Life has declassified the lover of singer Nyusha - photo. Singer Nyusha showed unique footage from a luxurious wedding in the Maldives (video) Igor Sivov’s ex-wife and their children together - from whom Nyusha stole her husband, photo

27-year-old singer Nyusha hid from fans for a long time that she married the general adviser to the president International Federation student sports Igor Sivov. Only recently the artist openly admitted that she and her lover got married. The newlyweds registered their marriage in one of the registry offices of Kazan. But they organized a wedding celebration in the Maldives.

Nyusha and Igor did not invite hundreds of guests and crowds of journalists to the wedding. The couple held a private ceremony at the Finolhu Hotel (an island resort in the Maldives in the style of the 60s and 70s). 50 people were present at the celebration - only family and friends of the couple.


“The ceremony took place on a magnificent panoramic terrace overlooking the ocean. Decorator Maria Kamenskaya was responsible for the wedding design. Thousands of snow-white orchids and white palm leaves seemed to float in the air, and blue sky reflected in the mirror pattern on the floor. But the main thing is that we found our paradise there on our wedding day!” - Nyusha shared.

The celebration lasted three days. Nyusha and Igor did not deviate from traditions, so before the wedding they arranged a bride price, and at the celebration itself they performed a dance of the newlyweds. Over the entire period, the singer changed three wedding outfits.

IN Honeymoon the couple retired to the Amilla Fushi Hotel, a resort with the largest beach residences in the Maldives.

Despite Nyusha's youth, she is known as a singer and songwriter for many artists Russian stage. The girl's real name is Anna Shurochkina. She can be described as an ambitious performer and a very energetic girl.

By the age of 28, she had accomplished almost everything. Her songs occupied leading positions in the charts, cartoon characters spoke in her voice, and authoritative music publications more than once called Nyusha “the main musical event of the year.”

Fans of her work were interested not only in successes in her career and music, but also in the singer’s personal life. The girl was in no hurry to share details of her personal life, but she didn’t make the relationship a sealed secret. Not long ago it became known that the girl got married, and at the end of summer a new addition to the family is expected.

In search of happiness

Anya understood very early what show business is and how difficult it is sometimes in it. Fame came to her early. Already at the age of 8, she participated in music festivals and composed songs. Later she became the lead singer of the group “Grizzly” and in just a few months they toured most of the cities of Russia.

Surprisingly, with such a busy schedule, the girl had time for her personal life. It is known about her relationship with actor and hockey player Alexander Radulov. But at that time the girl was too young and the relationship did not continue.

In the summer of 2012, photographs of the singer with. appeared in many publications. The couple vacationed together at various resorts and had fun at parties. Fans decided that the artists were dating. But soon the couple broke up and, as it turned out, it was just a publicity stunt to draw attention to the performers.

The relationship with singer Yegor Creed lasted about two years. The relationship between the young performers began in 2014; the couple hid their relationship. Declarations of love, huge bouquets of flowers and gifts, but in February 2016 the young people announced that they were no longer together.

Nyusha chose not to name the reasons for the separation, and Yegor hinted in one of the songs that the girl’s father interfered in their relationship.

Young and successful

Anna met her future husband in 2013 in Kazan, where she performed as part of the opening sporting event. She immediately noticed young man, who was the organizer of this event. The young man's name was Igor Sivov.

Nyusha and Igor quickly found mutual language. The man was helped by his innate sense of humor and experience of playing in the KVN team “Four Tatars”. In just a few hours he was able to charm the girl and cheer her up. But the event ended, and the singer left for another city.

It cannot be said that a romance broke out between them. For a long time, Anna and Igor remained friends. At that moment, the singer began a relationship with Yegor Creed, and Igor was married. The businessman’s wife was Elena, a participant in the “Everybody Dance” show. The couple had two children in their marriage.

Interesting notes:

In 2016, it became known that Sivov divorced his wife, at that time they youngest son not yet a year old. Future husband Nyusha was 10 years older than her, but the age difference did not become an obstacle in the relationship. At the age of 36, Igor Sivov left the family’s first family.

New relationships

After breaking up with Yegor Creed, the press began to say that Nyusha had a new relationship. But the girl was in no hurry to talk about them. The situation became clearer when they appeared together with Igor Sivov at one of the events. It was then that the press “pounced” on the girl, accusing her of the businessman’s divorce. She didn't explain anything. Igor said everything. He explained that at the time of the start of the relationship with the singer he was already divorced.

In the winter of 2017, young people went on vacation. Igor decided to make a surprise for Nyusha and until recently she did not know where they would spend their vacation. It turned out that they flew to Kenya. It is in this African country Igor proposed to the girl.

Nyusha often recalls that the engagement was a complete surprise for her. After the start of the relationship, she waited for some time for her lover to propose to her and they would get married. But for some reason Igor hesitated with this.

Then the girl decided that the wedding is not the main thing, and she just feels good next to this person. At that moment, such a long-awaited offer arrived.

Paradise wedding

After the marriage proposal, the lovers decided not to hesitate official registration relationships. The wedding was scheduled for the summer and was supposed to take place in the Maldives. The location was not chosen by chance. The young people associated it with heaven on Earth.

Many friends and relatives came to the ceremony along with the newlyweds from Russia. They had fun together, and on the appointed day they attended the wedding ceremony.

The couple recalls that everything was intertwined in their wedding ceremony. There was also a bride price, which was watched in surprise by vacationers from other countries, and there were also local customs.

In the evening all the guests went to the disco. This evening, Paris Hilton herself was behind the DJ console, and Leonardo DiCaprio was rocking the dance floor with the newlyweds. It is obvious that this wedding was remembered by the guests for a long time. The couple says that all the guests present at the ceremony asked them to repeat something similar for their wedding anniversary.

After the end of the celebration, Nyusha announced that they were planning to take a short sabbatical and devote themselves to their family. A few months later it became known that Nyusha was pregnant and the couple is waiting for replenishment and it will happen. Children in the family of Nyusha and Igor Sivov will appear at the end of August or beginning of September.

So far, the singer has briefly disappeared from television screens and does not perform on stage, but fans believe that after the birth of her child she will return with renewed vigor, and Nyusha’s beloved husband will support her in all her endeavors.

Igor Sivov himself, holding a high position in Kazan, earned as much per year as his star bride for one concert

It seems that singer Nyusha, who turned 26 last year, has finally met a man with whom she decided to tie the knot. “So you fly on the 13th, on Friday, on a full moon, to Africa... celebrating the old New Year...with absolutely no idea how this trip will change your life,” she recently wrote on her social network page. A few days later she posted a photo of herself with the ring on ring finger and accompanied it with the caption “I am the bride.” The singer did not show any photographs of her groom and did not mention his name. However, omniscient fans in the comments claimed that this is a 36-year-old native of Kazan, Igor SIVOV, who has been working in Lausanne, Switzerland, since last fall. He holds the important position of chief adviser to the president of the International University Sports Federation.

Judging by the meager information about the groom Nyusha managed to find it on the Internet, Igor Sivov in his youth he was no stranger to creativity and was a member of the KVN team “Four Tatars”. After graduating from the TISBI Academy of Management, he worked in the administration of the student club. Then he headed the municipal enterprise “Directorate holiday programs" He was the executive director of the opening and closing ceremonies of the XXVII World Summer Universiade, held in 2013 in Kazan. A last years headed the apparatus of the executive committee of the capital of Tatarstan.

According to the income statements of municipal employees, published on the official website of the Kazan City Hall, in 2014 he earned 1,291,765.65 rubles, and in 2015 - 1,668,249.95 rubles. Compared to Nyusha, who, according to promoters, takes from one and a half million “wooden” for just one concert, his income, of course, looked ridiculous. But this is not the most interesting thing.

From the same declarations it followed that until recently Igor Veniaminovich had legal spouse- dance teacher Alena Vladimirovna with even more ridiculous incomes than his - 14,692.67 rubles in 2014 and 31,119.79 rubles in 2015. Moreover, just a year ago, the list of their family members was supplemented with a second son, who did not appear in previous declarations. And six months ago, according to the Kazan media, Alena Vladimirovna, still in the status of Sivov’s wife, appeared at the celebration of his birthday former colleague on the command of “Four Tatars” - the current Minister of Sports of Tatarstan Vladimir Leonov.

As far as I remember, Igor Veniaminovich himself was not there,” one of the guests who attended this celebration said in a private conversation. - But he is a very busy man. It happened more than once that Alena attended some events without him. And there was nothing strange in the fact that she came to Leonov alone. Moreover, they were family friends since their participation in KVN. In any case, Igor Veniaminovich did not seem to have any intention of divorcing Alena at that time. After that, I even saw them together at the birthday party of one of their sons. Of course, this still doesn't mean anything. Maybe then Alena was no longer married to Igor Veniaminovich and he, like any normal father, simply came to visit the children. Or maybe she remains his wife even now. You understand, they didn’t inform anyone about this.

Strange position

Do not rush to conclude that Igor Sivov abandoned his former family! - Nyusha’s PR agent unexpectedly said in response to a request for comments Denis Vorobiev. - No, no, I don’t want to say that he is still married. But when people get divorced, for some reason it is always believed that the man leaves the woman. In my opinion, this is some kind of strange position. In fact, breakups happen differently for everyone. Of course, I did not communicate with Igor closely enough to judge the situation in his family. Nyusha’s dad met him quite a long time ago - almost two years ago. Apparently, this was due to Nyusha’s performances at the Universiade or some other mass events in Kazan, which Igor was involved in.

And I personally met him only in September-October last year during preparation for Nyusha’s concert at Crocus City Hall, when he began appearing with her as her boyfriend. Before that, I had no idea that there was anything connecting them. However, as far as I know, during a recent joint vacation in Kenya, Igor proposed marriage to Nyusha. And since he decided to take such a step, I assume that with his old family there are no problems and they separated by mutual consent.

Nyusha told the details of the wedding ceremony in the Maldives.

Most recently, Nyusha celebrated her wedding in the Maldives on a grand scale. The singer married her chosen one, Igor Sivov, a few months ago, but she celebrated this event a little more than a week ago. The artist kept the purpose of her trip to the islands secret and did not publish footage of the wedding celebration online.

Yesterday Nyusha showed a video filmed shortly before the start of the grand party. Here you can see how the restaurant where guests of the singer and her husband gathered was decorated.

Nyusha and Igor decided to have a very personal and tender ceremony at the Finolhu Hotel. The lovers prepared for this event for several months and kept all the details secret.

« It is no coincidence that we chose these two hotels, Finolhu and Amilla Fushi, for our holiday - these are very romantic places with stunning beaches, friendly staff, varied, tasty and healthy food. The ceremony took place on a magnificent panoramic terrace overlooking the ocean. Thousands of snow-white orchids and white palm leaves seemed to float in the air, and the blue sky was reflected in the mirror pattern on the floor. But the main thing is that we found our paradise there on our wedding day!"- said Nyusha.

The celebration itself lasted three whole days. On one day, guests of the event were entertained by Paris Hilton, who performed a long DJ set.

In addition, according to the singer, Leonardo DiCaprio was also present at the wedding, with whom she had the chance not only to communicate, but also to dance.

“My heart is not free,” an unexpected confession made in early November in front of an audience of thousands of concert halls, overnight upset the love plans of hundreds of men and made young ladies sigh with emotion. Famous singer, singing about beautiful girlish feelings and reverently protected by her parents, previously suppressed any attempts to find out her most secret things. But when that same love from the books really came, I found myself unable to hide it behind seven locks. Raised in conservative traditions, Nyusha was often called daddy's daughter, eagerly waiting for the young girl to finally grow up and meet her prince. And it seems the moment has come.

Fans of the 26-year-old star vied with each other to guess who managed to conquer one of the most desirable girls planet, while the singer herself dedicated the lines of her songs to her beloved and embarrassedly, lowering her burning gaze, publicly stated over and over again: I love.

"Not remembering what happened before"

The artist's name is Igor Sivov. The couple already know each other for a long time, but ardent feelings between them flared up only at the beginning of this autumn. The man is from Kazan. In the late 90s he performed in the KVN team "Four Tatars", today holds the post of General Advisor to the President of the International University Sports Federation.

Igor won Nyusha’s heart by the fact that he turned out to be unlike everyone who had met her before - a serious, gallant gentleman with impeccable manners courted beautifully, presenting the beautiful singer with flowers during rare dates. She, despite the ten-year difference in age, or the fact that he had two children from his first marriage, understood from the first minute: this He.

Now the lovers live in three cities: Swiss Lausanne, where the headquarters of the International University Sports Federation is located, Moscow and Kazan. As before, Nyusha spends a lot of time on tour. But, as soon as they set foot on Moscow soil, they immediately rush into each other’s arms - to a place where there are neither prying eyes nor work that forces them to part.

In a conversation with Life, the singer did not deny that she was really connected romantic relationship with Igor Sivov, but declined to comment in more detail.

“I won’t deny the fact that I’m in love and big changes have taken place in my personal life,” Nyusha admitted. - But I often repeated and will repeat that I don’t want to talk about my relationship, it’s very personal and, perhaps, in due time I will share my happiness with you.
