Exercises for all muscle groups for girls. Secrets of home training: an effective training program for girls

Many girls who want to lose weight or gain muscle mass, when they come to the gym, do not understand at all what to do and how. The first thing they need is to create a lesson plan for themselves. Depending on their goals, girls can create a program for 1, 2, 3 or more workouts per week, with different quantities repetitions within the set. How to correctly create a training program for a girl with a huge variety of exercises depends on her personal level of training and initial physical data.

Important! If you have musculoskeletal injuries, you should consult a sports doctor about acceptable and unacceptable exercises before starting exercise.

The first thing you should pay attention to is warming up and stretching before and after training. Warm-up consists of light aerobic exercise (running, jumping), as well as preliminary exercises with a weight less than the “working” one. During training (between approaches), it also doesn’t hurt to stretch, but you don’t need to make “springy movements” - fix the muscles in the required position for at least 30 seconds. This is exactly how long it takes for the brain to transmit a signal to the myofibrils (muscle fibers) that there is no potential threat of injury. Only in this case will the muscles and ligaments be able to “relax”.

A person who has good stretching progresses much better in terms of muscle growth, since his fibers are more elastic and do not resist hypertrophy (increase in their own volume). Good warm-up and stretching before physical exercise, you significantly reduce the risk of injury during training. You can watch this in more detail in this short video:

How to create a training program for girls

When drawing up a training program, it is necessary to take into account the differences in men's and women's training:

  • The peculiarity of girls' metabolism is that by consuming more fatty foods (with fewer carbohydrates), they lose weight faster as a result of training, and they have more strength and endurance.
  • Since women have predominantly type 1 muscle fibers, it is quite easy for her to “pull” a large volume of training, that is, a lot of repetitions and repetitions. The state of “overtraining” occurs extremely rarely in them, which allows them to train the same muscle group even 2 times a week.
  • It is better for girls to use “explosive” approaches to a minimum (“explosive” can be considered those exercises in which a girl overcomes the maximum or close to it weight).
  • Low-intensity cardio (slow running, jumping rope at a slow pace) works better for girls than high-intensity cardio (sprints, etc.).
  • While lifting the apparatus, the girl should do repetitions at a slow pace, without the “explosive” positive phase of the movement, as is customary in men’s training.
  • Since the average arterial pressure In girls during training it is lower than in men, they can more easily tolerate loads and experience less burning sensation in their muscles.
  • Girls do not need to take long breaks between approaches; 30-60 seconds is enough, since their pulse and breathing are restored faster than in men.
  • Women can exercise more often than men. Working out without the use of doping, girls train strength 4-5 times a week instead of the traditional 3 times for men. That is, girls can train 1 muscle group twice a week.

Important! You must give preference exclusively basic movements, such as squats, Romanian deadlifts, pull-ups and others. It is multi-joint exercises that involve the maximum number of muscles in the work, causing the best anabolic response of the body, which manifests itself in an increase in muscle, strength, and also a decrease in the amount of fat.

How to train effectively?

The order of exercises in the program should be followed from the most complex and difficult to the easiest movements. At the same time, division occurs by muscle groups, the largest and most energy-consuming muscles (hamstrings and quadriceps, latissimus dorsi) should be worked at the beginning of the workout, but smaller groups (shoulders, abs, chest, arms, calves) should be worked closer to the end workout.

The normal number of repetitions in one approach for a girl is 6-8 to increase strength, 12-15 for muscle growth and 20-30 for fat burning. The number of approaches within 1 exercise is from 3 to 5. The number of exercises per 1 training day is from 5 to 7. At the same time, you must remember that for growth muscle mass It is necessary to divide the training program by muscle group so that 2 identical muscle groups are not trained on adjacent days.

If your first workout is on Monday and you worked your legs, and your second workout is on Tuesday or Wednesday, you should not repeat the same muscle group again. In this case, breaks of 3 or more days are normal for recovery. Therefore, if you trained one muscle group, for example, on Friday, you can also train it on Monday, because between these days there are 3 days of full recovery. If your goal is fat burning, you can work out all muscle groups in one workout and repeat the same cycle several times a week - this will not negatively affect calorie loss.

Training goals and objectives

Training for girls, as well as for men, in each individual case provides for different goals. In most cases, these goals are:

  • weight loss;
  • muscle growth (work on relief);
  • increase in strength indicators;
  • increase in endurance indicators;
  • treatment and prophylactic purposes.

Many girls combine several goals together, such as fat loss and muscle growth. No matter what they write on the Russian-language Internet, they say that these processes are absolutely opposite and their occurrence cannot be achieved simultaneously (catabolism - the destruction of fat and muscles, anabolism - growth), know that in practice all this is possible!

Motivation to workout

There is no need to deceive yourself in the hope that after reading this section you will be fairly motivated and begin to do something that you have never done before. It will not happen. In training, as in any other serious matter, it is important to have a long-term and hard work, as well as a clear understanding of the result and the benefits it gives you:

  • beautiful body;
  • health;
  • physical strength;
  • strength of mind;
  • attractiveness to the opposite sex.

When you really want something, no one or nothing will stop you on the way to achieving your goal. If your goal is secondary, you do not betray it special significance– you will constantly feel lazy about this, your hands will “give up” even before you start.

True, there are still exceptions in the gym, and they happen often. During grueling training, our body receives a hefty dose of dopamine and adrenaline, and therefore, after 3-4 weeks a person develops a certain dependence on gym. Just don’t compare it with drug addiction - after all, our internal secretion hormones are physiological for us, in contrast to exogenously introduced substances (from outside). A person experiences a similar dependence on receiving various kinds pleasures - sex, sweets, and so on.

Gym or home workouts – which is better?

The main disadvantage of training at home is the insufficient amount of equipment. Even if you have a barbell and dumbbells, a horizontal bar - this is not enough. In this case, the range of working scales is limited; you cannot dose and adjust the load based on your own needs. If we are talking about training with our own weight, then everything is even sadder, since our capabilities are growing, therefore, the load should increase linearly or in waves. What could be the increase in load if our own weight does not change or changes slightly?

By training at home, very soon the girl reaches the limit in muscle growth!

If your main goal is weight loss, then you can increase the intensity of your workout by adding repetitions per set and reducing the intervals between sets. But for this you still need a barbell, dumbbells and some other equipment (hyperextension bench, racks, etc.) - and not every girl has them at home. Buying this entire set is not a cheap pleasure; sometimes it is cheaper to regularly go to the gym with a subscription for several years in a row.

Training programs for girls

It is very important to do the exercises correct technique and amplitude, for this you can watch a series of special videos on the topic women's training from a professional. There you will also find examples of performing the exercises described below from the proposed training programs:

But you still can’t do without the help of a competent trainer in setting up the technique, since from the outside an experienced person can see much better what you are doing wrong and how it can be changed.

For beginners

If you are just starting your gym training (or want to train in light mode), best choice for the first month there will be a cyclic program, which involves repeating the same exercises “in a circle”:

  • lifting the legs while hanging on the horizontal bar - to the maximum;
  • squats with wide legs – 20 repetitions;
  • Pull-downs on the chest – 15 repetitions;
  • deadlift on straight legs - 20 repetitions;
  • hyperextension – 15 repetitions;
  • fly 15 reps;
  • dumbbell curls for biceps 15 reps;
  • push-ups (traditional or from the knees, if difficult) with a narrow triceps position - 15 repetitions;
  • jump rope – 90 seconds.

You can repeat these exercises in 1-3 cycles depending on your physical training. After a month of training, you can switch to an advanced training program that simultaneously burns fat and leads to muscle growth.

Helpful information! If your goal is weight loss, you can keep the cyclic program on a permanent basis, increasing the number of repetitions in it to 25-30 and reducing the rest between sets (if your physical fitness allows, you can not rest at all between sets).

For experienced

The training program for “advanced” girls, designed to burn fat and grow muscle mass, is performed on Mon-Wed-Fri or Tue-Thu-Sat; you can also alternate workouts according to the “every other day” principle:

First day (bottom):

  • squats with a barbell (bar) 4 sets of 12-15 reps;
  • Romanian straight leg deadlift 4 x 12-15;
  • leg extensions in the quadriceps machine 3 to 12-15;
  • leg curls in the simulator 3 by 12-15;
  • lunges with dumbbells 3 x 10 with each leg;
  • hyperextension 3 to 15.

Second day (top):

  • Bent-over barbell row – 4 to 15;
  • bench press (barbell) on a bench with an incline of 20-30% - 4 to 15;
  • swing dumbbells to the sides (on the shoulders) while standing 3 to 15;
  • press on an incline bench – 3 to 15;
  • back row through the upper block with a wide grip – 4 to 15;
  • anti-hack leg press – 3 to 20;
  • hyperextension 3 to 20.

On the third training day, you need to do the same as on the first (remember - girls can train 1 muscle group 2 times a week).

What you shouldn’t forget after training

After training, you should rest mentally and physically so that the body switches to calm and measured work. It's ideal to get some sleep, take a bath (you can visit the sauna) or just relax in any way convenient for you. Perhaps for some this method is yoga, seeing a massage therapist, or listening to your favorite music. As for training, for a gentler release from training stress, you can cool down at the end - for example, running very slowly for 3-5 minutes. This will help put all body systems in order (primarily the cardiovascular system) and smoothly complete physical activity.

Nutrition and drinking regimen before and after training

A person needs water (and it doesn’t matter whether it’s a girl or a man) before, during and after training. You need to drink water in small quantities between approaches so as not to cause a feeling of heaviness in the stomach, which will interfere with the training process. The total daily amount of water consumption should be at least 2 liters per day.

Nutrition will depend on your goals (the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates and their amounts will change in each individual case), but the basic rule is not to eat earlier than 2 hours before training and 30 minutes after.

Important nuances of training for girls

You should definitely know general principles workouts and be able to create a training plan for yourself, even in cases where you work out with a trainer. Most trainers are simply sales managers who trade on their appearance, ability to communicate with clients and find them mutual language, smile beautifully and everyone likes you. They do not know how to competently train and lead their students to their goals. You can do absolutely meaningless exercises with the wrong technique, and you will not hear anything from the trainer other than “okay, 2 more reps and rest for a minute.”

One of the most important recommendations is to never train in the gym in parallel with critical low level calorie consumption. Any diet in which you limit yourself to 1-2 foods and reduce calorie content below 20 kcal per 1 kg of body weight is taboo. And even more so, you shouldn’t expose yourself to physical stress - adherents of kefir, apple, cabbage and other “diets”, in my coaching experience and the experience of my colleagues, have more than once lost consciousness while performing exercises with a barbell.

It’s good if there is a person nearby who will back up and catch the immobilized body at the right moment. But many coaches walk away from their players while they are doing squats or bench presses, especially when the weight on the bar is light. Indeed, an empty bar weighs only 20 kg - it’s not a big deal if it falls on a girl’s chest or face (apparently that’s what they think). If a trainer leaves you without a safety net while performing a potentially dangerous exercise, where you may fall or drop the barbell on yourself, refuse such a “specialist” as soon as possible!


Many girls already intuitively understand that their training program should be radically different from men’s programs, but social pressure forces them to do the same. Using the tips from this article, you can create a lesson plan that includes all the features female body, its recovery rate and physiological characteristics.

Finding the perfect workout at home for girls who dream of losing weight is, to put it mildly, the most popular topic on the Internet.

So why is the problem still so pressing?

There are many obstacles on the path to an ideal body: incorrect timing, laziness, lack of a competent exercise program, or a balanced regimen.

And if everyone can overcome idleness only on their own, we will help you with training.

Below is information collected piece by piece and systematized into a kind of instruction, based on which you can really lose weight and tone your body.

What prevents us from being slim? 3 reasons to exercise at home

Man is accustomed to building a thick wall of comfort around himself.

It `s naturally. Our psyche and physiology were evolutionarily designed to store more fat for the future and rest as much as possible (you never know what lies ahead).

And until some point this plan worked brilliantly. The best proof of this is that humans are still alive and, as a species, occupy a leading position on planet Earth.

What more? Just over the last hundred years, the number fat people approximately doubled.

Nowadays, more people die from obesity than from hunger. It's good that sports are becoming the most fashionable and accessible hobby among all age groups.

To maintain the beauty appearance It is not necessary to pay huge amounts of money to representatives of the fitness industry, the main thing is to overcome yourself, evolutionarily developed laziness and achieve your goals step by step.

The house has everything you need for this. Such training allows you to:

  1. Save a lot of time. You can even immediately estimate exactly how much. On average, it takes half an hour to get to the sports club, 20 minutes to change clothes, an hour and a half for a fitness session, another 40 for water treatments, a hairdryer and full preparation. The same amount of time goes home with a tired step. The result is a decent chunk of the day, not everyone can afford it. At home the whole process comes down to intensive training 30–40 minutes and a quick shower. You can always find one hour for yourself.
  2. Don't spend extra money. A subscription to a good club is expensive, plus the need for many sports “toys” (special water bottles, gloves) and expensive equipment disappears by itself. There is no one to show off at home. The following at-home workouts for girls are designed for weight loss, not for showing off photos or selfies in mirrors.
  3. There are no psychological restrictions. Yes, we are embarrassed by the people around us and even the coach. It drives you into a stupor; it’s difficult to express yourself freely. Classes in a familiar environment help beginners adapt and not be ashamed of their body, get used to sweating, give their best and not be ashamed of it.

Imagining workouts at home for girls to lose weight in their legs or any other problematic part of the body, pictures of spacious rooms flash before your eyes.

In fact, a few meters of free space will be enough for a productive workout.

Tip: Be sure to drink at least a liter of water during the process. “Don't drink to lose weight” is a myth that is dangerous to your health; you can easily overheat and become a victim of dehydration.

Weight loss training (for girls) at home consists of terabytes of videos that are freely available, but the effectiveness of these exercises will depend only on you.

Finding information is not difficult at all.

Remember, without practice there is no good technique. So start your first training soon!

The most important condition for starting training at home for girls to lose weight without equipment is a warm-up:

  1. Using rotational movements, slowly stretch your neck. It will be enough to make 10 circles in one direction and the other. Avoid sudden movements (especially in the morning, when the body is still sleepy). Tilt your head, just slowly.
  2. Jump in place with your arms and legs spread out to the sides. Try to clap above your head. We continue the exercise, only now we move the hands behind ourselves.
  3. Spread your legs wide and reach your elbows toward the floor. Take a deep lunge forward, touch the same elbow to the floor, try to do this at least approximately.
  4. Stand up straight, as you exhale, lower yourself forward, arching at the lower back, and use your hands to reach a position where you can do push-ups or at least stand in a plank position for a little while. Legs are straight, straight at the knees.
  5. Along a small, medium and large trajectory, describe circles with your arms, first forward and then back. “Roll” your knees and ankles in their joints. Feel where exactly your muscles are tight and stretch this place.

The famous plank can also be part of the warm-up

Without a good cardio warm-up or power load won't be as effective.

Plus, there is a high risk of injury. This will unsettle you for a long time and sports will be postponed indefinitely.

After exercise, it is best to stretch.

Tip: If you want to warm up 100% for cardio, do 30-40 burpees: lie on the floor as if doing push-ups, then pull your knees to your chest, straighten up and jump up, clapping your hands. This incredibly effective exercise strengthens the body well.

Cardio is life. Workout at home for girls for weight loss without dumbbells, but with towels!

Without long-term cardio, which is practiced constantly, it is impossible to lose weight - this is a recognized fact.

At the same time, the heart and blood vessels are greatly strengthened, overall endurance increases, and most importantly, metabolic processes in the body.

You lose weight both during cardio (though starting from the fortieth minute) and after training, provided that you do not eat for about half an hour.

For full-fledged exercise at home, the most effective way for girls to lose weight is a video for weight loss, which is easy to find on any video resource.

However, there are internationally recognized exercises that alternate with each other, the intensity increasing weekly.

Proper squats that pump up your muscles. It's okay if you do them without dumbbells
  1. Place your feet not wide. Place your hands on the back of your neck. The back is arched as much as possible at the lower back. Sit down parallel to the floor and then jump up using the strength of your legs and buttocks. This is very good exercise for the lower body, which is best done continuously. That is, you jumped, squatted and immediately repeated the exercise. Push through your hips and pelvis.
  2. Stand up straight. Squat down and place your palms on the floor. Jump your legs back, leaving your arms in this position. Repeat the entire set of movements in a circle. Start with 10 repetitions, increasing the load with each workout.
  3. The next exercise is called “Spiderman push-ups.” But to become a super hero (heroine) you need to try hard. Take two pieces of fabric. Let them be regular towels, and put a hand on each one. Extend your legs and get into the stance you usually take before doing push-ups. Bend right hand, and pull the left one forward. Touch it to your right knee. Return to the starting position and repeat on the left side of your body. The pose turns out to be funny, however, it is very effective for burning subcutaneous fat. The arms and back are well worked out.
  4. Standing in a push-up position, pull the knee of your left leg towards your elbow. Repeat the same with the second half of the body. Constantly pick up the pace. One circle - when both the left and right legs are bent and straightened.
  5. In the West, this exercise is called “sawfish,” but in our country everyone knows it as a “plank.” This is the most difficult and useful exercise. We recommend! Stretch your legs (the distance between them is the width of your shoulders), stand on your elbows, focus on your forearms. Without arching your lower back, stretch out into a straight line and turn on the timer. Yes, yes, the duration of this practice is calculated in seconds, it is so exhausting. Experienced athletes can stand like this for two minutes or more. If you hold on for a minute, it will be an excellent result.

Repeat the exercises in a circle, setting an individual amount. Start with 5-7 and gradually increase the number and intensity.

Tip: Want to make sure you give it your all until the very end? Monitor your heart rate. It can be calculated using online calculators. In fat burning mode it is approximately 140–158 beats per minute.

Power loads. An example of a workout at home for girls to lose weight (for beginners)

  1. Lie down on a flat surface with your feet on a low bed or chair (not on wheels). Place your hands behind your head and twist as you exhale. It is not necessary to lift your body completely off the floor. Place your bent legs on the floor and twist your body with the greatest possible amplitude. If the exercise seems too simple, press your hands to your chest with something weighty (for example, a cat or a volume of Pushkin) and continue the movement 10 to 20 times.
  2. Take a dumbbell and lower your arms along your body. Keep your back straight with a natural arch. Sit down slowly, taking a deep breath and moving your pelvis back, but not below parallel. As you exhale, stand up. This is how the muscles of the pelvis and buttocks are worked out perfectly. There is a variety with widely spaced feet. On average, 8–12 repetitions are performed per set, but for weight loss it is recommended to do 15–30.
  3. Stepping onto the bench perfectly coordinates the body, strengthens the large quadriceps muscle and the back of the thigh. In general, to lose weight, you need to use the largest muscles in your body. You can use any bench height or elevation, but the knee should be slightly higher than hip joint. Change your leg periodically. Do at least 10 repetitions for each, preferably with 3–5 kg dumbbells.
  4. Lie down on a bench or several stools with your head resting. Take dumbbells and bend your arms slightly. Wind them up and smoothly lower them down. Do 3 sets of 10 times or more. Choose the dumbbell weight yourself. Perhaps a simple water bottle will do the trick in the beginning.
  5. Sit on a chair or stool, holding a dumbbell in each hand. Carefully lift it and lower it behind your back. You can do the same thing while standing, but if you have a bad back, limit yourself to the first option. This is a French press. Girls' hands are traditionally the most weakness, so calculate the weight carefully. 10 repetitions and several approaches will be enough (on average 2-3).
  6. Push-ups from a bench (bedside table, bed, etc.) are optimal for those who are not yet able to do push-ups from the floor. Get on your knees, rest your hands (position wider than your shoulders) and touch your chest to the plane. The higher the bench, the easier it is to do push-ups. Push to the limit!
  7. Sitting on a chair, take dumbbells in your hands, it is better to lean against the wall. Raise them to your shoulders together or alternately. Keep tension in your biceps at all times. The brachialis muscle should also work. We do 3 circles 10 times.

When it becomes easy to do push-ups from the sofa or bed, move on to the option shown in the photo. This will increase the load

If it’s difficult for you to do all these exercises at once, divide them into two groups, but give it 120%, because a person does not fully know what his body is capable of.

If you “don’t give up” and bravely endure 3-4 classes a week, very soon dozens of eyes will look after you with delight.

Who cares, you will feel much better than ever!

Advice: be sure to get enough sleep, otherwise the body will be under stress and the weight loss process will slow down greatly.

This article presents several home workout options for girls. We will tell you how to set yourself up for sports, what equipment you need to purchase, and also offer several workouts for the upper and lower body at home.

A training program for girls at home is an excellent opportunity to tighten and correct their figure. This is especially relevant and convenient for those who do not have the desire or opportunity to go to the gym and work out with a trainer.

Reasons why you don't want to go to the gym

Many women feel uncomfortable working out in the gym for the following reasons:

  • fear of large crowds or reluctance to exercise in a crowd;
  • fear of ridicule and sidelong glances from pumped-up visitors;
  • fear of failing on the simulator;
  • unfamiliar environment.

This is why we need a strength and cardio training program for girls at home. At home, no one is standing over your soul, you can turn on your favorite music and study at a convenient time.

Basic rules for effective home training

In order for sports/fitness activities to give maximum results, a woman must adhere to certain rules which are listed below.

  1. Choose a time. This should be a convenient time when no one will distract or interfere. There is no need to forcefully train, get up early or exhaust yourself. The training should take place in the most comfortable conditions, at the most comfortable time for your body.
  2. Purchase the necessary equipment. Dumbbells of varying weights, a rubber mat, weights, a stepper, a fitball, a jump rope, and a tracksuit are perfect for home use. All this can be purchased at sports stores.
  3. Train for at least half an hour. It will be difficult at first, and fatigue will appear quickly, but it is important that the body gets used to and adapts to physical activity. This happens after about 20 minutes of practice. As you get used to it, you should increase the time.
  4. Exercise systematically three to four times a week without skipping. No visible changes will occur in a couple of sessions; regularity is what is important. An interval of one or two days helps the muscles recover and avoid slacking.
  5. Follow the execution technique. It is very important to do the exercises correctly, following all the necessary instructions. Improper execution threatens not only an unsatisfactory result, but also an unwanted load on internal organs. There is a risk of serious injury.
  6. Alternate the load. For example, do cardio twice a week: run/walk on a treadmill, jump rope, ride a bike, walk on a stepper. And twice - do strength exercises with dumbbells, fitball, barbell. You can also alternate workouts on parts of the body so that the body does not get used to the load. For example: one day on the legs and buttocks, another on the arms and back, and next time on the abdominal muscles.
  7. Compose yourself individual plan classes. A clearly developed plan will give more effective result than chaotic, ill-conceived exercises. In order to choose the right program, you should consult with a trainer or create it yourself, if available. necessary knowledge in this area.
  8. View various online workouts. Today you can find entire programs on the Internet with all the necessary instructions and tips. A visual training process helps you perform the exercises correctly without compromising your technique.
  9. Use furniture. Regular chairs can be useful for doing reverse squats and lunges, and a window sill for a good stretch.
  10. Don't forget about warming up and stretching.

    It should be remembered that you need to start doing fitness only after warming up well, otherwise you can get injured and the result will be unsatisfactory.

    After the training process, you need to spend 10-15 minutes stretching to relax the muscles and increase their elasticity.

An example of a home workout for women for the lower and upper body

Below are classic, simple upper and lower body workouts that you can easily do at home.

  • Warm up for ten minutes. It is necessary to start warming up with the neck muscles;
  • Back lunges. Three sets of twenty repetitions on each leg. There is a 1 minute break between sets. Technique: straight back, feet shoulder-width apart, one leg placed back. You need to squat at an angle of 90 degrees;
  • Raising the pelvis from the floor. Three sets of twenty repetitions. Technique: the pelvis rises as high as possible and stays in this position for 2-3 seconds, then lowers. Note: you cannot touch the floor, your abs must be tense;
  • Squats with wide legs. Three sets of fifteen repetitions. Technique for performing the exercise: legs are placed wider than shoulders, the pelvis is pulled back, the back is straight. Note: the abs should be tense, and you should squat as low as possible;
  • Extending your legs to the sides. Three sets of twenty repetitions on each leg. Technique: straight back, feet shoulder-width apart, one leg moved to the side, creating an angle of 90 degrees, and then raised. After twenty repetitions, rest for 15 seconds, and then switch legs. Note: the leg must be raised as high as possible and the back kept straight;
  • Jump rope 100 times. If desired, you can replace it with a ten-minute run, cycling/rollerblading or intensive walking on a stepper;
  • Stretching. After training, you need to stretch well to relax your muscles and avoid severe soreness.
  • Warm up for ten minutes;
  • Plank three to four sets of thirty seconds. Technique for performing the exercise: take a lying position, rest your toes and elbows on the floor and stretch your body. Note: for maximum effect You should tighten your stomach, do not stick out your buttocks and do not allow them to sag. Position: the body should look like a perfectly straight line;
  • Push-ups on crossed knees, three sets of 12 times. Due to the fact that girls have weaker arms than men, it is better to do push-ups on your knees. The abs should be tense;
  • Raise your arms to the sides with dumbbells, three sets of fifteen repetitions. Technique: Raise your arms until they are parallel to the floor. Note: for the first time you should not take dumbbells over a kilogram.
  • Side plank three sets of thirty seconds. Technique: turn to one side, lean on your elbow and legs, stretch your body. Note: the abs must be tense, it is forbidden to bend your back, as you may get injured;
  • Jumping rope for ten minutes or walking on a stepper;
  • Stretching.

Between exercises you need to drink 200-250 milliliters clean water to avoid dehydration.

It is also important to understand that, no matter what the load, over time the body will get used to it. Therefore, you need to change the program every two to three months.

The benefits of home workouts

Any physical activity is very beneficial for the body and overall health. And regular exercise, even at home, increases the level of endorphins in the blood and strengthens the immune system. What other benefits do home workouts provide:

  1. The figure becomes firmer, more flexible and elastic.
  2. The appearance of cellulite is reduced.
  3. The immune system is strengthened.
  4. Increases endurance.
  5. The quality of sleep improves and breathing normalizes.
  6. Your mood improves.
  7. The figure takes on beautiful shapes.

Home workouts with Jillian Michaels

Jillian Michaels is one of the most famous fitness trainers in the United States, often appearing on various television shows. She has developed more than thirty programs for losing weight, pumping up the buttocks, abs, flat stomach, yoga, and also accelerating metabolism.

All training is divided into blocks according to difficulty level and duration. The program can be selected individually depending on your own needs. All exercises are available on the Internet, so you can study them and see the technique of execution.

The benefits of her fitness programs

The main advantage of fitness with Gillian is that all programs are very diverse and aimed at maximum results. Therefore, every girl can choose what she needs.

The effectiveness of these exercises has been proven by many clients who have achieved phenomenal results.

Classes based on her video lessons are suitable even for people with poor physical fitness, because they are designed for special programs. No special equipment is required, the maximum is dumbbells and a sports mat. Each program lasts 30 days and is divided into three levels, each of ten days.

You also don’t have to worry that the body will get used to the load and the exercises will no longer be effective, because two or three new programs are released every month. They can be combined and changed.

Nutrition for regular exercise: sample menu

You need to understand that if you do not adjust your diet, there will be little benefit from exercise alone.

Day 1

  • Breakfast: two scrambled eggs with tomatoes and cheese/ oatmeal in milk with a handful of walnuts;
  • Snack: apple baked in the oven with cottage cheese, honey and raisins;
  • Lunch: lean potato casserole with zucchini, eggs and cheese + pickled champignons with onions;
  • Snack: cottage cheese with apple and banana + a glass of sourdough;
  • Dinner: chopped cutlets from chicken breast with herbs, steamed + vegetable salad, seasoned with olive oil;
  • Late dinner: cottage cheese casserole from low-fat cottage cheese with honey + two egg whites.

Day 2

  • Breakfast: curd cheesecakes with jam and banana/buckwheat with milk and honey;
  • Snack: vegetable salad + glass of kefir;
  • Lunch: steamed chicken with carrots and onions + pasta durum varieties wheat;
  • Snack: bread with cream cheese and avocado;
  • Dinner: omelet of two yolks and three whites + salad of fresh vegetables and herbs;
  • Late dinner: protein on water/low-fat cottage cheese with honey.

Day 3

  • Breakfast: oatmeal with milk, dried fruits and honey + fresh pear/apple/orange;
  • Snack: two boiled eggs/ scrambled eggs;
  • Lunch: turkey meatballs + baked champignons with sour cream and cheese;
  • Snack: two apples, whole grain bread;
  • Dinner: salad of seafood, avocado and fresh vegetables, dressed with olive oil;
  • Late dinner: protein on water / low-fat cottage cheese with fermented baked milk.

In conclusion, it should be noted that training at home will bring maximum results and benefits, as with a personal trainer, only if you perform them systematically, without skipping, follow the execution technique and at the same time eat right.

It is imperative to change the program every two months and increase the load, because the body gets used to it, and the process of losing weight/increasing muscle mass slows down.

You should understand: if you exercise from time to time, do an insufficient number of repetitions and do not follow the above rules, which we described in this article, then the desired changes in your figure will not happen.

In order to make an ideal figure, uniform loads on all muscle groups are necessary.

The exception is problem areas, which are on the body of almost every person; the load on them should be even stronger. A set of exercises for different muscle groups will allow you to evenly “pump up” your entire body.

Don’t think that training all muscles will be very long, even after a short time can be created good load for the whole body.

A short set of exercises for muscle groups for girls with dumbbells

You can perform these exercises at any time of the day. To keep your body in shape, it will be enough to devote at least 15 minutes a day to them. In summer you can exercise outside.

To perform a short set of exercises for muscle groups, you must have dumbbells, positive attitude and comfortable clothes for training. The peculiarity of this complex is that each exercise involves 8 muscles at once. In addition, all actions in this set of exercises for different muscle groups are performed in a row, without breaks, which allows you to burn even more calories.

Before training, you need to do a short warm-up - walk or run for a few minutes, warm up the muscles of your arms and legs, and after that move on to exercises.

  • Lunges. Stand straight, holding dumbbells in your hands. As you inhale, lunge diagonally onto your right leg, with your left knee pointing to the floor. We lower the body and sharply, straining the abs, press it to the chest left hand. We lunge with our left foot. This is one repetition. You should perform 10 repetitions. The exercise involves the muscles of the back, shoulders, arms, buttocks and legs.
  • Lunges to the side. We place our hands with dumbbells in front of us, the abs and buttocks are tense. We take a wide step to the side, simultaneously turning the body and toe of the foot in the same direction. The muscles of the arms, thighs, chest and abs are involved.
  • Squats. We stand straight, arms with dumbbells down. As you inhale, squat shallowly, moving your pelvis back as if you were trying to sit down. As you exhale, rise onto your toes, bend your arms and press them to your shoulders. The muscles of the whole body work. This exercise is one of the most effective. It must be completed at least 10 times.
  • Another important exercise in the set of exercises for a muscle group for girls is push-ups. We lie down on the floor, resting on our palms and knees. Straightening your arms, lift your knees off the floor and lift your right leg. We return to the starting position. We do this 10 times for each leg.

A set of exercises for muscle groups at home

Many people devote almost their entire day to work, so they don’t have the energy or time to visit the gym.

But don’t despair, there is a special set of exercises for muscle groups at home. It is no less effective than training in the gym.

Exercise for the abs and waist – “bicycle”. Lie on your back, raise your legs bent at the knees 45-60 degrees above the floor. The lower your legs are, the stronger the effect of the workout. We begin to rotate our knees, imitating riding a bicycle. This exercise should be done for 1-2 minutes without breaks, after which you should pause briefly and do another approach.

A set of exercises for muscle groups for girls necessarily includes exercises for beautiful breasts.

Regular push-ups are suitable for this, and you can perform them on your knees, placing your hands on a chair, or even pushing off the wall, depending on your physical fitness. You need to do at least 20 push-ups.

A simpler exercise is to stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, arms in front of you. Bring your palms together at chest level and press them against each other. This works the muscles of the arms and chest.

In order not to fork out for the gym, spending your last savings, study at home. The set of exercises presented in this article will help you get rid of extra pounds. Let's look at the most effective exercises for all muscle groups.

How and when to train

Before classes, you should purchase at least a standard set of equipment, for example, dumbbells. Without them, there is no point in practicing at home: you will not be able to load yourself enough, and buying other equipment will be very expensive.

Dumbbells will help pump up absolutely all muscle groups. In addition, you can choose the required weight or buy a universal tool with the ability to change the configuration.

You also need to build a horizontal bar. This is easy to do: screw a metal pipe or a wooden stick into the doorway. If possible, build a horizontal bar by welding and then attaching the frame to the wall. If you do not have welding skills, you can connect parts using bolts and nuts.

Beginners should clearly decide why they need training at home: just to lose weight or build muscle. The first option is quite realistic, but the second is more doomed to failure. Of course, if you live in a big house, there is an opportunity to equip a high-quality sports corner, or there is a playground nearby, then maybe something will work out. But often at home it is impossible to achieve an effect comparable to training in the gym.

A set of exercises at home will definitely help:

  • get rid of excess weight;
  • pump up a little;
  • improve overall physical condition and endurance;
  • prevent the occurrence of certain diseases associated with an inactive lifestyle.
  1. There is no need to perform exercises at chaotic times; there should be a clear schedule both by day and by hour.
  2. Introduce new exercises into your workout routine all the time. This will prevent your body from getting used to the stress and will prevent you personally from losing interest in sports.
  3. Buy equipment that may not be expensive, but at least not the cheapest. It is always more pleasant and convenient to work with high-quality things, as any athlete will prove.
  4. Beginners often neglect proper nutrition, and experienced athletes are literally fixated on it. Start exercising according to all the rules, taking into account a healthy diet. More details about it.

How to quickly remove sides and belly: exercises at home

  1. Exercises with hula hoops have an excellent effect. Spin the hoop about five times a day for ten minutes, and within a week you will notice the first changes.
  2. Twisting. Lie on your back with your legs slightly bent and your hands behind your head. Touch your right elbow first with your left foot, turning your waist, and then touch your left elbow with your right foot. Do 5 sets of 10 reps.
  3. Plank. Perhaps everyone knows how to do it: the body should form a perfectly straight line. The average execution time is half a minute with further repetition.
  4. Crunches, option 2. Lie on your back with your shoulders pressed to the floor. Bend your right leg, place it on top of your left, and place your right foot on the floor. Then start twisting your body at the waist in left side, moving the right leg also to the left.

To help make your stomach flat:

Press: exercises for girls at home

Hanging on a horizontal bar to pump up your abs is unlikely to be suitable for girls, so it’s worth considering lighter exercises.

Abdominal exercises for men at home

For suitable for men all the above exercises, the only clarification:

  • to pump up your upper abs, do more crunches;
  • home exercises with leg raises are suitable for pumping up the lower abs;
  • and to work the oblique muscles, perform crunches with turns.

Additionally, we can mention exercises called “bicycle” and standard push-ups. They also work the abdominal muscles well.

  1. The standard exercise is lunges. When performing them, it is important to strain gluteal muscles, as well as the hips. After lunging, hold in this position for a few seconds. Load on each leg - 10-15 repetitions.
  2. Also don't forget about side lunges. Here you need to sit down to the maximum, although not all beginners are capable of this. For greater effect of home workouts, use dumbbells.
  3. The next exercise for the legs is squats with weights. It is important that your back is always straight (this is the only way your legs will experience the maximum load).
  4. Lie on your stomach, bend your arms, and rest your elbows on the floor. Raise each leg up one at a time, holding the position for 5 seconds.
  5. Raising your leg from a side plank position. Once in a side plank position, slowly lift your top leg. This leg exercise is especially effective when done at home.

Exercises for losing weight on the sides at home

  1. Lie on your stomach. Try to grab your bent legs with your hands. The exercise is difficult, but quite doable.
  2. Twirling on a gymnastic ball. Place your arms straight on the floor and place your feet on the fitball. Next, scroll to the right and then to the left, bending your legs.
  3. Starting position - standing with dumbbells in your hands. Tilt your torso first to the right and then to the left, your arms should seem to slide along the seams. This is one of the most effective exercises for the sides at home.
  4. Sit on a bench or stool, place a bar (wooden or plastic stick) on your shoulder muscles, and turn your body to the right and then to the left.
  5. "Mill". Starting position - standing, torso tilted forward. Rhythmically touch your left hand to your right leg and vice versa.

Exercises for the inner thigh

Back exercises at home
