Better than never: late children of celebrities. It's never too late: stars who gave birth in adulthood Which celebrities gave birth after 40 years

But all these hardships are nothing compared to the happiness the singer experiences in anticipation of her first child. Now she goes to children's stores, chooses clothes for the baby and, as observers note, she is all glowing with joy. True, the other day her ex-husband James DeBarge confirmed the long-standing gossip that this child would not be Janet’s first. The pregnant star categorically denies this information.

Another popular singer who became pregnant for the first time in adulthood. At 41, Mariah gave birth to twins: son Moroccan and daughter Monroe - from now ex-husband, television comedian Nick Cannon. Thanks to IVF and caesarean sections!

According to the star, her pregnancy was extremely difficult. “I had gestational diabetes and preeclampsia. Things have happened to me that it is better not to know about. I sympathize with everyone who has had twins, it’s hellishly difficult!” - the singer said on Good Morning. Was the game worth the candle? Considering that the union of the sweet-voiced Mariah and the father of her children soon fell apart. Definitely yes! “In five years with my kids, I have received so many new emotions! - the singer admits. “Before they were born, everything was different, my life revolved only around my career.”

Lucy Liu

It is unknown whose sperm fertilized the star’s egg, but it is a fact that the whole process took place in laboratory conditions. A surrogate mother helped “Charlie’s Angel” bear the child. Thus, the actress managed to avoid health problems that pregnant women over 40 often face. The boy was also born healthy. The Hollywood single mother introduced newborn Rockwell Lloyd Liu to her social media followers in August last year. "I'm in love!" - she signed the touching photo.

The Oscar-winning actress also managed to jump on the departing train, giving birth to her son Maceo-Roberte at 47 years old. “People like me are called old-timers,” she says. - When I found out about pregnancy, I was shocked, because I was already in the premenopausal period. I didn’t think at all that I could get pregnant again and for some time I was even sure that I didn’t need to get married again. But never say never."

“Bond’s girlfriend” took a big risk by deciding to give birth at this age, and she has been suffering from type 1 diabetes for many years. During pregnancy she special attention I monitored my blood sugar levels and my weight, followed a healthy lifestyle and did yoga. Shortly after giving birth, Holly got back into shape thanks to exercise and diet. “I need to constantly exercise because it great way prevention of complications diabetes mellitus. “I simply have no other choice - I have to stay slim,” she admitted.

Maceo-Roberte is the second child of the actress and the first of his father, 47-year-old actor Olivier Martinez. A few months after the birth of their son, the couple got married.


For some, 35 years is the age when you already need to have a family, children and a career. But celebrities showed by personal example that even at the age of 40 you can give birth to a healthy child yourself.

Monica Bellucci gave birth at 45

Monica about her pregnancy: “I don’t feel brave, I’m just very lucky. I already had a healthy daughter, I gave birth to her myself, like a simple peasant woman from Umbria, and now my second pregnancy is going very well and calmly. But don’t think "That I need to be an example. Many at my age turn to surrogate mothers or IVF clinics. And if I had not been able to get pregnant, I would also have been among these women."

Halle Berry gave birth at 47

The star gave birth to her first child at 42 years old, and her second child at 47 years old!

Nicole Kidman gave birth at 40

Since the actress was treated for infertility for many years, her first pregnancy at 40 was a complete surprise. But she failed to become pregnant with her second child on her own, and the actress used the services of a surrogate mother.

Salma Hayek gave birth at 41

Salma gave birth to her first child at 41, gaining 23 kg. According to the actress herself, the pregnancy was quite difficult. But even with all the difficulties, Salma is ready to give birth again.

Mariah Carey gave birth at 41

At 41, the singer gave birth to royal twins: a boy, Moroccan, and a girl, Monroe. Carey's path to motherhood was not smooth sailing. The singer suffered from preeclampsia (a disease associated with impaired cerebral circulation that develops in the second half of pregnancy) and gestational diabetes (a disorder of carbohydrate metabolism in pregnant women). The singer gave birth with the help caesarean section. Today, raising twins, Mariah Carey is happy. But the singer doesn’t want any more children.

Celine Dion gave birth at 42

Only after numerous attempts married couple I managed to get pregnant and give birth to a healthy baby. This is not Celine’s first-born, but also a late child.

Uma Thurman gave birth at 42

The actress gave birth to her third child at the age of 42, a girl with the long name Rosalind Arusha Arkadina Altalun Florence Thurman-Busson. The pregnancy was difficult, but after giving birth the actress quickly recovered.

Julianne Moore gave birth at 42

The first-born was born at the age of 37, and after 5 years the actress gave birth to her second child, a daughter. “I desperately wanted a child. And my wish came true,” Moore said.

Marcia Cross gave birth at 45

Like Nicole Kidman, the actress could not get pregnant for a very long time. And only after IVF the babies were born. The actress had a caesarean section a month before the expected birth. But, as Marcia herself stated: “If I had gotten married and had children at 35, as I dreamed of, I would not appreciate this miracle as much as I do today!”

Gwen Stefani gave birth at 43

Gwen became pregnant at age 41. This is the singer’s third child. “When I found out that I was pregnant, it was an indescribable happiness,” the singer said about her pregnancy.

Dressers, what do you think, is it difficult to give birth when a woman is over 40? What time did you give birth?

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Many people will probably be surprised, but scientists have come to the conclusion that it is better to give birth to a child at 30–34 years old. It is at this age that the balance between health and social well-being is optimal. But some go further and give birth at the age of 35+.
Us in website I was wondering which one famous women took the risk of becoming a mother at a time when many are already “satisfied” with the role of grandmother.

Susan Sarandon

Susan Sarandon has three children, and she gave birth to all of them quite late - at 39, 42 and 45 years old.

In her youth, the actress was declared infertile, and she did not use contraception. But completely unexpectedly she became pregnant, and then again and again. Susan says she was happy to feel stronger than any diagnosis.

Look how beautiful her children are. Yes, she herself is nothing for 71 years old.

Jennifer Lopez

For Jennifer Lopez, things didn't work out as easily as for the previous heroine. She wanted to have children for a very long time, but nature was adamant. Then the star resorted to the IVF method. Its essence is that the egg is removed from the body, fertilized “in vitro” and returned to the uterine cavity when it becomes clear that the embryo is developing normally.

The procedure was not successful for Jennifer the first time, but now she is raising wonderful and very desirable twins, whom she gave birth to at the age of 38.

Kelly Preston

Kelly Preston is the wife of John Travolta, who became pregnant at the age of 47, and this was a real gift of fate. The fact is that a year before this, the Travolta family suffered a misfortune - he died The only son Jett.

"Benjamin gave new life our family,” Kelly said of the baby’s birth.

Celine Dion

The singer gave birth to her first son, Rene-Charles, at 33, and twins Eddie and Nelson only at 42.

The singer had to go through as many as 6 IVF attempts and a cesarean section, but in the end she was able to give birth to healthy twins. She admitted: “IVF is emotionally very difficult, you always have to remember how lucky you are to be a mother.”

Halle Berry

The actress, it seems, really does not age, and this is manifested not only in the fact that she looks great. Halle Berry became a mother for the first time at 41, and gave birth to her second child at 47, which was a big surprise for her.

“I thought that all these experiences were already a thing of the past and that I was on the verge of menopause, but here’s the news,” the actress said about pregnancy.

Kim Basinger

Kim Basinger has one and only child - a daughter with beautiful name Ireland (Ireland). And judging by the photos of these beauties, you can’t even tell that there is a 41-year difference between them.

Ireland Baldwin appears in magazines and sometimes appears in films. Thanks to her resemblance to her mother, she played her heroine in her youth in the film “Slaughter Revenge.”

Gwen Stefani

The forever young rebel Gwen Stefani gave birth to sons Kingston and Zuma when she was already approaching 40. And at 44, she became a mother again, revealing her son Apollo to the world.

And how cool she looks with children - you can’t even tell that she is no longer a young mother.

Salma Hayek

According to Salma, she always dreamed of having children, but her health did not allow her to do so. And at 41, everything finally worked out.

The pregnancy was difficult, the actress gained 23 kg excess weight, but then was able to get back into shape. This is what she said about her late motherhood: “10 years ago I would not have been able to give my daughter as much as I can give now. She was lucky that she was born when I was over 40.”


The Queen of Pop welcomed her first child, daughter Lourdes, at 36, and then at 41 she gave birth to son Rocco. In addition, the singer is raising four more adopted children from Africa.

“Before I had kids, I was very selfish, but becoming a mother has completely changed the way I think,” Madonna says.

Mariah Carey

Mariah Carey became a mother only at the age of 41, and this was also not easy for her: the pregnancy was complicated by preeclampsia (threateningly high pressure) and gestational diabetes, and the babies were born by caesarean section. Mariah literally snatched her right to be a mother from the hands of fate. True, the singer, alas, broke up with the children’s father, Nick Cannon.

Monica Bellucci

Monica gave birth to her second daughter at 45. The actress admitted that she was very scared when she learned about the pregnancy, as she understood that at that age it could be dangerous. Fortunately, everything went smoothly and Leonie was born.

“For all 9 months I have never once consulted a doctor for any emergency situation. Of course, giving birth at 45 is dangerous, and I don’t encourage women to do this, but I can say that motherhood is mine the main role in life. If I couldn’t get pregnant naturally, I would probably decide on artificial insemination,” says the actress.

We agree with Monica: it’s much easier and calmer to give birth before 35, but anything can happen in life. Of course, it’s somehow easier for the stars in this regard - they are rich. But, we think, each of us can give an example from life when ordinary women gave birth safely at an age when no one even bothers with the phrase about a ticking clock, right? feijoa...

Good afternoon. That's what got interesting to me. Why do owners of small dogs (Yorks, Chihuas, etc.) take them with them on public events? Recently there were events on the occasion of the May 9 holiday. There are crowds of people everywhere. And somewhere in this crowd there’s a little Chihuahua wriggling around on a leash. For what? I think so, he won’t appreciate all the beauty of the event, and it’s very easy to step on it or lose it in the crowd. Aren't they worried about this?



Girls, Good morning. The issue has come up, I don’t know how to solve it.
My daughter is 5 years old, she rarely goes to kindergarten due to frequent illnesses, incipient asthma and sensitive nervous system. Let me explain about the latter: the child is sensitive, with small nervous obsessive movements, often “close to tears” (really sensitive, I have an older child - there is something to compare with))).
One teacher is very good, calm, kind. The second is impulsive, loud, rude. I don’t really communicate with the parents of the children from the group, but those who know the cat are also unhappy with her. She can rudely reprimand, gives oral marks for a poorly done task, the child vomited - she yelled, etc.
I would like to go to kindergarten more often, but the child does not want to, he is afraid of the teacher.
Question: what specific measures can be taken to prevent this from affecting the child? or is it possible to transfer to a parallel group? Moscow city.
There is no manager as such, only the director of the site, the girl who decides the issues of distribution to the garden. There are not enough teachers, this teacher has been working for a long time


I wanted to create positive topic. But after going to the store, my mood soured.
I went to the magnet now. I do my shopping as usual. Bring a certain amount of money with you. I shop within its framework. And thank God that the purchase was less than I expected.
Paid. I look at the check.
Roughly speaking, according to my calculations, I had to spend 800 rubles.
According to the check 1100.
I'm looking... Hello. The prices indicated on the goods and the real ones live completely different lives.
I bought a can of cola for 25 rubles. I checked the barcode. In fact, I buy for 41. I take sour cream for 60. The receipt says 85. Diapers are also more than a hundred more expensive. And there are several such positions. In order not to distract the cashier, I approached the seller in the hall. I encountered rudeness. Like you shop here all the time, and now you’re trying to make a fuss. I was surprised. I'm not making a scandal, I'm just trying to understand why there is such a difference.
The seller replied that she did not have time to change the price tags. Then I asked why the piece of paper wasn’t hanging. Usually, when prices change, a corresponding warning is given.
Still, the difference in prices turned out to be quite decent... Not 50 rubles. And not even 100. But almost 3 hundred. She replied that she had no right to hang up such a piece of paper more than once a week.
In short, they gave me the money... but the mood was ruined. I already regret that I got in touch at all.
I called my husband... he laughed. He said, next time, start haggling with them right at the checkout. No, what... what if... Since no one knows exactly what it costs)))
What do you do in such situations?
To be honest, sometimes when I look at receipts I see that there is a difference. But for 10-50 rubles I usually don’t bother.
But here there are 300... And I feel sorry for the sellers. And I was counting on a certain amount.


House in the village

I have a strange question. My closest friend has two children, a boy and a girl, a small ratchet with a walk-through hall. The nursery for both children is in one room, and in another room there is a parent's bedroom. Her mother-in-law tells her that the children should have a separate bedroom for each, that the parents should give their bedroom to the child and move into the hallway themselves. Because the boy is their eldest.

At first I didn't understand the logic. And my friend waited until it came to me, and it never came, so she explained: the boy is 12, the girl is 4, the mother-in-law thinks that it is UNSAFE to leave the girl alone with the boy at night.

Virgos, please correct my aim. Am I really wrong and I think that children can sleep in the same room (in separate beds) for at least another couple of years? Or is it already horror-horror? How did everyone sleep in one-room apartments in the same room before, both with children and children of different sexes? (my friend’s mother-in-law responded to this argument that it would be SAFER in a one-room apartment). I was so freaked out that I still can’t get it back. There is absolutely no reason to suspect the boy of having a bad interest in his sister. Their relationship is excellent, before bed he reads fairy tales to his sister, and when she falls asleep, she hangs out on her phone for a while and also falls asleep.


Famous model Elle Macpherson, who turned 51, recently said that her age is not a barrier to having another child. Look here famous mothers who gave birth after 40 years.


1. Salma Hayek - the Hollywood actress was 40 years old when she gave birth to her daughter Valentina Paloma Pino. The girl's father is French billionaire Francois-Henri Pinault. (Photo: Francois Durand/Getty Images)
2. Halle Berry gave birth to her second child, a boy named Maceo, at the age of 47. “It was the biggest surprise of my life,” she told CNN. (Photo: John Shearer/AP Images) 3. Julianne Moore gave birth to her second child, daughter Liv, when she was 41 years old. (Photo: Cindy Ord/Getty Images)
4. Nicole Kidman gave birth to her first child, daughter Sunday Rose, at the age of 41. (Photo: Sipa Press/Rex Features)
5. Mira Sorvino and her husband Chris Backus have four children. Mira gave birth to the youngest of them, daughter Lucia (pictured), at the age of 44. (Photo: AP Photo/Mattel, Diane Bondareff).
6. Marcia Cross - actress known for the TV series " Desperate Housewives"gave birth to twins, Eden and Savannah, at almost 45 years old. (Photo: Beverly News/Rex Features) 7. Madonna gave birth to her son Rocco a few days before her 42nd birthday. (Photo: REX Features)
8. Gwen Stefani gave birth to her son Apollo at the age of 44. (Photo: Paul Hiffmeyer/Disneyland).
9. Actress Kelly Preston, wife of John Travolta, gave birth to son Ben at the age of 48. (Photo: Jordan Strauss/Invision/AP)
10. Actress Geena Davis, at the age of 46, gave birth to a daughter, Alizeh, and two years later, twins, Kiana and Kaiisa. (Photo: Omar Vega/Invision/AP).
11. Celine Dion. The singer gave birth to twins Eddie and Nelson at the age of 42. (Photo: STEVE MARCUS/Newscom/Reuters). 12. Annette Bening her youngest daughter Ella gave birth at the age of 42. (Photo: Francis Specker/Bloomberg News)
13. Kim Basinger gave birth to daughter Ireland Eliesse at 41. (Photo: AP Photo/Matt Sayles)
14. Marcia Gay Harden was 44 years old when she gave birth to twins. (Photo: David Livingston/Getty Images) 15. Singer Mariah Carey gave birth to twins in 2001, when she was 41 years old. (Photo: Angela Weiss/WireImag) 16. Uma Thurman, star of the film Kill Bill, gave birth to her third child at the age of 42. (Photo: Andrew H. Walker/Getty Images) 17. Helen Hunt gave birth to her daughter Makeny Lei Gordon Canahan at the age of 40. (Photo: REX Features)
18. Cherie Blair, the wife of former British Prime Minister Tony Blair, became a mother for the fourth time at the age of 45. (Photo: REX/Alex Lentati/Associated Ne).
19. Jennifer Connelly gave birth to daughter Agnes Lark at the age of 40. (Photo: Startraks Photo/REX).
20. English actress Thandie Newton, known for the film “Mission: Impossible 2,” gave birth to her third child at the age of 41. (Photo: MARIO ANZUONI/Newscom/Reuters).
21. Eva Mendes gave birth to her first child at the age of 40. (Photo: Sonia Recchia/Getty Images).
22. Susan Sarandon gave birth to son Jack Henry at the age of 42, and son Miles Guthrie at the age of 45. (Photo: Evan Agostini/Getty Images) 23. Brooke Shields gave birth to daughter Grier at the age of 41. (Photo: Sonia Moskowitz/Getty Images)
24. Meryl Streep gave birth to her fourth child at the age of almost 42. (Photo: Bryan Bedder/Getty Images) 25. Courteney Cox, star of the series Friends, gave birth to her first child at 41. (Photo: REX Features)
26. Beverly D'Angelo, at 49, gave birth to twins Anton and Olivia Pacino, whose father is her ex-partner Al Pacino. (Photo: KEVORK DJANSEZIAN/Newscom/Reuters).
27. Jane Seymour gave birth to twins, John Stacy Keach and Christopher Stephen Keach, when she was 44 years old. (Photo: Jim Smeal/BEI/Rex Features)
28. Emma Thompson gave birth to a daughter named Gaia Romilly Wise at the age of 40. (Photo: Matt Sayles/Invision/AP)
29. Actress Amanda Peet gave birth to her third child at the age of 42. (Photo: Danny Moloshok/AP Images)
30. Famous model Elle Macpherson, who has two children from a previous marriage ( youngest son she gave birth at the age of 39) and remarried in 2013. She is now 51 years old, and she and her husband, businessman Jeffrey Sofer, are planning to have a child. (Photo: REX Features; Steve Mitchell/USA TODAY Sports)
