Compatibility table by year of birth. Compatibility according to the eastern horoscope: who is right for you

Compatibility according to the Eastern horoscope - Easterners pay a lot of attention to this. And we will talk about the most favorable and unfavorable connections between horoscope signs. As in Western astrology, they are connected by compatibility triangles, and these connections are considered the most favorable. In the figure you can easily trace the relationships between animals.

The first triangle consists of the Rat, the Dragon and the Monkey. These are signs of progress, new beginnings, they are able to take initiative. Usually they give rise to action, remove all obstacles from their path and are considered the most disruptive. They are unrestrained and quick-tempered if they do nothing. These signs are ruled by dynamic energy and ambition. Such people are real producers new ideas and united, they are simply invincible.

The second triangle contains the most focused signs: Ox (Ox), Snake and Rooster. They are efficient, dedicated fighters and can achieve high altitudes with their characteristic constancy and determination. These signs have an unshakable self-esteem; they rely only on themselves, on their mind and heart. They are slow and confident in their actions, preferring to act independently. But in mutual actions they cooperate well.

The third triangle consists of the Tiger, Horse and Dog. These signs are aimed at serving people, full understanding and mutual communication. They are based on honesty and openness. As a rule, these are great idealists. They are always honest in their intentions, quite impulsive and capable of igniting enthusiasm in others. These signs also have assertiveness and a strong character.

The fourth triangle consists of the most emotional signs: Rabbit (Hare), Goat (Sheep) and Pig (Boar). These signs listen mainly to their own personal feelings and what can be achieved thanks to them. They know how to express their thoughts, have excellent intuition, and are very artistic and aesthetic. They express themselves well in art, are diplomatic and capable of deep understanding. Such people, compared to other signs, have a balanced character. Although they give new beginnings and leading roles to others, they always adapt easily because they are very friendly towards their neighbors. All these signs are considered compatible eastern horoscope.

The most incompatible signs are those that are located opposite each other in a circle. As a rule, they are unfriendly, and there are frequent clashes between them. For example, a Horse will have conflicts with a person born in the year of the Rat. The Ox is the worst enemy of the Sheep, and the biggest enemies are the Tiger and the Monkey. The Hare cannot stand the Rooster, and for its part the Rooster cannot stand the Hare. The Dragon and the Dog find it difficult to coexist, and the Snake and the Pig prefer not to meet at all.
Signs that are not exactly opposite each other and are not included in triangles are compatible according to the Eastern calendar, but to varying degrees. Although the ancient Chinese method of astrology is not too dogmatic. He does not force us to go through our weaknesses and shortcomings. Rather, it pushes us to change ourselves and forces us to look for more diverse and useful paths. Do we have difficulty communicating with the Dragon? Are we being asked by some Monkey and Rat to mediate between them? Does the rooster help us express our thoughts? Does the reserved Rabbit (Hare) make us nervous? Does the Tiger's fiery temper drive him to despair? Instead of bringing us together and quarreling, the Chinese horoscope will teach people how to interact better. He will open up new means for us to achieve success and protect us from conflicts.

Eastern horoscope of sign compatibility

Compatibility is one of the criteria that receives special attention in modern world. For many people, meeting your match is not just about finding a person who will be there, it is something more important. After all, it should be fun and interesting with such a person, he should motivate development and know how to support in difficult times. In addition, with whom you should connect your whole life, it should be easy and comfortable. Various systems and classifications help to find out compatibility.

Experts offer data presented as a list, table, or simply advice on who would be the best partner for whom. The combination of zodiac signs and a calendar by year of birth are the most optimal systems.

Eastern system

When the division of people according to Zodiac signs is mentioned, it is assumed that people born in the same period belong to the same type of Zodiac. Let's say, from September 23 to October 23 of any year, all people born will be of the Zodiac type. There are twelve types of the Zodiac in total.

The Eastern calendar divides all people differently. Those born in the same year will be of the same type. So, let's say all men and women born in 1972 will be Rats. There are twelve signs in total, which repeat every twelve years.

The types of the Zodiac, and the types of signs according to the Eastern calendar, have compatible and incompatible people, relationships with whom will be built the most in the best possible way or people will simply be too different. Having studied the compatibility of signs, a person will be able to choose the most suitable pair - the one with whom he wants to live his whole life.

Combination according to the table

Mythological animals are believed to symbolize cosmic influences that manifest themselves every year. These influences shape both the year itself and the character of the people who are born. There are twelve animals and five colored elements in total. Depending on this data, lists and tables are compiled that indicate the compatibility of people by year of birth. To find out compatibility, it is enough to take into account the year of birth of your loved one and your own.

EXAMPLE: In order to find out compatibility, from among all the signs, select yours, for example, the Rat, and your partner, for example, the Dragon, you need to compare the numbers horizontally and vertically, at the intersection of the signs, and get the result. In this case - 333. Now you can read the description of the compatibility of the signs.

000 – neutral type .

The Eastern calendar considers the compatibility of signs of this type to be good. Sufficiently balanced and harmonious relationships will allow you to create a strong union. From the point of view of astrologers, such a couple should work on mutual understanding and not allow problem situations, because they can destroy the thin thread that connects two lovers. Pay more attention to each other and everything will be great.

111 – friction.

If you get this type, then the Eastern calendar describes your compatibility as not the best. The relationship in such a couple will not be the most friendly; partners will often get on each other’s nerves. As a rule, the Dog does not get along with the Ox and Sheep; the Rabbit and Rat may have some disagreements, as well as the Rooster, Dragon, Horse and Pig (in any combination). For these signs, it will depend only on themselves and on their desire to be together.

222 – harmony.

According to the Eastern horoscope, harmony reigns in such a couple. The two will be very calm and happy, and being together will stimulate them to new achievements and new discoveries. If you get this type, then your partner is an excellent match for starting a family.

333 – complete harmony.

It is considered the best union of all. According to the Eastern horoscope, this type is also called “triple harmony,” which indicates a complete combination. In a family with this compatibility it will always be good and calm, and strangers will envy such happiness.

444 – open confrontation.

According to the Eastern horoscope, this combination is typical for people who have directly opposite characters. It is extremely difficult to get along with people who are constantly confronting and conflicting, since confrontation turns out natural, even if the partners do not want it. As a rule, even at the stage of acquaintance they do not get along with each other. Therefore, it very rarely comes to a serious relationship.

555 – conflict.

For two people with this combination, the relationship will be strained. And in order to maintain peace, they will have to put in a lot of effort and effort. Of course, such people can be together, but for the connection to be long-term, both your sign and your partner need to try.

666 – obstacles.

This type of combination is characterized by constant obstacles, which will be replaced by periods of complete harmony. Ups will be replaced by downs, quarrels will be replaced by reconciliation. If two people learn to survive difficult periods, then the relationship will have a future. And this means that they have a future.

The Eastern calendar, the Zodiac system, the calendar of colors by year of birth - exist today a large number of systems that divide people according to various signs. And their division depending on birth: date, zodiac sign, element is one of the most popular, which also allows you to find out the compatibility of two people in friendship, love, family life, and so on.

Naturally, according to the Eastern calendar, as well as according to the types of the Zodiac, compatibility is not the last sentence. Knowing the problem areas, rough edges and possible disagreements, you can live in peace and happiness, constantly working on your relationship and paying attention to your partner.

information from the site

Marriage is the only area of ​​human life where no one gets an advantage. Marriage horoscope(almost an encyclopedia of marriage) has already been written based on the systematization and explanation of all historically important marriages. This article lists the main types of marriages based on compatibility.


Husband: Horse, Tiger, Dog

Wife: Horse, Tiger, Dog
MARRIAGE 1. He is a Horse, she is a Horse.

Marriage is open. Communication with friends should help in difficult times
family life, as well as mutual easygoingness and forbearance.
Temperament, hot temper, sensitivity (vulnerability) of both spouses can
play a cruel joke - lead to a breakup, which often happens if a marriage
lies in young years. When the husband's dictate is too open, then the fighting wife
will most likely start a battle. Avoid this at all costs, because your marriage is...
the basis of our society.
MARRIAGE 2. He is a Horse, she is a Tiger.

One of the few marriages where differences in the characters of the spouses only strengthen them
union. The husband’s vital energy and optimism are enough for two, as well as peace
and the methodical nature of the wife. I would like to advise my husband not to try to remake
the character of his rather reserved wife into the open, he remembered that next to him
a sophisticated person who can perceive his desire for simplicity and
openness is very painful. The husband should not forget that any
activity is unacceptable for his wife. She will only withstand it for a very short time.
time, and then depression will set in, the bad mood will become permanent.
MARRIAGE 3. He is a Horse, she is a Dog.

The husband's optimism and his love should soften the wife's character. The husband must remember that
deals with a fairly strong-willed and very independent person. She can
to pursue a career, but home is still more important to her than anything else. Economy,
food and life for such a housewife should be at top level. The wife will achieve everything
if her wishes are not expressed in the form of an ultimatum, but are addressed to
sensitive, compassionate nature of her husband.
MARRIAGE 4. He is a Tiger, she is a Tiger.

The marriage is closed. The wife, warmed by her husband's love, is completely
dissolves in it. Her husband's opinion is her opinion. This is the standard for the marriage of comrades. In their
there will be silence, peace and comfort in the house; a cult of food is quite possible. Usually the wife is
very good housewife, husband - limited to management, but he doesn’t have to do everything
shift the burdens of everyday life onto fragile women's shoulders. Sparing each other, spouses
will create in the family that very peace that they cannot do without. I want to
wish - do not give each other reasons for jealousy: both can have feelings
become uncontrollable.
MARRIAGE 5. He is a Tiger, she is a Horse.

A variant of an unstable marriage, where centrifugal tendencies are strong due to
the energetic, open character of the wife and the leisurely character of the husband. In addition, the husband
prevents her from fully sharing her husband’s concerns, his desire to lock her at home,
She perceives being forced to live only as a family as an attack on her freedom.
I would like to wish that the husband would react more calmly to his wife’s contacts with outsiders.
peace. The wife must recognize the power of her husband and limit external relations.
MARRIAGE 6. He is a Tiger, she is a Dog.

The purposeful, fairly strong-willed character of the wife does not allow her to live only
interests of the family. Her husband should not be jealous of her constant problems.
plans, ideas, to her constant employment, After all, the main thing is that family is for
such a wife is the meaning of life. In economic terms, the wife's talents compensate
husband's passivity in this area. Wife - Dog is a very principled person, husband
should become a great diplomat and not try to affect these principles.
MARRIAGE 7. He is a Dog, she is a Horse.

A wife's optimism will have a beneficial effect on her husband's character, but if her energy beats
over the edge, then the danger of conflicts is great. If desired, work according to
ability to fully devote himself to work, the husband found a like-minded person. This is for him
very important. A wife should not react painfully to her husband’s possible stinginess.
After all, he tries for his family. The husband will oppose his wife's addictive character
strict purposefulness in actions. This combination always leads to
MARRIAGE 8. He is a Dog, she is a Tiger.

The wife will not add optimism to her husband's life, but she will calm him down, understand the grievances, and will
to live only by his affairs, with his dreaminess will tear him away from purely earthly
problems. Marriage strives for closure. There are no problems here for the wife, but the husband
after a while he may discover that he is left without friends and perceive this
very painful. The husband should not react deeply to frequent bouts of blues
and melancholy in the wife.
MARRIAGE 9. He is a Dog, she is a Dog.

Marriage is almost always happy. This is a union between two people who are not united
only mutual language, but also almost identical types of thinking. Marriage is ideological
character. Spouses always achieve their goals, in addition, all desires
they usually coincide. Family is the goal of life for both, their
They will spend double their efforts on creating a durable, respectable home. Their
motto: "My home is my castle." Conflicts with such sameness are dangerous
doubly, so don’t isolate yourself from the outside world at all, don’t
forget about friends.

Husband: Rat, Monkey, Dragon

Wife: Rat, Monkey, Dragon
MARRIAGE 10. He is a Rat, she is a Rat.

If love doesn't save the whole world, then this
she will save the marriage. But in the madness of love one should never reach great depths.
A wife needs to take care of her beauty and be as sexy as possible, but her husband doesn’t.
forget about signs of love - clothes, flowers, money. Open nature of marriage
allows a large number of friends. Don't hide your love from others. Let all
they admire you.
MARRIAGE 11. He is a Rat, she is a Monkey.

In this marriage they end their
the love career of many Don Juans of the rat tribe. They can be understood - they
Finally we met our ideal. The love will be mutual, but be careful! The
marriage, first of all, obeys the laws of the vector ring (about the vector ring
will be discussed in the VECTOR RING section at the end), so it cannot stabilize. The will will not be useful to the husband, sooner or later his position
servants will lead to mental anguish. How this will affect you can predict in advance
it is forbidden. Read the section on vector rings.
MARRIAGE 12. He is a Rat, she is a Dragon.

Marriage quite fits the definition: “lots, lots of love.” His wife
realism will benefit the family, because orthodox signs are the pillars
nepotism, well, the husband will not let love leave this union. In everyday life
In life, the husband needs communication, the wife needs less dirty work. To my husband -
You can wish the Rat more elevation: the Dragon does not like rudeness, well,
accordingly, less ideological and stubbornness.
MARRIAGE 13. He is a Monkey,
she is a Rat.

His charm is endless. Most often people end up in such a marriage
beauties who have turned down too many. Finally, her ideal is next to her, but
perfect marriage most likely she won’t, no matter how good and devoted a wife she is
was not. This marriage obeys the vector ring and therefore can be expected
in total (see VECTOR RING section at the end). Let's hope good will
husband, his understanding of women will not allow him to exercise his rights
owner to the detriment of his wife. I can only wish my wife not to rebel against the law
MARRIAGE 14. He is a Monkey, she is a Dragon.

Union of perfectly understanding friends
people's friend. The husband feels his wife’s desire to constantly receive compliments, but she
His aesthetics and refinement of nature are close. The mystery of the husband is only
increases its attractiveness. The husband should remember that his wife is not energetic
a man like him. If she has enough time to rest, then she will
dreaminess will open up a wonderful world before him. Her admiration for her husband is capable
inspire him to make many of her dreams come true. The main thing is not to let your husband hide
your talents.
MARRIAGE 15. He is a Monkey, she is a Monkey.

Marriage is closed
character. On the one hand - complete mutual understanding, on the other - the priority of one’s own
independent personality. That the basis of marriage is respect, esotericism cannot be explained
necessary. The wife should not think that she is the head of the family. Her husband will always carry out
your line. Appeal to your husband's kind heart, be lenient with
his oddities and you will achieve a lot. It's better if the farm is in your hands
wives, but do not let your husband hide his talents. We are sure that your mutual
diplomacy and intelligence will help you avoid any difficulties
when clarifying relationships.
MARRIAGE 16. He is a Dragon, she is a Rat.

Open by
character, the wife will be able to create an atmosphere of admiration for her husband among others.
Inspired by this, the husband will accomplish the impossible. Both are quite energetic
economic by nature. They will be able to create a good union. My husband understands perfectly well
that the highest value in life is family. Keeping this in mind, the wife should not painfully
react to his quirks, because this is an integral part of him unearthly love, which
warms her realistic soul.
MARRIAGE 17. He is a Dragon, she is a Monkey.

The unearthly nature of the husband's love will be clear to the wife. Apart from love, romance is also not
will leave this union. In economic terms, there should be no problems here. Possessing
with golden hands, the wife will be able to appreciate the romantic enthusiasm of her husband in this
areas. But she must feel that it is better for him to rest and dream. Without
problems, of course, will not be avoided if a pragmatic wife has a husband
will seem like a person "not from
of this world."
MARRIAGE 18. He is a Dragon, she is a Dragon.

A marriage rare in its unity.
Spouses not only perceive everything almost equally, but their actions are also not
too different. Both of them are orthodox, hence they love family life. But
mutual stubbornness, intransigence, as a continuation of the sameness of spouses, can
play a bad joke. Usually the wife takes control of the household, not trusting so much
an important area for an eccentric husband. He answers her with such love that she
Compliments from strangers become unnecessary. But don’t lock yourself into each other

Husband: Rooster, Snake, Ox

Wife: Rooster, Snake, Bull.
19. He is a Rooster, she is a Rooster.

Marriage is open. The spouses believe
They believe that every guest is from God. But it's good if the people around them
they will still know when to stop. The wife should more gently implement her
solutions. Her husband won't resist her leadership role if she gives him
feel like the head of the family. Your husband’s contacts should be monitored, but
There is no need to be jealous for no reason. It is better that your quarrels do not become protracted
character. You are both very easy-going people, why push yourself too hard?
MARRIAGE 20. He is a Rooster, she is a Snake.

Energetic, slightly hectic husband
finds peace and understanding from his balanced, sophisticated wife. At
With such a husband, the wife can allow herself to relax, rest more than
work. Just don’t pay for your husband’s kindness with black ingratitude.
Avoid temptations. Let your family be your main happiness. If the husband
does not reduce the number of acquaintances, then the wife’s jealousy can become a terrifying force.
MARRIAGE 21. He is a Rooster, she is a Bull.

Despite her love, a wife can break her husband
not only by his will, but also by his ruthlessness and rudeness. No dictate! IN
In economic terms, the spouses must find complete mutual understanding. For them - than
the more work the better. Idleness is detrimental to both. It would be nice for my wife
ensure that many of her husband’s acquaintances gather at their home. With one
on the other hand - control, and on the other - it’s so nice to show your strong family
to others.
MARRIAGE 22. He is a Snake, she is a Rooster. If the wife creates a calm
comfortable atmosphere at home, does not, thanks to its openness, turn the house into a hotel - then the union will be wonderful. But to achieve this, you need to do
a number of conditions. The wife should forget all her acquaintances - after all, the husband demands constant
care and attention. If he doesn't get it, then his depression will poison him
coexistence. Let the wife see the vulnerable in her fighting husband,
soft soul.
MARRIAGE 23. He is a Snake, she is a Snake.

The marriage is closed. This
a guarantee that love will not leave this union for a very long time. Two sensitive people unite
person, but if they feel sorry only for themselves, then the family will not work. Wife like
the source of love and will, warms this union, but with age there are periods of depression
may increase in both. A calm and cozy home is the salvation of spouses. Behind
There is no need to worry about the economic side of such a family. One piece of advice - do everything
together or clearly separate areas of everyday life.
MARRIAGE 24. He is a Snake, she is a Bull.

it may be that the husband cannot stand the dictates of his wife. She can destroy herself
happiness, your family. If she takes on all the everyday difficulties, there will be no
demand activity from her husband, will understand that the spouse needs constant
attention, the family will be quite strong. But again, subject to too much
many conditions. Try to avoid conflicts - they will show the whole abyss in
views of the world that lies between you.
MARRIAGE 25. He is a Bull, she is a Rooster.

The main thing in this family is work and farming. The spouses are hardworking to the point of selflessness.
The combination in one family of a tight-fisted husband and a wife who hardly thinks about it
over the next purchase should not lead to conflicts. Family for both of you
is the highest value in the world. In all misunderstandings, remember that your views
should largely coincide. A wife needs to know that her husband is strong-willed
a person, moreover, he is not particularly self-pitying either for himself or for those around him.
Therefore, she needs to be a great diplomat and not let things get clarified.
MARRIAGE 26. He is a Bull, she is a Snake.

The husband's desire for respectability,
independence will be embodied in his wife and the home she will create. Such a wife
will be able to gently, unnoticed by the husband himself, remake it. Her will in the family must
not be intrusive, her decisions, which she will express in the form of wishes, should
coincide with the aspirations of her husband. The husband's activity in all directions will give
an opportunity for the wife not to overexert herself, to have more rest, she could
try to create for your husband the aura of the breadwinner and head of the family.
MARRIAGE 27. He is a Bull,
she is a bull.

The third and last marriage of twin spouses. Perception of the world, actions
coincide in everything. The orthodox nature of marriage makes it even more
monolithic. The happiness of both is that they found like-minded people in each other.
For the good of the family, they work without sparing themselves. The sameness of spouses can become
cause of conflicts. The wife, as a true bearer of will, must appreciate that her husband
treats her very calmly strong character which often happens
intolerable to other men.

Husband: Cat, Boar, Goat.

Wife: Cat,
Boar, Goat.
MARRIAGE 28. He is a Cat, she is a Cat.

Marriage is permeated with romanticism and
the dreaminess of both spouses. In such a union, two trends collide:
the desire for closure due to the resting nature of both spouses and
the opposite of the first tendency is the desire to communicate with people. Communicate
rest and don't give in of great importance farm. The wife needs to know what if
the husband will lose peace of mind at home because of her hysterics and whims, then he will leave. Important
mutual respect, independence and fewer claims against each other. Not
Get carried away with the natural analogy - you don’t need many children.
MARRIAGE 29. He is a Cat, she is

The spouses understand each other quite well. They are equally easy
spend time together and in noisy companies. With a reasonable combination - it's good
for both. When living together, faced with everyday life and the complete reluctance of her husband
take part in family work, the wife will have to forget her carelessness and
work purposefully to create a calm, cozy hearth. Only in
In a calm environment, the husband will be able to achieve success in financial activities.
30. He is a Cat, she is a Goat.

Most likely, the wife will force her husband to be more active in
any areas, unless, of course, she encountered a battle cat. For her
The main thing is to observe the measure, since the husband will not withstand the whims for long. Taking over
household, the wife should create a very favorable environment at home.
But on the other hand, constant monitoring of the spouse is needed, since he
irresponsibility can reach gigantic proportions. If the husband is a dreamer
If he forgets about paying attention to his wife, he will make his life much easier.
MARRIAGE 31. He is a Pig, she is a Cat.

When communicating, the husband’s cheerfulness and carelessness
go perfectly with the wife's ease. But in everyday life, the husband for whom his interests
have always been in the foreground, will try to shift all the weight onto his shoulders
wives. Her complaints are unlikely to reach his heart. The wife needs to be patient and
try to find a way around her husband's heart. It’s worth putting up with your husband’s coldness
and in all other areas of family life. If mutual claims are very
large, then such a marriage has a very high possibility of disintegration, since the husband,
inclined to forgive something.
MARRIAGE 32. He is a Pig, she is a Pig.

Marriage is closed
character. Cheerful, sociable people, having found each other and feeling complete
understanding, calm down. Marriage often gives the impression of being asleep.
Farming may often not be carried out at the proper level - this is the result of complete
indifference to the way of existence of both. If the Boar really
"sailboat", then be afraid of the wind from outside.
MARRIAGE 33. He is a Pig, she is a Goat.

the wife must turn a merry fellow who does not think about tomorrow into
an energetic person who works for the benefit of the family. The main thing for her is to avoid dictate
and try to be calmer at home. I'll have to come to terms with my husband's coldness. After all
Without feeling sorry for himself, he forgets to feel sorry for others. It's not just good things that hold a family together
financial situation, but also the general desire of the spouses for sophistication and
MARRIAGE 34. He is a Goat, she is a Cat.

If spouses avoid mutual
complaints about the difficulties of life, then this is a very successful union. Energetic hardworking
a husband for whom family is an unquestioned authority will create wonderful
material conditions for the family. The wife can devote more time to herself, not
torn between everyday life, work, children - the husband will have time to do everything. Just not my wife
you should leave your husband without attention, sympathy, you will have to forgive him some
boringness, not to show that his ambitions are funny - after all, he is touchy,
like a child.
MARRIAGE 35. He is a Goat, she is a Pig.

The husband will most likely relax with
such a cheerful and cheerful wife. His determination and energy will give way
a place of contemplation and relaxation. But everything needs moderation. Let the husband not forget about
financial security for such a quiet existence. Closing the marriage
is contrary to the interests of both. The husband's aesthetic inclinations will be clear to his wife.
But it is unlikely that her husband will receive from her the sympathy and attention he needs so much. Quite
Difficulties in the sexual area are possible.
MARRIAGE 36. He is a Goat, she is a Goat.

The orthodoxy of the spouses makes the marriage very monolithic. Created for the family, they
should direct all efforts to create an elegant, prosperous home. Success to them
guaranteed. Both are sensitive, but at the same time, harsh people. Take care of each other -
Mutual respect and unwillingness to accept other people's opinions will not strengthen your family.
Be more natural, don’t hide the fact that you are children by nature. remember, that
prolonged stress is fraught with nervous breakdowns for you. Let your home be for
you an island of calm and reliability.

it is impossible to find a common language, then why not find common ground in the purely human sphere
- among common thoughts, common deeds, common meaning. Marriage of equals - in this definition
all the delights and all the difficulties of this marriage are laid down.

Husband: Horse, Dog,

Wife: Rooster, Snake, Bull.

Husband: Rooster, Snake, Bull.

Wife: Horse, Tiger, Dog.

Wife: Cat, Boar, Goat.

Husband: Cat, Boar, Goat.


Husband: Horse,
Tiger, Dog.

Wife: Rooster, Snake, Bull.
MARRIAGE 37. He is a Horse, she is a Rooster.

has an open character. It is good to have a big house and an open table.
A sensitive husband may be surprised by his straightforwardness and down-to-earth nature.
chosen one, but this is a small thing compared to the general outlook on life Romantic
passion is raging here, maybe that’s why love very soon leaves such a union,
giving way to a struggle for power. Remember that this fight is pointless.
He is a Horse, she is a Snake.

The differences in the characters of the spouses are purely external. They are the ones
will help create a strong family. My husband's openness and energy are wonderful
combined with the wife’s aesthetics and poise. Love and sensitivity from both
spouses only strengthen their union. Do not leave the sphere for as long as possible
love. Of the three representatives of the female will, only the Snake can fully understand
husband, to find his own place in his business. The husband must remember that next to
He is a very sophisticated person who loves comfort and tranquility.
Horse, she is a Bull.

In this union, faster than in others, the
struggle of two wills. The wife simply cannot hide her lust for power and dictatorial
manners. There is no other opinion for her, she is persistent to the point of stubbornness,
is often ruthless. To a husband who has an independent character and is very
sensitive soul, it is impossible to bear this for very long. The husband will act wisely
if he leaves economic problems to his wife, he will not interfere in the process
creating a home. The wife must remember that her husband’s will, although softer, is stronger.
MARRIAGE 40. He is a Tiger, she is a Rooster.

A marriage based on great differences, where
Over time, the main thing is a sense of proportion. A husband will never get this from his wife
desired absolute submission to him. Don't be jealous of your chosen one
to the whole world. The wife must use all her skill and talent to create
refined, ideal, and most importantly, a calm home. Endless guests
They will only irritate my husband. The entire household in this marriage falls on the wife, husband
It's hard to get anything done around the house.
MARRIAGE 41. He is a Tiger, she is a Snake.

is of an aesthetic nature. Both are aristocrats not only in soul, but also in behavior,
in the manner of dressing, in the love of comfort and tranquility. Permanent
mutual penetration, the need to live in each other’s interests, does not let go for a long time
love from this union. The esoteric nature of the spouses helps them establish such an important
in an equal marriage there is mutual penetration. Only the esotericist can look into the depths
MARRIAGE 42. He is a Tiger, she is a Bull.

Two wills, two loves, and most importantly -
vector ring (it will be discussed after all the marriages are described). If
Since the vector ring has begun to unwind, it is almost impossible to save the marriage. IN
in the real life of the spouses there are almost no common points of contact. She's the mistress, yeah
still energetic, ruthless, demanding the same activity from her husband. He is a servant
and besides, loving tranquility, comfort, silence, not very energetic, an esthete
in kind. The husband's strong-willed nature cannot survive humiliation. Marriage has very little chance
survive. But suddenly a miracle happens and the hostess takes pity on her stupid and
passive husband, then living together possible. But... look at the situation.
Love will be replaced by jealousy... It’s not advisable to take risks.
MARRIAGE 43. He is a Dog, she
- Rooster.

And again two wills, two loves and a vector ring (we will talk about it
Further). The marriage is also quite hopeless, although the spouses have a lot in common. Husband
becomes more and more gloomy, lost. To my wife, despite her love, everything
It's harder to respect him. In the end, she just gets bored with him, because
She is a sociable, lively woman... Quarrels become more frequent, Of course, she is always right
the mistress, the servant-husband can rush into battle out of despair. Marriage can only save
the kindness of both spouses and the standard advice - less contacts... Business, business and
business again.
MARRIAGE 44. He is a Dog, she is a Snake.

Husband receives from wife
complete mutual understanding. This is very important for him, since any injustice
it is very painful for them. Mutual pessimism is unlikely to strengthen such an alliance.
I would like to wish the spouses that they do not become completely isolated, do not turn
your home as a refuge from the world. The house must be in order. The golden hands of her husband and
the desire for sophistication and sophistication in a wife is a reason for creating a very
cozy atmosphere. Let the wife not take straightforwardness and
husband's stubbornness.
MARRIAGE 45. He is a Dog, she is a Bull.

Again two loves, two wills and
vector ring (more on it later). But let's not forget that the boss is here
still a husband. The merger of spouses, in addition to the ring, goes on the plane
orthodoxy. The wife naturally completely takes over from her husband. Husband
becomes even more aggressive. The wife agrees with her husband in everything, with adoration
listens to his endless complaints about life, fulfills his whims. In creating a house
spares himself. It's amazing to watch how this stern woman melts next to such

Husband: Rooster, Snake, Bull.

Wife: Horse, Tiger, Dog.
MARRIAGE 46. He is a Rooster, she is a Horse.

Open marriage, there is ebullience here
activity and optimism. Excess energy for both can have a negative impact
role if the wife overestimates her will and tries to command her husband. To
to avoid this, the husband needs to achieve significant success in something,
work tirelessly. Of course, we should not forget that the more common affairs,
all the better.
MARRIAGE 47. He is a Rooster, she is a Tiger.

A marriage where the differences between the spouses are only
strengthen their union. The wife brings calm and purposefulness to several
the hectic activities of her husband, but his energy is enough for two. Wife's desire to live
Only the interests of the husband also strengthen the family. They often do everything together. Wife
you must try not to throw out your bad mood on your husband, because he expects
only good things in life. If we talk a little about the mysterious, then these are two mystical
signs who have some knowledge of the beyond.
MARRIAGE 48. He is a Rooster, she is

Vector marriage, where an ever-doubting wife meets a very
a confident, outwardly impressive husband. Usually he is the life of the party, he has
many friends. The wife is incredibly happy and ready to do anything for her companion.
She will create such a house that her husband will not want to change it. If the husband, conscious of his
the government will take care of its servant wife, then this marriage can be prolonged, but for how long?
No one knows. The husband's openness will reduce the time spent alone - this too
good. Just don't let your wife be jealous.
MARRIAGE 49. He is a Snake, she is a Horse.

is an inexhaustible source of vital energy for her husband. She puts it out
energy slumps and bad attitude. Both are very sensitive and gentle people, they
They will always understand each other and will not leave any desires unanswered. Huge
The wife's hard work will allow the husband not to strain himself at least in the household. Husband
should not react painfully to a very wide circle of his wife’s acquaintances. Remember
that devotion is inherent in the character of your chosen one. LET YOUR WIFE INTO YOUR HUSBAND'S BUSINESS!
MARRIAGE 50. He is a Snake, she is a Tiger.

The marriage is closed. Both are aesthetes,
This is precisely the basis for rapprochement. But omissions, half-hints can become
basis for misunderstanding. It’s better to find out everything right away, rather than rely on chance. Wife
in your daydreaming, you shouldn’t forget that her husband is very sensitive
a person in need of empathy. She also shouldn’t forget about housekeeping.
Take care of each other. Both may experience prolonged recessions and depression. With age it
only progressing. This is especially true for the husband.
MARRIAGE 51. He is a Snake, she is

The wife must remember that despite activity, life reserves
My husband has little energy. Let her help him in everything, not only in the household,
but also at work. Calm, comfortable home, constant empathy for all problems
husband will reduce his depression. This will make it easier for everyone. Just don’t be strong-willed
methods to pull your husband out of another potential hole. There is stubbornness and
The wife's persistence will play a bad role.
MARRIAGE 52. He is an Ox, she is a Horse.

What unites the spouses is the highest practicality, the desire to include in the sphere
all means and resources for their activities. Both have excess energy, if it is not
used for peaceful purposes, may cause conflicts. Work, work
and work again. The whims of a wife, the stubbornness and rudeness of a husband can completely
rock the family ship. Both have the desire to start a family, but
The wife's openness may irritate the husband. She should be advised to reduce the circle
acquaintances Remember that your husband is an owner by nature.
MARRIAGE 53. He is a Bull, she is

Vector marriage, fatal passion, you won’t immediately understand that this couple doesn’t have
heat of love. Marriage is one of the most unstable, because in addition to vector passions
There is little that binds the spouses. A stubborn, power-hungry husband does not spare his sophisticated
wife. His wife's reclusiveness irritates him. The wife is not able to stand it
active image life that her husband offers her. Tendency to depression in wife
will only intensify. However, the Ox can restrain himself and not take advantage of the right
strong, but will the wife have the nerves to endure the position of a servant?
MARRIAGE 54. He is a Bull,
she is a Dog.

Again a vector marriage, but now the husband plays the role of a servant. Except
The spouses' rings are bound by orthodoxy. Forgetting about everything, they work together
to create a strong family foundation. Ideas dominate in such a union. Husband
becomes a softer and more compliant person, he does not spare himself for the good
his chosen one. But will she be able to appreciate her husband’s sacrifice?
Maybe the mutual desire to have their own home, a strong family will save their union?

Husband: Rat, Monkey, Dragon.

Wife: Cat, Boar, Goat.
He is a Rat, she is a Cat.

Marriage is open. Quite a calm wife
can have a beneficial effect on the husband, making him less impulsive. Search
joint business - maybe go into business?... The husband should
remember that rest and dreams are the privilege of his companion. If she loses
peace, then he will be tormented by whims and complaints about life. Everyone should have their own
personal lesson. In case of family difficulties, you can also get distracted by communicating with
MARRIAGE 56. He is a Rat, she is a Pig.

The husband's openness is easily perceived by the wife. Esotericist, in this marriage she will be very cheerful and sociable. TO
Unfortunately, a marriage can be very loose, as there are unsystematic back and forths.
from side to side are characteristic of both spouses, especially since the wife in
to some extent falls under the influence of her husband. You don't have to stand on ceremony with each other
friend, but it is necessary to look for a common cause (other than love). Maybe they will become
general profession.
MARRIAGE 57. He is a Rat, she is a Goat.

Perseverance and
the wife's determination will have a beneficial effect on her husband. But the measure is needed more than ever.
My husband's nervous breakdowns are a pattern rather than an exception. Except love
try to find understanding in the family sphere, in economic affairs. the main role
in this belongs to the wife. The wife needs to be calmer about her husband’s non-compliance
generally accepted norms. You can't protect him from people. Let the husband not feel sorry for himself, wife
will appreciate it, but at the same time he should not be so ruthless towards his companion.
MARRIAGE 58. He is a Monkey, she is a Cat.

The spouses understand the variety of entertainment
each other. But the wife must remember that for her husband, the main thing in life is his
personality, his experiences. Cheerful in public, he can stay
self-absorbed, self-absorbed. As a consequence of the priority of the individual, the husband
will try to shift the entire household to his wife. In this case, he will encounter
whims and hysterics. Think before you withdraw from everyday life
problems. The husband must also understand that it is very difficult for his wife without communication. Necessary
trust that he will be reasonable enough not to be jealous.
- Monkey, she is a Boar.

Esoteric, mysterious union, where one thing is in sight,
The inside is completely different. Both are cheerful, sociable people, but inside there is an unknown
peace to no one. Still, you need to communicate more and trust your instincts less. IN
economically, the golden hands of the husband and
the wife’s persistence in creating a calm, comfortable home. It's better not to bother your husband
attention to some insensitivity of his friend. But under his leadership
Even a stone can become emotional.
MARRIAGE 60. He is a Monkey, she is a Goat.

The wife's determination and hard work are perfectly combined with constant thirst.
husband's actions. Spouses may well find a common area for the application of such
abilities. Let it be, for example, their home. The wife must remember that she
the desire to record everything, to do everything within certain limits, will not find
understanding from my husband. Diversity in everything is his life principle. Family
the construction will be entirely on her shoulders. When clarifying controversial issues for your wife
It’s better to leave the tears, but remember that she and her husband are the same people and will always
there is an opportunity to understand each other.
MARRIAGE 61. He is a Dragon, she is a Cat.

love and vector relationships. He is the master, she is the servant. But in a marriage of independents
This is unlikely to soften the situation for people. The wife sees an unearthly being in her husband. She
ready to make any sacrifice for his good. I really want to go to the stars together,
forgetting about people. But her fantasies are just sparkles against the background of his radiance. For him
the real world is a myth, and she cannot live without this world. Although my husband is only busy
dreams, his daydreaming in ordinary situations is combined with business acumen.
But there is no need to talk about the usual situation in such an alliance. The wife can quickly
become an extinct star for her husband and if he agrees to endure her worries,
the marriage will survive.
MARRIAGE 62. He is a Dragon, she is a Pig.

Everything is the same as in
previous marriage, but now he is a servant, conquered by intelligence, grace,
independence and much more. For her, it will very soon become groundless
dreamer, pompous, abstruse. Why strive for the stars when under your feet
so many problems? Such a wife will not spare a stupid servant. But if she can
understand that creating heaven on earth for her is a feat for her husband and will soften his
cold heart, then the servant’s happiness will have no limits. So moving from reality to
unearthly, you can live your whole life.
MARRIAGE 63. He is a Dragon, she is a Goat.

Orthodox means there is a desire and a chance to start a family. The husband needs to come to terms with
the whims of his wife, but she should not focus on his isolation from
life. Give him more time to fly into space and it might
result in great material benefits for the family. You're fast enough
you can find a common cause (perhaps economics or poetry). Don't miss your chance.

Husband: Cat, Boar, Goat.

Wife: Rat, Monkey, Dragon.
He is a Cat, she is a Rat.

Open marriage. If you want to invite guests or
to go visit yourself, then for God’s sake. It doesn't hurt to show off in front of others
wife or husband. Just maintain equality in this. Although there are differences. To my husband
You might want to daydream and lie on the sofa. The wife wants to have fun,
adventures We must remember this and observe moderation. Well, what about peace in this union?
will bring only material well-being.
MARRIAGE 65. He is a Cat, she is a Monkey.

Quite an exotic marriage. But anything can happen in the world. The wife's aesthetics are not
irritates the Cat, but she is not shocked by the cat’s habits (laziness, night activity and
etc.). Everything is fine if the spouses could find a path to a common cause and forgive
each other the desire to show off in front of others. There is no need to hope for eternity
love and will of the spouse.
MARRIAGE 66. He is a Cat, she is a Dragon.

Vector marriage where
Quite calm people experience Shakespearean passions. Husband hypnotized
a bright, spectacular wife. Mutual daydreaming brings the spouses even closer together.
Forgetting about rest, the husband works to satisfy his wife’s aspirations for material things
well-being. Forgetting about his open disposition, he lives with his chosen one.
Voluntary isolation and vigorous activity - this is destructive for the husband.
Calmness and comfort in the home can be a stabilizing factor.
Boar, she is a Rat.

Interesting marriage. In it you can find both a common language and a common cause, if you don’t wait
the impossible from each other - passions, adoration. It's good to know what's in sight
sociable husband, in fact a “thing in itself” and his external
Contacts don't mean too much to him. A boar is a "sailboat" and a range
his life style is very wide. At my wife's large field activities.
- Boar, she is a Monkey.

Two beautiful man, and also aesthetes, internally
deep people. From the outside, a marriage is simply magnificent, but what holds it together from the inside?
Maybe love for a beautiful life, beautiful things? It is possible that such
the marriage would be cemented by joint collecting or hoarding. Will it
Is it cold in such a marriage? - Maybe. But spouses can replace the lack of warmth
variety of entertainment.
MARRIAGE 69. He is a Pig, she is a Dragon.

Vector marriage,
where a spectacular wife is fascinated by the solidity, sophistication, and intelligence of her husband. Forgetting
herself, she directs all her energy to creating a comfortable environment for
husband's holiday. She no longer dreams, but firmly follows her husband’s specific desires.
The husband's irresponsibility takes on gigantic proportions. Esotericism of the husband who
so conquered his wife, leads the family to withdraw into themselves, which is additional
factor of tension.
MARRIAGE 70. He is a Goat, she is a Rat. Fairly unstable
marriage. Calmness, so necessary for both, cannot be provided by over-excitability.
husband, nor wife's tossing. The salvation will be active activity. Both have
energy and purposefulness. Let the wife be merciless only to herself, and
will give her husband sympathy and attention. His wife's firmness will be his basis
additional admiration for her. Male goats are some of the luckiest
businessmen. Let him earn money, rest at home, but don’t forget about
Everyone should consult their wife.
MARRIAGE 71. He is a Goat, she is a Monkey.

Despite his
emotionality, the wife has a beneficial effect on the nervous, impulsive character of her husband
She exudes calm and benevolence. Husband being calm
environment, next to a person who understands him, will direct all his energy and
persistence to achieve material success. Rest assured he will succeed
his. The wife's behavior and her affections will always be shrouded in the mystery of romance
for husband. And the wife in this marriage will receive the admiration she needs.
Goat, she is a Dragon.

In addition to ideological unity, there is a merger in
orthodox (family) plane. If a task is set, it must be completed.
Mutual understanding is achieved here much faster than in other marriages.
Financial success the husband will only strengthen the wife’s desire to create a family home. Her
calmness will have a beneficial effect on the husband, but daydreaming will not help
pay attention to his boringness and capriciousness.

me, reader! Who told you that there is no real, true, eternal
love? Let them cut out the liar's vile tongue!" - this phrase begins the second
part of M. Bulgakov's novel "The Master and Margarita". With the same phrase we will open the door
into the world of romantic love...

Husband Horse, Tiger, Dog

Wife: Rat, Monkey,
The Dragon.

Husband: Rat, Monkey, Dragon.

Wife: Horse, Tiger, Dog.

Husband: Cat,
Boar, Goat.

Wife: Rooster, Snake, Bull.

Husband: Rooster, Snake, Bull.

Wife: Cat, Boar,

Love at first sight (and this is usually how all these families begin) is
akin to blindness, madness. Romantic passion lifts a person above
himself, lifts with the power of his feelings, the romantic aura with which he surrounds
his life partner. It is easier to make a sacrifice for the sake of a romantic life partner.
These marriages may be the only ones for which distances, separations,
The memory of the heart will never leave a person alone. But can a person
to match that romantic image in the eyes of your companion, not much
whether there will be disappointment. All these marriages are worthy of novels, they are novels according to
its essence. All that remains is to combine romance and ordinary family life. Remember
that a romantic feeling is akin to a fragile flower, it must be protected, protected from
prose of existence, from rough reality. Again the same advice - strangers are not allowed
to interfere in such an alliance, because “darlings scold, they only amuse themselves.” After all, another
a person will not notice or understand the feelings that connect the spouses. To the spouses
You can’t take away the aura of mystery and try to understand everything about each other. No need
trying to become one in family life or find unity in business.
By keeping your personality intact, you will also keep your feelings. Life with
mutual admiration, as if at arm's length. Well, and of course, flowers,
confessions, dates, etc. etc. Yes, what do we advise who lives in such marriages -
simply cannot do without all this. It’s like living at some distance.
It seems that in this case, a family does not seem to be formed. But it's not so romantic
feelings inspire a person, he receives inspiration, Spouses will not notice the prose
living next to each other, everyday life will disappear from their lives. Such a marriage has
all the characteristics of an unearthly, magical union, but children are by no means a hindrance in
German On the contrary, spouses see in them a continuation of their relationship, a continuation
your fairy tale.

Husband: Horse, Tiger, Dog.

Rat, Monkey, Dragon.
MARRIAGE 73. He is a Horse, she is a Rat.

Mutual romanticism
the ring, the husband's love for his goddess - all this, merging together, makes the family
whirl in a whirlwind of passions. Harmony in the sexual sphere can lead to
disastrous results in real life. Marriage is open, which plays
positive role. Numerous guests do not allow spouses to stay for long
together. Sensitive husband reacts very painfully to growing coldness
wife and yet forgives her everything for a long time, puts up with his wife’s desire to lead a secular image
life. Such a marriage does not break up if the husband's money provides his wife with a brilliant
position in society.
MARRIAGE 74. He is a Horse, she is a Monkey.

This is a union of soft ones,
responsive people. A husband should appreciate the deep, refined nature in his wife, especially
if she retains the charm of love. Do not overdo it with contacts: access to
Your queen needs light, but she is unlikely to be pleased with the crowds of guests in your house.
Is romanticism possible when running a household? Probably, but it won't cost
cheap Living together will require a lot of money from your husband. His successful career is
the key to the happiness of this family.
MARRIAGE 75. He is a Horse, she is a Dragon.

Horses need
humble your tough, Domostroevsky disposition. His wife will do everything herself, she will
hold your family, children, home in your hands. Can the heat of love melt the ice of realism? IN
This marriage is possible. But if the romantic fog subsides, it will be very
not easy. Give your wife more compliments and admiration and you will be happily ever after
Avoid her whims and unnecessary stubbornness.
MARRIAGE 76. He is a Tiger, she is a Rat.

In this marriage, the spouses need to come to a compromise in relations with the external
peace. It is better for the wife to forget about the existence of strangers, because the jealousy of a tiger
knows no limits. But at the same time - openness, breadth of soul of his chosen one
They delight my husband, unfortunately only at home. Let's hope that mutual love
will help overcome difficulties in the sexual area.
MARRIAGE 77. He is a Tiger, she is

The mutual esotericism of the spouses allows us to consider this marriage one of
the most successful. The romanticism of both reaches its peak in this union. Delight
the spouses will push the husband towards a career. His dreams will reveal to her something previously unknown to her.
Magic world. Understanding in almost all areas. It is quite possible that the wife does not
will demand a lot from her husband, will try to understand his aspirations, maybe go
on victims.
MARRIAGE 78. He is a Tiger, she is a Dragon.

Marriage is literally imbued with mutual
romanticism and dreams. The wife combines daydreaming with persistence and
purposefulness. Her energy forces her husband to implement his
plans. The main thing for both is not to become victims of possessiveness. The wife should always
feel your husband's admiration. Given his romantic love, this should not
be a difficult thing. Family is the highest value. The husband is a house builder and his
An orthodox wife must always remember this.
MARRIAGE 79. He is a Dog, she is

Under favorable circumstances, the wife's lightness and cheerfulness
will soften the husband’s too harsh view of the world. On the other hand, a strong-willed spouse
will give her confidence in life, will quell her desire for constant variety.
His wife's admiration will add confidence in his abilities, his career can take off
more successful. We have already said that the husband’s success is the key to strength in such unions.
If the husband successfully climbs the career ladder, his wife will turn into
high-society beauty.
MARRIAGE 80. He is a Dog, she is a Monkey.

Both are responsive
soft people. The wife, with her tact, will reduce straightforwardness and stubbornness in character
husband They will find complete mutual understanding in the mutual desire to work for the good
families. Mutual admiration will push them to this. This marriage is most likely
will tend to close, but we must try not to fence ourselves off from
the surrounding world at all. In general, it would be nice to be more specific here and
MARRIAGE 81. He is a Dog, she is a Dragon.

Orthodox marriage, but it became
be aimed at preserving the family. Let the husband's love and mutual admiration
will help you create your home with complete mutual understanding. Stay at home like this
must on strong finances. How to combine the romanticism of relationships with
mercantile interests, adherence to principles, and maybe even religiosity?
Life will tell you. The theory says that such a family can combine everything.
Love and

Husband: Rat, Monkey, Dragon.

Wife: Horse, Tiger, Dog.
- Rat, she is a Horse.

Maybe this is one of the softest vector marriages.
The ring here is combined with romanticism, plus the husband is the owner. Any romantic
the feeling is sacrificial, maybe that’s why the ruthless husband directs his
coldness and insensitivity only to himself and he is soft and gentle with his wife, appreciates
her devotion. She doesn’t demand anything, as long as he is next to her. For her
he will be an ideal, a teacher in life and love. The main thing is to keep her from hysterics,
claims, do not follow the path of self-affirmation.
MARRIAGE 83. He is a Rat, she is a Tiger.

Openness to her husband, the breadth of his soul does not shock the sophisticated wife. On the contrary, she
becomes more cheerful, sociable, and her calmness and solidity give her husband
the balance he lacks so much. Living in the interests of her husband, the wife is enough
is lenient towards his extraordinary actions, almost always forgiving him.
She also makes him strive for great achievements in any field. To my husband
I would like to advise him not to overdo it with his simplicity, not to give way
of his rudeness. Children will bring happiness to both, because both are excellent teachers.
MARRIAGE 84. He is a Rat, she is a Dog.

Quite a strong-willed person, his wife will help
direct your husband's energy in a certain direction. The main thing is not to overwhelm. To my husband
it should be remembered that the wife almost never changes her decisions and assessments, not
recognizes compromises and demands clarity in everything. She finds it difficult to tolerate eccentricity
husband She will try to bring him back to normal behavior. Husband - very
an active person, his wife is a reliable person. What's a couple? They must reach
success in everything.
MARRIAGE 85. He is a Monkey, she is a Horse.

As in every
romantic marriage the household side should not come first in
relations between spouses. Husband and wife need to separate areas of economic activity. Neither
different psychology, no difference in social orientation in this marriage they will not contribute

Astrologers have been studying the influence of stars on a person’s fate and his perception of the world for hundreds of years. The Eastern horoscope of sign compatibility will tell you the answers to many life questions, help build a harmonious union and simply reveal the secrets of your character.

What is the eastern horoscope

In the Chinese calendar there is a certain cycle of fate equal to 12 years. It is correlated with some animal. A person born in a certain year receives the qualities of this sign of the eastern horoscope. This determines his future fate and relationships.

12 signs of the eastern horoscope

Many astrologers are sure: the duration of the union of people and the nature of the relationship depends on the stars. In some countries there is a custom - drawing up a fate map for newlyweds according to their eastern horoscope sign.

If the union is interpreted as positive, the wedding is celebrated as expected; if not, the celebration is canceled forever. People are sure that you cannot go against fate. Therefore, for many peoples, the Chinese compatibility horoscope is not just entertainment, but a whole science. It is difficult for Europeans to understand this way of life; they use astrology as something auxiliary during difficult periods.

But some are guided by information about the compatibility of signs in resolving family conflicts and try to better know the character of their partner.

Combination of characters

Happy and harmonious relationships in marriage depend on the combination of the characters of the spouses. The eastern compatibility horoscope table will tell you the negative and positive aspects of your soulmate.

Based on the principles of combining signs, you can avoid most conflicts and unpleasant moments in family life.

Name Description Who is the sign compatible with?
Rat According to the calendar, those born this year - successful managers and financiers. The basics of jurisprudence and philology are easy for them. Rats are incredibly picky individuals, they are fickle and stingy. Such negative aspects in a person’s character can be repulsive.

Most women of this sign are reserved, touchy, and do not like intrusion into their personal space.

There are also more sociable people; they love noisy gatherings and dancing until they drop.

The Rat has great compatibility with other members of the zodiac circle.

An alliance with the Ox is favorable.

They are both bright and individual personalities, easily find a common language. The Rat needs support and a serious partner. The bull will not chat in vain, he is calm and reliable. On the basis of these positive qualities they build their alliance.

The Rat’s connection with the Dragon manifests itself on an intuitive level. They are united by love and friendship.

Compatibility with Pig is possible only in the intimate sphere. Both of these eastern horoscope signs are sexy and energetic. There may be problems in other areas.

Bull This is a man with a powerful character, a leader by nature.

More often, Bulls work as managers. They are valued for their calmness, equanimity and hard work. The Ox is very patient until a certain point, when he reaches the limit - he is overcome by incredible anger.

An angry Ox is scary, it is better to give way to him and not argue.

The Ox woman is a caring wife and loving mother. She looks after the household and loves to receive guests.

Pairs well with the Rat. They find in each other a faithful partner and a good friend. They can build a strong union; none of the zodiac signs will have to break themselves and adapt to their partner.

Bull and Ox are one of the most successful combinations. They know the characteristics and shortcomings of everyone, they easily get along with each other. different areas life. After some time, they may get bored with each other's company, but everything will be fine if their intimate life is varied.

The Chinese horoscope distinguishes the combination of Ox and Rabbit from others. They are in complete harmony and mutual understanding. The Ox gives the Rabbit security, and he gives him a strong rear. They both value home and family and are ready to devote themselves completely to it.

Tiger A person born this year is persistent and passionate. Tigers always occupy leading positions and make good leaders. He is straightforward and open, always striving to tell only the truth. He tries to get his way through force and pressure; he is not a diplomat.

Sometimes a tiger can be cruel and capricious, and these are its negative qualities.

According to the Japanese compatibility horoscope, the most suitable and unexpected combination for this zodiac sign is Rabbit. They both love to travel and want to return home as quickly as possible. They love safety and reasonable risks for the good.

The Tiger and the Dragon have good compatibility. They are both energetic and enterprising, complementing each other in business and friendship. They love stability in family life.

The Tiger gets along well with the Horse, but only if the second does not show her selfishness so openly.

Rabbit Some astrologers are sure that this element in the Chinese horoscope system is the weakest and most cowardly - this is not so. The rabbit is cautious and tries not to get into conflict with other people. He is smart and erudite, takes a responsible approach to any business.

Therefore, he quickly moves up the career ladder.

The main disadvantage of a rabbit is the lack of instinct to create a family. Some mothers tend to abandon their children to their fate, not caring at all about their future.

An ideal combination with the Ox. This strong animal gives the Rabbit security and a sense of harmony. After a long working day they will be happy to relax at home.

This animal shares with the Tiger a desire for profit. They both love freedom and travel. They value homeliness and comfort.

The combination of Rabbit and Rabbit is the most harmonious of all. They strive for peace and mutual understanding and prefer not to quarrel. The only negative is that they may get bored with each other's company.

The Dragon This sign according to the Chinese calendar is mystical and attractive. People born this year are bright leaders, they are endowed with power, strength and determination. The dragon boldly goes towards the goal and acquires the necessary connections. By nature they are loners, they have no close friends. Demanding of themselves and others. Family comes second for them, career and goals come first. The best partners to work with are the Rat, Rooster and Pig. In the love sphere, the most successful alliance will be with the Snake. They are proud of each other, love flattery and praise. They will teach your partner restraint and tolerance.
Snake This zodiac sign is quiet and calm, prefers to lead a lifestyle detached from reality. Strives to better life, but by nature very lazy to achieve something more in life. Always puts personal interests above the feelings and priorities of other people.

The Snake woman is very jealous and selfish.

The best combination is with the Dragon. These two are a wonderful couple, complementing each other in many ways. The Snake is also compatible with the Ox, less often with the Snake and the Rooster.
Horse This element of the eastern horoscope loves to have fun. His life is full of adventures and crowded entertainment. For a man, a woman born this year is a Pandora's box - she cannot be taken as a life partner.

Despite such a negative assessment from the eastern people, the Horse has many positive qualities: hard work and dedication, generosity and sexuality. Inexhaustible energy is surprisingly combined with oratorical talent.

The Horse wastes its best qualities in vain; it does not show any of them in relation to its spouse and children.

The horse is a freedom-loving animal; it is difficult for her to choose a partner who would balance her. Therefore, only those unions will be favorable where the sign is also careless - Rabbit, Dog and Snake.
Goat These are real dreamers; Goats are incredibly talented in many areas. Artistic and elegant, with strong leadership qualities.

Negative character traits include: indecisiveness, modesty and shyness, impatience and anxiety. All this does not allow the Goat to achieve a high position and family well-being. They do not like change and strive for calm. So, they feel safe.

The Goat has excellent compatibility with the Ox - they complement each other, despite the opposite. She needs a strong patron. Unable to think rationally - the Ox helps her find ground under her feet and gives her security in the future.

Another successful union is the Goat and the Rabbit. They have a lot in common:

  • sensuality;
  • desire for patronage;
  • intuition;
  • fantasy;
  • thirst for new emotions.

The serious Rabbit will provide, and the frivolous Sheep will spend.

An alliance with a Snake is favorable; they respect each other. Both strive for harmony, beauty, and are capable of creating something beautiful together.

Monkey One of the two-faced signs of the zodiac, very changeable and fickle. Trying to be helpful to everyone, honoring everyone - this is deception. The monkey despises everyone around him, self-interest is all that guides his behavior.

To deceive, she needs a sharp mind, so she is constantly improving in this area. Artistic and talented. Gathers only influential people around him.

To achieve his goals, he will not disdain anything. He does not openly enter into conflict; he acts quietly and is often very mean.

A great combination with the Dragon. Both love to philosophize and listen to compliments.

Good relationship with the Snake, based on a general intellectual level. But signs do not remain faithful to each other for long.

The union with the Monkey is fun and interesting; they are not bored together.

Rooster Straightforward and aggressive sign eastern horoscope. Deep and complex, it combines the incongruous. The Rooster is cunning but modest, naive but suspicious, simple but big-minded.

He hates losing and tries to shift the most inconvenient tasks onto others.

These partners get along well. The Rooster needs support and stability, and the Ox needs new sensations and bright colors. They quickly find harmony and create a strong union for life.

The ideal combination is Dragon and Rooster. They both love luxury and brilliance, and cannot live a day without compliments. Quarrels can only arise if the Rooster becomes fixated on his own appearance.

The Rooster and the Snake create a strong union for life. Their relationship is filled with harmony, elegance and sensuality.

Dog This sign is selfish, but very devoted to their partner and friends. Her whole life is spent in struggle. He reacts sharply to injustice and lies, and is not afraid to express his opinion. Dogs are obvious pessimists and often become depressed when they fail. We are used to being content with little. In alliance with the Ox, the Dog will find balance. Favorable relationships will develop if Vol is a girl. This combination is perfect for any area of ​​life: work, love, friendship.

Together with the Rabbit they live happily ever after. They give each other security, stability and love.

The Dog gets along well with the Monkey, their union is filled with bright emotions and passion.

Pig Outwardly, a simple and understandable sign of the eastern horoscope, but behind the good appearance hides a very contradictory nature. On the one hand, the Pig is brave and strong, and on the other, very naive and helpless. Loves to fantasize and perform on stage. IN financially rarely succeeds. An ideal union with a Rat - they are both passionate and sensual. There is a lot of tenderness and respect between them. The most suitable partners for each other. They value positive qualities and understand things perfectly. In sex they are ideally compatible.

Complete mutual understanding is easy to achieve with a Dog. They are both honest and generous, respect each other, support each other in difficult times. Their family is a combination of love, reliability and stability.

IN eastern countries such a horoscope is one of the main teachings that guides the choice of a life partner. Having studied the compatibility of the sign with others, it is easy to build favorable relationships in work, love and even friendship.

Everyone dreams of finding “their” person with whom they can live happily and in harmony for many years. It often happens that love alone is not enough for this. Due to the fact that everyone has different temperament, character, and views on relationships, misunderstandings arise between people, which lead to a painful break in relationships.

How can this be avoided? Using the fruits of Eastern wisdom - a compatibility table by year of birth - find out which person is 100% suitable for you.

The Chinese calendar describes twelve signs of the zodiac - animals, each of which corresponds to a person's date of birth. Each animal influences a person in a certain way, giving him a certain character.

Eastern horoscope by year of birth - compatibility table

The eastern horoscope is divided into 12 cycles, each of which corresponds to a specific animal, which, according to its characteristics, is best suited for people born at this time. These patrons determine character traits, compatibility with other signs, and influence fate.

The signs of the eastern horoscope are divided into groups, each of which consists of three animals (the so-called triads). List of signs by triad:

  1. first triad: rat, dragon, monkey;
  2. second triad: tiger, horse, dog;
  3. third triad: rabbit, goat, pig;
  4. fourth triad: bull, snake, rooster.

And now more about the signs of the Chinese horoscope and their compatibility.

  • Rat – 2008, 1996, 1984, 1972, 1960, 1948, 1936, 1924
  • Bull – 2009, 1997, 1985, 1973, 1961, 1949, 1937, 1925
  • Tiger – 2010, 1998, 1986, 1974, 1962, 1950, 1938, 1926
  • Rabbit (Cat) – 2011, 1999, 1987, 1975, 1963, 1951, 1939, 1927
  • Dragon – 2012, 2000, 1988, 1976, 1964, 1952, 1940, 1928
  • Snake – 2013, 2001, 1989, 1977, 1965, 1953, 1941, 1929
  • Horse – 2014, 2002, 1990, 1978, 1966, 1954, 1942, 1930
  • Goat (Sheep) – 2015, 2003, 1991, 1979, 1967, 1955, 1943, 1931
  • Monkey – 2016, 2004, 1992, 1980, 1968, 1956, 1944, 1932
  • Rooster – 2017, 2005, 1993, 1981, 1969, 1957, 1945, 1933
  • Dog – 2018, 2006, 1994, 1982, 1970, 1958, 1946, 1934

Compatibility table by year of birth

By looking at the Chinese calendar, you can find the degree of compatibility of different zodiac signs. This is interesting, because many of the couples you know fit this description perfectly. It is easier in marriage with the one whom the Stars sent us.

Rat Bull Tiger Rabbit The Dragon Snake Horse Sheep Monkey Rooster Dog Pig
Rat 2 1 3 4 5 3 6
Bull 2 6 3 5 4 3 1
Tiger 5 3 4 3 2
Rabbit 1 5 6 3 4 2 3
The Dragon 3 6 5 1 3 2 4
Snake 3 5 2 3 4
Horse 4 5 3 6 1 2 3
Sheep 5 4 3 2 1 3
Monkey 3 4 3 2 5
Rooster 6 3 4 2 3 1 5
Dog 1 3 2 4 3 1 5
Pig 2 3 4 3 5 1
  1. The first thing you need to do is determine your sign according to the eastern horoscope.
  2. After this, look for the sign corresponding to the partner in the horizontal part.
  3. On the transfer you will find a number from 0 to 6. This is the degree energy correspondence. The month of birth does not matter in this case, only the year.

Some people living in unhappy marriages have changed their lives. With an unsuccessful partner, only quarrels, misunderstandings, and contradictions await you. This simple table makes it clear who you shouldn't be with. build relationships in general.

The point is not that a person is good or bad, it’s just that your energies are completely incompatible. Change your life, build it according to the Chinese calendar.

How to use the compatibility table

To decipher correctly predictions, read all the meanings corresponding to the degree of increasing compatibility. Here complete harmony is possible in love, marriage, sex or just friendship. Although, in the latter case, friendship quickly develops into something more, and then they are very happy in marriage.

0 – good compatibility.

The Chinese calendar defines this type as neutral. Usually, relationships work out well. People may have known each other since birth, so it is a foregone conclusion. All folds flat, without friction, unpleasant quarrels and betrayals. It’s nice to be in such a union, it’s comfortable relationship two adults.

1 – problematic union.

These zodiac signs don't have many quiet days. They are set up for quarrels and friction. They have a lot of problems in their marriage, so it’s better to think several times before choosing one partner for your life. This compatibility does not reflect very well on relationships, because you will not be able to build a truly strong, long-term alliance.

2 – balance.

This union is simple. According to the Eastern calendar, signs that are opposite in energy often receive a two. This means that in their life turns out to be balanced.

If one of the partners is very active, active, then the second should balance it with calm, wise disposition. This is how wonderful unions are formed in marriage for life.

3 – highest harmony. From birth, a person strives to be in a state of complete harmony. For many signs it is unattainable due to stubbornness, unwillingness to pay attention for a truly worthwhile partner. If your pair is a three, they are waiting for you long years happy life together. Without betrayal, criticism, discontent. What more could you ask for?

4 – confrontation.

  • It's very difficult for people to be together.
  • The Chinese horoscope says that they most often remain enemies.
  • It's a tough partnership, sometimes forced.
  • They are not at all interested in being together, they do not understand each other.
  • This is a bad union that is best avoided altogether.

5 – situation of conflict.

These people cannot be together, and if they are forced for some reason, it makes them unhappy. This is an uncomfortable couple. For zodiac signs with a five, it is best to keep your distance, say hello from afar. Trying to build a family life is a big mistake. It happens that it is for mercantile reasons that they want to be together. Bad ending anyway.

6 – uneven union.

He may exist.

  • Yes, it’s not so easy for the zodiac signs, because there are black stripes. Yes, they are replaced by white ones, but that doesn’t make it any easier.
  • Only great love can overcome the confrontation in this couple.
  • According to the year of birth, it is better for people to be approximately the same age in order for everything to work out successfully.

It is not always easy for us to build good, high-quality relationships, but this does not mean that we should abandon our partner. The Chinese horoscope gives people a chance to build their lives correctly and harmoniously.

But everything is in yours hands and in your heart.

Chinese horoscope compatibility - Rat

Rat - Rat

They have mutual respect for each other, which is manifested in any relationship, whether love, business or friendship. It is important for them to clearly distribute duties and responsibilities, otherwise the union may be unpredictable. It is important to look for a common approach, otherwise, due to disagreements, one of the partners will try to leave the other.

Rat - Ox

This couple has good compatibility and can have an excellent union, both in marriage and in business. The Ox is devoted to his partner and strives to spend more time with him. The union is especially good for long-term relationships, more than for short-term relationships, then their best qualities will be revealed.

Rat - Tiger

Such a marriage partnership is better if the wife is a Rat. The tiger may worry about some minor reasons, but will still be proud of its partner.

Rat - Rabbit (Cat)

If they do not understand each other's desires, problems may arise in a romantic relationship or business partnership. Provided maturity and prudence, the union can be successful.

Rat - Dragon

The Dragon brings inspiration and enthusiasm to romantic, friendly and business relationships; it never ceases to amaze its partner. This is a promising union that can bring happiness to each of the partners.


The Snake perfectly motivates the Rat both in love and marriage, and in business. A relationship can be productive if neither one of them gives the other reasons for suspicion and jealousy.

Rat - Horse

They are so different that it is difficult for them to find mutual understanding. Only strong love can hold them together.

If they, despite the contradictions, remain devoted to each other enough long time, then they can have a stable union.

Rat - Sheep (Goat) - correct convergence

  • They are good enough for business relationships that require working together on something, but in love and marriage they are incompatible.
  • Sheep will never be completely sure of her partner and what to expect from the relationship.

Rat - Monkey

Rat - Rooster

Rat - Dog

They have good compatibility for business, marriage and romance, together they are able to solve even the most complex problems. Although the Dog can be willful, over time it will become a source of strength for the Rat.

Rat - Pig

Chinese horoscope compatibility - Ox

Bull - Bull

These are two reliable partners, they have a lot in common, they are materialists. The marriage will be fun and humorous.

Friendship between two Oxen is unlikely, because... There will definitely be a struggle for power. There can be success in business relationships if the joint venture is a farm or farm.

Ox - Tiger

Marriage and friendship between these signs is problematic. In business relationships, the Ox will completely push the Tiger away from business.

Ox - Rabbit, undesirable convergence of signs

The marriage relationship between these zodiac signs will be far from ideal. The degree of harmony will depend on the Rabbit’s desire to adapt to the Ox. Friendship is possible, secular friendship is more likely.

In business relationships, the Ox should be careful, as the Rabbit can subjugate the Ox.

Ox - Dragon

The marriage union between these two signs is very complex and is considered unpromising due to conflicts and disagreements. This arises due to the fact that the Dragon is very fond of external shine, and the Ox does not really trust all this.

Friendship also cannot be strong, since the Ox does not sympathize with the Dragon. Business relationships are worse for the Ox than for the Dragon, so they are not recommended.

Ox - Snake

  • A successful marriage if the Snake does not talk about his adventures before his relationship with the Ox.
  • And here friendly relations quite good, perhaps even understood at a glance.
  • It is better not to start a business relationship.

Bull - Horse

Relationships are difficult, both in marriage and friendship. Business relationships between these signs are an extreme case. It's better not to start.

Bull - Goat

Relations here are also very problematic on all fronts.

Ox - Monkey

Relationships are complicated. And love, and friendship, and business. The Monkey can bring a lot of suffering to the Ox, so it is better to avoid such unions.

Bull - Rooster

Love and friendship relationships are almost ideal due to the fact that the partners have almost complete mutual understanding.

However, it is better not to start a business relationship, since the Rooster is somewhat lazy.

Bull - Dog

A difficult relationship in every sense. This is due to the fact that the signs are the complete opposite of each other.

Bull - Pig

Business relationships are more useful in this union; they can bear great fruit. But marriage should be built on the observance of certain rules, and friendship is good if friends do not see each other often.

Chinese horoscope compatibility - Tiger

Tiger - Rat

An alliance between them is possible if the Rat allows the Tiger to go into the world of adventure. In addition, the Tiger must give up his intransigence, and the Rat must give up his cunning, cunning and deceit. In this case, they will be able to celebrate not only a golden, but even a diamond wedding. Otherwise, marriage is very problematic.

  • Friendship between them will probably not happen, because the Rat is seen as too much of a materialist for the Tiger.
  • Business relationships can take place if both work honestly and conscientiously, relax together and celebrate after good profits.

Tiger - Ox

A marriage union is unlikely. The Tiger, deep down in his soul, will either fear, or despise, or envy the Bull, but he will not openly oppose him, knowing that the Bull can simply destroy him. Friendship between them is impossible due to complete incompatibility.

Business relationships are also impossible. They will end in bankruptcy, collapse, or even real disaster.

Tiger - Tiger

The friendship between them can be simply great. Together they can travel around the whole world, make a revolution, a coup d'état.

Tiger - Rabbit - unwanted convergence

The marriage is not the best. Although they understand each other well, after some time the relationship between them will become strained. The Rabbit can always resist the Tiger, but the latter does not really like this.

  • The friendship between them is also very short. The Rabbit does not take the Tiger seriously, but the Tiger cannot get over this.
  • Business relations between them are possible. Their qualities complement each other well, especially the caution of the Rabbit and the audacity of the Tiger.

Tiger - Dragon

The union is promising and promising. That's two strong sign, and in addition, the Dragon will be useful to the Tiger with its prudence and caution.

  • The friendship between them is strong and rock-solid. They complement each other well in many ways, which brings them both benefit and benefit.
  • The business relationship is great because of the good interaction between the two strong personalities. The Dragon will think for two, and the Tiger will work.

Tiger - Snake

Here, married life should be avoided. This will lead to a complete and hopeless misunderstanding of each other.

The wisdom of the Snake is simply not perceived by the Tiger. Friendship between them is also impossible. They don't hear or understand each other. Business relationships are equally impossible. They will never be able to come to an agreement.

Tiger - Horse

Marriage is possible. The Horse, as a rule, completely satisfies the Tiger’s excessive passions, while at the same time maintaining independence from him. And since the Tiger is always very busy, he will not suspect anything.

  • The friendship between them is interesting because when they are together, they argue endlessly, but when apart, one cannot live without the other.
  • Business relationships are also possible.
  • Although at times some difficulties may arise, the overall background should still be favorable and prosperous.

Tiger - Goat

This is a very problematic marriage, because in a moment of an angry outburst, the Tiger can simply “eat” his Goat. There may be friendship between them; the Tiger treats the Goat very tolerantly and condescendingly. Business relationships are possible if they both come to an agreement that the Goat will plan all the affairs, and the Tiger will carry them out.

Tiger - Monkey

The prospect of marriage is problematic. Despite the fact that the Monkey always tries to charm and seduce the Tiger, for him this union is attractive as long as he is still looking for adventure.

Friendship between them is possible, and even not bad, but only as long as it is kept within the bounds of decency, as long as this relationship does not go too far.

Business relationships are promising as long as the Tiger is careful and prudent about all the tricks of the Monkey, and the latter respects the Tiger’s strength.

Tiger - Rooster

The marriage between them is problematic. The pride of the Rooster does not fit in with the vanity of the Tiger. There is a power struggle between both partners.

Friendship as such does not attract them at all. Business relationships are definitely doomed to fail. The Tiger is not a partner for the Rooster.

Tiger - Dog

This is a possible alliance. Both of them, sharing the same ideas, will fight and fight together for their implementation, forgetting even about love. Friendship between them is impossible, especially strong and long-lasting. Business relationships can flourish in all areas and areas of cooperation and co-authorship, with the exception of financial and commercial activities.

Tiger - Pig

This marriage union is possible. The Pig understands and appreciates the Tiger well. If only the latter does not tire her too much with his passions, then their life together portends peace and tranquility for both.

The friendship between them can be strong and long-lasting. They understand each other well, and the Pig’s prudence and caution helps a lot here. Business relationships will largely depend on the nobility and generosity of the Tiger, otherwise these relationships will pose a constant danger to the Pig.

Chinese Horoscope Compatibility - Rabbit

Rabbit - Rat

For the Rabbit, the Rat is not the best partner; she can take advantage of him in her own interests, morally or financially. This can happen in love and marriage, as well as in business.

Rabbit - Bull

The Ox will be a faithful spouse and a reliable business partner. Both in romance and in business, financial progress is very possible for them. Good compatibility promises success for this union.

Rabbit - Tiger

If the Tiger is able to take leadership in the relationship, then this will be an ideal partnership. For Rabbit Tiger good partner in business, in love and marriage they also have favorable compatibility.

Rabbit - Rabbit

Strong family and business relationships can develop between them. This union will bring happiness to each of the partners.

Rabbit - Dragon

The Dragon's charm may attract the Rabbit, but this is not enough for the stability of the union. In both business and romantic relationships, there will be mistrust between them.

Rabbit - Snake

The Snake may seem distant and cold, but this is due to their innate restraint in expressing feelings; in fact, their hearts are overflowing with love. Good compatibility for marriage, but be careful if it's a business partnership.

Rabbit - Horse

They have fairly good compatibility, they can live and work together. For an exciting romantic relationship, it is better if the Horse is a man.

Rabbit – Sheep (Goat)

Favorable compatibility for love, friendship and business. They are able to share sincere feelings and will support each other in all respects.

Rabbit - Monkey

The Rabbit needs to learn to put up with the Monkey's defiant behavior, otherwise he may break his heart. Over time, the union will strengthen.

Rabbit - Rooster

Rabbit - Dog

Good compatibility, they are able to make each other happy. They can have a stable partnership both in marriage and in business. There may be slight difficulties at the beginning of a relationship, but they can be overcome.

Rabbit - Pig

Chinese Horoscope Compatibility - Dragon

Dragon - Rat

The Rat can find a source of inspiration in the Dragon. Good compatibility, pleasant relationships, both in marriage and in business.

Dragon - Ox

It is difficult for an Ox to share the interests of a partner. They need to work hard to build long-term relationships. In business, the Dragon may be dissatisfied with the Ox.

Dragon - Tiger

A stable relationship can develop between them based on common interests and talents. Good compatibility for love, marriage and business. But disagreements can also happen if the Dragon does not understand the Tiger.

Dragon - Rabbit (Cat)

  • They have good compatibility for love relationships, each of them complements the other.
  • If the Rabbit allows the partner to be the leader, then a successful alliance in business will develop.

Dragon - Dragon

An amazing couple, there is brilliance and expansion here. The business partnership will be very productive. If they have different temperaments, then a happy family union will develop.

Dragon - Snake

If the Dragon relies on common sense and the prudence of the Snake, then their partnership in business will be fruitful. They have good compatibility for love, the relationship between them is full of romance.

Dragon - Horse

The horse will become a reliable partner in business and a good spouse in marriage. The Dragon may have a tendency to underestimate his partner, but over time he will become convinced of the value of the Horse’s qualities.

Dragon - Sheep (Goat)

  • They are unlikely to have long-term partnerships in love or business.
  • The Sheep has a need for more understanding and more attention than the Dragon can give.
  • In a romantic relationship, one of the two may be disappointed.

Dragon - Monkey

There is mutual understanding between them, which is necessary for a successful partnership. It is better if the Monkey follows the Dragon, then their union will be more harmonious.

Dragon - Rooster

They may have many common interests, but they are usually not compatible in love and marriage. In business they can achieve success provided that each one works independently and does not depend on the other.

Dragon - Dog

Compatibility is very inconsistent. If each of them is able to give the other enough freedom and personal space, then romantic and business relationships will bring satisfaction. It is possible that the Dog may develop a hidden dislike for his partner.

Dragon - Pig

This union will not bring happiness to the pig. She may tolerate the Dragon, but he will not appreciate her best qualities. Most likely, the Pig will give his partner more love than he will receive from him.

Chinese Horoscope Compatibility - Snake

Snake - Rat

They have good compatibility for business, but it is not so good for love and marriage. Each partner strives to follow their own path; it is difficult for them to find something in common.

Snake - Ox

Romantic relationships are not suitable for them. In this pair, the Ox may try to become a leader, but the Snake will not accept this situation and will undermine the authority of the partner. Business relationships can be stronger, especially if they are involved in intellectual projects.

Snake - Tiger

An exciting romantic relationship may arise between them, but the passion will gradually fade and it will be difficult for them to stay together. In business, their compatibility will also not bring success.

Snake - Rabbit (Cat)

They have favorable compatibility, this is the most successful combination for romantic and business relationships. The Rabbit will bring a lot of happiness to the Snake.

Snake - Dragon

Business partnership is better than love and family relationships. Compatibility is not easy, but provided the partners are mature, they are able to build a stable union.

Snake - Snake

A successful combination for business and love. They understand each other perfectly and can build a happy and harmonious union.

Snake - Horse

  • Their compatibility is not suitable for love and marriage, they have different interests.
  • Partners can avoid open conflicts, but the relationship will be marked by long periods of lack of communication, which is not good for the relationship.
  • They may be more successful in business than in personal relationships.

Snake - Sheep (Goat)

Snake - Monkey

Snake - Rooster

They can have stable love and family relationships, provided that career is the Rooster’s main area of ​​interest. In this pair, the Rooster is the more ambitious partner; he will demand support from the Snake in order to achieve his goals. Great success awaits them in business.

Snake - Dog

This couple has difficult compatibility, both for love and for business. The dog will demand more care and attention from its partner than it can give.

Subsequently, it may happen that the Dog places all responsibility for the relationship on the Snake.

Snake - Pig

Chinese Horoscope Compatibility – Horse

Horse - Rat

They are better off being friends than lovers. If personal relationships arise between them, then friction is inevitable. The Rat will not follow what the Horse strives for, and disagreements will appear even on minor issues. But their compatibility is good enough for work and business.

Horse - Bull

If these two are interested in each other, then the romantic relationship will develop slowly. The responsiveness and devotion of the Ox can make the union stable and harmonious. It is better for the Ox to give the Horse enough personal space, then their relationship will blossom. Compatibility is also favorable for business relationships; this couple can create a successful business.

Horse - Tiger

These two complement each other perfectly and have good compatibility for love, marriage and business. The Tiger can bring the Horse a lot of happiness.

Horse - Rabbit (Cat)

  • The Rabbit finds it difficult to put up with the wayward nature of the Horse because he only accepts a gentle approach.
  • Jealousy can be another stumbling block to the positive development of a romantic relationship.
  • In business, their interests are different, business compatibility is also questionable.

Horse - Dragon

They may be bright love relationship, but be careful that extravagance does not interfere with happiness. The Dragon needs the support of a partner, but the Horse can ignore him. In business, it is difficult for them to share each other's ideas.

Horse - Snake

If both have some common interests, then a short relationship is possible between them. They have too many differences, which will prevent the creation of a stable union, both in love and marriage, and in business. Although a strong alliance can develop between mature partners.

Horse - Horse

Good compatibility for love, marriage and business. Take into account that one of the partners in this union, as a rule, behaves more independently and can use the other for his own purposes.

Horse - Sheep (Goat)

Good compatibility and a successful alliance for love, marriage, friendship and business. These partners have common values, complement each other well and can achieve a lot.

Horse - Monkey

This couple can work quite well together as business partners.

Horse - Rooster

Horse - Dog

Horse - Pig

Chinese Horoscope Compatibility - Sheep

Sheep - Rat

They are good enough for business relationships that require working together on something, but in love and marriage they are incompatible. Sheep will never be completely sure of her partner and what to expect from the relationship.

Sheep - Bull

Both share common interests, but their point of view on life may be fundamentally different, which will lead to contradictions. It is difficult for a sheep to find a common language with a partner. It’s good if she teaches the Ox flexibility, then the union can satisfy everyone.

Sheep - Tiger

This couple will enjoy happiness and harmony in marriage. For business, compatibility is also good. A sheep can be a devoted spouse and a reliable partner and will bring harmony to the union.

Sheep - Rabbit (Cat)

Favorable compatibility for love, friendship and business. They are able to share sincere feelings and will support each other in all respects. The rabbit will bring a lot of happiness and joy to this union.

Sheep - Dragon

These partners are so different that long-term partnerships in love or business are unlikely to work out for them. The Sheep has a need for more understanding and more attention than the Dragon can give. In a romantic relationship, one of the two may be disappointed.

Sheep - Snake

A joyful love relationship and a stable marriage between them are very likely. Both partners are committed to interaction and understand each other perfectly. For business, this couple also has good compatibility.

Sheep - Horse

  • Warm and loving couple.
  • They have good compatibility, this is a successful union for love, marriage, friendship and business.
  • Partners have common values, complement each other well and can achieve a lot.

Sheep - Sheep

These two have excellent compatibility for romantic relationships, marriage and business partnerships. They will share each other's feelings and interests and create a life full of love and harmony.

Sheep - Monkey

This is an interesting couple, they have some compatibility, but not everything is smooth sailing. In love relationships and marriage, partners need to learn to understand each other. Individual freedom is a prerequisite for a successful business partnership. They need to try to avoid secrecy.

Sheep - Rooster

The Rooster will bring enthusiasm and inspiration to relationships. It’s good if the Rooster is the leader in this pair. For business, the compatibility is quite good, they can achieve success and prosperity.

Sheep - Dog

In this pair, the Dog, as a rule, controls the Sheep. Compatibility is not easy, but over time the union strengthens. Business relationships can bring satisfaction to partners.

Sheep - Pig

Dynamic and warm relationships, both in love and marriage, and in business. Each partner will tenderly care for the other.

Chinese horoscope compatibility - Monkey

Monkey - Rat

This is a pleasant relationship, partners are suitable for each other both in marriage and in business. The Monkey in this pair needs support and control from the Rat, then the union will be more stable.

Monkey - Ox

  • The Ox will bring stability to the union, although it may be boring. The Monkey will be an excellent companion for the Ox; he has no equal in entertainment and the search for pleasure.
  • But a strong marriage or long-term love relationship is in question because they have incompatible interests.
  • Work or business relationships may be more successful.

Monkey - Tiger

This couple has very difficult compatibility. Successful Relationships will develop after they both overcome mutual mistrust and learn to appreciate each other. It’s good if the Tiger provides control and leadership in this pair. For success in business, it is better if the Tiger is a leader.

Monkey - Rabbit (Cat)

The Rabbit needs to learn to put up with the Monkey's defiant behavior, otherwise he may break his heart. This is a fragile and contradictory alliance, but it can strengthen over time. They can succeed in business if the Rabbit can share the ideas of their partner.

Monkey - Dragon

The Dragon can give the Monkey boundless love. There is mutual understanding between them, which is necessary for a successful partnership. It is better if the Monkey follows the Dragon, then their union will be more harmonious. They have favorable compatibility for business.

Monkey - Snake

Initially, a romantic relationship may be passionate and full of intense emotions, but later difficulties will appear. Their compatibility is not easy; disagreements cannot be avoided in love and marriage. Compatibility for business is also unfavorable; differences in ideas and approaches of partners can lead to a severance of business relationships.

Monkey - Horse

  • They do not have good compatibility for love; they are better off as friends than lovers.
  • Each of them prefers their own interests, there is not much in common between them, so they will gradually move away from each other.
  • This couple can work quite well together as business partners, hard work
  • Horses will help you achieve success.

Monkey - Sheep (Goat)

This is an interesting couple, they have some compatibility, but not many common interests. In love relationships and marriage, partners need to learn to understand each other. Individual freedom is a prerequisite for a successful business partnership. They need to try to avoid secrecy.

Monkey - Monkey

This is a promising union. They can become an ideal couple if they can overcome their differences. To succeed in business, they need persistence.

Monkey - Rooster

A short-term love story is possible, there will be a lot of bright emotions and fun, but deep love between these two is hardly possible. They recognize each other's abilities, but neither of them wants to follow their partner. Business partnerships can only be successful in the entertainment industry.

Monkey - Dog

This relationship will be successful if they are willing to accept each other's differences. A dog can be a good helper in crisis situations.

Monkey - Pig

They have too many contradictions and few common interests. The Pig needs more love and care than the Monkey can give. They are incompatible, whether it concerns love, marriage, friendship or business.

Chinese Compatibility Horoscope - Rooster

Rooster - Rat

The compatibility of this couple for romantic relationships and marriage cannot be called good. A business partnership can be successful provided that both of them have special professional skills and abilities.

Rooster - Bull

The Ox will bring stability to this union. Their relationship can last a long time, even after the romance fades. This is a good enough union for both love and marriage, and for partnership in business.

Rooster - Tiger

If each of them is ready to give their partner independence, then a warm relationship will develop between them. The Rooster is a more attentive and caring partner, but the Tiger is also able to give him a lot. In business, there can be many disagreements between them.

Rooster - Rabbit (Cat)

  • The Rabbit may find the Rooster a little rude, but the Rooster is attracted to his partner's ease.
  • A long-term relationship requires the efforts of each partner, both in marriage and in business; it is not easy for them to reach agreement on any issue.
  • There is no compatibility between these signs; their union can be successful in marriage and business if they are both sufficiently mature individuals.

Rooster - Dragon

It's romantic and bright couple, although a long-term relationship between them is unlikely. They may have many common interests, but they are usually not compatible in love and marriage. In business they can achieve success provided that each one works independently and does not depend on the other.

Rooster - Snake

They have difficult compatibility. Stable love and family relationships can develop provided that career is the Rooster’s main area of ​​interest. In this pair, the Rooster is the more ambitious partner; he will demand support from the Snake in order to achieve his goals. Great success awaits them in business.

Rooster - Horse

Successful relationships in love and business. They have good compatibility and can create a harmonious union that will bring happiness to each of the partners.

Rooster - Sheep (Goat)

  • Only strong love can keep them together.
  • The Rooster will bring enthusiasm and inspiration to relationships.
  • It’s good if the Rooster is the leader in this pair.
  • For business, compatibility is quite good; Sheep is a hardworking partner.

Rooster - Monkey

An interesting union. A short-term love story is possible, there will be a lot of bright emotions and fun, but deep love between these two is hardly possible. They recognize each other's abilities, but neither of them wants to follow their partner. Business partnerships can only be successful in the entertainment industry.

Rooster - Rooster

If they can overcome differences and learn to give in to each other, then their relationship will work, both in love and in business.

Rooster - Dog

It is important for these partners to learn to separate career and home, then the relationship will last longer. They don't have business compatibility.

Rooster - Pig

These two have good compatibility in love and business. The Pig can bring a lot of harmony and happiness to a relationship.

Chinese Horoscope Compatibility - Dog

Dog - Rat

They have good compatibility for business, marriage and romance, and together they are able to solve even the most difficult problems. Although the Dog can be willful, over time it will become a source of strength for the Rat. Some disagreements may arise from time to time, but they can be overcome.

Dog - Bull

Their relationship, both in love and in business, will bring a lot of doubts and suspicions to each of the partners. It is difficult for a Dog to feel confident around an Ox. Doubting each other's honesty will not create a stable alliance in business.

Dog - Tiger

Excellent compatibility for love, marriage and business. Both will inspire each other and share common interests. The only thing they need to avoid is this boredom in the relationship.

Dog - Rabbit (Cat)

They have love compatibility, usually based on physical attraction. They can build a stable partnership both in marriage and in business. There may be some minor difficulties at the beginning of a relationship, but they can be overcome.

Dog - Dragon

The compatibility of these signs is very contradictory. If each of them is able to give the other enough freedom and personal space, then romantic and business relationships will bring satisfaction. In business, it is important for these partners to learn to trust each other so that there is no room for suspicion.

Dog - Snake

This couple has difficult compatibility, both for love and for business. The snake is unlikely to be able to give its partner as much care and attention as he requires. Subsequently, it may happen that the Dog places all responsibility for the relationship on the Snake.

Dog - Horse

They can develop bright and unusual love relationships, as in chivalric romances. The dog is loyal and full of love, she will give the Horse a lot of happiness. This couple has favorable compatibility for love, marriage and business.

Dog - Sheep (Goat)

In this pair, the Sheep needs control from the partner. Compatibility is not easy, but over time the union strengthens. Business relationships can bring satisfaction to each of them.

Dog - Monkey

This relationship will be successful if they are willing to accept each other's differences. A dog can be a good helper in crisis situations. In business, these partners can successfully develop new directions.

Dog - Rooster

Only strong love can keep them together. It is important for these partners to learn to separate career and home, then the relationship will last longer. They don't have business compatibility.

Dog - Dog

They have good compatibility. They understand each other, there will be happiness and success, both in love and in business.

Dog - Pig

There may be a long-term but boring relationship between them. As for business relations, they will be successful in traditional types business.

Chinese Compatibility Horoscope - Pig

Pig - Rat

Together they will be content and happy. They both need emotional support and can give it to each other. In this pair, the Pig may be a more demanding partner, expecting a lot of care and attention.

Pig - Ox

A pleasant and warm union. Both are conservative and committed to creating long-term partnerships, they have good compatibility for a happy family life. In business relationships they can create a calm and productive working environment.

Pig - Tiger

  • The Pig is not one of those partners who can attract the Tiger's interest for a long time.
  • Short-term passion is possible, but a long-term union is questionable.
  • In business, their compatibility is also contradictory; each of them has different interests.
  • It may be that the Pig is constantly redoing the work that the Tiger began.

Pig - Rabbit (Cat)

Joyful and harmonious relationships, especially in love and marriage, each of them appreciates and understands the other. A pig can become a very useful business partner and a loyal friend.

Pig - Dragon

This union will not bring happiness to the pig; most likely, she will give her partner more love than she will receive from him. She may tolerate the Dragon, but he will not appreciate her best qualities.

Pig - Snake

There is no good compatibility between these signs. They can share each other's feelings and be happy together, but this couple will be distinguished by a lack of passion, and a rather boring union will develop. In business relationships there is a lack of enthusiasm, especially on the part of the Pig, who will not be able to devote himself completely to the common cause.

Pig - Horse

Good compatibility for love and marriage, together they can create a family paradise. If they work as partners in business, then success awaits them.

Pig - Sheep (Goat)

Dynamic and warm relationships in love and marriage. Each partner will tenderly care for the other. In business, this couple will be successful if each partner has a stable personal relationship.

Pig - Monkey

  • They have too many contradictions and few common interests.
  • The Pig needs more love and care than the Monkey can give.
  • They are incompatible, whether it concerns love, marriage, friendship or business.

Pig - Rooster

If they can come to an agreement and learn to give in to each other, then the relationship can last a long time. To run a successful business, they need to seek compromises and discuss disagreements.

Pig - Dog

There may be a long-term but boring relationship between them. As for business relationships, success awaits them in traditional types of business. The Dog's hard work and dedication will bring many benefits to this union.

Pig - Pig

Excellent compatibility. Between them, a relationship can develop that completely satisfies each of the partners, both in love and in business.
