Pregnancy calendar, gender of the child, Chinese table. Chinese pregnancy calendar: how to calculate the gender of the child

But this method becomes available only in the second trimester of pregnancy. What to do if you want to find out who you will have before this date or even plan the sex of the child in advance? To find answers to these questions, the Chinese calendar for determining the sex of a child will come to your aid.

History of the calendar

The ancient Chinese scientists who invented this method believed that to determine who the baby will be - or - it is enough know only information about the age of his mother and the time, or rather, the month.

The centuries-old history of this calendar dates back seven thousand years ago in the vast Ancient China. At that time, it was used only in the families of emperors in order to predict the gender of the future heir. Over time, the calendar gained popularity, and other residents of the Middle Kingdom began to use it.

The very first copy of the Chinese calendar was discovered near the city of Beijing in one of the ancient Chinese temples. Today, this historical relic and archaeological find is kept in one of the most famous museums in the capital of the People's Republic of China.

Important! The Chinese population believes that the accuracy of sex determination using this method is quite high and exceeds 95% probability.

For many centuries, the Chinese table for determining the sex of an unborn child has been popular both directly in China and in many other countries. Its essence lies in the correlation of the mother’s lived years and the month of conception of the unborn baby. True, age calculation in the PRC and in Europe is somewhat different. We're starting human life is counted from the moment it leaves the mother's womb. But among the Chinese, the situation is somewhat different - they count a person’s age not from birth, but from the moment when it happened. Therefore, according to their calculation, people in China are slightly older than Europeans, because another nine months of intrauterine life are added to their birthday.

To use the table, you need to calculate your age, according to Chinese standards, and then look at your estimated gender, which is located at the intersection of the mother’s years lived and the month the baby was conceived.

Did you know? New Year The Chinese calendar starts counting on the first day winter solstice, which usually falls between January and February, and each year is patronized by an animal. Animals are built by year chinese horoscope.

What is the meaning of the ancient Chinese method of determining the sex of an unborn child?

This unusual method in many cases shows quite reliable results, and many couples can plan the birth of their daughter or son, depending on their preferences. The main convenience of the method is that you can accurately find out the month in order to give birth to a baby of a particular gender.

According to the Chinese table, it is determined only by the age of the expectant mother without taking into account data about the father, despite the fact that today it is known for certain and scientifically proven that it is the X chromosome or the Y chromosome that is transmitted during pregnancy that determines the sex of the toddler.

How can you find out who will be born without an online calculator using a gender determination board based on the mother’s age?

If you want to easily and simply find out who will soon delight you with the birth, you can use the online calculator, which can be found in search engine Internet. However, you can also determine it manually, guided by the Chinese calendar and a table of the month of conception and the age of the mother. But for this you need to understand some nuances.

How to correctly calculate the month of conception according to the Chinese calendar?

In order to correctly determine the time period when the baby was conceived, It's best to use the lunar calendar. New month and his first lunar day begin on the new moon. A lunar month usually has 29 days, sometimes 30 days. The new moon can occur on any day, so it is necessary to check the day of conception with the one with which it coincides in accordance with the lunar calendar.

Important! The table for determining the moment of conception contains a list lunar months, rather than the usual Gregorian ones. Therefore, be careful when choosing the time of conception.

How to correctly calculate the mother's age according to the Chinese calendar?

It is enough to add another nine months to a woman’s age- and you will get the correct calculation of the mother’s years lived. However, such calculations are possible only if the expectant mother’s birthday falls at any time other than January and February.

Why is that? Because the Chinese New Year does not start like ours, but in the interval from January to February. And if the child was conceived shortly before the big holiday, then plus one 12-month period is added to his age. In this case, the baby will be almost a couple of years older than his actual date of birth (9 months + 1 year). If a child is born after the Chinese New Year celebration, then no extra time is added, but only the period of intrauterine life is added. Therefore, to determine her date of birth using the Chinese method, a woman needs to know exactly when the New Year began in China at the time of her birth, if she was born in January-February.

Did you know?-one of the oldest methods of chronology. It consists of ten-year cycles of “heavenly trunks” and twelve-year cycles of “earthly branches”. First cycle-these are the elements. Second-animals. So in the end we get, for example, the year of the Fire Monkey.

How to use the Chinese calendar correctly?

It is necessary to adhere to all calculations regarding the mother’s age and the month when it is planned to conceive the baby in order to correctly use the Chinese calendar and correctly calculate the sex of the child based on the date of his conception.

You need to arm yourself with a lunar calendar for the month when, or when it happened, you also need to find out the New Year's date for the year of your birth, and you will also need information about the date when you were born. If the mother’s intrauterine life was less than expected, for example, 7 or 8 months, then this number of months should be added to her age.

Calculating the lunar age: a few examples for clarity

Case #1: the woman was born on August 20, 1990. In May 2017, she and her husband decided to have a child. This means that in May 2017 the woman’s age is 26 years and 9 months. To determine her lunar age for May 2017, you need to add another nine-month period to her date of birth. This means that her lunar age is 27 years and 6 months. 27 is the mother's age to use in the table.
Case #2: the woman was born in January, which coincides with the Chinese New Year celebrations. For the calculations to be correct, you need to find out exactly when the New Year was celebrated in China at the time of your birth. Let's say the mother was born on January 13, 1974. The Chinese celebrated the beginning of the New Year at that time on January 23. This means that the woman was born not in 1974, but in 1973. In this case, we add nine months to the already obtained date - January 13, 1973.

How accurate is the Chinese table for determining the sex of a child based on the date of conception and the age of the mother?

In reality, there are many people whose table data exactly coincided with the real result, but there are also people whose calculations were not confirmed at all. Perhaps the incorrect information is due to the fact that the month of conception or the woman’s age was incorrectly calculated. Or maybe they just did their job. Besides all this, it is still believed that Chinese moon calendar to determine the sex of the unborn child is quite accurate and provides an almost 100% guarantee.

Important! Believe it or not this method-everyone's business. However, you should not attach too much importance to this, so as not to experience stress in the future if the forecast does not come true. Love your baby, no matter what gender he is.

At what age is it most likely to conceive a girl and at what age a boy?

According to the table, the highest probability of conceiving a boy occurs when a woman is between 18 and 20 years old according to the lunar calendar. Almost all months of the year are suitable for this, except January, March and October.

In order for you to have a daughter, best period Mommy will be 21 years old, as well as the period from 30 to 32 years. At the age of 21, the unfavorable month for conceiving a girl will be January. At 30 years old, the exception is the months from November to January. But in other years, the unfavorable months for conceiving a princess are December, January and March.

Despite the presence of modern exact ways To determine what gender your baby will be, many parents still resort to predictions and fortune telling. The Chinese lunar pregnancy calendar is one of the most popular methods to calculate the gender of the child in advance. The probability of his information is quite truthful, but there are also errors in calculations. But the method is still very interesting and can be used, if only to find out later, after 9 months, whether it was justified or not.

Almost all parents wonder: who will be born - a boy or a girl? And some even try to conceive a child of a certain gender in advance. And what’s most interesting is that this was relevant even in ancient times. In this article, we will analyze centuries-old wisdom and dwell in more detail on recognizing the sex of a child before birth using various tables.

In China, such a table was invented in ancient times. Moreover, the Chinese consider it 100% accurate. But according to reviews from mothers who gave birth to babies, this forecast is not always true. Perhaps because in the Celestial Empire it is customary to consider a person’s age from the moment of conception. Therefore, when determining the sex of the baby, add to your real age another 9 months.

It’s easy to use the scheme, for this:

  • At the beginning calculate how old you are by Chinese standards, add to yours full years 7-9 months;
  • Then find the number vertically, relevant to your complete age, and horizontally - birth month;
  • Draw imaginary lines, their intersection will indicate who you will have: D - girl, M - boy.

Child gender table by month of conception

It was in China that they believed that the phase of the moon has an influence on the gender of the unborn child. Therefore, scientists suggested that the table takes into account lunar phases. Others believe that the scheme was drawn up based on studies of the influence of a woman’s age and date of birth on the sex of the baby. As mentioned above, to determine whether you are having a boy or a girl, you need to know not only the age of the mother, but also the month the baby was conceived.

IMPORTANT: However, it is a pity that assumptions do not always come true. Predictions are 78.9% reliable out of 100% possible.

Video: Gender of the child by date of conception - table

How to determine the sex of a child using Vanga's table?

Most mothers use the table of the great blind soothsayer Vanga in order to recognize who will be born a boy or a girl. The diagram bears only the name of the fortuneteller Vanga, but in fact it was compiled by her follower and student - Lyudmila Kim.

Feedback from women about this table varies. For some, what they write comes true, and for others, it doesn’t. Mothers, using this method of prediction, noticed a certain peculiarity: if a woman in labor has a negative Rh factor, then everything should be interpreted the other way around. More precisely, if you happen to have a boy, then you will most likely have a girl.

Gender of the child according to Vanga's table

Everyone can understand this scheme. Dark green means you're having a boy in a few months, and light green means you're having a girl. To recognize gender you will need:

  • At the top, select the month the baby was conceived
  • vertically find the number indicating the full age of mommy
  • find their point of intersection - this color of the rectangle will indicate the gender of the baby

Determining the sex of a child by age

They also use tables to guess the gender of the baby based on the age of the mother giving birth, the age of both parents, or the age of the father. It must be said that assumptions often come true, almost 96% out of 100 possible.

Gender of the child by date of birth of parents (table)

This determination method has been known for a long time. And it is based on the readings of two tables. You need to work with diagrams as follows:

  1. Select the woman's birth month
  2. Then select the man's birth month
  3. At the intersection of lines (horizontal and vertical) find the number
  4. Remember this number

Now let's move on to the second plate:

  1. We are looking for the number that you got in the first table
  2. Then we draw the line vertically downwards until it intersects with the baby’s month of conception
  3. Now we draw a strictly horizontal line until it intersects with the middle, where the crosses are located
  4. If there are more crosses in the column - M, then there will be a boy, if on the contrary, then there will be a girl

Table for determining the sex of a child by the age of the father

There are many known cases when only girls or boys are born in one family. And parents dream of a baby or toddler. They say that this is a predisposition of the father's genetics. Scientists have compiled a table to determine the sex of the baby based on the age of the father. Read on to learn how to use the diagram:

  1. Select father's age (vertical)
  2. Horizontally find the month of conception
  3. If there is no month of conception of the baby, then there will be a girl, if there is a month in the column, there will be a boy

Child gender table by mother's age

There are several dozen such tables. However, they are based on an ancient Chinese scheme for recognizing the sex of babies even before they are born.

Pregnancy table: sex of child by mother's age

We have already discussed above how to use such a scheme to determine the sex of a baby. It is enough to find the age of the mother and the date of conception (more precisely, the month). And at the intersection of the parameters, find the cherished one: M or D.

Japanese baby gender determination chart

The Japanese scheme has long gained great popularity among mothers who want to find out who will be a girl or a boy, not only in Japan, but throughout the world. The most interesting thing is that 93% of the results are reliable.

The schema consists of two tables. Using one, you determine the code number (we discussed this table in paragraph: Gender of the child by date of birth of the parents). And on the other hand - already on codenumber, month of conception find out gender.

Gender of the child based on parental blood update: table

According to the observations of specialists, the sex of the baby depends on the date of the last cyclical blood renewal. Moreover, it is believed that for mothers it is updated once every three calendar years, and for fathers - once every four years. The only thing that needs to be taken into account is that with large blood losses, a blood renewal cycle also occurs (for example, during operations, etc.). Then the table below will not be relevant.

How to calculate the sex of a child 100 percent?

  • You will need a piece of paper. Write on it full name father, your name and maiden name
  • Write the month of conception of the baby
  • Convert all letters to digital values
  • Add the resulting numbers
  • Then divide the sum by seven
  • If the number is even, you will have a girl, if the number is odd, you will have a boy.

Conception table for child gender 100%

We looked at many options for guessing the gender of babies before birth. According to experimental research, the most accurate is the “Ancient Chinese Table”. It must indicate the age of the expectant mother and the exact month of conception. Using this data, you can see what gender your child will be.

How to calculate the sex of a child by ovulation: table of the sex of the child as a percentage

Most often in women 28 monthly cycle. The ovulation period can occur in this case between the 11th and 21st days of this cyclic system. If conception occurs before ovulation, then you need to expect a girl, if on the 14-17th day, then you will have a boy.

Video: Test to determine the sex of a child

When planning a pregnancy, future parents are concerned about a number of issues. One of the most common questions is the gender of the baby. How to calculate the date of conception so that a boy or a girl is born? An ancient Chinese table for identifying gender characteristics will help you answer this question.

This table is over 700 years old; it was found near Beijing in a crypt. To find out the sex of the unborn baby, you need to select in the column the age of the mother at which the child will be conceived, and in the row select the month in which conception is planned; at the intersection of the column and line there will be either the letter “m” - a boy, or “d” - a girl .

Numerology, who will be born a boy or a girl

There is another scheme for identifying the gender of the unborn baby, which was developed in numerology. To determine the gender using this scheme, you need to write the mother’s name and her maiden name and the father’s name with the surname, then write in letters the month the baby was conceived. Then match the letters of the names and surnames of the future parents, as well as the letters of the month, with the numbers according to the table. Add all the numbers and divide the resulting result by the number 7. If the result is obtained with a remainder, then the remainder is discarded. If after all the mathematical operations the result is a multiple of two, then a girl will be born, and if not a multiple of two, a boy will be born.

Table for determining the sex of a child based on the blood type of the parents

The method of determining the sex of a child based on the blood type of the parents is not 100% accurate, but it is popular among pregnant women. This method is that the sex of the unborn baby can be determined by correlating the blood groups and Rh factor of the future father and mother. For this purpose, specialists have developed a special table.

Calculating the sex of the unborn child using the Chinese method

You can also calculate the baby’s gender using two Japanese tables. In order for the result to be the most reliable, you only need to know three numbers:
- in what month the mother was born (first digit);
- in what month the father was born (second digit);
— the month of conception itself (third digit).
The first table is needed to determine the number from 1 to 12. It can be determined by comparing the birth months of both parents. In the second table, you should find the number (the result from the first table) and compare it with the month of conception. In this line, crosses will mark the chances of the birth of either a boy or a girl. This technique is most relevant for those parents who are at the planning stage of conceiving a baby.

Table “boy or girl” for blood renewal

This technique is very common, and most importantly free. Its essence lies in the fact that the blood of both males and females is renewed with a certain periodicity. For women, the typical frequency of blood renewal is once every four years, and for men, blood is renewed more often - once every three years. But it must be remembered that sometimes this process may not occur on the date planned by the body, for example, when serious volumes of blood are lost (for example, donating blood, transfusion, surgery, etc.). Therefore, when calculating, it is necessary to take into account such nuances.

Almost all future parents are curious - what gender will their baby be? In most cases, such information is obtained based on ultrasound results, but early stages there is little help from him.

The Chinese claim that their horoscope works 95%. Is it so?

Determining the sex of the unborn baby

The so-called Chinese calendar itself is a table compiled in a certain way, based on which the ancient Chinese could determine the gender of women with great accuracy. born child. Such a document was discovered in one of the temples near Beijing. Even though the Chinese table for determining the gender of a child itself is very, very ancient, it continues to be used to recognize the gender of a child even now, when there is modern means(Ultrasound, for example). This calendar is also used during pregnancy planning. Today, the Chinese calendar is kept in China - at the Institute of Sciences.

The ancient Chinese calendar, also called the “Chinese horoscope,” is a regular table made up of horizontal and vertical columns. 12 horizontal columns are indicated by months - from January to December. Vertical columns indicate age - from 18 to 45 years, that is, a suitable age for pregnancy. The sex of the baby is determined depending on where these values ​​intersect. As you can see, the calculation method is extremely simple - it will take about a minute. At the same time, the accuracy of the results obtained is amazingly high.

Pros and cons of the method

In ancient times in China it was believed that birth more boys - this is good, because physically they stronger than girls. The opportunity to use their work in agriculture was extremely useful for the state. Chinese parents believed that newborn babies bring nothing but unnecessary costs. They were kept in their parents' house, as a rule, until the age of 17, after which they were married off and gladly transferred all expenses onto the shoulders of their husbands. The choice of the sex of the child in imperial families was extremely important. It was this circumstance that was the reason that the table was found in the burial places of such families.

The table, which is used to determine the gender of the future baby, allows you not only to find out whether it will be a boy or a girl, but also to make a highly accurate prediction at the planning stage. This method is often used by those future parents who would really like a child of a certain gender. Therefore, at birth it is no longer a surprise to them.

Many married couples Having decided to have a baby, they use the Chinese horoscope to be able to properly prepare for the long-awaited event.

The ancient Chinese calendar also has some disadvantages. Of course, this method (like any other) does not provide a 100% guarantee. Some sources claim that the horoscope is only 60% reliable, according to other sources - 90%.
At multiple pregnancy the calendar, alas, is powerless in determining the gender of children.

Features of calculations

Scientists are unable to explain exactly how this table works. The technique is based on large quantities intricate mathematical calculations and raw data. The result is that based on the initial data, either parent can determine the gender of the baby.

The ancient Chinese calendar is based on the age range of 18-45. You also need to know the month in which the child was conceived. Modern women They believe that the accuracy of this method is not very good - the explanation for this lies in the peculiarities of using the table. Here it’s all about calculating a woman’s age - it must be calculated according to the Chinese method. In order not to complicate the calculations, you can simply add a year to the woman’s age.

Application of the method

First, according to the method described above, the woman’s age is selected - in the top line of the table.

  1. In the column to the side, which lists the months from January to December, select the month when the baby was conceived
  2. The next step is to draw a vertical line from the mother’s age
  3. A horizontal line is drawn from the month of conception
  4. The cell where both lines intersect is the result.

If the letter “D” appears at the intersection, a girl will be born, if “M” - accordingly, a boy will be born. “pm” is a large % error for a boy. “PD” is a large % error for a girl.

Despite the fact that, according to many, the Chinese calendar for determining the sex of a child gives highly accurate results, it should be used only in the form of recommendations. This does not mean that his forecasts are inaccurate - it simply means that one should not be completely confident in the result.

The method of determining the sex of a child according to the Chinese calendar is based on an ancient manuscript from the book of wisdom - Tur Sin. Today this book is a reference book for most people in the Middle Kingdom. With the help of the Chinese calendar contained there, spouses can plan the gender of their unborn child by knowing the time.

How to correctly calculate the month of conception according to the Chinese calendar?

Calculating the gender of a child according to the Chinese calendar is not as simple as it might seem. The main mistake that many expectant mothers do not take into account is that the timing of conception is based on the lunar cycle. That is why every year the calendar undergoes changes. At the same time, the beginning of the year is the first day after the Chinese New Year, which in 2014 was celebrated on January 31, and in 2015 it falls on February 19. Moreover, the months never coincide with the generally accepted ones, because... This is a lunar, not solar calendar.

Calculating the month to determine the sex of a child according to the Chinese calendar is done as follows. First you need to set the start and end calendar year. So in 2014 it began on January 31, ends on February 28, in 2015 - February 19 - March 20. These calculations are complicated by the fact that the Chinese quite often use so-called intercalary months.

How to correctly calculate the mother's age according to the Chinese calendar?

The Chinese method of planning the sex of a child also involves taking into account the age of the expectant mother. This calculation also has its own characteristics.

The fact is that the Chinese calendar calculates everyone’s age from the moment of conception, and not from the moment of birth, like Europeans. Therefore, in order to correctly determine her age, a woman must add 9 months to hers.

For example, a woman who was born on September 15, 1991 means that if she became pregnant in May 2014, she would be 22 years and 8 months old (full 22). In order to find out the gender of the child according to the Chinese calendar, we add 9 months and get 23 years and 5 months (full 23). Such a difference in calculation can give completely opposite results. It is precisely because many women do not take this nuance into account that the Chinese calendar gives them incorrect forecasts.

How to use the Chinese calendar correctly?

To determine the sex of the child according to the Chinese pregnancy calendar, special tables are used. Before starting calculations, a woman should carefully examine the table, and then calculate her age, taking into account the features described above. The resulting age must be found in the column located on the left side of the table. Then, in the line that corresponds to age, select the months in which the baby is most likely to be conceived. In order to reduce the error rate, a woman should avoid the beginning or end of the month, because... at this time there is a change of periods. It is best to move the “event” to the middle, which will reduce the possibility of error.

Thus, calculating gender according to the Chinese calendar is a fairly common method used by most mothers. In order to correctly calculate the floor in this way, it is necessary to take into account many factors that are described above. Otherwise, the result will be the opposite. It must be remembered that none of these methods can guarantee a 100% match. Therefore, many women prefer to wait a little for the moment when an ultrasound can determine who is in the stomach: a boy or a girl, or maybe twins?!
