppress manpower in an area of ​​2-4 hectares and conduct barrage fire at a front of up to 400 m.

A mortar battery consists of: a battery command (battery commander, political deputy, sergeant major, medical instructor, senior driver), a control platoon (platoon commander, reconnaissance department, communications department), two fire platoons (each with four 120 mm mortars) . In total, the mortar battery contains: personnel - 66 people, radio stations - 4, mortars - 8, tractor units - 8, cables - 4 km.

An anti-tank platoon is an artillery fire unit designed to destroy enemy tanks and other armored vehicles. It can also be used to destroy other enemy fire weapons, including those located in fortifications.

An anti-tank platoon consists of a platoon command (platoon commander, deputy platoon commander, 2 armored personnel carrier machine gun gunners, senior armored personnel carrier driver, armored personnel carrier driver), three ATGM squads and three grenade launcher squads

An ATGM squad consists of a squad commander (also a senior operator), a senior operator, two operators, a BRT machine gunner, a senior BTR driver and a driver. Launch complexes 9K111-2, armored personnel carrier.

The grenade launcher squad consists of a squad commander, a grenade launcher commander, a grenade launcher gunner, and two gun numbers. SPG-9M-1 grenade launchers.

In total, the anti-tank platoon has 42 personnel, 9K11-6 ATGM launchers, 3 SPG-9M grenade launchers, and 5 armored personnel carriers.

A grenade launcher platoon is a powerful fire weapon for a motorized rifle battalion. Designed to destroy enemy personnel and fire weapons located outside shelters, in open trenches (trenches) and behind folds of terrain.

A grenade launcher platoon consists of a platoon commander, a deputy platoon commander, those squads (in each squad commander, 2 senior grenade launcher gunners, 2 grenade launcher gunners, an armored personnel carrier machine gunner, a senior driver or driver).

In total, the platoon of personnel - 26 people, 30-mm automatic grenade launchers AGS-17-6, armored personnel carriers - 3.

The anti-aircraft missile platoon is designed to destroy enemy aircraft, helicopters, unmanned vehicles and airborne assault forces at low and medium altitudes.

A platoon consists of a platoon commander, a deputy platoon commander (also known as a squad leader), three squads (each with a squad commander, 2 anti-aircraft gunners, an armored personnel carrier machine gunner, a senior armored personnel carrier driver and a driver).

In total, the platoon of personnel is 16 people, launchers 9P 58M "Strela-2" -9, BTR-3.

The battalion medical center is designed to collect the wounded in the battalion and evacuate them, as well as to provide pre-medical care. The platoon consists of the head of the medical post (warrant officer), a medical instructor, 2 orderlies, a senior driver, and 3 driver-orderlies.

In total there are: personnel - 8 people, wheeled conveyors - 3, ambulance, trailer 1-AP-1.5.

The support platoon is designed for uninterrupted logistics support, maintenance of routine repairs of the battalion’s combat and transport equipment,

A platoon consists of a platoon commander (warrant officer) and a deputy platoon commander (who is also a squad leader), from a technical maintenance department, an automobile department, and a business department.

The maintenance department consists of a department commander, a senior auto electrician-battery mechanic, a car mechanic (installer), and a driver-car mechanic.

The department has: personnel - 4 people, a workshop for maintaining MTO-AT-1, ZIL-131, ZIL-157 vehicles under MTO-AT-1.

The automobile squad consists of a squad leader (also deputy platoon commander), 3 senior drivers and 5 drivers. The department has: personnel - 9 people, GAZ-66 trucks for personal belongings and company property - 3; GAZ-66 trucks for kitchens and food - 4; Ural-375 trucks for ammunition - 2. The commander of the automobile department is the deputy commander of the support platoon.

The economic department consists of a department commander, a senior cook and 3 cooks. The department has: personnel - 5 people, trailer kitchens - 4, car trailers 1-AP-1.5, kitchens - 4, portable kitchen KS-75.

In total, there are 19 people in the personnel support platoon, and 10 trucks.

In total, the motorized rifle battalion has 530 personnel on armored personnel carriers, 120-mm mortars - 8, AGS-17 - 6, SPG-9 - 3, ATGM - 15, anti-aircraft launchers "Strela-2" - 9, armored personnel carriers - 49, PK - 9, RPK -27, machine guns - 352, RPG - 33, trucks - 20.



Battalion Directorate;

Communications platoon;

Three motorized rifle companies;

Mortar battery;

Grenade launcher platoon;

Medical station;

Support platoon.

The organizational structure of a motorized rifle battalion on an infantry fighting vehicle is approximately the same as on an armored personnel carrier, but instead of an armored personnel carrier, the unit is armed with infantry fighting vehicles. A motorized rifle battalion on an infantry fighting vehicle does not have an anti-tank platoon. In addition, in a motorized rifle battalion or company on an infantry fighting vehicle, instead of an anti-tank machine-gun platoon, a machine-gun platoon is included, consisting of two machine-gun sections of three company machine guns each. In total, the company has 110 personnel, BMTN - 12, RPG - 9, machine guns - 63, PK - 6, RPK - 9. In total, the motorized rifle battalion has 498 personnel on infantry fighting vehicles, 120-mm mortars - 8, AGS -17 - 6, Strela-2M anti-aircraft launchers - 9, BMP-1 - 42, BMP-1K - 1, PK - 18, RPK - 27, machine guns - 315, RPG-7-39.

CONCLUSION. Further improvement of weapons and military equipment, the organizational structure of units entailed a change in the nature of combined arms combat and methods of conducting combat operations. Equipping troops with nuclear weapons and other types of new military equipment makes it possible to strike on the move and conduct battle at a high pace.

All this requires commanders and staffs to creatively use techniques and methods for solving combat missions, skillfully organizing and conducting combat.

Motorized rifle battalion, having modern weapons and combat vehicles, is capable of conducting stubborn and lengthy battles, and solving various tactical tasks.

Basic data of infantry fighting vehicles and armored personnel carriers







Crew (landing force), people.


73mm navel "Thunder"

30mm automatic a gun

100mm gun

Machine guns:

7.62mm PKT machine gun

14.5mm PKVT machine gun



Through the barrel of a 100mm cannon along a laser beam

Sighting range

shooting, m.:

73mm guns

30mm cannon (height)

100mm guns

7.62mm PKT machine gun

(ground targets)

14.5mm PKVT machine gun

(ground targets)

(air targets)

Engine power, l/s

Speed, km/h:


Cruising range on the highway, km.


bulletproof reinforced



The creation of the BMP-1 began in the late 50s. Subsequently, it served as the basis for a number of special, command and staff, command and other vehicles. One of them, the BMP-1K, was developed in 1972. Its data is the same as that of the BMP-1. In addition to seats for the crew, there are three workstations for officers. The BMP-1K is equipped with VHF radio stations, intercom and communication equipment, and navigation aids.

Since 1976, the BMP-1KSh command and staff vehicle has been mass-produced. It provides seven workstations for officers, one KB radio station, 3 VHF radio stations, equipment for automatic telephone and telegraph conversations, internal communications and communications, as well as telephone sets. There is a set of tank navigation equipment.

The accumulated experience allowed the designers to create a more advanced infantry vehicle, the BMP-2. It went into serial production in 1982 and was developed specifically for use in Afghanistan. It is equipped with a two-plane weapon stabilizer and a combined gunner's sight with dependent field of view stabilization. To enhance the protection of the crew and troops, additional side screens were installed and an armor plate was placed under the commander’s and driver’s workstations.

At the end of the 80s, the BMP-3 was created, taking into account the experience of the war in Afghanistan. It differs sharply from BMP-1, BMP-2. First of all, the layout of the machine has been changed. The BIP-3 has combined armor: the hull and turret are made of aluminum and steel alloys, which allows the crew to be protected from fire from small-caliber and automatic guns, heavy shell fragments and mines. The vehicle is equipped with periscope viewing devices, IR observation and aiming devices in poor visibility conditions. IR spotlights can be used to illuminate the area and targets at night. The low-profile turret has 100mm and 30mm automatic cannons installed in pairs. An ATGM guided by a laser beam can also be launched through the barrel of a 100mm cannon, with a rate of fire of 10 r/min. In addition, there are three PKT machine guns. Currently, the BMP-3 has no analogues in the world.



The main striking force of motorized rifle and tank units and subunits are tank battalions, which are combined arms tactical units and the basis for organizing the interaction of units of military branches in battle. Tank units, possessing great firepower, reliable armor protection, high mobility and maneuverability, are able to make fullest use of the results of nuclear and fire strikes and short time achieve the final goals of the battle.

The firepower of tanks lies in their ability to hit enemy tanks and other targets at actual fire ranges, and to fire on the move both day and night. To increase fire capabilities, modern tanks are equipped with a fire control system, stabilizers, night sights and other devices. Armor protects tank crews from fire, small arms, fragments of aerial bombs, artillery shells and mines, from direct hits from small-caliber artillery shells.

To overcome water obstacles underwater, the tanks have underwater driving equipment (OPVT). It ensures reliable tightness of the tank and normal air supply to the crew. For digging out trenches and shelters, some tanks have special attachments.

Combat capabilities tank units allow them to quickly create a strong defense and successfully repel the advance of superior enemy forces. On the offensive - be active fighting day and night, in a significant separation from other troops, crush enemy groups in oncoming battles, overcome vast areas on the move radioactive contamination and water barriers.

A tank battalion carries out combat missions as part of a unit in cooperation with motorized rifle, artillery, engineer and engineer units or independently.

The organizational tank battalion of a tank regiment consists of:

Battalion Command;

Party-political apparatus;

Communications platoon;

Three tank companies;

Medical station;

Support platoon.

The battalion command includes:

Battalion Commander;

Deputy for sub-unit

Deputy Battalion Commander for Technical Services

The battalion headquarters includes:

Chief of Staff;

Chief of Communications (aka communications platoon commander);

Chemistry instructor;

The communications platoon consists of:

Battalion commander's tank with crew (tank commander, senior driver, radio operator-loader);

BMP-1K command combat vehicle (combat vehicle commander, radiotelephone operator, driver);

Radio departments (squad commander, radiotelephone operator, armored personnel carrier driver - electrician, armored personnel carrier, three radio stations).

There are 9 people in the platoon.

The tank company consists of:

Company management (company commander, deputy commander for political affairs, deputy company commander for technical affairs (senior lieutenant for battalions armed with tanks with a crew of 3 people, senior technical warrant officer for battalions armed with tanks with a crew of 4 people), foreman, tank commander , senior driver mechanic, radio operator-loader);

Three tank platoons with 3 tanks in each platoon. The medical station consists of:

The head of the medical center, a medical instructor, three orderlies

(private soldiers), driver-medicine instructor.

In total, the personnel department contains six people, a UAZ-452A ambulance, and an AP-0.5 trailer.

The support platoon consists of:

Platoon commander (warrant officer) and technician (warrant officer);

Maintenance departments;

Automobile department;

Economic department.

The maintenance department consists of:

Squad commander;

Senior repairman for tank electrical and special equipment;

Working master of low power radio stations;

Locksmith driver.

In total in the personnel department - 6 people, RPG-7, technical vehicle. MTO service, car ZIL-131 (ZIL-157). The automobile department consists of:

Squad commander;

Senior refueling driver;

Senior driver;

Two refueling drivers;

Five drivers.

In total, there are 10 people in the personnel department, Ural trucks

375 for ammunition - 5, for personal belongings and company property - 1, for spare parts - 1, fuel tankers ATM-4, 5-375 - 3. The economic department consists of:

Squad commander - cook;


Total in the department: personnel - 3 people, automobile kitchen PAK-

200 (PAK-170), ZIL-131 car, AL-1.5 trailer.

In total, the tank battalion has 174 personnel and 31 tanks.

Tank battalion of motorized rifle regiment organizational structure approximately the same as a tank regiment, except for the increased number of tanks.

A tank battalion has three tank companies with three tank platoons and four tanks in each platoon. In total, the tank company has 55 personnel. And 13 tanks, in the battalion - 213 people. and 40 tanks.

Basic tank data.



Crew, people


125mm smoothbore

cannon D-81 "Rapier"

7, b2mm PKT machine gun

12.7mm machine gun NSVT "Utes"

Sighting range

shooting, m.:

125mm guns

7.62mm PKT machine gun

12.7mm NSVT anti-aircraft machine gun

For ground targets

For air targets

Direct range

shot, m. (N c = 2 m.)

125mm guns

12.7mm NSVT machine gun

7.62mm PKT machine gun

Rate of fire, h/min:

125mm guns

7.62mm PKT machine gun

12.7mm NSVT machine gun

Initial projectile speed

(bullets), m/sec:

125mm guns

12.7mm NSVT machine gun

Engine power, hp




gas turbine

Speed, km/h

Cruising range on the highway, km

anti-ballistic with protective

anti-cumulative screens

multi-layer, anti-ballistic, with dynamic protection containers

The creation of the T-64 and T-72 tanks in the 60s and 70s marked the beginning of the development of main battle tanks, which replaced the medium and heavy ones. At the end of the 70s, the T-80 tank was put into service.

The main thing in a tank is its weapons. These tanks consist of a 125mm D-81TM smoothbore cannon, known in the West as "Rapira-3", a coaxial 7.62mm PKT machine gun, a 12.7mm NSVT anti-aircraft machine gun and smoke grenade launchers.

The gun is installed in the turret and stabilized in two planes using an electro-hydraulic stabilizer. It is controlled by the handles of the gunner's console, but manual guidance is also provided using a lift-and-turn mechanism. The gun's ammunition includes OFS, cumulative and armor-piercing sub-caliber BPS shells. The BPS allows you to penetrate the armor of modern tanks at a range of over 2000 meters. All operations for feeding the projectile and cartridge case into the barrel are performed by the automatic loader. In addition, the T-72, T-80 tanks have a tank ballistic computer TBV, into which Tv, Tz, Atmosphere pressure and bore wear. Having noticed the target, the gunner measures the range to it with a laser rangefinder, which is automatically entered into the TBC. The gun, based on the TBV signal, takes the required elevation angle, corrections are introduced for the projectile ballistics, wind, data on the speed and roll of the vehicle. By the time the gun is fired, it occupies a strictly defined position. If the tank shakes on a pothole and the axis of the barrel no longer coincides with the direction chosen by the gun, the shot will not fire. A special block will resolve it only after the stabilizer returns the gun to the desired angle.

To ensure effective shooting at night, night vision devices are used. There is an infrared sight, with which you can take aim at a target at a distance of 800 m at night.

While the T-64 and T-72 tanks have anti-ballistic armor, the T-80 has a spaced multi-layer design on the front hull and the front part of the turret. The sides are covered with armor and rubber-fabric screens, and the front of the hull, roof and turret armor are covered with dynamic protection containers. The armored structure of the T-80 can withstand fire from tanks and anti-tank weapons from a distance of 1.5-2 kilometers in the range of firing angles from 0° to 30 - 45°.

All T-80 tanks are equipped with a collective defense system against weapons of mass destruction. If a nuclear explosion occurs in threatening proximity, then even before the shock wave approaches, the engine will be automatically turned off and the blinds will be closed, and after its passage the supercharger with the FVU will turn on.

Tanks T-64, T-72, T-80 are equipped with a high-speed fire extinguishing system.

Tanks can overcome various obstacles: ditches up to 2.8 meters wide, vertical walls up to 0.85 meters high, water obstacles with a “mirror” up to 1 km and a depth of a two-story house (5 meters).

Our designers managed to create machines that were original in their quality. In terms of their combat effectiveness, the T-80 is in no way inferior to foreign tanks, and in many ways superior to them, and the T-72AK tank fully meets the requirements of modern combat.

Tank units are armed with T-80, T-90, T-72 tanks.

CONCLUSION. Thus, possessing powerful weapons, reliable protection and high mobility, tank units are capable of destroying tanks and other armored targets, enemy manpower with fire on the move, from short stops or from a place, destroying his defensive structures, fighting low-flying targets, as well as solve other problems.

Tank forces constitute the main striking force of the ground forces. They are capable of making full use of the results of nuclear and fire strikes and in a short time achieving the final goals of the battle and operation.


(only for VUS 030403)

The basis of artillery units are artillery battalions, which are the main tactical units of artillery.

As an artillery fire unit, the division is capable of hitting various targets with high accuracy, which can be open and covered, stationary and moving, observed and unobserved, ground and surface, and perform other fire missions.

The ability of an artillery battalion to move quickly and carry out continuous interaction with combined arms units fighting at a high tempo characterizes it as a tactical artillery unit.

An artillery division is organizationally part of artillery and motorized rifle (tank) formations and units.

Depending on the combat purposes and weapons the division may have different organization. Let's consider the organization of the 122 mm G N-30 artillery battalion.

For the teacher: it shows the organization of the artillery division, reveals its content, and gives time for drawing its diagram.

The artillery battalion of 122 mm M-30 howitzers consists of:


Communications platoon and reconnaissance and surveillance department;

Three artillery batteries;

Support platoon

The division command includes the division commander, his deputy for political affairs and the division paramedic. The division headquarters includes:

Chief of Staff - Deputy Division Commander;

Chief of Communications - platoon commander of the division control;

Chemist-instructor The communications platoon consists of:

Wireline departments

Radio communication departments

The reconnaissance and related surveillance department consists of:

Squad commander;

Senior reconnaissance observer;

Three reconnaissance observers;



In service there are: PAB-2-1, DAK-1-1 or DS-2-1, RT-2, binoculars-4.

A battery is a fire and tactical artillery unit. A battery can simultaneously hit one or two targets by firing from a closed firing position or several targets, depending on the number of guns in the battery, with direct fire.

The artillery battery consists of:

Platoon control;

Two fire platoons;

Driver departments.

The control platoon is designed to conduct reconnaissance and provide communications.

The control platoon consists of:

Platoon commander;

Intelligence departments;

Liaison departments The intelligence department consists of:

Squad commander;

Senior Scout;

Scout Observer;



The department has: PAB-2A-1, DS-1-1, binoculars-2.

The communications department consists of:

Squad commander;

Two senior telephone operators;

Three radiotelephonists.

In the radio station department R-108M (R-108) - 4, telephone sets - 4 cable P-297 - 8 km. Personnel - 12 people.

A fire platoon is an artillery fire unit. The platoon performs battery fire missions as part of a battery or independently.

The fire platoon consists of:

Platoon commander;

Three gun crews (7 people each: crew commander, gunner, assistant gunner, loader, installer, projectile, loader and one 122 mm M-30 howitzer)

In total there are 22 people in the platoon of personnel, 3 - 122 mm G M-30,

grenade launcher - 1.

The drivers (traction) department consists of:

Squad commander;

Two senior drivers;

Six drivers.

Total battery: personnel - 65 people,

Tractors (vehicles) for guns - 6;

Spare tractor - 1;

There are 2 cars on the b/p;

Grenade launchers - 2. The support platoon consists of:

Platoon commander;

Economic department (department commander - cook, two cooks, two drivers);

Maintenance departments (department commander, senior electrician-battery mechanic, driver-car mechanic).

Total in the division support platoon:

Personnel - 9 people;

Trucks: MTO-AT-1 (ZIL-131), GAZ-66 for kitchens and food - 2, trailer kitchens - 2, car trailers 1-All-1.5 for kitchens - 2, grenade launchers - 1.

Total in artillery battalion

122 mm M-30 howitzers;

Personnel - 235 people;

122 mm G M-30- 18pcs .;

Cars - 30 pcs.;

Radio stations - 16 pcs.;

Officers - 18 people.

For the teacher: familiarize students with the tactical and technical characteristics of the main artillery systems(122 mm G D-30, 2S-1, 152 mm G D-1) available in artillery battalions and give time for recording.

CONCLUSION. The division, possessing powerful and accurate fire, is capable of hitting a variety of sheltered and openly located ground and underwater targets, and continuously supporting combined arms units in battle with fire.

Tactical and technical characteristics of the main artillery systems

System name


System weight, kg. in combat position

Rate of fire rds/min

Projectile weight, kg.

Used, pcs.

Calculation, pers.

Armor penetration,

Transportation speed; km/hour


direct shot

152mm P "Hyacinth"


152mm SG2S-ZM

152mm SG-P "Meta-S"

Main tactical and technical characteristics of the 100-mm anti-tank gun

System name

Caliber, mm.


Far straight rd.

Rate of fire

System weight,

Projectile weight, kg.

Used, pcs.

Armor penetration

Travel speed

PT gun T-12

PT gun BS-3

9P-148 "Competition"


Separate anti-tank artillery battalion designed to destroy tanks and other armored vehicles of the enemy. It can also be used to destroy fire weapons, including those located in fortifications.

Anti-tank artillery units are assigned to anti-tank reserves or attached to motorized rifle units.

A separate anti-tank artillery division consists of:

Division Commands;

Combat units;

Two anti-tank artillery batteries;

ATGM batteries;

Service and support divisions;

Division control platoon (reconnaissance squad 5 people, two

Liaison office 7 and 6 people);

Support platoon;

Repair platoon;

Medical Center;

Radiation and chemical reconnaissance departments;

Economic department.

For the teacher: - shows the diagram and gives time to draw the diagram;

Describes the purpose and composition of the units

The division command includes the division commander, his deputy for work with personnel and technical units.

The division headquarters includes the chief of staff, who is also the deputy division commander; the chief of communications, who is also the commander of the communications platoon;

chemical instructor.

Anti-tank artillery battery - fire and tactical unit anti-tank artillery, operates, as a rule, as part of a division, but cannot be assigned to motorized rifle units.

The battery consists of:

Intelligence departments (4 people);

Communications departments (7 people);

Two fire platoons (23 people each).

A fire platoon is a fire unit that operates, as a rule, as part of a battery. Consists of three crews, each with one 100 mm anti-tank gun.

Main tactical and technical characteristics of 100 mm anti-tank gun

Anti-tank guided missile battery - fire and tactical unit. Designed to destroy tanks and other armored targets. It operates, as a rule, as part of a division, but can be attached to motorized rifle units.

The battery consists of:

Three ATGM platoons;

Management departments;

Simulator departments.

An ATGM platoon is a fire unit that operates, as a rule, as part of a battery, but can also act independently.

Consists of three crews of combat vehicles. Each crew has 2 people. The vehicle commander is a senior operator and driver-operator, armed with:

Grenade launcher - RPG-7 - 1

AKM-74 assault rifle - 1

Pistol PM - 1pri

Rocket launcher - 1.

The combat vehicle has a radio station R-123 and R-108.

The control department is designed to monitor the actions of the enemy and friendly troops, determine tank-dangerous directions for monitoring the results of their fire.

Squad leader - radiotelephonist - 1

Senior Scout - 1

Scouts - 2

Radiotelephone operator - 1

Driver - 1

The simulator department is an electron-optical training complex and is designed to develop operators’ shooting skills from combat vehicles.

The department includes the head of the simulator - the instructor and the driver of the car.

Rear units of the division:

Material support platoon - designed to transport materiel to the division, as well as to transport ammunition and fuel to batteries;

Repair platoon - designed for repair and maintenance of equipment and weapons;

Housekeeping department - designed for uninterrupted supply of division units with food and preparation of hot food;

Medical station - designed to collect the wounded, provide first aid and evacuate them.

Main performance characteristics of BM 9P148

CONCLUSION. A separate anti-tank artillery division is a powerful means of combating tanks and other armored vehicles.

CONCLUSION. Rapidly developing military equipment and weapons, fundamentally new, high-precision means of armed warfare and effective methods of their use are causing significant changes in the content of modern combined arms combat, methods of troop control based on automated systems, methods of fire destruction and action of troops, in the organization and implementation of their comprehensive support , i.e. in tactics - the most important component of Soviet military art.

Summarize. Give a task for self-preparation:

Textbook "Tactics" part 2, pp. 43-51.

Methodological development compiled:

Senior lecturer, sub-student V. Marchuk

This will be my first blog post. It’s not a full-fledged article in terms of the number of words and information, but it’s a very important note, which can be read in one breath and has almost more benefits than many of my articles. So, what is a squad, platoon, company and other concepts known to us from books and films? And how many people do they contain?

What is a platoon, company, battalion, etc.

  • Branch
  • Platoon
  • Battalion
  • Brigade
  • Division
  • Frame
  • Army
  • Front (district)

These are all tactical units in the branches and types of troops. I have arranged them in order from least number of people to most to make it easier for you to remember them. During my service, I most often met with everyone up to the regiment.

From the brigade and above (in number of people) during the 11 months of service, we didn’t even say. Perhaps this is due to the fact that I do not serve in a military unit, but in an educational institution.

How many people do they include?

Department. Numbers from 5 to 10 people. The squad is commanded by the squad leader. A squad leader is a sergeant's position, so commode (short for squad leader) is often a junior sergeant or sergeant.

Platoon. A platoon includes from 3 to 6 sections, that is, it can reach from 15 to 60 people. The platoon commander is in charge of the platoon. This is already an officer position. It is occupied by a minimum of a lieutenant and a maximum of a captain.

Company. A company includes from 3 to 6 platoons, that is, it can consist of from 45 to 360 people. The company is commanded by the company commander. This is a major position. In fact, the commander is a senior lieutenant or captain (in the army, a company commander is affectionately and abbreviated as a company commander).

Battalion. This is either 3 or 4 companies + headquarters and individual specialists (gunsmith, signalman, snipers, etc.), a mortar platoon (not always), sometimes air defense and tank destroyers (hereinafter referred to as PTB). The battalion includes from 145 to 500 people. The commander of the battalion (abbreviated as battalion commander) commands.

This is the position of lieutenant colonel. But in our country, both captains and majors command, who in the future can become lieutenant colonels, provided they retain this position.

Regiment. From 3 to 6 battalions, that is, from 500 to 2500+ people + headquarters + regimental artillery + air defense + fire-fighting tanks. The regiment is commanded by a colonel. But maybe also a lieutenant colonel.

Brigade. A brigade is several battalions, sometimes 2 or even 3 regiments. The brigade usually has from 1,000 to 4,000 people. It is commanded by a colonel. The abbreviated title for the position of brigade commander is brigade commander.

Division. These are several regiments, including artillery and, possibly, tank + rear service + sometimes aviation. Commanded by a colonel or major general. The number of divisions varies. From 4,500 to 22,000 people.

Frame. These are several divisions. That is, in the region of 100,000 people. The corps is commanded by a major general.

Army. From two to ten divisions of different types of troops + rear units + repair shops and so on. The number can be very different. On average from 200,000 to 1,000,000 people and above. The army is commanded by a major general or lieutenant general.

Front. In peacetime - a military district. It’s difficult to give exact numbers here. They vary by region, military doctrine, political environment and the like.

The front is already a self-sufficient structure with reserves, warehouses, training units, military schools, and so on. The front commander commands the front. This is a lieutenant general or army general.

The composition of the front depends on the assigned tasks and the situation. Typically the front includes:

  • control;
  • missile army (one - two);
  • army (five - six);
  • tank army (one - two);
  • air army (one - two);
  • air defense army;
  • separate formations and units of various types of troops and special troops of front-line subordination;
  • formations, units and establishments of operational logistics.

The front can be reinforced by formations and units of other types Armed Forces and the reserve of the Supreme High Command.

What other similar tactical terms exist?

Subdivision. This word refers to all military formations that are part of the unit. Squad, platoon, company, battalion - they are all united by one word “unit”. The word comes from the concept of division, to divide. That is, the part is divided into divisions.

Part. This is the main unit of the Armed Forces. The term “unit” most often means regiment and brigade. External signs units are: the presence of their own office work, military economy, bank account, postal and telegraph address, their own official seal, the commander’s right to give written orders, open (44 training tank division) and closed (military unit 08728) combined arms numbers. That is, the part has sufficient autonomy.

IMPORTANT! Please note that the terms military unit and military unit do not mean exactly the same thing. The term “military unit” is used as a general designation, without specifics. If we are talking about a specific regiment, brigade, etc., then the term “military unit” is used. Usually its number is also mentioned: “military unit 74292” (but you cannot use “military unit 74292”) or, for short, military unit 74292.

Compound. As a standard, only a division fits this term. The word “connection” itself means to connect parts. The division headquarters has the status of a unit. Other units (regiments) are subordinate to this unit (headquarters). All together there is a division. However, in some cases, a brigade may also have the status of a connection. This happens if the brigade includes separate battalions and companies, each of which has the status of a unit in itself.

An association. This term combines corps, army, army group and front (district). The headquarters of the association is also the part to which various formations and units are subordinated.

Bottom line

Other specific and grouping concepts in military hierarchy does not exist. At least in the Ground Forces. In this article we did not touch upon the hierarchy of military formations of the aviation and navy. However, the attentive reader can now imagine the naval and aviation hierarchy quite simply and with minor errors.

Now it will be easier for us to dialogue, friends! After all, every day we are getting closer to speaking the same language. You are learning more and more military terms and meanings, and I am getting closer and closer to civilian life!))

I wish everyone to find in this article what they were looking for,

Commanders and chiefs of staff in any situation are required to have communications equipment with them and be able to work with them.

In the SME and TB, the communications system is deployed and maintained by the communications platoon, and in the ADN - by the control platoon.

To ensure management and solution of problems facing communications, the SME(TB) has a communications platoon, the organization of which is shown on the slide. In SMEs (TB), communication is provided by radio, wired, mobile and signaling means.

SME communications platoon(15 people)

consists of three departments:

Battalion Commander's Office

Office of the Battalion Chief of Staff

Liaison Offices

Management departments are intended to provide communication to the commander and chief of staff of the battalion with the commanders (headquarters) of subordinate, attached and interacting units.

Battalion commander's department consists of:

3. Senior radiotelegraph operator

4. Radiotelegraph operator

Armament: KShM (BMP-1-KSh) (R-145 BM),

Chief of Staff Office consists of:

1. Squad commander - sergeant

2. Driver mechanic - private

3. Senior radiotelegraph operator

4. Radiotelegraph operator

Armament: BMP-1K or BMP-2K.

The communications department is designed to provide radio and wire communications to the battalion commander and headquarters with subordinate units, as well as to deploy and maintain the battalion command post communications center and organize internal communications on it.

Liaison Office consists of:

1. Squad commander - sergeant

2. Driver mechanic - private

3. Senior radiotelephonist-corporal

4. Senior master radiotelephonist-corporal

5. Line overseer - private

6. Line overseer - private


Radio stations R-159 - five,

R-158 - fifteen,

P-193M switches - two,

Cable P-274M - 12 km,

BMP-1 (R-123) - one,

Power station 0.5 kW - one.

If the SME is on an armored personnel carrier, then in the control departments instead of the BMP-1 KSh and BMP-1K there will be R-145BM and BTR-80K, respectively, and in the communications department instead of the BMP-1 - BTR-80.

In addition to the SME (TB) communications platoon, the SME has the following to perform communications tasks:

· Communication means MSR;

· Communications department of the mortar battery control platoon.

· Communication equipment for an anti-aircraft missile platoon;

· Communication equipment for an anti-tank platoon;

· Radio equipment (r/stations R-123, R-173), on armored objects in battalion units.

In the MSR, in addition to the funds allocated from the communications platoon, each company has 10 R-123 (R-173) radio stations.

In the communications department of the mortar battery control platoon there are 4 sets of radio stations R-159, P-274M-4 km; TA-57- 4 pcs.

Communication facilities of the mortar battery communications departments are used to provide communications to the mortar battery commander

with the battalion commander (P-159), with mortar firing positions

(R-159-3 set). Wired means are used to communicate with the battery commander and mortar firing positions.

In an anti-aircraft missile platoon, in each section of the S-2 MANPADS there are 2 R-147P receivers (one for each crew) and a R-147 4 unit.

To ensure communication, the PTV has:

R-159 - 1 set;

R-158 -4 sets.

PTV communications equipment is used to ensure communication between the platoon commander and the battalion commander (R-159) and to ensure control of ATGM and SPG-9 installations (R-148 or R-158).

Structure of a “light” motorized rifle company.
Diagram provided by the author

IN modern world The armed forces (primarily represented by motorized rifle units) are more often faced with local and fleeting military operations than with full-scale wars and battles. Therefore, close attention should be paid to units at the lower levels, on whose training and equipment the course of the armed confrontation increasingly depends.


The structure of the modern Russian motorized rifle squad differs little from the structure of the Soviet motorized rifle squad, which was optimized for trench warfare and attacks in infantry chains with the support of infantry fighting vehicles. In modern warfare we see neither trench lines “from sea to sea”, nor mass attacks by infantry chains. Based on the experience of operations in Chechnya, a motorized rifle squad turned out to be too large for coordinated infantry actions in battle. Both Russian special forces and irregular bandit formations operated in more mobile and better coordinated groups: pairs, threes, fours, fives, and infantry often operated without the support of armored vehicles. It is characteristic that the branches of many foreign armies are divided into units of up to five people. All this speaks in favor of reducing the size of the squad to five people and excluding armored vehicles from its composition.

Based on the experience of local wars, the optimal composition of a small group is as follows: a sniper, a machine gunner (with a single machine gun), two machine gunners, a grenade launcher (with a reusable RPG).

It is advisable to additionally arm each machine gunner with either an under-barrel grenade launcher or a disposable RPG. Such a squad is universal: depending on the tactical situation, the main character will be either a sniper, a grenade launcher, or a machine gunner, while other members of the group will provide fire cover and target designation. The number of only five people will provide the department with high mobility and coordination of actions.

The apparent disadvantage of this structure is the absence of a maneuver group, but the maneuver can be carried out by entire squads within a platoon without the need to divide the squad. It will be objected to me that a grenade launcher and a machine gun will not allow the squad to maneuver effectively, however: a) the effectiveness of the maneuver depends not so much on speed as on surprise; b) in real combat conditions, it is unknown which group will need to maneuver in the next minute, and which will need to suppress the enemy with machine-gun fire, and where a grenade launcher and a sniper will be needed; c) a pair of machine gunners can act as a maneuver group, which will be more mobile than a group of three people.

As for the underbarrel grenade launcher, it is still not effective enough due to the low accuracy of fire and low rate of fire. Therefore, it would be necessary to replace the machine gun with an underbarrel grenade launcher with a manual multi-shot anti-personnel grenade launcher. The need for such weapons was acutely felt by the troops who fought in Chechnya in populated areas. There were even attempts to use AGS as a hand weapon.

A hand-held multi-shot grenade launcher has been successfully used Marine Corps USA, where every flight commander is armed with it. Such weapons will fill the unoccupied niche of fire support for infantry in cases where it is difficult to use mounted grenade launchers; ideal for highly mobile combat operations in populated areas and mountainous areas. The use of cumulative grenades expands the capabilities when fighting lightly armored vehicles.

In recent decades, the development of weapons of this class, as well as combined systems, has become increasingly widespread. Among the most interesting developments are the RG-1, TKB-0249 “Crossbow” (Russia), QLB-06/QLZ-87 (China), SAG-30 (Czech Republic), PAW-20 (South Africa) and a number of others. . Characteristic is the history of the creation of the Chinese self-loading infantry grenade launcher QLB-06, which is assembled on the basis of the AGS QLZ-87. To ensure increased maneuverability in the new model, the designers completely abandoned the machine. It is advisable to have not only high-explosive fragmentation, but also thermobaric, cumulative and grapeshot ammunition for this type of weapon.

The machine gunner, of course, must be armed with a single machine gun (PKM class). A light machine gun (RPK class) cannot long time maintain a high rate of fire, which means it will not be able to cover the squad’s maneuver with fire. The machine gun must be equipped optical sight, which will significantly increase the range of effective fire.

A sniper in a motorized rifle squad, of course, must be armed differently from snipers." long range", and compact sniper rifle with equipment for silent shooting. Such a sniper will be indispensable when organizing ambushes and raids, in urban combat.

Refuse reusable anti-tank grenade launcher not advisable from the point of view of shooting accuracy and carried load when large quantities shots (especially if tandem cumulative or heavy thermobaric charges are required). Therefore, the main purpose of a reusable RPG is to fight tanks and defeat the enemy in strong shelters. Disposable grenade launchers are designed primarily to destroy light and unarmored vehicles and enemy personnel located openly and in light shelters.


Based on the experience of both special forces of regular armies and illegal armed groups, infantry groups of 15–20 people are created for independent actions. It is desirable that such a group be placed as a landing party in two infantry fighting vehicles, since it is the actions of combat vehicles in pairs that have proven to be most effective in modern wars. Thus, the capacity of the airborne squad of a promising infantry fighting vehicle should be 8–10 people (preferably 10), and it would be advisable to include two or three (depending on the capacity of the infantry fighting vehicle) rifle squads in a platoon. In addition to rifle squads, the platoon structure requires: a platoon commander, a full-time artillery spotter and a squad of portable ATGMs.

For effective fight with enemy armored vehicles, the effective firing range of a grenade launcher is often insufficient, and support from friendly armored vehicles may not be available. Therefore, the platoon commander needs an anti-tank reserve in the form of an ATGM in the platoon’s infantry (rifle) group. In addition, ATGMs can be used to destroy shelters from distances inaccessible to grenade launchers, playing the role of “hand artillery.” In the US and German armies, an ATGM operator is part of each motorized rifle squad. The armies of less wealthy countries (for example, China and Iran) often compensate for the lack of anti-tank systems with the number of grenade launchers: two grenade launchers in a squad, but, obviously, this is a temporary measure. Requirements for a promising platoon-mounted ATGM: it must be possible to fire from indoors (it would be reasonable to present the same requirement to a promising anti-tank grenade launcher), as well as the possibility of use by one person (without installation on a tripod). It is advisable to arm an ATGM squad with one or two ATGMs when the squad size is three people (squad commander and two ATGM operators).

An artillery spotter should be included in the platoon on a regular basis, since artillery and infantry must operate in close cooperation, and the majority of combined arms officers do not have sufficient knowledge for correct correction. There may simply not be time to assign spotters to platoons in a combat situation. According to the concepts of “network-centric wars”, it is not so important that the elements of reconnaissance and destruction belong to the same staff structures - the main thing is that they belong to the same information network. However, such a structure should not relieve artillery commanders of responsibility for combat training spotters. Thus, a distributed network of spotters will be formed, very resistant to failure of individual elements. A spotter must be able to correct fire not only from artillery, but also from tanks and infantry fighting vehicles.

It is advisable to include an armored group (two infantry fighting vehicles) in an armored platoon rather than a rifle platoon. In a future war, most likely, infantry fighting vehicles will operate not in rifle chains, but in battle formations of tanks created at the same base, so it is advisable not to associate infantry fighting vehicles with infantry platoons, but to include them in regular armored platoons consisting of tanks and infantry fighting vehicles.

At the platoon level, it is not practical to have a full-time radio operator. Firstly, the platoon commander is in combat formations and the constant presence of a radio operator nearby is an unmasking factor that makes the work of enemy snipers easier. Secondly, the commander will be tempted to shift all the work with the automated control system terminal onto his radio operator, which will lead to the emergence of a “middleman” and a decrease in the effectiveness of the system. For relaying, radio stations on armored vehicles will mainly be used, and it would be wrong to use a platoon radio operator as a repeater. If it is necessary to operate separately from armored vehicles, it is advisable to assign a radio operator from the battalion communications unit.

In modern warfare, success increasingly depends not so much on the characteristics of weapons, but on the equipment and equipment of each soldier and small units. In addition to a flask, a first aid kit, a shovel and a Swiss knife (it’s strange that such a useful item has not become standard), it is necessary to include a night vision device, a night or thermal imaging sight in the fighter’s arsenal. Although the cost of equipping these means is very high, it is still not comparable to the cost of equipping the same unit with modern armored vehicles, but the result will be comparable, and for city, forest or mountain conditions, night vision devices are often more important than armored vehicles.

Commanders from the squad and above, as well as artillery spotters, must also be provided with a map, a radio station and binoculars-rangefinder-target designator with a built-in GPS/GLONASS navigation device. The target designator must be integrated into the automated control system and provide automated output of coordinates for the artillery control system, as well as laser target illumination. Platoon commanders and above, as well as artillery spotters, must be equipped with automated control system terminals with an integrated GPS/GLONASS navigator.

One of the main functions of a field uniform is protection from bad weather, taking into account the long-term inability to change clothes, therefore, as a field uniform, not cotton suits are needed, but more comfortable overalls made of wind- and moisture-proof fabric. Such overalls should be available in summer and winter versions with appropriate indelible camouflage coloring. The uniform must include a knitted hat, winter and summer (fingerless) gloves, a sweater, warm socks and underwear. Outdated raincoats must be replaced with modern raincoats. It is also necessary to reconsider the frequency of updating some items. Thus, high-top boots must be issued to a military personnel annually, taking into account their wear and tear during active use. Considering that there are severe frosts in Russia, it is reasonable to issue insulated boots (once every two years). Modern supply standards, in which “berts” are issued once every three years, but are literally filled with ties and casual shoes, are designed only for ceremonial garrisons.

In addition, each infantry fighting vehicle must transport:

– five ammunition kits for infantry weapons, body armor;

– spare clothes, sleeping bags, tents and awnings;

– packed rations for five days and supplies drinking water for two days (in plastic cans);

– chainsaw, axes, hammer, sledgehammer, nails and carpenter’s staples;

– large sapper shovels, pickaxe, crowbar, bags for soil;

– LED electric lights, nylon cord (at least 200 m).

Combat experience shows that the standard standards for portable (transportable) ammunition stocks are insufficient, hence the requirement to transport five rounds of ammunition in an infantry fighting vehicle. It may not be entirely correct to load an infantry fighting vehicle, but it is even more incorrect to overload the infantry or leave them without ammunition. A chainsaw, hatchets, shovels, cord and other tools are necessary for setting up a field camp, building field fortifications, camouflage and for other purposes. Sleeping bags and spare clothing are necessary to ensure acceptable living conditions for personnel in the field.

Thus, it is advisable to include in the platoon: three rifle squads (five people each), an ATGM squad (three people with one or two portable ATGMs), a platoon commander and a full-time artillery spotter.


Today, the issue of revising the role of tanks in battle and their place in the combat formations of formations, units and subunits is increasingly being considered. Tanks are increasingly turning from an operational weapon into a tactical one. Further development of anti-tank weapons will require increasing protection of the tank by infantry. The tank turns from a “shock fist”, independently punching its way, into self-propelled gun, following the infantry and moving forward only to attack in open areas.

They are considering the possibility of including tanks in motorized rifle battalions (in the US and German armies, battalions already have a mixed composition). However, the battalion commander is too busy coordinating the actions of motorized infantry companies with regular and attached artillery and other units. A tank gun is designed for direct fire, so infantry targeting could be very effective with greater coordination between infantry and tanks. At the same time, motorized infantry, even in local wars needs constant support from tanks. The US Army is already working on the concept of a “heavy company”, which includes both tanks and motorized infantry on infantry fighting vehicles - they are supposed to be used in single battle formations with tanks. All this speaks to the need to include tank platoons in motorized rifle companies.

According to the experience of the Israel Defense Forces - and its experience in using tanks in local wars is enormous - for effective management fire and self-defense against anti-tank weapons, tanks must be used in twos, that is, in pairs. This is due to the need to operate in the city and other areas that exclude visual control over the actions of tank companies and even platoons. Since tank pairs must be well coordinated, it is necessary to make them regular platoons. In the Israeli army, for example, the issue of switching to a structure with two tanks in a platoon is already being considered. However, based on the experience of wars with the widespread use of infantry fighting vehicles, mixed pairs of armored vehicles (tank and infantry fighting vehicle) are advisable. The disadvantages of such tactics could be eliminated if better protection BMP and its unification with a tank. Therefore, a motorized rifle company should include mixed armored platoons (two tanks and two infantry fighting vehicles).

Since it may be necessary to simultaneously support three motorized rifle (infantry) platoons with armored vehicles, three armored platoons must be included in the company. One of them may be the company commander's "personal" armored platoon. Therefore, it is advisable to include three armored tanks (two tanks and two infantry fighting vehicles each) and three motorized rifle platoons (20 infantry men each) in the company.

The tactics of such a company could be as follows:

– in dangerous terrain (city, forest, mountains), armored vehicles are kept in shelters 200–500 m behind the infantry;

– receiving target designations from the infantry, armored vehicles under its cover secretly advance to convenient positions and fire for no more than one or two minutes, after which they retreat back to cover (usually in reverse at the highest possible speed);

– in open areas, tanks and infantry fighting vehicles (with infantry on board) attack in single combat formations until they reach rough terrain, after which the infantry dismounts and comes forward, covering the armored vehicles.

Crossing open terrain will require the greatest organizational effort from the company commander. When operating in closed terrain, coordination will most likely occur at the platoon level. In the second case, armored platoons can be attached to motorized rifle platoons and even divided to operate in mixed pairs (tank and infantry fighting vehicle). The company's tactics can be either tank or motorized infantry, which will increase its readiness for combat in any conditions.

Of course, all types of armored vehicles of a motorized rifle company (and battalion) must be developed on a single base. Thus, for each type of motorized rifle battalion, a set of armored vehicles must be created on the appropriate base (heavy tracked, light tracked or light wheeled).

In a “light” company, in order to compensate for the lack of tanks and infantry fighting vehicles, instead of armored platoons there must be at least three fire support platoons: anti-tank (ATGM), mortar and grenade-machine gun. The approximate composition of the heavy weapons of these platoons: three portable mortars, three AGS, two heavy machine guns, four portable heavy-class ATGMs (for example, Kornet-E). This “heavier” and “bringing” of support means closer to the infantry fully corresponds to the trends of local wars. It is advisable to include light company armored vehicles in fire platoons. Firstly, this will ensure maneuverability of fire weapons. Secondly, light technology and fire weapons will form the second echelons of combat formations of motorized rifle companies, which requires unified control over them. The design of armored vehicles must allow the installation of portable mortars in the troop compartment for targeted fire through a hatch or drop-down roof.

In “light” companies, the main task of armored vehicles will only be to deliver infantry to the combat area, therefore the requirements for it are minimal: anti-personnel weapons (machine gun and automatic grenade launcher), the maximum possible protection for this class for the crew and troops from portable weapons, mines and landmines. Such armored vehicles are in no way intended for operations in an infantry chain, much less for independent actions without infantry support. At best, it can provide fire support by moving for one to two minutes to a temporary firing position at least 100 m behind the infantry. The most suitable classes of equipment for “light battalions” are armored vehicles and wheeled armored personnel carriers (for operations in populated areas and areas with a developed road network) and lightly armored tracked armored personnel carriers-tractors (mainly for swampy, wooded and other difficult and sparsely populated areas). Light armor for vehicles of these classes would provide protection for infantry in combat guard operations, conducting reconnaissance operations and combating sabotage groups.


Heavy equipment must be sufficiently protected so that infantry can attack while in armored vehicles, dismounting only after reaching city blocks and other terrain dangerous for armored vehicles. Intermediate classes of equipment (like those currently in service with infantry fighting vehicles) are, in fact, neither fish nor fowl: too expensive to simply transport infantry outside of combat, but too poorly protected for attacking with infantry on board and supporting tanks. The very concept of the infantry fighting vehicle, which put mobility first, then firepower, and only then – protection, which is unnatural. The infantry fighting vehicle was not intended for independent action, but to support tanks. Such a vehicle would be needed for reconnaissance and combat security, but not in attack.

The infantry must attack under the cover of armor. Thus, the main requirement for an infantry fighting vehicle is security, perhaps even better than that of a tank, and it is no coincidence that the American army is working on the issue of creating a new infantry fighting vehicle on a tank base to replace the not very successful Bradly infantry fighting vehicle. Don't forget about the mine danger, and anti-personnel fragmentation mines, especially bouncing mines, can stop or simply break an infantry attack for a long time. What then can we say about new cluster mines equipped with a variety of sensors?

If there are tanks as part of a motorized rifle company anti-tank gun It is not advisable to install it on an infantry fighting vehicle, since it is not effective enough to fight tanks. Refusal of a large-caliber gun will make it possible to strengthen other weapons of the infantry fighting vehicle.

In order to effectively destroy enemy personnel, the BMP turret must be equipped with: an automatic grenade launcher of 50–60 mm caliber and two automatic cannons of 30 mm caliber. It is no coincidence that 20–30 mm automatic guns have become widespread in local wars, because they are more effective than tank guns for combating enemy manpower. Two automatic cannons can also be effectively used against air and ground lightly armored and unarmored targets, as well as against cover, primarily earthen parapets and bunkers. Automatic grenade launchers of 50–60 mm caliber will be able to compensate for the lack of mortars and anti-aircraft guns in a “heavy” company. If they have cumulative ammunition, they will be able (by firing along a hinged trajectory) to hit enemy armored vehicles in the weakly protected upper projection, and lightly armored vehicles with direct fire.

To effectively combat enemy armored vehicles and shelters, the infantry fighting vehicle must be equipped with an anti-tank system with four transport and launch containers on a telescopic guide, which will allow the infantry fighting vehicle to organize anti-tank ambushes and effectively combat enemy armored vehicles in defense, operating from field shelters. It would be very useful to study the experience of some companies in creating telescopic ATGM guides that provide stealth, which is important, especially when organizing ambushes in the forest and city, and even when defending from field shelters. The ADATS complex is quite interesting, it can operate not only against ground targets, but also against air targets.

Together with the ATGM, it is advisable to install a large-caliber machine gun on the guide; together they will form the weapon module of the BMP commander. It is advisable to place the same module on a tank, which will save the internal volume of the tank and increase the effectiveness of using ATGMs when operating from shelters and ambushes. The commander's module must have an independent fire control system (from other weapons of the tank or infantry fighting vehicle), which will allow it to simultaneously fire at two targets. The ATGM should also be applicable as a short-range anti-aircraft missile system (to destroy helicopters, unmanned aircraft and low-flying aircraft). In local wars, anti-tank systems on infantry fighting vehicles were used not so much to combat enemy armored vehicles, but rather to combat enemy fortifications, which should be taken into account when developing ATGM combat units, making them multi-purpose.

The main armament of the tank should be a tank gun of 130–152 mm caliber with a set of ammunition ensuring the destruction of promising tanks equipped with active and dynamic protection in any projection.

To increase security at an acceptable weight, the layout of the tank (and infantry fighting vehicle) must change: the engine is in the front, the crew (and troops) are in the rear, the turret is uninhabited, and the ammunition is separated from the crew by armored partitions. This arrangement will also make it more convenient for the landing party and crew to exit and reduce the reach of the tank gun, which is very important for operations in urban areas. The crew must be in a fire-explosion-fragmentation-radiation-protected habitable compartment (capsule), which must provide almost equal protection from all angles and significantly increase the survivability of the crew in the event of a penetration of the tank's armor protection.

It is necessary to almost completely automate all work sighting system, coming close to the robotization of aiming processes, synthesize a single image, selecting reference channels depending on weather and other conditions. Warning systems for laser and radar irradiation are required, integrated into the fire control system (when irradiation is detected, they should automatically issue a source target marker).


The issue of communications is fundamentally important in modern warfare. Motorized rifle companies will need radio networks at the battalion, company and platoon levels. Platoon commanders and artillery spotters must be part of three levels of networks (radio networks of their platoon and company, as well as battalion radio networks). War vehicles, squad commanders and assigned fire assets should be included in company and platoon networks. It is advisable to make platoon radio communications available to every soldier in the platoon, and the radio headset can be built into the soldier’s helmet.

It is advisable to form modern tactical communication networks on the basis of broadband digital radio communications with code division (analogous to CDMA, but without separating subscriber channels and duplexes). Each radio network must have its own main and backup code channels, and their reconfiguration must occur automatically. Such a radio communication system will not be user-friendly, but it will be much more reliable and resistant to electronic jamming.

To reduce the load on radio frequencies and provide radio camouflage, all vehicles must be equipped with laser communications equipment that provides reliable switched communications in the company at a distance between vehicles of up to 100 m, even when the enemy uses smoke, special aerosols and laser suppression agents. In this case, the laser equipment on each armored vehicle must serve as a network router. The laser communication network must have an adaptive, that is, self-adjusting topology, so that if individual routers fail, it remains operational without manual reconfiguration.
