Wild desert cat caracal. Caracal - steppe lynx (9 photos) Wildlife, Interesting animals

The Caracal cat breed is an exotic animal, and it is not cheap. On average, the cost of a domestic lynx is approximately 300,000 rubles. In fact, the caracal is not a domestic cat, but a real wild steppe lynx.

In nature, these feline predators live in savannas, deserts of the Arabian Peninsula, Asia Minor and Central Asia east to Western India and the foothills of Africa. In our country, caracals can be found in the deserts of Southern Turkmenistan and in the Bukhara region of Uzbekistan. These animals live in burrows or rock crevices.

Caracals hunt small animals (hares) and birds, but prefer small rodents (jerboas, gophers, gerbils), and do not disdain hedgehogs, porcupines, reptiles and insects. In times of hunger, it can attack antelopes, goats and lambs, and even snakes. They are well adapted to life in the desert and can for a long time do without water, being content with liquid from the food you eat. The upper branches of trees are used to store food.

Thanks to its long legs, the caracal runs and jumps well. But he cannot run for long, so he prefers to sneak up on the victim and overtake him with large (up to 4.5 m in length) jumps.

  • Class: Mammalia Linnaeus(Mammals)
  • Infraclass: Eutheria, Placentalia Gill(Placental, higher, animals)
  • Squad: Carnivora Bowdich(Predatory)
  • Family: Felidae Gray(Felines, cats)
  • View: Felis caracal Schreber(Asian caracal, steppe lynx)
  • Other names: desert lynx.

In appearance, these cats are very similar to lynx, but they are slimmer, with a uniform color and smaller in size. The body length is 65 to 82 cm, the tail is 25-30 cm, and the height at the withers is about 45 cm. The front legs are longer and stronger than the hind legs. At the ends of the paws there are sharp retractable claws, thanks to which it can grab several birds from a flying flock at once.

At the tips of the ears there are beautiful black tassels about 5 cm long. The outer side of the ears is also black, as the name of the animal itself suggests. “Caracal”, translated from Turkish (Garahgulak), means “black ear”. Nigerian caracals (Lynx caracal poecilictis) have white ear tufts.

The caracal's fur is short but thick. The coat color is reddish brown to sandy, similar to the color of the North American puma. The belly, neck and inner surface of the paws are light sandy to white. There are black markings on the muzzle. On the paws there is a brush made of coarse hair, which makes it easier to move through the sand. Such a cat weighs from 11 to 19 kilograms. Females are significantly smaller than males.

The lifespan of a caracal in captivity is 15-18 years, wildlife much less, since they have enemies in the form of steppe wolves, Alabais (herding dogs) and people.

Caracals are quite talkative cats. When they get angry, they growl, hiss and even whistle. IN good mood they purr.

In the wild, the caracal is a true predator, and is therefore especially active at dusk and at night. In winter and spring, he goes hunting even during the day.

The caracal is a solitary animal, so it prefers to live and hunt alone. Small family groups are formed only during mating and care of kittens.

Puberty occurs in the second year of life.

Mating occurs over six days. And one female can have many fathers of kittens. There is no specific season for mating. IN South Africa kittens are usually born in July and August, in Turkmenistan in early April, and in Zimbabwe in September-December. The female carries kittens for about 74 days.

Usually two or three kittens are born, but sometimes six. The birth takes place in some old hole of a porcupine, an anteater, or under the roots of trees, or simply in the crevices of rocks. Kittens are born with spots, which then disappear. Babies grow slowly. On the sixth or seventh day, the kittens' eyes open. After nine days, kittens begin to stand up and walk. After 45 days they can already eat meat. The mother feeds the babies with milk until they are six months old.

After a year, males usually move 90 km from the burrow, and females prefer to stay close to their mother.

The caracal is not dangerous to humans. When meeting, he tries to run away.

Among wild cats there are species that are quite amenable to domestication. These include cheetahs and smaller predators - caracals. These desert dwellers do well in an enclosure or in a spacious house. Having decided to purchase such an unusual animal, you will be fascinated by its courage, beauty and freedom-loving nature. Being the owner of a real caracal is not easy, but these animals prove that they are quite capable of friendship and affection.

Caracals in the wild and at home

Caracals are representatives of the cat family, living in the deserts of Asia and Africa, as well as on the coasts of the Caspian Sea. The animals got their name from their unusual appearance. Translated from Turkish, “karakalak” means “black ear.”

In nature, these small predatory cats lead night look life, feeding on rodents, lizards, birds, and sometimes attacking small livestock. Caracals live in burrows or rock crevices and are excellent swimmers and tree climbers.

Small, graceful cats often became the prey of hunters; today the species is classified as endangered. Natural range The habitat of caracals is declining due to the onset of civilization. Preservation of the population is helped by reserves and wildlife sanctuaries, as well as by keeping caracals in captivity. Representatives of this species are found in most zoos in the world.

Like some other felines, caracals are easily tamed. However, there is a difference between animals born and raised at home or in an enclosure. The former are tuned to contact with humans, the latter retain the habits of a hunter and are less inclined to communicate and caress. For keeping in an apartment, it is better to purchase kittens raised in home nurseries.

Appearance, photo and habits of caraclas

The desert dweller, the caracal, slightly resembles a lynx, but is distinguished by a more graceful physique and compact size. An ideal animal has the following parameters:

  • body length from 62 to 85 cm;
  • height at the shoulders up to 50 cm;
  • weight 16-19 kg, especially large individuals can weigh up to 25 kg;
  • small head with large, high-set ears;
  • obligatory dark tassels on the ears;
  • expressive almond-shaped eyes with black edging;
  • very long, mobile tail;
  • slender body;
  • moderately long legs;
  • dense, thick, short hair.

The caracal is distinguished by its spectacular coloring. The color of the coat varies from sandy to deep brown. The back, tail and paws are darker than the belly. The outer part of the ears is black, and there are white and dark spots on the muzzle. Kittens also have spots on their bodies; they disappear with age.

Among the characteristics of the caracal is an unusual voice. It resembles a quiet chirping; in a good mood the pet purrs loudly. Representatives of this breed are self-sufficient and do not tolerate familiarity. At the same time, with friends and owners, the caracal can be very affectionate and sociable.

Features of caracal maintenance and care

Photo. Caracal desert lynx

Caracals can be kept indoors or in an enclosure. In the latter case, you need to equip a shelter for it, where the animal can rest. But more often, caracals still live with their owners, going for a walk from time to time. Ideal for large cats - spacious a private house with an attached enclosure where the pet has unhindered access. During warmer months, wear a flea collar on your pet.

Caracals love to swim, so from time to time you can give them a bath. Hypoallergenic cat shampoo is suitable for washing. Short-haired caracals shed throughout the year, but hair loss is especially active in the summer. Dead hairs are removed with a silicone glove or a rubber brush. It is recommended to trim the nails as they grow. Only the very tip is removed; for this work you need round nippers for small dogs that do not separate the claws.

Toilet problems can be solved very simply. Like anyone domestic cat, the caracal quickly gets used to the tray. The toilet should be organized in a secluded corner away from the passage and opening doors. A large, deep tray will suit a large pet. As a filler, you can choose silica gel or wood pellets, which need to be changed daily.

Add to list mandatory procedures includes regular deworming and annual vaccinations. A rabies vaccination is mandatory; for other vaccines, you should consult your veterinarian. Caracals are distinguished by strong immunity; no specific diseases characteristic of the breed have been noticed. With proper care, cats live up to 15 years, remaining active and alert.

Feeding secrets

It is necessary to feed the cat mainly meat

Caracals are predators that require high-protein food. To maintain the health of the animal, it needs a meat-based diet. An adult animal is required from 400 to 1000 g of meat per day (the amount depends on the weight of the animal). Preference is given to raw beef, turkey, chicken, rabbit, and offal. Some of the meat can be given boiled. Soups and cereals should not be cooked, they are not nutritious enough. Meat with skin and cartilage is very useful, training your pet’s teeth and providing calcium necessary for the body. You can add ready-made mineral complexes containing calcium and collagen, as well as fat-soluble vitamins, to your food.

Several times a week you can add boiled or raw sea fish to the menu. Healthy vegetables: zucchini, cabbage, carrots, pumpkin. Many animals love dairy products and raw chicken or quail eggs. Food should be fresh, not too hot, but not frozen. It is recommended to feed the caracal 1-2 times a day. After the meal, leftover food is removed. Should always be available pure water. It is recommended to give your pet a one-day fast a couple of times a month; this corresponds to the natural diet in the wild.

Fatty, sweet and smoked foods from your own table are strictly prohibited. Milk is not recommended; adult carnivores may be lactose intolerant. Pork is also prohibited. From time to time you can give the animal an industrial one. Choose food designed for large cats (Norwegian, Maine Coon).

Nuances of education

Caracals get used to the house very easily. An animal taken from a nursery at the age of 3-4 months is already socialized. When properly raised, the caracal does not show aggression; it is very curious, active, affectionate and friendly..

For those who have dealt with puppies, raising a caracal will not be difficult. The animal requires a strict, but fair and affectionate attitude. You can't shout at your pet, it's unacceptable physical punishment. However, unwanted behavior must be stopped immediately. Even at a very early age, a kitten should not climb onto the dining table, try food from plates and pots, or chew wires and shoes. Remove all valuable and fragile items, as well as anything that could be dangerous for your pet: cords, plastic bags, household chemicals, poisonous indoor plants.

The pet easily gets used to walking on a harness. Caracals should be walked away from dog parks. A predator should not be allowed to roam without a leash outside a closed enclosure.

Owners who do not plan to breed should consider sterilization. A sexually mature caracal of either sex actively marks its territory and can become aggressive and unpredictable.

Where to buy caracal

Caracles are the most expensive cats

You can buy a caracal kitten at a specialized nursery that breeds rare breeds of cats. Under no circumstances should you buy an animal from dubious sellers who do not have certificates and documents for the pet. There is a risk of acquiring a sick kitten or an animal taken from the wild by poachers.

In search of a true domestic predator, contact the following nurseries:

  • Murmulet http://www.murmulet.ru (Moscow)
  • Antonikahttp://vk.com/club58547943 (Moscow)
  • Golden Wild Savannahs http://www.savannahs-cat.ru (Moscow).

Those who are thinking about buying a caracal should take into account that a new pet will not be cheap. The average price of a kitten in Moscow nurseries is 400,000 - 450,000 rubles.

Before purchasing, make sure you have a certificate and a veterinary passport with marks of the first vaccinations. It is better to purchase an animal under the age of 6 months, little kitty It’s easier to get used to a new home. A responsible breeder sells kittens trained on solid food and litter box.

The name of the breed is an interpretation of the Turkish word "karakulak", which means "black ears". Outwardly, this wild cat resembles a small lynx. Thus, the animal’s body length is 65-82 cm, tail - 25-30 cm, height - 45 cm, weight - 16-19 kg. However, there are also larger caracals, whose body length is 90-99 cm and weight is 20-25 kg. The coat of these animals is short and varies in color from the color of wine berries to dark sand, the underside is light. There are black spots on the animal's face that are absent on the body. It is noteworthy that the tail of these wild cats is much longer than that of other representatives of lynxes.

It is interesting that these animals have lived next to humans since ancient times. Thus, in the countries of Asia and Africa, caracals were used instead of dogs during hunting, taming them. IN eastern countries this type of hunting was especially common. In some regions of Africa, caracals are called “red cats” for their copper-colored fur, in others they are called “gazelle cats” for their amazing agility and mobility. In India, these wild cats were called "little cheetah" or "poor man's cheetah" because... Compared to cheetahs, caracals were not kept by wealthy people. Wild cats caught antelope, pheasants, peacocks and hares. IN modern days such hunts have become rare.

Caracals practically did not resist taming. They showed obedience and were particularly intelligent. Perhaps that is why, for some time now, they have been kept in homes not as hunters, but as pets.

Distribution area and habitat

The caracal lives in Africa, Asia Minor and Central Asia, and the Arabian Peninsula. However, in modern days it has become possible to keep caracals at home. These animals adapt to new conditions like dogs. Therefore, it is better to purchase a caracal kitten before six months of age, then it will be able to quickly get used to its new owners. In addition, it is recommended to buy it in only domestic-type nurseries, avoiding aviary-keeping establishments. In this case, the pet will be more affectionate. You should also ensure that the caracal interacts with people from an early age.

These wild cats graceful, playful and smart. Caracals love communication and will be able to get along with other pets in the house. Caracals eat raw meat and fish.

Caracal and hunting

The caracal prefers to be nocturnal and goes out hunting in the dark. He always takes special care and is quite secretive. Possessing excellent hearing, the caracal is able to confidently navigate in the dark. However, in winter he prefers to hunt during the day. Wild cats have lightning-fast reactions and are able to catch several flying birds at once. Caracals pursue prey so actively that at short distances they can even catch up with a hare. But the animal will not be able to pursue for long. Having caught prey, the cat, like a leopard, drags it into a tree and eats it there. Caracals excel at climbing trees and vertical surfaces.

In spring, wild cats prefer to rest in thickets of bushes, and use the burrows of foxes and porcupines as shelter. Moreover, they can use the same hole for several years.

Enemies of the caracal

Caracals are not hunted. Their main enemies are shepherd dogs that guard flocks of sheep, as well as steppe wolves. If the caracal senses danger, it will actively defend itself. Therefore, it can pose a danger even to humans.

Often lovers of exotic animals wonder whether the caracal cat or the Asian steppe lynx is better or whether they are the same breed. You can get answers to frequently asked questions and find out how to care for a caracal and how much this animal costs in this article.

It will not be superfluous to look at other articles presented on this project, since they have everything necessary to treat and properly feed cats and kittens, as well as solve other problems that arise in caring for them.

Caracal cat home care at home

Before you have one exotic pet, think about whether you are ready to devote a large number of time to care for a new member of your family.

Once a week, do not forget to bathe your cat and then brush it.

Nail care is required for your safety and the health of your pet. There should be a scratching post in the house. Check your ears and eyes once a week.

Does the caracal cat eat chicken legs or not and what to feed

The cat prefers meat, including chicken, so you can give it as a treat chicken legs. An adult animal can eat up to 1 kg of meat per day. You can also feed this cat raw beef, rabbit or turkey. Eliminate pork from your diet.

Meat can also be given boiled. You can diversify the menu with boiled or raw sea ​​fish. Feed your pet zucchini, cabbage, and carrots. All food must be fresh and leftovers must be thrown away.

Caracal cat habitat, wild, steppe and its character

This wild exotic cat lives in arid deserts. It can also be seen in the savannah and steppes. On the territory of our country, cats live in the deserts of Southern Turkmenistan and in the Bukhara region of Uzbekistan.

With proper upbringing, this independent kitty will delight her owners. Kind to others, balanced character, always protects his territory. Loves to play with children and is interested in everything new. And with all this, he is demanding of his important person.

Caracal cat weight, dimensions and can be kept at home or not

The caracal cat grows from 62 to 85 cm in length, up to 50 cm in width, Weight Limit can reach 25 kg. You can keep it at home with special care, diet and taking into account the animal’s habits.

Caracal and Serval cats, description of the breed

A predator belonging to the cat family. Previously, the animal was compared to a lynx, now – to a puma. The cat has adorable long tufts on her ears. Color brown towards red. The paws have hard bristles.

Caracals communicate well with servals. The serval is an elite cat or miniature cheetah with a very expressive fur color: bright black spots on a yellow background. And the chest and belly are white. The serval has long legs and a small head.

Desert lynx caracal cats, how much they cost and why so expensive

Any exotic animal costs a lot of money, and the caracal is a great example of this. On average the cost of such a rare pet from 300,000 rubles to 450,000 rubles.

Desert, large wild African cat caracal content

Keeping such a cat will be expensive, so be prepared for that. Caracal needs special conditions house maintenance. It is better if it is a private house, where the pet will have an equipped enclosure for play and relaxation, in which there will be a lot of space and air for its active games. The caracal is also a water lover. The desert cat is an excellent jumper, so its habitat should be fenced. Caracal does not like the cold.

The article pays attention to the characteristics of this breed, and also presents its characteristics with answers to all frequently asked questions, including...

There are more and more people who want to have an exotic cat in their apartment or private home, so it is not surprising that the search begins...

One of prominent representatives big cats is the caracal, also known as the steppe lynx. Externally, caracals and lynxes are very similar, but they have a number of different genetic characteristics, on the basis of which they were bred into a separate genus.

Steppe lynxes live in the steppes of southwestern Asia and Africa, in addition, they are found on the Arabian Peninsula, where they prefer deserts, but are not found in the Sahara.

These predators are quite numerous in southern Africa and Namibia, but in the northern part of the continent they are extremely rare. In the CIS, Caracals live in Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan.

Description of the steppe lynx

The caracal has short fur. The color is quite varied, it can vary depending on the habitat: it varies from sand to brown. The lower part of the body is lighter and covered big amount spots There are also spots on the face.

The ears are set high and are always in vertical position, they are framed by long tassels. Caracals living in Nigeria have white ear tufts, while all other caracals have black ear tufts. The coat color of the steppe lynx remains almost the same throughout the year, but in winter it becomes a little lighter.

The body length of the steppe lynx is 62-90 centimeters, and the tail length reaches 18-34 centimeters. Male steppe lynxes are much larger than females, their weight can reach up to 20 kilograms, and females weigh about 13 kilograms.

Caracals have well-developed hind legs, thanks to which they can make long jumps of about 4.5 meters, and the jump is done almost from a standstill.

There is hair on the paws, which makes it easier for the caracal to move through the sand.

Types of steppe lynx

There are 9 types of caracals:

  • Lynx caracal damarensis lives in Namibia;
  • Lynx caracal caracal is found in South Africa;
  • Lynx caracal nubicus is mainly found in Ethiopia and Sudan;
  • Lynx caracal limpopoensis is typically found in Botswana;
  • Lynx caracal michaelis was recorded only in Turkmenistan;
  • Lynx caracal algira lives in North Africa;
  • Lynx caracal schmitzi is numerous in India and Arabia;
  • Lynx caracal poecilictis is mainly found in Nigeria;
  • Lynx caracal lucani is the main habitat of Gabon.

Lifestyle of the steppe lynx

The steppe lynx gets along with another member of the cat family - the serval; these predators share the same habitat. Caracals live not only in the steppes, but also in plains, forests, savannas and mountainous areas; they are even found at altitudes of up to 3 thousand meters. Caracals do not often enter deserts, although they tolerate drought well. For a long time they can do without water, existing thanks to moisture obtained from food.

During the day they hide in the thickets from the scorching sun, and at night they go out hunting. Caracals lead a solitary lifestyle. They have their own feeding areas, which are not allowed to other predators. The feeding areas of African steppe lynxes are quite extensive, ranging from 4 to 60 kilometers, and for predators living in Asia it is even larger, reaching up to 300 kilometers. The territories of females are 2 times smaller than the territories of males. The areas of females never intersect, but in males this is possible.

Steppe lynxes hunt mainly at night, but some species living in Asia can be active during the daytime. Caracals have excellent eyesight and hearing, so they can quietly track down their victims. When prey is detected, the caracal attacks with lightning speed.

Although the steppe lynx has well-developed legs, it is unable to pursue prey for a long time, so it hunts from ambush. Caracals attack hares, rodents, birds, hedgehogs, porcupines, monkeys, small antelopes, mongooses, foxes and reptiles. The caracal can cope with prey twice its size. The caracal immediately kills small animals with a bite, and grabs large prey by the throat and strangles it.

The steppe lynx is even capable of catching a bird in a jump. The hunting passion of these predators is enormous; they sometimes kill more prey than they can eat. The caracal hides the remains of uneaten food in a secluded place, and when it gets hungry, it returns to them and finishes it. If a stronger rival tries to take food from a caracal, then he will actively defend it; even jackals do not risk competing with these cats.

Steppe lynxes are attacked by and. Caracals do not mess with them and prefer to flee, hiding in dense thickets. In some areas, people deliberately exterminate steppe lynxes because they destroy livestock. Today, steppe lynxes are on the list of protected animal species. In the CIS countries, caracal hunting is prohibited.

Reproduction of caracals

There is no specific breeding season; mating can occur throughout the year, but the peak is observed in October-February. At this time there is most food, so caracals instinctively begin to procreate. During the mating season, females secrete pheromones along with their urine, which have an effect on males. At this time, steppe lynxes make certain sounds that resemble a cough; they are a signal for mating games. The female mates for several days with different males, giving preference to the largest and strongest.

The gestation period lasts 68-81 days. The female gives birth to kittens in a secluded place, for example, in a hole of some animal, in a cave or under the roots of trees. One female can have 1-6 babies. At first, the female constantly changes the nest so that predators do not find it.

After 15 days, the kittens become independent. But they need maternal care. Males do not participate in raising babies. Young individuals can do without their mother's care only at 5-6 months. Puberty in caracals occurs at 7-10 months, but mating occurs when they gain 9-10 kilograms.

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