Competitions and game competitions at a summer school camp. Development of activities for a summer health day camp

The teams prepare for the competition in advance: they nominate their leader to participate, write a resume for him, in which they must indicate the name, age, hobbies and idol, who is an example for the participant in the competition. The squad is a support group for the leader, so it prepares posters, chants, etc. for him, and helps in preparing his homework:

- Ode to camp. (In poetry or prose, the leader must explain why he loves his camp).

- A game for spectators. (He must organize a game with the audience).

— Squad uniform. (It is necessary to draw a poster or organize a display of models of the unit’s uniform and emblem).

— Competition “Weak!” (You need to try to do what others cannot).

Progress of the competition

Two presenters come on stage to the music.

1st presenter.

Who is our modern leader?

Almost an ordinary person.

He's just an example and an idea

He can carry people along with him.

2nd presenter.

Well, do you have a leader in your squad?

Certainly. We can't count them all.

Let's check it out without leaving the stage,

Perhaps a shift leader will be found.

1st presenter. Dear Guys! Among you in each squad there are ringleaders to whom all children are drawn, who know how to convince, organize, and lead others, whose opinions they listen to.

2nd presenter. Now we will get to know your leaders better and by the end of the game we will determine which of them is worthy of the title of shift leader.

One by one, the competition participants are invited to go up on stage, reading out the characteristics presented by the teams.

1st presenter. We met our participants and move on to the warm-up - the “Famous Historical Figures” auction.

2nd presenter.

To become a leader in a detachment,

We must take an example from our elders,

To study the life of commanders,

How will you become worthy of them?

This is how your dreams will come true!

The guys, lining up in a line, take turns calling the names of famous historical figures; whoever stops first and cannot remember any name within five seconds leaves the game to the applause of the audience.

1st presenter.

A leader must be able to do many things:

Draw, joke, play and sing,

He must know a lot

And, of course, to compose odes.

2nd presenter. Our next competition is “Ode to Camp.” The leaders prepared with their troops homework and now they will have to explain to us why they love their camp.

The jury decides whose performance was less interesting and asks the loser to leave the stage.

1st presenter.

A leader must be an example

Both in study and in play,

Be smart, dexterous and brave,

And don't retreat anywhere.

2nd presenter.

Must look neat

To be cut and washed,

And dressed neatly,

To have a decent appearance.

1st presenter. We move on to the “Squad Uniform” competition. The leaders have prepared for us several models of uniforms that could distinguish their squad from the rest, and are now ready to present them to the audience and jury.

A modeling competition is being held. The jury removes the participant with the least successful performance from further competition.

2nd presenter.

One cannot help but support the squad leader,

Not everyone is given the opportunity to shine with knowledge.

And even though he is not very old yet,

He has wit, intelligence, and intelligence.

1st presenter. An erudite competition is announced. Participants will be asked ten questions. The one who raises the flag first will be able to answer them. The jury records the number of correct answers given by each of you. Let's see who will leave the game after the erudite competition.

Questions for participants

How will you reach the sky? (with a glance)

What is completely full of holes, but holds water? (Sponge)

When is two and two greater than four? (22)

Can it rain two days in a row? (No. There is night between them.)

Where does the wall make a date with the wall? (In the corner)

What dries when it gets wet? (Towel)

How to write "dry grass" in four letters? (Hay)

There are in the sky, but not in the earth, in a woman - two, but not one in a man. (Letters B)

Name the pronouns that spoil the pavement. (Pits)

What's in the middle of the stage? (Letter E)

The jury names the loser.

1st presenter.

To earn respect,

Gain recognition

A sports leader must be

Don't be a coward in competitions.

He must be able to do what

Which not everyone can do.

Come on, leaders, are you weak?

2nd presenter. So, competition “Weak?“Now each of the participants will try to surprise us with something, to do something that others cannot do. And we will unanimously greet the brave souls.

The jury sums up the results. Another participant leaves the stage.

1st presenter.

Children need a leader,

So as not to get bored in the rain,

He can surprise everyone

Organize games.

2nd presenter. And our last homework is playing with the audience. There are only two participants left who will now enter into a decisive battle for the title of shift leader. Their victory largely depends on you, dear fans, on how you take part in the games offered to you by the finalists.

Competitors play games with the audience. The jury determines who completed the task better and announces the name of the winner. The winner is awarded a “Shift Leader” medal and a gift, and the squad that best supported its representative is awarded a pie and the right to take a photo with the winner.

How to do summer holidays which children spend in leisure centers, tourist or sports camps comfortable and interesting? How to entertain children, how to introduce them to each other and help them get comfortable in a new environment? Of course, with the help of general squad activities, events, competitions and a variety of fun and educational entertainment. Therefore, counselors and organizers children's recreation Before the start of the season, it would be nice to replenish your “game bank.”

Proposed games and competitions for summer holiday children This is a selection of interesting new and popular old entertainment, mainly of a creative and educational nature, ideal for organizing children's leisure in the summer.

1. Educational creative game "Word Game".

The game is suitable for children starting from the youngest school age. The children are lined up in a circle. Their hands should touch so that right palm one child lay on top of the other's left palm.

The game begins with a counting rhyme, after which the presenter names the area of ​​reality from which the word should be named:

We will find words everywhere: in the sky and in the water,
On the floor, on the ceiling, on the nose and on the arm.
Haven't you heard this? No problem, let's play word...

Leading: We are looking for words in...the sky!

Here the children, in a circle, at a fast pace, must name something in the sky: bird, plane, cloud, sun. When calling a word, a person claps his palm against his neighbor’s palm.

If one of the children is confused and does not name the word or names it incorrectly, then he drops out of the game. At the same time, the presenter begins reading the counting rhyme again, and the topic changes.

2. Creative game "Miracle-Yudo-fish-whale".

Announce to the children that now they will draw an animal, but not a simple animal, but a fantasy one. To do this, divide the children into teams of three and give each group a sheet of paper folded in three like an accordion.

The first member of each team must draw the head of any animal - it cannot be named to anyone. The presenter must also ensure that the rest of the team does not see what the first player is drawing. Why can you build partitions from books on the table? Having wrapped the part of the sheet with the drawn animal's head inside, the sheet is passed to the second player. He draws the body of any animal; the third needs to complete the drawing with “legs”, i.e. paws, flippers, hooves, claws, etc.

As soon as the drawing is finished, invite the teams to unfold the sheets of paper and look at their miracle animal. Be sure to present these masterpieces to the rest of the teams, and then ask them to work together to come up with names for the resulting “monsters.” Behind best name a sweet prize is supposed to be awarded.

A good ending to the game will be an exhibition of the created drawings.

3. Game "Neither be.., nor me.."

Many people have probably heard that about those who do not answer the question posed they say that he is: “neither be nor me.” The essence of this creative play is that you have to say your “be” and “me”, and your opponents have to guess what you meant.

So, the guys are divided into equal teams and receive a card with the name of a fairy tale, an excerpt from which they must tell, using only the first syllables. For example. The fairy tale “Turnip” will look like this: “By de re. You re bo pre bo. You're here, but you can't..." The second team guesses and offers its option.

This is not so much a competition as just a reason to have fun (it’s better to stock up on more cards with fairy tales, the kids will probably want to repeat this fun again).

4. "Speed ​​Mail".

This kind of fun is best done at the very beginning of the season; it makes it possible to emphasize the names of all participants in a playful way. In preparation for it, the organizer needs to draw two large posters with the names: Vitya, Nina, Sasha, Klava, Daria, Yulia, Sonya, Kira, Slava, Borya. But you need to write these names in such a way that you can later cut them “in half.” We place sheets of name endings on two tables near the finish line. We cut the rest of both leaves into strips so that the beginning of each name falls on a separate card: Vi, Ni, Sa, Kla, Dar, Yu, So, Ki, Sla, Bo. These cards will be the “letters” that the zealous “high-speed mail” workers must deliver to the addressee.

We recruit three or four little postmen for each team and give them a shoulder bag containing cards with the beginning of the names mentioned. Their task is to quickly go to the table, open their bag, take out the first card they come across and correctly attach it to the end of the name written on the sheet. Then the child returns to his team and gives the bag to the next player.

For quickly completing a task, the team receives three points. Then points are awarded one for each correctly formed name. The winners of this dating game are determined by their total points.

5. Fun game"Cuckoo, sing in your ear!"

The organizer of the game explains the condition, to whom he will unexpectedly (!) point with his hand (or pointer), must quickly show his answer not with words, but with movement, and everyone shouts in unison: “That’s it!”

How are you?
- Like this! (can be shown thumb hands)
- How are you swimming?
- Like this! (show swimmer's movements)
- Do you look?
- Like this!
-Are you running?
- Like this!
- Are you waiting for lunch?
- Like this!
- Are you waving after me?
- Like this!
- Do you sleep in the morning?
- Like this!
- How are you being naughty?
- Like this!

7. "Little Princes and Princesses".

First, it’s worth telling the children a little about the Little Prince and his wonderful travels to different planets with such funny and even sad inhabitants as the King, Rose and Lamb. It would be very nice for general cultural development to show kids reproductions of Exupery’s original drawings and clarify that the writer not only made up his characters out of his head and recorded them in words, but also drew them.

Then you can invite the children to be “authors” themselves and each come up with their own planet with special inhabitants. And then, like little princes, travel on them. To do this they will need inflated Balloons and colorful markers. Let the presenter show how you can draw different inhabitants of this small blue, pink or green planet on a ball using felt-tip pens. Moreover, warn the guys that these will not necessarily be people: you can use your imagination and come up with some new creatures.

We do not recommend giving children time limits, as this will reduce the level of creativity. Give the kids the opportunity to express themselves in a calm environment, and then ask everyone to tell about their inhabitants.

8. According to the “Stage of Development”.

The school year is ending and schools will begin work school camps. Maybe some of the proposed games will be useful for teachers for summer work at the camp.

"Water Attack"

An interesting event for the “Water Attack” camp can become an active and exciting competition in hot weather for a group of four people.

Draw the start and finish line at a distance of 15-20 meters - this is the optimal distance for children aged 7 to 10 years. You can make the lines further or closer together, depending on the age of the participants. There should be enough obstacles between the lines, such as trees, wooden barriers and the like, for runners to hide behind them. One obstacle ranging from three to five meters in size is ideal for children of primary school age.

Choose two participants - they will be “bombers”. One will stand three meters from the finish line, and the other will be about one and a half meters away, closer to the middle and to the right. Give them some washcloths and buckets of water.

The runners' goal: to cover the distance from start to finish, hiding behind obstacles so as not to get wet under the aimed fire of the "bombers". The “bomber” in the middle can only attack when the runner has passed the middle, and the “bomber” at the finish can only attack in his “zone”. The player who reaches the finish line clean wins.

"Pass the parcel"

This camp event can be used as a rallying point for children. The optimal number of participants is three or more people.

On the outside of the bag, write something like:

Place this package with other packages with other funny tasks, written on the outside, for example, "buzz the alphabet like a bee." Make a lot of bags with different tasks written on them and put all the bags in a big bag.

All camp participants day stay they sit in a circle not far from each other, and while the music is playing, everyone takes turns passing the bag to their neighbor on the right. When the music stops, the participant who still has the bag in his hands takes the bag out of it and reads the task out loud. Then the player stands in the center of the circle, says his name and performs the action specified in the task. The music starts again when the participant completes the task and returns to his seat.

The game continues until every last task is completed. Then the winner is determined and the main prize is awarded.

"The Artist, the Model and the Clay"

This is another fun camp game for preschoolers and older that develops observation skills.

Divide the children into teams of three. Distribute roles, each group should have:

  • "artist",
  • "model",
  • "clay".

The “artist” is blindfolded, and the “model” poses as a funny statue. The "artist", without seeing her, must make a statue out of the "clay" participant, very similar to the "model", by moving the hands, feet and head of the "clay". When the “artist” finishes the work, the blindfold is removed from his eyes. The team with the most similar model receives a small prize and leaves the game. The competition continues until each group is awarded prizes.

"Alien Invasion"

Group entertainment activities are most often used in summer camps. Alien Invasion is a competitive game for a large group of children divided into several teams.

Main story line is that all the children have been captured by aliens, and they will be freed if they can lower the alien eggs to the surface of Mars without breaking them. The aliens took away the speech or hearing of some children and paralyzed others. Divide each team into three groups.

  • One group of children cannot speak or help protect the eggs, but they can communicate their suggestions with body language.
  • Another group cannot move, but can express his thoughts out loud.
  • Third group Each team will be blindfolded, but they can talk, move and protect the egg.

To play the game, each team must complete tasks that you provide to protect the egg from breaking when dropped (these can be written on a piece of paper given to players who cannot speak but can sign). After 30 minutes of play, all teams lower the defended eggs onto the stairs or onto the roof.

Give time at the end for children to discuss what they have learned, identify and reward the most coherent and friendly team.

Interesting activities at an outdoor day camp

"Nature Hunt"

Search games in the camp are especially popular with children, one of them is “Nature Hunt”. Encourage children to pay attention to what they see and feel in environment. Create rubrics for items they will need to find to get children interested in exploring aspects of the natural world.

Include adjectives such as beautiful, smooth, rough and scary, and:

  • animal tracks,
  • three types of leaves,
  • something you can feel but not see,
  • something with a strong smell
  • a good place for shelter,
  • something old
  • elements of a certain color,
  • shells,
  • mushrooms,
  • clover,
  • seeds,
  • other items appropriate to the wilderness area you plan to explore during your “backcountry hunt.”

Print out a list of “outdoor hunts” for each team or child.

A walk and an hour in nature

Take day campers on a three- to four-hour picnic to a park or forest for a walk and quiet time with nature.

Spend a few minutes before the walk discussing the importance of remaining quiet throughout the activity, explaining that children will have an opportunity to discuss what they saw at the end.

Choose a route that allows you to walk for about an hour to a place suitable for an hour alone with nature. Try to ensure that your route passes through a clearing, meadow, valley, hill or lake.

Once at your destination, instruct the children to find a suitable place to be alone and contemplate the natural world for an hour. After the hour has passed, gather together and discuss the experience before heading back.

Don't forget to take water, food, etc. with you on this trip.

Outdoor adventures

Spend the day teaching children how to survive in wildlife. This will help day campers learn useful skills in a relaxed and safe environment.

Start with first aid lessons, showing how to clean a wound and apply a bandage, and provide basic knowledge of a first aid kit. Next, teach the kids how to use a map and compass, and how to make a fire. Tell us how to camp in natural conditions how to set up a tent.

A good end to the day will be conversations or songs around the fire.

Creative Activities for Day Camp

"We are looking for talent"

Public speaking awakens children Creative skills and increase self-esteem. Many of the activities at camp can be based on the performances of the children themselves.

Help your introverted child open up by starting the morning with a performing arts activity. This could be singing, dancing, or any other similar activity.

A creative competition can be a large-scale culmination of a successful season. Day camp participants will be required to perform on stage in front of parents, counselors, and other children.

Participation in creative competition will help your child understand the importance of practice, planning, organization and many other skills and qualities.

T-shirt design

Add a little fashion to your day camp routine. Invite all the kids so everyone can create a T-shirt that expresses their personality or favorite activity. Order enough white t-shirts for all campers.

Purchase a sufficient number of art supplies: glue, markers, glitter, ribbons and other decoration elements.

Free the rest of the day from organized activities: let the children have time to write wishes on each other's T-shirts. So, the T-shirt will become a memory of the time spent at summer camp, as well as new friends.

This camp event is a great way to end a shift.

Irina Volkova
Competitive and entertaining game for summer camp"Fun Mosaic"

Competitive and entertaining game for summer camp

« Fun mosaic» !


Good afternoon, girls!

Good afternoon, boys!

Good afternoon dear teachers.

We are glad to welcome you to competitively-entertaining game « Fun mosaic» !

But, like any game, we have our own rules.

So, what can and cannot be done?

I will name these rules, and you will show them. Agreed?

Throughout the game Can:

stomp and clap! (the hall shows)

scream and hoot!

dance and sing!

greet each other with applause!

boys greet girls with whistles!

girls - squeal!

You can blow kisses to each other!

to wave hands!

And just greet each other!

You have all understood the rules, and now you need to decide on the teams, so I invite 5 from each squad (3) girls and 4 (3) boy.

Finally, the time has come for you to introduce our esteemed jury:

1 contest. Modern girl has sufficient knowledge of men's and women's perfumes, hygiene items, and decorative cosmetics. Therefore the first contest it's called for girls “Identify an object by smell”. From each squad 3 (2) girls

Participants must eyes closed identify the proposed one by smell item:

1. Toothpaste.

2. Laundry soap.

3. Women's cream.

5. Lipstick.

6. Women's Eau de Toilette.

7. Men's Eau de Toilette.

8. Shampoo.

9. Nail polish.

10. Hairspray.

11. Washing powder.

12. Shoe polish.

13. Mascara.

At the end The results of the competition are summed up.

Leading. Well, the girls coped with this task, but can the boys cope? Our next one the competition is called“Tell me, what is this?”

(For example : milk - drink; crucian - fish)

1. Carp (fish). 11. Rooster (bird).

2. Persimmon (fruit). 12. Hazelnuts (nut).

3. Beans (vegetables). 13. Cucumber (vegetable).

4. Cherry (berry). 14. Kiwi (berry).

5. Rice (cereal). 15. Morel (mushroom).

6. Capelin (fish). 16. Coconut (nut).

7. Millet (cereal). 17. Kumis (drink).

8. Tea (drink). 18. Turnip (vegetable).

10. Tomato (vegetable). 20. Kissel (drink).

Leading. Next competition for counselors, it's called

"Ball"- at my signal, the counselor inflates a balloon of a certain size (following a pattern, ties it, puts it on a chair, sits down sharply on it so that it bursts (Whoever bursts the balloon first wins).

Leading. Times are difficult now, the crisis is in full swing, so we can’t do without a cow in the village, and our next the competition is called“My yard or how I love my little cow!” Let's see how our participants can milk a cow. Bye music is playing"to milk" as much milk as possible. The participant with the biggest wins. "milk"!

(3 girls are participating in this competition: one – holds rubber glove, the other is a bucket, the third is milking).

Leading. And we continue our program and the next the competition is called"Clip-Gag". You guys are modern and have definitely heard how they rap (teams are given lyrics to children's songs).

So, dear participants, you have to perform famous children's songs: "The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree", “A smile makes a gloomy day brighter”, "Tired toys are sleeping", and sing them as if real rappers did it.

While you are remembering the lyrics, deciding who will rap and rehearse to quiet rap music, we are with the fans let's play:

I have one game called"He she".

He is an elephant - she elephant.

He is a moose - she is...a moose.

He is a cat - she...

Well, of course she's a cat!

Well, you were a little mistaken.

So let's play again

I want to beat you!

He is a walrus - she is...a walrus,

He is a hare - she is... a hare,

He is a bull - she is...

Is everyone familiar with this word?

Yes! Yes! She's a cow!

Let's look "Clip-gag"

Leading. “Assembling a machine gun”. Boys, imagine that this is a machine gun (the leader points to the meat grinder, so it shoots (the leader turns the handle of the meat grinder, it consists of... (the leader takes the meat grinder apart, your task is to quickly assemble the machine gun again. (1 boy per squad).

Leading. Our next one contest it's called for girls "Spring-cleaning"

The cow has been milked, now it’s time to put things in order in the house.

And to make it more fun for you, we will help you with music. A familiar melody sounds, you need to dance to depict what is written on the card, and the audience must guess.

1 wash or vacuum the floor (Jackson)

2 wipe off the dust (Letka-enka)

3 wash the dishes (Lambada)

4 We're preparing lunch. (Macarena)

5 ironing clothes (Tango)

6 hand wash (Twist)

Leading. While the jury is deliberating and summing up the results, the fans will tell me 11 adjectives of any topic

Our... guys!

Today, on this... day of summer, we give you... Promise:

from now on, treat you every day with... chocolates and... sweets;

show you... attention and... care;

give you... compliments;

not to cause you... grief;

to be yours forever. friends.

Your... fans.

Leading. The jury gives the floor.

(Results are announced, units are awarded)

Leading. Thanks for playing! See you again!

Publications on the topic:

“Like Shrovetide Week...” Competitive and entertainment program for older children Introduce children to cultural traditions our people, with their oral folk art. Progress of the matinee. It sounds like a lively dance song. WITH.

Development of activities for a summer health day camp All camp children are divided into 3 cities, planets, ships, depending on the topic of the session Game program“ZOO” 1. How beautiful and amazing.

Competitive and entertainment program “Russian nesting dolls” Objectives of the event: -Enrich and develop children's knowledge about folk crafts and traditions. -Introduce the history of the Matryoshka toy. -Bring up.

Educational and entertaining game “Funny Stories”. Educational and entertaining game " Funny stories" Goal: organize children's leisure time. Tasks: 1. Create good mood. 2. Develop.

Scenario for summer entertainment “Merry Pinwheel” Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution kindergarten combined type No. 9, Konokovo village. Municipal entity.

Games for children

Game program “Merry Carousel”

This development will be of interest to teachers and educators for organizing games and entertainment in school summer camps.
Lapteva Svetlana Khristyanovna, teacher of the State Budgetary Institution NSO “Social Rehabilitation Center for Minors”, Tatarsk
Target: Conducting a game program with students.
Tasks: cultivate a love of folk art; propagate healthy image life and leisure pupils.
Progress of the lesson.
1. Organizational moment
Good afternoon dear friends!
Without you on this holiday
We can't get by.
Without you the whole room is worried
And he will ask: “Where is the laughter?”
Where are the feats, where are the competitions?
Who will succeed?
Where are the games, where are the tasks,
We've been waiting for you for an hour.
Don't panic, comrades,
We have it all!
- Before the games start, I want to introduce you to the rules:
1. We play not for self-interest, but for the pleasure of ourselves and others.
2. When the group is always together, then the soul is in place.
3. We play fair! It’s a shame when you lose, but still, don’t cheat, don’t get angry.
4. Be persistent. Don’t be discouraged by failures and don’t gloat.
5. If you win, be happy, but don’t get arrogant.
6. Do not reproach your partner for mistakes, but try to correct the problem with your successes.
7. Stay calm no matter the outcome of the game.
8. It’s great that we are all gathered here today!

2. Main part
Game "Palm-fist"
Progress of the game: “Palm-fist”, “Fist-palm”, etc. On the “Palm” command, students point one hand upward, the palm is straightened, and the fingertips of the second straightened hand rest against the base of the palm. On the fist command - one hand is clenched into a fist, the fingertips of the 2nd hand rest at the base of the fist. The pace of the game gradually increases.
Game "Birds and Nests"
There is one less nest scattered around the site than there are participants. The participants' task is to circle around the nests while the music is playing, and when it ends, take one of the nests. The participant who does not occupy the nest is eliminated until one of the participants wins.
Game "Baba Yaga"
The teams continue to compete with each other. To do this, participants are given one bucket per team, rather than a mortar, and one broom. You need to insert one foot into the bucket and take it by the handle, and take the brooms with the second - “fly” to the finish line and back. Participants change to see who is faster.
Grasshopper relay
2 teams compete in jumping with a ball between their knees.
Dynamic pause "Monkeys"
We are funny monkeys (we perform the “monkey” movement),
Collecting cones from a palm tree ( right hand up down, left hand up down),
We all stomp our feet (we stomp “one”, “two”, “one, two, three”),
We all clap our hands (clap our hands “one”, “two”, “one, two, three”),
We puff out our cheeks (hands on the belt, puff out our cheeks),
We jump over the bumps (hands on the belt, jump forward, backward, left, right),
Let's jump to the ceiling together ( high jump with legs crossed, arms up),
Place your finger to your temple (with your palms spread out) thumbs bring your hands to your temples and twirl your palms),
And even to each other
We will show our tongues (hands remain in the same position, we show our tongue),
Let's open our mouth wider
We’ll make all the grimaces (we’ll make all possible grimaces),
How can I say word three?
Everyone freeze with grimaces.
One two Three!
(The students freeze, imitating a monkey in various poses)
Jumping with bound feet
All participants have their feet tied with a thick, wide rope or scarf. After which everyone stands near the starting line and, at a signal, begins to jump to the side finish line. The winner is the one who covered the distance the fastest. The distance should not be too large, since jumping with tied legs is quite difficult.
Burners (burners, pillar, pairs)
This game requires a driver, and he is chosen before the game starts. Everyone else forms pairs, mainly a boy - a girl, and if adults also take part in the game, then man Woman. The couples stand one after another, and the driver has his back to the first couple at a certain distance and is strictly forbidden to look back. Afterwards, one or all of them together begin to say: “Burn, burn clearly! So that it doesn’t go out. Look at the sky, the birds are flying there!” (Other rhymes are also found). After which the driver looks into the sky. After which the back pair runs forward through the sides, one person through the right side, the other through left side. The task of the back couple is to try to stand in front of the driver, holding hands. The driver tries to catch or at least insult one of the moving pair. If this happens, the one who was insulted becomes the leader, and the “old” driver takes his place in the pair. The game continues until you lose interest or become tired.
Competition "Hook the Fish"
There is a basket at a distance of 3 meters from the team. Pupils make 5 throws with the ball.
Are you tired guys?
For fun, for order
I'll tell you riddles.
I wake up early in the morning, along with the rosy sun, I make up the crib myself, quickly do... (exercises)
Not offended, but inflated, they lead him across the field
But if they hit you, it doesn’t matter, you won’t be able to keep up with... (ball)
There is a cry on the ice platform, a student is rushing to the gate
Everyone shouts: “Puck! Hockey stick"! Hit! Fun game... (hockey)
Who will catch up with me on the ice? We're running a race
And it’s not horses that carry me, but shiny... (skates).
They stood all summer
Winters were expected
The time has come
We rushed down the mountain. (Sled)
Small, remote,
Screams loudly. (Whistle)
Comma stick
He kicks the ball in front of him. (Putters)
I twist it with my hand
Both on the neck and on the leg,
And I twist it at the waist,
And I don't want to drop it. (Hoop)
Educator. Well done! Let's continue our games.
I invite everyone to the circle.
Don't sit motionless
Do the exercises!
Let's take a break
For a small charge.
With blood circulation
Everything will be fine!
Together we rose from our seats,
Perform the movement.
Well, let's add music
There will be a mood!!!
Our dance is unusual, called “Molecule”. During the dance I will call out different numbers (8, 5, 3, 6, 9, etc.), you must form small circles with the corresponding number of people. It's clear?
Then let's dance!
Everyone played great
The winners are all rightful.
worthy of praise and rewards,
And we are happy to clap for you all.
Thank you for your participation.
And we wish you all happiness!
3. Final part. Summarizing.
Our gaming carousel has ended. All participants showed their agility, strength, and speed. And most importantly, we received a boost of energy and mass positive emotions! Once again we say thank you to everyone! Play sports, improve your health, and most importantly, take care of each other.
Thank you everyone for participating,
For support in difficult times.
May you be somewhat tired
But it's nice to see you!
