Why do you dream about an unfamiliar guy: is a new romance coming? What does a dream about a stranger promise?

Dream book of the 21st century

  • Dreaming of an ugly or black-clad stranger means imminent troubles for which you will not be prepared.
  • Seeing a pleasant and kind stranger who hugs you in a dream - everything will work out for the best. in the best possible way.
  • I dreamed of an evil stranger in bed - trouble, serious trouble.
  • Meeting a stranger in a dream who turns out to be you means you will have to solve strange questions.

Universal dream book

Stranger in a dream

Interpretation of the dream book: The stranger speaks of the unknown, new faces, and the fact that the sleeper is out of place. Emotions and impressions from the dream play a role here main role. A male stranger can pleasantly surprise, frighten, warn about something, show some place or thing, or threaten. If in a dream with a stranger everything goes well, there is no need to worry; if you are scared, you should take a closer look at the people around you and be prepared for trouble. You should also find the thing or place shown in the dream - dream book A stranger can show the path to wealth.

  • Why does a girl dream of a strange stranger - an unexpected pleasant meeting.
  • I dreamed of a handsome stranger who proposes, hugs and kisses - then in reality changes for the better are possible in intimate relationships, personal life.
  • Having communicated with a stranger in a dream, having experienced horrors and joys, having gone through all the tests, you become cleansed and get rid of judgments imposed by someone. A dream about a stranger has a healing and calming meaning, freeing you from the need to play a role in reality or put on a mask.
  • A mysterious stranger kisses the neck, according to the dream book, these are images of the sleeping person, his dreams, hidden emotions, weaknesses or advantages that he is not even aware of. Your own faces and actions can please, frighten, or warn about something important. Stranger - the subconscious thus opens the recesses of your soul, they can be frightening, but they still act beneficially, because in a dream you liberate yourself and remove energy blocks.
  • Dreaming of unfamiliar faces may indicate your dissatisfaction with your appearance, behavior or position in society.

The Dream Guide by David Loff

Psychological analysis of a dream where the Stranger dreamed (interpretation by psychologist D. Loff)

Stranger according to the dream book - Sexual dreams are not dreams exclusively about sex. They are often about how we perceive people and how we think others perceive us. To create a framework for interpreting sexual dreams, it is important to identify who is with you in the dream and how you feel about the experience in the dream. Some dreams are simply romantic. There is a dream about a stranger whom a girl meets in the land of dreams, they enjoy each other. Typically the scenario involves an attractive acquaintance and a generally pleasant environment. Apart from the feeling that events are developing too quickly in this nightly relationship, then there is no violation of the taboo.

Often the dreamer simply acted under the influence of an attraction to to a certain person. Freud's theory of wish fulfillment is a sufficient explanation for this. Other dreams cross the boundaries of our taboos. These include dreams with a sexual plot, which the dreamer would consider unacceptable in reality, but in which he takes part in the dream. Such dreams can be very disturbing, and you may wake up with a feeling of rape, adultery, or loss of virginity. Dreams about a stranger of this nature require more careful study.

Interpretation of Sexual Dreams – The first important step is to identify what caused the discomfort. Was it a BOSS, a work colleague, a friend? Someone much older or younger than you with whom you have an affectionate but platonic relationship? Or was the most distinct feature of the dream the nature of the love encounter - whether it took place under duress, deception, taking place in public, or some other way? Who forced whom? Maybe the STRANGER reminded you of someone you know? Often components of sexual dreams are relationships of representation and REPLACEMENT.

Why do you dream about a stranger? Some of the dreams indicate our ambivalence towards taboos. After all, there is something exciting about prohibition. In some cases we express our own disappointment sex life which does not suit us, in others - someone has crossed the border of our taboos, and we respond to this by perceiving him as a person receiving undeserved favor from us. In these cases, dreams deserve attention and study. As you explore what you first thought was disgusting, you will discover new aspects of your personality and the connections around you that were largely unnoticed before. And most importantly, you will be more aware of different faces your personality in these relationships.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

What does a stranger mean in a dream?

  • Meeting a stranger who gives flowers in a dream foreshadows unknown, new sensations and thoughts.
  • Dreaming of feeling like a stranger means not understanding yourself.
  • Meeting a stranger of repulsive appearance in a dream is a sign of dark thoughts.
  • I dreamed of a stranger on the threshold of an apartment or house - unexpected news or a visit from a business guest.
  • Being in a crowd of strangers in a dream means being in someone else’s company.
  • If you dreamed of threats from strangers, seek advice from a psychologist.
  • In a dream you are a stranger to someone - events that will make you grieve.

Loff's Dream Book

Why does a woman dream of strangers:

Strangers in dreams can present quite a difficult puzzle. In most cases, these are simply faces and images taken from a list of persons whom we know by sight and name (sometimes they represent our own INTERNAL ESSENCE or INTERNAL ENTITIES). Images of strangers can open our eyes to how we perceive the world. Various theorists offer numerous explanations for who these characters are and how they entered our souls. To interpret any dream, it will be useful to organize the list of participants in the action.
The inner being/inner beings are like strangers. CARL JUNG theorized that in the Self there is a feminine complement to the masculine PERSONALITY and a masculine complement to the feminine personality. These additions are psychic projections that come to us in dreams. When a stranger appears in a man’s dream, her behavior may be a projection of the feminine side of the dreamer’s personality. This, quite the opposite, is true for women who dream of male strangers. These strangers quite rarely have SEXUAL desire towards the dreamer, although, in principle, this is possible. More common is intimate friendship. Understanding these characters is useful because in this way we learn how we want others (especially members of the opposite sex) to perceive us, and therefore what we fear in their perception.
The second aspect of such a character embodying the inner being/s is the desire to express what we probably cannot express in real life. Women in their dreams can see a character personifying their inner essence, who, as compensation for feelings that he cannot show in real life, shows terrible ANGER. Likewise, men may have characters personifying their inner selves who cry from the pain life has caused them - a manifestation of emotions that they do not consider it possible to show in reality. These strangers are often benevolent towards us: they can provide assistance, protection, or information to solve problems. If they cause trouble, it is often because they act in ways we ourselves would like to be able to act.
Displaced strangers. In this case, your dream moves the person from one type of relationship with you to another. Example: good famous celebrity becomes your brother or sister. A more common example is a boss or teacher as a parent. In addition to personal roles, emotions can shift. This is especially true in cases of anger or sexual desire that are suppressed in real life.
Strangers personifying an incubus/succubus (demon). These are strangers-lovers who appear in a dream to have sex with the dreamer (an incubus comes to a woman; a succubus comes to a man). They often represent the extremes of sexual experience. These are either idealized lovers, in an emotional and physical sense, or demonic and repulsive personalities used to keep you from doing what you believe is bad for you in reality.
Shadow strangers are strangers of the same gender as the dreamer, who have the negative qualities of the dreamer. Most often these negative qualities presented in extreme form. This is a very useful situation for understanding ourselves. Each of us has negative traits that we try not to show in public. Sometimes we even develop negative objections in our EGO, refuting the presence of base sides of our PERSONALITY. These shadow strangers appear in our dreams to point out our weaknesses.

The mysterious image of a stranger we meet in a dream has great attraction for us.

IN women's dreams an unknown man may personify a Guardian Angel, a tempter demon or an Animus ( masculinity souls). You need to understand what the stranger is dreaming about, and in all guises, in order to correctly interpret the meaning of the dream.

Main roles of the stranger

The male part of the soul

According to the theory of Carl Jung, the soul of each person is based on the female and male hypostases - Anime and Animus. In dreams we get the opportunity to interact with male version themselves, manifesting themselves in the form of strangers.

Their actions towards us can be either friendly or hostile - differences in behavior are directly related to our self-esteem and level of mental development.

Such dreams are ideal educational material and provide enormous information for self-knowledge. As the dream book says, a stranger will tell you about many hidden aspects of your soul!

Man's behavior - what to expect in reality?

The interpretation of a dream involving a stranger depends on what actions and phenomena accompany it. Questions will help you understand the dream: “What does he want from me? How does he treat me? How do I react to his actions or presence?

A man in love

In a dream, does a stranger confess his love to you? Does recognition make you irritated, distrustful, or accompanied by ridiculous incidents?

Then take a closer look at your fans in reality - intuition warns that you should not blindly trust them. They are probably trying with all their might to charm you, but all hidden shortcomings will instantly come out upon closer communication.

If he confessed beautifully and caused a lot of bright, positive emotions- Expect to meet a worthy person.

For married women such dreams have a broader meaning - in the near future you will receive confirmation of your own achievements from significant people. Possible career advancements and raises wages, acquisition of higher social status.

Sexual partner

Did you dream about a lover who started kissing you from the first minutes of meeting? Such a dream foreshadows the receipt of many small gifts and pleasant surprises from various sources.

Does a guy kiss like a brother? Business trips, pleasant trips and extraordinary leisure are possible. In the near future, it is worth visiting more often from home in order to expand your circle of contacts with new faces (cooperation with them will be extremely promising).

If a man continues to kiss you in a dream, despite protests, or the touch of his lips is unpleasant to you, it means that in reality you have closed your heart to love and stopped accepting help from other people.

Perhaps in Lately you often had to cope with a lot difficult situations? As a result, you developed the position: “No one can cope with the problem better than myself.” Such a dream means that a difficult period is over - allow yourself to be “kissed”, i.e. receive well-deserved rewards from life!

  • A lover not only kisses, but also hugs? The dream foreshadows a successful solution to difficult situations.
  • Does the guy hug too tightly, to the point of pain or the desire to run away? You may have committed yourself to long-term commitments or promises that you are now burdened with.
  • Does the guy hug you too coldly or weakly, and doesn’t even kiss you? Pay attention to the accumulated grievances and claims in love or friendship in reality - this is a good time to resolve conflicts and strengthen significant relationships.


In a dream stranger guy turned out to be your fiance? Expect unexpected developments in your personal life. Have you long suspected that someone is in love with you? You will soon have a pleasant romantic date!

The groom dreamed about nice suit? Unmarried girls You should expect serious proposals, for example: to start a relationship, live together or get married.

Did you dream of a groom publicly declaring his love? Beware of superficial relationships and men who date girls to maintain their own image. Do you communicate with such a gentleman? Don't lie to yourself and answer honestly important question: “Does he love me?”

If the groom made a confession in the house, and even immediately began to kiss passionately - the development of relations with a real man goes well, try not to force things and enjoy every minute of communication.

See how future husband kisses you during the wedding? Expect to receive awards or monetary rewards for the implementation of their projects.

Does the groom in a dream only hug, but not kiss? This means that there are always a lot of people around you who are ready to support you. Have you begun to take other people's help for granted? The time has come to “give” - now your friends need your care and love.

Aloof man

Does the stranger in your dream seem like a shadow or a ghost? You rush to kiss him, but you pass through his body? It will start coming to you soon a large number of conflicting information. Try to remain calm and do not rush to respond - it will be important to show feminine wisdom in time.

Do you dream of an elderly stranger who kisses your hands, wraps you in a cloak (blanket), covers you with an umbrella, or takes you home in a car (carriage)? In the near future, you will be able to have a good rest and enjoy the results of your work - life will delight you with pleasant surprises and financial stability. Author: Ekaterina Volkova

You had a pretty dream ambiguous dream, dear reader. A dream with an unfamiliar girl can either be the personification of grief, turmoil, despair, or a dream full of joy and harmony. It completely depends on you and your attitude towards life.

But, fortunately, our subconscious constantly gives us hints, and even seeing the same girl can be seen in different ways. Remember the guest from your dreams: clothes, behavior, objects with her. If you managed to talk to her, then it is advisable to remember the details of the conversation.

Why do you dream about an unfamiliar girl?

It is also very important to find out whether the girl was truly a stranger to you. If her face simply could not be seen, you did not recognize her, or everything was too cloudy, then you need to take the interpretation at your own risk. Because a “vague” girl in many dream books is definitely a symbol of failure.

An unfamiliar girl in a dream is a symbol of the unknown. There is an expectation of betrayal, deception or surprise. But to give exact interpretation you need to remember the details. Since, for example, a girl who turns into an old woman leads to happy life, A unknown girl, next on the heels is a symbol of darkness and misfortune. So why do you dream about an unfamiliar girl?

Individual cases and their interpretation according to dream books.

  • The unfamiliar girl turned out to be a beauty. Seeing a stranger who is charming in appearance and cheerful in spirit is very good sign. Very soon you will begin the most white stripe in life, you will be overwhelmed with happiness;
  • If the unknown woman turned out to be unkempt and unattractive. The dreamer in his subconscious recalled a long-past quarrel with close friends. For a man, such a dream promises anxiety, depression and discord with himself. For a woman to see a dream with an ugly stranger portends the presence of illnesses, illnesses and squabbles;
  • A stranger appears before you covered in blood or wearing bloody clothes. A stranger with such surroundings carries a message of tragedy that cannot leave the depths of your subconscious to this day. Even if you haven't thought about her in recent days;
  • An unrecognized girl follows on your heels, stalking you. A dream with such a plot is a very bad omen. Most likely, the dreamer follows the path of darkness, goes against everything, including his own desire, and does everything out of spite. A person will sooner or later plunge into this swamp if he does not take active action;
  • The unfamiliar girl did not communicate and resolutely ran away. You can't accept your real self and pretend to be someone else. You are often depressed because of this;

  • Old woman stranger unknown girl aged. After such a dream, it is advisable to be careful and prepared for unpleasant gossip and rumors, and not to give reasons;
  • The stranger in the dream needed help and called for help. You harbor a feeling of guilt for what you have done; these thoughts make you feel uncomfortable. You are in internal struggle. You need to talk to loved ones and make amends;
  • A family man girl takes care of children in a dream. The dream is interpreted completely the other way around, unlike the previous options. If a seer is lucky enough to see a caring stranger, this means that he is in harmony with himself and feels great;
  • An unknown female representative is breastfeeding a child. This phenomenon can well be characterized as caring for children, however, according to most dream books, such a dream leads, if not to a quarrel, then to unpleasant worries and turmoil in everyday life;
  • You were flirting with an unfamiliar girl. In real life, a number of small unpleasant factors and troubles await you, from which you can easily extricate yourself only with effort;
  • We looked at the beautiful stranger. It portends your use of small lies in real life, for which you will have to pay dearly. It is recommended to refrain from lying for personal gain.
  • If in a dream you kissed an unfamiliar girl. A kiss from a mysterious person signifies material wealth, a possible bonus and winning the lottery;
  • A stranger visited you at your home. Such a guest marks imminent problems, the solution of which will require coordination and effort.
  • Fight with a strange girl. A person will be made a tempting offer or invited to participate in a risky adventure. It’s better not to get involved and not be led by emotions.

Now, dear reader, pay attention to the clothes of the stranger from your dream:

  • An unfamiliar girl appeared before you completely naked, without clothes. The dream indicates that you have secret desires that are not destined to come true. For women, such a dream also gives food for thought: you are too vulnerable and dependent on other people’s opinions;
  • They saw an unknown woman in black mourning clothes. Such a dream in itself subconsciously does not bring anything good, and it predicts the active actions of your ill-wishers. Beware of enemies and do not trust unreliable acquaintances.
  • I dreamed about wearing a nightgown. A difficult omen - you can no longer expect happiness in marriage; if you are just engaged, you should carefully reconsider everything;

Interpretation of dreams by famous personalities.

  1. Miller is categorical - the stranger is a messenger of intrigue in your real life. The dreamer should beware of adventures and not give rise to gossip and rumors, otherwise everything could turn out badly for him;
  2. Explaining the meaning of this dream according to Vanga is more difficult, since the Bulgarian clairvoyant never directly addressed this type of dream. In most cases, a dream in which an unfamiliar girl appears will lead to changes in real life, the scale of which will directly depend on the dreamer;
  3. Sigmund Freud divides dreamers into men and women. If a woman dreamed of a stranger, then the subconscious wanted to personify her as a rival. It is likely that a woman is often jealous for no reason, and such a dream once again reminds of this. The presence of an unfamiliar girl in a man’s dream, according to Freud, is caused by secret desires for which there is no way out;
  4. According to N. Grishina’s dream book, an unfamiliar girl from a dream is a symbol of your plans, promises and goals. The character of a girl is your character, at least one of the expressions of your multifaceted “I”;
  5. By family dream book not only a stranger, but any woman foretells the appearance of rumors, gossip and intrigue in your life;

Dear reader, there is no need to panic if your dream falls under the unwanted category. Dream books cannot always correctly predict your destiny, take your destiny by the horns yourself. Everything depends on you, and the subconscious will only guide and tell you what and how to do better.

Meeting a nice stranger is a change for the good;

Meeting a stranger with a repulsive appearance is nothing good;

Feeling like a stranger in some society - strange events will become the cause of your sorrows;

Feeling unfamiliar - some strange things will be the cause of your unhappiness.

Also see Hug, Boy, Kiss.

Interpretation of dreams from Miller's Dream Book

What does the dream Stranger mean?

A handsome stranger you meet in a dream promises changes for the better in your personal life and intimate relationships.

For a girl, such a dream is a harbinger of an unexpected nice meeting.

Interpretation of dreams from the Intimate Dream Book

What do Stranger dreams mean?

An unknown or still unclear, unconscious aspect or trait of a person's personality that will soon emerge;

Uncertainty of events.

Interpretation of dreams from the Wanderer's Dream Book

Dream about the Stranger

Meet unknown man: portends the beginning of some new business.

An unfamiliar woman in a dream: a sign that you may soon feel in your soul some feeling previously unfamiliar to you.

The more pleasant the strangers look in your dream: the more favorable the upcoming events promise to be.

Disgusting images of strangers: sign possible troubles, for which you risk being unprepared.

Such dreams urge you to be careful and not take careless steps.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of the 20th century

What does a Stranger mean in a dream?

Stranger: a youth, a young man is a messenger, a messenger of everyday trials (tests of grief and joy). Their faces and appearance can speak about the nature of these tests.

A young man or young man of pleasant appearance - something pleasant, good news, etc. / road / to a woman: joy.

Ugly, repulsive in appearance - a nuisance, something unkind.

Bearded man - anger and irritation.

A lot of bearded people - a lot of anger.

Mustached - a certain danger.

An old man with a white beard is a disease.

Red - lie/argument/disgusting situation.

With a red face - grief.

Pockmarked - surprise.

The fat stranger is joy, fun / the image of your soul busy “digesting itself”, your inability to surrender to the flow of life.

A thin, emaciated person - various troubles / the appearance of your soul, insufficiently nourished by good feelings.

Sad stranger - sadness.

Joyful - variable luck.

There are a lot of joyful people - joy is ahead.

A sad or joyful stranger - in dreams can also symbolize not events, but your everyday position.

See crying man- get sudden help, support.

Laughing at him is a strong union.

To see a person with many orders means unpleasant changes are coming.

With a heavy burden - to face a difficult task.

An unfamiliar guest will come to you - meeting a new person / something new is entering your life and will require a certain effort from you / a certain ability to react and adapt.

An ominous guest is a need.

A strange pilgrim is news from afar.

To see a thirsty person - your lusts / your soul, drying up from your isolation and alienation.

Hungry stranger - your lusts and the dangers from them / dangers to your happiness associated with callousness and asceticism.

For a girl to see a stranger in a nightgown - misfortune from marriage.

A gallant gentleman - red tape, cunning, deception on the part of a loved one.

Dapper - her heart is given to the unworthy.

Interpretation of dreams from
