What should an ideal nose look like?

A person with a long nose is almost always dissatisfied with his appearance. Of course, this applies to a greater extent to women, but for men, a long nose often becomes a source of discomfort. Experts say that you should not measure your nose in centimeters; it is better to determine how proportional it is in relation to other parts of the face. To do this, the easiest way is to take your photo and draw two horizontal lines on it - one on the bridge of the nose, and the other under the tip of the nose. Normally, the lines will divide the face into three approximately equal parts, but if the central part is larger than the other two, then the nose can be considered long. Sometimes the olfactory organ only seems so, for example, this happens with a thin face type with graceful features.

What to do if your nose is long and does not add beauty and charm to your face? It is better to contact a plastic surgeon with this question, who can radically change the shape of the nose and get rid of complexes forever. If there is a fear of surgery or, perhaps, the nose is not large enough to decide on extreme measures, stylist's advice will help, because proper makeup and the right hairstyle make the face more harmonious.

Long nose - reasons for the unaesthetic appearance of the olfactory organ

It is clear that the shape, length and width of the respiratory organ are genetically predetermined. Although life often makes adjustments, and the nose becomes longer, for example, due to injury.

The length of the nose depends on:

From the nasal septum. If the osteochondral plate dividing the nose into two chambers is long, then it holds the tip of the nose at the lowest point, thereby visually lengthening the organ of smell. This situation occurs often and is solved by removing part of it, as a result of which the tip moves upward and the nose looks shorter.

From the length and strength of the lateral cartilages. These structural formations displace and hold the tip at the bottom (sometimes it even hangs over the base of the nose). The situation can be corrected, but only by shortening the cartilage.

From the height and length of the tip of the nose. There is an opinion that the length of the tip of an ideal nose should not exceed 67% of the total length of the organ; in addition, if the tip is significantly removed from the plane of the face and is lowered down, then the nose appears longer than in reality.

Signs of a long nose

  1. 1. The length of the nose from the bridge of the nose to the lowest point of the tip is more than a third of the length of the face.
  2. The nasolabial angle is less than 90 degrees. The consequence of this feature is a “droopy” nose (the opposite is upturned), which always looks longer than it actually is.
  3. Dropped tip. The nose looks shorter if the nostrils are visible, and the lowered tip covers the lower part of the nostrils, and thereby visually lengthens the respiratory organ.

Long nose: what to do?

A woman’s long nose is perceived as a defect in appearance and gives reason to consult a plastic surgeon. During the consultation, the specialist will tell you about all the nuances of the operation called rhinoplasty. You should know that there are a number of contraindications to surgical correction of a long nose, so you will need to answer a number of questions regarding your health status and undergo the usual tests in such cases. Quite often, women with long noses fantasize about what their olfactory organ should be like after surgery. Unfortunately, dreams are not always destined to come true, because the surgeon’s task is to make not just a beautiful, but a proportional nose, that is, a nose that “fits” perfectly into the face, the shape of which, based on the structural features of the face and nose, is modeled by a computer program.

Video: correction of a long nose

Long nose surgery, in principle, can be performed under local anesthesia, but most patients choose general anesthesia, which is due to the specifics of the correction area. The fact is that with local anesthesia, a person feels touch and can see how the doctor separates the tissues of the nose, and this sight is not for the faint of heart!

Usually, to shorten the nose, resection (partial removal) of the lateral cartilages is used, and in cases of large discrepancy between the length of the dorsum and the distance from the base of the nose to its tip, part of the cartilage of the nasal septum is removed. In the latter case, a tightening of the “loose” skin is required; this manipulation is carried out in the inner part of the nose, where incisions are made, and then the skin is tightened.

In many cases, it is enough to shorten the tip so that the olfactory organ as a whole looks more neat. For this purpose, the following techniques are used: shorten the medial crura of the tip of the nose and the lateral crura of the alar cartilages, reduce the wings of the nose, and also weaken the ligaments that support the tip of the nose. Final result largely depends on the patient's skin type. Thin skin contracts well and the tip after surgery has a clear, well-defined contour, even with a significant shortening of the nose. Unfortunately, the same cannot be said about thick skin, which contracts poorly and therefore limits the scope of correction due to the likely loss of definition in the nose with significant shortening. Patients tolerate rhinoplasty of a long nose well; two to three weeks are enough for rehabilitation.. Experts warn of a possible decrease in nasal sensitivity, dullness of smell and a feeling of nasal congestion. All these problems arise due to natural post-operative tissue swelling and in most cases disappear within a week.

How much does it cost to shorten your nose? Price for long nose rhinoplasty in Moscow

Long nose in men and women: the gender of the patient matters

A long nose can seriously ruin the life of its owner. However, if for men a long nose in general does not interfere with communicating with people and does not deprive them of self-confidence, then women sometimes refuse active life due to low self-esteem. The requirements for a new respiratory organ are also different: women dream of slightly snub nose with a raised tip, while men prefer a straight nose, emphasizing masculinity. The operation sometimes gives a pleasant “side” effect: it seems that the patient received a lift along with rhinoplasty, the face looks so young and fresh after correction of a long nose.

Photos of patients before and after nose shortening

Note: how can a girl “hide” a long nose?

Women tend to overestimate the length of the nose, so owners of relatively small noses also complain about the size and shape of the respiratory organ, often simply not knowing how to present their face in a favorable light. Decorative cosmetics will help adjust the length of your nose if you apply them as follows:

  1. Use two types of foundation: Apply a light tone to the back of the nose and bridge of the nose, and a dark tone to the wings and tip. This technique allows you to narrow the wings and make the contour of the nose clear. Foundations should be well shaded, and it’s also a good idea to dust your nose with matte (in no case shimmering or shiny!) powder, which will smooth out the edges and give the face a natural look.
  2. Girls with long noses should make their eyes or lips stand out more clearly(if you highlight it at the same time, it will turn out vulgar) - this technique allows you to divert attention from the nose. Experts advise giving preference to lipsticks rather than lip gloss.
  3. Highlight and emboss your cheekbones using blush of a suitable shade.
  4. Well-groomed, fairly wide arched (possibly rounded) eyebrows will help a girl visually correct her long nose - firstly, they will distract attention from it, and secondly, they will “separate” her face in a horizontal plane.

Women with long noses can look elegant and sophisticated if they choose the right hairstyle. The task of making the olfactory organ less noticeable is well accomplished by multi-level (ladder) haircuts, as well as techniques such as highlighting and coloring hair. It has been noticed that the richer and more saturated the hair color, the less attention others pay to the central part of the face, that is, to the nose. Besides, The principle of asymmetry works well - a girl with a long nose goes with bangs and side partings, hairstyles from long hair, curls and curls. What definitely doesn’t work are short haircuts and sleek hairstyles (for example, a ponytail), which visually lengthen the nose.

As for accessories, girls with long noses can safely wear large earrings, glasses with a wide and low bridge, as well as hats with visors and brims.

Long nose: it's interesting

Physiognomists say that owners of long noses are balanced, proud, responsible and serious people. They are distinguished by a desire for power, an active life position, refined taste and an excellent sense of humor.

Among the rich and famous people In our time there are many owners of non-standard noses. A long nose did not prevent Penelope Cruz from becoming a popular actress, Gisele Budchen from becoming a sought-after model, and Barbara Streisand from becoming a famous singer.

You can add two Russians to this row - Ksenia Sobchak and Kristina Orbakaite, who corrected the shape of their noses, but left their length practically unchanged.

It would seem, what can the shape of the nose tell? However, it can tell a lot about a person’s character and abilities. So says, based on his research, Israeli scientist Abraham Tamir. The results scientific works shares with its readers Estet-portal.com.

What types of noses are there: basic shapes

Straight nose

This nose shape is very common in Asia. It is characterized by almost perfect straightness and is somewhat flat. The tip of such a nose is rounded, and the nostrils are quite wide. Those with a straight nose are endowed with a steely character. At the same time, such people are incredibly temperamental and sensual.

Please note that due to the explosiveness of the character, anger in a person with a straight nose is easy to provoke.

Crooked nose

The definition is certainly not the most flattering. Unlike the character of people whom nature has endowed with a part of the face of a similar shape. They are very loving and compassionate. The back of a crooked nose is curved and the tip is rounded. Also, a feature of the character of the “crooked-nosed” is maximum concentration on what they are doing. Such people also know how to listen, they are wonderful friends and companions.

Crochet nose

It is worth noting that for many, the hooked nose resembles the beak of a bird. However, do not confuse the crochet nose with the previous nose shape. Moreover, the characters of people with crooked and hooked noses differ.

The nature of individuals with a hooked nose is such that they are always ready to improve themselves and everything around them, to create something new and non-standard. These are a kind of ascetics, they zealously defend their own principles, and they cannot be stopped by the risk of losing everything: achieving their goals is much more important for them.

Concave nose

This shape of the nose - with a small tubercle on it - is not so common, and therefore it can be somewhat difficult to immediately distinguish it from others. People with a similar nose are very generous and are distinguished by their willingness to solve other people's problems. These are very sensitive and therefore easily touchy individuals.

Greek nose

Surely everyone is familiar with the concept of “Greek profile”. And it creates his nose with the same name. The “Greek” nose is narrow, straight and of outstanding length.

This nose shape received its name as a result of observations of sculptures of the ancient world. Those who have a similar nose shape do not really like to be objects of attention; most often they are pragmatic. “Greeks” do not like to talk about their feelings, so they give the impression of uncommunicative people.

At the same time, such individuals are distinguished by their loyalty to loved ones. Three-point non-surgical rhinoplasty: technique and results.

Nose button

This is a small but graceful part of the face. This form is very common.

Those with button noses are impulsive in making decisions, which is often not liked by others.

Such people are strong-willed, and they are accustomed to backing up their words with deeds. They almost always achieve what they set out to achieve.

Nubian nose

A distinctive feature of this nose is its length. Its back is almost straight, and the tip “looks” down. “Nubians” are often great optimists, but you can’t deny them curiosity either.

They are always ready to help those in need and try to create the most comfortable conditions for those around them. Such people almost immediately endear you to you, evoke sympathy, and any problems that arise are “guarded” by their determination and perseverance.

Arched nose

This nose is similar to a hooked one, but the only difference from the second is the more pronounced pointedness of the tip. People with this part of their face are excellent organizers. They are distinguished by responsibility, honesty in the business they serve, and always achieve their goals.

Thanks to our information, now, by looking at a person’s face and assessing what shape of nose is given to him by nature, you can find out the character of this person in absentia, without even exchanging a few words.

Often such express information comes in very handy.

The architectural center of the face is the nose, consisting of a bone base and cartilaginous tissues that form the nasal cavity. All newborns, regardless of hereditary characteristics, have small and snub noses, but subsequently acquire dominant characteristics: hump, flatness, shape, length and others. It is difficult to imagine Cyrano de Bergerac as an infant with an atypical, absurdly long nose.

Noses are characterized by shape, width, length, tip, bridge, wings of the nose, base and back. The variety of all possible combinations of these features is easily traced in everyday life and has ethnic and geographical features of structure and configuration.

Rice. 18 Base of the nose

The bridge of the nose starts from the deepest point of the nose, that is, the root of the nose. The width of the back of the nose in the upper third corresponds in shape to the sutures of the nasal bones, and the width of the nose in the upper and middle thirds depends on the width of the pyriform opening (Fig. 18). The width of the wings of the nose touch with their most protruding edges the conventional lines, which are a continuation of the fangs of the upper jaw; in shape they repeat the lateral sections of the pyriform opening in its lower third.

Rice. 19 Options for the base of the nose

The base of the nose corresponds to the direction of the subnasal spine. In this regard, there are three options for the base of the nose: horizontal (a), raised (b) and lowered (c) (Fig. 19).
Anthropologists and criminologists distinguish three main shapes of the tip of the nose: wide (rounded - a), thin (pointed - c) and in between (b). In this case, a short subnasal spine and a wide pear-shaped opening correspond to a wide, “fleshy” tip of the nose, and a pointed one is observed with an elongated, narrow and pointed subnasal spine (Fig. 20).

Rice. 20 Nose shapes and angles:
a- horizontal, b- raised, c- lowered

Physiognomists consider the angle formed by the nose and upper lip. A right angle, with a horizontal line of the nostrils, gives the profile an expression of determination and indicates an energetic mind. A nose located at an obtuse angle in relation to the upper lip, raised slightly upward, is not uncommon, and may belong to a subject with an extraordinary mind.

A search for a description of the “ideal” nose in the literature led to the following characteristic. A beautiful nose with finely defined nostrils, the tip of which is not too sharp, not too rounded and forms a right angle with the upper lip. Such a nose is a sign of not only physical, but also spiritual beauty. Without relying on tastes and individual perceptions, a beautiful nose must meet the following characteristics:
- equal in length to the forehead;
- the tip of the nose is not “fleshy”, but not hard either;
- the wings of the nose are clearly defined;
- the nostrils are rounded at the base of the wings, and become thinner towards the tip of the nose;
- the lower third of the nose in profile does not exceed a third of its length;
- at the base, an “ideal” nose should have a small hollow - a depression.

People with such a nose are usually distinguished by courage, passion, assertiveness and excellent character.
In view of the special significance of the nose for characterizing the face and essence of its owner, I consider it necessary to dwell on the description of some of its “instances.”

A flattened, wide and rounded nose of the correct shape most often belongs to smart, kind, noble and reliable people.
A nose with graceful nostrils and wings that move when breathing may be evidence of unhealthy lungs.
A sign of pronounced individuality is a long nose with beautifully outlined wings. A long, straight nose with implicit nostrils belongs to a patient, resigned, calm person. A long, crooked nose speaks of nobility, hard work, perseverance, patience and seriousness of its owner. A long nose, thinning in the middle, indicates a person’s vivid imagination and his penchant for fantasy. A long nose, with a thickening in the middle, on the contrary, indicates the owner’s idle talk and his tendency to chatter.

A large, strongly protruding nose indicates that a person has some strangeness and eccentricity in his thoughts and actions.

A long, bony nose is a sign of pride, arrogance and quarrelsomeness, and one with a hump is an attribute of a person of a difficult character and gloomy disposition.

A nose with a hump at the very base, with a hard tip, widened nostrils is a sign of energy, courage and courage.
A large, hooked, “fleshy” nose most often belongs to a person who is slow-witted, rude, persistent, tough, and prone to using threats and force.

A thin, graceful, long nose expresses a person’s high sensitivity and talent.
A small, plump nose speaks of the good nature, peacefulness and gentle character of a person with whom you always feel comfortable and cozy. An upturned small nose indicates the stubbornness and independent character of its owner, but such a nose under a high forehead is evidence of a tendency towards anger, rudeness and adventure.

Rice. 21 Nose shapes

Neat, proportional and small noses, as a rule, belong to people who are intelligent, sensual and artistic. A very small nose, with a sharp back and angular tip, indicates that its owner is an ambitious, daring and perky person.

An elegantly contoured nose with a rounded tip and round nostrils is an indicator of sociability, affability and gentleness of character.

A short, concave nose in the middle, with a rounded and slightly upturned tip, reveals an impressionable, active, but timid person.

A small, “fleshy” and straight nose with small nostrils most often belongs to calm and dignified individuals.
The tip of the nose bears special information and expressiveness of certain character traits.

An ominous expression is given to the profile of the face by the tip of the nose, which is hooked and almost touches the upper lip. Such faces, completely inexpressive, belong to people who are reserved, angry and lustful.

The pointed tip of the nose and narrow nostrils are characteristic of a hot-tempered, mocking person with an iron character, strong-willed and purposeful.

An upturned nose with protruding nostrils speaks of the incontinence, impulsiveness and self-will of its owner, who is often dissolute and undisciplined.

The forked tip of the nose is a sign of timidity, vulnerability, shyness and suspiciousness of a person, but often not without charm, sound mind and originality.

A large, full tip of the nose is evidence of cordiality and warmth, and a wide quadrangular tip is a sign of harsh manners, rudeness and a tendency to bad mood. However, the character of such people is characterized by: patience and perseverance in achieving goals.

Among other signs, the nostrils are significant. Thus, small nostrils are usually found in people who are weak, timid, compliant and weak-willed; long nostrils - for caring and easily irritated people, and large and expressive ones - for extraordinary personalities.
Wide and especially wide-open nostrils are a sign of high self-esteem, difficult character and disposition. It has been noted that if a person’s nostrils tremble and flare when talking, then he is very stubborn and aggressive.

The proportionality, shape and color of the nose are signs that all physiognomists pay attention to. The soft pink color of the skin of the nose is considered the most favorable, as an indicator of a person’s well-being, and dark shade speaks of numerous troubles that accompany a person. A red, porous nose is a sign of promiscuity, eating disorders and alcohol abuse; a constantly red nose is a sign of treachery in combination with other unfavorable signs.

When analyzing the nose, as an important detail of the face, one should compare its size, shape and other features with the entire face, and only in comparison talk about harmony, proportionality and proportionality. Thus, a straight bridge of the nose, directly ending with an ideally shaped tip, adorns the face, depriving it of individuality. For women, a slightly upturned tip of the nose is more suitable, that is, slightly rising above the back. Such a nose rejuvenates the face. Of course, a narrow and thin tip harmonizes with a long and narrow nose; with wide and short - thick and wide tip. The wide wings of the nose give the face an expression of energy, inspiration, and impulse; thin nose with narrow nostrils expresses concentration; swollen wings of the nose - sensuality, love of life and voluptuousness, and the pointed, angular outlines of the nostrils emphasize nervousness.
The nose is characterized by pronounced age-related changes, which are manifested in an increase in the severity of the dorsum, drooping of its base and tip of the nose, and a decrease in the nasolabial angle against the background of deepening of the nasolabial folds.

In conclusion, the generally accepted, favorable criteria for assessing the nose should be emphasized: these are inconspicuous nostrils, full wings of the nose, a large, rounded tip of the nose and a high straight bridge of the nose.

ID: 3306 47

The ideal of beauty different people different, sometimes even opposite. Even for the same person, preferences can change over time. This list was made by me to see if there are people who like the same things as I do.
In tenth place is Milla Jovovich.

As a child, she seemed to me the most beautiful girl in the world. I had notebooks and posters with her image. I liked everything about her: her eyes, her lips, the oval shape of her face, her signature squinting look, which I tried to copy, but most of all her nose - straight, quite large, with fluffy nostrils and a sharp tip. Now she doesn’t seem to me as beautiful as before, but her nose deserves tenth place.
In ninth place is Camilla Belle.

Camilla Belle is a girl of incredible beauty, and I consider her nose to be her most important asset. Large, straight, beautiful, with a narrow back, it was given to her by nature.
In eighth place is Olga Koryagina.

Probably no one remembers who she is anymore. I remember. This former member VIA GRA group. She didn’t stay in the group for long, so she appeared in a couple of videos, but her nose sank into my soul. And now she is in my top.
In seventh place is Barbara Brylska.

A 71-year-old Polish actress and simply a beautiful woman who looks wonderful even at her age, and I think her nose plays an important role in this.
In sixth place is another former member of the VIA GRA group, Tatyana Kotova.

Tatyana is a real beauty, and I’m not the only one who thinks so. Tatyana is the winner of the title “Miss Russia 2006”. This is one of the few times when I agreed with the jury of this competition.
In fifth place is Victoria Radochinskaya.

She participated in the Mrs. World 2009 contest and became its winner. The naturalness of her beauty is questionable, but even if so, her nose is still worthy of attention and fifth place in my top.
In fourth place is Aishwarya Rai.

Perhaps most will not understand me, but once she was at the top of my top, I considered her nose to be the standard. I especially liked the tip and nostrils. But either my tastes have changed, or more beautiful girls have appeared, and she is now only in fourth place.
In third place is Agnia Ditkovskite.

Her nose has such a thin back and such a sharp tip. This is exactly what my nose is missing. How he decorates her already beautiful face.
In second place is Natalie Portman.

Even with a shaved head, she is as beautiful as a woman with a shaved head can be. She's perfection. She's ideal. Her nose is considered the most desirable on the list of rhinoplasty specimens. And I would agree with this if she had not appeared on the “stage” - the winner of the first place. So…
In first place is Alena Shishkova.

Here she is - the owner of a perfect nose and eyes and lips. And let all this be the merit of the surgeons, but you must agree that she is wonderful.

If you read the first chapter, then we noted the following important point:

The work of our “neurocomputer” - the brain - just like the work of any “iron” computer, is based on the principle of COMPARING INCOMING INFORMATION (through the eyes, ears and other sense organs) WITH THE INFORMATION STORED IN OUR MEMORY.

This will be important for understanding the essence of the issue.

Almost any person and even a child of several years old can determine: beautiful person or not so much. From this we can make an objective statement of the fact that from birth a person has a certain “beauty standard” of the human face, which he considers “beautiful”. Our brain compares the image of the person it sees with this “standard of beauty” (the brain works on the COMPARISON principle). And, the stronger the similarity with the “standard of beauty” from memory, the more “beautiful” or attractive we consider the facial features of the person we are considering.

In this chapter, we will find out the reason why certain facial features of a girl (woman) or man (and which facial features) are considered “beautiful”, while others are considered less “beautiful” or completely ugly.

In the first chapter we identified one an important principle of how our brain works.

The main task of the brain is to ensure the safe existence (survival) of the organism in environment.

Accordingly, all the work of our brain is organized based on this basic principle: successful safe existence (survival) of an organism in the environment.

Now let's look at it in more detail, what facial features (women and men) are considered the most beautiful.

General facial features that are perceived by the brain as beautiful or most attractive.


The first is symmetry. Symmetrically located facial features (in both men and women) indicate that the process of growth and formation of body tissues occurred normally! There were also no serious diseases that could disrupt the symmetrical formation of facial features.

In the photo on the right, the symmetry is also not perfect. But, compared to the photo of the girl on the left, she is definitely more symmetrical and, therefore, more beautiful.

Above the upper lip, from the so-called “Cupid’s Arch”, upward are the “Columns of the Philtrum”. Their location relative to each other shows symmetry of the development of the face shape (relative to the vertical axis of symmetry).

The presence of clearly defined features on our face, indicated in the figure above, indicates good formation human skin.

All this means is that There were no obvious disturbances in the development and formation of the body! That is, the person did not have obvious health problems during the formation of the soft tissues of the face. And this is the primary point in the SURVIVAL ability of an individual. The principle of SURVIVAL is (as we have already emphasized above) the primary principle of the functioning of our brain.

The “filtrum columns” and their symmetrical arrangement relative to the vertical central axis of symmetry are a kind of “quality mark” that shows the harmonious development of the organism (which is very important for future offspring and survival in principle).

We will talk about lips, their sizes and shapes below.

Harmony of development (proportionality)

For example: if a person is large, then he will most likely have large facial features. And it will look harmonious, natural for its large type of development. If the eyes are large, the nose is large, and the lips are thin, it looks inharmonious. There is a feeling of some kind of defect in the development and formation of facial tissues. And this aspect does NOT contribute to the successful survival of the individual and his offspring.

Proportionate (harmoniously developed) facial features!!


The eyes of a woman (girl), which have a fairly large slit, are considered more beautiful than small eyes, located close to the bridge of the nose.

Wide-set eyes.

Wide-set eyes.


Narrowly set eyes.

Narrow-set eyes.

Narrow eyes can look pretty only if the woman (girl) has a narrow face. That is, the principle of harmonious development is observed.

But in other cases, a woman’s narrow eyes are not defined by our brain as “beautiful.”

But why?

Let's consider this point from the perspective of the main task of the brain, tasks - successful survival in the environment.

A woman or girl who has sufficiently wide eyes, with a sufficiently large slit, has a certain advantage. It has a wider field of view! She will see more around her. In a dangerous situation, this will be an important advantage for the safety of both the woman herself and her child (children), as well as the entire group of people. A woman with a greater all-round view is more likely to notice danger in time.

Our modern calm and measured life, relative to the general period of human existence, is a very short period of time. Most of the time human existence on Earth, this is life, full of danger And extreme survival in a hostile environment. This danger came from both wild animals and other hostile groups of people. Therefore, as a result of natural selection, in extreme situations those women who had greater visual visibility around them survived.

In general, in extreme situations, women with fairly wide-set eyes and a larger (“almond-shaped”) eye shape survived in extreme situations.

It is the “almond-shaped” eyes (the elongated edges of the cut) that will look beautiful, and it is precisely this cut of the eyes that gives the maximum possibility of viewing in width. It is no coincidence that women, when tinting their eyes, artificially “lengthen” the shape of their eyes.

Visually elongated eyes.

It is these facial features that remain in the memory of a person from past harsh conditions for human survival. It is precisely these facial features (eyes) that are considered “beautiful” in women (girls) at all times. In fact, these “beautiful” eyes simply give a woman a better chance of surviving in an extreme situation due to a wider view.

An inquisitive reader who knows how to reason may notice that, based on this logic of reasoning, over the multimillion-year history of evolution, human eyes should have “developed” to even greater sizes! And be located as far as possible from the bridge of the nose (practically on the side of the head). That is, according to the principle: the larger the shape of the eyes, the wider their location, the greater the review. Accordingly, the probability of survival of the woman, her children and the group (community) as a whole is greater.

But here (as elsewhere) the rule of “reasonable sufficiency” will apply.

First point. The fact is that with her eyes too wide, a woman loses the field of view in front of her. And this - adversely will affect her survival in a dangerous situation.

Second point. If the eye opening is too large, the likelihood of dust and small debris getting into the eyes proportionally increases. And this moment, as you understand, also reduces the likelihood of survival in an extreme situation, both for the woman herself and her child. Therefore, those eyes of a woman (girl) will be considered “beautiful”, the location and size of the cut will not exceed a certain - optimal size.

Men's eyes

What facial features are considered “beautiful” in men? What kind of eyes should a man with beautiful facial features have?

If, according to the principle described above (eyes in women), we see wide-spaced, large eyes on a man, then it will look more “original” than “beautiful”. Why?



The fact is that, by the nature of their activities, men at all times (especially during difficult periods associated with extreme survival) were always more active than women. A man is a hunter, protector and warrior. If a man's eyes are too large and he is constantly active, he will be much more likely to become clogged with dust or other small particles. Therefore, a man's eyes, which will make his facial features beautiful, will be considered somewhat smaller in size than the beautiful eyes of a woman.

This positioning of the eyes limits the lateral view necessary in an extreme situation. Therefore, such facial features in men are NOT PERCEIVED as beautiful (by the brain).

Maximum beautiful eyes a man will perceive:

- not too big;

- not too wide apart.

For long periods of time, men's activities were dominated by hunting and fighting. Based on this, for a man, the visual sector of vision from the FRONT will be more important than from the side (“lateral vision”), like a woman’s.

We can observe a similar division in the location of the eyes in the animal world. In herbivores, for which the widest visual field of vision around (in order to notice a predator in a timely manner) is most important for survival, the eyes are located on the sides.

For predatory animals, the most important viewing sector will be the FRONT. Therefore, the predator’s eyes are located closer to the bridge of the nose. This makes it easier to observe the situation in front of you.

The only exceptions will be predators that hunt mainly in packs, for example wolves:

Their eyes should also be located somewhat to the side in order to analyze the GENERAL picture of the hunt (including several animals)

The eyes of women and men are located approximately according to the same principle. A woman’s function: to monitor possible danger around herself and her home. Therefore, wide-set large eyes increase the woman’s lateral field of view. It is these women's eyes that will be considered beautiful.

Functions of a man: protection in confrontation with other living beings, as well as similar competitors in the struggle for survival and reproduction. Therefore, a man’s eyes, which will make his facial features beautiful, are not too widely spaced (located) from the bridge of the nose, but wide enough for the necessary lateral view.

There is another one territorial feature, which influences which eyes will make the facial features beautiful in a woman and a man.

For example, among the peoples of the Far North and among the entire Mongoloid race, the shape of the eyes is much narrower than among other peoples and races. And it also has its “survival” aspect. In the conditions of existence in the Far North, the narrow shape of the eyes protects the eyeball from hypothermia, especially in windy and snowy weather (which is not uncommon in the Far North). Representatives of peoples who live in steppes, semi-deserts and deserts also have a narrow eye shape. These areas are often visited dust storms. And such a narrow eye shape the best way will protect your eyes from dust and fine sand getting into them.

But an inquisitive, thinking reader may notice that in the territory of semi-deserts and deserts live peoples of Arab origin whose eyes are not at all narrow, but on the contrary, have a fairly wide opening.

And this is an absolutely correct remark. But the fact is that over the long period of human existence, two things happened that could “confuse” such a “survival” arrangement of peoples based on the characteristics of their appearance.

First. The climate in different territories changed and more than once. On the site of the modern Sahara Desert, for example, there used to be steppes, and before that there were forests. Even earlier, on the territory of the Northern Arctic Ocean was a continent with a tropical climate.

Second. Because of climate change and because of wars different peoples were forced to move to other territories. Therefore, the modern arrangement of peoples may not coincide with their “survival” facial features, that is, those features that make a person most likely to successfully exist in a given area, with a given climate, and are perceived by the brain as “beautiful.”


How should eyelashes look in order for a woman or girl’s facial features to be considered beautiful?

Women often tint their eyelashes. This makes the eyelashes (visually) thicker and longer. There are also false eyelashes for the same purposes.

The function of eyelashes is to protect the eyes from dust and other small particles (especially in windy weather). Based on the fact that women will be considered beautiful if they have larger eyes than men’s eyes, therefore, to protect them from dust, eyelashes should be thicker and longer than a man’s eyelashes.

But very large false eyelashes (like those of a “doll”) will look original, but not too beautiful, not natural, and somehow too “doll-like.”

Why? Because very long eyelashes will collect dust and dirt themselves. This creates a risk of clogging the eyeball, so it looks unnatural and unsightly.

Man sweats stronger than women(by about 40%). Also, motor activity in men is much greater than in women, especially during difficult periods of extreme survival on Earth. Too long and thick eyelashes men will quickly become sticky with sweat. Sticky eyelashes will no longer perform their protective functions ( eye protection from dust). In addition, sticky and wet eyelashes will “collect” dust themselves.

Therefore, very long and thick eyelashes on a man will not be considered beautiful and will not make his facial features beautiful.


Eyelashes that will make facial features beautiful must have optimal length and thickness. In women it is longer and thicker than in men.


What eyebrows are considered beautiful? And what kind of eyebrows should men and women have to make their facial features beautiful?

The functional purpose of the vegetation above the eyes (eyebrows) is to protect the eyes from sweat flowing from the forehead. The “reasonable sufficiency” rule also applies here, which limits the maximum density of eyebrow hair.


The fact is that eyebrows that are too thick and wide will themselves collect sweat, dust and dirt (especially eyebrows that are wet from sweat). This may result in dirt getting into your eyes. It is clear that this will not contribute to the “survival” ability of men and women, especially in extreme conditions of existence. Therefore, eyebrows that are too thick will not look beautiful.

Conclusion: eyebrows must be of a certain thickness in order to facilitate the flow of sweat along the temples and along the bridge of the nose, that is, around the eyes. And at the same time, the eyebrows should not get too wet, that is, they should not be too thick.

Eyebrows “with a thread” are fashion trends “pulled out of thin air”, inventions of cosmetologists and makeup artists who can earn decent money by plucking eyebrows from rich (and not so rich) ladies: the more they pluck, the more they earn. But very thin eyebrows do not make facial features beautiful. Because this eyebrow shape is unnatural and does not contribute to them protective function. Thin eyebrows can miss droplets and allow them to run into the eyes. This will not contribute to their “survival” function. Therefore, thin eyebrows look unnatural and ugly.


Women's eyebrows need to be, but not too thick, because too thick eyebrows will contribute to the accumulation of dust. But eyebrows should not be too thin, because thin eyebrows will no longer perform their original function of protecting the eyes from drops of sweat running into them. It is these eyebrows that are perceived by the brain as “beautiful.”

In men, life activity is associated with greater activity. Men sweat about 40% more than women. Therefore, in order to perform the duties of “draining” (past the eyes) beads of sweat, a man’s eyebrows should be approximately one and a half to two times thicker than a woman’s eyebrows.


The shape of eyebrows in women, which makes a woman's facial features beautiful, can be somewhat curved.

It is this curved shape of the eyebrows that will best ensure the drainage of drops of sweat around the eyes: to the temples and to the bridge of the nose, but without excess vegetation that will accumulate (collect) sweat and dust.

It is the eyebrows, curved upward, that will best cope with their duties - the “drain” of drops of sweat past the woman’s eyes. It is this shape of eyebrows that will make a woman’s facial features beautiful (women know this).

There is another aspect of such RAISED female eyebrows that make a woman's facial features more attractive.

Raised eyebrows make the eye section visually WIDER, as if there is a lateral view of such eyes. This is a SURVIVAL trait of women's eyes that makes them more beautiful.

Raised “wing” eyebrows are a visualization of a wider setting and shape of the eyes. It seems that the edges of the eye are narrower - slightly to the side (the lateral viewing sector increases). This is what makes women's eyebrows and eyes more attractive.

But such a curved shape of the eyebrows makes facial features beautiful only in women. For men, peripheral vision is a less important function (discussed above). It is more important for a man to have good review FRONT for a successful confrontation.

I would like to note: these are just SEPARATE ASPECTS that make facial features beautiful and attractive. And beauty of the type described in this chapter of the book is just ONE OF SEVERAL REASONS FOR A PERSON TO FALL IN LOVE. That is, not even love.

Therefore, if you have not discovered one or another visual aspect of attractiveness in yourself, this only speaks of OUR IMPERALITY, BUT nothing more. And there are simply no ideal people (except those we invent for OURSELVES).

For men, eyebrows in a “semicircle” are not at all necessary to make masculine traits faces more beautiful. The man's face looks quite beautiful with straight eyebrows.

And this is despite the fact that semicircular eyebrows will better protect the eyes from dripping sweat. Eyebrows in a “semicircle” are, rather, a national characteristic of the Semitic peoples. Apparently, because they live (mostly) in an area with a hot climate (Central Asia), and, accordingly, are forced to experience more severe sweating.

But why are eyebrows NOT a “semicircle”? prerequisite in order to make a man's facial features more beautiful? Why are semi-circular, upward-curved eyebrows in men not considered beautiful, unlike semi-circular eyebrows in women?

The fact is that a man, unlike a woman, has more pronounced brow ridges.

Their size is determined by the level of testosterone in a man (male sex hormone). The brow ridges will act as a “visor”. Therefore, if too much sweat accumulates in a man’s eyebrows, then a drop of flowing sweat will most likely fall from the eyebrow down, and will not flow into the eye, as it would flow from a woman’s eyebrow.

Therefore, the semicircular shape of the eyebrows in men is NOT a necessary property for the eyebrows to perform their function well ( sweat dripping).

Based on this, a man’s eyebrows, even straight (not curved), can make his facial features attractive and be considered beautiful.

And yet, the shape of the eyebrows is NOT a fundamental characteristic for a woman’s successful survival in extreme conditions in the middle climate zone. In cool climates, the method of moving beads of sweat away from the forehead (away from the eyes) is not fundamentally important for survival in extreme conditions. Therefore, you can very often find a European female face with beautiful features and almost straight eyebrows.


What lips and what shape will make facial features beautiful in women (girls) and men? What lip shape is considered beautiful?

In countries with hotter climates (located closer to the equator), full lips will be considered beautiful. And this is no coincidence. The lips contain many blood vessels. Large large lips very hot weather will contribute to more intense cooling of the blood. This moment will, to a certain extent, protect a person from overheating (especially the blood flow going to the brain, which has important in hot climates).

But in countries with cool and cold climates, on the faces of men and women of European appearance, too full lips will NOT look natural, and therefore be considered beautiful. Large lips, due to the many blood vessels in them, will freeze and crack very quickly in cold and especially frosty windy weather.

Fashion for plump lips They took it out of the blue. Modern plastic surgeons make good money from this. But disproportionately plump lips on a face with a typically European appearance will look unnatural and be considered ugly.

The appropriate lip color will also be important in determining the beautiful facial features of a woman (girl) or man.

Women tint their lips, making their color brighter. They also “trim” the cheekbones and cheeks.

And this is no coincidence. The bright color of the lips and cheeks indicates that the woman has good blood circulation. And this is a general indicator of the health of the expectant mother, an important indicator of the principle of “survival” in difficult environmental conditions of the mother and offspring.

But cheeks that are too rouged will NOT look beautiful. Because it's too bright color skin may indicate symptoms of allergic or skin diseases.

Lip shape

A clearly defined shape and contour of the lips (regardless of size) is perceived by our brain as beautiful.

The clear shape of the lips indicates that no special problems (with health) arose during the formation and growth of body tissues. That is, nothing interfered with the correct formation of the soft tissues of the face.


What shape of nose will make the facial features of a woman and a man beautiful? What nose shape is considered “beautiful”?

This question will also depend on what territory and in what climate a representative of a given people (or nationality) resides.

A wide nose with large nostrils is characteristic of the Negroid race.

This shape of the nose ensures the most free flow of inhaled and exhaled air. In hot weather, this “design” of the nose allows you to cool the body faster and, what is important, cools the area close to the brain during breathing.

In peoples who live in temperate latitudes or in areas with cold climates, the structure of the nasal cartilage is more developed. This is necessary so that the cold inhaled air has time to warm up as it passes through the longer nasal passages. Otherwise, there is a high probability of contracting colds by inhaling cold air that is not warmed up in the nasal passages. Peoples who live in mountainous areas also have this characteristic nose shape. In the mountains, at higher levels, the climate can also be very harsh.

But due to global changes in climatic conditions on Earth, as well as in connection with the forced migration of peoples, there are representatives of southern peoples whose nose shape also has a voluminous “design”.


The shape of the nose, which will be considered beautiful and corresponds to the beautiful facial features of a man and woman (or girl), must be correlated with the climatic conditions of the area in which a particular people or race lives.


Thick, strong hair is a sign of good human health. Therefore, this type of hair is considered beautiful.

Beautiful hair is a sign of good metabolism and the absence of chronic diseases.

But hair should not grow in inappropriate places, on the face (especially in women). This will talk about hormonal imbalance in organism. This is a “non-survival” moment, and such a manifestation will NOT be perceived and considered as a “beautiful feature” of a woman’s face.

Increased hairiness in a woman indicates that she has too much of the male sex hormone (testosterone), and therefore not enough of the female sex hormone. This can negatively affect the bearing and feeding of their offspring.


What shape should a man's and a woman's (girl's) chin be in order to give the face beautiful features (outlines)? Which chin is considered beautiful in a man or a woman?

Like other facial features that are considered “beautiful,” the shape of the chin should also show that the owner of this chin has optimal capabilities to survive in extreme conditions of existence.

Let's consider what shape a man's chin should have that will make his facial features attractive or beautiful.

A “strong-willed” chin, somewhat “square” in shape, will indicate that a man has a sufficient level of the hormone testosterone (male sex hormone) in his blood. It is this hormone that forms the chin of this shape.

Testosterone has important influence on the formation and growth of muscle tissue, as well as on regenerative (healing) processes in the body. Also normal level testosterone forms character traits such as will and determination. Testosterone has an analgesic effect. All these physiological and psychological characteristics will have a positive effect on a man’s ability to survive in extreme conditions. Therefore, a man has a fairly developed chin (which will talk about sufficient level testosterone) will make a man’s facial features attractive and beautiful (masculine).

But the principle of “reasonable sufficiency” also applies here.

A man’s too huge square chin does not make his facial features beautiful, but rather the opposite. Such a chin creates a “repulsive” impression of its owner.

Such a chin indicates too high level testosterone in the blood of its owner. Such a man will be distinguished by increased aggressiveness, quick temper, increased conflict and recklessness in his actions and deeds. All this does not make his life and (what is important) the lives of the people around him more “survival”. On the contrary, it poses a threat to normal existence in society. Therefore, an overly large chin does NOT make a man's facial features beautiful.

What if a girl or woman has a developed “masculine” chin? Wouldn't a woman's strong-willed character traits contribute to the survival of her and her children in difficult, extreme living conditions?


But such a “masculine” chin does not make female facial features more beautiful. Why?

The fact is that a large amount of testosterone in a woman’s blood suppresses the production of estrogen (the female sex hormone). And this, in turn, will have a negative impact on the formation of the width of the pelvic bones, and problems will arise with bearing, giving birth and feeding a child. In other words, it will not contribute to the survival of the woman’s offspring and society as a whole. Therefore, a developed, “strong-willed” chin in a woman is not considered “beautiful” and will not make a woman’s facial features beautiful (in fact, “survival”).

So, we figured out what facial features are considered “BEAUTIFUL” for women (girls) and men, namely those facial features that will enhance or reflect a person’s ability survive in extreme living conditions.

After long periods of difficulty in terms of existence and survival, people with such "beautiful" but in fact, "survival" facial features were more likely to survive in a hostile environment. And they survived! And they survived!!! Therefore, a person with beautiful facial features is the result of natural selection in harsh conditions for survival. And there is no need to “pull by the ears” the new trends of the so-called fashion, and with it the eyebrows “threaded”, “pumped up” destroyers (sorry ). A person's facial features are perceived as BEAUTIFUL, based on certain laws of human existence, that is, based on a clear, defined natural necessity . And everything that will be brought into this natural, natural and REASONABLE BEAUTY from the outside, will be perceived as unnatural, funny and even in some cases simply ugly.

In general, the result is the following: the more difficult life is for survival, the more beautiful people become, but only over a very long period of time, when natural selection allows only those people to live and survive whose facial features will best match their ability to survive in a given environment.

In modern conditions, survival has become somewhat easier (although not everything is so simple either). Well, the result, as they say, is “obvious.” Or - “on the face.” But judge for yourself.

Let's move away from the topic a little and speculate (very interesting).

The fact that beautiful facial features in men and women were formed according to the principle of natural selection in conditions difficult for survival tells us that principle of natural selection, which was first described about 150 years ago by Charles Darwin, WORKS!

But Darwin decided to conclude that the principle of natural selection is the basis not only for the development of an organism within one species, but also all life on Earth ( according to the assumption of Charles Darwin a) could have been formed according to the principle of natural selection- that is consistent development from simple organisms to more complex ones.

And this was his mistake!

Charles Darwin himself admitted that his theory of gradual development (from simple to complex) would suffer a crushing collapse if such elements of organisms were discovered (the so-called “irreducible elements”) that could not develop through a gradual transformation from simple to more complex.

THIS is what Darwin said (in his book) himself:

“If it can be demonstrated that any of the existing complex organisms could not have been formed by numerous successive and insignificant changes, my theory will fail completely.”

Charles Darwin

With the development of science and methods of studying living nature, modern scientists have found such “irreducible elements” that Darwin spoke about in his book. Thus, it was proven that Charles Darwin’s theory was refuted IN FACT!

It will still take some time for the conservative scientific institutes recognized this serious stage in modern biology. After all, after an official refutation, it will be necessary to throw into the trash hundreds of pseudoscientific works that were based on this untenable theory, just an unproven (and already refuted) theory, but not facts.

I recommend watching a 28-minute scientific film about this scientific refutation of Darwin's theory.

VIDEO FILM “Refutation of Darwin's theory” (28 minutes).

Let's sum up the intermediate result with an interesting conclusion.

In this chapter, we looked at what male and female facial features are considered beautiful and why (functional link to survival in difficult conditions).

It became obvious that there is a direct and direct connection with a person’s successful survival in extreme and difficult living conditions and his facial features. That is, “beautiful” facial features and the parameters of a beautiful figure (we will consider in the next chapter) are those features of male and female appearance that directly help them survive in difficult and extreme competitive conditions and in the struggle for survival in general.

But here's what's interesting!

Previously, we emphasized an important point, which is that:

The work of the brain (“neurocomputer”), like any computer, is based based on the principle of information comparison , coming through the senses (eyes, ears...), with information that is stored in memory.

Both the male and female brain compares the information (visualizes the image of a person) coming from the eyes with a certain “standard of beauty” of a person, which is stored in his memory. And already, based on the degree of similarity, the brain gives out the corresponding result (in the form of emotions and a command to produce certain hormones).

But no one teaches us what the “STANDARD OF BEAUTY” of the human form looks like. Moreover, even a child of five or six years old can determine the beauty of a person’s appearance!


All these facts indicate that our memory from birth contains information about what a person with beautiful face, figure. It is with this human “standard of beauty” that our “neurocomputer” compares ( brain) the appearance of the people we are considering. If there was nothing to compare with, then the reaction of our brain in the form of a conclusion (“beautiful” or “ugly”) would simply NOT exist! There would be NO positive emotions, NO release of “pleasure hormones” at the sight of a beautiful person.

All this suggests that over long periods of life, during which a person had to fight for his survival in the environment, each of us has retained the image of a person (men and women) with “beautiful” ( "MOST SURVIVAL") facial features and figure parameters ( next book chapter ). These facial features helped to survive in difficult living conditions. It is with these male or female “standards of beauty” that in our memory we compare the appearance we are considering, a woman or a man. And the greater the similarity with these “STANDARD OF MALE BEAUTY” and “STANDARD OF WOMEN’S BEAUTY”, the more actively they stand out positive emotions, and “happiness hormones” are released. Our brain seems to “tell” us with this reaction: “Be close to this person! He's well-adapted to survive!

Ensuring the survival of our body - the main task our brain.

But if it were all that simple, it wouldn’t be so interesting!

In our life, NOT everything is as simple and primitive as described in Charles Darwin’s book about natural selection and the origin of species. And that's where the difficulty lies.

We found out that from birth in our memory (and in the memory of everyone normal person) the image of the “STANDARD OF BEAUTY” of both men and women is recorded.

A natural question arises:

Where does a person record information about the “beautiful” (or, in fact, “survival”) appearance of a woman and a man??!

If this information has been in memory since birth ( even a child can tell whether a person is beautiful or ugly j), then, in fact, the “STANDARD OF BEAUTY” represents the EXPERIENCE OF PAST LIVES!!!



And here, out of habit, the “experts” point to the DNA molecule. Since it stores (in encoded form) information about the structure of the human body, then everything else (everything else, “it’s not clear where the information came from”) should also be stored in the DNA molecule.

But in this case, this assumption turned out to be incorrect.

At detailed study principles of storing, encoding and decoding information in a DNA molecule, scientists have figured out the process itself and how it directly works. Upon detailed study, it turned out that the information in the DNA molecule is intended to build the complex molecular protein structures of the body . That is, the information is intended for "construction" of the body, not for our "personal use". The molecule is not intended to determine the beauty of any person we see, but solely for the formation of complex protein molecules and structures of the body!

In more detail, schematically, how information works in a DNA molecule is shown in the VIDEO, which was presented just ABOVE, starting at 18 minutes 40 seconds of the VIDEO.

But then a logical question arises: where (OR WHAT) is the memory of past life experiences stored?

More recently, scientists have discovered that information in a certain energy form can be stored in space. Moreover, it has been suggested that in the near future this discovery may make it possible to “design” processors personal computers, storage and processing of all information will occur in a certain energy field (area). Considering the enormous technological leap forward in science over the past decades, this is no longer particularly surprising. And now “quantum microprocessors” are being structured. This in itself proves the fact that information (in HUGE VOLUMES) can be structured in a very small area of ​​​​a certain space.

Here's what scientists have discovered over the past few decades as a result of scientific research human body and structure.

Back in 1975, the phenomenon of an electric wave phantom was discovered - this is how scientists conventionally called the human soul. Scientists have found that before an embryo appears in the mother's uterus, it already has an electric wave phantom. At first it is an electric wave halo, slightly larger in size than the embryo itself. The phantom grows faster and advances the development of the embryo by several days. Thus, the unborn baby develops, catching up and adapting to its own electric wave phantom. The baby catches up with him only just before birth, and they are born identical.

Cases where pregnancy was terminated were studied. It turned out that in this case the phantom continues to live in the mother’s uterus for as long as it would take for the child to be born. Therefore, many women after an abortion feel some movement in the uterus for a long time. On the days when childbirth would have occurred, women feel especially bad: they feel severe pain in the lower abdomen, nausea, and depression, which can lead to serious mental and health problems. All this is outlined in the report of the American physiologist Herman Hayti, who conducted research in American clinics from 1979 to 1994.

Thus, we have found out that even before the development of the embryo begins, a certain energy body appears in the uterus.

At the initial stage, the embryo begins to develop from stem cells, from which, as is known, any tissue of the body can be formed: bone, muscle, or it will be a cell of the eye, brain, skin, etc. But stem cells cannot “know” which organ tissue they need to turn into. The baby's embryo cannot develop "on my own."

Thus, the energy body first creates a volumetric (three-dimensional) holographic drawing, which changes in accordance with the development of the fetus, and in accordance with this volumetric drawing, it starts in each stem cell its development program, corresponding to this volumetric drawing.

As shown in the VIDEO above, complex molecular protein structures are created using encoded information in the DNA molecule. But the final and gradual “assembly” of the embryo’s body occurs in accordance with the three-dimensional drawing. And this information is in energy cloud (phantom ), which appears in the uterus at the moment of human conception!

Based on these and more recent scientific studies, we can conclude:

E The energy phantom is the only source of information about WHAT happened to this energy phantom in its past incarnations (past lives), including information about what the “STANDARD OF BEAUTY” of a HUMAN’S face looks like.

All these interesting conclusions completely coincide not only with the most ancient spiritual Vedic knowledge about the transmigration of a person’s consciousness (soul), but also with the information that can be obtained from any person by putting him into a deep hypnotic trance. Hypnotherapist highest category Michael Newton has documented such past-life memories of his patients placed in a deep hypnotic trance, as well as memories immediately after their consciousness left their deceased physical body. The fact is that a person under hypnosis does not have a conscious mind! This means he cannot invent or imagine anything. It can only output information stored in its memory. And nothing else. This book became a bestseller immediately after its release. Published on our website.

The laws by which the energy body moves into the new body of the embryo, the meaning of human existence in general, are described in the ancient Vedic scripture and published on our website. "BHAGAVAD-GITA" is recognized as the quintessence of all Vedic wisdom. That's what he said about "BHAGAVAD GITE" Lev Tolstoy:

“I firmly believe in the basic principle of the Bhagavad-gita, and always try to remember it and be guided by it in my actions, and also to speak about it to those who ask my opinion and reflect it in my writings.” (Lev Tolstoy).



The books of O. G. Torsunov “The Laws of a Happy Life” have been published on our website. Oleg Gennadievich Torsunov studied Vedic culture, medicine and spiritual practices for many years. The benefits of his lectures and books are recognized by tens of thousands (without exaggeration) of his readers and listeners. In the book “The Laws of a Happy Life,” Torsunov presents us with the opportunity to understand, on the basis of ancient Vedic knowledge about the transmigration of the soul, and the laws of karma (fate), how and what a person needs to do in order to become happy in this life.
