The most modern and powerful tanks in the world. The best tank in the world The best tank in the world today

As they say: “Tanks are not afraid of dirt.” This expression perfectly characterizes such a powerful machine as a tank. The tank is not afraid of any obstacles; in it you can not only feel completely safe, but also in case of danger or attack by enemies, you can defend yourself by using military artillery. It is a kind of multifunctional machine.

Since ancient times, people have preferred stronger and effective weapon. As soon as something better appears, they begin to invent many analogues. Then these analogues are used until something more perfect and powerful appears. People, one might say, have this principle. Times go by, more and more new weapons appear, but the tanks do not give up their positions. This is a reliable front and rear of the army.

In our time of high technology, military equipment is constantly being improved and becomes “smarter.” Today we will share with you our Top 10 ranking The most powerful tanks in the world. They are a kind of “monsters” among their own kind; you will surely admire their stateliness and greatness. And what power lies in them! A power capable of protecting and destroying at the same time. In our rating you will get acquainted with steel “monsters”, which are the best tanks in the world ever created.

10. Leclerc

This tank forms the basis of the army of modern France, and 388 units are in service with the UAE, which is explained by its high cost - $8 million. However, all this pales in comparison to the 120-mm muzzle, with 40 rounds of ammunition, as well as two additional machine guns, with a total of 4,000 rounds of magazines, which, together with the ability to accelerate to 71 km/h, makes it excellent in the fight against enemy dismounted forces .


We could not help but include Merkava, the pride of the Israeli defense industry, in the ranking of the best and most powerful tanks in the world. In addition to the intimidating 120 mm barrel, the tank is capable of firing guided anti-tank missiles, which makes it possible to accurately incapacitate military equipment enemy. In this case, protection is provided by steel modular armor latest generation, which, although it adds weight, allows it to remain invulnerable to shots from some types of hand grenade launchers.


Manufactured in Pakistan, this tank has absorbed the latest developments of leading engineers in its region, which allows it to remain equally effective regardless of the time of day. A 125 mm smooth-bore gun is capable of hitting almost any enemy equipment, but for the sake of its expanded ammunition, one of the machine guns had to be sacrificed, which does not at all reduce the effectiveness of the combat vehicle.

7. K1A1

Also among the most powerful tanks in the world is the crown of the modern military industry South Korea. The heavy-duty smooth-bore gun with a caliber of 120 mm requires simultaneous maintenance by two crew members, but is extremely effective against enemy reconnaissance drones that fall into its field of view. Effectiveness against infantry is ensured by one coaxial or two standard machine guns, depending on the modification.


The pride of British tank building, it is recognized as one of the best in the world due to its reliability. It is in service with the United Kingdom and Oman. It is extremely effective against foot soldiers and weakly armored vehicles, because in addition to a 120 mm rifled barrel, it has two coaxial and one movable machine gun at its disposal. However, such firepower has a negative impact on the mobility of the tank - it is only capable of reaching a speed of 56 km/h.

5. PT-91

Main fighting machine The Polish army is ranked fifth in the list of the 10 most powerful tanks in the world. In addition to the terrifying 125 mm smoothbore gun, the tank is equipped with active armor, which ensures that there will be no major damage after the enemy's first shot. Moreover, the presence of three machine guns allows you to destroy enemy anti-aircraft guns and their crew at medium and close distances.

4. T-90

Oddly enough, representative Russian tank building It is distinguished by its compactness and lightness, guaranteeing the maneuverability characteristic of Soviet-made tanks. In addition to the enemy's technology, thanks to two powerful machine guns, the tank does not experience difficulties with artillery, which, due to its low weight and, accordingly, high speed of movement, it is able to reach almost with lightning speed. The T-90 is rightfully considered one of the best tanks in the world with great firepower and high speed characteristics. The hull armor is made using composite steel, which prevents the T-90 from becoming an easy target for enemy infantry armed with anti-tank guns, even at close range.


This Chinese-made vehicle, which opens the top three in the top 10 most powerful tanks in the world, is by no means cheap: for one unit you will have to pay about 22 million dollars, which significantly reduces its competitiveness. Relatively light tank equipped with a 125 mm smoothbore gun, in addition to which are attached three machine guns: for dealing with anti-aircraft guns and two twin ones, effective against infantry.


This tank is characterized by high production costs, typical of most South Korean combat vehicles. The developers explain this by the fact that they used combined armor, which gives a lot of advantages in close combat, and thanks to the low weight of only 62 tons, they were able to gain additional speed and maneuverability. Despite all this, the Black Panther, armed with a 55 caliber cannon, was able to win only half of its training battles.

1. M1A2 Abrams

The crowning glory of our ranking is the brainchild of the American defense industry, which has occupied a leading position since the end of the last century, thanks to the constant improvement of its technology in response to changing styles of modern warfare. M1A2 Abrams – the best tank in the world. Its “highlight” is not its weapons potential, although it is worth saying that its firepower is by no means inferior to its competitors, but its technical component. The vehicle is literally crammed with various electronics, allowing it to coordinate actions with allied forces and aviation, which allows it to be as effective as possible on the battlefield. And, unlike most of the tanks presented, the M1A2 has proven its effectiveness in real military operations.

+ T-14 Armata

The Armata tank has become the embodiment of the unique developments of past years and the achievements of modern Russian military-industrial complex. T-14 is a unique 3rd generation combat vehicle. Perhaps, after all the tests, Armata will receive the title the best and most powerful tank in the world. Its peculiarity is that the crew is not located in the turret, but in an armored capsule, which ensures survival even if the ammunition is detonated. This newest Russian tank was first demonstrated in 2015 at the Victory Parade.

Among the unique technical characteristics it is worth noting: design features, making the tank poorly visible on enemy radars, in the infrared and magnetic range, and even difficult to distinguish on the ground with visual contact, essentially stealth technology is used. The vehicle also uses the latest Afghanit active protection, which is capable of preventing an anti-tank projectile from hitting it, and the 4th generation Malachite armor protects against almost 100% of shots from hand-held grenade launchers. Firepower is provided by a 125 mm smoothbore gun with 45 rounds of ammunition and two machine guns: Kord (12.7 mm) and PKTM (7.62 mm). On highways, the T-14 reaches speeds of up to 90 km/h.

The best tank in Russia and the world | Video

Russia is betting on creating completely new armored vehicles, while its opponents are upgrading to the last minute models from thirty years ago

Submitted by general public At the Victory Parade in Moscow, the new Russian T-14 tank on the Armata tracked platform created a sensation among tankers around the world. The Russian novelty forced everyone to compare again and again combat capabilities armored vehicles that are in service around the world today. Although, in fact, there are not so many tanks to compare. Only four countries were and remain trendsetters in tank building and the main exporters: Russia, Great Britain, Germany and the USA. In addition to them, Israel, India, Iran, Italy, China, both Koreas, Pakistan, Poland, France and Japan produce their own tanks or put them on production lines. The vast majority of countries are content with acquiring more or less new developments from major tank-building powers or ordering the modernization of existing armored vehicles.

Seriously compare tanks that have never met each other in real battle, impossible and pointless. And if in reality, say, the Israeli Merkava Mk.4 met in single combat with, for example, the Chinese Type 99, then to a large extent the outcome of the battle would depend on the characteristics of the theater of operations, and on the training and experience of the crew, and from many other factors, which even veteran tankers cannot always take into account in advance. A simple comparison of tactical and technical characteristics does not make it possible to seriously talk about the advantages of one tank over others and vice versa.

Our current rating takes into account the only objective indicator: the year a particular tank was put into service. And, of course, a simple requirement was taken into account: the tanks included in this top 10 must be original designs. Taking into account all these indicators, we have selected ten of the most modern and powerful tanks in the world.

It is not surprising that the domestic T-14 Armata took first place on this list. On the one hand, there is simply no more modern tank in the world today that has already been presented to the public and released military tests. On the other hand, in many formal indicators, the Armata is ahead of or at least rises to the same level with most other modern tanks, and in total it rightfully claims to be the most modern and powerful armored vehicle.

T-14 "Armata" (Russia)

Year of adoption: 2016 (plans)

Combat weight, t: up to 55

Crew, people: 3

Gun caliber, mm: 125 (installation of a 152 mm gun is possible)

Gun type: smoothbore + launcher ATGM

Ammunition, shots: 40

Rate of fire, rds/min: 10–12

Machine gun caliber, mm: 12.7

Dynamic protection: yes

Engine power, hp: up to 1500

Maximum speed, km/h: up to 75

Cruising range on the highway, km: up to 600

Tank T-14 "Armata". Photo: Sergey Fadeichev / TASS

The most fundamental difference between the Armata and all other modern tanks is the so-called capsule design: all three members of the T-14 crew are located in a special armored capsule inside the hull, that is, actually behind two spaced layers of armor. At the same time, the turret, which is also unique for modern tanks, remains uninhabited - all fire control is carried out using the combat information and control system. In addition, serial T-14s will be able to be equipped with a 152-mm smoothbore cannon - a missile launcher, which will make the Armata's fire advantage undeniable: no modern tank has a weapon of such caliber, power and range.

K2 "Black Panther" (South Korea)

Year of adoption: 2015 (plans)

Combat weight, t: 55

Crew, people: 3

Gun caliber, mm: 120

Gun type: smoothbore

Ammunition, shots: 40

Rate of fire, rds/min: up to 10

Dynamic protection: yes

Specific power, hp/t: 27.3

Cruising range on the highway, km: 450

Tank K2 "Black Panther". Photo:

Experts call the K2 “Black Panther” tank the first independently developed South Korean tank. Its predecessor, the K1, was actually an American Abrams tank adapted to the conditions of the Korean Peninsula. Korean novelty, judging by the formal tactical and technical characteristics and demonstration shooting, claims to be one of the most modern tanks. The Black Panther, like most current tanks of NATO member countries and their allies, is armed with a well-proven, but already outdated 120-mm smoothbore gun of the Rheinmetall Rh-120 type. True, it is complemented by a modern and fast automatic loader, providing a high rate of fire. However, this same tank also holds a very dubious record for the highest cost of a combat vehicle: $8.5 million apiece. It is not surprising that at such a price, the South Korean army refused to completely replace the K1 fleet with K2 and ordered only 297 new vehicles.

Type 10 (Japan)

Year adopted: 2012

Combat weight, t: 44

Crew, people: 3

Gun caliber, mm: 120

Gun type: smoothbore

Ammunition, rounds: 28

Machine gun caliber, mm: 1 x 7.62, 1 x 12.7

Dynamic protection: no

Specific power, hp/t: 27.3

Maximum speed, km/h: 70

Cruising range on the highway, km: 450

Tank Type 10. Photo: Shizuo Kambayashi / AP

Closing the top three of our review is the new Japanese Type 10 tank - the third and last of the modern tanks with the highest specific engine power. Like the Armata and the Black Panther, it reaches 27.3 horsepower per ton of armored vehicle weight. True, the Japanese tank received such a thrust-to-weight ratio not due to engine power, but due to its lower mass: 44 tons versus 55 for its Russian and South Korean rivals. "Armata" Type 10 is inferior due to its main one - the same 120 mm German gun, serial production of which began in 1979.

"Arjun" Mk.I (India)

Combat weight, t: 58.5

Crew, people: 4

Gun caliber, mm: 120

Gun type: rifled + ATGM launcher

Ammunition, rounds: 39

Rate of fire, rds/min: 6–8

Machine gun caliber, mm: 1 x 7.62, 1 x 12.7

Dynamic protection: no

Engine power, hp: 1400

Specific power, hp/t: 23.9

Maximum speed, km/h: 70

Cruising range on the highway, km: 450

Tank "Arjun" Mk.I. Photo: M. Lakshman / AP

Like the South Korean K2, the Indian Arjun can be considered India's first independently developed tank. True, it took Indian engineers and technologists no less than 37 years to create a new product! During this time, many of the solutions incorporated in the Indian tank became outdated or were close to the point of obsolescence, and the need to constantly change the architecture and range of on-board equipment led to problems with unification. As a result, India adopted only 124 tanks of this modification.

Type 99A2 (China)

Year of adoption: 2011

Combat weight, t: 58

Crew, people: 3

Gun caliber, mm: 125

Gun type: smoothbore

Ammunition, rounds: 41

Rate of fire, rds/min: 7

Machine gun caliber, mm: 1 x 7.62, 1 x 12.7

Dynamic protection: yes

Engine power, hp: 1500

Maximum speed, km/h: 70

Cruising range on the highway, km: 450

Tank Type 99A2. Photo: website

The Chinese Type 99A2 (the most modern modification of the Type 99 tank, which entered service in 2001) is one of two tanks in this review, which can be called a completely independent national development with some stretch. This machine is based on the Soviet Union, which has proven itself throughout the world. medium tank The T-72, however, received a completely new welded turret, enhanced protection - both armored and active, as well as much more modern filling. In particular, the Type 99A2 is equipped with an automatic loader, thanks to which the crew has been reduced to three people, and the rate of fire has increased to seven rounds per minute. In addition, unique equipment for tanks participating in this rating is the laser active countermeasures system installed on the Chinese vehicle, which is capable of literally blinding enemy equipment and soldiers.

BM "Oplot" (Ukraine)

Combat weight, t: 51

Crew, people: 3

Gun caliber, mm: 125

Ammunition, shots: 40

Rate of fire, rds/min: 8

Machine gun caliber, mm: 1 x 7.62, 1 x 12.7

Dynamic protection: yes

Engine power, hp: 1200

Maximum speed, km/h: 70

Cruising range on the highway, km: 500

Tank BM "Oplot". Photo: website

Ukrainian combat vehicle (this is how the abbreviation “BM” stands for) “Oplot” is the second “conditionally independent” participant in the current rating. The conditionality of its independence is given by the fact that, in essence, the Oplot BM is the fourth derivative of a modification of the Soviet T-80U tank, more precisely, its diesel version, produced at the Kharkov Malyshev plant. It is not surprising that this option was designed and embodied in metal in just three months and within six months it was adopted by the Ukrainian army. True, to date, the Ukrainian army has not received all 50 Oplot BMs ordered. But the contract with Thailand is being fulfilled much more successfully, which should receive 49 “Oplots”, 10 of which have already been delivered to this country. Thus, today the armed forces of the Kingdom of Thailand are the only army in the world where the Oplot combat vehicle is actually in service.

"Merkava" Mk.4M (Israel)

Year adopted: 2009

Combat weight, t: 65

Crew, people: 4

Gun caliber, mm: 120

Gun type: smoothbore + ATGM launcher

Ammunition, rounds: 48

Rate of fire, rds/min: 8–10

Machine gun caliber, mm: 2 x 7.62, 1 x 12.7, installation of a 60-mm mortar is possible

Dynamic protection: yes

Engine power, hp: 1500

Specific power, hp/t: 23.5

Maximum speed, km/h: 70

Cruising range on the highway, km: 500

Tank "Merkava" Mk.4M Photo: Tsafrir Abayov / AR

Based on the totality of combat capabilities and experience combat use, which only three out of ten participants in the current rating can boast of, the Israeli Merkava tank has more than once been recognized as one of the best, or even the best tank in the world over the past two to three decades. Indeed, in terms of the ratio of combat power, protection of the crew and the vehicle itself, as well as the Merkava’s armament fourth generation has some of the best indicators, but only for the Israeli theater of operations. The Merkava was never exported, and, according to many military experts, not only because the Israeli Defense Forces banned the sale of these vehicles abroad, but also because a tank designed specifically for Israeli conditions would significantly lose in efficiency outside the Middle Eastern theater. In particular, it has too much mass to move freely in wooded or swampy areas, and is not at all designed to overcome water obstacles.

Challenger 2 (UK)

Year of adoption: 2008 (beginning of large-scale modernization of vehicles in service)

Combat weight, t: 62.5

Crew, people: 4

Gun caliber, mm: 120

Gun type: rifled

Ammunition, rounds: 52

Rate of fire, rds/min: 6–8

Machine gun caliber, mm: 2 x 7.62

Dynamic protection: yes

Engine power, hp: 1200

Specific power, hp/t: 19.2

Maximum speed, km/h: 56

Cruising range on the highway, km: 400

Tank "Challenger 2". Photo: Joerg Sarbach/AP

The British Challenger 2 tank is the second armored vehicle in this rating that has real combat experience. True, it is very specific: British vehicles took part in the so-called peacekeeping operation in Kosovo and fought on the side of the anti-Iraq coalition during the invasion of NATO forces in Iraq in 2003. According to experts, British tanks performed well in battle; however, few of these experts specify that Challenger 2 had to fight with morally and physically obsolete Iraqi T-55 tanks created in the mid-50s! It is not surprising that the British emerged victorious in this confrontation. True, the Iraqi experience still showed that the Challenger 2, which was originally put into service in 1991, needs serious modernization, which was carried out in 2008 for three quarters of the tanks in service: they received new guns, new engines and transmissions (German instead of British), and also new system fire control. But even with these innovations, British tanks are still significantly inferior to foreign competitors created in the last decade.

"Leopard" 2A6M (Germany)

Year adopted: 2004

Combat weight, t: 59.9

Crew, people: 4

Gun caliber, mm: 120

Gun type: smoothbore

Ammunition, rounds: 44

Rate of fire, rds/min: 6–8

Machine gun caliber, mm: 2 x 7.62

Dynamic protection: yes

Engine power, hp: 1500

Specific power, hp/t: 25

Maximum speed, km/h: 72

Cruising range on the highway, km: 550

Tank "Leopard" 2A6M. Photo: website

The first tanks of the Leopard model entered service with the Bundeswehr in August 1963. The Leopard 2A6M tank included in the current rating is the sixth modification of the second generation of the legendary armored vehicle. Legendary because today it is in service with almost two dozen countries, and many of its components, primarily the 120-mm smoothbore gun, can be found in more or less modified versions on many foreign modern tanks. With all that, since the tank platform has not changed for several decades, each subsequent modification comes closer to the limit of the vehicle’s modernization capabilities. And some unchangeable features of the Leopard, such as the lack of an automatic loader, significantly reduce its combat capabilities.

Abrams M1A2 SEP (USA)

Year adopted: 2000

Combat weight, t: 63

Crew, people: 4

Gun caliber, mm: 120

Gun type: smoothbore

Ammunition, rounds: 42

Rate of fire, rds/min: 6–8

Machine gun caliber, mm: 2 x 7.62, 1 x 12.7

Dynamic protection: yes

Engine power, hp: 1500

Specific power, hp/t: 23.8

Maximum speed, km/h: 67

Cruising range on the highway, km: 425

Along with the German Leopard, the British Challenger and the Israeli Merkava, the American Abrams can easily be called one of the most famous tanks in the world. Which is not surprising: the first modification of this model was regularly upgraded, receiving more and more on-board systems, weapons and fire control systems, as well as active and passive protection. The reason for each new modernization was the participation of these tanks in one or another military action, but always outside the United States itself. The model that was included in the current rating received, first of all, new armor in the frontal part of the turret with uranium filler, as well as new digital fire control systems and... air conditioning. Currently, work is underway in the United States on the next reincarnation of the Abrams - the M1A3, which should become lighter and faster than its predecessors. The weight of the new model will be 55 tons, the gun will be highly accurate and long-range - American tank builders are clearly in the wake of their Russian colleagues.

All of the tanks mentioned here are incredibly powerful and destructive, but none of them actually saw action against each other. This rating is based on specifications and available data. The list does not include prototypes or tanks that are currently under development. So, below are the ten best modern tanks in the world.

10 Leclerc

The AMX-56 Leclerc is a French modern tank mass-produced by GIAT Industries (now Nexter) since 1992. It was named after the World War II general Jacques Philippe Leclerc. As of 2012, it is the main battle tank (MBT) in service with the armies of France (406 units) and the United United Arab Emirates(388 cars). In 2011, the price of the Leclerc was 9.3 million euros, and before the advent of the K2 Black Panther and Type 10, it was considered the most expensive MBT in the world.

This tank is equipped with a 120 mm smoothbore gun with automatic loading and a rate of fire of up to 12 rounds per minute. Its fire control system can track up to five moving targets simultaneously, and uses a laser, thermal imager and on-board computer to improve firing efficiency. The official maximum speed of the tank on the road is 72 km/h, over rough terrain - 55 km/h. Weight - 56 tons. The Leclerc is one of the lightest main battle tanks in the world.

9 Merkava Mk.4

In ninth place in the list of the best modern tanks in the world is the Merkava, or more precisely, its modification Mk.4. The Merkava is an Israeli battle tank that is exclusively in service with the Israeli Army. Serially produced since 1979. It has four modifications - “Mk.1”, “Mk.2”, “Mk.3”, “Mk.4”.

The Mk.4 modification, in service with the Israeli army since 2004, is one of the most protected tanks in the world. This combat vehicle is equipped with a 120 mm MG253 gun. Empty tank weight - 65 tons. Estimated price - $ 3.7 million. Maximum speed on the highway is approximately 60 km/h, over rough terrain - 40 km/h.

8 Al-Khalid

Al-Khalid or MBT-2000 is a Chinese-Pakistani battle tank produced since 1999 by Heavy Industries Taxila in conjunction with Norinco. It entered service with the Pakistani army in 2000. It was named after one of the companions of the Prophet Muhammad - Khalid ibn al-Walid. The unit cost in 2011 was $4.7-$5.8 million. A total of about 750 copies were produced.

Al-Khalid is operated by a crew of three and is armed with a 125 mm smoothbore cannon with automatic loading. Among other things, the tank is equipped with a modern fire control system similar to the Leclerc system. Maximum speed - 72 km/h. Weight - 46 tons. Capable of overcoming water obstacles up to 5 meters deep.

7 K1A1

The K1A1 is the main battle tank of South Korea, mass-produced from 1985 to 2010. Is an option American tank M1 "Abrams", adapted for combat operations in mountainous and swampy areas on the Korean Peninsula. It was put into service in 2001. A total of 484 examples were built.

The K1A1 is flown by a crew from four people. It is equipped with a 120-mm smoothbore cannon, thermal sight, laser rangefinder, modern electronics and a fire control system developed by Samsung Electronics. The weight of the tank is 53.2 tons. The maximum speed on the road is 65 km/h, on rough terrain - 40 km/h.

6 Challenger 2

Challenger 2 is a main battle tank that has been in service with the armies of Great Britain and Oman since 1998. Was designed and built British company Vickers Defense Systems (now BAE Systems Land & Armaments). A total of 446 units were produced. The cost of one copy is about $5.8 million.

"Challenger 2" is controlled by a crew of four and is equipped with a 120-mm rifled gun maximum sighting range, which is more than 5 km. It is considered one of the most heavily armored and well-protected tanks in the world. Its turret and hull are covered in Chobham (also known as Dorchester) armor. The weight of the tank is 62.5 tons. The maximum speed on the highway is 59 km/h, on rough terrain - 40 km/h.

5 PT-91

PT-91 Twardy (“Solid”) is a Polish main battle tank, developed on the basis of the T-72M1 tank. The first prototypes of the PT-91 were manufactured in 1993, and in 1995 the tank entered service. In total for armed forces Poland produced 232 units. Several combat vehicles have been developed on its basis. He also has a large number of modifications.

The Tverdy is operated by a crew of three. This tank is equipped with a 125 mm smoothbore gun with automatic loading. Combat weight - 47.3 tons. The maximum speed on the highway is 60 km/h.

4 T-90

The fourth place in the ranking of the best modern tanks is occupied by the T-90 (“Vladimir”), a Russian main battle tank created in the early 1990s as a modernization of the T-72B. On October 5, 1992 it was officially adopted for service. Between 2001 and 2010, the T-90 became the best-selling MBT on the global market. As of 2011, the cost of one T-90 unit is 118 million rubles ($4.2 million). In total, approximately 3,200 copies were produced. Currently in service with Russia (about 700), Algeria (305), Azerbaijan (20), India (620), Turkmenistan (40) and Venezuela (50-100).

The T-90 crew consists of three people (commander, driver-mechanic and gunner). The combat vehicle is equipped with a 125 mm 2A46M-5 smoothbore gun. The mass of the tank is 46.5 tons. The maximum speed on the highway is 60 km/h, on rough terrain - about 50 km/h.

3 Type 99

The Type 99, also known as the ZTZ-99 and WZ-123, is a Chinese main battle tank based on the Type 98 prototype. It was put into operation in 2001. It is in service with the Chinese army. In total, about 600 units were produced. The cost of one Type 99 is approximately $2,000,000.

The crew of the Type 99 tank consists of three people. Its main armament is a 125 mm smoothbore gun. The fire control system includes combined sights, a laser rangefinder, a thermal imager, a digital ballistic computer, a 2-plane weapon stabilizer, a set of sensors (atmospheric conditions, barrel wear, etc.), a multifunctional commander’s panel and an automatic target tracking system. Mounted on a tank diesel engine water-cooled turbocharged with a capacity of 1500 hp. With. gives a maximum speed of movement on the highway - 80 km/h, over rough terrain - up to 60 km/h. The tank accelerates from zero to 32 km/h in 12 seconds. Its combat weight is 54 tons.

2 K2 Black Panther

The K2 Black Panther is a new generation South Korean main battle tank that replaced most of the M48 Pattons and complemented the K1 series. It was developed by the South Korean Agency for Defense Development (ADD) and Rotem (a division of Hyundai Motors). Its serial production began in 2013. At $8,500,000 per unit, this tank is the most expensive in the world.

The Black Panther is operated by a crew of three and is armed with a 120mm smoothbore cannon capable of firing up to 20 rounds per minute. This combat vehicle is capable of moving with maximum speed 70 km/h at road surfaces, over rough terrain - up to 52 km/h and accelerate from 0 to 32 km/h in 8.7 seconds. The weight of the tank is 55 tons.

1 M1A2 Abrams

The M1 Abrams is the latest generation American main battle tank developed by the Chrysler Corporation. Serially produced since 1980. The tank was named after the general who took an active part in the Vietnam War - Creighton Williams Abrams. It is in service with the US and Egyptian armies. Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Iraq and Australia. The price of one Abrams reaches $6.21 million. The number of units built is 15,221 units. There are three main modifications of it - “M1”, “M1A1” and “M1A2”, the production of the latter two continues to this day.

The best modern tank in the world is considered to be the M1A2 Abrams modification, equipped with a 120-mm M256 smoothbore gun. The tank has high-strength composite armor and a powerful gas turbine engine capable of accelerating the combat vehicle on the highway to 67 km/h, and over rough terrain up to 40 km/h. The weight of the tank is 62.1 tons.

All of the tanks mentioned here are incredibly powerful and destructive, but none of them actually saw action against each other. This rating is based on specifications and available data. The list does not include prototypes or tanks that are currently under development. So, below are the ten best modern tanks in the world.


The AMX-56 Leclerc is a French modern tank mass-produced by GIAT Industries (now Nexter) since 1992. It was named after the World War II general Jacques Philippe Leclerc. As of 2012, it is the main battle tank (MBT) in service with the armies of France (406 units) and the United Arab Emirates (388 vehicles). In 2011, the price of the Leclerc was 9.3 million euros, and before the advent of the K2 Black Panther and Type 10, it was considered the most expensive MBT in the world.
This tank is equipped with a 120 mm smoothbore gun with automatic loading and a rate of fire of up to 12 rounds per minute. Its fire control system can track up to five moving targets simultaneously, and uses a laser, thermal imager and on-board computer to improve firing efficiency. The official maximum speed of the tank on the road is 72 km/h, over rough terrain - 55 km/h. Weight - 56 tons. The Leclerc is one of the lightest main battle tanks in the world.

In ninth place in the list of the best modern tanks in the world is the Merkava, or more precisely, its modification Mk.4. The Merkava is an Israeli battle tank that is exclusively in service with the Israeli Army. Serially produced since 1979. It has four modifications - “Mk.1”, “Mk.2”, “Mk.3”, “Mk.4”.
The Mk.4 modification, in service with the Israeli army since 2004, is one of the most protected tanks in the world. This combat vehicle is equipped with a 120 mm MG253 gun. Empty tank weight - 65 tons. Estimated price - $ 3.7 million. Maximum speed on the highway is approximately 60 km/h, over rough terrain - 40 km/h.


Al-Khalid or MBT-2000 is a Chinese-Pakistani battle tank produced since 1999 by Heavy Industries Taxila in conjunction with Norinco. It entered service with the Pakistani army in 2000. It was named after one of the companions of the Prophet Muhammad - Khalid ibn al-Walid. The unit cost in 2011 was $4.7-$5.8 million. A total of about 750 copies were produced.
Al-Khalid is operated by a crew of three and is armed with a 125 mm smoothbore cannon with automatic loading. Among other things, the tank is equipped with a modern fire control system similar to the Leclerc system. Maximum speed - 72 km/h. Weight - 46 tons. Capable of overcoming water obstacles up to 5 meters deep.


The K1A1 is the main battle tank of South Korea, mass-produced from 1985 to 2010. It is a variant of the American M1 Abrams tank, adapted for combat operations in mountainous and swampy areas on the Korean Peninsula. It was put into service in 2001. A total of 484 examples were built.
The K1A1 is flown by a crew of four. It is equipped with a 120-mm smoothbore cannon, thermal sight, laser rangefinder, modern electronics and a fire control system developed by Samsung Electronics. The weight of the tank is 53.2 tons. The maximum speed on the road is 65 km/h, on rough terrain - 40 km/h.

Challenger 2 is a main battle tank that has been in service with the armies of Great Britain and Oman since 1998. It was designed and built by the British company Vickers Defense Systems (now BAE Systems Land & Armaments). A total of 446 units were produced. The cost of one copy is about $5.8 million.
Challenger 2 is operated by a crew of four and is equipped with a 120 mm rifled cannon with a maximum effective range of more than 5 km. It is considered one of the most heavily armored and well-protected tanks in the world. Its turret and hull are covered in Chobham (also known as Dorchester) armor. The weight of the tank is 62.5 tons. The maximum speed on the highway is 59 km/h, on rough terrain - 40 km/h.


PT-91 Twardy (“Solid”) is a Polish main battle tank, developed on the basis of the T-72M1 tank. The first prototypes of the PT-91 were manufactured in 1993, and in 1995 the tank entered service. In total, 232 units were produced for the Polish armed forces. Several combat vehicles have been developed on its basis. It also has a large number of modifications.
The Tverdy is operated by a crew of three. This tank is equipped with a 125 mm smoothbore gun with automatic loading. Combat weight - 47.3 tons. The maximum speed on the highway is 60 km/h.


The fourth place in the ranking of the best modern tanks is occupied by the T-90 (“Vladimir”), a Russian main battle tank created in the early 1990s as a modernization of the T-72B. On October 5, 1992 it was officially adopted for service. Between 2001 and 2010, the T-90 became the best-selling MBT on the global market. As of 2011, the cost of one T-90 unit is 118 million rubles ($4.2 million). In total, approximately 3,200 copies were produced. Currently in service with Russia (about 700), Algeria (305), Azerbaijan (20), India (620), Turkmenistan (40) and Venezuela (50-100).
The T-90 crew consists of three people (commander, driver-mechanic and gunner). The combat vehicle is equipped with a 125 mm 2A46M-5 smoothbore gun. The mass of the tank is 46.5 tons. The maximum speed on the highway is 60 km/h, on rough terrain - about 50 km/h.

Type 99

The Type 99, also known as the ZTZ-99 and WZ-123, is a Chinese main battle tank based on the Type 98 prototype. It was put into operation in 2001. It is in service with the Chinese army. In total, about 600 units were produced. The cost of one Type 99 is approximately $2,000,000.
The crew of the Type 99 tank consists of three people. Its main armament is a 125 mm smoothbore gun. The fire control system includes combined sights, a laser rangefinder, a thermal imager, a digital ballistic computer, a 2-plane weapon stabilizer, a set of sensors (atmospheric conditions, barrel wear, etc.), a multifunctional commander’s panel and an automatic target tracking system. The tank has a water-cooled turbocharged diesel engine with a capacity of 1,500 hp. With. gives a maximum speed of movement on the highway - 80 km/h, over rough terrain - up to 60 km/h. The tank accelerates from zero to 32 km/h in 12 seconds. Its combat weight is 54 tons.

The K2 Black Panther is a new generation South Korean main battle tank that replaced most of the M48 Pattons and complemented the K1 series. It was developed by the South Korean Agency for Defense Development (ADD) and Rotem (a division of Hyundai Motors). Its serial production began in 2013. At $8,500,000 per unit, this tank is the most expensive in the world.
The Black Panther is operated by a crew of three and is armed with a 120mm smoothbore cannon capable of firing up to 20 rounds per minute. This combat vehicle is capable of moving at a maximum speed of 70 km/h on road surfaces, over rough terrain - up to 52 km/h and accelerating from 0 to 32 km/h within 8.7 seconds. The weight of the tank is 55 tons.

The M1 Abrams is the latest generation American main battle tank developed by the Chrysler Corporation. Serially produced since 1980. The tank was named after the general who took an active part in the Vietnam War - Creighton Williams Abrams. It is in service with the armies of the United States, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Iraq and Australia. The price of one Abrams reaches $6.21 million. The number of units built is 15,221 units. There are three main modifications of it - “M1”, “M1A1” and “M1A2”, the production of the latter two continues to this day.
The best modern tank in the world is considered to be the M1A2 Abrams modification, equipped with a 120-mm M256 smoothbore gun. The tank has high-strength composite armor and a powerful gas turbine engine capable of accelerating the combat vehicle on the highway to 67 km/h, and over rough terrain up to 40 km/h. The weight of the tank is 62.1 tons.

The question of which tank can be considered the best in the world has not lost its relevance since the middle of the 20th century. Until now, tanks are actively used in any military conflict of any significance, and the level of equipment armored forces today, the power of any modern army. This is confirmed by the attention that continues to be paid to the development and modernization of tanks in all countries that strive for advanced positions in the field of their defense capabilities.

Comparison of the main battle tanks of Russia and NATO is also of significant importance in the information war, which has now gained high speed. This also affects the geopolitical alignments that determine the spheres of influence of the main “centers of power” of the modern world.

We should not forget that tanks are one of the most significant products on the global arms market. Therefore, many ratings of the “best tanks” in the media are quite often adjusted to suit individual manufacturers. A striking example This approach can be served by a long-term campaign in leading Western publications on criticism Soviet developments T-80 and T-90, in which these magnificent combat vehicles were declared “unsuccessful”. The increasingly influential Chinese media are purposefully advertising their own approach to evaluating armored vehicles, focusing on the ratio of its characteristics and cost.

TOP 10: ranking of the best tanks in the world

This year general character assessments that determine the best tanks in the world have largely converged. The main reason for this was the emergence unconditional leader in world tank building, and the opinion on this matter is shared by many leading experts not only in Russia, but also in the West.

1. T-14 "Armata"

The newest Russian tank already technically has a number of properties, the real implementation of which is still far from foreign competitors. First of all, this is an uninhabited turret, accommodation of the crew in the most reliable armored capsule and a powerful 125-mm gun with fully remote digital control. In addition, the T-14 was able to achieve effective characteristics as the most “advanced” stealth tank.

The reduction in visibility for all the most modern anti-tank weapons has been achieved in a comprehensive manner, manifesting itself in the infrared, radio and magnetic ranges. This was the result not only of the use of new materials. The special capabilities of the new generation of active protection complex (KAZ) “Afganit” also had an impact, which is able to blind enemy anti-tank guided missiles safely for the infantry and equipment surrounding the tank by using smoke-metal curtains of particles that are opaque to a wide range of ranges of most types of radiation.

In combination with the strongest metal-ceramic armor, a complex of all-round target detection and traditionally high Russian armored vehicles characteristics of mobility and cross-country ability, the T-14 is a formidable, well-protected Russian combat vehicle with impressive striking power. Experts from the authoritative American publication The National Interest have repeatedly characterized the Armata as “the best tank in the world.”

2. "Leopard-2A7"

Having become one of the most significant brands, the “German machine” Leopard 2 in its newest modification, which the manufacturer sometimes presents as both A7+ and A7V, consistently occupies the top lines of various tank ratings, often leading them. Anyway, this tank for a long time certainly took the lead as the most expensive in the world, its price to this day is almost 9 million dollars.

The newest version of the Leopard-2 will retain the 120mm Rheinmetall smoothbore gun with a 55-caliber barrel length and a 1,500-horsepower diesel engine, providing this rather massive tank with high mobility. The main improvements to the A7+ standard affected the tank's electronics, and were also reflected in enhanced mine protection and the introduction of a multi-spectral camouflage coating for the Saab Barracuda.

3. Abrams M1A2 SEP

The Russian tank, during the ongoing modernization, is a direct competitor to the Abrams. For some elements a new version The T-90 is unified with the Armata platform, which will not only improve the vehicle’s characteristics, but will also become a major foundation for the future. The main advantages of the new model are a new combat turret module with a 125-mm cannon of increased accuracy, multi-layer armor, placement of the ammunition rack in the aft niche, isolated from the fighting compartment and crew, a remote-controlled combat module with heavy machine gun. In addition, the tank will be equipped with more high-precision sights, better communications and a 1130 hp engine.

5. BM "Oplot"

Such a high place for Ukrainian development, which represents a deep modernization of the T-80 (T-84) tank, is given, first of all, as a merit of the Soviet school of tank building. Because the level achieved by Kharkov specialists is still inaccessible to many more eminent and active competitors. This is evidenced by the serious performance characteristics of the tank: with a modest weight of 51 tons, it is armed with a powerful automatically loaded 125-mm KBAZ smoothbore cannon, from which it can fire Kombat guided missiles. It has a high level of security due to multi-layer armor, dynamic protection “Duplet” and the modern KAZ “Zaslon”. Contrary to popular belief that the Ukrainian Oplot is little known, the most popular Western portal included it in its TOP 10, placing it on the same level as the T-90 and Leclerc.

6. K2 "Black Panther"

The South Korean K2 Black Panther, in the development of which Rotem (a division of Hyundai Motors) participated, was put into service in 2019 and is steadily occupying high places in world tank ratings. The main advantages of the tank are associated with its ultra-modern electronics, which connect everything electronic systems tank into a single network and ensuring its full connection to all kinds of external support functions on the battlefield in real time. Important features of the K2 were the combination of a 120 mm cannon based on the German Rh-120 with an efficient automatic loader providing an amazing rate of fire of 15 rounds per minute, and a modern KAZ.

7. Challenger 2

The French AMX-56 Leclerc R (Renouve, or “Updated”) was able to win the title of the most expensive tank from the Leopard 2 and Abrams, being valued at $10.6 million. The low profile and dense layout made it possible to achieve high security of the tank with its relatively low weight. The Leclerc stands out from other NATO main battle tanks due to the presence of an effective automatic loader. The combat vehicle is extremely equipped with various cutting-edge electronics and is positioned as the most suitable for urban combat conditions.

9. Type 99A2

The Chinese Type 99A2 (ZTZ-99A2) is considered one of the most modern Chinese main battle tanks, while at the same time representing a development of the concept of the Soviet T-72 tank. For a tank that entered service in 2011, the Type 99 has good multi-layer armor with very modern dynamic protection. High level Chinese electronics allowed the tank to be equipped with advanced communication, navigation, aiming and fire control systems. In combination with a 125-mm smoothbore gun with automatic loading, a 1,500-horsepower engine and a device for laser blinding the enemy, the Chinese tank is considered a very formidable combat vehicle, in some ways even ahead of the Russian T-90MS.

10. "Arjun" Mk.II

The Indian main battle tank Arjun Mark II was first presented to the public in 2011 and was refined for quite a long time (until 2017). However, the powerful and well-protected combat vehicle turned out to be too heavy, which significantly limited the possibilities of its use in the local theater of operations. The tank has enough modern systems fire control, an optical-electronic enemy suppression system, and a remote-controlled 12.7 mm machine gun.

Noteworthy tanks and developments of the future

Many modern tanks are quite worthy of taking a place in this rating. Among those that often find themselves in the world TOP 10 of the best combat vehicles, special mention should be made of the latest modification of the Israeli main battle tank Merkava Mk.4. It is distinguished by a layout that is rare for this time, with the engine and transmission compartment located in the front part of the body. At the rear of the tank there is a compartment in which troops can be transported, the wounded can be evacuated, or ammunition can be delivered, which turns the Merkava into a universal combat platform capable of performing the role of both a tank and an armored personnel carrier.

Relatively new developments introduced in the current decade are the Japanese Type 10 Hitomaru and the Turkish Altay. These powerful and quite high-quality tanks are distinguished by a high degree of commonality with the German Leopard-2. But in general, these machines noticeably fall short of the “original”, which has been able to improve significantly over the years of their creation.

Due to the confidentiality of data on the technical characteristics of tanks such as the newest VT4 (MBT-3000) shown by China and the Iranian Karrar, which entered service in 2016, it is difficult to say anything definite about them. Experts note a significant degree of influence from the T-90A in their design, but doubt that both of these tanks can surpass the “original” in combat capabilities, not to mention more modern versions Russian tank.

Among the promising models, about which there is also no specific information yet, is, first of all, the Franco-German project EMBT (European/Enhanced Main Battle Tank), first presented in the form of a demonstration model in the summer of 2018. This unique hybrid from the manufacturers of Leclerc and Leopard is promised to be finalized no earlier than the 2030s.

About another project - the next “upgrade package” of the American main tank “Abrams” with the index M1A2D - more detailed information, on the contrary, is expected in the near future. In all likelihood, this development will eventually take the place of the current new Abrams in the ranking of the 10 best tanks in the world of 2020.

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