Orthodox prayer for successful trading. Who can you ask for successful trading? Saint Spyridon - how he helps in trade

Yakov Porfirievich Starostin

Servant of the Lord

Articles written

Financial stability in modern world- the basis successful life, self-confidence. Not every person can get used to the difficult world of business. If you have encountered problems and obstacles in trade or development own business, remember that prayer to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker has incredibly strong energy and is capable of working miracles.

Nicholas the Wonderworker - the life story of the Miracle Worker of Myra

Nicholas the Wonderworker is known to Christians all over the world as Nicholas the Pleasant or the Wonderworker of Myra. The priest lived in the third century AD in the territory of modern Turkey.

Nikolai's family waited a long time for the birth of a child. Miracles accompanied the baby from birth - after giving birth, his mother was healed of a serious illness, and by the time of baptism the boy was free on his feet. Nicholas made the decision to devote his life to the study of the Divine Scriptures in early childhood Having reached adolescence, he accepted the priesthood. Believers admired and respected the young man; every word and deed was filled with wisdom, mercy and spirituality.

The list of God-pleasing deeds of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker is endless; people in need of help asked for support at any time and were never refused. The man tried to keep every merciful act a secret. The most famous good deeds that the entire Orthodox world knows about:

  • help to a desperate father of a family who was ready to sacrifice his daughters;
  • helping sailors in their voyages - the priest was able to calm the sea with prayer;
  • the resurrection of a sailor who fell from the mast and was killed;
  • saving innocently convicted people from execution.

Throughout his life, Nicholas the Wonderworker saved people from poverty, illness, grief and misfortune, but he was unable to avoid persecution when Christians were oppressed. The priest spent a considerable number of days in prison, but even there his strong, unshakable faith in God helped him support people, forgetting about his difficulties. The Lord God himself took care of the protection of Nicholas the Pleasant. The priest was later elected archbishop.

Nikolai lived long life and died a very old man, leaving behind a belief in a happy life for Christians. After his death, people who touched the holy relics gained health and good luck.

Church representatives recommend first of all turning to the Lord God for help, but prayer to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker is no less powerful, the main thing is to believe in luck. There are several prayers to the Saint, each can change your life for the better and help in trading.

For assistance in trading

“Our merciful mentor, Nikolai! Your actions are cordial and generous. I pray for help in business and trade, look at my efforts, faithfulness to Jesus Christ. For my obedience, take away falls and hardships from me, give me luck, reward me with wisdom. Pray for me, the servant of God (servant of God) (Name) before the Almighty Lord, ask for protection from enemies and dashing thoughts. May he reward me for my efforts and diligence. Saint Nicholas the Pleasant, cover and protect with your wing, I believe in your power and mercy. Amen."

If competitors and envious people bother you

First option

“Our intercessor, Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker! I appeal to your miraculous help. Let your trading endeavors be successful, and let your trials disappear like smoke. Let luck be molded, competitors do not get angry. If an envious person appears, let his plans fall apart. I repent of all my sins, I pray for your protection. May your strength and mercy be with me both in sorrow and in joy. Amen."

Second option

“Our defender and benefactor, Nicholas the Wonderworker! Help me cope with the anger and envy of my enemies. If there are trials in business and trade due to human fault, do not punish the envious, but heal their souls, remove confusion from their thoughts. If I have no success and luck due to sinful faults, I repent of all my sins. Saint Nicholas the Pleasant, send down good luck and salary for my labors and efforts. Let it be so. Amen."

So that things go well

“Great miracle worker, Saint, Father Nicholas! I pray to you, protector of all Christians and the suffering, the crying and the poor. Sanctify my life with peace and grace, wisdom and success. I will not tire of singing your mercy and the Lord God forever and ever. Amen."

Prayer cannot be perceived as a simple set of words, it is a conversation with the Saint. To get an answer to an appeal to higher powers, you need to be pure in thoughts and actions, not get angry and love the work you are doing. Only sincere strong faith in prayer will help your wishes come true.

In what cases will prayer to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker help?

The prayer can be read every time you experience difficulties in trading or business, are confused and do not know which path to choose in a difficult situation. Prayer is a powerful preventive measure against poverty and bankruptcy.

Merchants around the world believed in the power of Nicholas the Pleasant, in close proximity to trading platforms they necessarily built a temple to the Saint.

When reading the prayer, you must be sure that:

  • Your faith is sincere and deep;
  • trading deals are honest, there is no deception in them.

The Miracle Worker of Myra will help only hardworking people and those who love the business they have started, conduct business with soul, honestly and selflessly.

A reminder for those planning to start their own business

Strong energy comes from consecrated icons; images of saints help and protect from failures, wrong actions and evil intentions, and attract good luck. To protect yourself from negative energy, you need to hang several of them in your office:

  • the face of John of Sochavsky - helps in trade transactions and business;
  • the face of John the warrior will protect you from theft;
  • the face of Cyprian and Justinia protects from the evil eye;
  • The face of Nicholas the Pleasant will help in all honest endeavors and planned good deeds.

Video on the topic

Many of us have probably experienced unpleasant situations when a seemingly strong business was in danger of collapse due to various circumstances. Whether this is happening by chance or your business has been jinxed can often be difficult to determine on your own.

But these troubles can be avoided if you turn to the Higher Powers for help every day. For this, and simply for safe and successful trading, there are special prayers. We will look further into which saints you need to pray to for good luck in trading matters.

The most powerful prayers for trading

Most entrepreneurs on their personal experience We have already become convinced that after turning to the Patron Saints, things in trade are really improving, the demand for goods is growing, and good luck is accompanying business.

Higher powers will help you save your business and protect your store or even just a stall at the market from ill-wishers and envious people, of whom there are so many around now, they will help you sell your goods faster, they will take away all the negativity and avert misfortune, and bring prosperity and happiness into your life.

For trade, prayer to the holy Venerable Seraphim of Sarov

This great ascetic of the church is loved and revered throughout Rus'. People turn to him with requests for help in various matters, and trade is just one of them. Seraphim of Sarov is usually addressed with a strong prayer in order to gain success, receive good revenue, profit and good luck in trading.

It will help you cope with the machinations of envious people who can jinx your business and protect you from scammers. You need to contact him if you have the feeling that you have been spoiled.

Priests advise carrying with you or hanging on the wall in a store or market near your trading place an icon of St. Seraphim of Sarov, so prayer to him will be more effective.

Miracle prayer for good luck in trading to Seraphim of Sarov

O most wonderful servant of God, holy Father Seraphim! O Great Wonderworker of Christ, helper to all those in need! Offer your prayers to Christ for me, may he help us and grant us all the beneficial and spiritually beneficial gifts. Protect us from the fall of sin and grant us true repentance. Let us enter into the kingdom of the Lord, where You now glorify Our Lord forever and ever. Amen.

Strong prayer for trading to Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker

This Christian saint is known not only to all Orthodox Christians, he is known throughout the world under the name different names. People turn to Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker for help in various needs; prayers to him are especially miraculous in order to find help in trade matters and luck in business.

You need to contact the holy saint as often as possible with daily prayers, and he will definitely help in your trading affairs. They must be read with deep faith and hope for the help of the Patron Saint in front of his icon.

Oh, our good shepherd of Christ and God-wise sanctifier and mentor of the Lord, wise Father Nicholas! Hear me, a sinner, praying to you and calling on you to help with speedy representation. See me weak, persecuted by everyone and deprived of all blessings. My mind has darkened from cowardice, I appeal to you with tears, and I ask you, the holy servant of God will not leave his name in sinful captivity. May I not die in my evil deed, pray for me to your unworthy servant, our Creator and Lord, with whom you stand in heaven with the disembodied face of saints. O most graceful and wonderful intercessor and servant of Christ, the good shepherd, saving us sinners from all misfortunes! Feed the hungry, comfort the crying, and protect the faithful, and hear our prayers and protect us from the evil one! Hear us sinners, who humbly bow our knees before you, help us, intercessor of Christ, strengthen our hearts in faith, and deliver us from all evil! Lead us into the Kingdom of the Lord, and may we be worthy to glorify our Lord, in the name of the Son, Father, and Holy Spirit. Amen.

Petition for good trade to John of Sochava

The Holy Great Martyr John of Sochava is the most famous patron of trade. For a long time, all traders and merchants on Russian soil prayed to him, and it is no coincidence - the saint himself was engaged in this business during his lifetime and, like no one else, he knows and understands how to help in trade matters and attract wealth.

He spent many years traveling to various overseas countries in search of rare goods on his ship, but at the same time he always remained a kind and honest person, never deceived people and always made honest deals.

It so happened that in one of the cities where he arrived, the saint had to suffer for his faith in Christ.

St. John of Sochava helps not only traders and sellers, but can also help in concluding important transactions and finding business partners.

Prayer for trade and prosperity in business to St. John Sochavsky

Oh, Holy Great Martyr of Christ! Look down on us sinners, sitting in the heavenly palace on us sinners who need your help and intercession. For our benefactor and intercessor before the Lord, ask him to deliver us from all difficult circumstances: from floods, from cowards, from fire and swords, invasions of foreigners and civil wars. May you not judge us based on our deeds; through your prayer He will grant us deliverance from our sins, and will instruct us in good deeds, send us good and godly thoughts, and help us to refrain from destructive passions. Pray for Saint John, for us sinners, that we may keep all the commandments of Christ, live our earthly life worthily and be worthy of eternal blissful life in heaven. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Amen.

Another strong petition for good luck in trade matters to St. John of Sochava

O Great Martyr Saint John, recognized as a pious passion-bearer of Christ, lived a worthy life and endured all the torments, hardships and trials and accepted martyrdom in the name of our Lord. Suffering comforter and needy intercessor, help us sinners, we ask you to turn your gaze to us kneeling, and pray before the Lord Jesus Christ for me, a sinner, and for my earthly endeavors. Grant me success in my affairs, protect me from the gaze of envious and evil people, do not let ill-wishers deceive me. I ask you to forgive me many of my sins, voluntary and involuntary, I expect and hope for your heavenly protection. Amen.

Prayer to Saint Spyridon Trimifuntsky

Believers know and love this saint for the many great miracles and good deeds he performed while still on earth. Saint Spyridon always comes to the aid of those people who turn to him with sincere prayers and requests.

The venerable miracle worker is asked to help in matters of trade and business, but he also helps in other areas of life.

If you have problems in trading matters or just before starting trading, you need to read this prayer every day for a month

Oh, all-blessed saint of Christ, great saint and intercessor of the Lord and glorious wonderworker! Standing in heaven at the throne of our God with an angelic face, look mercifully upon us, your sinful servants, standing and praying with a contrite soul and humbly asking for your intercession. Ask our Lord to have mercy on us and not punish us for our iniquities, and grant us sinners, by His mercy, to live our days in a serene and peaceful life. Take away from us all kinds of troubles and hardships, mental and physical, all the slander of the devil and languor. Comfort our sorrows, and deliver us from illnesses, grant us your intercession and help in all our affairs, grant us your prayers and save us! Amen.

Prayer for help in trade matters to the Holy Patriarch the Merciful John

This Orthodox Saint needs to be prayed to in order to find help in financial matters, attract buyers and profit from trade.

Saint John is considered a strong patron of all the poor and needy. Sincere prayers to this saint of God will deliver the beggar from poverty and help him find prosperity and financial well-being.

In addition, it helps in trade matters and business, as they are directly related to this area of ​​life, so before starting business.

You need to turn to Saint John with this prayer

O Saint of God, our merciful protector of all the poor and disadvantaged! I resort to your help, and I pray to you with tears, humbly asking for consolation and help in my affairs and endeavors. You pray to our Lord for us sinners, to grant us all earthly blessings, to deliver us from sorrows and to grant us, His servants, eternal life. In your earthly life you have done many mercies, comforting us sinners even now. Grant us a comfortable life and a righteous existence, comfort the sorrowing and calm the poor, grant us all earthly blessings. May your gifts to us not dry up, and may we live in peace and joy in our Lord to his glory. Amen.

Prayer before the icon of the Mother of God " Housekeeper"

They pray to the miraculous icon of the Most Holy Theotokos “Economissa” or, as it is otherwise called, the Holy Housekeeper, in order to find help and protection in solving various everyday problems.

The holy icon helps in matters of business and finance; they ask for it when they need to sell their property profitably, and they pray for it if they urgently need to borrow money.

People believe that simply kissing the icon is enough to solve all problems, so every year hundreds of believers come to the homeland of the shrine, Holy Mount Athos in Greece, to pray and ask for help.

For those who do not have the opportunity to travel and see in person miraculous icon, this prayer is suitable, addressed to the intercessor and comforter of all believers - the Most Holy Theotokos.

I pray to you, our most holy and honorable Lady Theotokos Mary, our all-honorable mother, patroness of all Orthodox people and intercessor of all Russian people! I resort to your help, quick patroness and protector of all those who suffer, who come to you with faith! Help us sinners and grant us deliverance and salvation from sins, manage our lives and grant us success in our endeavors! Show favor to us, your servants, and ask Our Lord, your son, to give us eternal life. Amen.

Prayer to St. Joseph of Volotsky for success in sale

The holy venerable abbot Joseph of Volotsky became famous during his lifetime for his good deeds and miracles.

In the Orthodox Church, he is considered the intercessor and patron of all businessmen, sellers and entrepreneurs; they pray to him to gain luck in trade, gain prosperity and wealth, and sell a house or apartment profitably.

You need to read the words of the prayer with faith and hope

Oh, blessed and ever-glorious servant of God! We pray to you with a broken heart and humble soul, that the Lord God will help us and hear your requests for us! We ask for your help, may God’s mercy towards us not fail and may the Lord give us his mercy! Blessed Father, help us and protect us from the wiles of the devil and all kinds of everyday misfortunes! With your prayers, grant us worldly wisdom and prosperity! In the name of our Lord, Jesus Christ. Amen.

The power of Psalm 90 “Live in the help of the Highest”

This Orthodox psalm is very revered among believers and will help in any everyday matters. The words themselves miracle prayer already have great power. It is read to protect oneself from damage and the evil eye, as well as to improve one’s financial condition.

Prayer for good luck in trading to the Guardian Angel

Guardian Angels have long helped people in resolving all issues, including financial ones. They need to be prayed to if you are having difficulties in business and trade and things are not going well, or you have fallen into debt and cannot pay it back on time.

If you are experiencing difficulties related to your business, or your trading is not going well, read this prayer several times a day.

O Holy Guardian Angel of Christ! You are my intercessor and my heavenly protector, deliver me from all troubles, pray for me before the throne of our Lord to forgive all my sins and eternal life grant me. Amen.

Trading conspiracies to profitably sell a house, apartment or car

We've all had situations where we experienced difficulties related to trading. It often happens that a bad period comes and our business suffers from the lack of clients.

Buyers simply do not come to us, and stubbornly buy similar products from competitors, bypassing our store or outlet.

Or it happens that you urgently need to sell a property or a car, but there are no buyers, and the matter does not move for a long time. All this happens because your business could be jinxed by envious people and ill-wishers.

To prevent this from happening, you can attract success in business and collect good revenue with the help of ancient conspiracies.

CONSPIRACY for the quick sale of an apartment or car

For this ritual, you need to take a few grains of wheat and place them early in the morning near the threshold of the house you are selling or near the car that you want to sell soon.

I will scatter a few grains and say goodbye to my property. Buyers will be found sooner, I will become happy faster. I call you, my merchant, come and buy my goods. Key, lock, tongue. Amen.

After this, you need to collect the grains and bury them next to the object of sale, and in a few days the transaction will take place.

Another conspiracy to sell and protect real estate

This ritual must be used at least ten days before the upcoming transaction. He suggests turning for help to the ancient patron of the house - the brownie. To perform the ceremony, you need to stand in the middle of the room in the house you want to sell and quietly whisper to yourself:

Old house-elf, you are mighty and great, help me sell my house, find rich and good clients and buyers! True.

Then you need to spit over your left shoulder three times, quietly leave and close the doors.

How to do it right read prayers for sale

It is important to remember that the words of prayers to the Patron Saints must be pronounced with sincere faith and hope for their help. You should not start praying while in bad mood, or after a quarrel with others.

Before the ceremony begins, you need to light a candle and put your thoughts in order.

The text of the prayer itself must be read clearly and distinctly, and one must not think about extraneous things that are not related to the matter at hand. Only in this case will your requests be heard by the Holy Saints and the Lord, and only then will you receive from them ambulance, and your business will prosper and multiply.

Without financial wealth it is quite difficult to imagine the picture happy life. Modern society meets people like never before and evaluates them, focusing on external attributes: expensive accessories, a premium car and branded clothing. Therefore, people are trying with all their might to achieve a certain level, which primarily includes financial stability.

Today, many people start their own business and invest almost everything they have into it. Naturally, the well-being of the whole family depends on the success of this enterprise. But, unfortunately, some manage to achieve success easily and quickly, while others spend several years unsuccessfully climbing to the top of the financial pyramid. No one knows why this happens. However, in case of constant failures, some people turn to trading magic, part of which they consider prayers to help in trading. These are the ones that will be discussed in today’s article, and you can decide for yourself how suitable this method is for running your affairs.

Trading magic: fact or fiction

Even in ancient times, merchants and traders of all stripes performed a lot of rituals to attract money and successful trading. It is not known how effective they were, but the secrets of the most strong conspiracies were kept and passed on from generation to generation. Sometimes merchants were ready to travel from afar just to turn to a famous magician and perform a ritual for good luck. There are many stories in history about how a person was able to suddenly become rich or save and increase a small capital received as an inheritance. Moreover, the secret of success has always been more than carefully guarded.

With the spread of Christianity, any magical rituals began to be reproached. Sorcerers succumbed to massive persecution, they were destroyed, and those who, despite the prohibitions, used their services, were even excommunicated from the church. However, people did not cease to need luck with the advent of a new faith, so over time, prayers appeared in everyday life to help in trade. They partially replaced witchcraft rituals and, as the merchants themselves claimed, were in many ways even much more effective.

Today the situation in trade is very acute. Businessmen not only experience fierce competition, but also constantly feel themselves in the iron grip of the global economic crisis. Every day it becomes more and more difficult to maintain your business, and luck often slips literally between your fingers. Therefore, prayers for help in trade matters become the very lifeline that can take your own business to a new level.

If you often have to solve problems in business, constantly suffer failures and count losses, then you should still turn to ancient magic. And an important part of it is prayer for help in trading; we will give several versions of this conspiracy in our article.

Who needs to pray for success in business?

If you decide to turn to higher powers for help in running a business, then at first you will probably be upset when you learn the fact that Orthodoxy lacks special prayer in assistance in trade. The clergy say that any prayer addressed to God with faith and sincere hope can be the one that will change your affairs for the better.

In addition, there are two types of appeals to higher powers, and they help to establish trade and attract good luck. First of all, a strong prayer to help trade is considered to be a request to your guardian angel. If we focus on the Orthodox canons, we can say that one angel is given to the soul at birth, and the second - at the time of baptism. The first one should protect a person from troubles and help him in business, so it is this guardian angel that you should contact when your business is on the verge of collapse. If you do everything right, then your business will go uphill very soon.

No less effective are prayers to saints in helping with trading. However, not all holy elders contribute in matters of obtaining financial gain. More noticeable results come from:

  • Prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker for help in trade.
  • Appeal to John of Sochavsky.
  • Request to Seraphim of Sarov.
  • Prayer for help in trading

In the following sections of the article, we will tell you how best to make your requests to the listed saints and provide prayers that are very effective for getting things done in business.

Rules for appealing to higher powers

It is worth considering that any prayer for good luck in entrepreneurial activity implies making a profit. In fact, we pray for money, which is always condemned by the Orthodox Church. Therefore, try to ask the saints not financial success as such, but what you would like to purchase when receiving a particular amount. Visualize your final goal in your mind and try to visualize it in detail, and only then begin your prayer work.

Usually the clergy themselves call Seraphim of Sarov the main saint who patronizes trade. Therefore, do not hesitate to contact him, but remember that you must read the prayer clearly, distinctly and loudly, despite some complexity of the text. Also, successful traders advise hanging an icon with the image of a saint in the place where you enter into contracts or directly trade. To strengthen the prayer, you need to read it in front of the icon in the room where it hangs.

John the Merciful: assistant in trade affairs

This saint helps to find money luck, so traders often turn to him with requests different levels. Some businessmen claim that prayer at the most short time brought success back to their business. Therefore, we could not help but quote its text in our article.

A prerequisite for attracting success to your business is reading a prayer in front of the image of the saint. However, keep in mind that there are quite a lot of icons depicting John the Merciful. You need to choose the one where the saint gives alms. It is this image that is most suitable for asking for good luck in trading.

While reading the prayer, try not to think about money as such. Let your thoughts hover around the goal you would like to achieve. After prayer, mentally talk to the saint. Tell him about your work-related problems. Be sincere and try to formulate a specific request to John the Merciful. If you do everything correctly, he will definitely provide you with the necessary help.


Usually people who open their own business rely only on themselves and their own strength. They work very hard and are hardcore materialists. However, over time, many come to the understanding that it is impossible to build a serious and profitable business without a bit of luck. And sometimes only she helps at the right time to keep her own business afloat. It is in such situations that people begin to turn to higher powers for help.

In addition to the saints we have already described, you can turn to Spyridon of Trimythous with a prayer for help in trade. This saint often promotes successful entrepreneurial activity. We hope that our article will give you the necessary information, and with the help of prayers you will be able to improve your affairs and financial situation.

The trading field is both lucrative and dangerous as the situation can change at any time. To protect yourself from various troubles, increase profits and successfully move forward, you can turn to Higher powers for help. In such a situation, a prayer for trade, which has enormous power.

The most powerful prayers for good trading

To succeed in trade, you need to devote a lot of time to the business, monitor market trends, monitor the quality of goods and the work of employees. It will be interesting to see what she can do strong prayer on good trade:

  1. Provides invisible protection from dishonest competitors, the evil eye and other negativity.
  2. Helps attract new customers, thereby increasing profits.
  3. Protects from financial problems and gives strength to develop business and conquer new heights.
  4. Prayer for good trade in a store helps to sell goods so that they do not linger on the shelves, gives confidence in one’s ability not to stop there and helps to open up tempting prospects.

You can ask for help from saints, angels, Mother of God and so on. It is important to do this from a pure soul and with unshakable faith. For the prayer for trading to work every day, believe in what you ask for and do not carry despondency in your heart. In addition, it is important not to have bad intentions, for example, to harm competitors and the like. There is one simple rule - in order to receive, you must give, so it is recommended to help those in need and not refuse alms to those asking. After receiving grace, it is imperative that you turn to the Higher Powers with gratitude.

Prayer for successful trading to John of Sochavsky

For a long time, for success in the trading sphere, people have turned to, who was an ordinary merchant and sailor. Thanks to his enormous faith, he was able to endure much torture and cruel death. For all this, he was canonized and began to help people from heaven. Prayer for successful trading helps to cope with problems, increase profits, find new buyers and suppliers, and so on. It is necessary to place an image of a saint in the workplace and say a prayer text in front of it every day and sprinkle holy water all around.

Prayer for trade to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker

To get reliable protection and not be afraid of financial problems, you can turn to Nikolai Ugodnik for help, who during his lifetime did good deeds, helping all the people around him. Prayers for trade addressed to the saint have enormous power, which can establish a business and help it reach new heights. To help, a believer must have a pure soul and really live his work.

It is worth noting that even in ancient times, merchants built temples in honor of the saint in trading areas. A strong prayer for successful trading helps people with unshakable faith who work diligently, honestly and without deception. The presented text will help in case of problems in trading, but it can also be read to prevent financial problems. Nikolai Ugodnik is the patron saint of the poor, so he will not allow bankruptcy.

Prayer to Seraphim of Sarov for trade

It is believed that the saint is the patron saint of people who engage in trade, so you can turn to him in your prayers. It is recommended to place an icon of the saint in your office or at a retail outlet. A prayer for good trading can be said in a temple, at work or at home; it is important to do this from a pure heart and without evil intent. It is first recommended to place three candles in front of the icon and tune in to a positive mood.

Prayer of Saint Spyridon for successful trading

To protect yourself from financial problems and increase profits, you can turn to the saint for help. Thanks to regular prayer pronunciations, you can protect yourself from negativity from competitors and attract good luck. The most powerful prayer for trade can be read in church or at home, the main thing is to have the image of a saint before your eyes. You can contact Spiridon in your own words, stating your existing request. It is necessary to pray daily both in the presence of problems and as a preventive measure.

Prayer to the Mother of God for trade

The main helper and patroness of people on earth is the Mother of God, who answers the sincere prayers of all believers. You can also enlist her support in business. A very strong prayer for trading will help a person gain faith in his own strength, attract good luck and help open prospects for the future, the main thing is to take advantage of the offered chance. Read the presented text every day in front of the image of the Mother of God, lighting a candle nearby.

Strong prayer for trade to the guardian angel

A faithful assistant who is always nearby and provides help and support in any situation is a guardian angel. If there are worries about the business, competitors are advancing, or there are fears about the prospects, then prayer for successful trading. It can be read at any time, but every day. You can contact your guardian angel in your own words, asking for advice or support.

Prayer to Matrona for trade

The saint is known for her love for people and her willingness to help in different situations. Prayer for help in trading helps to gain self-confidence, and also gives strength to resist negativity and confusion. There are a huge number of reviews from believers who, thanks to appeals to the saint, were able to change the state of things in their business in better side. There are several ways to ask Matrona of Moscow for help:

  1. If possible, then visit the relics of the saint in the Intercession Monastery, where you need to venerate them and seek help. Another option is to send a letter to the monastery, and the clergy will place the message at the relics.
  2. A prayer for trade can be read at the Matrona’s grave, to which it is recommended to bring flowers.
  3. Before going to church to pray, it is recommended to give to the needy and feed homeless animals. Such good deeds will certainly be appreciated by Matrona. You can turn to the saint at home, having her icon before your eyes.

Prayer to Archangel Michael for trade

The strongest and most revered in Orthodoxy is the Archangel Michael, who protects people from various adversities. You can turn to him for help in various situations, including matters related to trade. The presented prayer text will be useful to people who are just starting their own business and feel unsure of their abilities. A prayer for good luck in trading should be read at the workplace before the start of the working day.

Muslim prayer for trade

Residents Arab countries can teach the art of trading, since it is impossible to pass by their shops and stores and not buy anything. In the Middle Ages, eastern merchants traveled all over the world, selling their goods and used prayers for protection on the road and successful transactions. Only Muslims can turn to Allah. A powerful Muslim prayer for trade is presented in the Qur'an. You need to read it in the morning before work begins.


Are prayers and conspiracies for trading capable of producing results? How to achieve good profit? I think everyone understands that the driver of sales is not the advertising of goods, but their quality, price, importance and necessity in human life. Everyone needs bread and people will always find a place where they sell it.

On the other hand, we know that today the market is replete with consumer goods from groceries to cars; you can buy whatever you want. The number of sellers of goods today is approaching the number of buyers. This is how you try to make money and benefit from trading.

But the Universe is wise, it carries out its important and very necessary regulation of any process, including trading. Each trader gets his own buyer. To achieve good sales and profitable purchases, sellers and buyers use advertising: the former to sell profitably, the latter to buy.

Bad trade or why people don’t buy the product

Therefore, if you are not very happy with the profit from your trading, you should think about why this is happening. What are the reasons why your product is not accepted:

  1. The quality of the product does not meet the requirements;
  2. Your product does not meet people's needs this moment; For example, no one will trade Christmas decorations in summer, and in winter with inflatable rings for swimming;
  3. Inflated prices, perhaps the same thing is sold nearby and at lower prices;
  4. Lack of helpfulness in treating customers of your seller or yourself;
  5. Poor hidden location for your store. If the roads do not lead to your store, you need to urgently change the store.

Any other reasons may be at play here. It's important to find out.

If all of the above reasons have no basis, let’s try to draw attention to ourselves and ask for help from the heavenly powers.

Prayers for trade and business

It is important to know the following:

Pray only if your trading business has become worse or you have just started your business and do not know all the intricacies of this process.

Don’t anger God if everything is fine with you and you want to have more profit. The opposite effect is possible and things will go worse than before. Remember the measure, that everything in the Universe is harmonious and in balance.

In the Orthodox faith, people turn to Nicholas the Wonderworker, the patron saint of trade and business.

“Oh, our great mentor, Nikolai! You are kind and merciful, pious and generous. I ask you to hear me, your servant (name), I pray to you and hope for help in your affairs. See my work and efforts, obedience and loyalty to the Lord God. Protect from hardships and falls, add intelligence and strength. Beg the Lord for mercy for us, may he protect us from the machinations of our enemies and guide us on the right path. May you protect us from temptations and dishonest acts. May he reward us for our suffering, for our zeal and submission. We trust in your intercession, we ask for help. We fall before your holy face with prayers. Cover us with your wing from adversity and misfortune, help us not to perish in the abyss of sin and in the mud of our passions. We pray for the salvation of our souls and hope for great mercy.”

Seraphim Sorovsky favors those who have encountered buying and selling in their lives. Go to the temple, buy candles, place them in front of the image of St. Nicholas the Pleasant and read the prayer:

Oh, wonderful Father Seraphim, great Sarov Wonderworker!
O quick and obedient helper to all who come running to You!
During the days of Your earthly life, no one left You skinny and inconsolable,
It is good to see you, your face and hear your voice.
Let the gift of healing insight appear, the gift of healing for weak souls,
when the Lord called you to heavenly peace from earthly labors, always honoring and loving you, we believe in your miracles, multiplying like the stars in the sky.

All over our land, you appear to people and give them healing.
We ask you the same thing, Pleasant of God,
Ask the Lord God for us with your prayer, giving strength and blessings,
necessary in life, useful in spiritual salvation. May he protect us from the falls of sin and teach us to truly repent, believing in the eternal Kingdom of Heaven,
where You now shine in glory, singing with all the saints

Life-giving Trinity forever and ever.

In trade, business, in matters of purchase and sale, one should prayerfully turn to the martyr John the New or Basil the New with the words:

Troparion, tone 4

In you, father, it is known that you were saved in the image: / for you accepted the cross, you followed Christ, / and you taught in action to despise the flesh, for it passes away, / to be diligent about the souls, things that are immortal. / In the same way, your spirit rejoices with the angels, reverend (name of the saint).

Kontakion, tone 2

Divinely armed with spiritual purity, and having firmly handed over unceasing prayers like a copy, you have prosecuted the demonic army, Roman Our Father, pray unceasingly for all of us.

Prayer to Seraphim Sorovsky for good trading

In the morning before the start of the trading day, read this prayer in front of the Holy Face of the Icon of Seraphim of Sorov:

Works, O Lord, Thou hast spoken with Thy most pure lips, for without me thou canst do nothing. My Lord, Lord, I believe about our souls, help me, a sinner, the servant of God (name), to improve my life through trade in buying, selling and in everything. You, O Lord, accomplish it yourself in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Holy Archangel Michael, in your honor holy name we trade, save, preserve and bless with your holy prayers the servant of God (name) to begin and carry out a happy and prosperous trade. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit; now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.

It is valid and marked as the best.

Prayer to John of Sochavsky for trade

Do you know who this saint was? During his lifetime, this Great Martyr himself was successfully engaged in trade and is considered the patron saint of all merchants and merchants. Therefore, the words to him are so close in spirit to John himself, and he will gladly help everyone worthy in this matter.

“Holy Martyr John! Pray with heavenly palace for those who require your help and do not reject our petitions, but, as our ever-present benefactor and intercessor, pray to Christ God, that He, who loves mankind and is abundantly merciful, will save us from every cruel situation: from cowardice, flood, fire, sword, invasion of foreigners and internecine warfare .

May he not condemn us, sinners, according to our iniquities, and may we not turn the good things given to us from the All-Bounteous God into evil, but into the glory of His holy name and into the glorification of your strong intercession. May the Lord, through your prayers, give us peace of mind, abstinence from destructive passions and all defilement, and may He strengthen throughout the world His One Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church, with His venerable Blood.

Pray diligently, holy martyr, may Christ God bless the Russian state and establish it in His Holy More Orthodox Church the living spirit of right faith and piety, and all its members, purified from superstition and wisdom, worship Him in spirit and truth and are diligently concerned about keeping His commandments, so that we may all live in peace and piety in the present world and achieve blessed eternal life in heaven, By the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, to Him belongs all glory, honor and power, together with the Father and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen!"

Conspiracies for good trading

There is no need to be afraid of conspiracies in this matter, because these are also words coming from our hearts to the Universe with requests and in the name of our Lord.

It is best to carry out trade conspiracies in women's days weeks: Wednesday, Friday, Saturday and better for the decreasing month (we are trying to get rid of the goods).

It is important to believe in the words of conspiracies and prayers. If you don’t have faith, don’t expect success!

When trading, be tolerant of people, kind, attentive, meet them halfway, do good, and then you will receive the same benefit in return from Higher Powers. Give in to people on price, make discounts, donate and the good will come to you.

Trade conspiracy (read at work)

This conspiracy was used in the old days by Russian merchants Bakhrushins and was kept secret; it is famous for its effectiveness. It is done on Monday, early in the morning, on the waxing moon, in the store before the first customer. Take with you some sugar, which is used to make a conspiracy.

To me, on foot and on horseback, to me, on horseback and in sleighs!

Come to me, overseas guests and local people!

Drop everything you're doing, come to my shop, come, hurry.

Even if you travel all over the world, there is no better product!

May my product be more beautiful to you than a ruddy apple, tastier than honey, sweeter than molasses!

My word is molded, but my deed is strong.

I close with seven locks, I lock with seven keys, I throw the keys into the sea and ocean.

My word cannot be interrupted, my work cannot be damaged! Amen.

Pour the spoken sugar near the threshold. To enhance the effect of the conspiracy, you can go to the temple and light a candle to Saint Spyridon of Trimifuntsky or John of Sochava - patrons in trade matters.

Sales spell using a scarf

Take a handkerchief, wipe your face with it and say:

Place the mirror here without covering it. A week later, the ritual should be repeated.

How to improve trading using knots on a scarf

Wash your face before starting the day, dry yourself with a new handkerchief, tie four knots at its ends and say them:

Just as people admire the stars and the clear moon, so they would admire my goods; Just as a groom loves his bride, so they would love my goods, they were all sold out. Let it be so from now on and forever. Amen.

Cross your goods, say these words if suddenly people stop shopping:

I'm a merchant, a great fellow.
I will sell my goods to you.
Money - to money.
Money for us - goods for you. Amen.

Happy trading!
