Children's inventions. It's amazing that children invented all this! "Invent"

Most of us are not used to taking children's ideas seriously. And in vain, because the younger generation has more than once pleased the world with useful inventions, which greatly simplified the life of many people. We will tell you about the most famous children's inventions that brought their creators worldwide fame and non-childish monetary rewards.

1. Toy dump truck

It is not known when the first toys, created in the likeness of dump trucks and other production machines, would have appeared, if not for six-year-old Robert Patch. The boy was so fascinated by the huge reclining cars that he painted only them. His father made a toy based on one of his son's drawings and was right - soon such toy cars became popular.

2. A tool that allows you to remove bandages without pain

Eight-year-old Alanna Myers often knocked her knees, and therefore faced the problem of removing bandages that adhered to the healing skin. After being discharged from the hospital, the girl, who was again bandaged, came up with a special mixture that avoids unpleasant sensations. An unpretentious remedy made from soap, water and lavender essence has relieved many people from pain.

3. A new kind of printed graphics

Ten-year-old Anastasia Rodimina showed great interest in drawing using blottography. One day the girl forgot her drawing on the window in a pile of blank sheets. Over time, the paint faded around the edges, and the part of the drawing that remained covered retained its brightness. Inspired by such metamorphoses, the girl boasted of the drawing to her grandfather, who appreciated the new method of creating paintings and helped to patent the invention.

4. Fruit ice

Eleven-year-old Frank Epperson accidentally left his soda outside while hurrying home on a winter evening. Due to the low temperature, the consistency in the cup has turned to ice. Since there was a tube in the glass, the contents could be easily removed. A new kind of ice cream inspired the boy to do business when he grew up.

5. Robot measuring rooms

Twelve-year-old Maxim Lema has always been interested in robots. The boy believed that these machines could not only destroy and intimidate, but also be useful. So a young inventor from Lviv created a robot that can measure the area of ​​a room using radio signals. Such an assistant is now simply irreplaceable, which was noted by the jury of the competition for young inventors.

6. Lollipops for hiccups

Thirteen-year-old Mallory Cuveman realized in time that nursery rhymes did not help with hiccups. Deciding to invent a universal cure for this scourge, the girl has developed delicious tablets - sugar and apple cider vinegar lollipops, which do an excellent job of hiccups.

7. A device for those who have hard of hearing

Dabbling with the guitar, 14-year-old Jonah Cohn came up with an ingenious idea. The boy figured out how to let people with hearing problems enjoy music. A little later, John introduced the world to a device that transforms sound waves into tactile sensations.

8. Braille

Fifteen-year-old Louis Braille, having become acquainted with a special "night font" that was used in military affairs, developed his own. Thus, the boy allowed millions of blind people to receive the necessary information through reading.

9. Protective headphones

Fifteen-year-old Chester Greenwood has always loved skates. But from the long skating, his ears began to freeze. Since the boy did not like hats, he asked his grandmother to build special fur earmuffs that would protect his ears from the cold. The boy's acquaintances and friends liked this accessory so much that the invention quickly began to spread in many copies.

10. Snowmobile

At the age of fifteen, Joseph-Armand Bombardier had the opportunity to invent. The father gave his son an old "Ford T", which was not in the best condition. Realizing that nothing good will come of him anyway, the boy decided to experiment. After taking his Ford apart, he improved it, turning it into the first snowmobile.

11. A new method for diagnosing cancer

The talented Jack Andraka has always been interested in methods of diagnosing cancer, because it is one of the most difficult diseases. After analyzing the well-known techniques, the boy invented his own at the age of fifteen! His methodology includes a test that is an order of magnitude more economical and more efficient than analogs that were used earlier.

12. Transfer of electronic images

Philo Farnsworth's youth came at a time when TV was functioning on mechanical modules. The boy always believed that this was far from the limit and was actively working to improve television. As soon as Philo was fifteen years old, he presented the school teacher with a development that involved the electronic transmission of a picture over impressive distances.

13. Trampoline

Sixteen-year-old gymnast John Nissen thought for a long time how to diversify his workouts and performances. And now a brilliant idea dawned on him: the guy used a stable structure with a stretched panel. This building attracted such attention that it soon went on sale. By the way, today it has practically not undergone any changes and exists in its original form.

14. Mobile batteries

Eisha Khare, like other eighteen-year-olds, suffered from a problem with charging the phone - young people like to talk and surf the Internet, and charging sits down too quickly. A girl who is fond of nanochemistry took this problem seriously and soon presented a unique battery that can fully charge the phone in half a minute. Asha was well rewarded as she really made a breakthrough and got a lot of developers interested.

15. Personal submarine

After reading science fiction stories, eighteen-year-old Justin Beckerman decided to try his hand at inventions and create his own submarine. Using a large-diameter pipe, the guy built a small submarine in which you can dive to a depth of several meters. You can stay in such a submarine for about several hours.

Unfortunately, most teenagers only care about making a good cross shot, sending as many text messages as possible, or playing games. However, the teenagers, which we will discuss below, are interested in completely different things. Meet ten teenagers who spend their time creating new things that can make life better for everyone on earth.

1.1-year-old boy who created a device that prevents parents from forgetting babies in stuffy cars

An 11-year-old boy from Nashville has created a simple device that can really save lives.

After he learned that about 38 children die each year from being left in hot and stuffy cars, young Andrew Pelham decided he must do something about it. He applied to participate in the Rubber Band Contest for Young Inventors, which is held annually in Akron, Ohio. (This city is also known as the rubber capital of the United States).

The participants were given only one condition: they had to use an elastic band in their inventions.

With this in mind, Andrew created E-Z Baby Saver and came in second with $ 500 home.

Andrew believes that his invention can be a great and affordable way to remind parents that they have a child in the back seat of their car. The E-Z Baby Saver is a simple device made of duct tape and rubber bands. The device prevents parents from getting out of the car while the child is still inside. This is the strap that runs from the back seat of the car to the front seat and attaches to the front door.

Andrew used his money to buy a laptop and build his website.

2.1-year-old girl cancer survivor who invented a special chemotherapy backpack

When she was just 8 years old, doctors diagnosed Kylie Simonds of Naugatuck, Connecticut with rhabdomyosarcoma, a cancer of the connective tissue. She is now in remission and is recovering from her struggles.
Throughout her illness, one of the main difficulties was the wires from the IV pole, which she constantly stumbled over. She also needed constant help moving the rack as it was too heavy for Kylie.

Kylie invented the pediatric IV backpack. This is an intravenous injection machine that is portable and can be carried on your back. She invented it for children who are undergoing chemotherapy or simply being treated with intravenous fluids. This backpack even has bright colors. She calls it "I-Pack" (I-Pack).

Kylie's design won a prize at the Connecticut Invention Convention in August 2014. She has already patented her invention and is trying to raise money to start production of her backpack.

3.The 13-year-old girl who claims to have invented the lollipop that cures hiccups

In 2012, a 13-year-old girl started a fairly lucrative business built around her unusual hiccup cure. Kievman came up with this idea after suffering from bouts of hiccups for two years and decided to try all kinds of folk remedies, from drinking water from an upside down cup to drinking salt water.

In the end, after recovering from her hiccups, the future doctor decided to combine three of her favorite medicines for an annoying ailment.

Her three-ingredient medicine includes sugar, apple cider vinegar, and hard candy. While she claims that she is still in the process of "improving the taste", her invention has already received quite a lot of attention and has led to her hiring graduate students to help her start her project.

She named her product "Hiccupops".

4. The grandson of an Alzheimer's patient who created a sensor for patients with dementia

A New York City teen whose grandfather suffers from Alzheimer's has won a $ 50,000 science prize for developing handheld sensors that send mobile notifications when a patient with dementia moves away from bed.

Kenneth Shinozuka, 15, who took home the Science in Action Award from Scientific American, said his invention was based on the symptoms of his grandfather, who often got up from bed and walked away, wandering around the house and hurting himself.

His invention uses coin-sized sensors that are worn on the feet of a person who has the potential to walk away from the bed and harm themselves. Sensors detect the pressure that is created when a person gets to their feet and triggers an audio warning on the smartphone of the person looking at the patient using the application.

The award recognizes a project that seeks to make a tangible difference by contributing to conservation and tackling resource or health deficiencies, ”said Scientific American publisher Mariette DiChristina.

5. The Gifted Sophomore Who Created the Device for Detecting Pancreatic Cancer

More than 85 percent of those suffering from pancreatic cancer are diagnosed too late, when the survival rate is only 2 percent.

Therefore, when news broke in 2011 that a test had been developed that could detect early pancreatic cancer, the study not only attracted attention, it shocked everyone because the test had not been developed at leading institutes for studying methods of fighting cancer, it was developed by a simple gifted boy 15 years old named Jack Andraka (Jack Andraka).

Jack convinced the eminent cancer researcher to let him use his laboratory to develop his theory, all before he even had a driving license. While the test has to undergo years of clinical research, the biotech industry has already beaten its way to Jack's door.

Jack won out of 1,500 contestants and won the Grand Prix at the Intel International Science Fair for his invention. The guy who calls himself a geek received $ 100,000 in prize money.

6. The young father who created a pacifier with a built-in thermometer

A Chicago native, Anthony Halmon is just a freshman at Cornell University, but he's already made a name for himself. In 2013, a young father came up with the idea to create a pacifier that also serves as a thermometer. It's called "Thermofier". Her creation is described as an improved version of existing models and can already be found on store shelves.

The idea came about because of his worries about his little daughter and the difficulty of pinpointing when a child is not feeling well. His invention earned him a visit to the White House and a meeting with President Obama.

Halmon grew up in the Inglewood area of ​​Chicago. He is interested in studying sociology and government. He described his birthplace as a "tough, rough" place with "a lot of violence and gangs." As a child, he was often molested by members of various groups because of the reputation of one of his relatives, he said. The year his father died (he was in the eleventh grade), he also learned that he would become a father himself. The teenager decided at all costs to turn his life for the better for the sake of his daughter, who is now 3 years old.

7. Invention of a high school student that can charge your phone in 20 seconds

Hours of waiting for your phone to charge can become history thanks to the invention of an 18-year-old student. In 2013, Eesha Khare won a $ 50,000 prize at an international science fair for creating a battery that can be fully charged in 20 to 30 seconds. A fast-charging battery is a so-called high-capacity capacitor, a device that can hold a huge amount of energy in a very small space, can be charged quickly and keep charging for a long time.

What's more, according to the Saratoga, California-based inventor, the device can last 10,000 recharge cycles, compared to 1,000 cycles that conventional rechargeable batteries can withstand.

At this point, Isha has used her large capacitor to charge the light emitting diodes or LEDs. The future of her invention is even brighter. She believes that it can be used in mobile phones or other portable electronic devices, which are widespread in the modern world, thereby saving people and their devices from prolonged dependence on the mains.

Kara's invention helped her win the Intel Foundation Young Scientist Award at the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair in Phoenix, Arizona.

8. The teenager who received an award for his invention that converts CO2 into oxygen while you are driving

Who would have thought that a teenager who is still learning to drive could come up with a device that reduces exhaust emissions.

The student received an award from the Environmental Protection Agency for his environmental invention that purifies vehicle exhaust gases that normally pollute the environment. A 17-year-old Plano East High School student named Param Jaggi came up with this invention after seeing how much carbon dioxide a car produces.

Param has developed a device called the "Algae Mobile" that fits into the tailpipe behind the car. Through photosynthesis, algae inside a gas-permeable aluminum alloy tube convert carbon dioxide into oxygen and release it into human-breathable air.

Param won $ 8,000 over several years and was awarded the Environmental Protection Agency in 2011 by the Environmental Protection Agency. The agency selected its concept from over 1,500 at the Intel International Science Exhibition.

9. The teenager who claims that his invention will save the oceans of the world

A Dutch teenager has invented a device that he claims can clean up about 20 billion tons of plastic waste from the world's oceans.

Boyan Slat, 19, came up with the idea of ​​a series of floating booms and handling platforms designed to collect floating plastic debris. The Ocean Cleanup concept is designed to collect floating plastic but allows fish and plankton to pass through unharmed while the collected waste is recycled.

While the young inventor believes that humans should end their dependence on single-use plastic products and dispose of waste responsibly, his invention could make a big contribution to the cleanliness of the oceans in the near future.

Slat is currently a student at Delft University of Technology. He came up with this idea while still in school and won a number of prizes and the respect of marine specialists.

10. High school girls who invented an air freshener made from cow dung

Who would have thought of creating an air freshener using cow dung? The answer is two high school girls from Indonesia.

Dwi Nailul Izzah and Rintya Aprianti Miki took first place in the country's Science Project Olympiad for their alternative and environmentally friendly air freshener.

The air freshener has a natural herbal scent and is beneficial to human health as it does not contain harmful chemicals like other air fresheners on the market.

The girls collected cow dung from a cattle farm in the Lamongan Regency in East Java and left it to roam for three days. Then they extracted water from cow dung and mixed it with coconut milk. The liquid was filtered to remove any impurities and the final product is a naturally herbal-scented liquid air freshener from digested cow food.

Mon, 20/01/2014 - 14:03

Children can be incredibly creative and inventive, and this can be easily seen when you learn that many of the greatest inventions that changed the fate of humanity and the whole world were invented by teenage prodigies. January 17 is considered the Day of Children's Inventions, or Kid Inventors' Day. ... The date was not chosen by chance, because on this day Benjamin Franklin was born, who went down in history as a great scientist, inventor and diplomat.

Thunderbolt, Swimming Fins, Printing Press Upgrades

The date of January 17 for this holiday was not chosen by chance. On this day in 1706, Benjamin Franklin was born, who in the seventies of the eighteenth century became one of the greatest politicians of his time and the founding father of the United States of America. But already as a teenager, he became famous throughout the district for his passion for inventions. Young Ben invented swimming fins and improved the printing press at the printing house where he worked many times.


The embossed-point tactile font, which is intended for writing and reading by the blind, was developed in 1824 by 15-year-old Frenchman Louis Braille. Louis lost his sight at the age of three due to eye inflammation after the boy was injured by a boot awl in his father's workshop. The first book to be printed in this font was The History of France, published in 1837.

Incandescent light bulb, phonograph and telephone

From childhood, the greatest inventor of all times and peoples, Thomas Alba Edison, was also known as a child prodigy. From an early age, he was fond of chemistry and mechanics and even founded his own laboratory in a baggage train car at the railway station where he worked. As a teenager, he experimented with might and main with the optimization of telegraph communication on the railway, which one day nearly caused a major accident. As an adult, Edison received over four thousand patents for his own inventions, including the glow plug, phonograph and telephone.

Electronic image transmission

But the palm in the invention of television belongs to another American, Philo Farnsworth. In 1920, when the teenager was only 14 years old, he presented his chemistry teacher with a project for electronic transmission of images over long distances, and four years later he created the first phosphorus-based cathode-ray vacuum tube. Later, he conducted many successful experiments in the field of television, but the system he developed with the name "dissector" could not withstand competition with the "iconoscope" of Vladimir Zvorykin. So the latter is called the "father of television", not Farnsworth. But the American, having become an adult, created a compact fusor fusion reactor.


While Farnsworth was building television, north of the United States in Canada, 16-year-old Joseph-Armand Bombardier stunned his neighbors by driving outside in the winter in a strange and very noisy structure based on a sled and engine from a Ford car. Witnesses of this incident, which took place in 1923, did not even suspect that they were present at a historical event - the birth of the world's first snowmobile and the now famous Bombardier company. Now this company is known, first of all, thanks to airplanes, but it continues to produce snowmobiles to this day. The best in the world, by the way.

Fur earmuffs

15-year-old American Chester Greenwood invented earphones for the cold in 1873. The first such headphones, which at the request of a teenager made his grandmother, had beaver fur on the outside, and velvet on the inside. On March 13, 1877, Chester managed to patent his invention. He devoted the next 60 years of his life to the development and manufacture of ear protectors against noise and cold. In his honor, the state of Maine has celebrated a holiday since 1977 - Chester Greenwood Day (December 21).

Fruit ice


Plasticine owes its appearance to the granddaughter of wallpaper glue manufacturer Cleo McVicker. The girl asked her grandfather to use the agent used to remove coal dust from the wallpaper for the game. The cleaning component was removed from the substance by adding dyes.

Alaska flag

The flag was invented in 1926 by a 13-year-old boy Benny Benson, who was of Russian-Aleutian-Swedish origin. The flag won the competition, and a year later it was approved as the official symbol of Alaska.


The idea of ​​creating a trampoline belongs to 16-year-old gymnast George Nissen. The trampoline for its eighty-year history has hardly undergone any changes, because everything ingenious is simple. As before, this is the same construction in the form of a steel frame and a canvas stretched on springs.

Toy dump truck

The reclining toy dump truck was invented (and even patented in 1936) by six-year-old Robert Patch. He drew a toy for his father to make him exactly the same. The picture shows a drawing from a patent, the first version probably looked a little different. Of course, dump trucks already existed at that time, but there were no such toys.

Device for hearing impaired people

In the middle of the 20th century, a tradition arose in the United States to hold science fairs among schoolchildren - voluntary competitions during which talented children could show their technical genius based on the knowledge gained in physics and chemistry lessons. Representatives of higher educational institutions have always closely followed such competitions. They were looking out for smart guys to give them a scholarship to study.

Now such competitions are already held at the global level. They are run by large international corporations such as Intel, Microsoft or Google. And the winners receive not only scholarships, but also valuable prizes, as well as a guarantee of future employment. The promising ideas found during such competitions are subsequently developed by the in-house scientists and engineers of the companies.

Legends say that Beethoven, who was deaf and still quite young, cried when he wrote music. He regretted that he would never be able to hear his works of genius. But in 2012, a 14-year-old teenager named Jonah Cohn gave deaf people a chance to enjoy music. He won the Google Science Fair Young Inventor Competition with a device that transmits music using multi-frequency tactile vibrations. Thanks to this device, people will feel the harmony of Beethoven's works not with their ears, but with their whole body.

Personal submarine

And American schoolboy Justin Beckerman made the dream of millions and millions of curious people around the world come true. He created a portable submarine called the U-boat, which cost his family only $ 2,000. This miniature submarine, built on the basis of a large diameter plastic pipe, allows you to dive to a depth of two meters and stay there for several hours.

Car autopilot

Romanian teenager Ionuts Budistyanu is also experimenting with unusual ways of getting around. In 2013, he presented the public with a car autopilot system that allows cars to move quite successfully on streets and roads without a driver. A similar vehicle costs Google 100 thousand dollars, and the young Romanian allowed this amount to be lowered several times. The system itself costs only $ 4000 and is installed on almost any modern car. The author received the Intel Foundation Young Scientist Award for his invention.

A new type of battery

Another winner of this award was a young American woman, Eisha Khare. She received a $ 50,000 prize for an innovation that charges a cell phone battery in 20-30 seconds. It's no secret to anyone how power-hungry smartphones can be, especially with the active use of multimedia functions. And in order to refill their batteries with energy, now it takes 2-3 hours. Yeishi's invention allows you to complete this process as quickly as possible, so that the supermarket guards will not even notice that you are connected to the outlet by pulling out the plug of their electric kettle.

A new method for diagnosing cancer

American schoolboy Jack Andraka created at the age of 15 a prototype of a test system for diagnosing pancreatic cancer at an early stage. This test is 168 times faster than all existing developments, while it is 26 thousand times (!) Times cheaper than analogues and gives an accurate diagnosis in almost 100 percent of cases. For this invention, Intel (supporting young talents) awarded Jack Andrak a $ 75,000 grant.

Fractal "energy-informational monotype"

The youngest inventor in Russia is 10-year-old Muscovite Anastasia Rodimina, who invented a new way of printing graphics - fractal “energy-informational monotype”. From the usual monotype (a method of obtaining an image when paint is applied to the paper, after which an imprint is made from it), the fractal one is distinguished by the fact that the monotype is finalized with the help of an application, followed by irradiation with sunlight.

Participants "Cities of Professions" visited the Masterburg Research Institute and became inventors themselves. The bravest ones shared their inventions with us and the world saw the ear plugs, an improved machine on a rubber motor and a pancake beetle robot. I think that the inventions of our participants will inspire you for creativity, inventions and discoveries with children. Maybe the inventive streak is dormant in your child and is just waiting for the right moment to show talent in all its diversity.

Ahead, in the city of professions, we were waiting for an acquaintance with construction professions. Therefore, we decided to invent something that will be useful to us at a construction site. The son, like all the boys, is probably very fond of watching the special equipment, fortunately, there are enough construction sites in the city. So, he noticed that the construction site is usually very noisy. It would not hurt to protect the ears with something. So I came up with the idea to make ear caps.

We needed:

  • 2 plastic bottles with lids;
  • mouse pad (you can use a dish sponge, foam rubber, foam rubber and even cotton wool);
  • thread with a needle;
  • wire;
  • elastic;
  • scissors.

Cut off the upper part from the plastic bottles.

On the mouse pad, draw two circles with a diameter slightly larger than the cut diameter of the bottles. With a thread, as it were, we sew these circles to the bottles - we sew the circles and stretch the threads into the neck of the bottles, for fixing, we fasten the tail of the thread with a lid.

We connect the received ear protectors with a wire like headphones. We didn't have a thick wire, so we additionally connected it with an elastic band, which needs to be hooked under the chin.

But in principle, with the correct selection of wire, the device should work without an elastic band. Everything. The ear plugs are ready. You can start noisy work on our play construction site or even real home repairs, because the device actually muffles loud sounds.

Jaromir 4 years old, mother Anastasia Kalinkova, St. Petersburg.

I must say that this task turned out to be more difficult than the others, since we could not think of what to invent such a thing. Finally, I came across the following video:

And we also decided to make a car with a rubber motor. And since our dad is an avid racer, he proposed to improve this invention and make it more durable.

Tired of the mess in the nursery? Tired of endlessly collecting toys for your child?

For a car with a rubber motor we needed:

  • plastic strips of different lengths (two long for the sides and three short for internal partitions);
  • three wheels (dad donated old wheels from his models);
  • two pencils;
  • small screw;
  • two rubber bands.

In long strips we make holes for pencils, we put wheels on them. To make the structure strong, we tighten the sides with the help of transverse partitions. We wind electrical tape on the back axle-pencil in order to exclude shifts to the right and left. On the same pencil in the middle, using a heat gun, glue a screw. We attach an elastic band to the front partition.

Since the car is large and the elastic is short, we lengthen it with another elastic. Now we hook the rubber band onto the screw, roll the machine back so that the rubber band wraps around the pencil and stretches, and then let it go, and voila - the car on the rubber motor went!

Olga with her daughter Sophia and her husband Andrey from Moscow.

Robot - pancake beetle

My kids are still small, so it was difficult for them to come up with an invention themselves. Mom helped. We just baked a whole stack of pancakes, but we can't eat it. This is how a charming pancake beetle robot appeared in our house. He eats with great appetite and not only. He will not refuse porridge or tasteless soup. It became more fun to have breakfast, lunch or dinner with him.

To make it, we needed a cake box. We had a small one from a half-kilogram cake. It is also very convenient to put it on your head as a hat of some hero, if you decorate it accordingly. We took colored paper for the eyes, mouth, nose and hair and glued it to the top of the cake with tape. Instead of hands, the pancake beetle has small spoons.

Initially, the pancake beetle was conceived as a robot for recycling pancakes, but suddenly it turned into a motivator, and the pancakes were no longer consumed by the robot, but by the children.

By the way, in such an unusual way you can decorate the box with the cake itself when serving it on the table, for example. You just need to choose the appropriate plot. It is done very quickly and from the most accessible materials.

Oksana Demidova and children Fedya 4 years old and Anya 1.4 years old, St. Petersburg.

Have you tried to invent something with your child? Share in the comments!

Led by their endless imagination, creativity and great curiosity, all these children of different ages and different cultures have made discoveries that have improved the lives of many people. Here are some interesting stories about these talented children and the inventions they gave to the world ...

Braille alphabet was created by 15-year-old Frenchman Louis Braille. At the age of three, Louis became blind after an accident in his father's workshop, but despite his blindness, he receives a good education, even winning a prestigious scholarship from the Royal Institution. There he began to work on the system and, back in 1824, created a font that made reading accessible to blind people. Braille is used to this day all over the world.

A Utah farm boy named Phillo Farnsworth knew chemistry and physics very well. You will be surprised how much modern television owes to him when you learn what a boy made a discovery trying to impress his chemistry teacher with a project on transmission of images over long distances. His device became the basis of the CRT, and in 1927 Farnsworth developed the world's first patented electronic image transmission system.

Alana Myers from Florida loved to ride her bike, but he often fell and held her in an emergency. The pain of changing dressings and removing stains injures an 8-year-old girl. After another trip to the hospital, Alana invented a special a mixture of soap, lavender oil and water... With the help of this simple, but wonderful medicine, little Alana is able to overcome the pain of the dressing.

Inventor snowmobile- Canadian Joseph-Armand Bombardier at the age of 15. It all started when Joseph's father gave him a battered old Ford T. In less than a week, the car was dismantled and turned into a snowmobile. When he grew up, the future designer founded Bombardier, an internationally renowned manufacturer of aircraft and railroad equipment, but still remains a manufacturer of snowmobiles.

One of the youngest inventors is 5-year-old Sam Hogan from Great Britain. To help the father, the child creates double brush to pick larger and smaller leaves at once... His invention goes through a rigorous patenting process, and Sam inspired the animated series.

Bridget Venere, a 10-year-old Australian girl, invented the comfortable dispenser for storing and using plaster... The child has been diagnosed with leukemia, and during the treatment, the needles and lipoplasts are constantly present. Bridget figured out how to make it easier and faster for nurses to design a sticker. Its design is ingeniously simple, reduces waste, and is convenient and fast to use. His invention, 10-year-old Bridget, sends the young BIGidea to the Australian Young Inventors Competition, where he receives a grand prize.

Robot for measuring rooms- the work of 13-year-old Maxim Lem from Lvov, Ukraine. The machine can safely replace engineers in this area. She scans the room, measures the area, draws a sketch and transmits the data to the computer via radio signal.

Jack Andraka, 15, is the founder test for the diagnosis of cancer of the pancreas, ovaries and lungs for early stage , which is 168 times faster, more accurate and cheaper than existing analogues. After the death of his uncle, who died of pancreatic cancer, he began to get interested in diagnostic methods. Andraka approached hundreds of scientists with a request to provide him with a room for experiments, but only the Johns Hopkins Institute extended a hand to him. Jack works in the lab after school and on weekends for 7 months. The young scientist has been honored with the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair, the Gordon Moore Prize and the Vatican Giuseppe Schaka Prize.

At the age of 16, the Turkish company Elif Bilgin develops banana bioplastics production method that could potentially reduce oil pollution. Thailand alone dumps 200 tons of banana peanuts per day. After two years of research, she managed to do just that and won the Google Science in Action award.

Easton Lasapel of Colorado creates his first robot arm prototype at the age of 14 after meeting a girl with a simple prosthesis for $ 8,000. and which must be changed in the course of growth. For the first time, a young man creates a robotic arm with Lego blocks, remote-controlled airplanes, fishing line and electric cables. The teenager does not stop there, and thanks to 3D printing and the acquired knowledge of robotics, he is able to turn his prototype into an affordable and usable device. Easton is presenting his invention to President Obama and is already at NASA as a robot astronaut project assistant.

The invention of 13-year-old Kenyan teenager Richard Thirer rescues lions and helps farmers living near Nairobi National Park. He uses broken LED flashlights to create a system lighting, which deceives the lions that there is a human presence in the area, which is enough to keep them away, thereby protecting livestock's livelihoods and reducing the risk of conflict between humans and wildlife.

Students from Smolyan, Venelin Chakalova and Alexander Chaushev invented free mobile application, which recognizes on food labels which additives and E they contain and that can be a reflection on the body. Young people won the innovation award last year.

We never cease to be amazed at the ease with which today's children cope with technology. Some of them learn to write software codes as early as preschool age. It remains to wish our little ones in old age, but with big dreams, curious, creative and, above all, healthy children, to cope with the challenges of the rapidly developing world better than we do.

Text compiled by: Irina Yaplinna from the editorial board of Engineer.BG

Photo source: CNN,,,,,,,, 24 Smolyan

Source: https: //

What have children invented?

On January 17, the whole world celebrates the Day of children's inventions, or Kid Inventors' Day. The date of this holiday is the birthday of the American scientist, inventor and diplomat Benjamin Franklin, who at the age of 12 invented swimming fins that were worn on hands.

Eisha Khare (USA) invented efficient batteries at the age of 18

Eisha Khare, an 18-year-old schoolgirl from California, developed energy-intensive mobile phone batteries. The energy in new batteries fills up very quickly (only 20-30 seconds), but at the same time it lasts much longer than usual. For this invention, the girl received an international prize for young scientists from Intel.

At the age of 18, Ralph Samuelson (USA) invented water skiing

In the summer of 1922, Ralph, vacationing on the lake with his brother, came up with the idea of ​​skiing on the water. To do this, he used ordinary skis, equipped with stronger straps. Ralph did not patent the invention, but the US Watersport Association officially considers him the first person to go water skiing.

Unaware of Samuelson's invention, in 1925 Fred Waller (USA) received the first ever patent for a water ski model he had invented, also made of pine, "Dolphin Akwa-Skees".

In 1928, Don Ibsen of Bellevue, Washington, ignorant of previous discoveries, invented his water ski and thus became the third person to be recognized as the inventor of the sport.

At the age of 17, Alice Chavez (USA) invented a child seat with an alarm

Every year in the United States, dozens of children die in hot, stuffy car interiors, forgotten by their absent-minded parents. 17-year-old Alice Chavez from New Mexico was deeply impressed by this statistic, and for a school science project, the girl decided to develop an alarm that would remind parents that their child was left in the car.

The essence of Alice's invention is that a sensor pillow is located on the child's car seat, which uses the car's door alarm and is connected to its key fob. If the parent moves away from the car more than 12 meters, and at the same time the sensor pillow signals that the child has remained in the chair, then a signal is triggered on the key fob, the owner's mobile phone and in the car itself to notify parents and others about the child left in the car.

With this invention, Alice Chavez won a school scientific competition, then filed a patent for three years, and now (as of July 2014) is raising funds for the further development of the hot seat alarm.

At the age of 16, Vadim Khomich (Ukraine) invented a device for blocking a car with a drunk driver

Vadim Khomich, a 16-year-old resident of Zhytomyr, invented a device that blocks a car if a drunk driver is sitting in it. Something similar is used today, for example, in Holland. Before starting the engine, the Dutch device takes a sample of exhaled air for analysis. If the driver exhales alcohol fumes, the system will block the engine from starting.

At the age of 16, George Nissen (USA) invented a trampoline In 1930, sixteen-year-old gymnast George Nissen came up with the concept of a trampoline. Four years later, he created a prototype - from canvas, connected to a hinged metal structure with elastic cords. The invention was a great success and was initially even advertised as a trainer for soldiers.

At the age of 15, Louis Braille (France) created a font for the blind At the age of 3, Braille began to go blind as a result of inflammation of the eyes, which began when the boy was injured by a saddle knife (similar to an sewer) in his father's workshop; he finally went blind at the age of 5.

At the age of 10 (in 1819), Louis was sent to the Paris State Institute for Blind Children, teaching literacy, music, knitting and weaving. For classes, books published in bold-line type were provided, but there were few such books, and there were no textbooks in many subjects. The teaching methodology was based on the perception of information by ear.

During his studies, Louis got acquainted with the "night alphabet" developed by Charles Barbier for military purposes - the transmission of information at night. Information was recorded by punching holes in the cardboard, reading - by touching the cardboard (touch).

In 1824 (at the age of 15), Braille developed a relief-point type for the blind and visually impaired, the Braille type named after him and is still used throughout the world. Braille worked on the type for many years and in 1829 submitted an initial version of the type to the council of the institute. The council of the institute found the font inconvenient for sighted teachers, and only in 1837, at the insistence of the blind and visually impaired, the council of the institute returned to considering the font again.

The first book to be printed in Braille was The History of France (1837). In Russia, typography in Braille began with the publication in 1885 by Anna Aleksandrovna Adler of the book "Collection of articles for children's reading, dedicated to blind children" in the amount of one hundred copies.

At the age of 15, Philo Farnsworth (USA) invented electronic television

Back in 1922, at the age of fifteen, Philo Farnsworth showed his chemistry teacher a project for electronic transmission of images over long distances, and then he himself created a cathode-ray tube, in which phosphorus glows under the influence of electrons emitted from the tube. This is how the prototype of the television picture tube appeared. In 1927, Philo Fransout pioneered the transmission of electronic images at a distance. It was just a horizontal line. In the same year, he received a patent for a dissector - an electron-beam device based on an external photoelectric effect. Farnsworth lost the RCA war of inventions, but his contributions to television are considered significant.

At the age of 15, Jack Andrak (USA) invented a device for diagnosing cancer

Doctors are still conducting vivid discussions about his "controversial" invention, but this does not diminish the teenager's contribution to world medicine. The guy figured out how to quickly and budget to determine the initial stage of pancreatic cancer. The result of his scientific research in this area was a small measuring device (resembling an iPod in appearance), which within five minutes determines the presence or absence of the disease. Its uniqueness lies in the fact that, without losing the accuracy of the readings, it turned out to be 168 times faster than its counterparts and 26,000 times cheaper.

At the age of 15, Chester Greenwood (USA) invented warm headphones

In 1873, fifteen-year-old Chester, trying out a new pair of skates, tried to find a way to protect his ears from the chilly wind. He first wrapped a scarf around his head, but it didn't really help, and then he came up with the idea for fur headphones. He soon patented his invention.

At the age of 15, William Gadowry (Canada) discovered an unknown Mayan city

The city was discovered in the jungle of Mexico. It is believed to be the fourth largest known ancient Mayan city. William named it Kaak-Chi, or Mouth of Fire.

While studying the Mayan civilization, William suggested that the location of the Mayan cities may coincide with their constellation map. He analyzed 22 Mayan star atlases and superimposed the location of the stars on satellite images of the Yucatan Peninsula. It turned out that 117 known Mayan cities are indeed located at the points where stars are marked in the atlases, and the bright stars coincided with the largest cities.

Then William superimposed the 23rd atlas on the map and noticed a discrepancy: of the three stars, only two coincided with the location of the cities. The third star pointed to a point on the border between Mexico and Belize, but the dense jungle in the area did not allow us to see the earth's surface on the available satellite images.

The teenager's theory was awarded a prize at a competition organized by the Canadian Space Agency, after which experts began to supply him with images from the newest American mapping satellite RADARSAT-2.

William also scoured the internet for images of the area dating back to 2005, when a fire burned vegetation there. Armed with his photographs, William contacted Dr. Armand Laroque of the University of New Brunswick. After examining the images and applying digital processing to them, the scientist confirmed that the student had discovered a large city with 30 buildings and an 86-meter pyramid.

At the age of 14 Dmitry Reznikov (Russia) developed a toothbrush for astronauts

An electric toothbrush for astronauts that does not require the use of water was developed jointly with the Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry by a seventh-grade student of one of the Moscow schools, a member of the society of young scientists of the same university, Dmitry Reznikov.

The idea of ​​the need to create a toothbrush that does not require water came to the author due to the fact that, as the young inventor said, “there is either little water on board the orbital station, or it is expensive”.

The brush will have three buttons. The inclusion of the first feeds the paste to the bristles from special channels located between the bristles. The second button turns on the compressor, which blows air through the bristles, preventing the paste from drying out. The third button turns on the compressor for reverse operation, and the paste is sucked into the container with waste installed in the brush.

Thus, Dmitry Reznikov noted, the astronauts do not need to use water either for brushing their teeth or for rinsing the brush.

At 13, Joseph-Armand Bombardier (Canada) invented the snowmobile

Joseph grew up in a simple farmer's family and was the eldest of eight children. His parents sent him to study at a theological seminary. In the winter of 1920, Bombardier came home for Christmas. On the occasion of the holiday, Joseph promised the family an unusual show - a mechanical sleigh.

The sleds, attached one after the other, were fitted with a Ford T engine, to which a huge aircraft propeller was attached. Under the amazed gazes of adults and the joyful exclamations of children, the young inventor and his brother Leopold started the engine and drove out of the yard. The brother controlled this mechanical beast by means of ropes tied to the runners, while Joseph-Armand himself closely watched the power unit. They rode down the main street of Valcourt with a breeze in their miracle of technology, and when he returned, he heard from his father the order to immediately disassemble the dangerous car!

However, Joseph did not become a priest. Subsequently, he not only improved his invention, but also founded a large company, Bombardier Recreational Products.

At the age of 13, Mallory Cuveman (USA) invented lollipops for hiccups

"Hiccupops" is the name of a new remedy for hiccups by 13-year-old American Mallory Cuveman from Manchester. It consists of sugar candies and apple cider vinegar.

At the age of 13, Alsu Tarzhemanova (Russia) has developed manuals for the disabled

The seventh-grader Alsu Tarzhemanova from Aromashevo has been sewing since early childhood. At first, Alsou sewed clothes for her dolls, but everything has changed since the day she attended the event dedicated to the Day of the Disabled. On that day, Alsou decided to create her own manuals so that children with disabilities could develop fine motor skills of the hands.

The manual looks like a book, inside of which there are a wide variety of pockets, buttons, hooks and other types of fasteners. Alsou sewed the first book in a week. Then Alsou put the production of similar toys on stream, producing two modifications of educational books - for boys and for girls. For sewing, the schoolgirl uses fabrics, fasteners, beads, ribbons and animal appliques.

Teachers of the Tyumen Medical Academy claim that Alsou's manuals will be useful to all children without exception: they are bright, colorful, interesting and perfectly develop fine motor skills.

At the age of 12, Maxim Lem (Ukraine) invented a measuring robot

Such a robot replaces the work of BTI engineers. The robot scans the room, measures the area, draws up a plan and transfers all the data to the computer.

At the age of 11, Frank Epperson (USA) invented popsicles

For the first time, fruit ice was created in 1905. 11-year-old Frank Epperson from San Francisco left a glass of soda and a wooden spoon in his backyard. The temperature dropped below freezing that night, and when Epperson discovered the drink the next morning, he saw the sparkling water in the glass freezing. The boy wanted to melt the drink by placing it under a stream of hot water. Pulling on the spoon, he pulled out the frozen drink and ate it.

Popsicles were introduced to the public at the 1922 Oakland Firefighter Ball. In 1923, Epperson applied for a patent for "frozen ice on a stick," which he named Popsicle at the request of his children. A couple of years later, Epperson sold the trade name rights to the New York Joe Lowe Company.

At the age of 10, Sergey Valeev (Russia) assembled a functioning hand prosthesis

In Kazan, a 10-year-old fourth grade student Sergei Valeev assembled a prosthetic hand from a Lego construction set. The device is battery operated. It is worn on the hand, can squeeze and unclench fingers, and also grip objects. Sergey attends a robotics club.

“This is a lego hand. It is made so that, well, for example, some people do not have enough hands or it is weak, so a Lego hand has been developed to help them. For now, however, you have to press the buttons there, but in the future, I hope, it will be possible to make the fingers bend at the command of the brain, ”said the student.

Amazing inventions made by children!

Do you think that only a scientist with a couple of higher educations and dozens of years of work behind him can present a new invention? But no. Sometimes ordinary children create something special and important. A schoolboy who solved the problem of diagnosing certain diseases, a teenager who proposed methods for saving energy - all this has long ceased to amaze mankind.

Oasis system

Bishop Curry recently presented his very interesting and extremely useful invention, the creation of which was prompted by a tragic incident: a six-month-old baby died from overheating in a parked car.

Unfortunately, statistics show that defenseless babies are left alone in the car much more often than they should. And if we are talking about the summer heat and a car without an air conditioning system, then even a few hours in a car heated like a steam room can be fatal.

Bishop developed a security system called Oasis. If the child is left unattended in the vehicle, then the young Curry's device recognizes and assesses the situation, using the application sends a message to the phones of parents and the police, and then turns on the air cooling system, which works until help arrives. At the moment, a prototype of the "Oasis" has been made.

Swimming fins

What kind of vacation is complete without fins, especially if you are a fan of diving? But did you know that the prototype of modern swimming devices was developed by Benjamin Franklin at the tender age of 11? Of course, the fins of that time looked like a set of thin boards with holes - they helped to push off the water and move faster underwater.


Trampolines are loved not only by children, but also by many adults. After all, jumping to heaven is great. 16-year-old swimmer and gymnast George Nissen from Iowa once visited the circus. He watched in amazement as the performers jumped onto the safety nets and wondered if they could continue their tricks if they bounced off the net in the opposite direction. So the idea was born.

George built the first prototype of a modern trampoline in the family garage - he simply stretched the fabric over a steel frame. Of course, the device required alteration, but the guy was able to train in jumping. Four years later, his swim coach helped improve the structure by adding rubber.


Perhaps we all know that Braille makes it possible for blind people to read. But people rarely think about the history of its occurrence.

Louis Braille was three years old when he had an accident and completely lost his sight. The boy grew up smart, studied well (to the best of his ability), and then entered the National Institute of Blind Youth in Paris. It was here that he met Charles Barbier, a lieutenant who created his own system of communicating with soldiers in the dark - using relief dots applied to the material.

Louis, the system seemed imperfect, so for three years (from 12 to 15 years) he was developing his own alphabet, which would be much easier for blind people to learn and remember. Braille was published in 1829 and has remained virtually unchanged to this day.


Many seven-year-olds adore dogs, but not every child is able to turn their devotion to animals into a national holiday. Jax Goss did it. Now throughout New Zealand, Wolfenuth is celebrated in November. On a festive night, the kind Wolf Spirit hides nice little gifts under the pillows of kids who sincerely love dogs. By the way, the celebration is gaining popularity not only in New Zealand, but also in other countries. This is how traditions are created.

Fur earmuffs

Many children, as well as adults, prefer fur headphones to hats during the winter months. They cover and warm the ears much better, do not slip and help to maintain the hairstyle. And the headphones look cute and extraordinary.

The prototype of the modern fashion accessory appeared in 1873. 15-year-old Chester Greenwood from Maine spent a full day outdoors enjoying winter fun and ice skating. Returning home, the guy told his grandmother that his ears were constantly freezing, and asked to sew something that would cover them much better.

Following her grandson's instructions, the woman created headphones from beaver fur and lined the inside with dark velvet. When Chester was 18 years old, he patented his invention, after which he opened two factories that produced 400 thousand headphones a year until Greenwood's death in 1937.

Flashlight that does not need batteries

Science says that at any given moment, the human body generates as much energy as a 100-watt light bulb consumes. This inspired 16-year-old Anna Makosinski to create a flashlight that uses biothermal energy. It does not need batteries or a rechargeable battery, as it is able to feed on the energy emitted by the human body.

To date, the prototype is at the stage of improvement. Anna's discovery gave impetus to scientific progress, because if such devices can be launched into mass production, then this will solve a lot of problems (for example, pacemakers and hearing aids will not need additional power sources).

Fruit icecream

Sometimes progress is the result of a coincidence. It is thanks to chance that mankind has got penicillin, Teflon and X-rays, and also fruit ice cream.

The sweet, refreshing popsicle on a stick, which is so pleasant to eat in summer, was invented by accident. In 1905, eleven-year-old Frank Epperson left a cup of water-mixed soda powder on his doorstep in San Francisco. It was winter outside, and therefore the liquid turned into ice until morning. But the guy was not upset, because he found that the frozen mixture was even tastier.

Of course, the boy began experimenting with the recipe - 20 years later, the ice cream appeared on the market under the name Epsicle.

Christmas garlands

Given the safety culture of today's world, it's hard to imagine that people once thought it wise to decorate a Christmas tree with burning candles. One can only imagine how many fires happened around Christmas.

But in 1917 the situation, fortunately, changed. Fifteen-year-old Albert Sadakka created safe glowing garlands using light bulbs that his parents sold in their own store. The invention became incredibly popular - later the guy was able to open his own company, which was engaged in the manufacture of Christmas decorations, including multi-colored, glowing garlands.


Would you be surprised to learn that the snowmobile is the invention of the average teenager in Quebec? In winter, the roads here were completely covered up, so people could only move on sleds. J. Armand Bombardier invented his own model of a snow plow. The original version of the snowmobile was equipped with a propeller, but in 1926 it presented a new version of the full car with a fuel tank.


19-year-old Chicago resident Anthony Halmon created an interesting device called "Thermofor" - which, incidentally, helped him to take a prize at the Science Fair in the White House. At that time, Anthony was already a father and for his daughter created a pacifier that allows you to almost instantly measure the temperature of the child's body. People who know how difficult it is sometimes to put a thermometer on a baby will appreciate the convenience of such a device.
