Ancient Russian fortune telling using symbols. Ancient solitaire online fortune telling, Russian solitaire online fortune telling

Before you is one of the most interesting fortune telling Recently - online fortune telling "old solitaire". Now it is difficult to determine when this solitaire fortune-telling game first appeared; time hides its creators from us. Rather, this fortune telling is a reflection folk wisdom, because its symbols are close and understandable to every person and come from life situations, and not from the magic of magic or the interpretation of some other fortune-telling.

So, oh happy man They always said and say that the sun shines brightly above it, the symbol of lovers has always been a flower, the shine of swords has been associated with war and quarrel. “A penny saves the ruble,” teaches us folk saying, and about the windmill they say - “Meli-shoal, mill”, etc.

This one worldly wisdom and formed the basis of the magical fortune-telling offered to you, to which popular rumor ascribes the property of reflecting the present and predicting the future. Whether this is true or not - judge for yourself. However, we can say with confidence: playing solitaire is truly a very exciting activity. It calms and brightens up your leisure time, and unexpected coincidences with certain personal plans and situations will make an inquisitive mind think. Like any other fortune telling, solitaire requires communication with your magical subconscious. To do this, you must empty your mind of all thoughts except the desire to know a specific present or future.

how to choose cards
select design

So, the rules for playing solitaire. Choose its design and how the cards will be laid out. Cards can be laid out either from a deck laid out on the screen, or by pressing a button. Clearly formulate the question that worries you most about given time and click the "start layout" button. After this, you will be taken to the solitaire page, where the process of laying out the cards begins. The layout ends after all 20 pieces are dropped. Cards fall out from left to right, 4 in each row. As you noticed, each solitaire card shows half of the four pictures. If adjacent cards contain halves of the same picture, then such cards need to be combined.

A little more detail. If to the left or above the last card drawn there is a card with the second half of the picture located on the last card, then such cards need to be combined. To do this, click on the word that appears, indicating the matching picture. If both to the left and above the last card drawn there are cards with the second halves of the picture on the last card, then you will need to select only one picture that you would like to combine. To do this, click on one of the two words that appear, indicating the matching pictures. You cannot rotate previously aligned cards along their axis.

This solitaire game is almost completely automated, so don't be put off by some of the confusing rules. Good luck!

Try to relax and fully concentrate on your question, do not be distracted by extraneous noise. After this, say your question in your mind as specifically as possible.

We were one of the first to put together a collection of free solitaire fortune telling on Fortune telling using solitaire is quite common. modern fortune telling performed using cards. There are several ways of fortune telling - solitaire with a different set of pictures. Their rules are basically similar - the dropped pictures are combined and the resulting symbols are interpreted. The prediction is usually very accurate.

Antique solitaire - online fortune telling

The main gods of Greek solitaire are: Zeus, Hera, Poseidon, Athena, Artemis, Apollo, Hermes, Dionysus and others. Ancient Greek gods, who lived on the sacred Mount Olympus - many processes are associated with them, both in nature and in relationships between people. It’s time to find out this secret information by going through a rather exciting fortune telling procedure.

We are accustomed to associate Ancient Rome with the unbridled luxury of banquet halls and the iron tread of Caesar's legions, and consider Roman culture a copy of Greek. In reality this is not the case. Roman culture is original, and fortune-telling solitaire with images of the gods of Rome is only one part of it.

Until now, fortune telling that was created during the times Ancient Egypt, are considered the most authoritative. Egyptian solitaire will help you find answers to your questions through mediation magical powers Ancient Egypt. Solitaire answers will outline the benefits of your situation, what to consider, and what might happen as a result.

One of the testaments of our ancestors says: Live according to your conscience, in harmony with Nature and with yourself. Everything seems to be simple and clear. In reality, this does not always happen. Something is in the way, there is no knowledge, there is no basic understanding of the situation, there is no support and God knows what else.

The ancient online solitaire game, which we are pleased to present to you, has absorbed all the wisdom of our ancestors, all their experience, all their knowledge. This is not just a free Russian solitaire game, which, when played, will give you predictions for the near future. This is a system of knowledge, by touching which you can receive good advice and hints, warnings and messages that can help you understand the intricacies of your own life.

It is impossible to determine the exact time when Russian solitaire was born. Moreover, some call it Russian solitaire, some call it old solitaire, and some even call it old Russian solitaire. The point is not that, the main thing is that you can resort to him at any time, in the most difficult and incomprehensible situation, and he will always help and advise you, like a thread sticking out from a ball, by pulling which you can come out into the light.

Solitaire is played automatically, with five cards each and consists of four rows. Your task is to find matches of signs. In order for the signs on the cards to match, they can be rotated by clicking on each of the cards. As soon as the values ​​match (from one to several), you should find the interpretation of the matched symbol in the table of values ​​​​given below.

Guess for free and have fun playing ancient Russian solitaire.

This layout is based on a very old Russian fortune-telling special cards. Russian solitaire - fortune telling, the online version of which you can find below, is very similar to similar layouts: Josephine Beauharnais, Indian solitaire and. All these layouts are carried out according to a similar scheme; only the interpretations of individual symbols and, in some cases, the order of layout differ. But in this article we will take a closer look at Russian Solitaire.

“Ancient Russian solitaire fortune telling” - online for free will answer all your questions about love, relationships and the future!

Principles and rules of fortune telling

Traditionally laid out during the Christmas and New Year's holidays. At this point in time, he predicts the future quite long period, in addition, it is believed that it is at this time that all predictions have the maximum degree of reliability.

However, you have the opportunity to conduct online fortune-telling “Ancient Russian Solitaire” for free at any time of the year on our website, but in this case you should think in advance about the period of time for which you are fortune-telling - as a rule, no more than 3-4 months.

Online version

Make a question that interests you or imagine a situation for which you want to receive advice from the cards, concentrate, and start fortune-telling.

Layout diagram

  • All cards are laid out in 5 rows and 5 columns, one under one with the pictures facing up;
  • Among the pictures that are separated by a slash, you need to find two or more matching images;
  • You can rotate each card in any direction to achieve the desired match;
  • It is prohibited to move or swap cards;
  • To get a ready-made prediction, you need to read the interpretation of each symbol and “combine” them into one whole. Do it slowly and you will definitely succeed!
  • If not a single picture matches, you should play Russian solitaire online fortune telling again.

Interpretation of the meaning of symbols

  • Drum. A symbol of the successful completion of a task begun, the completion of a task. It means victory over circumstances or an enemy. Everything that interfered will be defeated, and you will be on horseback.
  • Bow. A symbol of an upcoming love affair, the beginning of a romantic relationship, some secret meetings that are carefully hidden from family and friends.
  • Scales. Hesitation, doubt, inability to take the final or decisive step, the upcoming choice between something or someone. They can also mean a successful way out of the current situation.
  • Hair. Symbol of strong relationships, family ties, long romantic relationship leading to marriage and family.
  • Woman. A symbol of the appearance of a rival on your horizon, an unkind envious woman or a gossip annoying you.
  • Coins. Finding financial income and good luck, success in business with big profits, a successful deal, good luck in your career, solving material problems.
  • Trees. A symbol of some change in your life, the appearance of a new person, a change in the environment around you.
  • Lock. A symbol of carefully hidden information, perhaps you don’t know something, some kind of secret, riddle, conspirators.
  • Coach. A symbol of an upcoming quick trip or work trip, leaving your home, a long journey.
  • Dagger. A symbol of warning about possible betrayal on the part of your close friends or entourage; intrigues and conflicts with one of your relatives are possible; you need to be careful.
  • Key. A symbol of a quick resolution of all problems, a way out of a deadlock situation, the emergence of new opportunities and prospects, the opportunity to sort out your affairs, a free path.
  • Book. Papers or documents, some litigation related to them, an appeal to officials for help.
  • Bell. A symbol of receiving good, long-awaited news, joyful and good events, boundless openness.
  • Quiver and arrows. Symbol of difficulties in love relationships, anxious mood, upcoming experiences, excitement, depressive state, nervousness.
  • Rings. Love, upcoming marriage, matrimony, connection, inseparability.
  • Envelope. Symbol of receiving news from dear person, favorable news, good news.
  • Bonfire. A quarrel with a loved one, empty chores, useless and unnecessary conversations, chatter.
  • Crown. Perhaps you think too much of yourself? Solitaire recommends getting rid of it as soon as possible to avoid trouble.
  • Cross. Protracted illness, labor-intensive work, large exercise stress, heavy burden, guilt, unpaid debt, broken promise, shattered hope. Circumstances are stacked against you. Something is oppressing you and preventing you from living a full life.
  • Swan. Selflessness, devotion, fidelity, mutual feelings, altruism, self-sacrifice. You give more than you receive.
  • Moon and stars. A symbol of an upcoming acquaintance with an interesting interlocutor, useful connections, patronage. New and interesting events await.
  • Man. A symbol of the appearance of a male soul mate on the horizon. Perhaps a rival for a man.
  • Horseshoe. A symbol of a successful combination of circumstances, a successful outcome of a case, a pleasant surprise. Good luck has come to your house.
  • Sailboat. A symbol of a fair wind, the beginning of a new path, travel, freedom, openness.
  • Rainbow. A symbol of happiness, joy, a good meeting, a love date.
  • Glass A cheerful mood, meeting with guests, a rich feast, a holiday.
  • Candles. Sad mood, sadness and tears, unpleasant events, unsuccessful love, problems in business.
  • Heart. Symbol of a secret admirer, confession of one's feelings, romantic relationships.
  • Sun. Resolution of all problems, clear horizon, happy time, happy event, white stripe in life.
  • Arrow. A symbol of an upcoming surprise, receiving a gift or surprise, a coincidence of circumstances. Perhaps you have come to some point in your life, after which a lot can change.
  • Sultan. The appearance of a reliable and strong patron, guardianship, care. Someone wants to give you selfless help.
  • Snail. Your wish will come true very soon. Wait a little longer.
  • Veil. Symbol happy wedding, the appearance of a soulmate, a successful marriage, matchmaking, a marriage proposal, a solemn holiday.
  • Flower. A symbol of bitter suffering, wasted tears, love without reciprocity, futility of expectations, despondency. Your expectations will never be fulfilled.
  • Chains. Symbol severe tests, constraint in your actions, the appearance of obstacles in your path, upcoming difficulties, complex problems.
  • Church. A symbol of changes in your life, a change of environment, new interests.
  • Watch. Symbol of transience life path, a reminder to complete long-postponed tasks.
  • Flag. Symbol of action, courage, commitment brave act, courage, heroism.
  • Crap. Losses, lies, deception of loved ones, fraudulent actions, court cases.
  • Scull. Illness, long-standing anxiety, hopelessness.
  • Anchor. Self-confidence, good intentions, manifestation best qualities, calmness.

Here is an ancient solitaire game that our great-grandmothers and even great-grandfathers played. This, so simple at first glance, but requiring a lot of concentration, probably really appealed to them, since solitaire has survived to this day. There are several variants of this solitaire game with different sets of pictures. The rules of fortune telling are basically the same - the dropped pictures are combined and the dropped symbols are interpreted. There are solitaire games where you cannot rotate previously aligned cards along their axis.
In our solitaire game, previously matched cards can be matched again. And it is right! It is interesting to look at a symbol that has reversed the previous one. This has a certain meaning - one situation replaces another. Study these symbols carefully.
For example, if the lock fell out first, and then it turned over and the cat fell out, then your problems will go away due to a new flirtation.

Meanings of all symbols:

Scales- Hesitation, doubt
Laurel wreath- Present
Road- trip, road, path
Spruce- Loneliness. In the near future you will have to rely only on your own strength
Lock— Closed path
Snake- Trouble, good luck in the year of the snake
Umbrella— Dreams
KeyOpen path, solution to the key issue
Book- Government House
Bell- Impact, trouble
Ring— Explanation with a loved one, possibly marriage
Ship— Boundless happiness, this is a very favorable sign!
Crown— Highest achievement
Kopek- Money
Bonfire— Family hearth
Cat— Flirting
Cross- Fate
Swan- Good news
Girl's face- Acquaintance
Mill- Empty talk, gossip
Moon— News within a month
Swords- Argument
Lightning— Lightning-fast solution.
There are events when you have to make decisions very quickly, or fast decision your question
Glasses- Thoughtfulness, you need to think about the state of your affairs
Letter— Izvestia
Horseshoe- Happiness. A very happy period in your life awaits you
Glass- Feast, holiday
Candle- Calm life
Heart pierced by an arrowBroken heart, broken love, breakup or big quarrel
Sun— The flourishing of life, luck
SOS- Anxiety
Arrows (feathered)— Achieving the goal
Arrows (forked at the ends)— Strong passion
Duck— Decoy duck
Flag— New in work
Flower- Love, love and only love
Chains- Something is holding back, usually means delay
Watch- Changes in life
Scull- Illness, painful
Anchor— Stable position

History of fortune telling

Let's start with the history of this type of fortune telling as a way to foresee events. Word patience is translated from French as “patience”, “a game using cards by one person.” The cards are laid out according to certain rules randomly. Agree that you need to have patience and endurance so as not to lose your temper and abandon such a monotonous activity, and even completely alone! This type of divination is always gothic, terrifying and majestic at the same time.

Despite the fact that the name is French, the game is of Scandinavian or, according to some researchers, German origin. This type of prediction was first mentioned in the 18th century.

There are many types of such prophecy; it is difficult to name the exact number..

  1. Among them are prophecies predicting fate.
  2. They provide answers to the client's questions.
  3. Created to distract a person mentally (many people do this while working).

Over fortune-telling of the third type You really have to think, and solving their puzzles requires you to show your intelligence, your patience and your endurance. The main types of fortune telling using cards with pictures:

  1. Kerchief.
  2. Spider.
  3. Tapeworm.

These are not all the varieties that can test your thinking abilities.

Ancient Russian solitaire

Ancient solitaire games appeared a long time ago and depended on morals and customs societies of their time. Many types of such ancient predictions were overgrown with changes: something left in them, but something remained, and has come to us in its original form.

The ancient Russian solitaire game is a fortune-telling game that gives an answer to a clearly stated question and implies either “yes” or “no.” First of all, this is due to the characteristics and desires of Russian girls and women of old Rus' to receive an affirmative answer, devoid of ambiguity. The young men were almost not interested in such a “girlish” activity, although before battles they could easily turn to the witch with a request to tell fortunes and find out the outcome of the battle, since the level of trust in otherworldly forces was great in those ancient times.

Features of the Old Russian layout

Fortune telling on cards with pictures, ancient solitaire, in Ancient Rus' differs significantly from the types of such predictions among other peoples. There are a lot of images in it, which is also associated with the peculiarities of the ethnic character, its figurative system of understanding the world and ways of perceiving information. Solitaire is one of the languages ​​of an entire people, reflecting his worldview. This, probably, was the difference between solitaire games in different countries.

Predicting in this way is simple, but informative for understanding your life. The client asks a question during the shuffle, which is typical for card fortune telling, and receives an answer as a result of the layout. Then you need to arrange the cards in 4 columns vertically and 5 horizontally. After this, the fortuneteller looks at the coincidences of the pictures, of which there may be several.

Important! Please note that that it is difficult to interpret coincidences, since many connections of cards give rise to many meanings, sometimes closely related to each other, and this makes it difficult to decipher the prophecy, but makes it complete and complete in structure.

Online forecasts

More and more often you can see old card fortune telling, astrological forecasts in the Internet. Many of us enjoy using this. It used to be that you go to another site with prophecies, lay out the cards, and wait for the result, but it’s paid. This little trick made so that people who post predictions can make money, although many remain free.

Whether we like it or not, any fortune telling or other types of divination migrate over time to the Internet, which is associated with the “departure” of people virtual world. In order not to disappear, solitaire with “friends” changes real life to existence on the Internet. Of course, not all people trust the algorithms prescribed by the machine and its programs, so live fortune telling remains real life and to this day.

For those who are interested in online fortune telling, there is an old prophecy on the website Here you can tell your fortune and find out what awaits you in the near future. The schedule is free, so visit the site from time to time and find out about your future, and also bring your loved ones and friends. Guess together.

Principles and rules of fortune telling

Traditionally, fortune telling solitaire games are played during the Christmas and New Year holidays. At this point in time, he predicts the future for a fairly long period, in addition, it is believed that it is at this time that all predictions have the maximum degree of reliability.

However, you have the opportunity to conduct online fortune-telling “Ancient Russian Solitaire” for free at any time of the year on our website, but in this case you should think in advance about the period of time for which you are fortune-telling - as a rule, no more than 3-4 months.

Online version

Make a question that interests you or imagine a situation for which you want to receive advice from the cards, concentrate, and start fortune-telling.

Layout diagram

  • All cards are laid out in 5 rows and 5 columns, one under one with the pictures facing up;
  • Among the pictures that are separated by a slash, you need to find two or more matching images;
  • You can rotate each card in any direction to achieve the desired match;
  • It is prohibited to move or swap cards;
  • To get a ready-made prediction, you need to read the interpretation of each symbol and “combine” them into one whole. Do it slowly and you will definitely succeed!
  • If not a single picture matches, you should play Russian solitaire online fortune telling again.

Interpretation of the meaning of symbols

  • Drum. A symbol of the successful completion of a task begun, the completion of a task. It means victory over circumstances or an enemy. Everything that interfered will be defeated, and you will be on horseback.

  • Bow. A symbol of an upcoming love affair, the beginning of a romantic relationship, some secret meetings that are carefully hidden from family and friends.
  • Scales. Hesitation, doubt, inability to take the final or decisive step, the upcoming choice between something or someone. They can also mean a successful way out of the current situation.
  • Hair. A symbol of strong relationships, family ties, long romantic relationships that led to marriage and finding a family.
  • Woman. A symbol of the appearance of a rival on your horizon, an unkind envious woman or a gossip annoying you.
  • Coins. Finding financial income and good luck, success in business with big profits, a successful deal, good luck in your career, solving material problems.
  • Trees. A symbol of some change in your life, the appearance of a new person, a change in the environment around you.
  • Lock. A symbol of carefully hidden information, perhaps you don’t know something, some kind of secret, riddle, conspirators.
  • Coach. A symbol of an upcoming quick trip or work trip, leaving your home, a long journey.
  • Dagger. A symbol of warning about possible betrayal on the part of your close friends or entourage; intrigues and conflicts with one of your relatives are possible; you need to be careful.

  • Key. A symbol of a quick resolution of all problems, a way out of a deadlock situation, the emergence of new opportunities and prospects, the opportunity to sort out your affairs, a free path.
  • Book. Papers or documents, some litigation related to them, an appeal to officials for help.
  • Bell. A symbol of receiving good, long-awaited news, joyful and good events, boundless openness.
  • Quiver and arrows. A symbol of difficulties in love relationships, an anxious mood, upcoming experiences, excitement, a depressing state, nervousness.
  • Rings. Love, upcoming marriage, matrimony, connection, inseparability.
  • Envelope. A symbol of receiving news from a dear person, favorable news, good news.
  • Bonfire. A quarrel with a loved one, empty chores, useless and unnecessary conversations, chatter.
  • Crown. Perhaps you think too much of yourself? Solitaire recommends getting rid of it as soon as possible to avoid trouble.
  • Cross. A long illness, a demanding job, a lot of physical activity, a heavy burden, guilt, an unpaid debt, a broken promise, a broken hope. Circumstances are stacked against you. Something is oppressing you and preventing you from living a full life.
  • Swan. Selflessness, devotion, fidelity, mutual feelings, altruism, self-sacrifice. You give more than you receive.

  • Moon and stars. A symbol of an upcoming acquaintance with an interesting interlocutor, useful connections, patronage. New and interesting events await.
  • Man. A symbol of the appearance of a male soul mate on the horizon. Perhaps a rival for a man.
  • Horseshoe. A symbol of a successful combination of circumstances, a successful outcome of a case, a pleasant surprise. Good luck has come to your house.
  • Sailboat. A symbol of a fair wind, the beginning of a new path, travel, freedom, openness.
  • Rainbow. A symbol of happiness, joy, a good meeting, a love date.
  • Glass A cheerful mood, meeting with guests, a rich feast, a holiday.
  • Candles. Sad mood, sadness and tears, unpleasant events, unsuccessful love, problems in business.
  • Heart. Symbol of a secret admirer, confession of one's feelings, romantic relationships.
  • Sun. Resolution of all problems, a clear horizon, a happy time, a joyful event, a white streak in life.
  • Arrow. A symbol of an upcoming surprise, receiving a gift or surprise, a coincidence of circumstances. Perhaps you have come to some point in your life, after which a lot can change.
  • Sultan. The appearance of a reliable and strong patron, guardianship, care. Someone wants to give you selfless help.
  • Snail. Your wish will come true very soon. Wait a little longer.
  • Veil. A symbol of a happy wedding, the appearance of a soulmate, a successful marriage, matchmaking, a marriage proposal, a solemn holiday.
  • Flower. A symbol of bitter suffering, wasted tears, love without reciprocity, futility of expectations, despondency. Your expectations will never be fulfilled.
  • Chains. A symbol of difficult trials, constraint in your actions, the appearance of obstacles in your path, upcoming difficulties, difficult problems.
  • Church. A symbol of changes in your life, a change of environment, new interests.
  • Watch. A symbol of the fleeting nature of life’s journey, a reminder of completing long-postponed tasks.
  • Flag. A symbol of action, courage, committing a bold act, bravery, heroism.
  • Crap. Losses, lies, deception of loved ones, fraudulent actions, court cases.
  • Scull. Illness, long-standing anxiety, hopelessness.
  • Anchor. Self-confidence, good intentions, manifestation of the best qualities, calmness.

Indian maps are presented in the form of symbolism. They are laid out five cards in five rows. A prediction is a matching picture of two halves that are on two different cards. In order for the pattern to match, the cards must be rotated around their axis; they cannot be swapped. You can read cards either vertically or horizontally. Be sure to take into account the relationship of the pictures if there are several images nearby. In this online fortune telling, the meaning of the picture appears under the grid of cards itself, immediately after you compose the image itself.

Download the game to your computer

Play with real people(for free)

Play with a real person (for money)

Indian solitaire stands out from other card solitaire games, because in in this case not in front of you playing cards, and cards with life symbols. This fortune telling will captivate you, but too often Indian solitaire should not be unfolded. Indian fortune telling can tell you about the prospect of future events that will happen over the next two months. The fortune-telling grid consists of five rows and each will sequentially describe events on average for the next ten days. You can also guess short time, in this case one row will correspond to one day. Virtual cards can even show you the answer to your question. All you have to do is think about this question and press the “Expand” button. For example, the symbols of the Wreath, Camel and Chest will tell you about profit. The annual cards are considered to be the Coffin and Wedding ring. Even if you ask the cards about the events of the next five days, these two symbolisms will only come true within a year. There is nothing random about Indian solitaire.

Remember, when you play solitaire for the first time after asking a question, the answers will be the most likely and plausible. The more often you re-arrange the symbolism, the fewer truthful answers you will receive. Therefore, you cannot use Indian solitaire online many times in a row. It is better to do this at regular intervals.

Here you can get answers to your questions for free using ancient fortune telling.

Here is one of the most interesting fortune-telling games of recent times - online fortune-telling “old solitaire”. Now it is difficult to determine when this solitaire fortune-telling game first appeared; time hides its creators from us. Rather, this fortune-telling is a reflection of folk wisdom, because its symbols are close and understandable to every person and come from life situations, and not from the magic of magic or the interpretation of some other fortune-telling.

So, about a happy person they always said and say that the sun shines brightly above him, the symbol of lovers has always been a flower, the shine of swords is associated with war and quarrel. “A penny saves a ruble,” a popular proverb teaches us, and about a windbag they say, “Meli, shallow, mill,” etc.

It is this worldly wisdom that forms the basis of the magical fortune-telling offered to you, to which popular rumor ascribes the property of reflecting the present and predicting the future. Whether this is true or not - judge for yourself. However, we can say with confidence: playing solitaire is truly a very exciting activity. It calms and brightens up your leisure time, and unexpected coincidences with certain personal plans and situations will make an inquisitive mind think. Like any other fortune telling, solitaire requires communication with your magical subconscious. To do this, you must empty your mind of all thoughts except the desire to know a specific present or future.

So, the rules for playing solitaire. Choose its design and how the cards will be laid out. Cards can be laid out either from a deck laid out on the screen, or by pressing a button. Clearly formulate the question that worries you most at this time and click the “start layout” button. After this, you will be taken to the solitaire page, where the process of laying out the cards begins. The layout ends after all 20 pieces are dropped. Cards fall out from left to right, 4 in each row. As you noticed, each solitaire card shows half of the four pictures. If adjacent cards contain halves of the same picture, then such cards need to be combined.

A little more detail. If to the left or above the last card drawn there is a card with the second half of the picture located on the last card, then such cards need to be combined. To do this, click on the word that appears, indicating the matching picture. If both to the left and above the last card drawn there are cards with the second halves of the picture on the last card, then you will need to select only one picture that you would like to combine. To do this, click on one of the two words that appear, indicating the matching pictures. You cannot rotate previously aligned cards along their axis.

This solitaire game is almost completely automated, so don't be put off by some of the confusing rules. Good luck!

Try to relax and fully concentrate on your question, do not be distracted by extraneous noise. After this, say your question in your mind as specifically as possible.
