Normal efficiency in world of tanks. How to find out your efficiency in WOT

To begin with, we note that the efficiency rating, like any statistical characteristic becomes reliable with a sufficiently large sample. This means that for a World of tanks player who has fought less than 1000 battles, the effectiveness rating does not reflect the player’s abilities reliably, because random errors are large. And the RE of a player with 5000 or more battles is pretty true.

What affects the performance rating in WoT

The damage rating is most affected by the damage dealt. In addition, on efficiency rating in WoT influence the number of victories and destroyed equipment, the initial exposure of enemy equipment, the defense of one’s own and the capture of an enemy base. Thus, in order to increase the efficiency rating, you need to deal a lot of damage and. What level of equipment is best to do this with?

Which tank to play on to increase your efficiency rating in WoT

Does the level of the technique you play take into account when calculating efficiency rating? After all, on tanks of the sixth level, it is almost impossible to deal as much damage as on vehicles of the tenth level. The level of tanks is taken into account when calculating the efficiency rating. Moreover, there are many top players and platoons playing in 10s, so top technology It will be very difficult to achieve an efficiency rating.

In order to understand which tanks to raise efficiency rating in WoT you need to look at your statistics and choose the vehicle with which you deal the most damage, while winning more than 50% of battles.

How do you take level into account when calculating damage? Pay attention to the following indicator in the official World of tanks statistics: Damage factor- this is the ratio of damage dealt to damage received, and the damage received depends on the level at which you play (the higher the level, the greater the health reserve and the more damage you can theoretically receive). For getting good results The damage coefficient must be higher than one, the higher the better.

With loved ones statistical indicators in World of tanks choose a vehicle whose level is lower, but do not use tanks below level four.

Finish off or deal damage in World of tanks

In most cases, it is better to finish off the tank, because... Thus, you deprive the enemy team of one player, he will not cause damage, will not transmit intelligence, which means you will increase the probability of victory, which also affects RE in WoT. This does not mean that you should strive to take away frags, and specifically wait for the moment to finish off your opponent’s tank, we're talking about about the situation when you deal damage in normal mode and you have a choice whether to deprive the enemy team of the gun or not. Destroy an opponent in World of tanks in this case it is a good choice.

What tanks are needed to increase the efficiency rating?

As noted earlier, to improve your efficiency rating you need to deal a lot of damage. Tank destroyers, such as Soviet ones, are excellent for this purpose. ISU-152 and Object 704, German Rhm.-Borsing. An ISU with BL-10 in World of tnaks is capable of 700 damage in one shot, five hits and that’s 3500 damage, which is good for the eighth level.

If you are ready to seriously spend money (in silver or gold) to win, then you can play on vehicles with high explosives, and with cumulative shells, which cause enormous damage for their level and have good armor penetration. This way you can increase your efficiency rating in World of tanks on Sherman, SU-152, KV-1S, KV-1.

To improve your efficiency rating, you need to show the maximum result in each battle, which means it’s worth spending money on good equipment and equipment for your tank. remember, that the more fights you have, the more difficult it will be to correct the statistics, including RE, so try to play well in every battle, and fight to the last in any situation.

Rating efficiency World of Tanks – why it is needed and what its knowledge gives the player + review of 3 types of statistics + 5 tactical tips for increasing the efficiency rating + TOP 10 services to check Player efficiency.

It's no secret that World of Tanks is a very popular project online, giving you the opportunity to plunge into virtual world combat operations and feel like a real tanker.

It’s very difficult to figure out what’s what right away on your own. Therefore, many turn to the almighty Internet for help.

On our website you have the opportunity to learn a lot of interesting things about the world of WOT. Today we will look at the question of what the World of Tanks performance rating is, and why players need it in general.

Concept of performance rating

The closest synonym for this concept is the word “statistics”. It is thanks to her that we can see our own progress, which sets us apart from other players in World of Tanks.

Progress statistics are a very common phenomenon in military projects. Only the approach to implementing the supply of data to gamers on the network may differ.

Why do we need a World of Tanks performance rating?

It all depends on the amount of information that is available to the user of the system when analyzing statistics.

In WOT, these indicators are used in 90% of cases only from a competitive point of view - you can find out who is better only by seeing your position in the server summary table.

    Assessing the state of affairs directly during the battle.

    For such purposes, the XVM mod is used, which is popularly called “Deer Measuring”. Thanks to detailed information provided in real time, the commander can soberly assess the situation and make the most informed decision that can radically change the course of the battle.

    Assessing a player's skill.

    For these purposes, it is more rational to use the specialized services of detailed World of Tanks statistics, which we will talk about in more detail a little later.

    Evaluate the clan before joining it.

    In words, a clan may seem “golden,” but the player can see what it really is only by looking at the clan’s performance rating.

    In addition to position, most services display information about the composition and quality of tanking of each of their representatives individually.

    Assessment of achievements.

    It's hard to play and not know how successful you are. This goal is key for any single player in World of Tanks. Tracking progress based on performance ratings is one of the best methods motivating yourself for further development in the project.

It should be understood that not everyone adequately perceives high performance ratings - 5-7% of players try in every possible way to “mess up” such users, even if they are on an allied team.

Depending on the type of rating, the evaluation parameters also vary, but the coloring of the quality of the game is common for absolutely all users. tankers can show you in the “Deer Measuring” who you should be wary of and who is not a problem for your equipment at all.

What awaits a player with high efficiency? You can see both sides of the same coin in the table below.

By monitoring your achievements (for example, using some sites), you can draw conclusions to improve your personal performance, which, in turn, will lead to an improvement in overall statistics.Be prepared that in battle you will be asked meaningless or even meaningful questions, demanding an answer.
Good statistics will make it easier for you to find a good platoon, company, team fight squad or clan.The fight for the other team often begins with the cry “let’s kill the extra” and everyone focuses on you as soon as you appear in the spotlight. Arta sometimes works in the square of your last light exactly until you appear in a new position.
Some players prefer not to get involved with such tankers one by one, since the chance of “flying down the drain” is quite high.After and during the game, the influx of obscenities in personal messages can be in unrealistic quantities. They can curse or try to humiliate, they can block movement, prop up in positions, shoot, trying to crit modules, or simply damage until they kill.

Roughly speaking, statistics - the main objective absolutely any multiplayer online game on the Internet.

What’s the point of upgrading equipment or investing money in a project if it’s simply impossible to fully stroke your own vanity due to the lack of a rating system? Interest in the toy will subside and, as a result, the project’s income from users as a whole will subside.

Structure and types of World of Tanks performance rating

There are a lot of efficiency calculators on the Internet that give numbers even for completely insignificant parameters. Games World of Tanks.

The developers are trying to cram in as many evaluation criteria as possible, thereby attracting players to their resource to determine game statistics. But each of them has 6 fundamental pillars, without which the service is considered simply useless.

    The indicator is expressed as a percentage and contains information about the player related to his direct activities on the battlefield. Skilled tankers always have a victory percentage greater than 50% - this figure reflects their superiority over less experienced users in World of Tanks.

    Outgoing damage per battle.

    An important parameter that allows you to judge the overall effectiveness of your game within teamwork. Incentives are made here, since their key goal is to expose the enemy. In relation to such World of Tanks vehicles as TTs and tank destroyers, they are simply obliged to show high numbers of outgoing damage at the end of the battle.


    Important for drivers of light tanks, since it is easiest to spot enemies on this type of vehicle. If you almost never survive to the end of the battle, but are always in the leading positions in the damage table, this indicator can be written off.
    Useless kamikazes - 1-2% of players who are simply killed in the vanguard and do not bring any benefit to the team.


    The information is especially relevant for players who specialize in artillery shelling, because even with crazy damage, your gun will be of no use in battle without accuracy.

    Killed/killed relationship.

    The average battle is walls of 15 tanks. If a player managed to destroy 2 or more enemy vehicles, we can safely talk about his contribution to the overall victory on the battlefield.

    Battle levels.

The rest of the information depends on the type of efficiency rating and the preferences of the service developers who created their statistics calculator. In 80% of cases, World of Tanks player performance calculation resources offer several types of systems for measuring effectiveness in battles.

Let's take a closer look at each of them.

Statistics No. 1 – Personal rating.

A type of statistical data created by the developers of the game World of Tanks. The number of elements here is not the highest, but they are all optimally arranged and allow you to fully evaluate the tanking efficiency of a particular player in WOT.

  • number of player wins as a percentage;
  • average damage per battle;
  • average experience per battle;
  • survivability in battle;
  • the total number of battles fought in World of Tanks;
  • damage by exposure and friendly assistance to teammates (meaning exposure or knocking out an enemy vehicle with further finishing off by an ally).

The last point is very good for driving light tanks in the game, since they can very rarely show high damage figures.

Statistics #2 – Performance Rating.

There are plenty of synonyms for this type of World of Tanks statistics - EFF, RE and so on. It was created by fans of the game, and even earlier than the official one, located in your hangar.

  • average damage per battle;
  • number of base capture points;
  • number of base hit points;
  • how many enemies your tank managed to expose;
  • number of enemy vehicles destroyed.

Statistics #3 – WN8.

The calculation is made based on dynamic data - you can move up the top without even playing WOT, but for this certain conditions must be met. Calculation formula is based on “reference” indicators, and its calculated values ​​can shock a beginner.

How to improve World of Tanks performance rating?

The eternal problem fast decision which absolutely all World of Tanks players want to know.

Even the most talented tankers cannot get 100% victories, because a large number of battles take place in groups, which means that everything does not always depend directly on you. What can a player do to increase his rating as quickly as possible?

  1. Prioritize platoon games. Coordination makes it possible to increase the probability of victory by 20-30%.
  2. Assessment of the situation at the beginning of the battle. Monitor the behavior of enemy tanks for the first 10-20 seconds - this will allow you to tactically correctly calculate moves and deploy allied forces with maximum impact. Behavior in the game will largely depend on the initial battle strategy - attack or defense.
  3. Study the features of your tank and its weak spots. This way, it will be easiest to choose the optimal places on the map.

    The terrain will help hide the weak points of the vehicle and give you an advantage over your opponent, which means the damage numbers will increase before your eyes, which is very good for the World of Tanks efficiency rating.

  4. Don't forget about equipment and equipment - they will help save you in the most unfavorable situations on the battlefield. Cumulative and sub-caliber projectiles can significantly increase the damage dealt even against an armored opponent.
  5. Fire only with precise aim. Such a concept as “spinner” should be excluded from your vocabulary if you want to increase your personal rating and gain superiority over others.

Those who like to play with stock tanks should be much more careful during battles, because it is much easier here than tanking with top-end vehicles in World of Tanks.

Here are some of them:

  • frags from level 6 to 10 have the same value;
  • as the average level of equipment increases, damage is valued less and less, and greater priority is given to the number of destroyed tanks;
  • lighting significantly affects the effectiveness rating of World of Tanks - pay attention to this component of the game when tanking on any type of vehicle;
  • do not disdain base protection - the value of this component is comparable in WN8 statistics to exposure;
  • try to bring your win percentage in World of Tanks to a level above 50%;
  • take part in battles on tanks of 6+ levels.

The fastest progress in the World of Tanks performance rating will be observed when playing on level 6 tanks - this is the minimum feature that allows you to get a good increase in statistics and, at the same time, does not bother the user with the level of difficulty in battles.

For those who don't mind spending money on upgrades, we can offer paid method to increase WOT performance rating. The point is to skip stock tanks in the research branches for free experience and upgrade only top vehicles that can take the quality of your game to a new level.

It should be understood that a couple of thousand rubles will not get by here, because this method very resource-intensive and rarely worth the money invested. It’s easier to buy a top account on a specialized site.

Where can I check the World of Tanks performance rating?

There's plenty on the web special services, also called player efficiency calculators, which provide the most full information for most of the parameters you are interested in.

Since access is open to all users, anyone can easily calculate your statistics - the main thing is to know the nickname of the person for whom you want to review the efficiency.

We have selected several services that are the most popular on the Internet.


    One of the most detailed calculators that displays indicators based on the player’s nickname and server. When calculating the effectiveness rating, there is a distribution by type of statistics. There is a recommendation system that can provide assistance in increasing efficiency, based on current data obtained from the analysis.

    The filter for battle types (historical, clan, etc.) deserves special attention.


    A convenient site that allows you to evaluate players based on many parameters. After the analysis, the tanker’s rank is issued in accordance with the assessment of his efficiency - the information is useful for people who are looking for talents to work as a driver or participate in global tournaments.

    The display of awards and achievements makes it clear what a particular WOT player is like.

    The objectivity of the data is also ensured by summary tables of player productivity depending on the class, level and country of technology. Thanks to the bone-by-bone analysis of battles on each tank, it is very easy to trace the key tactical lines and what exactly the tanker focuses on during battles.


    A filter of clans and platoons is available - you will receive performance data on the game only in the selected directions. Served at the bottom of the page overall rating player skill level - from “poor” to “unique” (the rating calculation approach is used, as in XVM).


    The site can be classified as a representative of minimalism - it displays only basic statistics that allow you to assess the overall potential of the player.

    A pleasant interface and a lot of guides for World of Tanks partially offset the compactness of the efficiency calculator - anyone can familiarize themselves with the calculation formulas and methods for increasing tanking efficiency. No registration required.


    Contains 3 blocks of data. The first shows the efficiency rating standard view and according to version WN8. The second block covers basic statistics for the game, and the third contains less popular indicators that are more informational in nature for the tanker.


    We decided to add this service to the list because of the unique sections that cannot be found on other WOT efficiency rating calculators:

    • Firstly, the “Competition”, where after checking your account you are automatically included in the list of lottery participants with a main prize of 2,500.
    • Secondly, there is a player performance rating with a detailed analysis of tanks by nation, which, thanks to the abundance of filters, is implemented very well.

    A highly specialized site whose main job is to calculate the performance rating of World of Tanks players. Readability is one of the best. Particularly pleasing to the eye are the color diagrams of technology preferences and a list of 30+ auxiliary indicators.

    After reviewing the statistics on this service, you will know literally everything about the user.


    The service is worth your attention if only because of its name – “Nuborating”. There are not many statistics, but they are presented in their original form.

    This type of check is suitable for users who want to show off their game efficiency to other players by inserting the original WOT efficiency rating verification form onto their website/blog.


    A service in minimalist colors, where it is convenient to view basic information on the performance rating. There is a list of priorities among war machines and the nations in which they are selected.

    At the very bottom of the calculator there is a table with detailed data on each user’s tank in which he carried out trips (level, type, number of battles on the vehicle, and so on).


    A compact, user-friendly website that provides complete statistics on your game account. Next to each block there is a “+”, when you click on it, a drop-down menu with data filters appears.

    Special attention is paid to the section, which is hardly noticeable at first, with links to the replay site. If a tanker has battle records, then in 90% of cases they will be located here.

In order for the performance rating indicators to be as objective as possible, we recommend using several services simultaneously (2-4 calculators), since some developers “sin” in terms of calculations and round the values ​​in different directions, which is why final results vary by 1-2%.

In the video below you will find detailed analysis efficiency rating formulas.

You will also see an analysis of the parameters and receive valuable advice:

Use statistics for the purpose of self-improvement, and then you can not only enjoy the process of tanking, but also spend every minute of your playing time in WOT more productively.

Anyone who has ever played computer game, knows how important a player’s rating is during the game and World of Tanks is no exception.

Only players who have registered recently do not know how to find out their rating

WoT player efficiency rating - or efficiency (as experienced tankers call it) is very necessary information for anyone interested. So, precisely from the coefficient useful action The inclusion of a player in the clan depends.

Every newcomer to the world of tanks will ask how to easily check the efficiency of World of Tanks. Here, just look at the color of your nickname; several color zones stand out, or rather 6 according to the number of player rating levels.

Red is the most dangerous color and the most difficult players, respectively. The bulk of such players are beginners; no one knows what to expect from such individuals. Many of them learn quickly and move to the next level, but there are also those for whom this is a permanent diagnosis. Their efficiency ranges from 0 to 629 points on the scale.

Orange – from 630 to 859 points, such players enjoy the process of battle itself. They are not interested in numbers.

Yellow - from 860 to 1129 points - these know a lot about the game, understand the guns, know about the main battles on the map, and will repel a terrifying enemy without blinking an eye. The main thing is that they approach everything thoughtfully and practically do not merge, i.e. They are definitely reliable comrades.

Next we will talk about WoT aces, there are three more levels left

Green - these guys care about their efficiency (they know exactly how to check the efficiency of World of Tanks). Such extras can have a rating from 1140 to 1459. If three “greens” are gathered in a clan, then they may well turn the tide of the battle to their side. If a player has a nickname of this color, then he can count on being accepted into a top clan.

You shouldn’t think that everything is purple because these are the most dangerous opponents on the battlefield, and if you paraphrase a well-known Russian military saying, you can say: “The red one is bad who doesn’t dream of becoming purple.”

It is clear that the flower garden gives only a rough idea of ​​the rating.

To find out the exact efficiency numbers and have an idea of ​​how much more work to do to reach the next level, you need to go to the WoT rating calculator website.

The calculator allows you to make recalculation of indicators both existing players, after loading their statistics, and a “virtual” player, if no player’s statistics have been loaded.

Sequence of using the "Indicator Conversion Calculator".

1. Adding tank data to the "Calculator..." is done in two ways:
– click on the name of the tank in the table " Vehicle statistics";
– click on the “Select tank” button or change the value of the “vehicle level” selection element. In the “Tank Selection” panel that opens, click on the button with the name of the tank.
approx.. The "tank selection" panel displays all tanks of a given level. Tanks are divided into two groups: tanks that the player has and those that are missing.

2. Changing the statistics of the selected tank is carried out in three ways.
a) Place courses in the parameter value entry field, use the keyboard to enter a new value, confirm the changes by pressing the "Enter" key or clicking anywhere on the screen.
b) Click on the buttons: – increase, – decrease.
c) Click on the button to open the panel " Additions to tank battle statistics". In the panel, change the tank's statistics using methods "a" or "b". Click on the button " Add to tank statistics".
approx.. When changing the value of any tank parameter, the tank's WN8 values ​​and the parameter's contribution to WN8 are recalculated.

3. Adding the selected tank to the table "Changed statistics of vehicles participating in the recalculation of indicators" carried out by clicking on the button.

4. If necessary, change the tank statistics again added to the table "" click on the button.

5. From the table " Changed vehicle statistics..."You can remove the tank by clicking on the button.

6. If necessary add more tanks for their participation in the recalculation of indicators, complete steps 1-3.

7. Recalculation of indicators launched by clicking on the button " Recalculate the player's WN8 indicator, taking into account changes in statistics".

8. After recount changes in indicators will be displayed in the main panel " General statistics", and in the table " Changed statistics of vehicles involved in the recalculation of indicators" - changes to tank parameters.

approx.. After recalculating the indicators, the data display format is: new value (±delta). The delta parameter is the difference between the new parameter value and the original (real) value.

Click on the button " Clear calculator" - clears all fields of the "Calculator..."

Click on the button " Reset changes" - restores the original values ​​of the parameters of the selected tank in the table " Statistics of the selected tank". If the player has the selected tank, then the actual parameter values ​​are recorded in the table, and if not, then the "Expected" parameter values ​​are recorded.

In World of Tanks, player statistics are very important for many tankers. great importance. This is not surprising; it is the competitive element that is paramount after leveling up most tanks. Our service will allow you to evaluate many indicators, from win rate to time spent in the game.

Why do we need statistics?

In any multiplayer game, everyone wants to be the best, and statistics allow you to see how the results of one tanker differ from another.

  • Using the XVM mod you can check your WoT stats right in the battle. And not only your own, but also your enemies, as well as your allies. As a result, the player more competently assesses the overall balance of power of the team, seeing how skilled the players are.
  • Advanced statistics services in WoT are a must-have tool for every recruiter looking for new players for his clan.
  • There is also clan statistics for communities in World of Tanks, thanks to which the entire clan is assessed.
  • Evaluating your achievements is quite pleasant to watch your indicators grow from day to day.

What does a stat consist of?

Before moving on to describing the various ratings and performance calculators in WoT, you should go through the fundamental data with the help of which these ratings are compiled.

  1. Win percentage- this is the main indicator demonstrating the success of a tanker on the battlefield. Since the probability of winning is 49.9%, the player's contribution to the battle and his ability to play can lead to victory. Thus, skilled tankers can boast statistics of 51% and above.
  2. Damage per battle- the efficiency rating in WoT also includes this data, which objectively shows the contribution to the battle. But keep in mind that this indicator is completely optional for light tanks, whose task is to detect the enemy. But for tank destroyers and tank destroyers, damage per battle is critical important indicator.
  3. Survival- controversial data, since until the moment of his death the player can inflict a huge amount of damage and destroy many enemies. But still, survival perfectly shows the tanker’s tendency to go on a suicidal attack. If you are a fan of LT, then survival is a very important indicator, along with enemies detected during the battle.
  4. Accuracy (percentage of hits)- Efficiency includes information about the percentage of hits. It is critical to have good accuracy on art, secondarily on other classes.
  5. Kill/kill ratio- 30 vehicles collide in battle, 15 on each side. One destroyed tank is already a full-fledged contribution to achieving victory; everything that was done above indicates the effectiveness of the tanker, so a ratio equal to, for example, 1.50 is a good indicator.
  6. Average level of battles- shows at what levels the player most often fights.

This is not all the information available in our service; only the most important data is described.

Main types of ratings

Since there is a lot of input data for statistics, they can be interpreted slightly differently. However, despite the large number of different systems for measuring skill, all of them, in principle, one way or another converge in their evaluation gradations. In other words good player According to RE, it will be good in WN8.

There are three main ratings presented on our website.

Personal rating (according to Wargaming)

  • win percentage;
  • experience and damage per battle (average);
  • survival;
  • total number of battles;
  • light damage and assistance to allies (when a player knocks down an enemy’s track and his allies finish him off).

Players with the most difficulties in raising this efficiency rating in World of Tanks experience big amount battles. To increase your PR, you need to damage enemies as much as possible, thus gaining experience. Light tanks will not be left out either, because their rating will increase thanks to their light damage.

RE (efficiency rating)

It consists of the following data:

  • Average damage.
  • Points for shooting down and capturing a base.
  • Number of illuminated enemies.
  • Frags (destroyed tanks).

To make the statistics calculator in WoT happy positive emotions, we recommend increasing your rating in several ways at once.

Increasing the win percentage - if things are not going too well in random, you can go to companies or team battles, where if you have a good commander you can maintain an excellent win rate. But in companies only the percentage of victories increases; to increase the average damage you should play on a high-level vehicle. At the tenth levels you can not only deal more damage, but also gain many times more experience than, for example, at the fifth or sixth levels. As a result, efficiency in WoT will increase, and with it RE.


Advanced statistics in WoT continues to be improved and the new WN8 efficiency calculator is the next iteration after WN7. Unlike the previous calculator, in WN8 damage is valued more than frags, as it was in WN7.

In addition, WN8 cannot be called a full-fledged formula; it is rather a skill calculation system, since it uses huge base data with information about all tankers and their successes on a particular vehicle. For each tank in WN8, so-called “reference values” or ideal indicators are used, and the closer (or higher) you are to these ideals, the better your rating will be in this system.

To quickly increase the efficiency coefficient in WoT, we recommend playing on those vehicles that work best, because the more effective the battle is, the more damage the tanker will have. And since damage is one of the main indicators of WN8, the numbers will grow. But keep in mind that WN8 calculates damage differently on each tank. For example, when playing on some imba, for example, FV215b (183), it will be more difficult to increase the rating than when playing on the same IS-7, because the standard damage on a tank destroyer is greater than on a tank destroyer.

  • Article on the topic: .

What should you pay attention to in statistics?

The first thing you need to pay attention to is three different ratings, objectively showing the tanker’s successes. This is RE, WN8, and also a rating from Wargaming.

Winrate- the holy of holies of almost every player. If the winrate is above 50%, this means that the tanker is beneficial to the team.

The third important indicator is damage per battle. Most tankers prefer damage-dealing classes, so you can evaluate the tanker and his average effectiveness.

Average level of battles- if the player average level fifth or, for example, sixth, then it immediately becomes clear that he doesn’t really like driving at the tenth levels. Thanks to this information, it is possible to evaluate applicants for joining the clan, which often fights in the Civil Code.

Two ratios - killed/killed and caused/received damage. For experienced tankers, this indicator will be higher than 1, because the player brings benefits in battle. If this indicator is lower, then it becomes clear that most often it is not the player who is dragging the battle, but the team is dragging the player. But if the account has the most battles on LT, the ratios will not objectively show the effectiveness of the tanker.

Features of advanced statistics on our website

Statistics will greet you with a window like this, in which you need to indicate your game nickname:

Select the desired nickname from the list:

The main statistics window will open, in which you can see three ratings, as well as other information, such as win rate, number of battles, damage received, etc. Thanks to this, you can evaluate the success of any player.

An interesting feature of our statistics is that you can see how much time was spent on all battles. The data is approximate, for the calculation it was taken average duration battle (more than two million battles were taken into account).

Have you ever wondered how many times you've seen the timer click before a fight starts? In our statistics you can see how much time you spent clicking the timer. And yes, be careful, the truth is simply amazing, for example, on the demo account the countdown took almost five days. Incredibly high, right?

Another interesting feature is tracking progress over time. The progress of events is shown for four weeks, one week and one day. Thanks to this information, you can see whether the tanker is developing or whether his performance indicators have decreased.
