Festive scripts for the anniversary. Happy Birthday Scenarios

A birthday or anniversary is a wonderful occasion to gather friends, family and colleagues for festive table, at the same time, it is not always possible or willing to invite a professional toastmaster; in this case, someone close to you can take on the organization of the entertainment part of the holiday; enterprising people who can take on the role of host can also be found in any company. We offer scenario for a birthday (anniversary) without a toastmaster “Congratulations quest”, which is easy to organize and conduct on your own in a cafe or even at home. This will set a good tone for the holiday, unite all the guests and will be a wonderful surprise for the birthday boy (thanks to the author of the idea, T. Efimova). Although the “Congratulatory Quest” is stated as a version of the scenario “without a toastmaster,” any presenter can take its idea as a basis for conducting his own program.

To hold a family holiday according to this scenario you will need:

2 sheets of whatman paper, tape, photographs of relatives (including the person being congratulated), 3 envelopes, paper (A4 sheets), printed images, or cut out from magazines and pasted on paper (you can also draw them). And also, at least 2 dozen balloons, a couple of scarves or chiffon scarves, 300 grams of sweets in candy wrappers, 2 large T-shirts, 2 hats or boxes, a roll of paper towel and most importantly - felt-tip pens, pencils or paints.

All necessary preparations and props You can easily make it yourself or buy it in a store. So, in order.

First- This is a greeting card, almost a poster. You can buy ready-made ones in the store, but you need to choose a large one. But it will be more interesting and fun if you do it yourself, for example, by placing photographs of the congratulated person with humorous comments on a postcard. Or, if you have some talent, a specially drawn poster on which the congratulation itself will appear closer to the end of the celebration. Don't know how to draw beautifully? It's okay: you can make an applique postcard or collage. For this you will need colored paper, fabric, wallpaper, newspaper clippings, etc. (Collages in the form of a combination of photographs and magazine clippings have worked well. This is troublesome, but inexpensive and the result is worth the effort. For example, you can “photoshop” a photo of the hero of the occasion or glue her head to the figure of some celebrity. However, for a decent level of image you need to be good at the relevant computer programs, but many people can do this these days).

Second- you need a bright envelope, purchased ready-made or made with your own hands, from foil, cardboard, colored paper. Cards with images of different things of the same format are placed there. Fruits, vegetables, cars, toys, etc. are suitable. There is one indispensable condition: that the picture is clearly visible and the object in it is easily identifiable. By the way, you can use words or quotes instead of images.

Third- come up with something pleasant for the hero of the occasion and divide it into parts, which will be collected throughout the holiday into a single whole. The text in the script is provided as an example; it is better to replace it with your own.

Scenario for birthday (anniversary) "Congratulations quest"

Leading begins in poetry or prose, your choice.

On this wonderful day, everyone’s beloved and respected... (Name).

I'll tell you one secret:

There is no more wonderful day in the world!

Today is a holiday: birthday!

…(Name), so accept congratulations!

And he immediately begins to demonstratively look for something in his pockets, but of course he doesn’t find it. After the phrase “I brought the postcard here - it disappeared, that’s the problem!” slaps himself on the forehead as if he remembered something, turns to the wall where the poster was previously hung. And he recites:

- Where did the congratulations go?

And birthday wishes?

My friends, it’s really trouble!

Apparently I was in such a hurry to get here,

That I lost everything in the world.

Sorry - there was an emergency.

I ask you, dear guests, help,

Find congratulations for the birthday boy!

Warm-up game "Magic envelope"

Leading: Dear ladies and gentlemen, before we begin the search and set off together on our congratulatory quest, I suggest, as is customary in Rus', to sit down for a while and at the same time get to know each other better, don’t you agree? Carrying out a common task is much easier and more fun if you know your partners not only by sight. I have an envelope filled with cards in my hands. I will approach each guest and ask various questions. The guest’s task: say your name and answer the question, but not with words, but with a picture that you take out of this envelope.

The presenter shows how everything will happen using the example of one of the guests. For example, a question could be: “What would you like to be called throughout the holiday?” And the guest takes out the picture, studies it and announces the answer to the other guests: “Fluff.”

Warm-up game - 2 "Secrets of grapes"

The essence of the game the same as the game "Magic Envelope". It allows people to get to know each other and leads to more relaxed communication.

People sitting at the same table pass a bunch of grapes around. Everyone picks off as many grapes as he wants - the more, the better. When everyone has grapes, the Host talks about the rules of the game: guests tell as many facts about themselves as there are berries they picked.

Leading: So, my dears, now we know each other. We know a lot of interesting things about everyone, we tasted culinary delights and strong drinks, we became braver, filled with positivity and courage. It's time to start looking for congratulations. To carry out such an important undertaking, I need two brave men with “golden” hands: Sir and Madam. Anyone who is excellent with their hands and has grippy and nimble fingers, please come to me.

Competition "Secret Mission"

Two people take part in this competition.

The players grab each other with their right hands, and with their left hands they take the envelope from the toastmaster, hide it behind their backs and try to open it. The envelope must be opened delicately so as not to spoil the contents. Inside there is a piece of paper with the first lines of congratulations: "On your beautiful day." This sentence is written (or a fragment with these words is attached) in a greeting card attached to the wall.

Leading: Hurray, the first phrase of the holiday letter of congratulations has been found. Our nerves and ears will help us find the next part. It is important not to flinch from ten loud shots and see as many extraordinary performances. I will ask the bravest and most creative people to come forward.

Pantomime with balloons

Leading or his assistant brings balloons, inside of which there are notes containing words on a festive theme, for example, “restaurant”, “fun”, “gift”, “holiday”, “champagne”, etc. Hidden in one of the balls is another phrase from greeting card: "birth" Participants pass the first ball in a circle to the music until the music stops (the DJ must be warned in advance that the music needs to be stopped). The one who has the ball in his hands stands in the center. The player must pop the ball, read the contents of the note, and use gestures to show this word so that others understand what it is about we're talking about. Pointing to the hidden object is prohibited. As soon as the word from the card is found, the game stops. The word is written (attached) to the greeting card.

Leading: Can there be a birthday without music and songs? The next line of congratulations can only be learned by participating in music competition. I am sure that everyone present has sung at least once in their lives. Therefore, everyone is automatically enrolled in music teams. I suggest you unwind your soul in singing and listen to a live performance.

Song Contest


First option:"Rehash"

Guests are divided into two groups and take turns singing excerpts from songs on a given topic, for example, “a bouquet of flowers,” “holiday,” etc. The loser is the one who runs out of songs faster, i.e., who cannot quickly figure out what song to sing.

Second option:"Sign language translation"

Players are given a choice of a song to sing, accompanied by movements, as in sign language translation. It is better to sing the song in a choir, and the sign language interpreter can be one or more players.

Third option:"Remade Songs"

Guests are given hit songs with already altered lyrics (pre-printed on A4 sheets in accordance with the number of people present). Remade hits are performed in honor of the birthday person and tell about his personality, interests and hobbies.

One of the sheets with songs contains the following phrase of congratulations: "we wish you surprise!" . The words are written down by one of the competition participants on a postcard.

Leading: For the next competition I need two brave men, vigilant, with keen eyes. Are there any? So, you constantly look at charming young ladies and don’t take your eyes off. Surely, you remembered all the details and curves. It is clear that you have a sharp eye.

Leading invites two people to check which of the participants is more observant. The prize for winning is a bottle of champagne.

Competition for attention “What has changed?”

Participants leave the room for a few seconds. Before leaving, they should remember as best as possible: what the guests look like, what they are wearing, what positions they were sitting in before they left. After returning, players must tell what has changed. The leader makes changes in appearance invited For example, you can tie a scarf around your neck, put on a ring, put a fork in your pocket (the items should be a little eye-catching). One of the participants is given an envelope with a note containing the following line of congratulatory text: "Dreams to come true!"

The players return to the room and begin to look for changes. The winner is the one who notices the most changes. During the action itself, participants discover an envelope with a note and copy the phrase into a greeting card.

Leading: It turns out that among those invited there are brave and fast people, creators and singers, scouts and detectives. What about brush virtuosos? Now we will find out, and at the same time we will find the next phrase for the postcard. So, the competition for artists can be considered open.

Competition "Unknown Animal"

The competition participants are divided into two equal teams. The participants of each team are given a sheet of whatman paper and given the task: draw a funny animal. The first participant draws only the head of the future “masterpiece” and folds the sheet of paper so that the next player cannot understand what is drawn on top. Now is the time to exchange your “creations” with your opponents and give them the opportunity to continue the drawing. Having drawn the neck, the teams change again, having first folded the sheets again. Next, draw the upper half of the body, the lower half, the tail and the paws.

In the end, you need to blindly come up with a name for a new type of animal, exchange sheets of paper and unfold it, demonstrating it to everyone around you. Whoever has fewer “breaks” and smoother transitions between parts is the winner.

"Good health" - this part of the phrase is awarded to the winning participants, and they can immediately write it into the already prepared postcard.

Leading: It's time to sweeten your life a little! Therefore, the participants in the next competition will be offered candy, but with a surprise that can help in finding the next part of the congratulations and the final victory.

Competition "Sweet Problem"

Each participant pulls out a candy from the package; on the wrapper of one of them there is a simple code that must be deciphered. It is represented by a sequence of numbers; whoever guesses first to replace them with the corresponding letters of the alphabet wins.

Correctly solving a cryptography problem allows you to receive another part of the congratulations, which sounds like this: “and great happiness has befallen you,” It’s better not to rely on memory and immediately write the phrase into the postcard.

The riddle itself looks like this:

"10 19 25 1 19 20 30 6 →

2 16 13 30 26 16 6 → 20 6 2 6 →

17 18 10 3 1 13 10 13 16"

Game "Telephonists"

Leading: Throughout the pleasant evening we will have to say many more congratulations and listen to many toasts from wonderful guests. So let's practice our ability to speak beautifully.

10 people are selected for both teams, who are planted in two chains, both teams face to face. The host of the event approaches the first participants in each group and whispers a tongue twister into their ears - the more complex the better. The task, as in the “damaged telephone”, is to pass the phrase along the entire chain as quickly and accurately as possible, and the last participant must stand up and clearly repeat the tongue twister. Bonus for winners: “tons, that way, for two hundred,” , should help with compiling a complete congratulations.

"Theatrical production competition"

Leading: And only your imagination and love for the theater will help you get the next part of the phrase. Each of you can participate not only in writing, but also play the intended roles on our small stage. The audience will perceive you favorably, especially if you decide to include someone from those present in the action. But you shouldn’t limit your flight of fancy; the main roles can be any characters - mythical, fairy tales, famous personalities. The future of the heroes you create depends only on you!

Each player receives a piece of paper and writing pen. Answers the presenter’s questions, folds what was written so that it is not visible and passes his piece of paper to any other participant. And so on until the questions end.

A list of questions:

Who is the main character?

Time and place of the events unfolding?

Did the main character love someone and be friends with someone?

Where did he like to spend his mornings with friends?

What did the comrades do with the gift?

What did they see in the middle of the road?

Who did they happen to meet?

What did they do after that?

How did the story end?

All sheets are collected and each story is read aloud. The most comical plot is chosen and played out. Roles are distributed between the participants, and the audience enjoys the action.

The winners receive the following part of the phrase: “and maybe more!” , don't forget to write it in the postcard.

Competition "Fat Men"

Leading: Our competition is coming to an end. There is only one final part of the congratulations left, and to get it we will need two participants who love to dress up.

The two volunteer guests are taken out of the crowd by assistants and given two T-shirts, much bigger size than they should, and help put them on.

Leading: Show off your outfit. Look at it carefully and evaluate it. And your friends will now help you become even more beautiful and attractive with the help of the most ordinary things.

Guests are invited to inflate and scatter around air balloons.

Leading: Dear participants, and now, your task, at the signal, will be the first notes of music, collect as many balloons as possible and stuff their T-shirts with them. Remember: " Good man there must be a lot!

After the music starts, both participants try to fill their oversized T-shirts as quickly as possible. The last chord announces the end of the competition, and the “diet therapy” regime begins. The balls are drawn, counted, and the winner is declared. His team gets the right to insert (write in) the last part of the congratulation: “May you stay happy longer!”

The final part of the "Congratulations quest" scenario

All collected parts of the phrases are included in a card, which is given to the birthday person after the entire congratulation is read out loud.. IN in this case, the collected congratulations sound like this: "On your wonderful birthday, we We wish you surprise. Let your dreams come true! May you have good health and great happiness, about two hundred tons, maybe more. May you remain happy longer!” (But each company or organizer can come up with their own and divide it into parts for a congratulatory quest)

Leading: Many, but not so many years ago, our hero of the occasion was born. His path in life was not always easy and cloudless, but despite everything he fell in love, worked, created and fought. on his life path he met completely different people, with someone he walked hand in hand for decades, with someone he came into contact only for a few hours. But everything is real important people now here, in this room. So let's raise our glasses and say everything that has accumulated during this time. Let only the most sincere and warm congratulations sound today.

Then the holiday continues with the pronouncement of individual congratulations, dance entertainment, presentation of gifts to the birthday boy, loaf of bread, etc.

- You can also arrange collective toast (The most active one starts, stops in the middle of the phrase and then his neighbor continues. So, until a full circle has passed and everyone says at least something pleasant).

Or entertain guests a comic forecast for a year

Take two boxes - in one the names of the event participants, and in the other - predictions. They can be prepared by guests or the host himself. Fashionable and interesting option will be the use of "Chinese fortune cookies". The name of the guest is drawn out and one of the “prophecies” is read out:

- You should be wary of the same day, exactly a year from now - you will have to give gifts again;

- Are anyone in for surprises this year - will they find children in the cabbage?

- If a friend is nearby, no one can escape the fun around.

Option 3

Woman's anniversary scenario No. 3

Good afternoon, dear colleagues!

To celebrate our anniversary, I need very responsible assistants. You need to select _________________ Analysts.
_________________ Practitioners.
This is necessary so that Analysts monitor: “Did we all get a drink?”
Practices to monitor: “Has everyone drunk?”

And so begin your duties.

1. glass
According to the good old tradition, we have gathered today in this hall to celebrate the anniversary of the beautiful woman __________________ in a solemn, festive atmosphere!

The narrow path winds
Today for your anniversary,
We hurry to the cafe for a feast
Take your seats quickly.
We have gathered in this hall in your honor.
We left the matter in your honor.
We would like to remind everyone to know
How sweet and necessary you are always.

And the first words of greetings and congratulations, of course, are addressed to you, dear __________________!
Dear colleagues, let's greet the hero of the day standing and applaud! And let’s shout “CONGRATULATIONS!” 3 times!
We got ready and started:
“Congratulations,” “Congratulations,” Congratulations.”

Now let's raise our glasses and drink to the hero of the day.

2. glass

It’s amazing how many people have gathered today
And the celebration, apparently, began.
And not just a celebration, but an anniversary -
Care for the hero of the day and friends.
No sin for this birthday
Raise a filled glass
And say a few words to the hero of the day:
Life's wheel moves,
Sometimes slowly, sometimes a little faster,
And it comes unnoticed
This is the best day.
It's a pity that he came uninvited,
And I wouldn't want him
And it’s even a little strange for us,
That they have already lived up to it.
You did a great job
Contributed to the affairs of the country.
On this very birthday
You invited all your colleagues
To drink good wine
For all the good deeds.
May your wishes come true,
Good health for many years to come,
Be kind, sweet, hardworking
You are our good person.

Attention! The floor is presented to the head of the organization _____________________

3. glass

They told us that you are 50 today,
But it’s kind of hard to believe in it!
The eyes are still burning with fire,
And my cheeks are still red.

Well let's say it's like that
Don't say: that's a lot!
After all, 50 is still nothing!
There is still so much to go until a hundred years!

And may YOU always, as now,
And so that the years don’t run past,
So that you don't lose strength,
They all bloomed so much and did not fade!

Today is a wonderful day. We honor our hero of the day - __________________, a wonderful employee, colleague, faithful friend and amazing woman.
__________________ devoted ______ years of her life to our organization, which became her own, dear.
The word is introduced: ___________________

4. glass

Expensive __________________!
Today you are fifty,
This is not to say that this is not enough...
But even the word "elderly"
Thank God, it didn’t come to you!
Will yield to you in all respects,
Who is barely over thirty,
And at work you like this
It simply doesn’t hold a candle!
With such a safety margin
And ninety is not the limit!
Let the next anniversary
Strength and deeds will flourish!

The team of our company has always been distinguished by its stability in personnel matters. It was and always remains a single, united organism, a friendly and efficient team. And today we congratulate our hero of the day __________________!

And now we will listen to the head of the “transport department” _____________________

5. Glass

Dear _________________!
Today is your anniversary.
Yes, not simple, but golden!
We could sooner believe
That he is your fortieth.

Beautiful in appearance, tender,
Well, how can you not fall in love with someone like that?
You are good at everything
And you can be proud of your life.

Achieved only "five" in it
And keep striving
Be an example, radiate light,
In business, be the first master.

It’s too early to draw conclusions
They are increasingly letting us down...
But you just need to live brightly!
You seem to be able to do this.

May you continue to be happy
In friends, work, longevity,
To wipe the nose of all enemies
And, as always, be a Lady in everything!

The floor is given to: ______________________

6. Glass

Dear _______________________!
You know how to be cheerful, alive,
Smile at friends and acquaintances,
And you please with such a young soul,
That you surround anyone with warmth!

Raised two wonderful children
And the grandson is growing to everyone’s surprise...
We are on this anniversary day
We would like to wish you a Happy Birthday!

We want to be exactly like this:
Charming, caring and gentle,
So that your soul never grows old,
and live without reproaching fate for anything!

So that a river of luck flows
And happiness never flickered
Shined brighter than a thousand lights,
It brought you great joy.

The floor is given to: __________________, which
worked with the hero of the day___________________________

7 glass

Dear __________________!
You can't escape anniversaries in life
They will overtake everyone like birds,
But the main thing is to carry it through the years
Warmth of the soul, a bit of cordiality.

Today is your anniversary.
We sincerely congratulate you!
And we want the most important thing in life.
Health, happiness, joy
And up to a hundred years without growing old!

The group sings one of the songs available on this site.

Let femininity and beauty
They will be with you as long as possible,
After all, what for the woman of the year,
When she is so appreciated and loved!
A toast to love.

8 glass

No! It's not the woman's fault
When this date comes -
The calendar is to blame here.
And you, contrary to all dates,
Everyone is still young at heart,
Slender, graceful and light.

We won’t wish you much,
Your merits cannot be counted...
So stay, for God's sake,
Always the way you are!
And age is not a problem,
We will survive all the anniversaries!
After all, the most important thing in life is always.
So that your soul does not grow old.

The floor is given to our accountants - ____________________!

9 glass

Happy anniversary, dear!
It's unlikely that the woman is different
Can be just as cute!
We wish there was
You are endlessly happy
Remained young forever
May your anniversary year
Only brings joy

Toast (can be given to a colleague or relative):

Everything we see
What we live:
Work, love, friends and home -
It's all fate, -
both the queen and the slave.
So that you will always be faithful,
My toast to her! To the dregs!

10 Glass

Friends and employees, without sparing words,
They want to congratulate you on this anniversary day!
You are full of light and joy, happiness,
Your advice is important and necessary for us.
Your family loves and appreciates you -
Reliable, faithful friends of yours,
We all wish you health and strength,
So that youth, happiness, luck, success
Fate has always given you without hindrance!

for birthdays, anniversaries and just for holidays

The best impromptu requires careful preparation - organizers of birthdays and anniversaries know this better than anyone. the main task festive scenario is to unobtrusively captivate guests and put them in a good mood. This can be done through fun games that look impromptu, or a serious scenario with a flexible approach.

It is important to understand that a holiday is an unpredictable phenomenon, in which there is always room for retreats or changes in mood. Therefore, the organizer of the holiday is like a good conductor, who is also a psychologist. Noticing in time that the mood of the guests has gone in the wrong direction, stopping a tense situation, diverting attention from a problem that has arisen by chance - that’s what a real organizer is.

The script for a birthday or any other holiday has a modular structure that allows you to change places in the program, closing random breaks. Even if at first glance everything in the script is subject to linear logic, there is always the opportunity to rearrange it on the fly, literally between toasts. Guests won’t notice anything, and the holiday will only gain momentum!

Scenarios for anniversary birthdays for women and men

Festive anniversary in nature

If the weather permits, you can spend it in a very original and undoubtedly fun way. Nature encourages a friendly attitude towards everything around you, so games and pranks involving dousing with water, sprinkling with flour, and the like go off with a bang.

You can start your anniversary celebration with a comic congratulation.

I want to test for mental capacity hero of the day To do this, let’s take an ordinary Matchbox. We stick one match into the box and give the other to the hero of the occasion. I will ask questions. If the birthday person finds it difficult to answer, he must light the match on the box with his match.

After several simple questions The host asks: “When is the donkey’s birthday?” The subject naturally lights a match. The moment has come to solemnly hand him this box with a burning match and sing in chorus “ Happy Birthday to you"

(in the voice of Owl from the cartoon “The Adventures of Winnie the Pooh”). Expensive …. ! Happy Birthday to You! At this joyful moment, let me present you with this wonderful cord (brings a bucket from which the cord hangs).

The culprit solemnly pulls the cord and pulls out a bottle of champagne or vodka.

And now I invite everyone present to take part in the competition “Do you know the hero of the day?” The first guest to answer the question correctly receives candy. At the end of the quiz, the winner more of chocolates will receive a prize from the birthday boy - a photograph with a personal autograph and the right to drink with him at the Brotherhood.

Sample list of questions.
1. Name the day of the week when the birthday boy was born.
2. His height, weight at birth.
3. Where did this event take place?
4. What time of day was it.
5. What was the name of the kindergarten teacher.
6. Favorite toy.
7. The best school friend birthday boy
8. What kind of education did he receive?
9. Where was the first day of work?
10. When I bought my first car.
11. Where did you spend your last vacation?
12. Where did you meet your other half?
13. When was the wedding day.
14. What was the weather like that day.
15. State the exact age of the children.
16. Favorite dish.
17. Favorite drink.
18. Favorite activity.
19. Favorite books/movies.
20. Foot size.
21. How many acres does the dacha plot occupy?
22. Favorite alcoholic drink.
23. Car brand.
24. Name best friend(girlfriends).
25. Favorite song.

It is advisable to ask simple questions, such that you can find out the answers in advance, although everything depends on the company and it is not always necessary to know the answer to the question; in this case, they are purely symbolic.

This is where we can finish the official part and move on to the wild entertainment part.
For the birthday boy, you can arrange an impromptu concert and at the same time demonstrate your many talents.

Joke-raffle “Fun fortune-telling”

Good people, I’ll try to surprise you
And I am surprised by
That I can predict the fate of everyone.
Which one of you will guess the riddle?
He will find out his fate.
So, my 1st riddle:
Is there a heel behind his nose? (shoe)

We continue fortune telling - gild the handle...
I wish my predictions come true!

Surprises await you in life
Hundred-program TV,
600th Mercedes
A huge house, a blooming garden,
The husband is rich and doesn't drink
And there are plenty of other miracles!

When you wake up one day, you see in the window
Prince Charming on a white horse.
With a smile in the saddle he will pick up, lovingly,
And he will take you to distant lands.

Pots of cabbage soup are waiting for you,
Vegetable vinaigrette,
Jellied meat from offal
And dried fruit compote.
Well, it's time to reveal the secret.
So you'll become a cook!

You will be fat and ruddy,
You will raise geese and chickens.
The husband will drive up on a tractor and shout loudly:
“Smoke break, serve lunch, wife,
And a bottle of wine!”

You will be a noble knight,
Beautiful, strong and simple.
Know how to stand up for the weak,
Stand firm for justice.
And for the love of a beautiful lady
fight, asking for her hand.
Know that love brings happiness
Not tight wallets.

Your house will be a full cup,
There is always an influx of guests there,
And your wife is the most beautiful of all,
There will be seven children.
And one day you come drunk:
An uneven step, a dull look...
The wife will be sad and say:
"The wolf and the seven Young goats"

Your life will be happy and long.
With a color TV, with a white Volga
With a yacht flying in the azure waves.
With bronze tan on strong shoulders.

If it doesn't come out of you
Sissies and crybabies,
Then life will give you
Brand new bucks!

There are many miracles in life,
The road is wide!
But just try to sit down
On your horse!

There are many ways and things to do in the world,
But always be yourself!
Then the road is wide
It will not become a narrow path!

My husband will buy earrings, fashionable boots,
He will carry it in his arms
and don’t ask for half a liter!

This is the news you received:
No salty food today!
And then, lo and behold, you’ll give birth.
After all, everyone in the world knows
Salty foods make babies!

You will soon be very rich.
Be known throughout the area as a millionaire!
Because Uncle will be found in America
He will leave you an inheritance without looking!

You will definitely be lucky in the lottery!
Run, hurry up!
If you buy a bag of tickets,
That's what you'll gain from a shoe lace!

So as not to get bored
We need to sing and dance.
Can't sleep at all at night
Entertain good people
If people are happy
You will become a pop star!

If you want to be happy,
So here's some advice for you:
Eat 3 kilograms of salt
And a big bag of sweets.,
Then drink some vodka...
You'll be happy for the life of you!
I was chatting here, joking...
Still didn’t please someone
I see someone's sad eyes...
Well, there will be dancing for you too...

Scenario for the 55th anniversary (for woman)

Script Lead: Dear Colleagues! Dear birthday girl!

Today we are in friendly fun company, in our so-called “banquet hall” we decided to congratulate the hero of the day.
Let this day go down in history forever,
And it will only bring joy to the birthday girl,
And let the guests have fun carelessly,
I hope no one leaves the anniversary sad.
To start the celebration as it should be,
Everyone is asked to fill their glasses.

Why are there so many people?
All my friends have gathered here,
For a well-deserved rest,
They came to congratulate you.

Well, here's two A's for you,
How quickly the years fly by
But for a reason like this
Don't be upset!

Of course it's not 16
And far from 25,
But, to be honest,
There is no reason to be sad!

After all, a string of difficult years
Didn't ruin the portrait.
Let's look honestly, from above:
What were you like before?
I walked - my ribs rang,
And now - what a body!
The bones are overgrown with meat,
Features are rounded:
Lush bust, hip, what you need -
A delight for men's eyes.
There is something to take, something to look at,
There is something to cling to with your bones.
And those eyes with a sparkle
They'll drive anyone crazy!
And therefore, without further ado, I want to raise the first glass to our hero of the occasion.

Leading: And now I want to give the floor for congratulations to the director of our team.

Director: Dear _______________!

From the bottom of my heart with great respect
Today please accept our congratulations
We are pleased to congratulate you and wish you
Still work, still dare.
Do not grow old in soul and appearance
Be blooming as before.
Keep the flame of the soul and continue to love.
Be as beautiful as always for you for many years to come.

(A gift is given)

The team sings congratulations to the tune of the song “I'm Standing at a Stop Station” and gives gifts.

Friends and relatives are sitting
Sparkling wine flows
And there is a long way left behind.
The words are welcoming.
Where are your cherished years?
What has passed cannot be returned.

As a sign of our attention
Please accept my wishes,
Live many years to the joy of everyone.
May the years be like a blizzard
Everything is turning gray,
And the light warms youth!

Inconspicuous happiness for you,
Unchanged success,
We wish you great luck many times over.
I wish you excellent health, hope and personal happiness,
May youth never leave you!

Let adversity be forgotten
And all your wishes will come true.
And let there never be grief.
Love if you love.
Live the way you want
And always be cheerful!

Host: This holiday is a birthday.
Just a glorious anniversary.
So that the fun continues,
I’ll tell everyone: “Pour it!”

I suggest you drink to these wonderful wishes!

Host: You cried when you were born,
And everyone around laughed...
But we really did have a little pensioner.

Leading: A word of congratulations is presented to our pensioners.

1. The hour has come for retirement!
It happens to us once in a lifetime!

2.We came here today
Wish you for long years,
Please accept Lyubasha from us
Hello pensioners.

3. I worked a lot,
You didn't work in vain,
This is why, dear,
You have been given a pension.

4.Will you stay at home?
You will be bored, grow old,
If you sing in the choir,
You will immediately look younger.

5. There is no reason for sadness and tears -
The autumn of life is like frost in winter;
Let's tell everyone without hiding anything:
Every age has its own charm!

6. Our age only brings experience
He doesn't age you at all:
After all, 55 is not autumn for us yet,
But only the velvet season.

7. Don’t be sad and don’t be sad,
There's no going back to those days of old
Smile always and everywhere
And don't go to doctors.

8. On this anniversary day, beautiful,
We would like to sincerely wish:
Only joy, long life,
Do not know sorrows and grief.

9.And we wish you continued
Not getting old, but getting younger.
Multiply series of fives
Yes, live in abundance
Without despondency and problems,
To be needed always and by everyone.

Leading: And now comes the solemn moment. Based on all of the above, the Council of Pensioners allows you, Lyubov Vladimirovna, to join the party of pensioners. To do this you must take an oath.

Oath I, ..., joining the ranks of pensioners in the face of my relatives, friends, colleagues and husband, solemnly swear: with the fervor of my heart, to be true to my word, as the pensioner party teaches. Strictly observe and fulfill the duties of the party. To replenish your family with creatures with the help of your children, to our delight, in spite of our enemies, in defiance of our neighbors. I swear! I swear! I swear!

Leading: Well, now I want to acquaint the young pensioner with her responsibilities and rights.
Responsibilities: (on the screen)

Get up, wash. Sit down and eat.
Receive guests
Don't forget your friends.
Put the mash to distill.
Play sports this year.
Be ready for love and work.

Don't get sick, don't be sad,
Eat in moderation and sleep soundly,
Never grow old
All men like it.

Rights of a young pensioner: (read by the hero of the day herself)

When I want, then I get up.
As long as I want, I lie there.
If I want to, I’ll start drinking.
I'll go where I want.
When I want, then I sleep.
I love whoever I want.

Leading: And now I want to raise a glass to the birth of a new pensioner, but very, very young, who still has a lot of things to do!

Presenter: Today, each of the guests, as a sign of respect for you, would like to say special words and give a special gift.
- We would give you a miracle,
A wonderful moment of magic
Only a miracle was created before,
The people who gave you life, birth!

Please raise your glasses and drink to the parents of the hero of the day __________________!

Be healthy, beloved wife,
So that your wallet is always tight
Optimism and creativity!
Every day to give joy.
Since we're talking about men,
I want to remind you of a man
who many years ago fell in love with our (name)
and is still a support and shoulder
V family life for her. AND
So, word from the wife of the hero of the day.

How much beauty is there in the world:
Sun, blue sky,
And spring flowers
They can't compare with you.
For many years we walked side by side,
There was everything: sadness and joy
Now the grandchildren have grown up,
Old age is already knocking on our door.
We won't let her into the house
Let him walk longer
When he comes again later,
Let him not find us at home.
You are my good one
I always feel at ease with you
I give you flowers
And a surprise with a lot of love.

I give you this song. “I love you to tears” or others.

Thank you for finding words that please and comfort you at the right moment.

I want to drink to the fact that you exist!

Leading: Today telegrams were sent to the hero of the day. Let me read them

Granny, hello, don't be sad,
The candy is out, mind you.
Your grandson _______-.

Well, now, friends, the moment has come
Fill a glass for your parents.
For those who gave the joy of life,
And he opened the doors to a beautiful world.
For those who taught him kindness,
Endowed him with a considerable amount of intelligence.
For those thanks to whom now
Vanya is sitting among us as a birthday boy.

So, let's fill our glasses and drink to the parents of our hero of the day, let them too have fun and pleasure today.
Dear guests! We learned a lot today about the hero of the day, there were a lot of congratulations and wishes addressed to him. But not everyone present congratulated him yet. The floor is given to the sister and brother of the hero of the day.

Dear friends, we continue our evening dedicated to the 30th anniversary

Happy thirty year anniversary
All friends rush to congratulate
And wherever fate takes them -
Everyone came here today.
We wish you health
And a long life without worries,
Good luck, happiness and luck!
The time has come for big victories!

Let's all fill our glasses and drink to the happiness and health of our birthday boy!

Wow, I see you moved something? Wait, I will introduce you to the Rules of our evening. Our charter states:
1. That the hero of the day is sitting in front of us.
2. It is announced that 20__ Ivan's anniversary is not cancelled.
3. Remember: it didn’t hurt for everyone to start having a glass.
4. It is announced that laughter in this house is not canceled.
5. Gifts brought to the hero of the day are accepted around the clock for another month after this evening and cannot be returned.

And now the floor is given to the beloved wife of the hero of the day.

We congratulate you on this significant event,
Today is your legal anniversary,
We wish you great health,
And many sincere friends.
We do not give to the birthday boy
No headsets, no rings,
You'll probably receive it warmer
Greetings from friendly hearts.

I offer the floor to congratulate my friends. Dear guests, dear birthday boy, the children’s nursery group “Mouse” has come to your holiday!

Congratulates Uncle Vanya
Our favorite kindergarten,
Sends greetings to you, dear,
Junior nursery team.
We promise to listen to Vanya,
Always go to the potty
When everyone has eaten the porridge,
We'll take the cups away.
Be healthy Uncle Vanya!
Many many more days
We promise that we will come
To your hundredth anniversary!

Dear guests! I ask you to fill your glasses with white, and drop some red into your glasses.

Believe it if you want
Believe it or not if you want it,
There is a beast wandering somewhere nearby.
Doesn't live in the dense forest,
In Russian the mighty language.
This animal is called “moose”
“It’s been like this for a long time.”
Let “ELK” be with you,
To eat and sleep,
For three to drink,
So that you would like and be able to
So that happiness does not end,
So that you DREAM about good things, so that things succeed
May everything always come true!

We want to congratulate you
With a wonderful date - thirty years.
You have already achieved a lot,
But now all the strength has begun to flourish.
Let hope never
Your earthly one will not leave the path.
May he be full of success!
We don’t want to turn away from it!

On Canary Islands Of the 365 days a year, only 350 are sunny.
So we wish you, Vanya, that there will be a balance of joyful and sad days in your life.
But the natives of the Canary Islands are far from stupid. During those 15 days when there is no sun, they all gather together in their large huts and drink the fermented juice of tropical mangoes. And again in their souls good mood, the sun is shining in their souls again. And you, Vanya, on gloomy and stormy days, do not forget to take mango fruits. And if you don’t have juice on hand, use any substitute from 12 to 40 degrees

For your anniversary!
Thirty years is a special age.
Life leads us forward slowly,
We want to wish you that
The soul has not aged over the years.
So that creativity does not leave,
So that the table is wide with wine,
To make music sound in the house,
To make your wife love you more.
Birthday is a responsible step,
Thirty years in life means something.
Be happy and healthy, like Hercules.
May luck not leave you!

Listen, Ivan, this is the thing -
Vodka began to boil in the glasses,
So that she doesn't run out of steam,
We need to sip a little.
For a reason like this
Let's say a small toast.

Masha and Glasha meet.
- Masha, how is your husband Misha?
- As he drank, so he drinks, as he beat, so he hits.
- Well, thank God, if only he wasn’t sick!
For the health of everyone present!

Dear guests! We had a lot of fun. Our evening is coming to an end. I propose to sing a song for the hero of the day.

We had a great time on your holiday
Nowhere have we seen a more beautiful holiday
So be healthy, live richly,
And we are leaving for the house and the hut!
The evening ends with songs and dances.

If you are thinking about how to organize a fun family celebration in the company of close friends, colleagues and relatives, then this scenario is for you. Presented by the talented author A. Zaitsev, it is designed to hold a holiday in a close circle and on your own, without the involvement of professionals, which means that even a beginner can take on its preparation, and the holiday itself can be organized at home.

The program is designed in such a way that in any competition or auction one or another prize is awarded, albeit small, but pleasant, for which a “loud” comic name was invented. Entertainment birthday (anniversary) "DIY holiday"- universal, if desired, it can be changed or supplemented with other games, competitions, congratulatory moments, toasts and jokes.

During the evening, for example, prizes with the following names can be drawn:

A traveling art exhibition of unpainted paintings by future artists from the Art Karakuli gallery - (sketchbook).

Manual grinding machine from the company “Chic and Shine” - (toothbrush).

An ancient means of organizing leisure time and lightening the wallet from the company “Lopukhoff and Chainikoff” - (playing cards).

Universal neutral Western European-East Asian horoscope from the company Zodiac and coffee grounds" - (calendar).

Anti-parrot measuring device for boas from the company "Russian Razmer" - (ruler).

Terminator for bacteria, bacilli and microbes from the company “Double Impact” - (washcloth (sponge) and soap).

Sewing-embroidery-stitching machine from the company "Shey and Pori" - (set of needles and threads).

Pocket music center from the company “If you rattle, you make people laugh” - (rattle).

Pneumatic car alarm from Atas! - (whistle).

Entertainment program for guests "Holiday with your own hands"

The owners of the house greet guests with the words: “We are glad to have guests as good news!”, “Welcome!” Each guest is invited to the aperitif table and offered to choose a drink and one of the notes prepared in advance with a comic toast. When all the guests are gathered, they are invited to the table.

Leading. Hello! People have many ways of greeting each other, so I want to give a special greeting to everyone on our holiday.

(The presenter shakes someone’s hand, hugs someone, kisses someone, pats someone on the shoulder, waves his hand to someone, sends air kiss and so on.)

Leading. My first toast is to the meeting!

Dear guests! Which of you can add something to what has been said about the hero of the day?

Who can highlight other aspects of the outstanding nature of our birthday boy?

I suggest choosing an analyst among the guests. The one who will say: “How about pouring it?”*

- (Addresses one of the guests.) And we will call you “lad,” because you clap your hands louder than anyone else.

Comic description of the hero of the day

Leading. I have in my hands a description of our hero of the occasion (is reading):


His clothes are a feast for the eyes.

His hard work is worthy of the highest praise.

Honest, like an ATM.

Mobile like a phone.

Beautiful, like a rare diamond.

Brave as a furious lion.

If you agree with this, let me know with applause. (The guests applaud.)

Banquet break

Table game "Stable expression"

Leading. For our holiday, I have prepared a list of common expressions. For example, Indian...summer, scarecrow...garden, etc. The one who accurately continues the stable expression receives a token. Guest who dialed greatest number tokens is awarded a prize. Let's start the game.

Frost... red nose, frozen... eternal, ladybug... ladybug, king... naked, orphan... Kazan, cat... March, tears... crocodiles, sausage... business, caviar... black, carriage... blue, Kashchei... Immortal, conscience... clear, pepper shaker ... old, cult ... personality, horse... in a coat, gelding... gray, fly... Cluttering, Miracle - Yudo... nasty, hare... scythe, tablecloth... road, after... sleeves, bear... clubfooted, faceted... glass, whirlwinds... hostile, Rostov -... On - Don, little thing... pot-bellied.

(Counting of tokens is in progress.)

Leading. The winner receives a surreal prize, or "surprise" for short. (The winner receives a prize. The host gives pocket calendars to all guests.)

Fun for guests "Get a prize"

Leading. Prizes are up for grabs!

1. Manual air conditioner from the Japanese company “Mashisama”! The person who can count all the Tuesdays of the year the fastest will receive it. (A competition takes place. The winner receives a fan - a manual air conditioner from the Japanese company Mashisama.) I think you will appreciate this fan after the dance break.

2. (The host hands the guests several tear-off calendars.) The one who is the fastest to tear the pages with Fridays out of the calendar will receive a prize that is suitable for any make of car. (A competition is taking place. The winner receives a keychain that fits any make of car. The presenter takes tear-off calendars from the players and gives out several piles of old newspapers.)

3. Now you need to find a pile of newspapers - one for Tuesday. (A competition takes place. The winner receives a prize - a means for broadening his horizons - a door peephole.)

Auction "Drinks of the World".

Leading. Attention! Auction “Drinks of the World”. I ask you to remember the drink and the country where it is made. For example, rum - Cuba or wine - Spain... Now - you.

(Guests participate in the “Drinks of the World” auction. Vodka - Russia, tequila - Mexico, whiskey - America, beer - Czech Republic, vodka - Ukraine, sake - Japan, cognac - France...)

(The hero of the day fills the winner’s glass with his own hand.)

Toast- for the people who surround the birthday boy.

Outdoor games "Rope competitions"

“What’s in fashion now?” The anniversary is not as conservative a holiday as it might seem at first glance! And the eventspro editorial board was convinced of this during an express survey, the topic of which was verbatim: “What creative ideas did you use to celebrate your anniversary?”

So, let’s study together what the heroes of the day and their guests “invented”! Presents you with a very condensed mix selection creative ideas for the anniversary celebration, obtained during a survey of service users.

So, TOP 9 ideas

  1. Trending

    – themed parties: star, cowboy, pirate, jazz, folk style, as well as retro or Disco style. It all depends on the hobbies of the hero of the day.

  2. Wall newspaper.

    A huge wall newspaper - a collage about the hero of the day - looks creative at such celebrations. Here fragments of photographs, pictures from glossy magazines, and apt headlines cut out from newspapers will come to the rescue. To all this add a sense of humor and the artist’s own talent. The work is painstaking, but extraordinary interest and delight of the hero of the day is guaranteed.

  3. Sweet couple.

    Guests can be greeted by " sweet couple» hosts dressed according to the theme of the party (two stars, two pirates or a man and a woman in national costumes). They treat guests to champagne (wine), tartlets, small sandwiches on skewers, and wish them a pleasant evening.

  4. News release.

    A great surprise for the hero of the day will be a pre-filmed film in the genre of television news (with an announcer, make-up artist, cameraman and interviews taken from the friends of the hero of the day).

  5. An improvised choir works well.

    We prepare only the soloist and soundtrack. We print out the words of the chorus and give them to the guests. We line them up in two rows, put black bow ties on the men, and tie colorful bows around the women’s necks. A little instruction, learning two or three simple movements. The result will not be long in coming: great mood everything is provided.

  6. Flash mob.

    For a lively company, a thematic flash mob is suitable, at the end of which all its participants chant in unison: “Happy anniversary!”

  7. Children…

    Not a single big family holiday is complete without them. Remember: “The pioneers have come to greet you!”? And the new is always the well-forgotten old. Rhyme a few sweet thoughts and learn congratulations to the children, nephews or grandchildren of the hero of the day. Pick up musical accompaniment, hand the children balloons. Congratulations from children are a topic that never goes out of fashion.

  8. KVN.

    Create a creative group and prepare a greeting in advance in the spirit of the good old KVN. Think about the surroundings: you can go out to the tune of a film about Sherlock Holmes in white scarves, copying the team of Odessa gentlemen.

  9. Cup of desires.

    Finally, give the hero of the day a “Full Cup of Wishes”! The hero of the day is given a round container (not necessarily made of glass), which he will use after the holiday to decorate the room. All guests write their wishes on small pieces of paper in advance (each guest can make as many pieces of paper with wishes as they want) and when the moment comes for presenting the cup, all guests take turns putting their pieces of paper into the cup, while saying a laconic wish to the hero of the day. The ceremony is touching and beautiful. After the holiday, the hero of the day will be happy to take out and read the wishes, a positive effect is guaranteed!

Dilute all these ideas with sincere toasts, good music, fiery dancing and culinary delights - and the holiday is a success. Have a nice celebration!
