Compatibility: Taurus woman and Leo man. Taurus woman and Leo man compatibility in love relationships - pros

This union is considered unsuccessful due to the different attitudes of Lioness and Taurus to money.

In fact, there are several tricks that will help them understand each other. If disagreement in the financial sphere goes away, such a couple becomes strong and happy. The basis of their union is often physical attraction to each other.

Leo-Taurus compatibility: how to seduce a Taurus man?

Taurus are calm and friendly men. They do not like hysterics and whims. They will certainly like the royal Lioness with her bright, friendly character and optimism. They will feel the contradictions of their characters later, but at first Taurus will be delighted with the beautiful, self-respecting and cheerful Leo woman. When the Lioness is not in the mood, she is capricious and can throw demonstrative, demonstrative hysterics. If she wants to conquer Taurus, then this side of her nature must be hidden from him. The appearance of the Lioness is also in the taste of Taurus. Lionesses are energetic, full of vitality, and Taurus are attracted to women in good health. Even if the Lioness is actually not that strong physically, her love for life gives exactly that impression. Hair also helps create an image of fullness of vital energy - Lionesses often have luxurious, healthy and thick hair. The hair of the Lioness completely delights Taurus.

What does an ideal couple look like: Leo woman – Taurus man?

Leo and Taurus are among the most stable signs of the Zodiac. They are constant in their tastes, feelings and lifestyle. If a couple has coped with misunderstandings and differences in characters, then little will disturb them later life together. Both highly value everything that is permanent, so they value strong relationships and are faithful to their partner. Whatever trials fate brings them, they will fight them and defend their union. Even if a couple had a serious disagreement, betrayal, or love disappeared, Lioness and Taurus will still maintain the relationship until the last. Taurus, in a relationship with Lioness, has found a person who brings joy to his home. She is friendly, cheerful and energetic. Taurus loves a good, cozy life, and Lioness knows how to arrange everyday life with real chic. The stingy Taurus next to the Lioness sees that his money does not go to waste, that it brings great benefit, turns into luxurious and beautiful things. The Lioness is generous and often finds herself without money and social achievements due to the fact that she throws away chances. Taurus helps her not to get carried away, not to lose everything she has - after all, he is thrifty not only in money, but also in other matters.

What are the difficulties in a union between a Leo woman and a Taurus man?

The first problems for Lioness and Taurus will begin in connection with money. Taurus is economical, he does not throw money away and works hard. Lioness is also not a slacker, but self-realization is important to her in her work, and earnings are important to Taurus. Lioness has a completely different attitude towards money than Taurus. She expects generosity from him. Expensive gifts and relaxation for her are an obligatory attribute of love. She spends money, according to Taurus, on nonsense. She likes luxury. She is capable of generous gestures towards complete strangers. Taurus does not like the extravagance of the Lioness, and she does not like his frugality. Taurus can skimp on flowers, vacations in those luxurious places where Lioness loves to go, and social gatherings. His gifts are practical. He can donate the necessary thing, can pay for a vacation at a resort with good climate and excellent service, but at the same time he will regret spending money on an expensive pretentious restaurant, the whole value of which is in prestige.

The mistake some women make in relationships with Taurus is that they start spending money on things that Taurus should like. She spends on shopping for Taurus, so that there are delicacies on the table, and luxurious things in the house. But Taurus will not approve of such spending in any case. If the Lioness cannot resist purchasing an expensive luxury item, then the right thing to do would be not to explain to Taurus that he will also need/like it, but to ask Taurus for it as a gift and thank him with admiration, sincere delight and a good mood. The lioness knows how to accept gifts in such a way that it is pleasant to give them. Taurus will love being generous in her eyes.

Maria Svetlaya June 27, 2018, 16:53

Despite the difference in elements, Taurus and Leo can make happy couple And long years live in harmony and love. Although this undoubtedly requires desire and some concessions on both sides. Leo is Fire in its brightest manifestation. Taurus is a representative of the Earth element, persistent and hardworking.

An obstacle to their shared happiness may be the fact that both are born leaders. If one of them stops fighting for power, this couple will have a much better chance of success.

Compatibility Chart for Leo and Taurus

Compatibility of Leo Man and Taurus Woman: Pros and Cons in Relationships

People who are strong, strong-willed, and spiritually developed can achieve family happiness in a Leo-Taurus couple. Those who understand and accept their partner’s character traits and do not try to re-educate them. The main difficulty of this relationship is that both have pronounced leadership qualities.

If they correctly distribute the roles in this relationship, it will be much easier for them to coexist

On the one hand, Fire and Earth are too different. They may even have diametrically opposed hobbies and interests. On the other hand, they are equally ambitious, hardworking, and know how to achieve their goals.

IN perfect couple in society the main violin will be played by the impressive Leo, and Taurus will be like eminence grise, stay in the shade. At the same time, without losing your self-esteem at all. An earth sign can become an excellent support and support for Leo, who will be able to achieve great success.

The two main problems in this relationship are Leo's spending habits while Taurus is frugal, and the possibility that Taurus might overwhelm the big cat, killing his entire personality.

Taurus and Leo can make a happy couple and live in harmony and love for many years

Are they compatible in love?

The compatibility of Fire and Earth in a love relationship can be very good. But for this, both will have to seriously work on themselves. From the very beginning, it seems like these two won't be able to stay together for long. They are both born leaders. But compared to fiery Leo, girls of the Taurus sign often have a softer character. They can afford fire sign be the main one in the relationship, although they themselves will take on the role informal leader, who gradually advances his decisions.

It is very important that both are interested in maintaining the relationship

Despite their agreeableness, Taurus is not one of those who pushes their desires and ambitions to please their partner. And Leo needs to take this into account.

In addition, when building a relationship with a sun sign, Taurus needs to prepare for the fact that she will be exposed. For Leo, the assessment of others is very important. And having chosen his life partner, he will carry her next to him as a fashionable and beautiful accessory that he can be proud of.

Leo guy and Taurus girl in sex

Leo is full of passion and expects complete dedication from his partner. Taurus, in turn, prefers long and slow foreplay. It is difficult for such a girl to immediately switch to the exciting rhythm of the king of beasts. But if he himself sets the mood and pace in love games, the earth sign will not mind.

Leo is selfish in his desires, but his inner fire will be able to ignite even the pragmatic Taurus. And when the first one nevertheless discovers the hidden passion in his lady, and she appreciates his potential in bed, they will no longer look for new partners.

Leo is full of passion and expects full commitment from his partner

Are they suitable for each other in marriage?

What is the ideal of married life in a couple where the husband is Leo and the wife is Taurus? Best model there will be a couple where Leo will take the leading role and will successfully move forward career ladder, ensuring the material well-being of the family. And the Taurus woman will provide him with a reliable rear and home comfort, support him and help him in business. The stronger both are interested in preserving the union, the easier it will be for them to distribute family roles. If in this union between the partners there is tenderness, trust and friendship, the chances of happy life will be maximum.

Due to the fact that both signs pay great attention to financial security, there is a risk that this will turn their idyll into a union of a wallet and a paid housekeeper. If the marriage turns into a purely business transaction, passionate Leo will begin to look for love on the side, which is unlikely to delight his wife.

Is there friendship if he is Leo and she is Taurus?

Friendship between these two signs can develop rather by chance

If he is Leo and she is Taurus, they may have different areas of interest and approaches to spending their leisure time. For example, if Leo loves noisy and entertaining gatherings, Taurus will prefer a cozy home environment. No, of course, she doesn’t mind going to an art exhibition, museum or theater. But at the same time, objects of art or production must correspond to her selective taste.

There are not enough points of contact and mutual understanding between Fire and Earth to become the beginning of a strong friendship. On the other hand, even if they have become friends, their chosen ones need not worry. If Taurus and Leo feel some strange attraction to each other, they will not follow it, preferring an already known and established relationship.

How to win a Leo man?

Leos always attract the attention of others. Here he is, all so radiant, able to make an appropriate joke and give a compliment, to give beautiful gifts and speak beautiful words... And looking at this knight in shining armor, rare woman won’t ask the question: how to win a Leo man and build a relationship with him?

First, you need to interest him. The first person he meets will not suit Leo. What might interest his Taurus girl, who seems to be his opposite?

In fact, there is an attraction between these two. Especially if the girl “turns on” the Moon in her behavior. What does it mean? The main planet of Leo is the hot Sun. And for harmony he needs the Moon. And Taurus is dominated by the Moon and Venus. The first is responsible for manifestations of care, and the second is for taste, the desire for comfort and prosperity, pleasure from life.

Leo men always attract the gaze of others

If Taurus shows care and surrounds Leo with love, correctly using her practicality in everyday life, she will easily win this luxurious man. He really likes to be appreciated.

How to get the attention of a Taurus woman?

Thanks to the element of Earth that protects them, Taurus girls are strong-willed, practical and firmly understand what they want from life. Is it possible to make a Taurus woman fall in love with you? Is it difficult? Frankly, it's not too easy. Such women are not ready to fall at a man’s feet because of a couple of successful compliments and bouquets.

In their chosen one they value:

  • reliability,
  • stability,
  • honesty,
  • determination,
  • seriousness,
  • practicality.

Taurus are so self-sufficient that they are looking for an equal partner, not a soul mate.

It is important for them that a man looks in life in the same direction, acts in the same direction. Romance will not conquer this lady. Sentimentality and sighs under the moon are alien to her. But if she sees that she can walk side by side with this man and feel comfortable, we can assume that you have already won the sympathy of Taurus.

These women are stubborn, often uncompromising, they tend to have a masculine character. And this must be taken into account before starting a campaign of conquest.

Compatibility horoscope for Leo Woman and Taurus Man

Lioness and Taurus have good chances of joint marriage, if they went through a period of grinding in their characters. Since both have a strong desire for stability and adherence to old habits, having survived the first storms at the beginning of the relationship and remaining together, it will be much easier for them to protect their marriage. Even if there are quarrels and resentments, they still will not destroy the family.

Overall, Taurus and Leo are a great match for each other. The Lioness knows how to create a comfortable life, which Taurus values ​​very much. In addition, women of this sign are mostly cheerful and optimistic. Taurus, in turn, helps the fire sign not to miss good opportunities and not be left without the last penny because of your generosity.

Despite the quarrels, Leo and Taurus will not destroy the family

The main problems in the relationship between Earth and Fire are money issues, where they have serious differences of opinion. They have different tastes in choosing vacation options, gifts, and things needed in everyday life.

Love relationship

The Lioness will quickly attract the attention of Taurus with her optimism, ability to easily communicate on any topic and bright appearance. She will like him for his determination, good sense of humor and how much he stands out from the crowd.

Their first meetings will be full of enthusiasm

These two often have the same tastes and interests. They both prefer classical styles in music and art, and have similar views on politics. All this provides food for interesting dialogues and exchanges of views.

But over time, they will understand that they have many differences. For example, the Lioness prefers luxury, including gifts. And Taurus will with great pleasure present his lady with something practical and useful in the household.

For all her determination, the Leo girl is more focused on perspective and end result, and Taurus does not always clearly see the goal, but is immersed in the process of following it.

Their differences can eventually become the basis for conflicts, and this could be bad for their relationship.

Sexual attraction of a couple

At the very beginning of a relationship, the bed will be a pleasant and exciting place for both signs. But not everything is so rosy. After some time, when the novelty has worn off and the relationship begins to move to another level, problems and disappointments are possible in this area.

The lioness, by virtue of her character, is a passionate partner who wants fireworks and an explosion of emotions in bed, as well as pleasure from her partner. Taurus, in turn, is conservative by nature. He is used to calmer and slower games and affection. And if at first the Leo woman may even be touched by this, then after a while she will want more variety and feedback from her chosen one. And Taurus will begin to be stressed by his partner’s excessive activity.

The lioness wants fireworks and an explosion of emotions in bed


How it proceeds married life when the husband is Taurus and the wife is Leo? If they have already reached the point of marriage, it means they were able to overcome their differences. And in this case, the chances of a long and happy (and very boring) family life are very high.

Each of them can learn something new from each other

Taurus will begin to part with the money he earns a little easier when he sees that it is included in his furnished life with comfortable and beautiful things. But he will still condemn his wife’s excessive extravagance. The lioness, on the contrary, will learn to slightly restrain her desire to spend money.

Despite the fact that both gravitate towards stability, the big cat needs new experiences, acquaintances and freedom like air. And if her husband begins to go out with her more often, or does not limit her right to innocent entertainment, there will be much less reason for conflicts in the couple.

How are a Leo girl and a Taurus guy friends?

What can connect the sociable and bright Lioness with the pragmatic and down-to-earth Taurus? Various areas interests and different hobbies, different companies and ways of spending leisure time... There is simply nothing to build friendships on.

The girl of the fire sign likes luxury and noisy companies. And even if there is a man among her friends, she expects from him attention worthy of a representative of her sex. Taurus, in turn, does not tolerate attempts on his wallet in friendship, he prefers leisure that is interesting to both, but more economical.

If some life circumstances nevertheless brought this couple closer together, their further friendly relations will most likely continue out of habit. After all, both love stability, even in friendship.

If Taurus and Leo are in a relationship, their chosen ones do not have to worry about possible romances. There is no attraction between these two strong enough to throw them into each other's arms.

The Leo girl loves luxury and noisy companies, unlike Taurus

How to win a Taurus man and build a relationship with him

Pragmatic Taurus are balanced and friendly. They try to avoid stormy showdowns and female hysterics. They stand firmly on their feet and prefer stability. These traits are due to their element – ​​Earth.

When you first meet, it will be very easy for a Leo woman to attract the attention of a Taurus. Her optimism, self-esteem and charm will immediately impress him. The combination of these qualities in one woman cannot leave a man indifferent.

But the Lioness needs to remember that she should not immediately show her chosen one her other side - a spoiled cat, accustomed to being indulged in her whims.

Taurus people greatly value physical beauty in a woman, which is an indicator of her health for them.

One of these indicators is hair. And representatives of the fire sign often have a lush and beautiful mane, which immediately attracts the attention of others.

Is it possible to make a Leo woman fall in love with you?

In order to win the attention of a Leo woman, a man needs to make her notice him in a crowd of fans. Thanks to their visual attractiveness, animal magnetism and ability to find a language with everyone, Lionesses are always surrounded by the attention of the opposite sex.

These women love and appreciate luxury.

In addition, they are often able to provide it for themselves. In order to start a relationship with this woman, the man himself must be no lower than her level.

Lionesses are always surrounded by the attention of the opposite sex

A Leo woman comes at a cost. She appreciates beautiful courtship and loves to attend social events and interesting places. She needs a man in whom she will find strong personality. But at the same time, her own freedom should in no case be infringed. A proud cat will not tolerate any pressure.

Compatibility between a Taurus man and a Leo woman is usually assumed to be not very good, mainly due to possible financial disagreements in this couple. Taurus and Lioness can constantly argue and swear because of their different attitudes towards money, because Taurus is economical and thrifty, and tries to save every penny in order to always have a solid financial foundation in their life. The Leo woman in this regard very much opposes him - she is a “broad soul” who is ready to spend money on a grand scale - despite the needs of saving.

Such different qualities how thrift and prudence in finances on the part of Taurus, and generosity and large-scale spending in terms of spending on the part of Leo, are very much in conflict with each other. For a Taurus man, his beloved is sometimes like an interior detail; he perceives a woman as his unquestioning property, with whom he can do as he pleases. This needs to be kept in mind.

Do you know what secret words Will they help you make a Taurus man fall in love with you very quickly?

To find out, click on the button below and watch the video to the end.

At the same time, it is important to understand that if financial issues in a given family and couple are successfully resolved, then these two can live well together and find happiness in such a union for many years. After all, their physical attraction to each other is very strong. high altitude, and they are sexually well compatible.

Compatibility - Taurus man and Leo woman. Good qualities

This couple can be found not so rarely, because the hardworking and persistent Taurus man is very similar in character and temperament to the fiery and energetic Leo woman. Yes, sometimes at first glance this is not noticeable, since they have different approaches to achieving their goals, and also manifest themselves in different ways, but the most important thing is that they strive for the same goals - well-being, prosperity and great wealth. The Leo woman is able to transform any family home from an ordinary one into a real mansion that will amaze guests. Taurus can allocate the necessary funds for this. This attracts them, and makes their union quite strong and solid.

Leo woman and Taurus man are people who strive for their Everyday life to confidence in every action, and successful stability of every day. Both usually don't throw around too much and don't change their preferences much - over the course of many years. When both partners have overcome the first difficulties and misunderstandings (if they have successfully succeeded), then very few factors can shake their constancy and desire to be with each other.

They will fiercely protect their family and relationships, and stand as a wall in the way of any obstacles that could destroy their family and love idyll. They are usually faithful to each other and do not cheat. No matter what difficulties they encounter along the way, and no matter what fate throws at them, they will fight to the end and will not give up under any circumstances. At the same time, sometimes even feelings can go away - and love will disappear from this couple. But both, stubborn as they are, will still continue to fight for their relationship.

The Taurus man really appreciates the fact that the Leo woman is very energetic and friendly to the people around her. He is comfortable with such a woman both at home and in the company of family relatives or friends. Taurus-Leo - this couple is able to arrange a luxurious life for themselves, even with limited material resources. The Taurus man is very protective of the comfort in his home, but the Lioness creates unusual compositions and always surprises her man with something new - be it an interior detail, or a new dish for dinner.

At the same time, Taurus can periodically show his stinginess, but when he sees how his woman manages her finances, he calms down and is ready to spend money on her. After all, she turns them into truly luxurious, but at the same time very useful things in everyday life. The Leo woman is capable of spending everything she has accumulated in an instant, but Taurus in this regard stabilizes her desires and restrains her partner. Sometimes this can irritate her, but more often than not she understands that it is for the benefit of their love union, and the security in their family budget that wallpaper craves.

Also sexual compatibility Taurus and Lioness are very good, and they get along well not only in everyday life, but also in bed. The sensuality of the Leo woman and the confidence of Taurus bear fruit and bring passion and great pleasure to each of them.

Compatibility - Taurus man and Leo woman. Negative qualities

The difficulties in this union are that both Taurus and Leo can often swear and not find a common language. The reason for this lies in the fact that both of them are proud and do not tolerate any subordination or pressure over themselves. That is, both are essentially strong leaders, and when two leaders appear in a couple... then confrontation will certainly arise between them, and a struggle over who and when makes important decisions in their love union.

The Leo woman really wants Taurus to be very generous towards her, and even sometimes wasteful - she craves expensive gifts and attentions, but does not always find them. After all, the Taurus man is economical, and is able to keep himself in check, and keep family budget under strict control. Sometimes this simply infuriates the Lioness, and she begins to make endless claims to her partner. All due to the fact that she did not receive some gift that she dreamed of.

At the same time, the Taurus man is quite capable of regularly pleasing the Leo woman, but only with practical gifts (and she lacks luxury and breadth and scope). Taurus can arrange for them a great vacation with luxurious service so that they can live in comfort and well-being at the resort, but at the same time they can sometimes forget to buy flowers - as they consider it a waste of money.

The Leo woman should also ensure that Taurus does not pull away from her too much, so that his passion continues to burn - even after years of their relationship. Sometimes she succeeds in this with ease, but sometimes she has to use various manipulative tricks in order to provoke her man and throw him out of his usual balance. So that he can look at his beloved in a new way, and again be attracted and amazed by her qualities and temperament.

Horoscope Taurus-Leo - the harmony of their relationship

Taurus-Leo compatibility tells us that in order for this couple to stay together, not separate, and to always maintain excellent harmony and calm in the relationship, the Leo woman needs to show more economy, and try to understand the stinginess of her Taurus man, and even support him in the manifestations of his character. If Taurus sees the support of the woman he loves, then he will relax more, and as a result, the Lioness will get what she wants - expensive gifts and luxury. But for this she will have to try.

If a Leo woman diligently “feeds” her Taurus with words of delight, praise and support, then she will definitely encounter a backlash. And practical Taurus will not remain in debt, and will not only delight his woman with beautiful words appreciating her beauty and appearance, but also give valuable “bonuses”.

The Leo woman can also improve their relationship by being more careful about the things she buys and not being fooled by the flashy headlines in stores - sometimes buying nonsense. If she shows more attention, it will pay off with respect from Taurus - and his gratitude and great feelings.


Taurus man


Leo Woman

The Leo woman and the Taurus man lead completely different lifestyles, their level of activity differs significantly, and they treat each other’s values ​​without respect. To prevent their relationship from developing into hostility, it is necessary that there is no dependent person in this couple. Only neutrality on both sides and non-interference in each other's affairs can become the foundation of their cooperation or love affair.

The Taurus man is a soft and sensitive sign in relationships. Reliable partner And good family man, economical, but conservative. Feelings are extremely important to him, he does not forgive betrayal, and does not like flirting. He is jealous and strives to completely possess his partner. He retains his feelings until the end of his life.

Leo woman - in a relationship you must prove yourself as a woman, discover the power of your feelings, the power of beauty. She loves to dress up. She does not change her feelings and is devoted to her partner, but has big claims in the area of ​​relationships. A Taurus woman should feel like a queen.

This union occurs quite often, because in many ways the energetic Leo woman and the stubborn Taurus are similar. Even if outwardly this is not very noticeable (after all, they choose different paths to achieve their goals), the main thing is that they want the same thing from life: wealth and prosperity. The ambitious Lioness knows how to make a real palace out of the family nest, and Taurus will be happy to give her money for this. All this makes their relationship strong and stable. In addition, the esthete Taurus and the sensual Lioness have good sexual compatibility, and if desired, they can easily find mutual language both in business and in housekeeping, and in solving any problems. The only thing that prevents this union from being called ideal is the struggle for leadership in the family, which gives it charm and poignancy, but at times can put the relationship between the Lioness and Taurus at risk.

In union with a Taurus man, the Leo woman knows no need, feels confident and comfortable. Having taken some of the control levers into her own hands, she will begin to make grandiose plans, where her faithful Taurus man will be the constant executor. Taurus will selflessly provide a decent life for his companion, who, “in gratitude,” will motivate him to achieve more and more new goals. Often partners will have arguments and Taurus will try to escape from female power. But a wise Leo woman, if Taurus is still useful to her, will always know how to bring him back.

The Taurus man is the guardian of the Leo woman. Self-sufficient Leo cannot imagine life without love and learns an emotional response to the world from Taurus. They are united by the power of feelings and the fullness of living life. Leo is responsible for ensuring that feelings bring joy to the partner (and himself) and not suffering. Compatibility between Taurus Man and Leo Woman promises to be excellent if he admires his Goddess more often. The Leo woman needs compliments every minute, which make her even more beautiful and happier. The Taurus man must constantly remind her that she is the best and most beautiful woman on the planet. It’s so good that he got it.

The elements Earth and Fire are elements hostile to each other. The earth (Taurus) extinguishes the fire (Leo), and the fire burns the earth. Although in long-term relationships this combination sometimes occurs: although the values ​​of these people and their behavior are absolutely antagonistic, each of them can successfully benefit from this relationship. Imagine two complete egoists who do not trust each other. A terrible sight. They need to learn to thank, appreciate and respect their partner’s positions, both in the personal and public spheres. If Taurus and Leo nevertheless meet each other halfway and pacify their ambitions, then you can count on a solid and long union.

Compatibility between Taurus Man and Leo Woman can be favorable if these two learn to give in to each other. They will definitely find a common language if he is not so stubborn and she is not so proud. If they become more sincere with each other, then the compatibility of Taurus Man and Leo Woman will be excellent. They rarely talk about their feelings and suffering. This is possible only when a friendship develops between them or, conversely, a break occurs. Both tend to calm their nerves with alcohol and promiscuous relationships. Although, each of them is afraid of being disgraced or losing a good reputation.

Both are stubborn and strive for leadership

If one of this couple decides to change his principles, then the compatibility of the Taurus Man and the Leo Woman will be excellent. Alas, Taurus rarely change their outlook on life. He cannot be constantly pushed and criticized. This means that she must make many sacrifices for him. But will the Leo woman endure all this for long? Most likely, she will find someone who will treat her like a true Lady. She was born under the sign of Fire, so it is difficult for her to tolerate his stubborn nature.

Compatibility horoscope. Taurus Man and Leo Woman

Many astrologers have long given their verdict - Taurus, born under the auspices of Venus, and Leo, the pet of the Sun, are so different that it is better for the signs of earth and fire to stay away from each other. But some stars still hold a different opinion - dissimilarity can also be the reason for a strong and interesting union. And it’s up to you, dear Taurus and Leo, to decide.
Fire and earth are not very similar elements, but Leos and Taurus should not rush to conclusions. Leo's flame burns evenly and steadily; he can get along well with the earth of Taurus, but there is a fear that the earth will cool him down. And the element of Leo can also burn the element of Taurus. However, the stars have found a way out - the pets of the Sun and Venus need to create an alliance carefully; when Taurus shows his volcanic temperament, he may well pass for Leo as one of their own.

Taurus is calm and balanced, Leo is ambitious and sometimes arrogant. The ward of Venus is not eager for power, but in a high position he feels quite confident, and the ward of the Sun always shows leadership qualities and rushes up the career ladder, not noticing anyone around him.

Both signs are persistent in achieving goals - this quality will help Leo and Taurus find a common language, and with a strong desire, and with a successful arrangement of the planets, the pets of the Sun and Venus can get along.

Taurus woman and Leo man

Lady Taurus is a sweet and charming, sophisticated and well-mannered lady with excellent manners. Since childhood, the little girl of the earth has captivated those around her with her prudence and perseverance. Parents cannot get enough of their independent daughter, and all teachers set her up as an example to other children. The Taurus girl has few girlfriends, but she has a lot of friends, all the tomboys in the area are ready to run at her first whistle, because the Taurus girl is smart and calm, and the games she comes up with will make you rock. As she gets older, the Taurus lady will not lose her friends - older friends will be delighted with the ideas of their favorite ringleader. But things will not be easy with boyfriends - there are many of them, but the Taurus girl is picky and will not have affairs with everyone. Her chosen one must be smart, attractive and intelligent, and such, as we know, do not lie on the road.

The Leo guy is a generous, passionate and unusually charming fellow, loves to be the center of attention, and therefore the pet of the Sun can be indiscriminate in his choice of partners. And who wouldn’t be confused when beauties for every taste are constantly hovering around, ready to rush into arms at the first call? Leo strives for status and a fat wallet; the king of beasts will never play second fiddle - it’s better to vegetate in poverty than to work for some left-wing uncle. The Leo man can be proud and vain, but this does not prevent him from achieving success - most often Leo achieves desired result, because he always goes ahead. Leo has no sense of danger - this pushes the fire guy to take risks and adventures, and for the sake of the woman he loves, Leo can sacrifice everything he has. Leo's future wife must have all the qualities of a true lady - in this case, the husband of fire will shower her with gifts, and the wife will be the most happy woman in the Universe.

Dating a Taurus woman and a Leo man

It is unlikely that a Taurus woman and a Leo guy will meet on the street - they usually walk in completely different places, and they visit various events. But the world, as we know, is a small place, so such dissimilar signs of fire and earth can be encountered somewhere at the exhibition of a new avant-garde artist, or at the premiere of a film by a fashionable and young director. The fiery handsome Leo will not immediately notice the Taurus lady, because a retinue of fans surrounds the Sun’s pet in a dense ring. But when the fire guy sees the charming and modest girl of the earth, he will certainly try to talk to her - of course, of all the women around, she is the only one standing on the sidelines and not eager to take his autograph. The sweet and charming shy Taurus will be embarrassed by the attention of such a chic handsome man, but embarrassment will add even more attractiveness to her - Leo will be completely smitten.

It is impossible to conquer the clever Taurus with broad gestures, so Leo will have a difficult task - he will need to extract from memory beautiful quotes, and remember the romantic poems of Yesenin or Blok. But nothing - if the signs of fire and earth met, it means that the failure in the universe was beneficial, and the list of the most unusual and mysterious couples was replenished.

Taurus woman and Leo man dating

The gambling and sparkling Leo guy will certainly want to impress his new Taurus girlfriend. He believes that she has already been captivated by his charm and will rush to a date at the first call. But the proud Taurus lady will only shrug and hang up if Leo simply names the place and time of the meeting.

But the first refusal will only provoke the lover’s hero - he will remember all his tricks and methods, but will make sure that the Taurus lady comes to the meeting.

Of course, it is difficult to resist the pressure of such a charming gentleman, especially since Leo will be persistent, and the Taurus girl will receive gorgeous bouquets with touching notes every day. The Leo guy will even overcome his pride and personally appear to Cupid to hire him for a job.

The Taurus lady is characterized by a love for beautiful things - she will come on a date like a fairy-tale diva, and a Leo in love will be completely smitten. The girl of the earth will appreciate and original gift Leo, and a chic restaurant with live music, so the date should be of the highest standard. But the stars are in a hurry to warn the impulsive Leo - hints of an intimate relationship are excluded, otherwise the Taurus lady will remain a cutie in her phone address book. And Leo will not know what a wonderful partner she is.


Cupid, of course, will try his best, he will even gather all his assistants - just in case. The fire-earth couple will be happy for several months - the charming Taurus lady will tenderly look at Leo from the pedestal on which he placed her, and the fire guy in love will shower his chosen one with gifts.

But Leva is fickle, more and more often he will begin to answer calls from his ex-girlfriends and a couple of times he will even make an appointment with them - however, he may lose a few hairs from his luxurious hair, because the Taurus lady will explain to Leo what real jealousy is. The stars advise the jealous woman of the earth to moderate her ardor and understand that Leo is simply asserting himself, he needs the attention of many women, without this he can wither away. The Taurus lady is tactful and smart from birth, so if she wants eternal love Leo, she just needs to learn to unobtrusively control her passionate partner.

The couple's parents become friends, but not because they are delighted with the choice of their fiery-earth children; on the contrary, the relatives have conceived an insidious plan and dream of separating the lovers. But it will be difficult - after all, as we remember, perseverance is inherent in both Leo and Taurus, so it will be unrealistic to convince the pets of the Sun and Venus, and they will be together, contrary to the planets and astrological forecasts.


The relationship between the Taurus lady and the Leo guy will not be easy, but the fiery-earth couple will have no time to get bored and reflect on life. And how can you be alone here if cheerful friends constantly come to Leo and invite their fiery friend to get-togethers?

Lady Taurus will lose all her calm and composure; she will probably even sign up for a detective course and run after her restless friend with binoculars. The parents of the fiery-earth couple will shout with one voice: We warned you, but Leo and Taurus will be adamant. Well, even if there are quarrels, well, even if there are scandals every minute, the reconciliation can be so passionate that all disagreements are immediately forgotten. Oddly enough, the Leo guy and the Taurus lady can improve their relationship with the help of their exes - Leo will be bored in the company of his arrogant girlfriends, who cannot compare with the sweet and sincere Taurus lady. And the Taurus girl, after a minute of communication with her former boyfriends, will understand that her Leo is the best, witty and charming guy.

The stars will give small but effective advice - fiery-earth lovers do not have to adapt to each other, it is better to accept a partner with all the shortcomings and learn to live with it. And compromises can be left for family life, especially since it is just around the corner.


The fireworks have already died down, and the guests have gone home, but the Leo husband and Taurus wife are still sitting at the wedding table and wondering - did they really do it and all the difficulties are behind them? The stars are in a hurry to please - difficulties lie ahead, but now we will have to overcome them together, so there will definitely be no boredom and routine in the marriage of Leo and Taurus.

If the Taurus lady copes with her jealousy, then the Leo husband will receive the most the perfect wife, but of course, he will have to limit himself in entertainment. Hubby Leo can become a dictator in the house, so the Taurus woman will have to remember her angelic patience - not a single man will scold his wife, who is always affectionate and gentle, and besides, cooks deliciously.

Fire-earth spouses must understand that love cannot exist eternal holiday, and it’s useful to work on relationships sometimes.
It will be difficult only for the first seven years, and only then happy times can come in the family of the Leo husband and Taurus wife, and when the children start, the couple can safely call themselves the happiest among all the spouses in the world.

Leo dad and Taurus mom - yes ideal parents look again. When the children grow up, the school principal will call the fiery-earthly parents to school, but not to scold their offspring for their pranks, but then so that Leo and Taurus become teachers.


The Leo boy has natural intuition, and tries to choose his friends carefully. The fire guy must discern a future friend in the earth girl - if he offers Taurus friendship, he will not go wrong, because the Taurus girl is reliable and will never betray. Of course, it will be difficult for a girl on Earth to keep up with her fiery friend, who is constantly inventing something and doing unthinkable things, but he is so unusual and incredibly fun to be with.

The relatives of the Taurus girl will be against friendship with the Leo guy, because the fire friend is too frivolous for their sensible earth girl. But the stubbornness of friends will play an important role here too - after all, they know all each other’s secrets, and, according to the wise stars, it is impossible for friends to be separated, in case one of them reveals their secrets.

The Taurus girl will always teach the impulsive Leo to cope with irritability and aggression, and Leo himself will show Taurus how to enjoy life, even if at first glance everything is bad.

The fiery comrade will often command his pliable earth girlfriend, but the tactfulness of the Taurus lady knows no bounds - she already knows all the levers of influence on Leo, and if something happens, she can play along with her naive friend.


The Taurus girl is a smart and stubborn lady, she follows the rules and always achieves success. The Leo guy is a tireless worker, but does not go into detail and because of this he often makes mistakes. Therefore, in a fiery-earthly union, it is advisable for the Taurus girl to play the main role. Although this arrangement will not be to the liking of the eccentric and vain Fire guy, the Taurus lady will always convince her partner that she needs to do as she says.

Leo may, of course, be offended and go over to competitors, but the stars advise the fire businessman not to do this - if the Taurus lady is in charge, this does not mean at all that she will command and give orders. On the contrary, she will even pay Leo more than he deserves, as long as he doesn’t get nervous and do stupid things. The Leo guy may have the highest success rate, so he will attract good luck into their partnership, but the Taurus lady should remember - her fire companion is also a spender.

Pets of the Sun and Venus can achieve good results in any field, the main thing is that they are not interfered with, and few people will dare to stand in the way of such an energetic and amazing couple of businessmen. For complete happiness, Taurus and Leo need to invite Capricorn as a companion, who is even more reasonable than Taurus and will always keep earth-fiery businessmen from rash actions.

Taurus man and Leo woman

The Taurus guy is loyal and reliable, like a rock. Taurus's stubbornness knows no bounds, but patience is one of the main trump cards of the earth guy, because he is ready to wait for the result for many years. From a young age, Taurus differs from other guys in their determination and independence. Taurus is always surrounded by smart women who understand that with this guy you can create an ideal family. But Taurus is picky; his chosen one must be not only smart, but also charming, and future wife the guy chooses the land long and thoroughly, just like he does everything else. Taurus is romantic and sentimental, but reasonable and cautious. An earthly guy can be capricious, but the woman he chooses as his wife will not notice this small flaw, because in everything else the Taurus spouse will be ideal.

The Lioness girl is a sensual and impulsive beauty. The Lady of Fire has thousands of fans, but does not enter into casual relationships - she is too proud for that. In love, Lady Leo is sincere and impulsive; if she likes someone, she will not hesitate to tell the whole world about it. Since childhood, the lioness has enjoyed the attention of boys - passions always flare up around her, and the boys are ready to fight to the last, just to get the opportunity to carry the young coquette’s briefcase. Sometimes the ward of the Sun makes a mistake in her choice - after all, the Lioness loves flattery and praise, and on her way she sometimes meets suitors who only know how to speak beautifully. To be a good wife is destined for the Lioness, but future husband I must remember - no betrayal or even slight flirting.

Dating a Taurus man and a Leo woman

Although Lioness and Taurus are so different, and their interests coincide in little, the stars have found a place where the signs can get acquainted - this is a theater or a conservatory. Pets of Venus and the Sun love art and good music, always keep abreast of new products and try to get to all the premieres.

The patrons of Leo and Taurus will help and make sure that the places of their wards are nearby. The intelligent and gallant Taurus will certainly come to the attention of the eccentric and mysterious Lioness. And here it’s up to the eloquence of Taurus - a couple of exquisite and ornate compliments and you’re done: the Leo lady will melt.

During the intermission, Taurus will take a closer look at his unusual neighbor - he, of course, cannot resist the stunning beauty of the Lioness. The lioness is already fascinated by the sweet and modest boy of the earth, but this will not stop her from flirting with other men, because she is accustomed to worship and adoration, and is always the center of attention.

So Taurus will have to fight if, of course, he wants to continue dating. The stars advise Taurus not to be upset if suddenly the Lioness stops responding to his advances and switches to a conversation with a respectable gentleman in a suit for five thousand euros - the fire lady has already realized that the earth guy is not as simple as he seems and just wants to make him worry .

Taurus man and Leo woman dating

Lady Leo loves all kinds of parties, where there are a lot of interesting people, music is playing, and waiters are scurrying back and forth with exotic snacks. Therefore, Taurus will have to make a lot of effort, use his imagination, but come up with an original place for a date, where there will be few people, so that the Leo lady will not be distracted by conversations with other men.

The Lioness always looks great, but on a date with Taurus she will appear in all her splendor. Any queen from a fairy tale will seem like Cinderella next to the elegant and charming lady of fire - the outfit of the ward of the Sun will be chic, the Lioness will sparkle and shimmer, but at the same time, not a bit of vulgarity or pretentiousness. Taurus should remember that for a first date only eloquence and good manners, you need to defeat the Lioness on the spot so that she doesn’t even have the thought of running away.

A bouquet for the lady of fire should not only be good, you need to choose the most original and unusual flowers, so it is advisable for the boy of earth to get rich as soon as possible. Gifts in the form of jewelry are also not forbidden - the lady of fire, of course, will break for the sake of decency, but will be delighted with an exquisite silver pendant or pendant with a couple of diamonds. But let Taurus not worry too much - the Leo girl is not at all selfish, she just loves beautiful courtship, therefore, if the guy of the earth is not an oligarch, he may well invite the lady for a walk around the city and hand her over as a sign of attention soft toy, of course, not the one that costs twenty rubles in the nearest stall. Cupid will be delighted - the work is difficult, but interesting, because the mischievous man has not received original tasks for a long time.


For a Lioness girl and a Taurus guy, love is life. Therefore, at first they will flutter with happiness and not notice each other’s shortcomings. And what shortcomings can a couple in love have? Venus and the Sun are already exchanging enthusiastic messages, Cupid is receiving a substantial bonus for his excellent work, and our fiery-earthly heroes are enjoying an ideal relationship.

Difficulties will begin when the Lioness remembers that her phone is turned off and decides to check what happened in the world while she was enjoying communication with her lover. Missed calls and messages from countless fans of the lady of fire will make the sensible and calm Taurus worry. The jealousy of the earth sign will burst out, and this is where the danger of separation appears.

The Lioness will not tolerate it if Taurus starts telling her how to behave and how to dress, so as not to attract the attention of endless suitors - the couple will face quarrels and scandals with breaking wine glasses and flying household items.

Lovers will immediately remember the warnings of astrologers and begin to reproach each other for selfishness, but stop - the stars give advice: the signs of fire and earth need a pause! It is advisable to return to normal life, chat with friends, and not answer each other’s calls for a while - separation will help to sort out feelings, and if the love of a Taurus guy and a Leo woman is real, then the pets of Venus and the Sun will definitely learn to understand each other.

Relationship between Taurus man and Leo woman

The relationship between a Taurus man and a Leo woman will be like a fairy-tale thriller - everything seems to be fine, but something is wrong. The Lioness will be worried that her beloved Taurus is suffering from jealousy, but the lady of fire can’t help herself - after all, she doesn’t know how to sit at home and knit socks, she needs to shine and conquer the world.

A balanced and sweet guy on earth will start drinking soothing infusions, because the Lioness has driven him crazy with her eternal get-togethers with friends, parties and social gatherings.

The stars advise the signs of fire and earth to go on a joint vacation, you are just tired, and fighting each other’s elements is a completely pointless activity. The fiery-earth couple will quarrel with relatives and friends - after all, they constantly repeat that Lioness and Taurus need to separate as soon as possible. Not so - the pets of the Sun and Venus are unusually stubborn, and if they decided that fate brought them together for a reason, then Lioness and Taurus will fight to the last.

Cupid was already out of breath - after all, flying from the Lioness to the Taurus is not an easy task, especially since you need to shoot every day, but the mischief-maker with the arrows, out of principle, decided to finish the job he started. Few of the fire and earth couples reach the registry office, but the Leo lady and the Taurus guy, despite all the laws of the universe, still submitted an application.


The wedding of the fiery-earth newlyweds will be chic and impeccable. The groom Taurus and the bride Leo will wipe the noses of ill-wishers, newspapermen and paparazzi - there will be no scandals. The celebration will be fun, and no one will dare to reproach the pets of the Sun and Venus for looking askance at the witnesses or quietly swearing in the hall.

Taurus is ideal as a husband, and even the eccentric and unpredictable Lioness will become calmer - she will understand what she did right choice. Even if family life is not as varied and fun as we would like, Taurus gives flowers and brings coffee to bed every day. The birth of children will save the marriage of a Taurus man and a Leo woman from routine - there will be no time to be bored. Taurus dad and Leo mom adore children and are ready to tinker with them around the clock, so the offspring will grow up in love and endless care. True, there is a possibility that the children of fiery-earthly parents will be too spoiled, but the stars do not see this as a big tragedy.

The economic husband Taurus will surround his wife Lioness with comfort - the family will host receptions almost every day. In general, contrary to all forecasts, a couple of fire and earth can become quite happy in marriage.


The friendship of Taurus and Lioness sounds strange, but the stars do not see any obstacles for the pets of Venus and the Sun to become friends. In childhood, an energetic girl of fire may not notice the slow Taurus for a long time and consider him a nerd, but one day the Lioness will understand that this is the most faithful and devoted knight of all her suitors.

Taurus will desperately fight for the attention of the fiery beauty, and will become an adviser and vest for the Leo girl. Lioness too good friend However, at any time of the day or night, the Lioness girl will not fly to a friend of the earth, but give Taurus useful advice she is always ready.

Friends of fire and earth are not very similar, but the pets of Venus and the Sun always have something to talk about and something to do. As they get older, friends can be friends with their families, and besides, their spouses will not be jealous, because Taurus and Lioness strictly adhere to the rule of friendship - no flirting.

Taurus will be faithful to the Lioness until old age; most likely, it will be he who will give the fire granny a glass of water, and will hobble to the nearest pharmacy for validol, not forgetting to buy softer marshmallows for his aged girlfriend. Grandmother Lioness herself will not abandon Taurus, even if he is sent to a nursing home. She will go around all authorities, but will take the old man of the earth to her home.


Lady Lioness is tireless and hardworking, she can bypass even stubborn Taurus - both signs are good as entrepreneurs, and can try to create an alliance. For a common cause, the signs of fire and earth will, of course, need money; the Lioness will help out here - she knows how to extract capital from thin air, and if the business is profitable, the lady of fire will do everything possible and impossible.

Taurus is a workaholic, he is ready to work at work around the clock, forgetting about sleep and food, so the fire business lady is lucky with such a partner. Taurus is not a fan of negotiating, but he is not averse to going on a business trip, so the Lioness can sign contracts and charm suppliers, while the faithful companion of the earth is exploring new spaces for business development.

Both Taurus and Lioness attract money, but Taurus is more sensible than the lady of fire, who loves to spend - in this fiery-earthly union, the main capital must be kept under the control of the earth sign. The lady of fire need not worry - an honest Taurus will not spend a penny on himself, and the Lioness will always receive a report on expenses upon request. Pets of Venus and the Sun can achieve good results in the field of show business or politics - the Lioness is not averse to even becoming president, but she will be stopped by the practical Taurus, who will be able to explain what a headache this is.
