English suffixes with examples. Word formation of nouns in English

There are several ways to form new words through suffixes and prefixes, compounding or conversion.

What is a suffix? Suffix- This significant part a word that is located after the root and usually serves to form new words. The peculiarity of suffixes is that with their help we can form new words and even change parts of speech. Suffixes can be added to in simple words, and to derivatives. They can join nouns, adjectives and verbs. For example:

    verb: to differ ["dıfə] to differ ->

    adj.: natural natural ->

    creatures,: dock dock ->

What is a prefix? Prefix - word-forming particle, which is used at the beginning of the source word. Prefixes usually form words that are the same as grammatical category original word. They perform mainly a semantic function. IN English language There are a huge number of prefixes. For example:

    verb: to cover ->

    adj.: usual usual ->

First of all, learn the prefixes ( dis-, un-, re-) and suffixes ( -ly, -ment, -ful, -less).


Compounding is the formation of a new word from two or more words. In Russian, when combining two words into one, the connecting vowel o or e is used (plumbing, vacuum cleaner, thick-walled). In English, two words are joined directly together, with the stress usually falling on the first word. For example

    handbook ["hændbʋk] - hand (hand) + book (book) = directory

    something ["sʌmθıŋ] - some (some) + thing (thing) = something

    to whitewash ["waıtwɒʃ] - white (white) + wash (wash) = whiten.

Complex words are usually written together, but sometimes with a hyphen, for example: water (water) + way (way) water-way (waterway).


Conversion is a method of forming new words in which one part of speech is formed into another without any changes in the external form of the word. The most common conversion model is: noun → verb, for example: a test → to test, a check → to check.

When converting two- and polysyllabic nouns with stress on the first or second syllable, the stress in verbs is transferred to the last syllable. For example:

    export ["ekspɔ:t] export -> to export export

    progress ["prəʋ(g)rəs] progress -> to progress progress.

A common case of conversion is when an adjective becomes a noun. For example:

    international international -> the International [,ıntə(:)"næʃənl] International

    intellectual intellectual -> an intellectual [,ıntı"lektjʋəl] intellectual

Word formation using suffixes and prefixes

Word formation by adding suffixes and prefixes is the most productive way. Almost every line of text contains derivative words. Let's remember what a suffix and a prefix are:

suffix- word-forming particle at the end of the original word. Suffixes can be added to both simple words and derivatives. They can be attached to nouns, adjectives and verbs, while forming new words of the same or a different grammatical category. For example:

    verb: to differ ["dıfə] differ -> adj.: different ["dıfr(ə)nt] different

    adj.: natural natural -> adverb: naturally ["nætʃrəlı] naturally

    creatures: dock dock -> creatures: docker ["dɒkə] docker;

prefix- a word-forming particle that is used at the beginning of the original word. Prefixes usually form words that are the same as the grammatical category of the original word. They serve mainly a semantic function. For example

    verb: to cover -> verb: to discover

    adj.: usual usual -> adj.: unusual [ʌn"jʋ:ʒʋəl] unusual.

Adverb suffix -ly

Adverb suffixes -ly

Most adverbs are formed by adding suffixes to adjectives and nouns. The most productive among them is the suffix -lu, with the help of which many adverbs are formed from adjectives, and the meaning of the original adjective is almost always preserved. For example

    brief brief - briefly ["brı:flı] briefly

    equal ["(ı:)kw(ə)l] equal - equally ["(ı:)kwəlı] equal, equally

    absolute ["æbs(ə)lʋ:t] complete, absolute - absolutely absolutely

    violent ["vaıələnt] frantic, furious - violently frantically, furiously.

Adverb suffixes -wise, -ward and prefix a-

    Suffix -wise when combined with nouns and adjectives, it forms adverbs indicating that an action is performed in the manner indicated by the stem. When translating such adverbs, you can use words in an image, a way.

For example: a step (step) - stepwise - step by step, gradually and clock (clock) - clockwise ["klɒkwaız] - clockwise, anti-clockwise - counterclockwise.

    Suffix -ward(s) in combination with nouns, adverbs, adjectives and prepositions, it forms adverbs indicating the direction in which the action is performed.

For example: sea (sea) - seaward(s) ["sı:wəd] towards the sea side (side) - sideward(s) ["saıdwəd] towards back (back) - backward ["bækwəd] back in (in ) - inward ["ınwəd] inward out (from) - outward(s) ["aʋtwəd] from, outward.

Note that adverbs formed with the suffix -ward may or may not have the ending -s, while an adjective with such a suffix never ends -s, compare: The lift went downward(s).- The elevator went down. But: The downward movement of the lift... -The movement of the elevator (what?) down...

    Prefix a- in combination with adjectives and nouns it forms adverbs.

For example: new (new) - anew [ə"njʋ:] again, in a new way round (round) - around [ə"raʋnd] around bed (bed) - abed [ə"bed] in bed field (field) - afield [ə"fı:ld] in the field.

Noun suffixes -ity, -ing, -hood, -ment, -ness

Noun suffixes -ity, -ing, -hood, -ment, -ness

    Suffix -ity(spelling options -ety, -iety) forms abstract nouns with the meaning of state, quality, condition. Suffix - ity corresponds to the suffix -ost. For example:

    able (capable) - ability [ə"bılıtı] ability

    active (active) - activity [æk"tıvıtı] activity, activity

    valid (valid, justified, effective) - validity, effectiveness, fairness, legality, validity.

    Suffix -hood forms nouns with the meaning “state, position, quality.” For example:

    child (child) - childhood ["tʃaıldhʋd] childhood

    man (man) - manhood ["mænhʋd] masculinity.

    Suffix -ment forms nouns denoting action. Some words with this suffix become meaning of a set of objects. For example: equipment [ı"kwıpmənt]equipment.

    to move (to move) - movement ["mʋ:vmənt] - movement.

    to environ [ɪn"vaɪər(ə)n] surround - environment [ɪn"vaɪər(ə)nmənt ] surroundings, environment

    to commit to take on obligations - commitment

    to argue ["ɑːgjuː] argue, argue, prove - argument ["ɑːgjəmənt] argument, argument

    Suffix -ness forms nouns with the meaning “state, quality”. For example:

    dark dark - darkness ["dɑ:knıs] darkness

    good good - goodness ["gʋdnıs] kindness

    great great - greatness ["greıtnıs] greatness.

    happy happy - happiness ["hæpɪnəs] happiness

    polite polite, courteous, courteous - politeness politeness, courtesy, courtesy

    fair fair, decent, honest, legal - fairness ["feənəs] justice, honesty, legality

Adjective suffixes -ful, -less, -ive, -ic, -al, -ous

Adjective suffixes -ful, -less, -ive, -ic, -al, -ous

Suffix -ful forms adjectives based on nouns with the meaning “possessing (fully) the quality expressed by the stem.” For example:

    peace peace - peaceful ["piːsf(ə)l ], [-ful] quiet, calm, peaceful

    hope hope - hopeful;

    care care - careful caring, thorough;

    beauty beauty - beautiful ["bjʋ:tıfʋl] beautiful, wonderful;

    help help - helpful ["helpfʋl] useful.

Suffix -less forms adjectives with the opposite meaning: “devoid of the quality expressed by the stem,” and corresponds to the Russian prefix bez-, ne-,. For example:

    doubt doubt - doubtless ["daʋtlıs] undoubted;

    homeless ["həumləs] - homeless

    hopeless - hopeless;

    helpless - helpless;

    careless - carefree;

    use benefit, meaning, use, use, enjoy - useless ["juːsləs] useless; worthless

Suffix -ive forms adjectives based on verbs and nouns and corresponds to the Russian suffix -iv-. For example:

    to create - creative creative, creative;

    to act -active ["æktıv] active;

    to impress to impress, to amaze - impressive [ım"presıv] impressive, expressive;

    an impulse impulse - impulsive [ım"pʌlsıv] impulsive;

    a mass - massive ["mæsıv] massive.

Suffix -ic forms adjectives with meanings:

    having the composition or structure of a base: atom atom -atomic [ə"tɒmık] atomic;

    resembling someone: Homeric - Homeric, Homeric; Byronic - Byronic.

Suffix -al forms a large number of adjectives with the meaning: having a nature, relating to what is expressed by the stem, For example:

Suffix -ous indicates a characteristic or quality, and also, chemical composition. For example:

    sulphurous - sulfur-containing

    an anonymous anonymous - anonymous (anonymous)

    dangerous - dangerous

    various - various

    a poisonous tree - poisonous tree

Adjective suffixes -able (-ible), -ent, -ant, -ate, -y, -ed

Adjective suffixes -able (-ible), -ent, -ant, -ate, -y, -ed

    Suffix -able (-ible) most often forms adjectives from verbs, the Russian equivalent of which is adjectives with the suffix -imiy (possible as opposed to performed). Such adjectives can also be translated into subordinate clauses, starting with the words which can + the infinitive of the original verb. It should be remembered that the suffix is ​​never stressed. For example:

    to detect - detectable which can be detected, detectable (not: detectable);

    to observe (observe) - observable [əb"zɜ:vəbl] which can be observed (not: observable)

    memorable ["mem(ə)rəbl] memorable, unforgettable

They took measures justifiable under these conditions. - They took measures that could be justified under these conditions. We consider events observable in all the situations. - We consider (only) events that can be observed in all these situations.

If such an adjective comes after the linking verb be, then during translation the word that is omitted and only the possible + infinitive of the original verb remains in the sentence, for example: It is regrettable that... You can regret that... The value is negligible. This value can be neglected.

If verb ends in e, then when adding the suffixes -able, -ible, this letter (e) disappears, for example: to receive - receivable which can be received. If verb ends in -y, then when forming an adjective y changes to i, for example: to rely (on) - reliable on which you can rely

    Suffix -ent occurs in adjectives with different meanings. For example:

    current ["kʌr(ə)nt] - current, modern;

    evident ["evıd(ə)nt] - obvious.

    confident ["kɔnfɪd(ə)nt] - confident

    Suffix -ant forms adjectives that characterize persons or things as having or exhibiting certain qualities. For example:

    observant [əb"zɜ:v(ə)nt] - observant

    relevant ["relıvənt] - relevant, relevant (the suffix -ant can also form nouns).

    Suffix -ate found in adjectives with various meanings, for example: moderate ["mɒdəreıt] - moderate, seasoned; adequate ["ædıkwıt] - appropriate, adequate. (The suffix -ate can also form verbs.)

    Suffix -у forms adjectives with the meaning “having the quality of what is indicated by the stem.” For example:

    dirt (dirt) - dirty ["dɜ:tı] dirty

    fun (joke, fun) - funny ["fʌnı] cheerful, amusing

    pretty ["prıtı] - pretty; (the suffix -у can also form nouns).

    Suffix -ed forms adjectives: with the meaning of any attribute or possession of something, for example: property (property) - propertied ["prɒpətıd] possessor, possessing property; denoting any form, for example: arch (arch) - arched ["ɑ: tʃt] curved; denoting character or state, for example: educated ["edjʋ:keıtıd] educated. Endings ed/ing. The suffix -ed is often found in complex adjectives, for example: thick-walled [,θık"wɔ:ld] - thick-walled, many-sided [ "menı"saıdıd] - multilateral, ill-informed ["ılın"fɔ:md] - incorrectly informed.

Prefixes de-, dis-, mis-, pre-, fore-, under-, over-

Prefixes de-, dis-, mis-, pre-, fore-, under-, over-

    The prefix de- usually means to deprive what is indicated by the base, to remove, to remove what is indicated by the base (in Russian this prefix also exists: degassation), for example:

    to code to encode - to decode to decode, decipher;

    declassed ["dı:"klɑ:st] - declassed. A number of verbs with the prefixes de-, formed from nouns denoting the type of transport, convey the meaning of “get off, disembark from”, for example: to detrain (train - train) - get off the train.

    Prefix dis- usually expresses the opposite, opposite action or negation. Sometimes it conveys the meaning of remove, deprive, get rid of what is indicated by the stem (Russian: disqualification). For example:

    to allow [ə"laʋ] to allow - to disallow ["dısə"laʋ] to prohibit

    to appear [ə"pıə] to appear - to disappear [,dısə"pıə] to disappear.

    to continue to continue - to discontinue

    The prefix mis- expresses the error of the action. For example:

to take - to mistake

To apply [ə"plaı] apply - to misapply, misapply, abuse.

    The prefixes pre- and fore- usually express precedence. In Russian translation, you can use words in advance, in advance. For example:

to see - to foresee

To show to show - to foreshow to foretell to heat to heat - to preheat to preheat.

    The prefix pre- can be used with many verbs that you want to give precedence to.

    The prefix under- ["ʌndə] forms verbs with the following meanings:

being or acting under something, for example: to lie - to underlie [,ʌndə"laı] to lie under something; incomplete, insufficient action, for example: to load - to underload ["ʌndə"ləʋd] to underload, load incompletely.

This prefix corresponds to the Russian prefix under-, for example: to do - underdone ["ʌndə"dʋ:] unfinished. The prefix over- forms verbs with the following meanings:

Movements over something, for example: to leap - to overleap [,əʋvə"lı:p] to jump over; excessiveness (of action, state), beyond the norm, for example: to load - to overload ["əʋvə"ləʋd] to load beyond norms, overload.

It should be noted that the Russian prefix conveys not only the meaning above the norm (to overload), but also another meaning: to overload into another car. Therefore, when translating verbs with the prefix over- you need to be careful

case (box) - to encase [ın"keıs] put in a box

cage (cage) - to encage [ın"keıdʒ] to put in a cage;

crypt (crypt, cache) - to encrypt

bring to the state indicated by the base. For example:

    large (big) - to enlarge [ın"lɑ:dʒ] to increase (xia)

    to enliven [ın"laıvən] - to enliven, to make more interesting

    Prefix re- usually expresses the repetition of an action, and sometimes it corresponds to the Russian prefix pere-. English verbs with the prefix re- usually have two stresses: on the prefix and on the stem. For example:

    to make (to do) - to remake ["rı:"meık] to redo

    to create - to recreate

However, we must remember that the Russian prefix pere- does not always correspond to the English prefix re-, since it often conveys the meaning of exceeding the norm, for example, to oversalt. Therefore, when translating words with the prefix re-, use the words again, again, again, etc. For example: to estimate - to re(-)estimate ["rı:"estımıt] estimate again, again (and not: overestimate ).

    Prefix be- means: to make it as indicated by the base, or to give a sign or quality expressed by the base, for example: little (small) - to belittle, to belittle.

It is important to note that a suffix is ​​an element that is attached to a word, and in most cases changes the meaning of the word and its role in speech.

As a rule, noun suffixes in English are combined with specific words that simply need to be remembered. However, there are a number of rules that must be followed for competent language proficiency.

How many suffixes does English have?

There are a huge number of noun suffixes in the English language, and they all have their own meaning. Therefore, it is very important to understand them. You need to know that usually suffixes in English remain unstressed, but in certain situations they have primary stress in the entire word.

It is important to note that there are:

  1. nouns in English they are responsible for creating new words that carry a different meaning. For example, the word collect, which translated means to collect when adding the suffix or, acquires new meaning collector, which means collector.
  2. Formative suffixes are responsible for transforming a word into another form, for example, into the past. For example the word cook, which translated means to cook, when adding the suffix ed, takes on a past form without losing the meaning of the word itself ( cooked- prepared). The English language has only 5 such suffixes.

Use of suffixes er, or, ar

These suffixes of nouns in English, as a rule, are attached to verbs and give the word the meaning of a performer of an action. Also suffixes er, or, ar can serve to designate a tool that performs a specific action. It is necessary to give several examples to understand the situation clearly:

  1. Let's take the verb play, the translation of which is “play” and add the suffix er. As a result we get the noun player, the translation of which is “player”. In this example you can see the difference when adding a suffix, because the word play, the translation of which was the word “play” turned into a noun player, the translation of which is “player”.
  2. Verb collect(collect) when adding a suffix or"collector" takes on the meaning.
  3. If to the verb beg, which means “to ask”, add a suffix ar, then the word will turn into a noun with the meaning “beggar”.

The important point is that words like father, brother, sister, daughter, also apply to this rule, despite the fact that their meaning does not indicate their type of activity. Although, to some extent, there is logic here.

As for the writing rules, it is necessary to recall that there are verbs ending in a consonant e. In such a case, when adding the suffix er, only one letter is added r.

Interestingly, translators often have to resort to descriptive translation when they encounter these suffixes. For example, noun lifter often translated as a lifting device, or the word timer translated as a device that calculates time.

Another interesting fact is that nouns that have a suffix or, are often of French or Latin origin. For example, doctor, actor etc.

The suffix -ist in English

Suffix ist is very popular, it gives the word the meaning of a professional figure in a scientific or political direction. This suffix in English is identical to our “ist”, which has a similar meaning in Russian. Suffix ist can be added to both nouns and adjectives.

Let us give a clear example when this suffix is ​​used to designate a professional figure. For example, a noun psychologist, the equivalent of which in Russian is the word “psychologist”.

This suffix can also be used with musical instruments to indicate who plays them. For example, according to this principle the word was formed pianist, which means "pianist".

Suffix ist can be used to designate a person who has a negative attitude towards a certain group of people or direction in society. An excellent example of this situation is the word racist, which translated means "racist".

The suffix -ian in English

This suffix can indicate the Latin or Greek origin of a certain word. In English, this suffix is ​​used for:

  1. Designations of nationality or affiliation with a particular country. For example, Russian- Russian, Russian; Ukrainian- Ukrainian, Ukrainian; Bulgarian- Bulgarian, Bulgarian.
  2. This suffix can also be used to denote professions, but this is quite a rare occurrence. For example, musician- musician; librarian- librarian.

It is necessary to remember that nouns that indicate belonging to a particular country or nationality are always capitalized in English, regardless of the suffix. This rule applies to all adjectives and nouns denoting nationality, and these words can have absolutely any suffix.

It is important to note that currently words with the suffix ian can also be translated as adjectives.

To a relative of the suffix ian also include the suffix an, however this suffix is ​​not that common. But it is worth noting that a fairly large number of words are formed using the suffix an and are actively used both in colloquial and official speech.

The suffix -ing in English

This suffix forms nouns from verbs. Presence of suffix ing may indicate:

  1. Action. For example, meet - meeting, meet - meeting.
  2. Result. For example, proceed - proceeding, continue - practice.
  3. Process. For example, build - building, build - construction.
  4. Material. For example, wad - wadding, stuff - stuffing.

However, it is worth understanding the difference between a gerund, a verb and a participle. They are all used with the ending ing, however, the differences between them are very significant. They manifest themselves in usage and meaning.

Suffix ing, of course, is also used to denote adjectives. First, adjectives with this suffix describe the thing they refer to. For example, "interesting trip" would be translated as interesting trip.

This suffix can be used to indicate cause. For example, something boring would be translated as something boring.

Suffixes -ment, -ion, -ism in English

A number of these morphemes have similar properties. These suffixes can carry the meaning:

  1. Movement, result or state. A striking example is the verb move, which translated means “to move.” When adding the suffix - ment turns into a noun and takes on a new meaning - movement, which means “movement”;
  2. Suffix - ism can denote a system of views and beliefs. For example, racism(racism, racist), communism(communism);
  3. Suffix - ion can also mean an action, a process or a result. For example, revolution- revolution; isolation- insulation; restriction- limitation. The presence of this suffix always indicates Latin origin.

The suffix -ess in English

This suffix plays a very important role in word formation in the English language because it forms feminine nouns. For example, noun poet when adding a suffix - ess takes shape poetess and accepts feminine, these words are translated as: “poet-poetess” or noun sreward- steward, in the presence of this suffix, becomes stewardess and takes on a feminine form.

This suffix is ​​also called the “feminine” suffix because it is one of the few suffixes for forming feminine nouns.

Suffixes -hood, -ship in English

These suffixes indicate a person's age, relationships, and condition. In English, the use of these suffixes is a very popular phenomenon. A clear example of this is the words, for example, childhood, which translates as “childhood”, motherhood, translated meaning “motherhood”, friendship, translated as "friendship".

It is important to note that the suffix is ship indicates a specific group united according to some characteristic or characteristics. This suffix can also indicate the state of the relationship, for example, partnership, which translated means “partnership”. Indicates a title or position, e.g. lordship, which translates as “lordship.” Suffix - ship can define skills or abilities, a clear example of this is the word horsemanship, which translated from English into Russian will mean “horse riding”.

Morphemes -ness and -th

As for the suffix - ness, then it serves to create nouns from adjectives. A striking example is the word cuteness, which translates as “attractiveness,” is derived from the adjective “attractive,” which in English would sound like cute.

The suffix plays an important role - th, because it refers to a noun with the meaning of quality. For example, truth- Truth, health- health.

Of course, in the English language there are a huge number of different suffixes that have different meanings, but the article shows the most used of them.

The word independent prompted me to write this article. I constantly make the same mistake, no matter how often I see it. Every time it comes out of my pen independent. And every time I flatter myself that my (relative) knowledge of the French language influences me so much (compare ind?pendant), but you and I know that this is self-deception. Similar suffixes ance/ence and correspondingly - ant/- ent, and - ancy/-ency productive and often cause spelling confusion. For example, according to the OEC (Oxford English Corpus), the misspelling independent found in publications such as The Guardian, American Zoologist, etc., whose articles are always subject to proofreading. In total, the OED gives exactly 737 examples. Of course, it is encouraging that even journalists admit it. It seems that then we are even more allowed to write independent. But think about it: even if rules are meant to be broken, our minds are very biased, many recoil in horror from misspelled text and instantly form an unflattering opinion of the writer. This can even be called discrimination against the illiterates! Well, that serves it right. Spelling errors in your text can make the reader question your competence and general intelligence.

Why do we confuse these suffixes?

Because in colloquial speech they sound exactly the same, because they are always unstressed, and the vowel in them is the so-called neutral “schwa” /?/. However, there are a few simple rules that will help you choose: a or e, instead of rummaging through the dictionary every time.

- anceor -ence?

These suffixes form nouns and denote quality or state (e.g. ignorance) or action (e.g. emergence). Their spelling in most cases depends on the words from which they are derived.

- ance

- y, - ure, or ear, then the suffix is ​​added to it –ance. For example, apply – appliance; assurance – assurance; appear – appearance.

2. If the noun comes from a verb ending in –ate, then in most cases it acquires the suffix –ance: deviate – deviance; hesitate – hesitance etc.

3. If the root word ends in c (sounding /k/ as in cab) or g (/g/ as in get), then the suffix is ​​used –ance: significance; elegance.

4. As for other cases of use –ance, then they are not subject to any rules, and they are easier to simply remember. For example, abundance, guidance, resistance, resemblance, etc.

- ence

1. If a noun is formed from a verb ending in here, then the suffix is ​​added to it - ence. For example, adhere – adherence, interfere – interference. I can already hear you asking me indignantly: why? perseverance written with –ance, if it is formed from persevere? This is an exception, deal with it.

2. If the noun comes from a verb ending with a stressed suffix –er, then it acquires the suffix –ence: conference – conference; prefer – preference, transfer – transference etc.

Please note that difference written with –ence despite the fact that in the verb differ the stress falls on the first syllable.

3. If the word contains –cid-, -fid-, -sid- or –vid-, standing directly before the final suffix, then this final suffix will be –ence. For example: confidence, evidence, residence.

4. If the root of a word ends in c (/s/ as in cell) or g (/dg/ as in gin), then the suffix is ​​used –ence: indulgence, license. There are exceptions here, such as: vengeance.

5. And again, some words do not obey any rules, and you just need to remember them: absence, excellence, patience, sentence etc.

- ancyor -ency?

With the help of these suffixes, nouns are formed that denote quality or state. For example, infantility or fluency.

The spelling rules are the same as in –ance/-ence. For example:

  • If a noun comes from a verb ending in –ate, then it will acquire the suffix – ance: hesitate - hesitancy; vacate – vacancy.
  • If the root word ends in c (/s/ as in cell) or g (/dg/ as in gin), the suffix is ​​used –ence: urgency, emergency.
  • Etc.


Suffixes -ant And –ent used for education:

Adjectives denoting quality or condition: arrogant, convenient, different etc.

Nouns denoting the performer of an action, that is, the agent: accountant, resident etc.

The same rules apply, for example:

  • Words formed from a verb ending in - y, add a suffix –ant. For example, defy – defiant; occupy – occupant.
  • Words formed from a verb ending in – ate, acquire the suffix –ant: deviate – deviant; hesitate – hesitant etc.
  • If a word comes from a verb ending in –ere, the suffix is ​​added to it –ent: cohere – coherent; adhere – adherent.
  • In addition, the same rule applies with c and g: if they are pronounced as /k/ and /g/, then use – ant, For example: communicant, extravagant; if they are pronounced as /s/ and /dg/, then the suffix will be used -ent, For example: intelligent, recent etc.
  • Etc.


The spelling of these adjectives depends on the part of speech to which they belong.

Let's start with dependent/dependent:

  1. In British English, a noun can be written with a suffix –ent, and with the suffix – ant: He is a single man with no dependents/ dependants. In American English the only correct option is dependent.
  2. If we're talking about about an adjective, then in both versions of the language the correct spelling will be dependent (We're dependent on his goodwill). Please note: independent always written with a suffix –ent, be it a noun or an adjective.

The situation with pendant/pendent a little simpler. Pendant can be both an adjective and a noun ( She wore a silver pendant; pendant catkins), while pendent- it's only an adjective ( pendent catkins).

I agree that at first glance it seems that it is easier to check every time or simply learn the spelling of words than to apply these rules. But that's not true. Rules relating to one pair of suffixes, e.g. -ence And - ance, work with the rest, and this greatly simplifies our task. So, being confident in writing competence, you will not be mistaken in competent and competency.

Follow the rules! But don't be afraid to experiment.

English suffixes, like Russians, are the elements of the word following the root. They help us form new words. Some suffixes change the part of speech, turning, for example, a verb into a noun. We should also not forget about those suffixes that, while changing the form of a word, do not affect its very meaning.

If you have even a little ideaabout the table of suffixes in English, then any word-formation “delights” in English will seem like child’s play. Moreover, having understood the principles of constructing new words using prefixes and suffixes (by the way, prefixes are significantly inferior to suffixes in terms of flexibility and prevalence), a language learner will be able to translate nouns without any problems male to female, to form a nationality or profession.

It turns out that it is not at all necessary to set records for the number of words learned. After all, in English, as in Russian, there is the concept of “cognate words”, differing from each other only in suffixes and prefixes. Therefore, knowing, for example, the meaning of the verb paint (to paint, to paint), you can easily understand that painter is an artist.

Word-forming and form-forming suffixes: differences

Russian speakers consider some English suffixes to be endings. For example, some English textbooks call the suffix -ed an ending. All Suffixes in English is divided into two large groups: formative and word-forming. Thanks to the first, the word does not change its meaning, only the form changes. Compare, short (short) and shorter (shorter).

Word-formingsuffixes in Englishform a new word with a different meaning, albeit often similar to the meaning of the original word. For example, neighbor (neighbor) - neighborhood (neighborhood).

Form-buildingsuffixes in English

So, in English, unlike Russian, one word can take not so many forms. This is due to the fact that in English many grammatical meanings of a word, such as gender, verb tense, etc., are expressed not by the word itself, but by various auxiliary elements (articles, auxiliary verbs, etc.). In Russian, just one adjective (depending on case, number, gender) can have more than 20 forms. For example, beloved - beloved - beloved - beloved, etc. In English, the adjective favorite (favorite) may not change at all, but we guess about its exact form from the context (environment): This is my favorite book (This is my favorite book ). - He is my favorite writer (He is my favorite writer).

However, in some cases, English words do change form. And for this, in English there are five formative suffixes that are important to remember: -ed, -est, -ing, -s (-es), -er.

Now it’s worth understanding English words that can take different forms. So, the English suffix -ed is needed in order to form the second and third forms of the regular verb. For example, finish (finish, complete) - finished (completed).

The suffixes -er and -est in English languageused in the formation of comparative forms of adjectives. We use these suffixes with short adjectives, like close, big, etc. The suffix -er is used for the comparative form, and -est for the superlative form. For example, close (close) - closer (closer) - closest (closest).

Among English suffixes-s and -es are widespread. They apply in the following cases:

  • to form the possessive form of an animate noun - father (father) - father's house (father's house);
  • for education plural noun - face (face) - faces (faces);
  • to form the 3rd person singular of the verb (in the Present Simple) - run (run) - runs (runs).

Finally, the English suffix -ing is used to form Continuous tense forms, type 1 participles, verbal nouns and gerunds: to run (run) - I am running (I am running) - running (running, running, running).Read more about this in the article.

Suffixes forming nouns

Word-formingsuffixes in Englishcontribute to the formation of a number of nouns. It is to them that we owe the appearance of the names of many professions. The list of suffixes for nouns is quite extensive.

Suffixes in English: tablefor nouns

Adjective suffixes in English

A huge number of adjectives in English are formed from nouns and verbs. Some suffixes are used to form both nouns and adjectives (for example, -al, -ing). But most of the suffixes we see with the part of speech answering the question “which” are not found on nouns or verbs. For example,suffix less in Englishcharacteristic only of adjectives.

List adjective suffixes in English, just as in the case of nouns, is quite extensive.

  • -able, -ible. The ability to perform or perform any action. To make an adjective, a suffix is ​​added to the verb. For example, to forget (forget) - forgettable (unmemorable).
  • -al. Used to indicate a characteristic. For example, accident (case) - accidental (random).
  • -ant. Adjectives formed with this suffix from verbs and nouns mean “conveying qualities.” For example, please (to please) - pleasant (pleasant).
  • -ar. When forming adjectives, this suffix is ​​often added to nouns or stems of Latin origin. -Ar is used to mean “to have the quality of something” (for example, moon, sun, pole): lunar (lunar), solar (solar), polar (polar).
  • -ary, ory. Used to denote a characteristic, quality or relationship to something. For example, diet (diet) - dietary (dietary).
  • -ate. The meaning of adjectives with the suffix -ate, as a rule, can be expressed by the phrase “to have some quality”: affection - affectionate (attachment - loving, affectionate). This suffix also indicates a characteristic. For example, fortune (happiness, luck) - fortunate (happy, lucky).
  • -ed. Adjectives with this suffix usually describe the effect exerted on someone or something: amaze (amaze, amaze) - amazed (amazed).
  • -ent. Used to mean quality: to differ (different) - different (different).
  • -ern. Used when indicating a part of the world: south (south) - southern (southern).
  • -ese. Denotes nationality or territorial affiliation. For example, China (China) - Chinese (Chinese).
  • -ful. This suffix in English turns a noun into an adjective, meaning “to be endowed with something, some property.” For example, beauty (beauty) - beautiful (beautiful).
  • -ian, ean. These suffixes in Englishfound in adjectives expressing national or territorial affiliation: Italy (Italy) - Italian (Italian).
  • -ic. Added to a noun and describes a quality: majesty (greatness) - majestic (majestic).
  • -ical. Indicates the attribute: myth (myth) - mythical (mythical).
  • -ing. For the formation of adjectives and participles with the meaning of quality and property. For example, to miss (miss, miss) - missing (lost, absent).
  • -ish. The suffix is ​​used in adjectives to mean “approximately”; it is also found in names of nationalities; sometimes it expresses similarity or belonging to something. For example, child (child) - childish (childish).
  • -ive. Used to mean quality, ability: attract (attract) - attractive (attractive).
  • -less. The suffix less in Englishserves as an antonym to the suffix ful and indicates the absence of any quality: home (house) - homeless (homeless).
  • -like. Means similarity to something, similarity: wave (wave) - wavelike (wavy).
  • -ly. To denote quality: friend - friendly.
  • - ous - suffix expressing the characteristic: poison (poison) - poisonous (poisonous).
  • -y. Used in the meaning of “to have a sign”: dirt (dirt) - dirty (dirty).

Verb suffixes

With the help of suffixes in English, a whole series of verbs are formed from nouns and adjectives.

Verbal suffixes in English: table with examples

Adverb suffixes

Word formation of adverbs in English is a much easier process than creating nouns and adjectives. In order to get a part of speech that answers the questions how, in what way, it is usually enough to use one of the suffixes presented below:

  • wise
  • ward/wards

The suffix ward is used to mean direction: home (house, cottage) - homeward (home). -Ly indicates a course of action. For example, true (honest) - truly (honestly). -Wise means the method of action: other (other) - otherwise (otherwise).

Of course, you don't have to remember everythingsuffixes in English. Constant speaking practice contributes to the fact that over time the student begins to see the components in words, easily identifying suffixes, prefixes and roots. And understanding the basis of a new word allows you to guess its function in a sentence.

In this lesson from the section we will continue talking about noun suffixes. We have already covered These are five suffixes.

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Now let's look at the remaining suffixes to get a complete picture of how nouns are formed in English. If you are preparing for an English language exam in the form of the Unified State Exam, then knowing them is simply necessary.

Total English nouns have 16 suffixes:

  • -er/or, -tion, -ing, -ness, -ence/ance (main list - 9th grade),
  • -hood, -ship, -dom, -th, -t, -(i)ty, -ment, -age, -ure, -ee, -ist (extended list - 11th grade).

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Word formation of nouns

Noun suffixes in English

1.Suffixes -hood, -ship, -dom, with the help of which nouns are formed from other nouns and adjectives.

noun/adj + Ʌ =noun

  1. hood
    child - childhood (child - childhood)
    neighbor - neighborhood (neighbor - neighborhood)
  2. ship
    friend - friendship (friend - friendship)
    champion - championship (champion - championship)
    partner - partnership (partner - partnership)
  3. dom
    king - kingdom (king - kingdom)
    free - freedom (free - freedom)
    wise - wisdom (wise - wisdom)

2. Suffixes -th, -t, -(i)ty, with the help of which nouns are formed from adjectives.

adj + Ʌ =noun

  1. th(possibly alternating a vowel at the root of a word)
    warm - warmth (warm - warmth)
    long - length
    strong - strength
    wide - width
    deep - depth
    young - youth
  2. t: high - height (high - height)
  3. (i)ty
    electric - electricity (electric - electricity)
    possible - possibility
    probable - probability

3. Suffixes -ment, -age, -ure, with the help of which nouns are formed from verbs.

verb + Ʌ =noun

  1. ment
    state - statement (state - statement)
    develop - development
  2. age
    marry - marriage (marry - marriage, marriage)
    break - breakage
  3. ure
    press - pressure (press - pressure)
    please - pleasure
    depart - departure

4. And we will separately consider the suffixes of the profession — ist and suffix -ee.

  1. ist
    biology - biologist (biology - biologist)
    psychology - psychologist (psychology - psychologist)
  2. ee
    address - addressee (address - addressee/recipient)
    employer - employee (employer - employee)

Total turned out 11 suffixes. To remember them, I recommend learning 11 words (the simplest ones) with these suffixes in the form of mnemonic phrases. For example, these:

1.In my childhood I made a friendship with a king of a kingdom. He had good strength and great height. — As a child, I made friends with the king of one kingdom. He had great strength and enormous height.

2.Electricity resulted from the development of science. — Electricity was the result of the development of science.

3.The breakage was because of high pressure.— The breakdown was due to high pressure.

Suffixes of nouns in English. Exercises

Exercise 1. Read the noun and indicate the suffix with which it is formed.

EXAMPLE. performance - The noun performance e is formed with the help of the suffix -ance.

silence, biologist, employment, humanity, modesty, settlement, feeling

Exercise 2. Find a noun in each line and translate it.

Exercise 3. Form nouns with the indicated suffixes from the stems of the highlighted words and write them.

— ment:
1.The child was greatly excited when he received a big bear as a birthday present.
The child’s ____________was very great.

2. My English has improved very little for the last two months.
There is very little ___________ in my English, I am afraid.

3. The children enjoyed entertaining the guests.
They enjoyed giving an _____________ for their guests.

4. He collected a good library of books.
He had a good __________ of books.

5. The machines exhibited in the hall were very interesting to us.
The machines at the ___________ are very interesting.

6. He said he wanted to continue studying after he graduated from the institute.
He said he wanted to continue studying after….

7. The scientists had difficulty explaining how the star had disappeared.
They had difficulty in explaining the____________.of the star.

8. We were surprised to find out how different her speech had become.
We were surprised at the ________________in her speech.

Exercise 4. Fill in the spaces with verbs formed from the nouns given in brackets.

1. He said good bye and ____________ (departure)
2. Your pronunciation has _____________ wonderfully. (improvement)
3. The doctor ______________the boy’s arm carefully. (examination)

Exercise 5. Fill in the blanks with nouns formed from the verbs given in brackets.

1. This rare book is the first _____________ of Pushkin’s poems. (to edit)
2. The sixth-form pupils’ English ___________was much better this year. (to perform)
3. The dancer’s__________became slower and slower (to move).

Exercise 6. Form nouns from adjectives.

  1. thirsty
  2. hungry
  3. shady

To test yourself, use the DICTIONARY dictionary in the lower right corner. If you click on the arrows, a dictionary window will appear and you need to enter a word that will be the answer.

For example, 1. thirsty (thirsty) - ? your option(thirst).

Enter the word thirst into the dictionary and check if it matches your option t with the one the dictionary suggests.

Exercise 7.Do It right choice. Translate the sentence.
1. What is the (long, length) of the corridor?
2. How (long, length) is the street?
3. He is not (strong, strength) enough to fight with John?
4. My brother can lift the box because of his (strong, strength).
5. Nelly’s skirt is too (wide, width).
6. We can’t get the piano through the door because of its (wide, width).
7. Is spring a (warmth, warm) season?
8. We felt the (warm, warmth) of the sun on out faces and hands.
9. We were surprised at your formal (polite, politeness).
10. We were not struck by the (white, whiteness) of the snow.

Exercise 8. Rewrite the phrases, indicating in brackets the word from which the noun is formed. Translate them.

EXAMPLE. whole-hearted devotion (devote) - devotion with all your heart

whole-hearted devotion, gloomy silence, an outstanding novelist, gathering darkness, limitless possibilities, an important addition, a noticeable improvement, complete understanding, widespread popularity, a gymnastic competition, a new acquaintance, a small settlement, an important announcement.

Exercise 9. Form nouns from these verbs using suffixes: -er/-or -ment -(a)tion -ion -age -ure -th.

to construct, to equip, to divide, to inform, to mix, to observe, to move, to break, to direct, to compete, to grow, to press, to radiate, to develop, to protect, to transport, to solve , to recognize , to measure, to fail, to vibrate, to reflect, to treat, to improve, to elect, to educate, to manage, to govern, to achieve, to imagine, to attract

Exercise 10. B put in the spaces abstract nouns formed from the words given in brackets.

1. Suvorov always showed great courage and __________. (wise)
2. The traveler had to overcome many __________. (difficult)
3. He sat resting, enjoying the ___________ of the fire. (warm)
4. He suffered from his own __________. (fool)
5. This man has extraordinary __________. (strong)
6. The balloon floated at the _________of one mile. (high)
7. She remembered the happy days of her __________. (young)
8. The __________ of the canal is seventy kilometers. (long)
9. Its _________ is one hundred meters. (wide)
10. When he came round he felt a strange ____________and could not stand up (weak).

So, I hope that by completing a cycle of exercises on topic “Word formation of nouns in English” did you remember 16 basic noun suffixes. But if you still have questions, write in the comments. Author, Tatyana Nabeeva
