Pair for a Sagittarius woman. The ideal zodiac sign for a Sagittarius woman

9th Zodiac sign
3rd fire sign
3rd mutable sign
Ruling planet - Jupiter
Lucky numbers: 3 and all numbers divisible by 3
Astrological symbol: archer centaur (mythical creature with a head, arms and top part human torso and horse body)
Astrological colors: blue, green, violet and crimson
Astrological stones: amethyst, sapphire, emerald, agate
Sagittarius rules the 9th HOUSE of the horoscope

General personality characteristics

Planet Jupiter, the planet of fortune as astrologers often call it, can bestow success, honor, fame and wealth on its sons - it's hard to believe, but this powerful planet can do it. But first, Jupiter puts Sagittarius to the test, declaring that they must sail the seven seas in search of the idealism that actually lies within themselves. But it is difficult for Sagittarius to come to the conclusion that they inner peace depends on the mental perception of the world. Sagittarians are restless: they are always “expanding” their personality, succumbing to the temptation of a hypnotic star on the horizon, waiting for new adventures. They want to see, hear, smell and know everything before the end of their deadly journey.

Jupiter foretells wealth not only material, but also spiritual, therefore, many Sagittarius are extremely religious, philosophical and idealistic. Being the third fire sign, they lead a very active life. Sagittarius rules the 9th House, which governs travel and the abstract functions of consciousness. Sagittarians are fascinated by everything foreign and it is very likely that someday they will travel abroad or become close to foreigners.

Sagittarians are quick to come up with different ideas, and their success is often based on their intuitive hunches. Like their archer Centaur symbol, Sagittarians are direct in manner and speech, which, like a flying arrow, hits the target. They express their personal opinion, regardless of anything. They are keen observers of life, and they can rarely refrain from making comments about the personalities of their loved ones, but these comments are useful, not just critical. But Sagittarius must realize that not everyone is as objective as they are and their good intentions are often misunderstood.

Sagittarians are very romantic and passionate, honest and direct in their feelings and intentions. However, this is often mistaken for emptiness and superficiality or feigned flattery. Sagittarius should not be offended by the slightest manifestation of neglect or inattention, real or apparent. They should not be offended or harbor a grudge against people - their only source of joy. They must learn to believe in a bright tomorrow. Why not? After all, Jupiter is their powerful ally.

Despite their sociability, Sagittarians are often very lonely, as they are extremely idealistic. They continue to believe in love and friendship for many years after they have had bitter experiences. They trust people again and again. And this is one of the great secrets of his success - their great faith, which is usually richly rewarded.

Sagittarius - astrological sign, which creates great dreamers who cannot keep up with today's cold reality.

Psychosexual characteristics

Since Sagittarius is a dual sign, people of this sign come in two types - the devoted, idealistic and romantic type who rarely strays from their narrow path of virtue, and the completely opposite type who rushes from one lover to another in search of perfection, and that's it. along the way, he forgets why he began his quest and what he was ultimately looking for.

The first also has a passionate nature, but the excess of his sexual energy is directed to creative activity, and not to Don Juanism.

The second type (both man and woman) is a constant red tape who trembles with joy at a new sexual victory and mentally catalogs his mistresses, such as Leporello, Don Giovanni's servant, considered the victims of his amorous master. This negative Sagittarius type usually has two or three love affairs at the same time, assigning each mistress different days weeks. This is also the type (I mean one of my clients) who travels abroad in order to have an affair with a foreigner there, and then returns home and blazes with the flame of love at a safe distance for him (the foreigner) and thus does not destroy his idealism . She then sends a passionate love letter across the ocean every day and receives the same response, and she believes that long distance sustains love. At this time, she lives as before, content with a varied sex life, and she is calm because she knows that if she needs ideal love, she is waiting there, across the ocean.

Sexually, the first, idealistic type of Sagittarius takes his ideal to the extreme. I have a client who confesses that if he is in love, his feelings are so pure, strong and idealistic that he finds it almost impossible to perfect this love with sexuality.

Non-sexual maneuvers

Sagittarius is the most opportunistic sign. Since he is also a mental sign, he can be very calculating in his demands. Some Sagittarians make the mistake of trying to guess what he will receive for the services given and consider themselves especially skillful if they do not have to pay sexually for these gifts.

Being one of the fire signs, along with Aries and Leo, Sagittarians are very aggressive and eager to start their careers.

One of Sagittarius' advantages in non-sexual maneuvers is their ability to feign a feeling of indifference and maintain it longer than their opponents.

In general, after many love affairs, as well as non-sexual maneuvers, Sagittarius come to the conclusion that their ideal friend does not exist. Then they agree to a marriage that offers an abundance of intellectual communication, and they continue extramarital affairs. Since they are honest and straightforward, they often confess this to their spouses and, surprisingly, they get their way and are allowed to have these extramarital affairs.

How to Satisfy a Sagittarius

Sagittarians delight in sexual adventures, and they enjoy not so much the sexual relationship itself as the change of a new partner.

Positive features

People of this sign are true friends, faithful and devoted. This is the person with whom you can really talk, and not only about everyday topics, but also about higher ones: philosophy, religion, science, politics.

Sagittarius has a wide choice of professions, but he should choose a job that would keep him on the move - then he will achieve something.

Sagittarius is very friendly with people. He is very noble (when his actions are positively motivated). He is also very romantic.

Sagittarians are excellent parents and support their family well (money-wise).

Negative traits

Sagittarians are used to having their heads in the clouds a lot. They should try to become more practical and come down to earth. They must learn to distinguish between rudeness and sincerity. They are also too optimistic, they let everything take its course, abandoning unfinished tasks and hoping that everything will work out by itself.

They are stable (determined) within themselves, but they must understand that not everyone approves of their constant desire to wander (wander).

Economics of love

If Sagittarius does not settle down, he will always find that it is not profitable for him to enter into the game of the economy of love. He relies too much on chance and lives only in the future. He rarely thinks about that “distant black day” that may come tomorrow. “Everything for love” is a beautiful and romantic attitude to life, but sooner or later Sagittarius must understand that no matter how unpleasant and non-idealistic it may seem, love and financial ways they still interbreed.

Sagittarius, already becoming elderly, are unpleasantly surprised to discover that there is a game of economic love, they are disgusted by the role of the buyer of love, it is beneath their dignity, and unworthy of the children of Venus (maybe Mars?).

But when they recover from learning how closely intertwined love and money are, they become master manipulators and always win the game in the end.

If Sagittarius is going to spend his old age abroad, he must be sure that all these years he has lived honestly and decently.

Most suitable partners

Until the age of 29.5, Sagittarius should look for the best partners among the signs of Leo and Aries. All three are fire signs, and until the age of 29.5 their relationships are not as close and dependent as, for example, the relationships between water signs. Keyword in relationships these are groups - independence!

In their youth, Sagittarius can find a good partner in Taurus and Pisces.

After 29.5 years of age, Sagittarius begins to mature, he realizes his true personality, which gradually becomes extremely restless and mental. They are then often compatible with the two signs ruled by Mercury - Virgo and Gemini. People of these signs have high intelligence and it fascinates Sagittarius.

After 41.5 years, Sagittarius is already a developed personality and has acquired self-control and the ability to look inside oneself. At this time he becomes very domineering and, above all, independent. Then he is often compatible with Taurus and Libra, both signs can get along with powerful people.

Fidelity Score

In youth it is bad, with some exceptions of highly developed intellectual types. In marriage - average, and only if their spouses can tolerate their desire to always be “with the crowd.” Best period for compatibility with Sagittarius - after 35 years, especially if Sagittarius’ partner is a foreigner.

Sagittarius, we astrologers ask you:

Why are all your romance novels so short? Why do you immediately retreat at the slightest sign of imperfection? Why are you so bad at listening, even though we think you have mastered the art of conversation?

Why do you run when you experience the bitterness of rejection or disappointment? Stop and analyze the situation.

And finally, why did the stars make your personality so interesting and sparkling like a diamond?

They form very good and harmonious pairs. Their relationship is full of passion, fun, emotions and heated arguments. Both zodiac signs are quite hot-tempered, each tries to defend their point of view, but after short-term outbursts, peace and tranquility reigns in their relationship. They like the energy emanating from their partner, optimism, and the ability to overcome any difficulties. Both will want to dominate, but Sagittarius will be more compliant in this regard. They are interested in spending time with each other and in large noisy companies, where they show that they are truly an ideal couple.

Sagittarius and Taurus

The union of Taurus and Sagittarius is usually bright, but short-lived. Taurus tries to take a dominant position, wants to teach Sagittarius how to live correctly, and tries to explain the rules to him. But Sagittarius does not want to obey. He is irritated by the pedantry and correctness of the calf. Sagittarius will constantly look for novelty and adventure; he loves noisy parties and meetings. Taurus prefers family comfort, peace and well-being. He protects the budget and does not encourage the Sagittarius's extravagance. The union quickly disintegrates.

Sagittarius and Gemini

This is a good couple in which the partners devote a lot of time and attention to each other. At the beginning of their acquaintance, they completely dissolve in each other. They like to talk on various topics, find out their views on life in certain areas. They like to fantasize and imagine their future. Sagittarius will try to suppress Gemini, but Gemini values ​​freedom too much to give in to Sagittarius. IN intimate life everything will work out well, especially at the beginning. When the first passions subside, problems may arise in life together. Parting happens softly, most often ex-lovers remain friends.

Sagittarius and Cancer

It is always difficult for Sagittarius to get along with a jealous and touchy Cancer. Sagittarius is accustomed to open communication and clarification of emerging problems. He is repulsed by the closeness and excessive vulnerability of cancer. Sagittarius' words can immediately hurt Cancer's feelings, and Sagittarius becomes uncomfortable in his company. It is difficult for him to tolerate his partner's mood swings. Cancer is charming at first fast paced life Sagittarius and emotions are in full swing, but subsequently he realizes that he does not find proper protection and support in Sagittarius.

Sagittarius and Leo

The compatibility between Sagittarius and Leo is simply perfect. This is a harmonious and interesting couple, both partners in which have a cheerful disposition. Both are quite generous and gentle towards each other, they feel good together. They can talk for hours on any topic. There is no open confrontation for dominance in their couple. They know how to give in and respect the feelings of others. Both are freedom-loving, and there is no destructive feeling of jealousy in their couple, even if the partners rest separately from each other. In bed it's ideal partners who know what the other would like.

Sagittarius and Virgo

In the relationship between Sagittarius and Virgo, there is a lot of misunderstanding, and therefore it will be very difficult for them to find mutual language. Both partners have too different characters. Virgo will seem smug, closed and distrustful to Sagittarius. Virgo perceives Sagittarius as a loving and flighty admirer. She strives to organize family comfort, improve everyday life, she wants seriousness and certainty. Sagittarius is used to taking everything lightly; he is repulsed by all situations in which there are difficulties. He seeks ease, understanding, and fun from relationships. Virgo is unlikely to be a worthy company for Sagittarius.

Sagittarius and Libra

Libra gets along well with Sagittarius, they can easily give in. If any problem or difficult situation arises. They allow Sagittarius people to take everything into their own hands, and at the same time they feel quite good and reliable. IN sex life complete harmony and mutual understanding await them. Sagittarius really likes the romantic nature of Libra, the tenderness and affection that Libra will give to Sagittarius in full. They enjoy being social and meeting new people. Libras are tolerant of their partner's playful nature and smooth out any conflicts that arise.

Sagittarius and Scorpio

The romance between Sagittarius and Scorpio is usually not calm and peaceful. Scorpio is often thoughtful and preoccupied with something. He wants to make Sagittarius his property and begins to interfere in all areas of his life. Scorpio rarely expresses his grievances right away. But then, when quite a lot of grievances accumulate, the Sagittarius will have a hard time. This is what, first of all, repels Sagittarius, who is used to solving all problems at once. He is open and easy-going, cannot be offended for a long time, and does not understand how Scorpio manages this. Sagittarius is too frank in some matters and loves to flirt, which in turn causes pain to the jealous Scorpio, who cannot subdue Sagittarius.

Sagittarius and Sagittarius

Sagittarians are very good together, and they always have very vibrant and emotional relationships. Sagittarius will find a lot of passion and interesting adventures in their relationships. They have many similar hobbies: they like to shine in society, meet people, and be the center of attention. They love to travel and explore new places together. They are interested in together and in intellectually. Both have sharp mind and good disposition. Such unions can last quite a long time, or they can quickly fall apart. They often have minor quarrels, there is also room for struggle for leadership in relationships, and sometimes they are capable of doing unpredictable things that are a complete surprise to their significant other.

Sagittarius and Capricorn

Capricorn and Sagittarius are always difficult together. Their different views on life prevent them from building strong and stable relationships. Capricorn is very scrupulous in money matters, he is hardworking and purposeful. Sagittarius is more wasteful, he is used to spending without counting. His easy attitude to life and excessive craving for novelty upset Capricorn, who prefers stability, rigor and life by the rules. Capricorn will not be able to feel with Sagittarius as if behind a stone wall. An outspoken Sagittarius can easily offend Capricorn. Both will be better off with other partners.

Sagittarius and Aquarius

Sagittarius and Aquarius always have interesting and long-term relationships. They get along well with each other, feel their partner, know what they want from them. Both adore freedom, and therefore practically do not bind each other with painful jealousy and resentment. They can fully open up in each other’s company and behave at ease and openly, without fear of offending their partner. They have many common goals and easily achieve them. This is a bright and long-lasting union in which there is a place for both friendship and passion.

Sagittarius and Pisces

Passion flares up between partners from the first moments of meeting. Pisces likes the impetuosity and determination of Sagittarius, and Sagittarius is attracted by the romantic mystery of Pisces. After getting to know each other better, both will feel some disappointment. Pisces will be like a read book for Sagittarius, and he will look for novelty in other people. Sagittarius does not like the touchiness and secrecy of Pisces, excessive shyness and dependence. Sagittarius wants to see in his partner the same vital energy that he himself possesses. Pisces do not like the frivolity of their lover; they will look for a quieter and more flexible partner who will be able to make decisions. The mystery that was at the beginning will be replaced by ordinary everyday problems, about which the love of Sagittarius and Pisces will be broken.

Watch a video about the compatibility of Sagittarius with other signs.

Compatibility horoscope: the ideal zodiac sign for a Sagittarius woman - the most complete description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

Love horoscope of the Sagittarius woman, or “Rhapsody about a fighting friend.” Sagittarius woman in love. Who is suitable for a Sagittarius woman?

She doesn’t need a passionate macho, and a bespectacled lyricist is probably not an option either, her ideal is “Die Hard,” “Carrier,” and “Dr. House”! She is a Sagittarius woman, a lady who chooses between the flame of passion and spiritual unity a dream, for the fulfillment of which He is needed - a comrade, a comrade, a like-minded person.

The Sagittarius lady is too keen a nature to be clearly aware of her goals and desires, therefore she prefers to choose as her life partner not the one who looks at her, not the one to whom his dream is important, but a man who will reverently and tenderly achieve her next goal. Don’t scold when a million-dollar project is abandoned halfway, and help even when everyone else is sure it will fly.

The love of a Sagittarius woman is not at all like the stranglehold of Scorpio, or the complete dissolution of Chick; Sagittarius prefers relationships of equal rights, when you can quarrel before using obscene language and make peace for a long time and persistently. She does not tolerate cunning and guile; the gentleman is always required to make a precise decision and then always follow his convictions.

In turn, the Sagittarius woman is able to provide her chosen one with spiritual comfort, not demand too much, forgive mistakes and support him in the difficult vicissitudes of life. They fall in love with a person based solely on internal sensations; he can be a cripple, a representative of a different race, even an alien - the main thing is that he has the strength and desire to live.

Compatibility in love

Oddly enough, but the most perfect union A Sagittarius lady can create a relationship with a man of her sign. The sign itself does not have a pronounced gender, therefore Sagittarius and Sagittarius will see themselves in each other, love and understand until the last ellipsis.

Relationships with Aries and Leo will become slightly less ideal. The lamb feels his Sagittarius partner with amazing sensitivity; he has that solidity and pressure that the Sagittarius young lady sometimes lacks. In his skillful hands, her unimaginable plans will quickly turn into reality. In addition, Aries and Sagittarius have quite similar temperaments; they will feel good in the same bed in any position.

The Leo man is inferior to Aries only in his position relative to the Sagittarius lady. If the first one stands on a par with her, then the second one will definitely put it higher and admire it as if it were a work of art. It is more difficult to recruit Leo for financial assistance in the implementation of projects. But in this tandem, the big advantage will be the complete power of the lady over the gentleman in horizontal position, in the heat of which he will give everything and even more.

Despite the similarity in outlook on life and desire to experiment, the love affair between a Sagittarius woman and a Gemini man ends quickly, and not at all on a friendly note. The lady may think that the gentleman is too demanding, although he himself does not perform the functions of protection and support, while Gemini will be embarrassed by the exactingness of the Sagittarius. And as always, he doesn’t owe anyone anything!

But a Sagittarius lady can try her luck with a Libra man. Despite his low initiative, this comrade, like no one else, is capable of loving “just because.” Libra will try to level out all the rough edges of the relationship with Sagittarius, and protect her from rash actions, carefully harmonizing all aspects of life.

An interesting and exciting romance awaits Sagittarius with Aquarius, however, this tandem will most likely end in pure friendship. Aquarius is good for his calm attitude towards any antics of the Sagittarius, but he is not an assistant in her affairs, after all, he needs to save the world!

Pisces and Scorpio men rarely get involved with a Sagittarius lady. Pisces are frightened by her unbridled imagination and speed of reactions; they are more interested in the concept than in its implementation. Scorpios do not agree to be on the sidelines after ideas, and they make very self-centered friends. The Scorpio man prefers to be his lady's only goal.

A love affair with Cancer often leaves an unpleasant aftertaste in the soul of a Sagittarius. He quickly lights up with her plans and desires, but then, instead of moving forward, he slowly crawls backwards, which in the opinion of the Sagittarius lady is shameful.

Any kind of relationship with Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn is excluded for the Sagittarius lady. Representatives of earth signs have nothing to do in the world of fire and air. Lady Sagittarius can only become interested in Capricorn as a last resort, but then quickly fly away from a world in which there is no place for miracles.

Ideal Pair for Sagittarius

In the first half of your life, representatives of the signs of Aries or Leo, distinguished by the same fiery temperament, will be most suitable for you. Just make sure that Aries doesn’t turn out to be a fighter and a bully! You will quickly get tired of this. And Leo should not be too handsome - given his almost inevitable tendency towards polygamy, irresistible attractiveness will add reasons for concern to his partner. When choosing a couple in the second half of life, you need to look for the ideal among Libra and Aquarius. Libra will charm you with its unspent tenderness and boyish romanticism. And Aquarius will be conquered by respect for the sanctity of marriage, the conviction that happiness is impossible without strong family relationships.

Best Couple for Sagittarius

Aries: The combination of these signs promises to be extremely successful. As the Sagittarius Aries compatibility horoscope says, both of these zodiac signs have similar interests: searching for bright impressions, traveling and active pastime, so it is not difficult for them to quickly interest each other. The only problem that the Aries Sagittarius compatibility horoscope warns about is impulsiveness and unpredictability, which both signs are guilty of.

Aquarius: This couple is united by fantasy and innovation. As the Sagittarius Aquarius compatibility horoscope says, this couple is united by a love of life and therefore together they will realize everything that each has long dreamed of separately. Sagittarius inspires Aquarius, and he, in turn, is activated by Sagittarius. This tandem will never cease to amaze each other. And although they will always be happy together, deep emotional intimacy can only come with time.

a lion: This couple's romance promises to be delightful. The compatibility horoscope assures this. Leo and Sagittarius easily find common ground: they like the same things. Sagittarius is inspired by the energy of Leo, and Leo is impressed by the love of freedom of his other half. They both love to travel and be the center of attention. As the Sagittarius Leo compatibility horoscope confirms, this relationship is one of the most successful combinations of zodiac signs.

Worst Match for Sagittarius

Taurus: As the compatibility horoscope predicts, Sagittarius and Taurus are attracted to each other, but cannot stand each other in large quantities can not. Sagittarius is too freedom-loving, and Taurus wants to constantly control his other half. In addition, Taurus is irritated by the wastefulness of Sagittarius, who does not know how and does not want to spend money practically. All this will lead to conflicts, warns the Sagittarius Taurus compatibility horoscope.

Capricorn: As the compatibility horoscope says, Capricorn and Sagittarius, as a rule, do not satisfy each other’s needs. Both expect from their other half what she is not capable of. Capricorn wants stability from Sagittarius, who is not used to responsibility, and Sagittarius wants active entertainment while Capricorn dreams of a family nest. The main stumbling block will be the financial issue. Capricorn is annoyed by the ease with which Sagittarius squanders his entire budget. The romance is unlikely to be long-lasting, warns the Sagittarius Capricorn compatibility horoscope.

Virgo: As the compatibility horoscope predicts, Virgo and Sagittarius are accustomed to different things and expect from relationships what they cannot ultimately give to each other. The pragmatic Virgo does not understand the rapid chaos to which Sagittarius is accustomed. But for Sagittarius, the search for vivid impressions is important, and the order that Virgo is trying to accustom him to only annoys him. These signs express their feelings in different ways, so mutual understanding for both of them remains a secret behind seven seals. As a rule, the romance between these signs does not last long, warns the Sagittarius Virgo compatibility horoscope.

Strained relations

Sagittarius: There is an opinion that all the charm of one Sagittarius can only be endured by another similar Sagittarius. The compatibility horoscope promises that this couple will have a romance that looks like an exciting adventure. They will lead an extremely active lifestyle and take everything they can from life, and a small piece of what they cannot. However, the prospects for such relationships tend to zero, because Sagittarians do not like commitments. And doubled dislike turns into hatred. This is confirmed by the compatibility horoscope. The Sagittarius woman usually shows great responsibility in such a situation.

Twins: This is a couple of pleasure hunters who never tire of looking for great experiences. Sagittarius and Gemini usually notice each other at first sight and understand each other perfectly. As the Sagittarius-Gemini compatibility horoscope promises, their romance will be swift, but at the first hints that the passion has begun to fade and a habit has appeared on the horizon, this love story will come to naught.

Sagittarius Man with other Zodiac Signs

Sagittarius Woman

The Sagittarius woman is a strong, tireless nature. She is a natural optimist, which makes it especially easy for her to achieve any goals she sets for herself. Its main advantage is its inner core, which is characterized by an open heart and a clear conscience. She will express everything to her face - but this allows her to remain honest with others and herself.

Sagittarius women - what are they like?

She is free from prejudice and ambitious. She will not grovel before others, no matter what benefits this promises her. The character of a Sagittarius woman makes her always choose justice and honesty.

All Sagittarius are highly spiritual individuals who have a specific opinion about everything that surrounds them. Among them are many true believers, as well as many public figures who are leading the world towards equality and justice. She is a born ideological inspirer.

This woman easily learns any science, but she does not have enough patience for monotonous work. She is simply too lazy to waste her time on something that may well not be useful to her.

This woman is a born organizer, be it a children's game or production processes. She always becomes an authority on issues that are important to her. However, in practice, this manifests itself as intolerance towards other people’s opinions and the desire to impose one’s truth on everyone.

How to please a Sagittarius woman?

Sagittarius is an independent lady, and this must be taken into account. She has an extremely free attitude towards life, she will not tolerate other people's instructions.

You can win such a woman only by finding common interests with her: for example, if she is interested in tourism, keep her company, if she is interested in animals, invite her to the zoo. It is important to show that you are on the same page with her. It is important to avoid arguments and reproaches, but it is even more important to avoid passivity: the more confident your behavior is, the greater the chances of winning her favor.

Ideal match for a Sagittarius woman

There are 12 possible combinations. Let's briefly look at each of them to understand which of the unions would be better suited such a woman.

  • Sagittarius woman + Aries man: the union of two complex personalities who do not recognize the opinions of others threatens to be difficult;
  • Sagittarius woman + Taurus man: this union is not always strong, since the partners are too different, but feelings and everyday life can keep them together;
  • Sagittarius woman + Gemini man: the interesting thing is that these two independent individuals really have a chance for happiness;
  • Sagittarius woman + Cancer man: these are contrasting personalities, they are opposite in everything, and it will be extremely difficult for them to adapt to each other;
  • Sagittarius woman + Leo man: they best friends and they get along great in sex, but this is not always enough; however, the union is promising;
  • Sagittarius woman + Virgo man: an extremely rare union, since the pedantic Virgo man dreams of a completely different woman;
  • Sagittarius woman + Libra man: in this union, friendship is more likely than love, but love also has prerequisites for happiness;
  • Sagittarius woman + Scorpio man: a dangerous and fragile union;
  • Sagittarius woman + Sagittarius man: bright couple, but not necessarily durable;
  • Sagittarius woman + Capricorn man: poorly compatible pair;
  • Sagittarius woman + Aquarius man: a pleasant union of two similar people;
  • Sagittarius woman + Pisces man: a rare union of opposites.

To summarize, we can say that such a woman is best compatible with the signs of the Air element (Libra, Aquarius, Gemini).

Gems for the Sagittarius woman

In everyday life, jewelry with precious stones– for example, earrings or a ring. Many people wear these jewelry every day, which means they will always be patronized by their owner. Best options are:

The most important stone for Sagittarius is amethyst, but other red stones that symbolize the element of fire are also suitable.

Zodiac signs suitable for Sagittarius in love and marriage

Sagittarians are friendly and enthusiastic people. They enthusiastically give themselves to love and want to find mutual understanding and happiness. However, representatives of not all zodiac signs will be able to respond to the feelings of the centaur in such a way that everyone is satisfied. From this article you will learn about the zodiac signs suitable for Sagittarius.

Which Fire sign suits Sagittarius

Astrologers believe that the best is compatibility with the signs of your element. In such couples, it does not matter which zodiac sign the man has and which the woman has. Anyway this is beautiful couple. By the way, read the article about Sagittarius’ first love.

  • Partner Leo– before us are two signs of Fire. Both partners are endowed with a hot and vibrant temperament. They respect and support each other and can do creative work together. And receiving guests in your home is a great pleasure for both Leo and Sagittarius.
  • Aries partner also belongs to the element of Fire. In this couple, the explosive temperament of Aries harmoniously coexists with the optimism and love of adventure of the Centaur. They will always find something to talk about, as they prefer intellectual conversations. It will be natural for these partners to focus on active image life or sports. Without a doubt, Aries is the zodiac sign that suits Sagittarius.
  • Two Sagittarius- like twin brothers. They are so similar that they understand each other in half a word and half a glance. They love entertainment and events. If the increased love for independence and freedom does not lead to separation, then the lovers will be able to create an exemplary unit of society.

Which Air sign suits Sagittarius

In addition to the element of Fire, Sagittarius also finds love and mutual understanding with representatives of the related element of Air - these are Gemini, Libra and Aquarius. Astrologers also consider such pairings to be successful.

  • Gemini partner. You might have heard that these zodiac signs are opposite to each other, so the compatibility between them is not very good. However, practice shows that there are many happy marriages between Sagittarius and Gemini. Both partners are sociable, intelligent and very versatile. They love everything new, so there is no place for boredom in their relationship. The main problem is stability. However, if they are united by true love, then there is no need to worry about this union. Therefore, Gemini is the zodiac sign suitable for Sagittarius.
  • Libra partner– common interests and hobbies. The balance and neutrality of Libra calms the Fiery nature of the centaur, helping to achieve balance. Sagittarius's broad outlook, love of adventure and optimism seduce Libra, bringing bright colors into their lives.
  • Partner Aquarius- This is not only a union of love, but also friendship. For both Sagittarius and Aquarius, it is important to have a close friend and ally, a person who shares their interests and view of the world. Surely this couple loves traveling and experiments of all kinds. A spiritual relationship is born between them.

Which zodiac sign suits a Sagittarius woman?

They will make a wonderful couple Representatives of the Air element - Gemini and Aquarius. But the sign of Libra is questionable. It often happens that a Libra man is an indecisive, unsteady person.

Should he one day fail to keep his promise or show himself in difficult situation It's not manly for a female centaur to be disappointed in him. Therefore, marriage is possible only if the Libra man has developed self-confidence and is ready to take responsibility.

Which zodiac sign suits a Sagittarius man?

Among the representatives of the Air element The Sagittarius man is free to choose any zodiac sign. They will all make wonderful life partners. If the zodiac sign Libra is not always suitable for female archers, then men, on the contrary, are recommended to enter into serious relationship with Libra.

After all, the Libra woman is even adorned with some indecision and hesitation in her choice. And the centaur man is always ready to show his courage and help his chosen one make a decision.

Choose zodiac signs suitable for Sagittarius, it is possible among representatives of other elements - these are Water and Earth. Of course, mutual understanding between people so different in temperament will not be easy. Harmony in such relationships must be earned and won. Read about why there are many Taurus, Cancer, Virgo or other zodiac signs in life.

It would seem that choose a partner among related signs and enjoy. But no. According to statistics, a huge number of marriages are concluded with a combination of the elements Fire-Earth and Fire-Water. And many of these marriages turn out to be happy and strong. So what's the secret? More on this below.

Which Water sign suits Sagittarius?

Representatives of the Water element - Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces - attract the centaur with their deep and intense feelings, tenderness and care.

  • Partner Cancer. It is better if this pair is a Cancer woman and a Sagittarius man. Then the distribution of roles in the family will become obvious. Sagittarius is a breadwinner, strong and courageous. Cancer is an affectionate and caring wife, a wonderful housewife and mother to children. If the man is Cancer and the woman is a centaur, then the question will probably arise about who is in charge. How a couple solves it depends on their temperament and individual characteristics.
  • Partner Scorpio- a fairly common pair for marriage. Scorpio likes Sagittarius' optimistic and open nature. And the Centaur admires the depth of Scorpio’s personality, his passionate and emotional nature. Sex plays important role in such a family. I already wrote about a couple with Scorpio in the article Love with neighboring signs.
  • Pisces partner- a rarer union. For representatives of these zodiac signs, the issue of truth is relevant. It is known that Sagittarius is a truth-teller, a sincere and frank person who hates lies. And Pisces are romantics, they like to evade answers, leave slight understatements, they like to keep some events in their lives secret. The centaur, having caught Pisces in a lie, may be disappointed. However, this is not a banal lie, but a feature of nature. Therefore, tolerance will be required from the Centaur, and a willingness to tell the truth more often from Pisces. A more successful union for marriage: Sagittarius man – Pisces woman.

Which Earth sign suits Sagittarius?

Representatives of the Earth element - Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn - attract Sagittarius with their solidity, stability and ability to create a comfortable material life.

  • Partner Taurus- a common union for marriage. Both partners are practical romantics and quickly fall in love with each other. Sagittarius charges Taurus with optimism, luck and gives impetus to action. Taurus brings regularity, stability to the union and creates all the conditions for material well-being and comfort in the family.
  • Virgo partner. This is a frequently encountered pairing, but at the same time a very difficult one. It hurts too much different signs zodiac signs came together. But this does not prevent the registry offices from registering a large number of marriages between representatives of these signs every year. Sagittarius is irritated by Virgo's pettiness and her manic love for order and cleanliness. Virgo is infuriated by the creative chaos in the life of Sagittarius, his incontinence and love of freedom. On initial stage relationship with a Virgo, a spark of physical attraction flares up. And if partners learn to love each other, despite huge difference in temperament, their marriage promises to be happy.
  • Partner Capricorn- Very different people. Capricorn is persistent, hardworking and economical. Sagittarius is sociable, cheerful and a little frivolous. If representatives of these zodiac signs can find a common language and maintain love, their ambitious union is capable of achieving high achievements and position in society. I already wrote about a couple with Capricorn in the article Love with neighboring signs.

Sagittarius: compatibility with other signs. Who is suitable for Sagittarius?

People born between November 22 and December 21 are ruled by Fire. Their life position is so active, and their desire for freedom is so great that it often frightens their prospective marriage partners.

The ninth sign of the Zodiac is the most active in the horoscope. Whoever does not sit still is Sagittarius. The characteristics of this sign are direct confirmation of this. His active nature is full of creative ideas and entrepreneurial plans. Sagittarians love to have a fun and noisy vacation, travel and have fun, they know how to earn money and part with it just as easily.

Sagittarians are often offended by others because of their straightforwardness. They, without thinking about the consequences, express their point of view, for which they are considered not honest and open, but rude and ill-mannered.

Sagittarians have a thirst for knowledge and new discoveries. They are easy-going and do not like monotony and boredom. They are always ready for risky adventures.

There is no need to limit the freedom of a person born under such a constellation as Sagittarius. This sign is strong and energetically powerful, but in this case its representatives often withdraw into themselves, succumb to depression and melancholy.

Sagittarius Girl: characteristic features of the sign

An independent, strong, passionate and freedom-loving woman - this is how one can describe the representative of this constellation through which the zodiac passes. Sagittarius is a leader in the family and at work, full of ideas, but inspires others to implement them more than she does herself. He does not tolerate control and supervision, he always honestly points out the shortcomings of others and demands the same honest attitude towards himself.

A woman born under the constellation Sagittarius is open and sociable. How to spot her in a crowd? She has many friends around her, she easily finds new topics for conversation, sometimes it seems that the Sagittarius girl knows everything. But she will only be next to a strong and self-sufficient man who is able to be on an equal footing with her. She dresses brightly, loves flashy jewelry and skillfully combines it with her chosen style.

Sagittarius man: character traits

A man born under the constellation Sagittarius is easy to spot in company. This is the person who is always in the spotlight, tells funny stories and anecdotes, and it seems that the flow of them will never dry up. He is open and sociable. His pockets are often empty. But not because the Sagittarius man does not know how to earn money, but because he easily parts with money.

The representative of this zodiac sign is always generous, his gifts are expensive, and signs of attention do not go unnoticed. He is amorous, sexy, passionate, his emotions are bright and genuine. Sagittarius is easily enraged by slowness and humility. He can be aggressive and goes straight to his goal. Thanks to this quality, and also because of their inability to sit still, Sagittarians often climb high on the career ladder.

Sagittarius compatibility in love and marriage

Of all the zodiac signs, the most fickle and unreliable partner is Sagittarius. His compatibility with other signs is quite complex, which is explained by his falling in love and frequent changes of partners.

The Sagittarius man values ​​freedom. Sexy and passionate, he loves to experience new emotions and feelings. He gets bored easily, so his other half must have extraordinary ingenuity to avoid betrayal in the union. Sagittarius gets married late. He is afraid of restrictions on his freedom and avoids responsibilities.

It is very difficult for partners, one of whom was born under the sign of Sagittarius, to maintain a long-term relationship. As soon as the fire begins to die out, they separate. Therefore, it is difficult to force men of this sign to marry, but women, on the contrary, often get married. Representatives of such a sign as Sagittarius are distinguished by frivolity and amorousness. Their characteristics can be summarized in just a few words: the desire for independence and the thirst for change. But life with such a person will be rich and interesting, so it always makes sense to take a risk and enter into a relationship with him.

Compatibility of Sagittarius with earth signs

Sagittarius has a difficult relationship with the zodiac signs of the Earth element. And there are explanations for this. Serious and balanced representatives of the earthly element are a real wall for the fiery temperamental sign, through which he will try to break through his entire life together.

Sagittarius and Taurus rarely can boast of long-term and high-quality relationships. They are completely different. Taurus wants a measured life, and Sagittarius is looking for bright impressions. The latter is annoyed by the calm temperament and predictability of his partner; he wants a holiday, to rule and command. Despite this, passion often flares up between the signs. But for how long - it depends on whether the partners will listen to each other and give in in conflict situations, of which there will be many in their life together.

A difficult alliance develops between Sagittarius and Virgo. The marriage between them rarely lasts; quarrels and coldness in the relationship begin almost immediately after the wedding. Virgo, who is patient and restrained in her feelings, is annoyed by the unpredictability and straightforwardness of Sagittarius. What unites partners is only the sense of humor inherent in both. Relationships doomed to break can only be saved by great love. If Sagittarius and Virgo learn to listen to each other, then the married life of both will become interesting and fun.

A good union can work out with Capricorn. The relationship between them is not easy. Capricorn needs to be conquered, which may take some time. But then Sagittarius will receive complete material and spiritual well-being. Of course, there are contradictions between partners in such an alliance. Capricorn is balanced and stable, spends little and earns a lot. Sagittarius is an active leader with an always empty pocket. But they are interested together, and no money issues will interfere with their union.

Sagittarius and air signs

There is a lot in common between Sagittarius and air signs. They are also freedom-loving and frivolous. Representatives of these signs complement each other in relationships.

Sagittarius and Gemini are opposite signs, but despite this, the partners trust each other. They are united by the same attitude towards work, but are separated by different views on financial and everyday issues. The union between Sagittarius and Gemini is rarely long; they become bored together; their freedom-loving natures crave change and new relationships.

A long and harmonious relationship can be achieved with Libra. Partners in such a marriage understand each other perfectly, they are equally frivolous, they like to dream more than to do. The leader in this pair is Libra. Sagittarius - sign fire element, but is ready to give up the palm to a balanced partner. At first glance, it may seem that this is an ideal marriage: they share their fantasies and dreams, discuss emerging issues and solve problems together. But in fact, a good and stable union is only possible if Libra does not pretend to limit the freedom of Sagittarius.

Relationships with Aquarius are going well. Their character has a lot in common: easy-going, freedom-loving, travelers, adventurers and philosophers. Sagittarius and Aquarius look in the same direction in life. Difficulties in relationships can arise after marriage, which implies the emergence of obligations and restrictions on freedom.

Relationship between Sagittarius and representatives of the element of Water

Understanding between the signs of the fire and water elements rarely occurs. Water extinguishes the bright flame of Sagittarius, and therefore he strives to escape from such relationships and find the freedom that is close to him.

Sagittarius and Cancer are too different signs to be together. The marriage between them is unstable, complete loud quarrels and reproaches. Cancer acts as the leader in this couple and imposes its opinion on the partner. Mobile Sagittarius tries to re-educate cardinal Cancer, but, as a rule, nothing works out for him. The first spends money, the second saves it, one is a traveler, the second is a homebody. Sagittarius and Cancer never listen to each other, and each continues to insist on his own until the marriage between them breaks down.

An unfavorable alliance develops with another representative of the water element - Scorpio. Such a marriage can only be saved by great love and a common cause. Scorpio and Sagittarius have different personalities and outlooks on life. The first is an owner, the second is a freedom-loving adventurer. Scorpio will benefit more from this union than Sagittarius. The representative of the fire element is an energetic optimist. It instills in the partner faith and confidence in his own abilities, expanding his capabilities. Scorpio and Sagittarius are a complex but interesting union that requires work on oneself and a re-evaluation of views.

Rarely good marriage happens to Pisces. Active and decisive Sagittarius is irritated by Pisces' self-doubt and inaction. In life they go with the flow, but at the same time they like to command and impose their point of view. The only thing that attracts Sagittarius in Pisces is a cozy home with family traditions.

Compatibility of Sagittarius with the zodiac signs of its element

They are similar in their irrepressible energy, in full swing, and the rapid pace of life. Sagittarius has good compatibility with other signs of the Fire element. By the way, with a long and harmonious relationship in marriage.

The Sagittarius and Aries couple have good prospects for further cooperation. They are united by a love of travel and risky projects. It is good for such a couple to have their own business, to the development of which they will direct their knowledge and energy. At the same time, Aries is the leader in it, and Sagittarius, without realizing it, only helps the partner in realizing his ambitions, although he achieves excellent results. Both passionate, Sagittarius and Aries make good sexual partners. A close, trusting relationship develops between them. They are very similar in temperament, so each of them knows what their partner wants to get in sex, love and marriage.

The only sign of the Zodiac that the freedom-loving Sagittarius is ready to submit to is Leo. As in the alliance with Aries, teamwork is important for this couple. Together, Sagittarius and Leo will reach such heights as never before alone. This is a harmonious union of two brave, strong, energetic people. Leo is attracted to the vibrant sexuality that Sagittarius possesses. Compatibility with other signs in sexual terms will no longer be as favorable as with Leo.

A marriage union in which both partners were born under the zodiac sign of Sagittarius is extremely rare. The similarity of characters not only does not give them the opportunity to be together, but also pushes them away from each other. These are two leaders, adventurers, freedom-loving people with an active lifestyle. The marriage between them is a real volcano with bright flashes of passion, followed by stormy showdowns. They definitely won’t be bored together; the main thing in this union is not to go crazy.

Ideal match for Sagittarius

The independent adventurer and cheerful Sagittarius, who values ​​his freedom so much, still strives to find his other half among all the numerous romances. Usually the search continues for quite a long time, so representatives of this zodiac constellation often marry mature age. Who would be the ideal couple for a sign like Sagittarius?

Compatibility with other signs develops differently. Marriage with representatives of the water element will bring only difficulties. It will not be possible to avoid conflicts with earth signs. In this case, the most stable alliance may be with Capricorn.

Harmonious relationships develop with Libra and Aquarius. Frivolity, love of freedom, daydreaming and passion for travel - that’s what unites them.

A representative of his element will understand Sagittarius like no one else. The best option is Aries, but it is better to avoid relationships with a similar sign. Two such active and energetic signs will not be able to stay close for long.

And yet, the ideal match for a sign like Sagittarius is Leo. Only the king of beasts will direct his irrepressible energy in the right direction. And a jointly organized family business will strengthen the relationship between the signs. This will allow you to achieve maximum material and spiritual well-being in a marriage.

How to please a Sagittarius?

It will not be difficult for an open and sociable person to attract the attention of a girl born under the sign of Sagittarius. She will quickly become bored with a conservative and strict man who is alien to changes in life. Those who want to connect their destiny with Sagittarius need to fall in love with her hobbies, passion for new discoveries and travel. You need to be prepared for the fact that she may offer to organize a joint business. A man who is against risky operations should not bother such a woman.

Life for a Sagittarius man is a hunt. It’s not for nothing that he is depicted with a bow in his hands. He is a conqueror by nature and will take the first steps towards a relationship on his own. But how to attract his attention? Be open and sociable, ask to talk about travels that he can talk about forever. Under no circumstances should you hint at a long relationship or possible marriage. This will definitely scare away the representative of the given constellation through which the zodiac passes. Sagittarius is a man for whom freedom comes first, travel comes second, and only third comes a woman.

Positive and charming, Sagittarius never loses his unbridled nature, thanks to which he attracts members of the opposite sex with indescribable power. Sagittarius can bring a lot to the relationship and life of their partner - passion, adventure and hope for a bright future. Relationships with pessimistic zodiac signs will be real torture, because depression can destroy a representative of this sign.

The most successful couples for Sagittarius will be representatives of the fire element - Aries, Leo and Sagittarius. He will be connected with these signs not only by inexhaustible passion, but also by a similar temperament, worldview and interests. Sagittarius has better compatibility with a representative of his own sign, because with him he will be able to travel and take risks without forcing himself to sit at home or limit his freedom.

Despite the fact that Geminis are the exact opposite of the representative of this sign, they are inexplicably drawn to each other. They will be connected by real passion. The only thing this couple should avoid is flirting on the side.

Sagittarius will be very comfortable with Libra, since both do not like conflict situations, and the ability not to limit a partner’s freedom will become the basis for a strong relationship. Aquarius will be an excellent partner for both sexual relations and for adventure. This union can give them a lot - true friend, the perfect lover and travel companion.

Sagittarius has poor compatibility with representatives of the water element, since fire and water can destroy each other. At the beginning of a relationship, they are attracted to each other, but gradually the fiery temperament will begin to put pressure on the partner. In this relationship, Cancer is too attached to home, and Sagittarius is constantly striving to travel. Such disagreements will not create comfort in family life. Pisces will turn out to be too pessimistic, and Scorpio will be secretive and vindictive in the opinion of a representative of this sign.

Relationships are unlikely to work out with representatives of the earthly element - Capricorn, Taurus and Virgo, since fire burns the earth, and the earth extinguishes the fire. Sagittarius is endowed with too changeable character, and Taurus will not be able to come to terms with this. Virgo will try to limit his partner’s freedom and do everything his own way, which will repeatedly irritate his partner. Capricorn will turn out to be too cautious, in the opinion of the impulsive Sagittarius.

The idea of ​​an honest and idealistic, cheerful and witty Sagittarius woman corresponds to a man who can express his love and affection to her. She is searching romantic relationships, excitement, adventure and does not want to tolerate boredom or necessity in this area. She is optimistic, self-willed, sincere, and philosophical. A romantic partner is ideal for the “Strelchika”, who will be able to appreciate her love of life and independence and will constantly encourage them.

Sagittarius woman in love.

Restless Sagittarius needs constant movement. If such a woman feels bored or gets into a “well-worn rut”, she will want to change direction. If she finds love with a devoted and understanding partner, she will become a true friend and unsurpassed lover for him. Sometimes her assertiveness can be a little obsessive, but this is because she is full of passion and determination to create strong couple with the right person for her.
So who would be the best for this fiery zodiac sign? Will it be the same fiery Aries, or seductive Gemini or male version Is her sign Sagittarius? Which relationships will ignite Strelchikha, and which, on the contrary, will cool it down? When trying to find true love good indicator the development of relations will become the Sun.
And here is a quick overview of compatibility, what the romantic relationships of a Sagittarius woman will be with men of each of the zodiac signs.

With Aries (21.03-19.04)
Words of love coming from the lips of a fire sign can be very fiery! The “Archer” will enjoy complete understanding with Aries. Both he and she love society, both are as idealistic both in everyday life and in the sphere of love. Their relationship is characterized by enthusiasm and great energy.

With Taurus (20.04-21.05)

The Sagittarius dreamer and the Taurus realist can make an interesting couple. looks into the future, and the Ox lives in the present. Taurus will try to keep Sagittarius at home, in bed, while Sagittarius will encourage Aries to join him, for example, in the gym. Perhaps both can work hard to make their differences less noticeable, seeing them not as stumbling blocks but as problems to be calmly resolved. The signs complement each other very harmoniously.

With Gemini (22.05-21.06)
For both Sagittarius and Sagittarius, this relationship is quite strong. They are mutually attracted, like a magnet, can stimulate each other emotionally and sexually (which both desire), while enjoying their own individuality. Gemini will become a temptation for Strelchikha. Sometimes it will irritate, but at the same time make you want the partner of this sign even more.

With Cancer (22.06-22.07)
Sagittarius may not immediately feel mutual sympathy, but as soon as they get to know each other better, the combination of Water and Fire will become grandiose. The relationship promises to be stormy, but gradually all the corners are smoothed out. The resulting couple is very difficult to separate. The sexual fantasy of a Sagittarius woman will make Cancer simply lose his head, and she will consider his attentiveness and diligence in the bedroom incomparable.

With Leo (23.07-23.08)
The Sagittarius woman and Leo will be able to realize their dreams thanks to their shared enthusiasm and optimistic outlook on living together. They are active, cheerful, and will spend a lot of time talking, prompting both to take specific actions. The couple inspires each other to be creative, especially in bed. Both know very well how to keep the relationship exciting, exciting, and very erotic.

With Virgo (24.08-22.09)
will fulfill Sagittarius' secret desire for a sense of possessiveness and romantic security for the couple. They may have slight disagreements: Sagittarius knows how to draw conclusions, while Virgo has their head in the clouds and may not appreciate his self-sacrifice. However, with a jointly developed concept of behavior, the relationship between these two signs will be stable. The Sagittarius woman will understand that Virgo will be able to provide her with what she needs - both in everyday life and in bed.

With Libra (23.09-22.10)
With a Sagittarius woman, he will enjoy being in society; he will stimulate her intellectually and sexually. Relationships are equal parts exciting and stable, which is a prerequisite for creating an ideal couple. Libra is the most suitable sign for a romantic partnership with a Sagittarius woman, and it simply makes no sense for her to look for someone else more worthy. Such a man will do everything to forever win the heart of the Sagittarius woman who lit the fire in him.

With Scorpio (23.10-21.11)
For Sagittarius and Scorpio, a seemingly already well-established couple may unexpectedly break up. The Sagittarius woman is fundamentally honest and open, while Scorpio surrounds herself with many secrets. The relationship will not be perfect, but if all misunderstandings can be resolved by the time the sexual experience begins, Sagittarius will find that Scorpio's personality can serve well in extinguishing the fire lit by the Fire sign.

With Sagittarius (11/22-12/21)

If a Sagittarius woman starts dating a man of the same sign, then they will become an ideal couple in all respects, and the relationship will be a continuous holiday. Partners will go together from one adventure to another, because... need to constantly maintain the sharpness and freshness of their feelings. This also applies to the sexual side of relationships, where there are simply no limits for them.

With Capricorn (12.22-19.01)
The meeting between the idealistic Sagittarius and the realist Capricorn will be like a clash of day and night. Relationships can develop in different ways, and everything will depend on the willingness of the partners to listen to each other. The optimism of Sagittarius will brighten up the pessimism of Capricorn. In the bedroom, both will find motives to balance the demands placed on both sides.

With Aquarius (20.01-18.02)
Although with Aquarius the Sagittarius woman is not the most best couple, a wise decision for lovers would be to “hide” in the bedroom. A sheaf of sparks, lightning discharges - in a word, with an Aquarius man, “Strelchikha” is electrified to capacity. This may not be the limit of sexual satisfaction, but enjoy long relationship with a representative of the water element is quite possible. In addition, both the “Strelchika’s” need for thrills and the desire of both to remain independent will be satisfied.

With Pisces (19.02-20.03)
The Pisces man may not be very sensual in the opinion of the Sagittarius woman, but both have great potential for successful work over relationships. You shouldn’t focus only on the bedroom, but show patience in other areas as well. Only time will be able to show whether the “Strelchikha” needs Pisces, or whether she wants to release them back to their native body of water.

Astrologer's advice.
Knowing what the interaction with sun signs will be like will be very useful for a Sagittarius woman in search of romance. Naturally, this is just the beginning, but a consultation with a professional astrologer can illuminate in more detail the aspects that unite two souls into a loving couple, and find out what kind of love is destined for it.
