What parameters should you use to choose a digital camera? Film or digital? Best Camera: Panasonic Lumix DMC-FT5

The main advantage is that no film is needed, photographs are recorded on a card, easily transferred, flash card, printer, CD or DVD. A digital camera allows you to view photos immediately after taking them, and delete those that turned out poorly right in the camera. If desired, you can process photos using special programs. To print the photos you like, you don’t have to go to a photo studio; you can do this on a personal photo printer.

The higher the sensitivity of the matrix, the greater the likelihood of getting a clear picture in twilight or darkness. However, high sensitivity contributes to the appearance of noise in the photograph.

Pay attention to the lens characteristics. The larger the zoom, the worse the picture becomes when enlarged (moderate zooms give better pictures than ultrazooms). Consult with about focal length and the level of aperture (the higher it is, the more expensive the camera).

Video on the topic

Helpful advice

Optical stabilization allows you to get a clear picture even with minor vibrations of the device. The viewfinder allows you to preview the future image before pressing the shutter. The best would be a mirror viewfinder that displays the actual area of ​​the frame.

Tip 3: How to choose a digital professional camera

Currently professional digital ohm Only a DSLR camera can be considered. There are quite successful developments in which there is no bulky part with a mirror, but so far they have not reached the level that DSLRs have long acquired. Beginning photographers should pay attention to the number of preset modes, and experienced photographers should pay attention to the comfort of using the camera and the presence of new additional functions in it compared to previous models.


You can choose a camera based on its characteristics on the Internet, but before buying, be sure to try holding different models in your hands. You should be comfortable using this particular camera, otherwise it’s difficult to expect good photos. One of the most important convenience parameters is the viewfinder. The classic viewfinder is an optical viewfinder, but some models also have an electronic viewfinder, which allows you to determine the image from the display on the camera in the same way as in compact cameras. For beginners, it is useful to find out whether the camera has various shooting modes with preset parameters. You won’t immediately learn how to correctly set all this manually, so good auto modes definitely won’t hurt at first.

The matrix, or sensor, is one of the most important parameters in a professional camera. It largely depends on her how high-quality the photographs will be. Moreover, it’s not just a matter of permission. Characteristics such as sensor sensitivity and its type are important. If you don’t know exactly what you need, then choose a CCD matrix equipped with a dust protection system. Many megapixels are, of course, good, but the physical size of the matrix is ​​much more important. If it is small, the image will be noisy. Therefore, if the matrix on two cameras is the same size, then choose the one with a lower resolution, since the color on it will be better and there will be less noise. Sensitivity is measured in ISO - the higher it is, the better. But in practice, high sensitivity is rarely needed by anyone other than reporters, so if you prefer a staged photo, you can neglect this parameter.

The camera can be purchased with a factory lens; this package is called a Kit. In professional jargon, a camera separately from a lens is called a “body” or “box”. The more expensive the camera, the better the lens that comes with it. For cheap SLR cameras The basic lenses are very weak. Choosing the optics you need is a separate and very serious matter.

Focus on the requirements set by your style of working with the camera and your favorite genre. If you prefer reportage shooting, then an important parameter will be the number of frames per second and the time the camera is turned on (ready time for work). For any photographer, shutter time is important. These fractions of a second can cause your camera to be delayed so that a successful shot is missed.

Today take pictures and receive pictures High Quality can not only professionals, but also beginners. The opportunity to enjoy the process of photographing is provided by the rapid development of digital technology, in particular cameras.

A digital camera includes many functions that allow you to select the best shots, delete bad photos, create videos, and connect the camera to personal computer or a laptop to view the photos you have taken. In addition, it is possible to edit and edit photographs using a variety of graphics programs, thanks to which you can change the photo beyond recognition and make it bright. Unlike classic cameras, digital cameras do not require purchase Supplies in the form of film, and information received in digital form will not grow old and can accompany a person throughout his life.

Choosing a high-quality camera that will contain all the necessary functions is a rather complicated process. This requires various knowledge in the field of camera characteristics, such as matrix, lens, memory, etc., and you also need to understand the purpose of each parameter and their functionality. Before purchasing a digital camera, you should decide for what purposes it will be used, for example, for professional photography or for home use. After this, you need to select the parameters of the future technology.

For example, some models allow you to create audio descriptions and comments for photographs, as well as photograph objects in dynamics. Video shooting of most available models is no different high level quality, and its duration is limited by free memory, so such cameras are suitable for not very demanding clients.

Proper selection of the most important parameters will make it easy to purchase a high-quality model that meets your needs.

If you are thinking of buying yourself digital camera, but you don’t know what to pay attention to and generally which camera to choose from the many offers on the market, then in this article we will analyze all the nuances in detail.

You immediately need to decide why you even need a camera.

Compact cameras or point-and-shoot cameras

Pros: small size and ease of use.

Cons: Poor image quality and lack of customizable options for creative options.

Such cameras are suitable for amateur photography of children, animals, and travel photographs. For example, the Nikon Coolpix A10 camera is a very good option.

But it is worth noting that modern smartphones have cameras that are almost better than those of compact cameras, so the best option would be to buy a good smartphone.

Also included in the compact camera category are cameras with a fixed lens. Such cameras will have a better zoom and slightly better photo quality, but the price is disproportionately higher than that of a regular point-and-shoot camera.

Professional compact cameras

Due to the larger matrix, the quality of photos is better, and some models are equipped with a good zoom. This class of technology took a little from the rest. It will be larger in size than regular compact cameras, but not as large as professional ones. However, the price of such a camera will be even higher. Our pick is the Canon PowerShot G7 X Mark II.

A good option for amateur photography and travel.

SLR Cameras

  • good quality of photographs;
  • large matrix;
  • many customizable functions;
  • ability to change lenses;
  • Ease of use.
  • rather large dimensions;
  • relatively high price.

DSLRs have become the standard in digital cameras and offer excellent functionality to suit the needs of almost any photographer.

It is the matrix in the camera that is responsible for the quality of photographs, and in SLR cameras, due to the size of the matrix, the photos are higher quality than in other cameras.

DSLR cameras are divided into 3 types:

  1. amateur;
  2. semi-professional;
  3. professional.

The main difference between professional SLR cameras- This is a full-format matrix. All amateur and some semi-professional cameras have a cropped matrix.

Crop is a reduction, i.e. reduced matrix (compared to full format). This means that the best quality will be on professional models with a full-frame sensor. But don't think that the difference is that noticeable. It will be almost impossible to notice the difference by eye; it will only be noticeable when shooting at high photosensitivity values ​​(ISO). If you shoot in normal lighting, then for the average photographer there will be no difference in quality. The lens is much more responsible for the quality of the image.

So, a DSLR camera is suitable for any type of photography, except for travel (due to its large size).

For amateur photography, family photography, nature photography, and photographs for printing, it is better to choose an amateur SLR or semi-professional SLR camera. It is worth noting that many famous wedding and magazine photographers still work with semi-professional DSLRs. For professional wedding, studio, and advertising photography, a full-frame professional camera would be an excellent option.

Current Nikon SLR cameras today



● Nikon D3300 (990 RUR from kit lens)

● Nikon D3400 (990 RUR with kit lens)

● Nikon D5500 (RUB 1,080 without lens)

● Nikon D5600 (RUB 1,210 without lens)


● Nikon D7200 (RUB 1,590 without lens)

● Nikon D7500 (RUB 2,330 without lens)


● Nikon D500 (RUB 3,430 without lens)

Nikon D3300 is a basic model with the required minimum. This means that it has cheaper materials and less functionality, but in terms of image quality it is almost as good as more expensive models with a crop sensor. Nikon D500 is Nikon's top model with a crop sensor and has maximum functionality.

Full frame:

● Nikon D610 (RUB 2,250 without lens)

● Nikon D750 (RUB 3,090 without lens)

● Nikon D850 (RUB 6,850 without lens)

● Nikon D5 (RUB 10,500 without lens)

Conclusion: best combination in terms of price and quality – Nikon D7200.

Current Canon SLR cameras today



● Canon 1300D (RUB 770* with lens)

● Canon 100D (RUB 1,046 with lens)

● Canon 200D (RUB 1,110 without lens)

● Canon 750D (RUB 1,020 with lens)

● Canon 800D (RUB 1,280 without lens)


● Canon 77D (RUB 1,570 without lens)

● Canon 70D (RUB 1,550 without lens)

● Canon 80D (RUB 1,750 without lens)


Full frame:

● Canon 5Ds (RUB 5,450 without lens)

Conclusion: the best combination of price and quality is the Canon 80D.

Mirrorless cameras

They appeared on the market relatively recently.

  • Good matrix;
  • Changing lenses;
  • Manual settings;
  • Compactness.
  • high price;
  • fast battery consumption.

A mirrorless camera is a great travel buddy, you'll get amazing quality photos and you can easily fit the camera into your inner jacket pocket. Mirrorless cameras are also very popular among videographers, in particular the Sony a7 series.

When you have decided on the type of camera you need, you should choose a specific model.

Take a closer look at the Olympus Micro 4/3, Fujifilm X or Sony α systems.

  1. Focus on model year, with new models it will be easier to repair and purchase accessories; manufacturers are also constantly adding new useful functions and improving the quality of matrices.
  2. Before going to the store select a specific model on the Internet, find out the cost and functionality. It is not always possible to get qualified help from sellers.
  3. Nikon or Canon? It doesn't matter! The quality of the photos is the same =)
  4. The main misconception is that the quality of photographs is determined by number of megapixels. This is wrong! Megapixels play a role when printing images. 16-20 megapixels is the best option, less is worse, but more is pointless, and sometimes even worse for the quality of pictures.
  5. Also consider whether you need video shooting in a camera, you shouldn’t overpay for a camera with 4k video if you don’t intend to use it.
  6. The flagships, the guarantor of quality, are behind Canon, Nikon, Sony cameras.
  7. We recommend the DXomark website. Here statistics are collected and compiled ratings for all cameras, lenses and cameras of mobile phones. After choosing a camera, you can look at its ratings and compare it with other models.
  8. Be sure to buy a camera in the store and with a guarantee. Buying used photographic equipment is quite a risky activity, because it will not be possible to notice defects in the matrix and electronics in the camera right away.

What you should not pay attention to when choosing a camera:

● By the number of megapixels. 14 megapixels is enough to print a billboard!

● To the camera's maximum light sensitivity (ISO). Still, you shouldn’t raise your ISO values ​​above 800.

● On digital zoom, this is a trick of the manufacturer. Still, you won’t shoot a love story from a distance of 700 meters!

● The number of shooting modes. Better come to us and learn manual camera settings in 2 hours!

● For all sorts of “improvements”. If the manufacturer does not give specifics about what is improved and in comparison with what, this is also a marketing ploy.

Let's sum it up

  • For amateur photography - professional compact cameras, amateur-level SLR cameras.
  • For professional photography – full-format SLR and mirrorless cameras.
  • For travel – mirrorless and compact cameras.
  • For video shooting - full-format SLR cameras and mirrorless Sony a7 line.
  • If you want to shoot everything at once, use a semi-professional SLR camera.

Our choice

Mirrorless camera – Sony a7 III

SLR camera :

Crop – Canon 80d, Nikon 7200.

And remember: for a good shot, the main thing is skillful handling of the camera and use of its functionality. And the camera matrix and lens are responsible for the quality of the image.

If you want to not only buy a camera, but also learn how to take great shots in two hours, and for free, then sign up for a FREE CLASS on photography.

*Prices for cameras are indicated in Belarusian rubles for the spring of 2018.


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In our high-tech age, it is not at all easy to purchase any household appliance or smart gadget. The problem lies precisely in the huge range and abundance of additional functions and capabilities. To the question: “Which is the best camera to buy?” Even a professional cannot answer quickly and unambiguously. Helps you make the right choice detailed study market, as well as the needs and capabilities of the buyer. There are too many questions: the size of the device, its functionality, compatibility with additional accessories and price.

Why do you need a camera?

You should start choosing any piece of equipment by determining your own requirements for it. It is important to rationally assess existing skills and potential, as well as the ability to develop. Think about where the desire to buy a camera came from? The old one broke down, did you suddenly realize that your existing point-and-shoot camera is not suitable for implementing your existing ideas, or is it simply fashionable to have a SLR camera?

Another important question- purchase amount. If your budget is limited and you want to save money, you should choose especially pickily. Before you think about which camera is best to buy, decide what exactly you will be shooting. If you need a device for everyday needs (filming home holidays, interesting events), a simple model will be enough. For those who wish to learn the art of photography, a mid-level camera with some potential is needed. Professional equipment is intended for experienced photographers.

What types of cameras are there?

Today, any photographic equipment store will offer its client compact digital cameras, devices with interchangeable optics, and mirror technique. Each category offers a huge number of models in different price ranges. They may vary in size, functionality and design. Let's look at the elements present in the design of any modern camera.

The body of the product has a front and a back part. The display is located on the back side; it can be folding and rotating or built into the back panel of the device. The front of the camera has a lens, which can be built-in or replaceable. When asking, many consumers expect to hear at least a recommendation for a specific category of devices. Everything is purely individual, depending on what is more important to you: to carry a camera in your pocket or to enjoy greater functionality and the ability to take high-quality pictures?

Compact digital cameras

Often devices in this category are popularly called “soap boxes”. This definition is not entirely correct and is appropriate only for one of the subspecies. Characteristics digital compact cameras - display viewfinder and built-in lens. Another one distinguishing feature- minimum settings, most often the best quality pictures are obtained when choosing automatic mode.

Cheap models may not have advanced settings at all. It is appropriate to call digital cameras with a telescopic lens “soap cameras.” When the device is turned off, it folds and retracts into the housing. According to one version, this is where the name comes from - when folded, the camera really resembles a bar of soap or a soap dish. If you are unsure about the best digital camera to buy, think again about the importance of size. The “soap dish” will easily fit into a pocket or handbag. Conventional digital cameras have lenses that protrude from the surface of the body. Such modifications, as a rule, have more advanced settings. Among them there are also expensive options that can be used for professional photography.

Digital cameras with interchangeable lenses

Digital cameras with interchangeable lenses allow you to take high-quality photographs, but do not have a mirror viewfinder. An undeniable advantage is the ability to use several lenses on one “body” or replace them as the user’s needs increase. If you are seriously interested in photography, but don’t know which digital camera is best to buy, cameras of this type will be the optimal solution. There is potential for development and improvement of the device with minimal investment. However, this group differs in the priority of manual settings and the digital viewfinder.

SLR Cameras

The fashion for SLR cameras began several years ago. The official marking of devices in this category is DSLR, which stands for “Digital single-lens reflex camera.”

The fundamental difference from digital analogs with interchangeable lenses is the presence of a mirror viewfinder, which usually increases the size of the device. An important technical characteristic for such cameras is the size of the matrix. Once you decide which DSLR camera is best to buy, carefully study its packaging. The camera itself is called body (slang - “body”, “carcass”), and the set of lens and camera is called kit. Usually a basic set is enough to get acquainted with the camera. After shooting with it for a while, you can learn a lot and understand what additions the chosen device needs.

What determines the quality of images?

The natural desire for maximalism must be left aside when it comes to choosing the optical zoom value. The lower this indicator, the higher the quality of the pictures. What is the best camera to buy to take high-quality pictures? The answer is simple - the one who less value aperture number for the lens. This indicator sets the following axiom: the larger the focal length, the lower the aperture ratio. When taking a photo, you want the camera to capture the moment instantly. The shutter speed parameter is responsible for this feature. Photographers who are also interested in image processing will find it useful to purchase a model that can record footage in raw format. This saving option does not require compression, as a result of which the image has larger size and quality accordingly.

Details about the camera matrix

One of the most unpleasant defects that can be found in photographs taken is noise. It's about about "snow" - small points, similar to grains. The secret to high-quality photographs of moving objects in poor light is the high sensitivity of the matrix. It is important that there is no noise. How to determine this combination by markings and which SLR camera is better to buy? You can count on the absence of “snow” at values ​​of 800 ISO and above. With inexpensive matrices, the appearance of noise should be expected already at 400 ISO. The resolution of the captured frames is important if you plan to print them larger than 10x15 cm or view them on a large screen. You can take photographs suitable for these purposes from a large matrix. The most common marking is a fraction; better quality photographs can be expected if the value is close to one.

Significant Characteristics

How frustrating it can be to catch an interesting shot and shoot it blurry! You can forget about this trouble by choosing a camera with image stabilization. It can be built into the body or lens, however, the result is noticeable in both cases. Focal length is a lens characteristic that reflects the size of the subject and the camera's field of view. Another answer to the question: “Which is the best semi-professional camera to buy?” - one that allows more parameters to be configured manually. This will allow the beginner amateur to learn new things and master various shooting techniques.

Which company is better to buy a camera?

Does it make sense to overpay for a brand? This is a controversial issue, and yet there are recognized leaders among photographic equipment manufacturers. The most famous companies: Canon, Nikon and Olympus. These are companies for which the production of photographic equipment is their main profile, and there is no doubt about the quality of their products. The next level is occupied by brands that produce a variety of household appliances and electronics.

Little-known manufacturers close the list, so which camera is best for an amateur to buy in this case is not of fundamental importance. Study technical specifications and user recommendations. But among the professionals it's going brutal war, under the motto: which is better - Nikon or Canon? Still, the choice of brand is important, since any camera is compatible only with accessories from the same company. Experience shows that lenses last quite a long time if handled with care. Accordingly, having chosen a brand once, you will be forced to become a fan of it for a long time, since it is unprofitable to buy a new “carcass” and a set of lenses for it, if you have a sufficient number of accessories from a different brand.

Ease of use

You can take photographs quickly and without unnecessary delays if you have automatic settings and autofocus. Most digital cameras have these capabilities, but SLR cameras rarely do. The ability to shoot in bursts is incredibly convenient and useful. The option is called bracketing and allows you to take several frames instead of one. Theoretically, the same effect can be achieved manually, but with automatic installation it turns out faster. An electronic viewfinder is useful; it will replace the optical viewfinder in bright light. The only downside is that it displays the image for one eye. Most likely, by this time you have already decided on the choice of brand. If the question is, what camera? Nikon is better buy, evaluate the totality of all the characteristics proposed above and highlight the most important of them.

Camera for beginner or pro

For the convenience of consumers, each brand divides its products into unofficial categories: for professionals and amateurs. There is also an intermediate class: medium-priced equipment intended for those who do not have special skills, but want to learn artistic photography. If you are not sure that you will devote a lot of time to this activity, you should start with a simple camera. In addition to it, you can purchase a tripod and start studying graphic editors. The popular Photoshop program allows even medium-sized original quality make photographs into real masterpieces. Mastering its basics will be useful for every photography enthusiast: in just a couple of lessons you can learn how to improve the colors of images, crop them and remove red eyes.

Necessary accessories

The most important accessory for DSLR cameras is the lens. Please note that without it the “carcass” will not be removed. Therefore, distribute your budget correctly, choosing an inexpensive or mid-priced camera and a good addition to it. An important nuance - all photographic equipment is compatible strictly by brand. In other words, if you are choosing which camera is better: buy Canon or Nikon, be prepared for the fact that the lenses and body must be of the same brand. You will immediately have to purchase a memory card; keep in mind that when traveling or going to some exciting events, it is recommended to take several digital media at once. A useful purchase is a bag or case to protect your equipment. Other accessories such as a tripod and flash are purchased after a detailed acquaintance with the camera, if necessary. Some manufacturers offer beginner kits consisting of the camera itself, lens, bag, and sometimes other accessories.

Do you need a camera? Which one is better to buy? Reviews from photographic equipment owners are unlikely to help you. The thing is that the choice of cameras today is huge, while there are not so many people who have tried at least five different modifications. It makes sense to consult with a professional photographer who has been working in this field for quite a long time. But keep in mind that a professional of this level may not be very familiar with the technology for beginners and amateurs. It is for this reason that it makes sense to independently understand the characteristics and important parameters of modern cameras, having first decided what you expect from your planned purchase. We hope that our article will help you answer the question: “Which professional camera is best to buy?” or “Which photographic equipment should a beginner choose?”

Happy photography!

There is a lot of information on how to choose a camera for a beginning photographer. But how not to get lost in the endless sea of ​​information provided?

Sometimes the opinions of professionals are so contradictory that ordinary people completely despair of choosing something worthy.

It becomes especially difficult to understand that the market is filled not just with film or digital devices, but with DSLRs, compacts, point-and-shoot cameras, non-SLR cameras...

In addition, in the ranks of the above-mentioned DSLRs you can find thirty-five-millimeter full-frame devices, APS-C format and many others.

However, if you carefully study the information presented below, you will be able to quite specifically answer the question of how to choose the right camera.

Film or digital?

First of all, we note that film cameras are currently used by everyone. less people. And even if a professional has such a camera, in most cases it collects dust in a case. Therefore, we will pay maximum attention to considering the question of how to choose a digital camera. It has the following advantages:

The result of the shooting is visible immediately;

Photos can be easily posted online;

There is no need to purchase film;

You can correct imperfections in a photo using software;

Understand the controls digital camera simple enough.

As for the negative aspects, the main one is specific distortions (noise, graininess, chromatic aberration), which are associated with the structural features of the matrix of such a device.

Camera categories

How to choose a digital camera so that you can use it with pleasure? Judging by the reviews from the pros, it is very important to decide what exactly you need the camera for. Will it become a source of income or will it be needed only to capture friendly gatherings? Let’s imagine a conditional division of cameras into four categories:

- Compacts. They are not very expensive, however, they are equipped with a set of options. There are not so many of the latter, but for a beginner it will be quite enough. Such cameras are also called “digital point-and-shoot cameras.” We do not recommend treating them with disdain, since they do their job at a decent level. The quality of the pictures is average.

It is quite enough to print a photo measuring ten by fifteen. This is exactly the kind of camera that people should think about if they are wondering how to choose a camera for traveling, occasionally photographing parties, etc. In addition, such cameras are ideal for children, because they are easy to operate and will not attract the attention of unscrupulous people. on hand.

- Supercompacts. These devices can be carried with you at all times. They are considered an extended version of the camera mobile phone. You can easily hang them from a belt on your belt or put them in your pocket. Such cameras are usually equipped with a minimum of settings, including scene modes.

- SLR cameras. We mean models for beginner photographers, and not for professionals whose equipment costs tens of thousands of dollars. However, even these cameras are difficult to manage. You cannot do without carefully studying the instructions, delving into theory and practice, of course. How to choose a DSLR camera for a beginner? First of all, it is recommended to pay attention to the number of options in the model you like. If there are too many of them, the shooting process can very quickly become boring.

- Superzooms. These cameras are designed for specific purposes. For example, for remote photography of birds or wild animals. How to choose a camera in this category? It is important to pay attention to such non-standard parameters as the number of frames per second and immersion depth.

Now that you have decided for what purposes you will use the camera, let’s consider what parameters to choose a camera by.


There is a fairly widespread misconception that the main parameter of this detail is the number of megapixels. In fact, the physical size of the camera sensor is much more important. How to choose a camera based on this parameter? Look for a device equipped with a matrix maximum size. However, keep in mind that this detail has a direct impact on the size of the optics and, as a result, the entire camera. Thus, you shouldn’t even dream about a super compact with a full-size matrix.

How to choose a digital SLR camera taking into account the above parameter? This type of camera currently uses CDD or CMOS sensors. There are no significant differences between them, although there are still differences in some properties. As users note, cameras with a CMOS matrix work a little faster. An important fact is that they do not consume much energy and are cheaper.

As for resolution, it, of course, also affects the quality of pictures. Theoretically, the higher this indicator, the more detail will be visible in the photo. But all kinds of distortions play an important role here, most noticeable with multi-pixel, but small-sized matrices. Those details that were expected to be seen in the picture turn out to be completely “clogged” with dots different colors. So don't just look high resolution. Six megapixels is enough to print high-quality photographs up to A4 format.

When figuring out how to choose a camera, don't take into account the incorrect statement that high-resolution cameras don't take very good pictures. good quality. This myth is based on comparing images pixel to pixel, that is, in full resolution. If you bring photos to the same resolution (and anyone can do this thanks to modern graphic editors), then there will be no differences. So you shouldn’t specifically choose low-resolution cameras.


It is recommended to pay special attention to this component. The fact is that the quality of the lens will determine the ability of the device to take pictures in low light (consider the aperture), its ability to cover a larger space (look at the viewing angle) and photograph distant objects as much as possible. close-up(Zoom is responsible for this). This detail ensures sufficient sharpness and clarity of pictures, as well as the absence of distortion.

How to choose a lens for a camera? Take a closer look at the model you like. Usually it says the following: 5.8-34.8 mm 1: 2.8-4.8. What does it mean? The first two numbers indicate the distance from the matrix to the front lens (focal), and the second two indicate the aperture ratio of the lens. SLR cameras provide the ability to change this part. Thanks to this, you will purchase the device that is most suitable for specific conditions.

How to choose a lens for a SLR camera? Pay attention to one more indicator - the aperture level. It determines the camera's ability to shoot in low light conditions. Moreover, the lower the number, the better. For example, an indicator of 1:2.8-3.8 is preferable to 1:2.8-4.8.

The viewing angle can be determined based on the focal length. It is inversely proportional to visibility. When figuring out how to choose a camera, keep in mind that a short focal length indicates wide angle review. This way, you don't have to move away to get all the objects of interest into the frame. But many wide-angle cameras significantly distort the edges of the image.

As for zoom, this parameter can be determined by finding out the ratio of the maximum focal length to the minimum. So, if you see the numbers 5.8:34.8 on the lens, then the zoom is six (we are, of course, talking about optical).

Without special equipment, you will not be able to independently assess the level of quality of the lens. In this case, all that remains is to trust the manufacturer. To avoid unpleasant surprises, choose equipment from trusted brands. Among the latter we can highlight Canon, Nikon, Olympus, Sony, Fujifilm, Samsung.

Manual modes, automatic settings

How to choose a camera based on its built-in shooting modes? To clarify the situation, let's look at this parameter in more detail:

- Auto mode. In this case, the device independently determines such characteristics as shutter speed, aperture, sensitivity. You can completely trust the technology, only by pressing a button to capture an important moment for you. If you are interested in this option, purchase a camera with a good automatic mode.

- Story-based. It is almost a complete analogue of the previous one. The only difference is greater adaptation to the subject being filmed. For example, in the “sky” mode, the texture of the clouds is better visible. They will no longer appear as simple white spots. When you select the “sport” mode, you can achieve greater clarity of moving objects (this provides a faster shutter speed).

- Semi-automatic. The user is given the opportunity to independently set some parameters (for example, determine the sensitivity, and the camera will adjust the shutter speed and aperture).

- Manual. In this mode, all shooting parameters are set by you at your own discretion.

Note that semi-automatic and manual modes in non-professional cameras are not highly valued. Until you become a pro in this area, you will not be able to adjust shutter speed, clarity and other parameters better than a camera. A camera with such modes is worth purchasing if you have plans to upgrade to professional-level equipment in the future.

Image Stabilizer

With its help, you get clearer photographs in poor lighting, when you cannot do without a long shutter speed, and the risk that your hand will shake when shooting increases significantly. In modern cameras, this part can be digital or optical. How to choose good camera? Buy a device with a stabilizer. And although professionals note that this part is not very effective in amateur cameras, nevertheless, it will, to some extent, help make your pictures better.


In digital cameras, just like in their film predecessors, sensitivity is measured in ISO units. In the most advanced cameras it reaches truly amazing values ​​of 6400. However, you should not pay special attention to these numbers, because with a sensitivity above 800 there will be too much noise in the picture.

Battery or batteries?

How to choose a good camera so that it doesn’t let you down at the most crucial moment? To do this, you should purchase a device with a reliable power source. The latter can be provided either by a built-in battery or AA batteries. The only downside of the battery is its cost. As for AA batteries, they can suddenly run out, they have big size and weight, in addition, many cameras do not detect their charge level.

Memory card

How to choose a flash drive for a camera? Most modern cameras use SD memory cards. However, some manufacturers are in no hurry to change outdated formats (like, for example, Memory from Stick Sony).

Note that there is no fundamental difference between them. How to choose the right digital camera? As stated in numerous user reviews, compatibility with other devices should not be a priority. The fact is that so-called card readers (devices designed for reading cards) today are quite affordable.


Another name for this device is a tripod. It is intended to provide reliable fixation cameras, especially when shooting at long exposures. How to choose a tripod for a camera? Let's list the basic criteria:

The tripod must match the model of the existing camera (the weight and dimensions of the camera are important).

The tripod should be selected in accordance with the intended purpose of filming.

The working height of the device must be maximum.

If constant transportation is necessary, it is important to consider the folded size of the tripod.

How to choose the right SLR camera? The “carcass” must be from a trusted manufacturer (currently the top three include Nikon, Canon and Sony). You will have to buy a lot more optics for it.

When choosing a camera, be sure to hold several models in your hands. If you are going to shoot at a professional level, it is very important that the device fits comfortably in your hands.

Kit or Body?

How to choose a good DSLR camera? Consider the prefix to the model name. So, if it is Body, then the camera is sold without a lens and other additional components. Models with the Kit attachment include a lens. It is generally more suitable for beginners as it does not have high specifications.

How to choose a camera for an amateur? Buy models labeled “Double Kit”. They are equipped with two lenses - regular and zoom. This set is quite enough for the first time in order to familiarize yourself with the features of the equipment. This best option for beginners. Professionals, in turn, prefer to purchase only “carcasses” in order to independently purchase all the optics they need.

More information about brands. Canon

Cameras from this manufacturer are very popular. AND main reason The success of a company is called its prompt response to know-how. Canon cameras successfully implement Newest technologies. It says a lot that Canon EOS 5D Mark II devices are widely used as movie cameras in Hollywood for filming high-budget films.

How to choose a Canon DSLR camera? Before going to the store, decide what you need this device for, since even the manufacturer himself is developing various lines of his product, based on the tasks that users set for themselves. For example, cameras are produced for photojournalists with a shutter speed of twelve times per second. And studio photographers from the fashion world are actively purchasing cameras with a large matrix in order to achieve maximum image quality.

Inexpensive cameras

Do you want to buy a DSLR camera? Which one to choose so that the purchase does not hit your pocket? Canon offers a wide selection of budget DSLRs. We will highlight the two most popular models.

Canon EOS 600D. It is a slightly modernized version of the 550 D. Equipped with a rotating display. The cost ranges from twenty to twenty-two thousand rubles.

Canon EOS 1100D. Standard budget model. Some users note that its speed is not very high. The average price is fifteen thousand rubles.

Average cost cameras

How to choose a semi-professional camera? Judging by the reviews, the most reliable option is the Canon EOS 5D Mark II. It can be purchased from 65 thousand rubles. The second most popular device is the Canon EOS 60D. It costs half as much. In third place is Canon EOS 7D. It will cost 42 thousand rubles. It is especially popular among novice reporters. It features a moisture- and dust-proof housing.

Preferences of professionals

Indicator good taste the Canon camera has long been a thing. Which one to choose for the most demanding user? We recommend the 1D X series device. Its cost is 285 thousand rubles. The characteristics of the device are impressive: the highest light sensitivity is ISO – 204800, shutter speed – 12 frames/sec., field of view in the viewfinder – 100%.


Which digital camera is better to choose? Trust a reliable manufacturer! If you are a novice user, pay attention to the Nikon Coolpix S520. It is compact (115 grams without battery) and has decent characteristics: three-fold optical zoom, 2.5-inch screen, matrix – 8.1 MP. Another good DSLR entry level– D5000.

It is equipped with almost the same set of functions as in professional cameras. The most advanced of the amateur ones is called the D3100. It will cost approximately 15-17 thousand rubles. Do you want to buy a Nikon camera? How to choose a professional option? The optimal model in this regard is the D700. It has a metal body, reliably protected from moisture, and a twelve-megapixel CMOS matrix.

How to choose a compact camera

So-called mirrorless cameras are not equipped with optical viewfinders and a mirror unit, making them much more compact. Electronic viewfinders and displays are responsible for constructing the frame. high resolution. Among the most popular models are Sony A6000, Panasonic Lumix DMC-GH3 (58 thousand rubles), Fujifilm X-M1 (28 thousand rubles), Olympus OM-D E-M10 (27 thousand rubles). When choosing, pay attention to the noise level, the presence of a Wi-Fi module and a fast hybrid focusing system.

Camera cheaper than ten thousand rubles

How to choose an inexpensive camera? First of all, focus on tactile sensations. Devices with a metal body look more representative. If you plan to use the camera while traveling, pay attention to the zoom power. For photographing family and friendly gatherings, a device with five times magnification is sufficient.

How to choose a point-and-shoot camera? Is it worth purchasing a model with big amount megapixels? No. Many modern cameras have enough of them, and you won’t see a noticeable difference in the quality of the pictures. The cameras presented below are definitely worth the money, but you shouldn’t expect DSLR quality from them.

Panasonic Lumix DMC-SZ7 - 5,500 rub.

Nikon Coolpix S6400 - 4,600 rub.

Sony Cybershot DSC-H90 - 5,000 rub.

Canon Ixus 125 HS - 4,900 rub.

Newfangled smart cameras

This is the most modern type cameras. “Smart” models were first introduced in 2012. Such devices are a hybrid of a compact camera and a smartphone. From the latter they inherited the Android OS, the ability to connect with other devices via wireless connection and a touchscreen.

These models are chosen by those users for whom it is important to immediately post the pictures they take on the Internet and enjoy various mobile applications. The leader in this area is Samsung. It offers models of the Galaxy Camera line from 12 to 53 thousand rubles. They are modestly followed by Nikon Coolpix S800C for 5,000 rubles. You can download apps to it Google Play, including programs for image processing.


The above review of SLR cameras and their cheaper counterparts will help you make a choice and purchase the most suitable one. technical specifications model. However, remember that no matter how good a camera is, it all depends on the hands in which it is placed. Of course, taking a great photo with a cheap camera is difficult, but it is possible. Success in creative work!
