Nut saved the collapse in kindergarten. Scenario for summer fun in kindergarten with presentation

Children sit on chairs and listen to the teacher’s story about the holidays, First Spas - the beginning of the Assumption Fast (until August 28). Spas is called honey because from this day people begin to eat honey and bake pies with honey. The bee stops bringing honey to the hives. Beekeepers break (cut) the honeycombs.

On this day poppies are collected. Poppy is a remedy for witches. There is a belief: sprinkle a house with poppy seeds and all the machinations of witches will be in vain. These are the songs they sang about the poppy:

Homemade arrow,

It builds itself, it does itself,

On the arrow there is a town - seven hundred thousand Bukharans,

One and a half hundred governors and Tatars.

And here is a riddle about the poppy: “Under one hood there are seven hundred Cossacks.”

Swallows and swifts fly off to First Spas. Roses are fading, cold dew is falling. On this day, horses, like all livestock, are bathed for the last time.

Apple Spas (August 19). Apple Spas - meeting autumn, autumn season. On this day they tear ripe apples, sanctify them. Until this day, you cannot eat apples. There is a belief that in the next world, children whose parents do not eat apples before the Second Savior are given apples, but those whose parents have tried apples are not given apples. Therefore, many adults, especially those whose children died, do not eat any fruits except cucumbers until the Second Savior. The cranes begin to fly away.

Dormition Holy Mother of God(August 28). Dormition is the end of the harvest, which is why this day is also called “dozhinki”, “harvest”, “spozhinki”. According to the ancient custom, a small handful of uncut ears of corn was left on the field. This was done to return to the earth the energy spent on growing crops.

Dormition - the beginning Indian summer(until September 11). Cucumbers are pickled for the Assumption. Dormition is the end of the harvest. The harvesting and sowing of winter grain is finishing. The Assumption Fast begins.

Having finished the harvest, the women gave sentences;

Who plowed - that snare

And whoever sowed, to him two,

And whoever reaps, that’s all.

Having completed the work, the reapers rolled around the field saying:

Reaper, reaper,

Give me my life!

On the pounding

On the threshing

On the crooked spindle!

People congratulated each other on the end of the harvest:

Oh and thank God

What a harvest!

What life have you reaped?

And they put it in the cops:

There are stacks of hay on the threshing floor,

In the cage there are bins.

Several ears of grain, specially left unharvested, were tied with a ribbon - “curling the beard” - and they said: “God grant that next summer there will be good harvest! With this ritual, the harvesters hoped to return the land to its productive power. The last sheaf was reaped in silence. The girls reaped the silent sheaf; if they spoke, the groom would be blind. The last compressed sheaf is absurd. They dress him up in a sundress or wrap him in cotton scarves and carry him with songs to an honest feast, called “kladchina” or “bratchina”.

The last sheaf is preserved until the New Year. A wreath woven from ears of corn is kept in the front corner of the hut.

These rituals are reflected in drinking songs:


He'll clear away his swarm!

Fill us with your fill,

Make me sit down at the table,

Make me sit down at the table,

Bring me some beer and honey!

You give me drink, I reap,

I'll sing that song.

At the end of the feast, they thanked the host and hostess for the treat:

And thanks to the owner

For soft pies!

And thanks to that

Who is the boss of the house!

At the end of the day, saying goodbye, they sang the last song:

They made it through, they made it through,

The little ones met

Start the loaf,

The guests were treated to

We prayed to God!

Bread, grow!

Time, fly, fly!

Until the new spring,

Until the new summer,

Until new bread.

Nut Spas (August 29). By this day the nuts are ripe. Riddles about nuts: “I hang high, I fall low, it’s bitter outside, but it’s sweet inside,” “The little man has a coat of bones.” Another third Savior is bread: they bake pies from new bread. “The Third Savior saved bread.”


Who's with us, who's with us

Plowing the plow?

Who's with us?

Children depict plowmen going for a plow.


We are with you

Plow the arable land.

We are with you.


Who's with us, who's with us

Scatter the rye?

Who's with us?


We are with you, we are with you

Scatter the rye.

We are with you.

Children depict sowers scattering grain. Then they depict mowing, threshing, and grinding grain.

Two buffoons run out to the music.

1, 2 Buffoon: Hello! We are the ringleaders of the holiday. Tongues are sharp as pitchforks.

Be healthy and happy. And let our meeting be cheerful and joyful, because it is dedicated to the Russian folk holiday beautiful name "Apple Spas" . The harvest time is approaching. The first reason to rejoice about the bounty of the earth was today “The Savior has come and brought me an apple” .

1 Buffoon: Now everyone come out and start a round dance.

Children dance in circles to music "Oh, you canopy" .

2 Buffoon: Do you know that August begins,

Spas open immediately!

There is the first Savior - Honey,

The second Spas is Apple and the third is Nut.

1 Buffoon: “First Spas honey - be healthy everyone!”

In Rus' on this day everyone was treated to honey

And they sang tea, but who in nature produces honey for us? (answers

A game "Bees" (There are candies in the bowls with flour, whoever can move it faster).

1 Buffoon: - The second saved - “The Savior has come - he’s stocked up on apples” .

A game "Treat a friend with an apple" (two children treat each other with an apple and


2 Buffoon: Po folk signs Apple Spas means offensive

autumn. By this day, the harvest in the fields was ending, fun party, weaved wreaths from flowers and ears of corn. They put wreaths on the girls' heads and danced in circles.

1 Buffoon: Do you know what can be made from apples? (Make the filling

for pies, make jam, make marmalade, make compote, juice, add to various salads). But nothing can be better than a fresh, fragrant apple, which is so pleasant to crunch on.

2 Buffoon: Do you know that you can eat apples, you can play with them,

but you can still dance to the bull's eye.

Dance "Bullseye" (children dancing).

1 Buffoon: Children, have you forgotten what our holiday is called? That's

ok, did you know that apples hang on branches? But ours ended up in the water.

2 Buffoon: Guys, catch the apples from the pool and put them in the basket

(apples are passed along a chain from the pool to baskets).

  1. Buffoon: What clever children, they coped with such a difficult task!
  2. Buffoon: Now we’ll see if they can cope with another

task. A game "Bite the Apple" (the apple hangs on a string, without touching it with your hands, you need to bite off a piece of the apple).

  1. Buffoon: Well done, you completed this task!
  2. Skomorokh: People also believe that during the Transfiguration the apples become

special. By biting into an apple, you can make a wish, and it will definitely come true.

he is also called the Third Savior.

2 Buffoon: And sometimes the Nut Savior is called the Bread Savior, because It is at this time that the grain harvest usually ends. In Orekhovy, Third, Khlebny Spas It is customary to thank the Lord God for the harvest.

  1. Skomorokh: Nuts are wonderful food for the mind and body. In Nut Spas it is customary to collect and eat walnuts and hazelnuts from the new harvest.
  2. Buffoon: Guys, can you tell the difference? Walnut from the forest? (answer) A

we'll see now.

A game "Sort out the nuts" (walnuts and hazelnuts in a bag of wheat, sort into two baskets).

1 Buffoon: On the third Savior - Bread Day - they baked the first loaf

new bread, walked around the wells in circles, as if closing the warm season.

2 Buffoon: After the third Savior, the last swallows fly away. among the people

They say: “The third Spas is good - in winter there will be kvass” .

1 Buffoon: Happy holiday to everyone,

And with all our hearts we wish

Every day you grow up,

Celebrate the rescue together!

2 Buffoon: Don’t get angry, don’t scold,

Only learn good things!

Songs to sing and dance,

It's fun to celebrate the holiday!

Scenario Orthodox holiday"Spasovki"

Target: popularization of Russians national holidays, rituals, traditions; nurturing morality and love for one’s culture.
1. Introduce children to the traditions of folk holidays and the traditions of Orthodoxy.
2.Develop spiritual needs by introducing Orthodox values.
3. To create motivation in children creative activity through improvisation, play, competitions, competitions.


Presenter 1

Good afternoon and good hour,
To everyone who came to listen to us!

Presenter 2

Just before you start
This holiday, for us guys,
Red summer call
We need to visit you soon!

Presenter 1

Call for red summer?
What is walking across the open spaces?
Oh, I'll have to scream
Everyone is friendly, but loudly, in unison.
And then, having heard us,
Summer will appear immediately.

Presenter 2

As soon as I wave my hand,
Repeat after me:
“We are waiting for you for the holiday, Summer!
Come soon! Where are you?" (children repeat the last lines)

Who bothered me
Took you away from important matters?
What happened, what is it?
See who wanted me?

Presenter 1

When August comes
All the people greet the Savior.


Hello guys, hello guys,
Nice little girls, quick-eyed creatures!
A fun show with games begins,
Fun, with round dances and songs.

First group

Once a flower, two flowers - hedgehogs, hedgehogs!
Anvil, hammers - scissors, scissors!
Running in place, running in place - bunnies, bunnies!
Come on, together, come on, together - girls, boys!

Second group

Two slams, two slams - balls, balls!
We play, we dance - girls, boys!
They galloped, galloped - squirrels, bunnies!
And they clapped their hands - girls, boys!
To start the holiday for us,
We need to call Sunny!
After all, it helped me,
Warmed our earth!
“Sunny, Sunshine, look out the window,
Sit down, Sun, on a stump, play with us for a day,
After all, you’ve been tired over the summer and haven’t had a day’s rest!”


Who bothered me?
Took you away from important matters?
What's happened? What's happened?

Presenter 2

The harvest is already ripe!
Holiday, Sunshine, is here,
There is a Savior in Rus' today!


Thank you for being a friend,
They haven't forgotten about me!
Well, I will serve you,
I will reward everyone with a tan,
To warm your noses
And we didn’t get sick in winter!

A STEAM LOGO came with me!
- What did he bring with him?
- He’s tired, he’s deaf and dumb, he brought a trailer...
- With what?
- With stompers (stomp)
- With firecrackers (clap)
- With flashing lights (blinking eyes)
- With hugs (hugging)
- With chants (shouting)
- With kissers (kissing)
- With smiles (smile)
- With silence (children become silent)

Presenter 1

Now, friends, I’ll tell you a story about the holiday.
It’s not for nothing that August is called the month of three religious holidays. The point is that it is in last month The Great Savior was always celebrated in Rus' every summer. On August 14, the Honey Savior was celebrated, on August 19, the Apple Savior, and August 29 was reserved for the Nut or Bread Savior. All these three holidays are interspersed during the Dormition Lent.
The history of each holiday is unique and is rooted in the ancient pages of Russian history. Honey or Poppy Spas arose in honor of the victory over the Volga Bulgars in 1164. Since then, on August 14, every year they performed a small blessing of water, and also brought honey to the church. The sweet dish was blessed and sweet poppy and honey gingerbreads, pancakes and pies went into the oven.

Presenter 2

They say that even the air itself on the day of the First Savior is saturated with the aroma of honey. After all, the First Savior is a honey holiday, it is a holiday for beekeepers. On the Day of the Honey Savior, honey from the new harvest is traditionally blessed. Only after consecration is the first honey ready for consumption. Since ancient times, Russians have respected honey, because it is one of the healthiest and most delicious products. According to legend, a honey drink cured Ilya Muromets himself from paralysis.
Some of the honey was necessarily left in the church; part of it was used as a treat for the poor, and was also distributed to the houses of poor neighbors; and, of course, as a delicacy, it was given to children.

In the Motherland - Honey Savior.
The churches are full of people,
And everything is as usual with us,
Crowds with jars of honey.
The boy tastes
With your lips, drops from the sticky lid...
And the Sweetest Jesus Himself
Everyone looks at it with a smile!
Children are given treats - small pancakes sprinkled with poppy seeds and drizzled with honey.


(Children are offered a competition in pairs: two eat honey quickly with spoons from cups, two lick honey from saucers. The winners are “Sweet People”)


The bees have already worked this year.
Barrels full of honey are oozing.
I'll bake you some cakes with honey,
Well, try to refuse!
Everything that will be useful in winter.
At this point, Honey saved the day.
Summer is knocking on every home with its gifts.
Saying goodbye to summer, we stock up.


By August 19th middle lane Apples and grapes ripened in Russia. They picked the harvest and took it to church for blessing, and when they went home, they treated everyone they met. On this day in the evening we went to the field and saw off the sunset with songs. Autumn was coming. Everyone was happy and ate apples. The second Savior - Apple - also has a religious basis and refers to the story of the heavenly apple, with which the expulsion of Adam and Eve from Eden began.

Presenter 1

All Orthodox Christians celebrate the holiday - the Transfiguration of the Lord. The time had come when Jesus Christ had to go to last time to Jerusalem to suffer there for all people. He and his disciples climbed Mount Tabor and began to pray. During prayer, the disciples saw that he had been transformed - his face shone with an extraordinary light, his clothes began to shine. A cloud appeared and the disciples heard a voice: “This is my beloved son! Listen to him! In His Transfiguration, the Lord showed us what people will be like in paradise, worthy of the Kingdom of Heaven.

Presenter 1

Let's make the world happy, guys! Let's organize an Apple tournament! And now... the hour of proverbs has come. I will tell you them, try to tell you what those proverbs conceal, what they tell us.
There is no room for an apple to fall (very tight).
The apple doesn't fall far from the tree (when we're talking about about bad behavior inherited from parents).
Hit the bull's eye (accurately guess something or say something correctly).
Apple of discord (what caused the quarrel).
Forbidden fruit (what you cannot do, take, etc. - according to the forbidden apple of paradise)


(Children prepare fruit salad)

Everybody knows! Well done boys,
It's hard to compete with you.
Tell me, if it’s not difficult for you,
What can you make from apples?
(The guys list everything that is made from apples: apples are eaten fresh, soaked, baked, candied, pickled, pickled. They are dried. Juice, apple kvass, syrups, compotes, mousses, purees, souffles, charlotte, pancakes, pies are made from apples , cakes, marmalade, jam, marmalade, etc.)

Presenter 1

Summer hid the fruits of the new harvest on the plot. You need to find them and prepare a treat from the found fruits for everyone present. We will find out what you call your culinary masterpiece upon completion of your work. (All participants in the holiday look for fruits and bring them to a pre-prepared table, equipped with necessary equipment for making fruit salad).

Relay race “CARRY IT - DON’T DROP IT”

While our chefs are preparing their masterpieces, I propose to organize a fun apple competition!
(2 teams of guys compete. The task is to run 20 meters, holding a spoon with a small apple in both hands. The team that runs first wins)

Presenter 2

Relay race “FILL THE BASKET”

(Two teams with the same number of players compete. A small basket is hung on a tree branch and swings. The players are given an apple, members of one team - red, the other - green. Each team member throws his apple, trying to get it into the basket. Then the leader counts, which team threw more apples).


(Dip an apple into a basin of water, arrange the competing teams. The guys on the team take turns running to the basin and biting the apples. When the whole team finishes moving, the winner is determined).


(Two bunches of grapes are hung on a branch. At a signal, each team begins to move: the participant must run to the grapes and, without using his hands, bite off as much as possible from it. The first team to eat their bunch of grapes wins).


(2 participants are selected, they are given an apple. At a signal, the participants feed each other, while the second hand is behind their back and does not participate in feeding. The one who feeds their apple the fastest wins).

Presenter 2

Our chefs have prepared their culinary masterpieces and are ready to announce their names. Whose art is sweeter and tastier, we will find out when we try. (Participants name their dishes and distribute them in disposable dishes to all participants of the holiday. The results are summed up).


Great! I can say -
Guys love to play!
Anyone can distinguish themselves
And have fun!

Our apple tournament is a success,
Friends, today was a success!
All winners are rightfully
It’s impossible to say who is better!

Presenter 1

August 29 - Bread Savior is the third final church holiday and on this day it is customary to bake bread from the new harvest, which has just been harvested. Such bread is considered a sacred delicacy on this day, and is eaten slowly, with thoughts of the coming autumn and long winter. “The Third Savior stored up bread,” they said in Rus'. They began to sow winter crops. This spas is called nut (nut) because of the ripened hazelnuts (hazelnuts), which from that day on were allowed to be collected, and the harvest was often blessed in the church. In the old days they said: “The First Savior - they stand on the water; second Spas - eating apples; the third Spas - they sell canvases on the green mountains,” so the third Spas was also called “Spas on Canvas”, “Spas on Canvas”, “Canvas Spas”. On this day it was customary to trade in canvases. Walnut Savior was considered a day of thanksgiving to the Lord for the harvest of bread and nuts.

Presenter 2

Spas on canvas is still Canvas Spas,
Everything is said about the same thing.
It's time to replenish the supply of nuts.
Oreshny Spas is already knocking on the window.


(Children are divided into two teams. In front of each there is a basket - a “hollow”. The task: to throw cones into the basket as accurately as possible. Whoever has more of them, that team wins).

Traditionally, Orthodox Christians celebrate 3 salvations: Honey, Apple and Nut. On the first day, the great Dormition Lent begins, and it ends with the feast of the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary on the eve of the third Savior. Today we are talking about the latter church holiday summer - about the Nut Spas: when and how it is celebrated in 2015.

What date is Nut Spas? history of the holiday

The Third Savior is known by many names: Nut, Canvas, Bread and Not Made by Hands. It is called Orekhov because it was on this day that it was customary to store nuts for the winter. The more you collect, the higher the family's wealth will be. They were illuminated in the church and placed on the festive table.

Bread Savior is the day the harvest ends, the day when bread is baked for the first time from new grain.

The religious history of this day is connected with the life of the Savior. Christ washed his face and dried it with a towel. A bright face was imprinted on the fabric. Miraculous Image was considered miraculous. It was on August 29, 944 that he was transferred from Edessa to Constantinople, on this date the 3rd Savior is celebrated.

On the eve of the Third Savior, it is customary not only to go to church, but also to have fun, try various dishes prepared from the fruits of the fresh harvest, and also go to fairs. After the Assumption Fast, the fairs were the most colorful and large-scale; peasants who had completed work in the field could sell their goods and replenish their supplies.

Scenario and traditions of Orekhovoy Spas

If you want to celebrate the holiday cheerfully, then prepare nuts, flowers, and bread in advance. The next day they can be blessed in the church. After the service, go for a picnic. To add national flavor, spread a cloth with traditional embroidery on the ground. The event script should definitely include Russian songs and dances, round dances and games. Special traditions and rituals include making wishes and fortune telling.

Don't forget to include congratulations in the script:

September is coming again

The nuts are ripe in the orchards...

Let's guard God's word

In your prayers and works:

It gives strength and intelligence

We cannot lose him;

And now with Orekhovoy Spas

I congratulate you, friends!

Wonderful holiday, glorious feast

God generously gives us peace,

On our Saviour, our bread is the tastiest,

The soul is purer and kinder!

May the sun give you a ray of rays -

Blessing of the loaves.

You, Third Savior, help us

Bake some great pies!

Elena Pitenko

Children in Russian folk costumes They enter the hall to the sound of folk music and sit on chairs.

Bells are ringing (in audio recording)

Presenter 1. In broad Rus' to our mother

The bells are ringing,

And we have kids in this room,

The glorious holiday begins now.

Presenter 2. The third Savior has now arrived for us,

Look, this Savior hasn’t forgotten about us!

Our Savior invited guests to the clearing

And he treated everyone to fragrant bread!

Presenter 1. Answer me, kids.

Mark which Spas is time?

Children. Bready, nutty

Yes, even canvas.

Everything is ready for the holiday today!

The presenter gives the floor to the invited clergyman.

Presenter 1:

Name all the rescues here

Together, speak in unison

Children call: honey, apple, nut.

Presenter 2:

On the first Savior - they eat honey

In the second, the apples are removed and the children are given a treat.

The third rescued - canvases are sold on the mountains of earth.

Nuts are collected and bread is baked.

Presenter 1:

They bake bread, sprinkle it with nuts, and sing a Russian song.

Performed by r. n. song "Long Crane"

Presenter 2:

It's in my basket

Treats for children

Guess it right - you get a prize

Made from flour, a big surprise.


1) This will go well with tea,

It just begs to be put in our mouths

This sweetness is delicious,

Eat something crunchy. (cookie)

Places cookies on the tray.

2) We baked it with filling,

It got cold in my basket

He has a ruddy side

Delicious festive. (pie)

takes out the pie.

3) Ruddy rings hang on a thread,

The rosy rings will crunch in your mouth.

Vanilla, with poppy seeds, hanging like toys,

Baked, round, delicious. (drying)

Takes out a bundle of dryers

4) The most important one on the table

He will feed everyone in the family.

Cut it into pieces

Lush, fresh. (loaf)

He takes out a loaf.

Presenter 1:

Guys, they also make dumplings from flour in Kuban. Listen to the comic Cossack song “Galushechki”

The Kuban folk song “Galushechki” is performed

Presenter 2:

Here are some more riddles for you,

Tell me the answers.

1) Hanging high, falling low.

It's bitter on the outside, but sweet on the inside. (nut)

2) The man is small, and his fur coat is made of bone. (nut)

Presenter 1:

In a round dance, children, get up

And visit the forest.

We'll find a nut there

Let's dance and sing together.

The Russian folk song “We were in a round dance” is performed (program “Ladushki”)

The children sit down.

Cheerful music is playing. 2 squirrels run into the hall.

The “Squirrel Song” is performed, then the dance “Tsok, Nut” - an old polka (“Musical Director”, No. 6, 2007)

Presenter 2:

Guys, the squirrels have already stocked up on nuts for the winter.

Look how many nuts there are! (shows hazelnuts and walnuts)

The squirrel whispers something to the presenter.

Presenter 2:

Guys, the squirrels are asking for help in sorting out the nuts. Forest ones - in one basket, walnuts - in another. Shall we help?

The “Spread the Nuts” relay race is being held.


We are funny squirrels

We love to run and jump!

We invite everyone, guys.

Play on the shells.

The orchestra performs R. n. m. “Like ours at the gate” (attach several halves of walnut shells on sticks)

Presenter 1:

Thank you, squirrels, you made us happy and amused. Stay at our celebration.

Presenter 2:

We were friends with the squirrels,

They forgot about the canvases.

Girls, bring the canvases.

Dance, bleach.

“Dance with Canvases” under the river. n. melody (girls dancing)

Presenter 1: And now, baby,

It's time to play.

Game "Pull the Canvases" (like "Tug of War")

Presenter 2 (asks girls): Did you take the canvases out into the sun?

Girls: Yes!

Presenter 1: Did you go out into the open field?

Girls: They were leaving!

Presenter 2: Look, both rye and wheat are heading there!

Child 1:

We collected a sheaf of wheat

And they fought them off with chains.

Miller take the grain,

Let it become torment.

Child miller: (takes a bag of grain)

I will grind all the grain,

I will call the wind to help.

The chalk will spin

Grain turns into flour here.

Girls, hurry here,

Take some flour from me.


Miller, give us some flour,

Let's cook a loaf.

Bagels and pies

Come, grooms.

The girls cook and sing:

We haven’t eaten a loaf for a long time!

Everyone wanted a loaf.

Loaf, loaf

Our oven bake.


Our stove is madam

baked a loaf of bread for us, lady.

Very fragrant,

Tasty and pleasant.


Don't crunch the bread crust,

Give all the kids a treat.

With our loaf,

We'll dance now.

Round dance "Loaf", Russian folk. melody.


Our best loaf

Baked for Khlebny Spas.

Such a height

Such lowlands, etc.

Loaf, loaf,

Come on, start dancing.

Free dance of all children with a loaf of bread.


Congratulations on the third Savior,

Let's treat you to loaf of bread!

give a piece of loaf to all children

Presenter 1:

Very tasty loaf

You grow up with him!

Presenter 2:

Grow up, eat a loaf of bread,

Give mom and dad a treat.

Don't forget your grandparents

And always be healthy!

Happy Holidays!

The Russian folk dance "Barynya" sounds

Publications on the topic:

Carlson runs into the hall to the music, pretending to fly. “Flies” around the entire hall, waving to the children. He stops in the center of the hall and presses.

Scenario sports festival V kindergarten on June 1 - Children's Day Children's Day in kindergarten. Outdoor scenario for the youngest.

Scenario for the holiday “Honey, Nut, Apple Saved” Host: - Good evening, invited and welcome guests! Today we have a holiday: Apple and Honey Spas! On August 14, the Honey Savior is celebrated in Rus'.

Goal: To promote children’s understanding of historical heritage and the formation of moral feelings. The hall is festively decorated in autumn style.

Scenario for the autumn holiday “In the Autumn Forest” for children in the senior group of kindergarten (5–6 years old) Types of children's activities: musical and artistic, gaming, perception fiction, communicative, productive. Goals:.
