Academic title - what's the difference? Academic degrees and titles in Russia

We already wrote once about what types of titles exist, what the structure of titles is and how they are awarded to applicants. Let's talk about what's special Russian structure academic titles and degrees.

Why are they needed at all? This is a system of qualification and ranking of scientific employees, their career ladder, so to speak, signs of achieving certain heights in science and/or teaching. Having a degree can raise your profile and influence pay, even in businesses that may benefit from such employees to boost their business reputation.

Academic degrees

Nowadays a mixed system has developed in Russia. Of course, the country strives to integrate into the international system, so the Bologna process system was partially introduced, according to which graduates from universities bachelors And masters(4- and 6-year courses, respectively), and partly sataraya remained with certified specialists(5 year course). A bachelor's degree is already evidence of receipt higher education, and also gives the right to obtain a PhD degree.

However, until full accession to the Bologna process, bachelor's and master's titles are not academic degrees, as in Europe and the USA, but qualifications of university graduates together with a specialist degree (qualification).

Instead of a single highest scientific degree of doctor, two degrees are awarded in Russia

  • PhD
  • Ph.D

according to the German system inherited from the USSR. Both degrees are awarded by the Academic Council of the Higher Attestation Commission and approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science.

To obtain a candidate's or doctor's degree, it is necessary to defend a dissertation at a meeting of a special council that is created at a university or other scientific institution. However, you can become a doctor only after receiving a candidate's degree. Although there is no prohibition to obtain a higher degree in another branch of science or specialty (for example, a chemist can become a Doctor of Economics, only for medical and veterinary sciences a higher medical education is required).

Academic titles

In Russia, titles are divided into 2 categories, which in turn can be by university department and by specialty, that is:

  • academic title professors by specialty;
  • academic title associate professor by specialty;
  • academic title professors by department;
  • academic title associate professor by department.

All titles are assigned by orders of the Minister of Education and Science upon the recommendation of the Higher Attestation Commission. However, each category has different requirements for obtaining it.

To be awarded the academic title of professor in a department, you must be at least a candidate of science; to obtain the title of associate professor, you may not have an academic degree, but then other qualification requirements will be stricter.

The title of professor in the department implies authorship (co-authorship) of textbooks or manuals, and for a professor in the specialty, the main criterion is the number of candidate dissertations defended under his supervision (at least 5, for a professor in the department 2 is enough). In addition, the title of professor in the department can be awarded to major specialists who have made a recognized contribution to world and Russian science, passing through the level of associate professor in Russian legislation not necessary.

This is the structure of academic degrees and titles for researchers and specialists according to current Russian legislation. As a rule, students, or rather graduates, who want to obtain a scientific degree, need to take a course, at the end of which they pass the appropriate exams and defend a candidate's dissertation. If your goal is not to enrich the world's treasury of scientific knowledge, such a degree will still be a big plus, it will present you as a specialist with deep theoretical knowledge, which will be in demand in the labor market. Many people combine graduate studies, dissertation writing, and work in commercial organization. This, by the way, relates to the question of why and who needs academic titles and degrees.

In order to be admitted to defend a candidate's dissertation, you must also pass exams in your specialty in advance, foreign language and philosophy.

Encyclopedic YouTube

    1 / 5

    ✪ Associate Professor, Professor, Academician, Doctor of Science. What does it mean?

    ✪ What does a PhD degree give you in life? // Greed of Knowledge

    ✪ WHY DO WE NEED A CANDIDATE DEGREE? // Greed of Knowledge

    ✪ Introduction of scientific degrees in Russia - Elena Vishlenkova

    ✪ WORK IN SCIENCE - PROS AND CONS // Greed of Knowledge


Academic degrees in the world

Academic degrees awarded in various countries, vary significantly in title, qualification requirements, award and/or approval process.

Academic degrees in Russia


The awarding of academic degrees was initially one of the main privileges of European universities, distinguishing them from other scientific and educational institutions. The first and main university academic degree was the doctor's degree, which certifies the highest qualifications of the person being certified and gives the right to lecture at any university (right ubique docendi). By the 18th century, a comprehensive system of academic degrees had developed in Europe, including initial and intermediate bachelor's and master's degrees (awarded upon completion of certain stages of education). A similar hierarchy passed to Russia with the development of higher education in it according to European models.

In Russia, the title “master” was introduced by the decree of Alexander I of January 24, 1803 “On the organization of schools.” At the same time, the title of doctor was introduced, and later the title of candidate. The master occupied an intermediate position between the candidate (a person who graduated from the university with honors) and the doctor. A master's degree gave the right to the rank of titular councilor (9th grade according to the Table of Ranks). The right to “grant academic degrees or merits” was granted to five universities: Moscow, Dorpat (Yuryevsky, later Tartu), Kazan and Kharkov, as well as Vilna University, which was governed by a separate charter. Later, universities in Warsaw, Kyiv, and St. Petersburg received the right to award academic degrees.

On January 20, 1819, by imperial decree, the “Regulations on the production of academic degrees” were adopted, unifying the system of academic degrees and the requirements for them in institutions subordinate to the Department of Public Education.

The award of a master's degree was carried out after passing the master's exam (consisting of oral and written parts) and defending a thesis at a meeting of the university faculty; in some cases a public lecture was also required. Preparation for the master's exam took up to 4 years; only isolated cases of preparation for such an exam in two years are known. Thus, a master's degree in the early 19th century could roughly correspond to a candidate of sciences.

Academic degrees in Russian Empire gave the right to receive ranks of a certain class. The first legislative act introducing academic degrees in Russia (1803) established a correspondence between them and the Table of Ranks: if public service If a candidate entered, he received the rank of XII class (provincial secretary), master - IX (titular councilor), doctor - VIII (collegiate assessor).

The principles and requirements for scientific certification in the 19th century were set out in the laws “On the organization of schools” (1803), “Regulations on the production of academic degrees” (1819), “Regulations on testing for academic degrees” (1837 and 1844). In 1864, the “Regulations on tests for the title of a full student and for academic degrees” appeared, preserved in general outline unchanged until 1918.

Before the revolution, in the scientific and educational system of Russia there were academic degrees of full student, candidate (more precisely, candidate of the university), master's and doctor.

The composition and hierarchy of academic degrees changed in the 19th century. The original one, operating in 1803-1884, was the triad “candidate” - “master” - “doctor”. According to the “Regulations on the production of academic degrees” (1819), the triad was supplemented by the fourth (lowest) degree “actual student”.


To obtain the degree of candidate or doctor of science, it is necessary to prepare a dissertation and defend it at a meeting of the dissertation council created at a university, research institute or other scientific institution. To defend a dissertation for a doctorate degree, it is currently necessary to have a candidate of science degree; defense of a dissertation for a doctorate degree is not provided for by persons who do not have a candidate degree, in accordance with the current “Regulations on the procedure for awarding academic degrees”. It should be noted that the correspondence or relatedness of branches of science and specialties previously received (sequentially) of higher education, the degree of Candidate of Sciences and the degree of Doctor of Science being sought is in fact not regulated in any way, except in cases of seeking academic degrees in medical, veterinary and legal sciences, which are possible only if the applicant has a higher medical, veterinary or legal education respectively. In fact, in practice, cases of receiving more than high degree in a branch of science and specialty unrelated to the existing one: for example, a candidate of economic sciences by engineers (mathematicians, chemists), a doctorate of economic sciences by candidates, for example, of technical and physical and mathematical sciences, etc. The possibility of prohibiting the receipt of an academic degree in medical and veterinary sciences by persons who do not have specialized education in a master's or specialist's degree program.

An analogue of the academic degree of Candidate of Sciences in most countries is the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) and numerous degrees equivalent to it. An approximate analogue of the academic degree of Doctor of Science in countries with a “single-stage” system (for example, in the USA and Canada) of academic degrees is the degree Doctor of Science (D.Sc.), in countries with a “two-stage” system (for example, in Germany) - habilitation doctor.

Status of bachelor's and master's degrees in Russia

Before the implementation of the Bologna recommendations, bachelor's and master's degrees in Russia do not refer to academic degrees, but to qualifications (degrees) of graduates of educational institutions of higher professional education.

List of branches of science and academic degrees

Contemporary discussions

Currently, there is a discussion regarding the possibility of transferring the scientific and qualification powers of the Higher Attestation Commission to the scientific councils of universities and research institutes (including non-state ones), as has been done in many Western countries. Opponents of such a transfer express the opinion of the inevitable devaluation of the system of academic degrees and titles as a result of the loss of state control over the certification of scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel. One of the consequences of the public discussion can be considered the project “Concept for modernizing the system of certification of scientific personnel highly qualified V Russian Federation", implemented by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

This document, along with provisions for the transfer of part of the powers of the Higher Attestation Commission to public and private universities, provides for the possibility of public professional certification of highly qualified personnel not related to scientific and scientific-pedagogical activities. It is proposed that the award procedure exists in a number of states, but is not officially approved in Russia. professional doctoral degrees similar to those provided for in the UNESCO International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED). It should be noted that this certification model, new for the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, has practically existed in Russia since 1998.

In February 2017, the Ministry of Education and Science proposed to allow the receipt of academic degrees in the medical and veterinary branches of science only by persons with a master's or specialist qualification, respectively, in the field of medicine and veterinary medicine. A public comment procedure has begun and will end on April 16, 2017.

Supplement (additional payment)

In Russia, in connection with the legislation, allowances (additional payments) to wages and allowances are provided if an employee or military personnel has academic degree [ ] .

see also


  1. Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation dated September 24, 2013 N 842 “On the procedure for awarding academic degrees” (undefined) . Rossiyskaya newspaper (01.10.2013). Retrieved November 15, 2016.
  2. Hawkins C. F. Write the MD Thesis // How To Do It. - 2nd edition. - London: British Medical Association, 1985. - ISBN 0-7279-0186-9.

Academic degrees in Russia are important concepts in scientific activity, as they establish the necessary qualification sequence in scientific circles. The first scientific degrees in Russia began to be awarded at the end of the distant 18th century by Catherine II. Currently, a two-level hierarchy of scientific professional levels is used, modeled on the gradation of scientific levels in force in the USSR.

What is an academic degree

An academic degree in Russia is a certain level of qualification of a scientist, a form of certification of scientific workers, which makes it possible to establish the ranks of “ministers of science” and the sequence of stages of an academic career. To obtain it in the Russian Federation, it is necessary to defend a dissertation for a candidate or doctor of science. In modern times, any researcher knows what academic degrees there are and in what gradation they are.

University academic bachelor's and master's degrees, borrowed from the European educational system, are not types of academic degrees. These include only candidate and doctoral degrees.

Academic degrees in ascending order

Academic degrees in our country differ from others in types, names, hierarchy, as well as in how academic degrees are awarded in different countries. For any branches of science and specialties in European countries A three-level hierarchy of academic careers is applied. In ascending order, the elements of its classification are as follows:

  1. Bachelor;
  2. Master;
  3. Ph.D.

The level of “Doctor of Philosophy” does not mean an example of a separate branch of knowledge, but generalizes them as a whole. The degree of Doctor of Philosophy abroad is the highest level in the academic career of a scientist and is an analogue of the academic degree of a Russian doctor.

Academic degrees in Russia are understood as a two-stage gradation of stages of an academic career. List of species in ascending order of Russian scientific levels:

  1. PhD;
  2. Ph.D.

Conditions for awarding a degree

Currently, competition for the degree of Candidate of Sciences, as well as competition for the degree of Doctor of Sciences, is carried out by defending an independently conducted dissertation research by speaking before the dissertation council. It is created under the leadership of the Higher Attestation Commission at a university or other institution. Each dissertation council usually works with no more than three specialties. It consists of at least 19 people, more than half of whom are employees of the institution at which it was created. Only doctors of science can be members of the dissertation council.

The defense of a dissertation for a candidate or doctorate does not have to be from the same field in which the applicant has an education, since this is not regulated by the special Regulations governing this activity.

There is no specific list of industries prohibited or permitted for protection, for example, for a candidate of economic sciences. It is possible for him to obtain degrees in every industry he chooses. As an example, a graduate of the Institute of Legal or Social Sciences in technical specialties can also find success and defend a dissertation. In practice, it often happens that a graduate Faculty of History becomes a candidate of physical and mathematical sciences and subsequently builds a career as a mathematician or engineer.

Required condition is that the author of a dissertation for a degree at any level must provide a diploma of higher professional education.

What is not an advanced degree?

The meanings of the concepts of academic degrees and titles differ significantly from each other, although they are often confused. Titles mean the position of a specialist or teacher at a university and others scientific organizations, a qualifying step in the career of a scientist. These are an associate professor and a professor. They are awarded for life for scientific and pedagogical merits to specialists from universities and other organizations specializing in science, based on documents provided by these organizations.

In the award academic titles participate Higher Attestation Commission And Ministry of Education. Only the title of Professor of the Russian Academy of Sciences is awarded Russian Academy naw To.

After a certain title is awarded, a certificate is issued.

Associate professor and professor are not only academic titles; positions in universities are named similarly, but they are not the same thing. Often, the position of a teacher depends on the type of academic level. As a rule, a specialist who holds the position of teacher and has a candidate of science degree is appointed associate professor, and specialists with a doctorate degree most often occupy fairly large positions and are professors. At the same time, teachers who have not yet received such a title can receive the position of associate professor or professor. After working in a certain position for some time, they can be promoted to the corresponding rank. It also happens the other way around: an employee with a high rank occupies a lower position.

Academic degrees in universities

In 2015, the Government of the Russian Federation launched a project according to which a list of universities was approved that can independently award their own academic degrees. IN this moment it includes about 60 higher educational institutions, which relate to:

These universities must necessarily comply high quality pedagogical, scientific work and have at least one dissertation council. This means that not all educational institutions have such an opportunity. The first universities included in this list are St. Petersburg State University and Moscow State University (examples of names: Candidate of Sciences from Moscow State University, Doctor of Sciences from St. Petersburg State University). The first candidate of science at St. Petersburg State University was Bakhtiyor Alimdzhanov with a dissertation in history in January 2017. The rest of the educational institutions included in the list can conduct their first defenses only from September of this year.

Successful implementation of this project necessary to increase the prestige of Russian science among developed world powers.


officially accepted indicators of the level of scientific or pedagogical qualifications of specialists, their achievements in the development of science, technology, culture and personnel training with higher education. In the Soviet Union U. z., p. are awarded to specialists with higher education who have deep professional knowledge and scientific work in a particular branch of science.

In different countries there are historically developed terminology and nomenclature of U.S., p. IN pre-revolutionary Russia there were bachelor's degrees (lat. baccalaureus), master's degrees (lat. magister teacher), doctor of sciences. The master's degree was awarded by university departments in specialties other than medicine, which immediately awarded the doctor of medicine degree, bypassing the master's degree. The following academic titles were awarded: assistant (lat. assistens helping), associate professor (lat. docens teaching), professor (lat. professor teacher), ordinary professor (lat. ordinarius ordinary) - occupying a department, extraordinary professor (lat. extraordinarius peculiar) - not occupying a department-RU*

In the Soviet Union U. z., p. introduced by a decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR dated January 13, 1934 in order to encourage scientific work and improve the qualifications of research and scientific-pedagogical personnel. The academic degrees of candidate and doctor of sciences, academic titles - professor, associate professor, senior researcher, assistant, junior researcher have been established.

In accordance with the Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR dated December 29, 1975, a strict procedure for awarding U.S., s. According to this provision, the academic degree of Doctor of Science “is awarded by a decision of the Presidium of the USSR Higher Attestation Commission on the basis of a petition from a specialized council at a higher educational institution or research institution (research and production association), accepted after the public defense of a doctoral dissertation and the conclusion of the corresponding expert council of the USSR Higher Attestation Commission on the submitted dissertation " The scientific degree of Candidate of Sciences is awarded by decision of a specialized academic council of a higher educational institution or a research institution (research and production association) to persons who, as a rule, have the appropriate higher education who have successfully passed the candidate exams and publicly defended a dissertation for the academic degree of candidate (medical, economic, pedagogical, etc.) sciences (see Medical dissertations). Applicants for the academic degrees of candidate and doctor of science must demonstrate the ability to conduct independent scientific research, the ability to develop topical scientific problems that have important theoretical and practical significance. An applicant for a doctorate degree must also prove himself to be a creative researcher. capable of posing and solving problems at a high scientific level theoretical problems and major national economic problems that represent a significant contribution to science and practice.


The Higher Attestation Commission (HAC of the USSR), as a control procedure, reviews all candidate and doctoral dissertations defended in specialized academic councils, after which the board of the Higher Attestation Commission of the USSR makes a decision on issuing a diploma of a candidate of sciences, and the presidium of the Higher Attestation Commission - on issuing a diploma of a doctor of sciences. The Higher Attestation Commission of the USSR, on the basis of the conclusion of the relevant expert council, has the right to cancel the decision of the specialized council to award academic degrees.

The scientific degree of Doctor of Science is awarded, as a rule, to persons who have a Candidate of Science degree in the relevant branch of science. Persons who have received the academic degrees of Doctor of Science or Candidate of Science are issued a uniform diploma on behalf of the USSR Higher Attestation Commission.

The academic titles of professor, associate professor, and senior researcher are assigned by the USSR Higher Attestation Commission on the recommendation of academic councils of universities or research institutions (scientific and production associations), which have the right to file a petition for the assignment of the corresponding academic titles to persons who have an academic doctorate degree (for awarding the title of professor) or candidate of sciences, the necessary experience of scientific and pedagogical work in the relevant position and proven themselves to be highly qualified teachers, scientists and creators scientific schools and directions. The academic title of professor is assigned by decision of the presidium, the title of associate professor and senior researcher - by the decision of the board of the Higher Attestation Commission of the USSR. At the institutions of the USSR Academy of Sciences and the academies of sciences of the union republics, the academic ranks of senior research fellows are awarded to persons holding the academic degrees of Doctor or Candidate of Sciences by the Presidium of the USSR Academy of Sciences upon the recommendation of the academic councils of research institutions. Professors, associate professors, and senior researchers are issued uniform certificates.

In the USSR, as in many other countries, there are honorary academic degrees and titles. So, for example, an honorary doctor (of a certain branch of science), an honorary professor of an educational institution, an honored worker of science, etc. These academic degrees and titles are awarded to scientists for outstanding achievements in science and technology, including foreign scientists .

In the USSR there are also the highest academic scientific titles: corresponding member and full member of the USSR Academy of Sciences or union republics and certain branch academies, including the Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR. Corresponding members are elected by the relevant departments of the Academy of Sciences and approved by the general meeting of the Academy. Full members of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, union republics and branch academies are elected by the general meeting of the academy.

In some socialist countries, the certification system for scientific workers and the list of academic degrees differs from those adopted in the USSR. So, for example, in Hungary the first academic degree is a doctor of the university (awarded to university graduates who have passed 2-3 special exams and defended their work on the university commission), the second degree is a candidate of sciences and the third degree is a doctor of sciences. They are awarded by the Academy of Sciences. The scientific degree of Doctor of the University gives the right to occupy the position of assistant teacher, and the scientific degree of Candidate of Sciences gives the right to occupy the position of assistant professor and head of the department. Confirmation of the position of professor is carried out by resolution of the Council of Ministers.

In the GDR, the scientific degree of a doctor in the relevant field is equivalent to the degree of candidate of science in the corresponding field in the USSR, doctor-ha-bil (lat. habilitas suitability, ability) - the position of associate professor or professor.

The scientific degree of doctor accepted in Poland is equivalent to the degree of candidate of sciences in the USSR. Universities accept such scientific and pedagogical titles as assistant, professor (extraordinary, ordinary). Researchers in the position of professor are approved by the State Council, and from that moment on they are considered to have the title of professor.

In capitalist countries, as a rule, each higher education institution has its own system for awarding academic degrees; All these systems are not unified. However, the main systems for certification of scientific personnel are Anglo-American and French. The Anglo-American system provides bachelor's, master's, Ph.D., or PhD degrees. The academic degree of Bachelor of Science (or Arts) is awarded to those who have graduated from English or American higher education institutions and passed special exams, and sometimes defended a short abstract thesis. The academic degree of Master of Science (Arts) is received by persons who have a bachelor's degree and have completed an additional course of study for 1-2 years, and in some universities, in addition, have defended a thesis-type thesis. The scientific degree of Doctor of Philosophy or, in some high fur boots, Doctor of Science is awarded to persons who have defended relevant dissertations. In Burma, India, Iran and many other countries, persons who graduate from higher educational institutions with a 4-6 year period of study without defending work are awarded a bachelor's degree. French system Certification provides for bachelor's, licentiate, advanced, and doctorate degrees. A bachelor's degree indicates completion of high school. The licentiate degree is awarded to persons in the 2nd-4th years of study at a higher school who have passed exams and completed coursework. This degree gives the right to work as a teacher in high school. The Agrege degree is awarded to university graduates who have passed additional exams and defended a dissertation. The agrege degree gives the right to be a teacher in lyceums. The scientific degree of doctor is awarded to persons who have defended relevant dissertations. Academic titles in capitalist countries, as a rule, are awarded to persons holding the position of professor or head of department.

The equivalence of educational diplomas, academic degrees, and scientific qualifications is determined by special intergovernmental conventions. G.N. Sobolevsky.

SCIENTIFIC MEDICAL COUNCIL (SMC) is a governing body within the Ministry of Health of the USSR (ministries of health of the Union republics), providing scientific and methodological guidance to medical research institutions of the Union (republican) subordination. The UMC interacts with the Presidium of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences, which provides general management of medical services. science in the country, with the main departments and departments of the Ministry of Health of the USSR (see) and the Ministry of Health of the Union Republics.

As health care became established and developed in the Union republics, UMS were created under their People's Commissars of Health. So, for example, in the Azerbaijan SSR the UMS was organized in 1922, in the Ukrainian

SSR - in 1929, in the Armenian SSR - in 1944. Typical structure apparatus of the republican UMS was determined in 1974. The standard regulation on the UMS of the Ministry of Health of the Union Republic was approved by the Ministry of Health of the USSR in 1975. In this provision, the UMS is considered as an independent structural unit of the Ministry of Health of the Union Republic, acting as the Main Directorate.

In 1936, the UMS was formed under the People's Commissariat of Health of the USSR, and in 1965 it received the rights of the main directorate of the M3 of the USSR.

Its main tasks, stipulated by the “Regulations on the Academic Medical Council of the USSR Ministry of Health” (1982), include: organization scientific research By critical issues clinical, epidemiological, hygienic nature and monitoring of the results of these studies; leadership of scientific medical councils of the Ministry of Health of the Union Republics; planning and organizing activities to implement medical achievements. science into healthcare practice; improving the network and structure of research institutions of the USSR M3 system; management of the scientific and medical information system and promotion of the achievements of Soviet medical science. science and health.

The UMC convenes a plenum once a year, which considers the main results of the development of honey. science in the USSR and action plans for the introduction of its achievements into health care practice, including the use of scientific achievements in the practice of medical examination, improvement various types providing medical care to the population.

The decisions of the plenums of the UMC, approved by the Minister of Health of the USSR, are mandatory for all institutions and health authorities.

During the periods between the plenums of the UMS, issues of planning and implementation of scientific research results are considered by the presidium and the bureau of the presidium of the UMS. The Presidium of the UMS M3 of the USSR gives permission to use new methods of prevention, diagnosis and treatment in the prescribed manner, determines the range of institutions in which these methods should be applied. The Bureau of the Presidium of the UMS reviews and approves plans and reports of research institutions subordinate to the UMS.

About the medical system. service of the Armed Forces of the USSR, the Academic Medical Council of the Central Military Medical University of the Moscow Region operates, uniting major specialists in various areas military medicine (see Central Military Medical Directorate of the USSR Ministry of Defense).

Bibliography: Lenin's decrees on health care, 1917 -1921, comp.

A. I. Nesterenko, p. 49, M., 1970; P o-t at l about in B. M., V. I. Lenin and health care Soviet people, M., 1980.

Modern science is multifaceted, and the scientists involved in it have a variety of titles. They depend both on research merits and on the country of residence. In Russia and many countries post-Soviet space preserved scientific title"assistant professor". This is the equivalent of an American assistant professor or lecturer.

History and modernity in the naming of scientific workers

The term "associate professor" is a form Latin word, translated it means “train” or “teach”, which, of course, applies to modern workers high school. In Russian universities, this position appeared in the middle of the 19th century as a step between a master and a professor.

Until the 30s of the last century, this position and title remained unchanged. After education reforms, this name was abolished, and research fellows. However, over time, the need arose to functionally distinguish between employees of institutes engaged exclusively in science and those who combined research activities with teaching students.

In modern Russian university An associate professor is an employee engaged in scientific and pedagogical activities, who necessarily has certain achievements in his field of knowledge. Most often, a candidate or even a doctor of sciences. In addition, there are certain requirements for teaching work and public responsibilities.

Professor and associate professor: similarities and differences

Both professor and associate professor are employees of universities and other institutions of higher education engaged in research, scientific, teaching and administrative activities. However, there are significant differences among the employees who occupy these positions.

Professors are scientists engaged primarily in research activities, with considerable practical experience and a huge store of knowledge. Most often they are doctors of any sciences, or candidates, but with published monographs. These are recognized figures in their field of research who have earned a certain trust of the scientific community.

Professors teach very little pedagogical activity, usually only in the field of their scientific interests. Their main work is aimed at training graduate students and research on their topic. Professors usually occupy leading administrative positions in universities.

Regardless of whether an associate professor is a position or an academic degree, his position in the conventional hierarchy of the university is somewhat lower. Most often this is a candidate of certain sciences who has practical experience and teaching disciplines of his specialty.

Postgraduate graduates who successfully defend their dissertation are awarded the title of Candidate of Science. If they have at least three years of teaching experience and a solid baggage of scientific publications, they can immediately apply for the position of associate professor.

How to become an assistant professor after changes in Russian legislation in 2013

Modern Russian science It is moving further and further away from its Soviet roots. The nomenclature of scientific specialties is changing. The procedure for awarding the title of “Assistant Professor” has also changed. Previously, it was enough to work for a certain period of time at the department. Now you need to put in a little more effort.

In 2013, new rules for awarding academic titles and degrees were adopted. From now on, the position of “associate professor in the department” is abolished. Only the scientific specialty remains, and the candidate is considered directly by the Ministry of Education and Science, with the involvement of experts from various fields.

Now, in order to receive the scientific title of associate professor, you must:

  • be a candidate of science;
  • have at least three years of teaching experience in a scientific specialty;
  • have scientific publications in peer-reviewed journals, monographs, textbooks and teaching aids, published lecture courses;
  • engage not only in pedagogical, but also scientific activities, supervise final qualifying works, work on a dissertation;
  • give lectures and conduct practical classes at a high professional level.

However, the question of whether an assistant professor is a position or an academic degree remains open. Universities retained the nomenclature of employees with the corresponding entry. Now this position is assigned not by department, but by educational institution generally. Most often, employees who already have an associate professor degree and a defended candidate's dissertation are elected to this position.

Qualification requirements for the position of assistant professor

Most graduate students want to defend their thesis and subsequently receive the title and position of associate professor. A scientific achievement is considered inalienable, and even if a candidate of science ceases to engage in science, the assigned title remains forever.

The position of “Assistant Professor” is another matter. This is work most often associated with teaching certain disciplines, conducting seminars and practical classes, supervising coursework and theses. IN employment contract The duties and rights of the assistant professor must be clearly stated.

Qualification requirements:

  • defended candidate's dissertation;
  • active participation in scientific life university;
  • delivering lectures and conducting seminars at a high level.

Assistant Professor Career

Most modern scientists are clearly focused on career. This is facilitated by the grant system of remuneration and great opportunities for especially talented representatives of science.

There are three career paths for a young scientist:

  1. Grow in your scientific field, write and defend your doctoral dissertation, become a professor. Subsequently, open a personal scientific school.
  2. Develop professionally as a teacher.
  3. Engage in administrative activities with the prospect of leading a department, faculty, or university.

Any option has its advantages and disadvantages. When choosing the prospect of further movement, you should focus only on the characteristics of the individual.

Foreign analogues of the title of associate professor

This division into candidates and doctors of science, as well as associate professors and professors, is practiced only in Russia and the countries of the former socialist camp.

In most European countries and the USA there is no such intermediate step. Young scientists defend scientific work and immediately receive the title of Doctor of Science. After this, they can apply for the position of professor. The equivalent of an associate professor is the American "assistant professor" or the European "lecturer".
