Toneva star factory. Celebrity beauties who married ordinary people

Toneva Irina Ilyinichna is a talented, bright person, constant in her hobbies and very stable. It is worth clarifying that Ira achieved everything on her own, because she realized that she wanted to study chemistry and music, and then achieved recognition and respect in both industries.

Irina not only showed herself to be a beautiful and very sexy girl, but also proved that her voice can drive millions of her fans crazy, not only as part of a girl group, but also in her solo career.
Toneva knows how to instantly win over any person thanks to her own erudition and sincerity.

Height, weight, age. How old is Irina Toneva

A luxurious and incredibly vocal girl captivated her fans not only with her voice, but also perfect figure, so many people want to clarify her height, weight, age. How old is Irina Toneva will help you find out her date of birth.
Ira was born in 1977, so she recently celebrated her fortieth birthday.

Toneva was born under the zodiac sign of the insightful, intuitive, creative and insecure Cancer.

However, the Eastern horoscope gave Irina the sign of the Snake, endowing her with the wisdom, perseverance, stability, and creativity inherent in it.

Irina Toneva: the photos in her youth and now are not very different, because the woman has not changed in any way, except that her eyes began to radiate with love and tenderness.

The height of the actress, TV star and singer is one meter and seventy centimeters, and her weight is set at fifty-three kilos.

Biography of Irina Toneva

The biography of Irina Toneva is pages from life an ordinary girl, which was born in Soviet family far from the capital of the USSR. The girl was creative, active, bright and artistic, despite the fact that her parents were far from creativity and the world of art.

Father - Ilya Tonev - for a long time worked for the defense of the country, since he was an ensign Soviet army. It is worth noting that Irochka’s mother was also involved in defense; she worked as an engineer for the space forces.

The girl amazed everyone with her musicality, constantly performing at matinees in kindergarten, so I studied at the same time in a music school and a regular school. She loved physical education, chemistry and did sports dancing, developing extraordinary plasticity.

Instead of going to music school, the girl went to enter the University of Design and Technology. Ira mastered the prestigious profession of leather and fur technologist, so she began working at the Kuntsevo factory.

Toneva did not give up her music studies; she sang in the military orchestra and Gutsolyuk’s ensemble. At the same time, since 2002, Ira has been performing as part of the troupe of actors in the musical “Metro,” while simultaneously working as a chemical technologist.

She studied at a dance school, and in the same year she appeared among the contestants of the “Star Factory”, after which she began touring, filming videos and recording songs as part of the “Factory” group until 2006.

She sang in a duet with Pasha Artemyev and after that began performing solo, invariably becoming the winner of prestigious awards. In parallel with this, she starred in films and TV series, including “Snow Angel”, “Cinderella”, “Hello, I’m Your Dad!”

Personal life of Irina Toneva

The personal life of Irina Toneva has always been stormy, because luxurious woman constantly noticed at parties, video recordings and on stage. She did not have a strong complex from the attention of male representatives, but subconsciously sought to find the one, the beloved and the only one with whom she would like to go through life to the end.

Before Irina Toneva married her beloved Alexei Brizh, she dated a huge number of talented guys. It is worth noting that Irinka had her first love back in school years, and the guy whom journalists first saw next to her was the famous VJ of the MTV channel Yura Pashkov. At the same time, there were rumors that showman Otar Kushanashvili also applied for the girl.

In 2008, this relationship abruptly ended, and the new chosen one was Igorek DMCB, who performed as part of the musical group “Band’eros”. It is worth noting that this relationship did not last long, and then the guy married one of the lead singers of the Strelki group.
After 2014, Ira Toneva tried not to talk about her personal life, claiming that she was dating some mythical businessman who doted on her.

Family of Irina Toneva

Irina Toneva’s family today is very stable, although small, since the girl grew up alone. The fact is that in those days having two children was a real luxury, so she has no brothers and sisters.

Ira considers her family not only her parents, but also her mother-in-law, whom she often calls her second mommy. Even upon meeting for the first time, women suddenly felt kindred spirits, because we found hundreds of common topics and hobbies.

The mother-in-law is a welcome guest in the family of Alexei and Irina, so she often visits their house. By the way, the woman promises to help with future grandchildren and believes that the couple will have several of them.

Children of Irina Toneva

Irina Toneva’s children have not yet been born, however, the girl cites the reason for this not as infertility or physical abnormalities in the female part, but as ordinary employment.

By the way, Ira often says that she never wanted to have children from her former partners before, because she did not see them in the role loving husbands and caring daddies.

Currently, Irina has a wonderful husband next to her, so she began to plan for a baby and more than one. The fact is that this girl is quite thorough and wants to give her child all the best, including stability and material well-being.

The girl claims that for the complete happiness of their little family, they should have a baby and give up their career and busy touring schedule for at least a few years.

Irina Toneva’s husband – Alexey Brizha

Irina Toneva’s husband, Alexey Brizha, is a man before whom she did not strive for a serious relationship, a change of image or changes in her personal life. Before Lesha, the girl plunged headlong into her career and did not even want to think about men, considering them vulgar and narrow-minded.

Alexey, who is thirteen years younger than his beloved, appeared in her life a long time ago, as he performed as part of his future wife’s show ballet. He silently watched from the sidelines as Ira was courted by many young, self-sufficient and rich guys.

After two years of courtship, Alexey and Irina quietly and secretly played a wedding, which was attended only by their closest people. A girl in a fitted, stylish, snow-white dress was getting married, but refused to go to Honeymoon due to a busy work schedule.

Irina Toneva and her husband, whose wedding took place secretly, despite the gossip, love each other and are not going to get a divorce. By the way, the young man is constantly close to his chosen one, because he goes on tour with his wife in her show ballet, trains children and adults at a Moscow dance school, and is a sought-after choreographer.

Irina Toneva nude

Irina Toneva naked constantly appears on the Internet; she is not shy about performing half-naked in public. Irina claims that her body is simply perfect without any plastic surgery, since this is all genetically determined and supported by natural cosmetics.

The girl often appeared on the covers and pages of numerous world and Russian men's magazines, and she did this not only solo, but also as part of VIA "Factory", multiplying her beauty by three.

The woman has never been photographed wearing an Eva costume, so these kinds of photographs on the Internet are fake. In most photographs or videos, the young girl shows only small areas of her naked body, and also shows elegant swimsuits or lace underwear from famous brands.

By the way, for the fact that Toneva will demonstrate her bare breasts or intimate parts, the photographers simply suggested fabulous fees, but the girl flatly refused the money, claiming that not everything in the world can be bought and sold. Irina believes that any self-respecting girl should have a zest that only her husband has the right to.

Instagram and Wikipedia Irina Toneva

The singer and actress have Instagram and Wikipedia Irina Toneva; they contain only reliable and reliable information. In the article posted on Wikipedia, there is little data about childhood and parents, but it is possible to find information about personal, creative and family life. There is information about Irina Toneva’s work on television and concert activities.

Irina Toneva was born in the summer of June 27, 1977 in Krasnoznamensk, Moscow region. She grew up an artistic girl. Even in kindergarten, she took an active part in matinees, sang and danced. At the age of seven, Ira went straight to study at a general education and music institution. The schoolgirl attended physical education classes with great pleasure; it was her favorite subject. A little later, having matured, she became interested in sports dancing.

Nature rewarded Irina with plasticity and mobility. As she grew older, the girl became interested in chemistry. But she devoted her free time after school to dancing, devoting a lot of energy to this hobby. As a result, the girl realized that she could not imagine her life without this art. Moscow at night, the world of dance, glamor, new acquaintances - Irina Toneva loves all this. The biography of popular artists is interesting to many, and our heroine is no exception. Let's get to know her better.


After graduating from school, Irina Toneva entered the Moscow University of Design and Technology to major in chemical technologist for fur and leather. At the same time, she began taking private vocal lessons. Toneeva sang in the Military Band of the Force Control Center under the direction of R.V. Gutsolyuk. She performed his original and other popular songs. Having secured the support of Gutsolyuk, Ira will in the future appear in the new project “Star Factory”. After studying at the university and graduating, she got a job in her specialty in a leather factory. True, in 2000, Toneva quit her job and decided to try her hand at the musical “Metro,” but the casting was unsuccessful for her. And already in the fall of the same year, she got a job at the Stimul Color Cosmetics company as a chemical technologist. In her free time from work, Ira studied at the Student dance school.

In 2002, Irina Toneva left Stimul Color Cosmetics and got a job as a manager at the Khimiya2000 company. She worked there until the fall, after which her life changed dramatically, thanks to the appearance of the Star Factory.

Irina lives by dancing and singing. She is always ready for training and activities, she has a seething thirst for development... “Star Factory” has made her dreams come true. For Toneva, who devotes all her time to the stage, the project has become an important part of her life.

Ira as part of the group "Factory"

After the completion of “Star Factory 1” in December 2002, Ira became a member of the “Factory” group. Which, by the way, included two more graduates of the project: Sati Casanova and For the first time, the team announced itself by performing the song “About Love,” which became a real hit. A little later, the debut video was released. The tallest in the group was Irina Toneva, whose height is 171 cm. She created her image herself.

During the period from 2003 to 2006. The group was awarded the prestigious Golden Gramophone award three times. And in 2005, the girls received the Glamor Award. Ira attracted the attention of the audience by performing the song “You Understand” with the lead singer of the group “Korni” Pavel Artemyev. Being in the “Factory” group became a kind of springboard for the girl on the road to the stage. The audience appreciated the beauty's voice. Being creative, writing poetry, performing new songs - this is what Irina Toneva is doing now. The singer’s biography was quite interesting even during the formation of the “Factory” group, but to this day it still arouses interest among many of her fans. Most of all, fans are interested in Ira’s personal life, which, thanks to her popularity, is under the constant sight of photo and television cameras. How is it that the singer is already 37, and she’s not married yet?!

Personal life

Some people believe that Ira is a reserved and uncommunicative person, but his parents and friends claim that this is not so. According to them, the young woman has a large circle of acquaintances and easily gets along with those around her. mutual language, gets along with people quickly and can get along with anyone general theme for conversation. This is how she is - Irina Toneva. singer is classified. Ira doesn’t like to talk about this topic. The same as talking about everything related to the stage. The media often write a lot about the members of the “Factory” group, but the information is not always true. But almost no scandalous or incriminating materials are published about Irina. However, she was seen in the singer - Yuri Pashkov - Otar Kushanashvili. The choice fell on Yura.

For some period Ira consisted of romantic relationships with Igor DMCB, lead singer of Band'eros. The media also reported that the girl was dating a businessman, but the singer did not say who he was. Toneva is sure that relationships should be strong and long-lasting. She does not believe in crazy love, she believes that there is no need to get carried away with fleeting and short-term romances, since you can miss the most important thing in life - your destiny. For Ira, it is important that the man next to her does not have the desire to have several affairs at the same time. When Irina is asked why she doesn’t get married, the singer replies that the very word “marriage” already causes terrible internal discomfort. Besides the fact that a stamp in a passport, according to her, is not what one should strive for. I would like to think that there is still a worthy man in the singer’s life. Moreover, Irina Toneva herself admits that her heart is not free. Photos of the singer with her gentlemen, however, practically do not appear in the media. As for interviews on similar topics, our heroine prefers to talk about her hobbies in dancing and sports rather than about her chosen one.

The singer has always had her own views on life. They are interested in reading the works of occult writers and agree with the philosophy of P. Coelho. Her favorite writer is also Richard Bach; the singer especially highlights his work “Jonathan’s Seagull.” Ira has no addiction to the Internet. She looks at her e-book very rarely. She prefers to spend her free time with people close to her. Loves good music, especially “relaxing”. Prefers to wear sportswear, loves fried mushrooms with cheese and oatmeal with sugar. Just like any person, Ira has a dream - to buy a house by the sea. The blonde beauty has green eyes, she is slim, as evidenced by her figure measurements of 88-63-92 cm.

Singer's film career

The singer has appeared in films more than once: “Cinderella”, “Hello, I’m your dad!”, “Women on the Edge”, “Snow Angel” - these are all films where Irina Toneva played. Let's hope not the last.

The bright soloist of “Factory” Irina Toneva recently greatly surprised her fans by dyeing her hair pink and purple. In her new image, Toneva feels confident. Ira spoke about why such changes occurred in exclusive interview ProZvezd.

“The producer’s opinion comes first”
– Irina, psychologists say that girls usually decide to sudden change hair color due to a desire for change in life or depression. Do you agree?
- Nope! In fact, everything happened spontaneously. I came to my master, and in honor of a beautiful tan after the vacation, we decided to go completely cool color. This is what came out of it. I like. Most likely it won't last long - don't worry.
– Doesn’t your producer Igor Matvienko scold you for such changes?
- No, he doesn’t scold. There was only one time when I was strictly told not to experiment. But, by the way, I absolutely agreed with him then. Because she appeared in public with many finely braided braids, while wearing a classic glamorous and rather revealing dress. According to Matvienko, it was not so hot. I haven't braided my hair since then. First of all, because for me the producer’s opinion is above all else.
– It is believed that Matvienko is one of the most decent producers in Russian show business. Do you agree?
- Certainly. He is noble and very gallant. He is easy to work with.
- But at the same time, he has a lot of performers, in addition to “Factory”. And “Lyube” and “Ivanushki”... Aren’t you jealous of them?
– No, we’re definitely not jealous of “Lyube” and “Ivanushki”. If the hairs of what you said appear, it is on some very thin layer of the ego-mind. It coexists very easily with another thick layer called “understanding.” Maybe it’s even good that our producer from time to time has someone to whom he temporarily switches his attention. You look and think: “What did he like about this singer?” This is how you find new facets in yourself.

Group "Factory"

“The man should be the head of the family”
– Your group is famous for its fans. What do they write to you? in social networks?
- They write different things. It's mostly positive. By the way, I would like to take this opportunity to say a big thank you to my fans and ask them not to send fruit to our office. The fact is that we visit the production center very rarely, only at meetings. I don’t have time to pick up the fruit, and it spoils. It’s better to bring pine nuts: they can lie there for a long time and wait for me (laughs).
– Why suddenly fruits?
- Because I'm a vegetarian. They are trying to feed me vitamins. Of course, I am extremely pleased with such care!
- Is your name to get married?
- I will not say! (Laughs.) Fans on social networks sometimes propose marriage, but I correctly hush up this question. How do I see my chosen one? I like tall men (laughs).
– Is the financial condition of your future husband important to you?
– Of course, I wanted him to be wealthier than me... or mega-super talented!
– And who will be in charge: you or your husband?
- Of course he is. A woman controls the mood in the family; she is the emotional background. But all important decisions must be made by a man.
– Irina, and the last question. In the midst of summer, many artists went on vacation. Where are you going?
- We had a vacation for May holidays. I was on holiday in Sri Lanka, surfing. I agree that this is an extreme form of recreation, but we tried to ride carefully (laughs). I haven’t gone anywhere in the summer yet. I really like Moscow now: our capital this year is different, not hot. But we periodically go to the sea for concerts. In a few days, for example, we will have a concert in Anapa, we’ll sunbathe there for a day. This is beyond me.

Irina Toneva – Russian singer, became famous thanks to her participation in the group “Factory”. She and Sasha Savelyeva are old-timers of the project; both singers continue to work in the popular group and, at the same time, are engaged in solo projects.

The singer's childhood

The birthplace of the future star is the military garrison town of Krasnoarmeysk. The girl's father served in the armed forces, her mother worked as an engineer. Little Irina showed an interest in public speaking. Without exaggeration, Toneva was the star of all events held in the kindergarten.

To realize their daughter’s talent, her parents enrolled her in a music school. But this was not enough for the energetic, active Irina, and the girl additionally began attending the sports and ballroom dancing. Towards graduation, the girl became interested in chemistry and decided that she would choose a specialty related to this science.

After receiving a matriculation certificate, Irina becomes a student at the capital's technical university, where she masters the specialty of chemical technologist. Having become a certified specialist, the future singer does not work for long in her specialty at a factory.

The beginning of a pop career

After some time, Irina realizes that she wants to develop her vocal abilities and enters the Gnessin School. Here the girl studies the features of pop vocals. After the end of the second higher education, Irina becomes a soloist in a military orchestra, she manages to combine her passion for vocals with work at a factory.

Irina Toneva with other members of the Factory group

2002 was a turning point for Toneva. She ends up on the Star Factory project. The girl was a godsend for the teachers who worked with the contestants, as she was prepared for performances, danced well and sang well. Thanks to her skills, Irina became a member of the girls band “Factory”, whose producer was Igor Matvienko.

Irina Toneva and other members of the "Factory" group on the set of the video "Don't Be Born Beautiful"

On the project itself, Toneva also achieved serious results, winning a duel with Vitas and Pavel Artemyev. The singer’s further career is inextricably linked with the Factory team. Its composition sang many hits, which long time stayed at the top positions of the charts. The most popular: “We are so different”, “Factory girls”, “The sea is calling”, “Fish”.

Irina Toneva on the set of the video "At the Top" for her new solo album

But the active Irina did not limit herself to singing. In the mid-2000s, she took part in the Heart of Africa project. Then she becomes a student of German Sidakov, with whom she hones her acting skills, and then takes part in his experimental production. Toneva has experience participating in the filming of big films. She can be seen in the films “Snow Angel”, “Women on the Edge”, “Hello, I’m your dad!”

Irina Toneva in the film "Women on the Edge"

Irina does not stop collaborating with the Fabrika group, but at the same time she is creating and promoting her own brand. In 2017, Toneva presented to listeners the songs “Come on”, “At the Top”, the words for which she wrote herself.

Personal life of a “manufacturer”

Irina is the case when the desire to hide her personal life from strangers gives rise to a huge number of rumors. Moreover, the singer herself never says anything about her chosen ones and relationships with them; information appears from the outside.

Yuri Pashkov and Irina Toneva

Journalists first started talking about Toneva when two men were vying for the role of the girl’s lover. It was the scandalous journalist Otar Kushinashvili and MTV presenter Yuri Pashkov. Irina chose the latter, but a few years later the couple broke up. Then there were serious relationship with member of the Band&Eros group Igor Burnyshev. There was even talk about a wedding, but everything remained at the level of speculation.

Irina Toneva with Igor Burnyshev

By latest information The “manufacturer” is in love with a dancer from her own choreographic project. It is only known that Toneva’s chosen one is called Alex. There are also rumors persistently circulating online about the singer’s connection with a famous, rich man, but there is no confirmation of this information. Fans, journalists, and spiteful critics closely examine everything connected with Irina Toneva, but they cannot find anything worth attention.

Read biographies of other famous musicians

Irina Toneva was born in the summer of 1977 in the military town of Krasnoznamensk (previously called Golitsyno-2). There were no musicians or artists in her family: her father was a military officer, and her mother was an engineer by profession. It is not known from whom the girl inherited her musicality, but this quality manifested itself quite early. At matinees in kindergarten, Ira was a real star.

Therefore, my mother took her daughter to two schools at once - general education and music. But this was not enough for the young artist. In elementary school, the girl singled out her favorite lesson from all the lessons: physical education. The teacher noted her incredible plasticity. This became the starting point for visiting another school - ballroom and sports dancing.

Irina Toneva in her youth

In high school, Irina Toneva became seriously interested in chemistry. The girl decided that this particular circumstance should become decisive in the matter of choosing a profession. Therefore, after graduating from school in 1999, she entered the capital’s University of Design and Technology, choosing a specialty as a chemical technologist.

After graduating from university, Toneva worked for some time in Kuntsevo at a leather factory. But the world of music did not let Irina go. She received a second education: she graduated from the famous Gnesinka, choosing the department of pop vocals. The girl received the opportunity to sing and perform on stage in a military orchestra, where she was chosen as a soloist. Irina Toneva’s mentor, who gave her a start in the world of pop music, turned out to be the orchestra leader and songwriter Roman Gutsolyuk.

Despite her success on stage, Toneva still worked as a chemical technologist for some time.

"Star Factory" and "Factory"

In the fall of 2002, Irina Toneva found herself at the Star Factory. Here she benefited from music school, Gnesinka, and a long visit to the choreographic studio. The factory owner turned out to be a mature artist, with whom the “factory” teachers found it easy and simple to work.

“Star Factory” turned out to be the launching pad from which star biography Irina Toneva. Thousands, if not millions, of fans of the television project learned about the talented vocalist. Ira managed to win the confrontation with. With another contestant Pavel Artemyev, she sang the hit “You Understand,” which was in rotation on many radio stations for a long time.

After the end of the project began brilliant career Irina Toneva as part of the popular women's team"Factory". Together with Toneva she sang many hits, the best of which are “The Sea is Calling”, “Factory Girls”, “Fish”, “We are So Different”, “I Will Kiss You” and many others.

After the departure of Sati Casanova, the composition of the group changed several times, but Sasha and Irina remain here today. “Factory” won the Golden Gramophone three times.

The singer was often invited to participate in various rating shows. In 2005, she became a participant in the reality show “Heart of Africa,” which was broadcast on Channel One.

In 2013, Toneva came to school acting German Sidakov. A year later she made her debut in leading role experimental production "The Tale of Sonechka". Irina appeared on screen in several films. She was invited to play roles in the films “Cinderella”, “Women on the Edge”, “Snow Angel” and “Hello, I’m your dad!”

Personal life

Irina Toneva is jokingly called “the main partisan Russian show business" Some consider Ira to be a closed and not particularly sociable person. Probably because, unlike her colleagues from the star party, she is almost the only one who never talks about personal things.

However, once the tabloids wrote about a certain love triangle, in which there were two famous men– TV presenter and MTV VJ Yuri Pashkov. The girl chose Yuri. Irina Toneva’s personal life was connected with this man for four years. But the romance soon disappeared, and the couple broke up.

Later, journalists learned about Toneva’s alleged affair with the lead singer of the Band Eros group, Igor Burnyshev. It was assumed that the famous performer would become her husband, but this did not happen.

At the end of 2015, it became known that the 38-year-old lead singer of “Factory” had finally met her love. At the anniversary evening dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the group " Ivanushki International", Toneva appeared with a young man named Alex. He is a dancer and performs in a solo project, which Lately Irina is engaged.

Irina Toneva and her boyfriend Alex

The media have repeatedly reported that the singer met with one of the famous Russian businessmen, but there was no official confirmation from Irina herself. Users of the Instagram network constantly monitor the account of the Russian performer in the hope of learning new details of her personal life.

All free time she spends time with her family, listens to music, loves to cook and sometimes writes poetry. The singer dreams of real estate on the coast and loves sweets. Despite numerous rumors, Irina prefers not to talk about her personal life. In her opinion, relationships should be long-term and thorough.

Irina Toneva now

Today Irina Toneva - real star domestic show business. The beauty has repeatedly been included in the ranking of the sexiest Russian women according to Maxim and FHM publications.

Irina is making plans for the future. She does not intend to stop there, continuing to work on new videos and albums. Already in January 2017, Toneva presented two solo songs, “At the Top” and “Come On,” which immediately became popular in Russia.

On this moment Irina, in parallel with her activities in the group, is developing her own project. She believes that songs should reflect her worldview. Thus, she conveys to the listener the full depth of her feelings and emotional experiences. It is known that the words for his solo compositions famous singer writes herself.

Irina’s plans include a solo concert and the release of an album, where new musical works will be complemented by thematic, specially created video installations.


  • 2003 – “Factory Girls”
  • 2008 – “We are so different”
  • 2008 – “Best and Favorite”
