The magic of the summer solstice. Summer solstice

Solar cycle (equinoxes and solstices), magical meaning and ways to celebrate

Tatiana Kulinich

Since ancient times important Religious holidays among all peoples were associated with the solar cycle. This happened because all my life ancient man depended on the change of seasons. Addition sunny day promised the flourishing of nature in the future, and the “dying” of the Sun forced preparations for a harsh winter. Many of our holidays are also tied to the solar cycle. For example, Christmas was originally celebrated on the winter solstice, when, symbolically speaking, the Sun is born and begins New Year. Catholics still celebrate this holiday close to this day.

Today, esotericists consider the solstices and equinoxes important holidays, during which a person gets the opportunity to touch the deep forces of nature. Each holiday has its own unique energy.

Winter Solstice (December 20-21)

Since primitive times, this day has been revered as the new year, because right now, after the process of slow reduction daylight hours, which reaches its peak at the very long night years before the solstice, our daylight begins reverse stroke. From an esoteric point of view, this time has several meanings. Firstly, it is a farewell to the past, when everything that weighs on us, failed plans, unnecessary people, etc. must remain in the old year. The most dark nights Before the solstice, it’s a good time to think about what exactly you are going to say goodbye to. Secondly, this is long-term planning, identifying for yourself the most important tasks for the current year. You shouldn’t concentrate on specific desires just yet (there are other holidays for that), now outline the main strategies for yourself.

The main attribute of this holiday are evergreens, spruce or pine, as a symbol of the undying Sun, and candles. Typically, white candles are used in celebrations and rituals. For example, you can write down on paper what you want to get rid of in the new year and burn it in the flame of a white candle. At the same time, it is important to visualize how the fire burns what no longer has a place in your life. Meditation on a candle flame will help you feel the power of the newborn sun. Another attribute of the festival in many cultures are cookies in the shape of a luminary.

Spring equinox (March 20-21)

The spring equinox is the time when day and night become equal and now daylight hours will begin to gradually increase compared to night. If winter solstice was a New Year's holiday among civilizations familiar with quite harsh winters, then the spring solstice performed the same functions among the southern peoples. In Iran, Azerbaijan, and Uzbekistan, Navruz (as the spring equinox is called here) is still celebrated as the beginning of the year. This day is also considered a kind of new astrological year, because during this period the Sun enters the first degree of Aries, starting new circle its procession through the Zodiac.

The main magical task of this holiday is to set specific goals for yourself for this period and methods for their implementation. For example, if at the winter solstice you realized that you would like to find your professional calling, at the spring equinox, think through clear steps for yourself to achieve this goal. The resurrecting nature itself will now inspire you to do this. The main attributes of the holiday are grains and the first spring flowers. Grain – powerful symbol potential that will soon be revealed under the influence of the growing power of the Sun. Therefore, if you plant a plant on this day with the thought of your plans in mind, it can become a kind of ritual for you.

Summer Solstice (June 20-21)

On this day the Sun reaches its maximum strength. This is the longest day of the year and the most short night. The earth gives the first fruits, nurtured by its power thanks to the warmth of the sun. This is a symbolic marriage of Earth and Sun, Fire and Water, two opposite principles on which our world rests. Therefore, on Kupala night (analogous to the holiday summer solstice) burn huge fires and swim in ponds. In many cultures, the summer solstice is considered a day of unbridled fun, joy and breaking of taboos. It is imbued with sexual energy and has many traditions on this topic. For example, in Slavic cultures the girls weave wreaths and throw them into the water, and the boys have to catch them.

Summer solstice - best time a year in order to get enough of the energy of the Sun and nature, literally spilled around. Esotericists advise using this day to improve your health, physical and psychological, and to attract good luck to your business. To this end, have a good time in nature, light a fire and swim in a pond, imagining how the forces of nature renew your body. If this is not possible, decorate your home fresh plants and meditate on the red candle. By the way, there is a belief that herbs collected on the night of the summer solstice have special powers.

Autumn equinox (September 20-21)

As during the spring equinox, day becomes equal to night, but now the movement of the Sun will begin at reverse side: The day will begin to decrease and the night will increase. This is the time to harvest the harvest, give thanks for it, and begin preparing for winter. Speaking in symbolic language, during the autumn equinox it is good to sum up some results of the year and “sort out the fruits”, realizing for yourself what is worthy of your attention and further work, and what is “spoiled fruit”, and it (some unrealistic plans, failed acquaintances) should be thrown away. This is a time of gratitude to yourself and the Universe for everything that has happened to you. Therefore, it will be useful to give some kind of pleasant gift to yourself, as well as to do something selfless for others, thereby expressing your gratitude to the world.

As is known, in ancient civilizations the light part of the year (from the spring to autumn equinox) was considered a time of activity, and the dark part was considered a period of passivity and withdrawal. Nowadays, such a division actually does not work, but, as psychologists and esotericists say, it still operates on a psychological level. For example, late autumn and in winter, people tend to spend more time at home, some even begin to experience the autumn blues. Therefore, during the autumn equinox, esotericists advise to outline a plan internal work above oneself. For example, this could be working on some complexes, fears, in a word - any contribution to your self-development.

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The Summer Solstice is traditionally celebrated on June 21st. A day beloved by all magicians, it is extremely popular for many rituals, especially those aimed at improving the current situation and relationships.

The peak of the Solstice in 2017 falls at night in many regions of Russia, at 04:24. But not only this moment is considered magical, but the whole day of July 21st. If possible, try the practices that I recommend to readers of Astro7 magazine.

Practices and rituals on the day of the summer solstice

This mystical day is associated primarily with the Sun (no surprise!), so round objects should be given Special attention. Girls with wreaths on their heads near the fire? Well, of course! It has already become a tradition to spend Solstice Day in nature.

  • Oregano - to be healthy and attractive to the opposite sex. Sexuality and charisma are enhanced;
  • St. John's wort will give you self-confidence, help you become richer, and bring good luck in the financial sphere;
  • Daisies - for those who want a large, friendly family;
  • Shepherd's purse - to preserve and increase wealth;
  • Field poppies - to enhance feelings in a partner, strengthen the union;
  • Thistle - from bad influence;
  • Clover means easy money.

Weave a wreath and be sure to say or sing your wishes out loud. Singing is also part of the magic of this day.

Once the wreath is ready, it's time to secure everything with fire. The idea is very simple: the wreath must pass through the fire. In the maximum program, you need to jump over the fire, but if you are at home and don’t want to leave your cozy home, take a candle - let it burn for 15-20 minutes, then move the wreath over it clockwise seven times, saying your wishes out loud. Save the wreath and burn it after it has completely dried.

Ritual for marriage on the day of the summer solstice

It is believed that with the help of herbs collected on the day of the summer solstice, you can attract love into your life. To do this, collect the following herbs: calendula, oak bark, Birch buds, mint, rosehip. Mix in any quantity in a clay pot and drink before bed. Collect the rest in an envelope and put it under your pillow. Go to bed peacefully.

Making a wish on the summer solstice

There is another interesting ancient practice on the day of the summer solstice. Spring water is taken (necessarily from a holy source) and placed in direct sunlight. At sunrise, a wish is spoken into the water, and then the water is drunk. We believe that it must be fulfilled before the next holiday.

Interesting fortune telling on the day of the summer solstice

Let's start with the most simple fortune telling which can be done alone or in the company of friends.

Pour into a deep bowl clean water. If you are telling fortunes in a group, sit in a semicircle and let everyone have a small stone. First ask a question, and then throw a stone into the water: an even number of circles means the answer is “yes”, an odd number means “no”.

Fortune telling with chamomile. Take a bowl of water and place two flowers in it. If the flowers stay together (float nearby), the lovers will live with each other all their lives; if they separate, the couple will separate.

Also on the day of the Solstice, manipulations with wax remain relevant. Melted wax is poured into water and the future is predicted from the figures that form in the water.

All this is quite simple, but fun fortune telling for small company, which will help you have an unforgettable time and look a little into the future.

Signs for the Summer Solstice

Pay attention to the signs on the day of the Solstice - they will help you better navigate in space and tell you what to expect in the near future.

If the morning on this day is sunny, you will be able to reap a rich harvest. If it starts with rain, expect losses.

Giving money to a beggar or suffering person on this day is a big day. financial luck. It is believed that the money will come back later in a much larger volume.

Candles burning from sunrise to sunset will protect the house from bad energy, thieves and ill-wishers. Just buy candles that burn for several hours and change them promptly. The flame must burn continuously, so first light a new candle, then extinguish the stub from the old one.

If you are suffering from consumption on this day, try to count how many times you sneezed. If the number is even, this means good health and peace of mind; if it is odd, beware of minor troubles.

It is believed that if you propose to your beloved today and she says “yes”, the marriage will be happy and long.

Keep track of what happens to you throughout the day. For example, if you stumble several times in a row, you should go to church or turn around clockwise three times, cross yourself at the intersection and move on - this will get rid of the negativity.

For me, this mystical holiday is reminiscent of Valentine’s Day in its energy. You can feel how unknown energies wander through your body, causing your heart to beat faster. Of course, decisive measures and vivid impressions will be provided to you, but I recommend controlling yourself and your impulses. Refrain from sorting things out and devote more time to empathy rather than talking.

By the way, talismans bought on this day or made with your own hands have enormous power. It is preferable for talismans to be round in shape.

In fact, there are a lot of mysteries and signs on the night of Ivan Kupala. The main thing you should trust today is your intuition. Spend more time on your feelings and the feelings of your loved ones. And then you can truly improve your life.

The summer solstice in 2018 will occur on June 21 at 13:07 Moscow time. It starts when the Sun enters 0 degrees zodiac sign Cancer, this occurs on June 21 at 10:07 UTC. On this day ancient folk traditions were celebrated

The summer solstice is one of the four main solar points of the year.

For thousands of years, this day was of great importance to our ancestors, who lived in harmony with the universe and obeyed natural cycles.

Astrologers and esotericists claim that the summer solstice greatly affects all living organisms, be they people or plants.

During the summer solstice, the entire space around us is literally saturated with the energy of the Sun. This day is perfect for future programming— from the very morning, tune yourself to a positive wave and don’t miss it at least until sunset.

On this day, millions of people turn to the Sun, fill divine power and powerful creative energy. On this day, our desires are saturated with cosmic power. And it is very important to be able to direct this energy to implement your plans, to attract success, good luck, and material achievements into your life.

On this day you can and should WISH MUCH! This is the very culmination of the year when every girl can feel like a sorceress. The day of the summer solstice fills the space with ebullient solar energy, necessary for programming your future to be positive and to realize your wildest desires.

So what can you do on the Summer Solstice?

* Salute the Sun.

You can start the summer solstice day with a set of yoga exercises - Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutations). On the Internet you will find many descriptions of this practice and videos. This is a great start to any day. Fill yourself with solar energy in the morning!

* Drink sun tea.

If it’s sunny outside, you can brew yourself some “sun tea.” To do this you need only 4 ingredients: your favorite aromatic tea, water, honey and sunshine. Brew your favorite tea and place it on the windowsill for a couple of minutes. Sun rays.

If you live in own home and you have the opportunity to go out into your garden and charge your tea with solar energy there - absolutely wonderful! In any case, just meditate for these couple of minutes, admire the beauty of the color of your favorite tea, its transparency, aroma and imagine that the sun's rays penetrate your tea, and it is immediately filled with the power of nature, the energy of the Sun, the qualities of Light and Love.

Add a spoonful of honey to the drink, watch how living gold dissolves in the drink, gold collected from hundreds of flowers, drenched in the rays of the sun. And then, slowly and savoring every sip, enjoy the taste of your tea. After such solar recharging, it will not only taste better than usual, but also have more energy! Try it!

* Dress in something sunny.

When you get ready to go outside, put on some wardrobe item in a yellow, sunny color, gold decoration, a bright accessory. Just put on something to remember the holiday, that your thoughts will be saturated with the Sun all day long. This will help you create good dreams and consciously create a positive mental space.

* Light the fire of inspiration.

The Day of the Summer Solstice is a great time to kindle the Fire of your Soul in order to Create.

But it’s not easy to do something, compose, invent, write with the goal of having someone appreciate how wonderful we are and “pat us on the head”—praise us, buy us, etc.

Let today’s goal be one and only one: to have fun in the process of creation!

Don’t think about the result, don’t think about what others will think, don’t compare yourself with anyone (by doing this you extinguish your fire of creativity!) You don’t have to show anyone what you’ve done at all.

Create today first of all for yourself! Stay in touch with your soul and create together what you really want!

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which are carried out only once a year (as well as the creation of amulets for protection and prosperity)details

Take materials, tools for creativity (you can take your favorite ones or, on the contrary, those that you always wanted to try, but never got around to). And then let yourself go and let inspiration flow from you, like from a wonderful source. Don't control him, don't tell him where and how he should flow, trust him, he knows everything himself. Even if you just want to dip your palms in paint different colors and print them on paper - great, do it! Don’t strive to create a masterpiece that distant descendants will admire in museums. Enjoy the process, have fun, play around, be naughty, be happy, play!

* Plunge into the fire of feelings.

Allow yourself to feel whatever you want today. Throw away your criticism, doubts, dividing feelings into good and bad: - enjoy the whole gamut to the last shade! Feelings are what allows us to be real, alive!

Focus on an area and ask yourself frequently throughout the day, “What am I feeling right now?” Listen to yourself, realize your feelings. And then say " I accept myself and my feelings as they are.”

* Free yourself from unnecessary things.

The Summer Solstice Day has a powerful cleansing power. And first of all, it is concentrated in fire. On this day you can free yourself from the negativity that has accumulated in you and your life, from grievances, disappointments, you can let go negative attitudes that prevent you from living and being happy, etc.

To cleanse yourself with a solar candle, take a candle yellow color(ideally wax, but any will do). Light it and place it on the table. Sit nearby, make yourself comfortable and relax. Make sure in advance that no one will disturb you, turn off your phone.

Close your eyes and imagine the image of the Sun, large, bright, glowing, with incredible cleansing power. Now open your eyes, and, holding this image, transfer it to the flame of your candle.

You will get a small sun burning in a candle flame. Small, but possessing all the same properties that you imagined for a large sun.

Now imagine an image of what is bothering you, what you want to let go of your life and place it directly into the solar flame of your candle. Just watch how the fire cleanses and dissolves everything that you have entrusted to it.

You can say to yourself something like, “I am grateful to let go of this, I have learned my lesson, and now I am clearing space for new, happy changes in my life.” After this, you can specifically formulate your desires, what changes you invite into your life. Then just sit there, meditating on the candle flame, for as long as you want.

* Following the example of our ancestors, take part in various mysteries:

- weave wreaths, weaving goodness into your share and float them on the water - give your dream to the Universe (almost the same as a letter, but in the form of a wreath);
— drink honey drinks, filling yourself with the power of the Sun and nature;
- bring gratitude to nature, fire and water;
— jump over a fire to cleanse yourself, to attract the forces of the Sun into life;
— walk on coals, filling your desires with the ebullient energy of fire, earth and the Sun;
- purify yourself with water (in a river, stream, sea) through the ritual of ablution, plunging your head;
- lead round dances, sing songs;
— meet and see off the Sun at dawn and sunset.

You can celebrate for 3 days, because... all this time the Sun will be in its highest point. These few simple ideas you can use it to channel the energy of the Summer Solstice in the right direction and simply spend these days well and joyfully. You can use all the ideas or choose a few that you like best.

Solstice(Also solstice) - an astronomical event, the moment of passage of the center of the Sun through the points of the ecliptic, most distant from the equator of the celestial sphere and called solstice points.

The winter and summer solstice are separated. Summertime most often falls on June 21st. IN leap years may fall on June 20th. The summer solstice is the longest day of the year and the shortest night.

So let's talk about the solstice. What is its peculiarity from a magical point of view? Firstly, this summer day is the longest day of the year. This means that the so-called “solar frequencies” last the longest. And their influence is concentrated as much as possible in our world. Secondly, from the point of view of the cards, other maximum high frequencies and vibrations prevail on this day. Accordingly, the cards say, any positive magic, any positive and active energy interaction and influence is shown.

What the cards recommend. They suggest devoting the entire day, if possible, of course, to energy spa treatments. For example, try not to eat meat and fish on this day. It is advisable to eat vegetables, fruits, nuts, dairy products, etc. Drink charmed water. And also wash your face with it in the morning, afternoon, and evening. Water is enchanted as follows: pour into a container, cover the container with your hands. And the following manipulations are performed three times: say hello to the water, ask it to remove previous negative programs, ask for health, happiness, thank you.

You need to wake up as early as possible in the morning, the best option is sunrise. Work with your energy. You can meditate, you can simply imagine how golden light permeates your entire body. It is advisable to work with energy a convenient number of times during the day.

On this day all vibrations are as strong as possible. And any action is as effective as possible, both in a positive and negative sense. That is, if you sincerely wish health for yourself and others all day long, then the chance of improving your health is greater than ever.

It is advisable to shower your family and yourself with wax on this day. Don't forget that the operator is the last to spill. Chat with spirits friendly to people - banniks, brownies. Give them a treat and thank them. There is an opportunity - visit the bathhouse. Ask the bath attendant to clean you.

Finally, mermaids. You need to be extremely careful with them. It’s better to just say hello, treat them, ask for help in your personal life, and thank them. On the night of this day, pay attention to your dreams. Before going to bed, ask the Gods to help you visit worlds with the most beautiful energy. In such worlds you will be able to harmonize yourself, imbue yourself with the necessary energy, and cleanse all your bodies. The opportunity to see the future of yourself or your loved ones is not excluded.

Be sure to make a sacrifice on this day. You can feed animals or birds, help people in need. The main thing is to do it without expecting gratitude, with all your heart.

The cards recommend turning to God Kupala on this day. You can ask to be cleansed of any magical negativity, ask for the fulfillment of a wish. And be sure to say hello and thank you! Have a nice holiday! Good luck to everyone!
