What should be on the table during Easter? Easter treats

On April 16, Orthodox believers will celebrate the most important Christian holiday - Easter, the Holy Resurrection of Christ. Housewives are already starting to prepare. They clean the house, buy food for the Easter table, put dough on Easter cakes.

The 48 days of strict fasting will soon be behind us, and a family holiday dinner is ahead. What to treat your family and friends on Easter? What should be on the table? And how to manage everything? Culinary secrets And family traditions shares with readers of “AiF-Prikamye” Mother Lyubov Vorobyova, wife of the rector of the temple in the name of St. Sergius Radonezhsky (Oktyabrsky village), mother of five children.

“Preparing for Easter is a wonderful opportunity to spend time with the whole family,” Mother Lyubov is sure. - According to our family custom, on Friday evening we all sit down at a large table, light a candle, sing spiritual songs and begin to paint eggs. On Saturday morning we go to church to bless Easter treats (eggs, cottage cheese, Easter cakes).”

Easter on the table

“Our family’s favorite treat is Easter. We prepare it the old fashioned way, rubbing homemade cottage cheese through a sieve. This is very difficult, because the cottage cheese is fatty, thick, and your hands get tired. Therefore, we all work one by one. To make Easter bright, we add pieces of yellow and orange marmalade to the curd mass,” the hostess shares the recipe.

Cottage cheese Easter with marmalade

Ingredients for Easter:
  • 1 kg fresh fat cottage cheese
  • 200 g sour cream (cream) 30% fat
  • 4 egg yolks
  • 100-150 g sugar
  • 200 g butter
  • Crushed marmalade

Cooking time 1.5 hours.

Cottage cheese Easter has the shape of a truncated pyramid. This is a symbol of the tomb in which the greatest miracle took place - the Resurrection of Christ. Therefore, to make Easter, you will need a special form - an Easter box. It consists of four trapezoidal planks with a deep carved design on one of the two sides. Most often, symbols of the suffering and resurrection of Christ (cross, spear, cane, flowers), as well as the letters “ХВ” - “Christ is Risen”, are carved on pasochnitsa.

  1. The cottage cheese should be homogeneous. Rub it through a sieve to get rid of any lumps. Some housewives use a blender to obtain a homogeneous consistency. The butter should melt to room temperature. Beat sugar, yolks and butter. Add sour cream (cream) to the prepared cottage cheese and beat. Then combine with the butter mixture and beat again.
  2. Place the resulting curd mass in a water bath, stirring constantly so that the mass does not separate. As soon as the first bubbles appear, remove the pan from the bath, continuing to stir the contents.
  3. Let the curd mass cool, then put it in the refrigerator for an hour or two so that it “sets.” Then add the marmalade pieces.
  4. The inside of the bean box must be lined with gauze. Place the curd mixture there tightly, compacting it. When the pan is filled to the brim, cover the curd mass with the edges of the gauze. Place a weight on top, for example, liter jar half filled with water. Place a deep plate under the pan so that all the liquid drains there. Place the treat in the refrigerator for a couple of days.
  5. Before serving Easter, remove the pan and gauze. Place the finished treat on holiday dish and light a red Easter candle for Easter.

The egg is a symbol of new life and... a coffin

According to tradition, the first treat eaten on Easter is a blessed colored egg. Tradition says that the stone with which the tomb of Jesus Christ was closed resembled an egg in outline. According to legend, the painted egg became a symbol of Easter after the miracle of Mary Magdalene. The Holy Myrrh-Bearer came with a sermon to the Roman Emperor Tiberius and presented him with an egg as a gift with the words: “Christ is Risen!” The emperor replied that, just as an egg is white and not red, so the dead do not rise again. At the same moment, the egg in his hand turned red.

“There are several ways to color eggs, for example, boil them in onion skins so that the shell becomes brick-colored. Or even easier, decorate the egg with special stickers. But we, again, stick to the old days - we paint easter symbol honey paints. Younger children especially love this activity. They enthusiastically paint various ornaments and patterns on the shell with brushes, draw willows and temples,” says Mother Lyubov.

Easter eggs Photo: pixabay.com

Tips for housewives: how to boil eggs so they don't crack?

Choose eggs without cracks, smooth.

White eggs are more beautiful for painting, but brown eggs have a denser shell.

To ensure that the paint lays evenly, the eggs must be washed thoroughly. The marking stamp is erased with vinegar.

Place the eggs in cold water to sudden change temperatures they did not crack.

Salt the water.

Boil the eggs over low heat, otherwise when the water boils strongly, they will hit the walls of the pan and each other.

Paint boiled eggs must be absolutely dry.

Homemade artos

“Every Easter, we give the Easter cakes that the church donates to us large families, - says Mother Lyubov. - Kulich (from the Greek “round bread”) is home option church bread - artos. It symbolizes the bread that Christ shared with his disciples after his Resurrection. And when during the Easter meal we treat each other to Easter cake, we can hope that the risen Lord is invisibly present in our home.”

Quick Easter cake


600 g wheat flour, 250 l milk, 150 g sugar, 100 g butter, 3 eggs, 5 g dry yeast, 1 packet vanillin, 150 g raisins, pinch of salt

For the glaze:

2 egg whites, 50 g powdered sugar.

  1. Pour the yeast into warm milk and add 200 grams of flour. Mix everything well and leave the dough in a warm place for half an hour.
  2. Separate the yolks from the whites. Beat the yolks with sugar and vanilla. In another bowl, mix the egg whites with a pinch of salt.
  3. In a deep plate, combine the risen dough and egg yolks. Mix everything thoroughly.
  4. Add the melted butter to the main mass and mix.
  5. Pour in the whipped whites and mix again.
  6. Add 400 grams of sifted flour and knead the dough. Place it in a tall bowl, cover it with a towel and leave it warm for an hour.
  7. After the dough has increased in volume, add washed raisins to it. Cover the dough with a towel again and leave it warm for another 40 minutes.
  8. Place the dough in special cake pans and fill the pan halfway. After 30 minutes in a warm place, the dough will rise and fill the entire volume of the mold.
  9. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Bake the cakes for 40 minutes.

To prepare the glaze, you need to beat egg whites with powdered sugar. Pour the resulting mixture over the cakes. Let the glaze harden, only then decorate the top of the concoction with colored confectionery sprinkles.

By the way, you can consecrate Easter dishes both on the eve of Easter, on Saturday, and on the Bright Resurrection of Christ.

  • © AiF / Victor Mikhalev

  • © AiF / Victor Mikhalev

  • © AiF / Victor Mikhalev

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  • © AiF / Victor Mikhalev

  • © AiF / Victor Mikhalev

  • © AiF / Victor Mikhalev

  • © AiF / Victor Mikhalev

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Easter is celebrated in 2019 Orthodox Church April 28. For this bright day, it is customary to prepare traditional Easter dishes and richly set the festive table.

However, it’s not enough to cook delicious dishes for Easter, you need to serve them beautifully. We offer original ideas Easter table decorations that will help you cope with this task in the best possible way.

When deciding how to decorate the Easter table, consider the symbolism of flowers. White is a symbol of purity and divine light, red is the color of love, which personifies the boundless love of Christ for people. Yellow– a symbol of joy and light, green – the awakening of nature and freshness.

To liven up the interior of your kitchen or dining room, hang on the wall several crafts in the form of painted eggs on bright ribbons or a garland of cardboard eggs, chickens, lambs and other holiday attributes. Put an elegant cover in the shape of a chicken or lamb on the teapot.

Another Easter table decoration idea is to decorate with an Easter wreath. It can be placed in the center of the table, placed in the middle Easter cake, and laid out colored eggs around the perimeter. Or hang such a wreath on the wall, window opening, furniture doors.

What's the best way to decorate the Easter table?

You can place a large glass vase in the center of the table, placing cut corrugated green paper in it, and colored eggs on it. Or place them on a nice big platter with some red beans or lentils on top.

You can also serve eggs in stands, placing small bouquets of flowers in them. No less spectacular option– place a bunch of fresh herbs in a bright rosette or small decorative bucket, and place a colored egg in the center.

Miniature ones will look original quail eggs in bird's nests made of twigs and straw.

How to properly set the table for Easter? Place blooming willow branches and spring-blooming shrubs in vases.

You can crochet several bright flowers from colored yarn and string them on dry twigs or decorate the branches with paper flowers, hang decorative painted eggs or other figures made of paper, fabric or beads on the branches.

What should be on the table on Easter?

On this day, ritual dishes are served to the table - Easter cottage cheese, Easter cakes, larks in the form of birds, Easter lambs, baked goods in the form of crosses, cookies with the inscription “XV” (Christ is Risen), etc.

For serving, it is better to use colored dishes, a tablecloth and napkins. The table is decorated with fresh or bright paper flowers, fresh herbs, figurines of cockerels, larks, doves and lambs.

Cutlery for serving the Easter table can be decorated paper napkins, cutting out chickens, hares or flowers from them. Please note that cutlery and dishes are not removed from the table all day, because on Easter it is customary to go to visit friends and relatives until the evening, treat yourself and treat others.

The holiday begins on the night from Saturday to Sunday. Solemn services are held in churches. After the festive service on Sunday morning, Easter treats are blessed.

IN Easter basket There must be Easter cakes (Easter cakes), dyed eggs, salt, red wine and homemade sausage (except blood sausage) are allowed. Only after lighting these dishes in the houses does a festive dinner begin, for which the whole family gathers.

Easter menu- This is a special selection of dishes. Among them, in the center of the table there should be Paska or Easter cake, 12 painted eggs (according to the number of apostles) and one unpainted one (for the Almighty).

Easter cakes made from dough symbolize presence Divine power In human life.

Curd Easter- a dish of sweet cottage cheese with candied fruits and raisins. It symbolizes the Holy Sepulcher and recalls the sacrifice of Christ.

Painted eggs- This is a symbol of resurrection and the beginning of a new life. There must be bright red eggs on the Easter table. It reminds us of the blood shed by Christ for the salvation of all sinners.

Fresh herbs is a symbol of new life. Bunches of dill, parsley and other herbs are placed on the table in bouquets, generously sprinkled on meat and fish dishes, and added to salads.

Meat and fish dishes indicate that the mournful fast is over and the time has come for joy. On the traditional Easter table in Ukraine there is homemade sausage, jellied meat, Fried fish and lard.

Wine for Easter they choose red, as a rule, it is Cahors, which is used in Orthodox churches for communion. Wine symbolizes the blood of Christ and the cleansing of the soul. But vodka has absolutely no place on the table on the Great Day. Hot dishes were not placed on the table either.

Salt was a must on the Easter table. This product has always signified the generosity of the owners, their kindness and willingness to share food with their neighbors.

As a dessert, consecrated Easter cakes and Easter cakes. Each family member had to eat a piece of this pastry. Paska was served with honey and traditional uzvar. The celebration of Easter did not end there; the holiday lasts throughout the next week. People visit each other, give dyes and Easter eggs and wish them a Happy Easter.

Meat dish for Easter: homemade boiled pork

We offer you original recipe festive homemade boiled pork:

  • pork tenderloin 1 kg
  • sea ​​salt large 1 tbsp. l.
  • cloves 10 pieces
  • ground black pepper 1 pinch
  • dried herbs 1 pinch
  • dry thyme 1 sprig
  • rosemary 1 sprig
  • garlic 1 head

Cooking method:

  1. Rinse the meat and dry with a paper towel.
  2. Peel the garlic and chop a few cloves thinly.
  3. Sprinkle the meat evenly with garlic and cloves, making cuts using a knife with a sharp tip.
  4. Chop the remaining garlic using a garlic press.
  5. Rub the stuffed meat with garlic, coarse seaweed, ground black pepper, dried herbs, thyme and rosemary. Coarse sea salt is ideal for marinating meat; unlike fine salt, it dissolves more slowly and makes the meat very juicy and tender.
  6. Wrap the meat in cling film and refrigerate overnight.
  7. Then place the meat in foil.
  8. Place in a cold oven and set the temperature to 180 degrees. Bake the boiled pork for 90 minutes or more.
  9. Ready meat can be served either hot or cold.

The Easter menu involves breaking the fast, which means meat and fish dishes, jellied meat, saltison, lard and homemade sausage according to an old recipe are welcome.

Happy Easter to you and your loved ones!

In 2015, the main Christian holiday, Easter, is celebrated on the 12th day of April. This holiday glorifies the resurrection of Jesus Christ, which became the brightest and most amazing event in the history of all mankind. To understand and feel the atmosphere of Bright Resurrection, you don’t have to be deeply religious person, observing absolutely all the dogmas of Christianity, because this holiday personifies the brightest sides of our world: the victory of good over evil, faith over force, life over death. Probably everyone would like to know about Easter traditions, attributes of the holiday, as well as plan a menu for Easter 2015 and beautifully decorate the Easter table. “House of Dreams” has selected the most interesting information for its readers about this.

Main Easter traditions

Preparations for Easter begin 48 days before the holiday. That's how long it lasts Lent, the purpose of which is not so much physical as spiritual cleansing. At this time, Christians should sincerely pray, begging for both their own and others’ sins, reflect on the meaning of life and work hard. The last week of Lent, called Holy Week, is considered the most difficult. According to legend, at this time guardian angels move away from a person, leaving him alone with worldly temptations, and it depends only on the person himself whether he can overcome the temptations he encounters.

Active Easter preparations begin with the arrival of Maundy Thursday - the day when it is customary to get up before sunrise to wash, thereby securing the purity of one’s thoughts. Believers in Maundy Thursday they receive communion and confess, after which they go home, where they spend time cooking Easter cakes and coloring eggs. Also many flowers, branches and all kinds of Easter decor.

What should be on a traditional Easter table

Easter table is a must holiday. According to tradition, there should be 48 dishes on the Easter table, representing the seven-week fast. The most important dishes of the Easter table are, of course, Easter cakes, Easter cakes and colored eggs. Easter dough is kneaded on Maundy Thursday, leaving it to steep overnight. Cottage cheese cakes and other dishes are also prepared on Maundy Thursday, but you cannot try them until you break your fast.

In addition to the main dishes, the Easter table must include meat, fish and vegetables. But what’s interesting is that in the traditional version, the Easter table does not imply the presence of hot snacks. According to the peculiarities of this holiday, on Easter day the table should be set from dawn to sunset, so that everyone can come into your house and treat themselves to the dish they like.

Dishes for Easter 2015

Kulich and Easter - the “heart” of the Easter table

Each dish on the Easter table has its own meaning and symbolizes one or another side of life. Passover, which is the first food for breaking the fast, simultaneously personifies the bread and body of the Lord. As it is said in the Old Testament legends, during the Last Supper, Jesus Christ broke unleavened bread and said that this was his body, which he sacrificed in the name of humanity.

For every housewife, preparing Easter cakes is akin to a sacrament. You only need to knead the dough for Easter bread by hand. In addition to the main ingredients - flour, water, eggs, yeast, milk, butter and sugar, you can add raisins, candied fruits and nuts to the Easter dough, as a symbol that the torment of Christ was not in vain.

Easter table decoration - Easter cakes and eggs

Easter made from cottage cheese symbolizes the sweetness of heavenly life. In the traditional version, it should be made in the form of a truncated pyramid, repeating the shape of the tomb where the resurrection of Christ took place. That is why the letters “ХВ” (Christ is Risen) are applied to one of the sides of the Easter cottage cheese.

Cottage cheese Easter, eggs and flowers – pictures

Why do we paint eggs for Easter?

Painted eggs or dyes are another constant symbol Easter day. We are used to painting Easter paints in all the colors known to us, putting patterns and pictures on them, but according to tradition we must paint them red, as a symbol of the shed blood of Jesus Christ. According to the most widespread legend, on the day of Jesus Christ's return from world of the dead, Mary Magdalene hastened to report this good news Emperor of Rome. Having met the emperor, she handed him egg with the exclamation: “Christ is Risen!”, but the emperor said that he would believe this news only when eggshell will blush. After his words, the egg in the hands of Mary Magdalene turned bloody red.

What to cook for Easter 2015: main menu

In addition to Easter cakes, Easter cakes and dyes, the Easter table is complemented by several meat dishes. Baked pork, jellied meat, homemade sausages, meat rolls and appetizers are symbols of the joy and strength of life.

Also on the Easter table should be present vegetable dishes and cereal dishes that represent the infinity of human life.

Before the start of the festive meal, the main dishes should be blessed. In addition, the table is supposed to be sprinkled with holy water, after which it is customary to pray for those who have already left our world.

How to decorate an Easter table

Easter table decor ideas 2015

Since ancient times, on Easter day, people have sought to fill their home with an atmosphere of warmth, spring awakening and comfort. For this holiday, the house was washed clean and decorated with fresh flowers and willow branches. In addition, there are several important rules regarding decorating and serving the Easter table.

The Easter table is covered with a light and new tablecloth. It is best if the tablecloth for such a holiday is made from natural materials.

When setting the table, the hostess must leave one free place for unexpected guests by placing a piece of illuminated Easter cake and an Easter egg on a plate.

Beautiful decoration of the Easter table photo

Easter table setting

Easter table beautiful pictures

Easter cakes, Easter cakes and colored eggs are placed in the center of the festive table. Traditionally, these dishes are set in a wicker Easter basket , next to which there is space for a transparent vase with fresh flowers or a bowl with sprouted grains of wheat. The presence of a piece of living nature on the festive table is another symbol of life's rebirth, fertility and prosperity.

In addition, you can complement the holiday atmosphere with a variety of Easter attributes, which include such as figurines of hens, chicks and hares, compositions of willow branches, painted paints, napkins with themed designs, etc.

According to tradition, if there is a girl of marriageable age in the house, you should place a bouquet of flowers near her plate. pink flowers. If the owners of the house dream of a child, the Easter table should be decorated with primroses, figurines of chickens and angels.

Toward evening, it is customary to light candles on the Easter table as a sign of gratitude to Christ for his wisdom and mercy.

For many, the Easter table is associated with colored eggs, Easter cake and Easter cottage cheese. But why limit yourself to only them. In this article you will find a selection of recipes for traditional dishes for this bright holiday.

Every housewife on the Bright Resurrection of Christ tries to decorate her table with a variety of dishes that will look organic on this holiday. Below are Easter dishes with photos that everyone can prepare. After all, there is nothing complicated about them.

  1. Knead the dough from 300 g of flour, 1.5 teaspoons of baking powder, 120 g of brown sugar, salt and butter cut into pieces (80 g). Mix the ingredients and add 3 yolks and 2 tbsp. spoons of water. Cool down ready dough In one hour
  2. Prepare the custard. To do this, grind 7 yolks with vanilla sugar (3 tablespoons) and flour (130 g). Boil 250 ml of milk and pour into the future cream. Stir, cool and mix with ricotta (600 g). Italian cheese can be replaced with cottage cheese
  3. Grate the zest from two oranges, cut out the insides and add them to the ricotta along with the candied fruits.
  4. Two-thirds of the dough is rolled out into a circle with a diameter of 34-37 cm. The dough is laid out in a 24-27 cm mold. The mold must first be coated with oil. A mass of ricotta is placed on top. The edges of the dough are folded over the filling
  5. From the remaining dough you need to make strips 1.5 cm wide. They need to be placed crosswise on the top of the pie. Grease with butter and bake at 180 degrees for 35-40 minutes. Then cover with foil and bake for another 15-20 minutes.
  6. While the cake is cooling, you need to whip cold cream (300 ml) into a foam, gradually adding powdered sugar (1 tablespoon). This pie is served at room temperature. Cold cream is placed on top

Kalitsuniya Greek pies for Easter

  • Even those who do not consider themselves believers paint eggs for Easter. Multi-colored eggs are one of the main symbols of this holiday.
  • But you can paint them in different ways. You can use natural or artificial dyes. Apply plant leaves (dill, parsley, etc.) during coloring.
  • But, if you want to really surprise your guests, you can use tape when coloring Easter eggs. You can cut it out various figures, stick on the eggs and dip them in the dye. After painting, the tape can be peeled off. Original Easter eggs are ready

Meat dishes for Easter

The Easter table is rich meat dishes. Since ancient times, boiled pork, ham, stuffed pig, baked veal, and wild duck stewed in sour cream have been served on this bright holiday. Some of these dishes are still popular today.

Meat for Easter: egg roll

Pass beef (500 g) and pork (500 g) through a meat grinder. Add one egg to the minced meat, soaked in water and squeezed Rye bread(100 g).

  1. Finely chop the onion (1-2 pieces) and add to the minced meat. Ground black pepper and salt also need to be added to the minced meat. Mix everything thoroughly
  2. Line a baking dish with foil and grease vegetable oil and spread some of the minced meat. Place four boiled and peeled eggs in the center of the roll and cover them with the rest of the minced meat. We ram
  3. Bake the roll in the oven preheated to 180 degrees for 30 minutes.

Jellied meat is also traditional Easter dish. Besides him original taste This dish is useful for people with joint problems.

  1. Pork legs (4 pcs.) need to be scalded with boiling water and cleaned. Large ones need to be cut. Place them in a saucepan and pour cold water. Cook over low heat for 4 hours, periodically skimming off the foam.
  2. After two hours of cooking the pork legs, put the deveined and chopped beef (500 g) into the pan.
  3. We clean half the chicken and cut it into pieces. We clean the chicken stomachs (500 g) from films. Cut celery (1/2 root) and carrots (3 pieces) into slices. Cut the onion in half
  4. Place the chicken, gizzards and vegetables in a pan with the future jellied meat an hour and a half after adding the beef. Removing the foam
  5. After 40 minutes, strain the broth. Separate the meat from the bones and cut into pieces of optimal shape. Put them in a pan, salt and add garlic, pepper (5-6 peas) and Bay leaf. Add broth and bring to a boil
  6. Remove from heat, cool slightly and pour the jellied meat into molds. When the dish has cooled to room temperature, put it in the refrigerator

Baked pork is another dish that will be on the table for Easter. To prepare it you will need ham, salt, pepper and garlic.

  1. First, salt the ham at the rate of 20 g of salt per kilogram of meat. The ham should remain in the salt for about a day. Then you need to cut the skin with a sharp knife, rub the meat with pepper and stuff the ham with garlic. There should be one clove of garlic per kilogram of meat.
  2. Preheat the oven, place the ham on a baking sheet and pour half a glass of water. When to blush top part the ham needs to be turned over and cooked until cooked
  3. In order to prevent the top crust from drying out, you need to constantly pour the released juice onto it.

Chicken for Easter

Chicken is also a frequent guest on the Easter table. It can be prepared according to this “monastic” recipe.

  1. Fillet (1 kg) cut into several parts and lightly beat
  2. Peeled and fried walnuts(2 cups), cashews (1 cup) and hazelnuts (1 cup) chopped
  3. We prepare three types of batter. Pour a tablespoon of flour into one bowl. In the second, mix eggs (4 pcs), flour (1 tbsp), salt, pepper and sugar. Pour chopped nuts into the third
  4. Steaks from chicken fillet Before frying, you need to roll it in each of the three batters on both sides. It is better to use olive oil for frying.

Fish for Easter

Fish is not a very frequent guest on the Easter table. But, if you like to pamper yourself with fish dishes, then try baked mackerel in tomato sauce.

  1. Gut the mackerel (4 small fish) and wash thoroughly. We remove the fins and make four deep oblique cuts on each side. We put 2-3 small sprigs of dill in each. Place the fish in the refrigerator
  2. Chop onion (1 piece) and garlic (1 clove). Pour vegetable oil (2 tablespoons) into a small frying pan and fry the onion and garlic. Canned tomatoes(200 g) mash with a fork, transfer to a frying pan and cook for 15 minutes
  3. Pour red wine vinegar (2 tablespoons) into another frying pan, add sugar (1 tablespoon) and simmer over low heat until the volume is reduced by half. Pour vinegar into tomatoes. Mix and pass through a sieve. For full readiness sauce, you need to pour vegetable oil into it (100 g - 120 g)
  4. Finely chop the dill and green onions. Add them to the sauce. Salt, pepper and mix
  5. The mackerel should be greased with vegetable oil, salt and pepper. Line a baking tray with baking paper and place the fish on it. Preheat the oven to 190 degrees. Bake the mackerel for about 15 minutes. During cooking, the fish will need to be turned once to ensure even baking.

Serve the fish hot with tomato sauce.

Salad Easter

Can you imagine a holiday table without salads? For Easter you can prepare this interesting and, most importantly, delicious salad with boiled tongue.

  1. Cut the cabbage (400 g) into thin strips. We knead with our hands. Cut into strips boiled tongue(1 PC). Drain the brine from pickled cucumbers (100 g) and cut them into strips
  2. Mix cabbage, tongue, cucumbers and chopped green onions (10 g). If you wish, you can add other greens. Dressing the salad olive oil(50 ml). Salt, pepper and mix
  3. Top the salad with cashew nuts and herbs.

Cakes for Easter photo

Homemade wine for Easter

Homemade wine has traditionally been considered the main drink on the Easter table. Stronger ones are in use today alcoholic drinks. But, drinking such drinks is fraught with health risks. A couple of glasses homemade wine Easter is not only not condemned, but on the contrary, it can help the body better process food after fasting.

An important factor for success in home winemaking is harvesting the grapes at a time when they have reached full ripeness. At this time the berries contain maximum amount Sahara. What is decisive during the fermentation process?

  1. After harvesting the grapes, the berries need to be separated from the bunch and placed in a container. If you have collected a lot of grapes, then 60-liter stainless steel tanks are suitable for this purpose. Before placing the grapes in containers, the berries must be crushed by hand. Containers with grapes should be placed in a room with a temperature of 10 -25 degrees
  2. While the grapes are fermenting, they need to be stirred periodically.
  3. When sediment appears, the wine needs to be strained. For this purpose, you can use gauze or nylon stocking. You need to add sugar to the purified liquid. For one liter of wine you need one cup of sugar. Stir the wine until the sugar dissolves
  4. We wait until the wine ferments and pour it into three-liter jars. Leave 2 cm from the neck to the level of the wine. Roll up the jars with lids and make a hole in the middle. We insert a medical hose into the hole. It should be above the wine. Coat the hole with the hose with plasticine to seal it. We insert the opposite end of the hose into a jar of water, making a water seal
  5. During fermentation, sediment forms in the wine. It needs to be removed periodically (pour the wine into other jars, leaving sediment) and repeat everything all over again
  6. Fermentation times depend on various factors and can vary greatly. Taste the wine periodically, add sugar (if required) and as soon as you like the drink, close the jar with a nylon lid and leave for storage.

Decorating Easter dishes

To decorate your table and gourmet dishes On Easter, housewives use their tricks. Below in the video you can watch some of them and take note.

Video: Decorating Easter dishes

Setting the Easter table and decorating dishes

  • I can write for a very long time about setting and decorating the Easter table. Every housewife has many ideas in her head about how to beautifully serve dishes prepared for this holiday.
  • On the table during the celebration of Light Christ's Resurrection you need to place Easter symbols: Easter cakes, eggs and other dishes
  • And also what will indicate the awakening of nature from winter sleep: flowers, greenery, decorative bird's nests
  • A toy figurine of the Easter bunny will also be appropriate during the holiday feast
  • The main material of the Easter table is natural wood.
  • If your table is made of this material, then for Easter you can do without a tablecloth altogether.
  • Natural wood, flowers and greenery will make your table unforgettable
  • Place a vase of flowers in the center of the table, and each guest on a plate. colored egg. And if you write the guest's name on the eggs, they can be used as seating cards
  • Traditional Easter cakes for this holiday can be decorated not only with icing, but also with cake mastic
  • You can choose the color of the mastic so that the cake fits organically into the overall design of the table. You can not only cover Easter cake with mastic, but also make flowers out of it to decorate this pastry.
  • You can make various figures from mastic and decorate Easter with them. The main thing here is to have imagination. And sculpting figures from this material is as easy as making it from plasticine

Happy holiday to you!

Video: DIY Easter decoration. Egg made from thread and glue
