Silent pistol PB. Silent pistol PB: review, characteristics and reviews

The weapons used by man changed from era to era. The main reason for these changes was technological progress, which made it possible to make weapons stronger, faster and deadlier. However, the course of development of this progress (and therefore the final type of weapons presented) depended on the rules and scenarios by which combat operations were conducted.

In the era of the massive appearance of repeating magazine weapons, a need arose for the manufacture of silent units capable of hitting a target at a distance. Throwing a knife at a distance of more than 20 meters was not possible, and bows and crossbows had long become exotic - handling them would require too much training. For this reason, a silent pistol appeared, which has already become legendary and became famous both due to its practical use by the armed units of the USSR, and thanks to many computer games of paramilitary themes.

In our online store you can buy a silent pistol in the form of a weight and size model. Such products are extremely rare even on the territory of Russia and the CIS countries, despite the fact that quite a lot of them were produced. It is for this reason that we recommend that true connoisseurs of expensive collectible weapons look at this specimen Special attention, at the same time learning everything about its history and tactical and technical characteristics.

Why was the PB 6P9 pistol created?

Why the PB 6P9 pistol was created, which you can buy in deactivated form right now, is very interesting for a potential buyer. We will try to most fully reflect all the most interesting and useful facts, confirmed by weapons experts and reliable sources of information.

PB pistol silent many people half mistakenly consider it to be an analogue of the Makarov system pistol equipped with a muffler. In fact, this is not entirely true. No less famous PM, and is still used by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia and many CIS countries, appeared much earlier, was made by a different designer and has practically no common parts with the described weapon.

The PB pistol began to be developed in the early 1960s. At that time silent small arms practically did not exist in the USSR - mufflers were only available as part of some equipment sniper rifles With optical sight, and also - structurally outdated. Of course, the USSR needed the emergence of more modern short-barreled weapons designed for relatively silent shooting.

Most interesting design offered weapon designer Deryagin. His product, although it did not pass the competition the first time, was accepted after a number of modifications made to it. In particular, instead of the version of the trigger mechanism proposed by Deryagin, the commission members decided to use a standard trigger for the Makarov pistol. Also for combat nutrition it was proposed for eight - Initially, the 6P9 pistol was conceived to hold a slightly larger amount of ammunition.

The PB silent pistol has become a fairly compact and convenient weapon. Its width was only 32 mm with a height of 134 mm - this had a positive effect on the ease of wearing in a standard belt holster (compared to the same TT, which had large dimensions, or APS, which was even more massive). The length of the pistol itself turned out to be quite small - only 170 mm. With the attachment installed, the length increased to 310 mm, but this did not in any way affect the balance and accuracy of the combat due to the well-thought-out and fitted parts. The weight of the pistol when fully loaded was only 950 grams - significantly less than a Nagan revolver with a Bramit silencer installed on it.

Silent pistol PB 6P9, which can be purchased in our online store, is an original MMG model, made on the basis of the real Deryagin silent pistol that was in service. The original was distinguished by a truly well-thought-out noise reduction system: in addition to a removable muffler, the design of the pistol included an expander chamber into which powder gases were released through holes cut into the sides of the barrel. The silent pistol extinguished the sound of a shot in two ways at once - Firstly, the design of the barrel and expander chamber reduced the initial speed of the bullet to subsonic (290 meters per second), preventing it from creating a shock wave at the exit; Secondly, the muffler allowed the powder gases escaping from the barrel to cool, which eliminated the appearance of both flame force and the acoustic effect from the expansion of powder gases.

The PB silent pistol was finally adopted for service in 1967. This development although not surpassed in terms of shooting accuracy and combat power, but became one of the main elements of the weapons of internal and external intelligence officers. Also, the PB pistol was warmly received by KGB officers as a standard weapon for officers, and later - in the 1970s - it was successfully introduced into the airborne troops.

The 6P9 pistol was intended to work in the most different conditions. Certainly, it did not allow the sound of the shot to be completely muffled despite a well-thought-out system for suppressing acoustic effects - however, only the shutter stroke and the operation of the trigger mechanism were heard(in complete silence - at a distance of up to 50 meters). Buying a silent pistol means purchasing a weapon originally intended for military operations national importance, silent destruction of members of organized criminal groups within the city, as well as for the killing of sentries and patrolmen of the alleged enemy during sabotage activities in his rear.

Silent pistol PB 6P9, which is considered a great success to buy due to its rarity, in its original design, became an instrument for the successful execution of many hundreds of operations, most of which are still in use today classified as "top secret". The silent pistol was used by Soviet paratroopers during the long and bloody war in Afghanistan, by USSR peacekeeping forces in suppressing the armed conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan in Nagorno-Karabakh, airborne troops USSR and Russian Federation in both Chechen wars. Also, the PB 6P9 pistol, which you can buy from us, was used by forces special purpose during the conduct of many anti-terrorist operations on Russian territory (including in the notorious Beslan school, and in the world-famous hostage-taking in “Nord-Ost” in Moscow).

Currently, the PB silent pistol is being replaced everywhere by the more modern and effective PSS, however a large number of copies of it are still in official service with the Russian FSB and special forces. It is known that the 6P9 pistol is currently effectively used in armed conflicts between Ukraine and Novorossiya by both sides, but the exact number of units of this weapon is not known for certain.

Apparently, the silent pistol will not find its long-awaited rest for a long time, and quite a lot of time will pass until it takes its rightful place in museums and private collections, giving way to more modern models being developed by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. His story is not over yet, and it is impossible to predict what it will be like.

How does the PB 6P9 silent pistol work?

How does the PB 6P9 silent pistol work, which can be ordered using the services of our online store? As mentioned above, many people interested in weapons people mistake it for a modification of the Makarov pistol, but not without reason - the basic principle of their operation is almost identical.

For this reason, the best solution would be to describe the fundamental design differences between the PB silent pistol and the Makarov pistol system. Although the differences are few, it is they that determine the success of the development and its applicability even almost half a century after its adoption.

  • The first and most important difference- this is the presence of a chamber for bleeding powder gases from the barrel of a weapon. The barrel design has twenty bleed holes, which reduce the effective power of the cartridge and reduce its exit velocity from the barrel to 290 m/s. The chamber is filled with a mesh roll of metal wire, which also somewhat muffles the acoustic effects of the shot.
  • Second, no less important point What makes the 6P9 pistol different from the PM is the presence of an external thread in front of the muzzle of the barrel. An attachment is attached and screwed onto it - the same multi-chamber muffler that allows the powder gases to cool without the characteristic pop. The length of the muffler is approximately 140 mm, and it is quite massive (which, however, has virtually no effect on balance and convenience).
  • Third difference from the Makarov pistol is that the PB pistol has a very short bolt frame. Its short length influenced the design of the return mechanism. The return spring is installed in the handle and interacts with the bolt carrier mechanism through the transmitting lever. The system of this return mechanism is considered by many weapons experts to be very reliable, although it is more complicated than many other designs (including the Makarov pistol).

As mentioned above, the PB 6P9 pistol, which you can buy from us, has an identical PM trigger mechanism and magazine. The remaining parts, even if there are external similarities, have been modified taking into account the maximum performance and convenience of the weapon.

It is worth noting that the silent pistol PB 6P9, which many collectors dream of buying, has a modified design relative to the original. This is done both for the sake of safety (so that the weapon does not fall into the wrong hands and is not used for bad purposes), and in order to comply with the laws of the Russian Federation. The purchase of the product is completely legal only thanks to the completed deactivation procedure, due to which the modified PB silent pistol cannot be used to shoot cartridges of any type.

  • Trunk weapons at the treasury has an impressive figured drink, extending to the pistol frame. Thanks to this, the barrel becomes completely unsuitable for use in tandem with live ammunition.
  • The configuration of the trigger mechanism has been changed. The striking edge of the trigger has been sawed off, so his de-cocking will not be able to provoke a shot.
  • The shutter lag is also subject to some changes. The part responsible for reflecting the sleeve guided by the extractor has been ground off.
  • Changed shutter design- in particular, the firing pin channel and the feed ridge, which serves to send the cartridge into the chamber.

Offered to your attention 6P9 pistol, having registration number N096L, completely and securely deactivated thanks to the changes made to its design and the changes described above. The remaining components of the pistol are absolutely identical to the components of the original product and do not have any structural differences from the parts of the real weapon.

Silent pistol and its equipment

If you are really interested in our silent pistol, then you may also be interested in its configuration. We invite you to familiarize yourself with what you will receive when purchasing, in addition to the PB silent pistol model itself.

  • Spare magazine. Although it is not required due to the fact that it is impossible to fire even blank cartridges from a deactivated weapon, it can be useful for demonstrating the layout of cartridges without removing the magazine with which the pistol is equipped.
  • Box of cartridges, filled with 16 . The ammunition supplied with the product is quite enough to fully equip both magazines.
  • Silent shooting device(muffler) marked SB-08. A 6P9 pistol would be incomplete without it - therefore, a silencer attachment is a must-have component. What is noteworthy is that it is completely native to this pistol.
  • Holster(article number 6Ш29) and a belt (under number SB-1/6Ш29), necessary for the convenience of open carrying of this deactivated weapon (with the silencer removed), are also included with the pistol model. The holster has a special device that allows you to push out the muffler attachments located in the compartment intended for it - in working condition.
  • Necessary for quality weapon care original rubbing(a cleaning rod with a ring) allows you to lubricate the barrel and rubbing parts of the product. This product does not require a brush, since powder deposits cannot occur during operation. This product is also original and produced specifically for this 6P9 pistol. Its state registration number is 1У/6П9.
  • Quick Service Guide, which includes a diagram of the assembly and placement of parts, the order of incomplete and complete disassembly product, method of its operation and all tactical and technical characteristics. It is worth paying attention to the fact that The number of the manual and the gun are the same, as well as the numbers of the described accessories and components.
  • Expert opinion, notarized and legally binding, confirms that this product belongs to the category weight and size models. This document is full protection the owner from any problems related to the operation of Articles 222 and 223 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

All of the listed components complement the silent pistol PB 6P9. Buying it from us becomes even more profitable, since it is a rare seller who can offer a complete set of weapons the way we did. It is worth noting separately that all included in this list The products are original, created specifically for 6P9. Gun Also consists entirely of original parts, although some of them have been modified to deactivate weapons.

Buying a silent pistol is a huge success!

Buying a silent pistol is a huge success for any collector. The fact is that there are not many officially decommissioned PBS, which were later sent for processing into the category of weight-size mock-ups. The number of such products around the world can be measured in the hundreds, not the thousands - and most of them are in private collections or are part of museum exhibitions.

It is for this reason that the proposed in our assortment there is a silent pistol(as well as) is such a valuable commodity, which is constantly in great demand with virtually no supply. They appear on the public market vanishingly rarely, as a result of which you cannot ignore our offer if you want to get a similar copy for your personal collection.

You can buy the silent pistol PB 6P9 only from us!

And, of course, it is even rarer to buy a silent pistol PB 6P9 in a complete set, with all the necessary documents and accessories. Our offer can be called unique. By ordering the product described above, you will receive everything you need for its comfortable and safe use.

The PB silent pistol is perfectly preserved and has an attractive appearance . Do not forget that this model was made on the basis of weapons that were in service and actually used - if we take these factors into account, the condition of the product offered to your attention can be considered ideal.

Of course, we will demand a fairly high price for the 6P9 pistol - which, however, will not exceed the financial capabilities of a sophisticated collector, a connoisseur of the old Soviet weapons and military antiques. Our online store is famous for its democratic and loyal pricing policy, which is why we enjoy quite high popularity among weapon connoisseurs from all over Russia and neighboring countries.

The specifics of conducting covert operations by special forces units largely depend on the surprise of the operation and maximum camouflage of the shooter. Usage firearms for these purposes it was not always convenient, since the sound and flame of a shot could often give away the shooter and lead to the most negative consequences. Therefore, noiselessness of a shot has always been one of the requirements for special weapons. They tried to solve this problem in different ways. And only with late XIX century, with the creation of silent-flameless firing devices, or so-called silencers, designed to equip small arms, a solution to this issue was found. It must be said right away that no muffler can completely muffle the noise from a shot, but it can significantly reduce it, as well as hide the unmasking flash.

OUR country was no exception. Weapons with silencers appeared in the Soviet Union already in the mid-1930s and were effectively used during the Great Patriotic War. Patriotic War. Designing weapons for silent and flameless shooting required the preliminary development of the basic principles of muting the sound of a shot and the development of a theoretical and practical basis for studying the most rational parameters of the muffler (nozzle), expansion chamber, as well as the design of the pistol as a whole. However, only with the advent of new technologies did these weapons take their true place in the weapon system of special forces.
In the 1950s and 1960s, a number of short-barreled weapons designed for silent and flameless shooting were developed to arm special-purpose units and state security agencies of the USSR in the 1950s and 1960s. Structurally, they can be divided into two large groups: weapons for the army, which, as a rule, used standard pistol ammunition, and weapons for the KGB, where the specifics of special operations required the use of special ammunition.
The first group includes two pistols - PB and APB, created on the basis of standard Makarov and Stechkin pistols. This weapon, intended for military reconnaissance and special forces units of the GRU General Staff, was an individual means of covert attack and defense and was intended to hit targets with targeted fire in conditions requiring silent and flameless shooting at open enemy personnel (destruction of enemy command personnel; its reconnaissance groups; observers and sentries), as well as the disabling of observation devices at ranges of up to 50 m. However, it was the use in their designs of components and parts borrowed from standard pistols that led to the fact that shooting with a reduced sound level and a smaller shot flame was ensured by the use of silent and flameless firing devices, which were mounted on the barrel of this weapon, while inevitably increasing their weight and dimensions and, in turn, making it difficult to carry concealedly.


ONE of the first Soviet pistols with a silencer was the self-loading pistol PB (silent pistol), in which an integrated silencer PBS (a device for silent shooting) was combined with a removable one. It was created by designer A. Deryagin using elements of the Makarov PM pistol. The PB pistol was adopted by the Soviet Army in 1967 under the designation “product 6P9”.

Reducing the level of sound and flame in the PB pistol is ensured by an integrated two-chamber silent-flameless firing device. Since one of the cameras extends beyond the dimensions of the weapon, it was made removable for convenience and to reduce the size of the pistol. The second camera is built into the design of the weapon itself, and its presence led to significant changes in the pistol itself.
Due to the subsonic initial velocity of the bullet, the silencer has a relatively simple design. An expansion chamber housing with a diameter of 32 mm is placed directly onto the pistol barrel, extended to 105 mm. The camera is fixed on the front extension of the pistol frame. An expansion chamber with a mesh metal roll is placed directly on the barrel of the pistol, which takes the temperature of the powder gases. A removable PBS-nozzle assembly is attached to the front of the chamber with a crayon connection. A separator is placed inside the nozzle body, including three washers installed at different angles of inclination to the axis of the barrel bore.
The automatic operation of the PB pistol operates on the principle of recoil of a free bolt casing. However, the bolt in this pistol is significantly shortened (compared to the PM), which required changing the return mechanism. The return spring had to be installed vertically in the pistol grip, and it interacted with the bolt through a swinging lever, which also entailed significant changes in the design of the grip itself. The shutter stop is controlled by a button. The pistol has high sights, consisting of a non-adjustable front sight and a fixed sight, on which fluorescent marks are applied (two dots on the slot, as well as a dot on the front sight).
The sound of a shot is reduced in the following way: during a shot, powder gases are diverted into the chamber after the bullet leaves the barrel through holes made along the bottom of the barrel rifling. They enter the expansion chamber, where they lose speed and energy, then into the nozzle separator, where they swirl in countercurrents. After the shot, gases slowly flow out of the hole in the front of the nozzle. Thus, the initial speed of the bullet was reduced to 290 m/s, i.e. below the speed of sound.
The removable PBS attachment allows you to carry the pistol in a compact belt holster.
The PB pistol enjoys a good reputation in the Armed Forces. It managed to maintain the reliability of the PM; the pistol has good accuracy during high-speed shooting, which is due to the presence of a silencer.
The silencing effect is quite noticeable - when firing, only a metallic clang is heard from the movement of the bolt casing. At the same time, the gun cannot be called completely silent - when shooting at night in an open area, the sound of colliding metal parts can be clearly heard at a distance of 50 meters, i.e. at effective firing range.
Currently, the PB pistol is in service with military intelligence units and units, as well as special forces of the Armed Forces and special forces of the FSB and the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.


AT THE LATE 1960s, designer A. Neugodov, based on the Stechkin automatic pistol, began work, commissioned by the GRU of the USSR Ministry of Defense, on a silent version of this pistol, APB (factory index AO-44). The new weapon was designed to use a standard 9x18 PM pistol cartridge. The APB pistol ("product 6P13") was put into service in 1972.

Its automation operates on the recoil principle of a free bolt casing that completely encloses the barrel; To reduce the rate of fire, an inertial retarder was introduced, and a trigger mechanism was introduced. Sights consist of a non-adjustable front sight and a drum-type sight with a cam adjuster, designed for firing ranges of 25, 50, 100 and 200 m.
The APB is a converted APS pistol, into the design of which a device for silent-flameless shooting (SBS) was organically integrated, fundamentally similar to the device of the PB self-loading pistol.
The elongated barrel has an integrated expansion chamber into which powder gases are diverted through holes in the walls of the barrel - 4 holes are drilled along the bottom of the rifling approximately 15 mm from the chamber and another 8 at 15 mm from the muzzle. Due to the removal of gases, the initial velocity of the bullet drops below sound. After the bullet leaves the barrel, the gases from the expansion chamber return to the barrel and flow out through the muzzle with reduced temperature and pressure. The muzzle of the expansion chamber protrudes in front of the bolt casing and has a shallow thread for attaching a cylindrical nozzle with a length of 230 and an outer diameter of 35 mm. Inside the nozzles it is divided into a number of sequential expansion chambers. It is built according to an eccentric design: its axis of symmetry passes below the axis of the barrel bore, so that the muffler does not block the aiming line. The original feature was the literal “fitting” of the integrated camera into the contours of the shutter casing.
The new model of the pistol received a very successful removable wire shoulder rest, which had significant advantages over the rigid APS stocks.
The APB pistol, despite it being quite big sizes(total length with attached shoulder rest 785 mm), it can still be safely classified as a portable weapon, since its silencer is quickly and easily removed, which allows it to be carried separately from the weapon in the stowed position. Weapons and accessories are carried in a special holster.
The advantage of the APB pistol is the PBS design, which significantly increases the stability of the weapon when firing. This was influenced by two reasons. First: the silencer is a fairly massive device that shifts the center of gravity forward, which reduces the tossing of the weapon. The second reason is that any muffler also plays the role of a gas brake, which also reduces the tossing of the weapon. The APB pistol can be used for targeted shooting with fairly high efficiency. In this case, a shoulder rest is used.
This weapon was widely used by special forces from the Limited Contingent Soviet troops in Afghanistan in 1979 - 1989, and subsequently in local wars and military conflicts on the territory of our country.
Currently, the APB pistol is in service with military intelligence units and units, as well as special forces of the Armed Forces and special forces of the FSB and the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
The disadvantages of the APB pistol include its large dimensions and some inertia when activated: after all, in addition to the usual operations, the need to screw on the front section of the muffler is added, and, no matter how quickly this operation takes place, it still requires a certain time. Therefore, in practice, the pistol is carried in a combat position with a silencer attached, but this is inconvenient due to the increased dimensions of the weapon. In addition, it is also characterized by such an unmasking factor as metallic clanging and knocking when moving components and automatic parts are struck during a shot.

THE SECOND group of domestic short-barreled weapons, designed for silent shooting, no longer includes individual models of pistols, but entire “ammunition-weapons” complexes created for special silent cartridges that were developed for special operations.

In the USSR, work on similar complexes began in the early 1950s. In the 1960-1970s it was put into service special units The KGB, as well as special forces units and units of the Armed Forces, adopted several samples of non-automatic double-barreled pistols designed for special cartridges.
The new weapon was created for fundamentally new ammunition, in which, during a shot, a silent cartridge imparted speed to the bullet not by the pressure of powder gases directly on its bottom, but through a piston placed behind the bullet inside the cartridge case. The powder gases pressed on the piston, which moved forward and knocked out a bullet from the barrel of the cartridge case, which passed along the rifling of the barrel by inertia and flew out at the calculated initial speed. The piston itself did not come out of the cartridge case, but was jammed in its barrel, locking the powder gases in the internal volume, which are the main source of the sound of the shot when they flow into the air. As a result, the shot was accompanied only by the sound of the collision of the moving parts of the weapon and the cartridge.
In this case, the problem arose of reducing the pressure to a value that allowed the cartridge case to be removed from the chamber. In addition, the distance over which the gases accelerated the bullet was significantly reduced and the muzzle velocity was reduced, making heavier bullets advantageous. This solution, in turn, was very attractive because it made it possible to significantly reduce the size of the “silent” weapon, fitting the weight and overall dimensions of the new pistol into the dimensions of a “pocket” pistol, and practically eliminate gas breakthrough.


ONE OF the first silent double-barreled pistols S4M appeared in 1965. Its design, based on the principle of cutting off powder gases in the cartridge case using a piston, was created by gunsmiths of the Tula Arms Plant in collaboration with engineers from TsNIItochmash (Klimovsk). In addition, the design of the PZ, PZA and PZAM cartridge itself also did not imply automatic reloading of the weapon, which predetermined the double-barreled design of the pistol. It was assumed that the first shot would be to hit the target, and the second would be a control shot.

This pistol was loaded manually, like a hunting rifle - a “breaker”: a block of two barrels was rotated upward from the frame and two 7.62 mm cartridges connected by a special clip were inserted into the chambers. To unload or remove spent cartridges, the barrels were raised again.
During the shot, the trigger of the S4M pistol hit the firing pin of the cartridge, which in turn pierced the primer, igniting powder charge and pushing an 8-gram bullet into the barrel. The charge ignition device, which included not only the primer, but also the firing pin, was screwed into the bottom of the cartridge case. To withstand the peak pressure of powder gases during firing (3000 - 3200 kg/sq. cm) and the residual pressure after the bullet ejects and the piston jams (700 - 800 kg/sq. cm), the case and piston of silent cartridges were made strong, while the walls of the case were very thickened. After the cartridge case is ejected from the weapon, the pressure in it gradually drops to atmospheric pressure, since the piston does not adhere to the cartridge case hermetically. At a distance of 25 m, the bullet is capable of penetrating a steel sheet 2 mm thick.
As one of the leading American experts in the field of small arms, Charles Cutshaw, later wrote: “Presumably the S4M pistol and cartridge [for it] are still in service. Such weapons were used by the KGB to organize assassinations in Central America in the 80s. Moreover, , more than one such pistol was captured there, and at least one S4M is in the small arms file of the American government services."


SIMILAR in design to the S4M pistol, but a more advanced special silent pistol (factory index TOZ-37M) was developed for a special 7.62 mm SP-3 cartridge at the design bureau of the Tula Arms Plant in the late 1960s. It was adopted by the Soviet Army and the KGB in 1972 under the designation 7.62 mm MSP ("small special pistol").

The design of the SME pistol is extremely simple. It, like the S4M pistol, is a previously virtually unused type of non-automatic double-barreled pistol with a folding block of two barrels in our country. The barrels are paired in a vertical plane and attached to the frame on the front hinge. The barrel block is locked behind the trunnions using a special lever on the left side of the frame. An extractor pin is placed between the barrels. The pistol is loaded with two cartridges combined in a clip. The hammers are cocked using a special lever - the cocker, located at the bottom of the trigger guard.
After the shot, when the barrel block is turned forward and upward, the extractor moves backward, pushing out the clip with cartridges. A through window in the barrel block and pistol frame opens the barrel breech and allows you to visually or by touch assess whether the weapon is loaded. The trigger mechanism with two hammers and screw cylindrical mainsprings is located entirely inside the pistol grip. Each barrel has its own trigger, which has a direct pull and a mainspring. In the cocked position it is held by a spring-loaded sear. The safety of handling and shooting the pistol is ensured by several fuses. The first (manual) flag type blocks the sear in the on position. The non-automatic safety box is mounted on the left in the frame window behind the trigger guard. The second, acting automatically, blocks the trigger and trigger rod when the barrel block is unlocked. The third is the trigger safety platoons. They keep the triggers at some distance from the firing pins and prevent the gun from being fired if the pistol is accidentally dropped. In addition, there is an inertial release safety device in the form of a heavy pusher. The latter is connected to the trigger and its inertia ensures that the hammer sear is locked in the event of an accidental impact or fall of the weapon.
Sights consist of a non-adjustable front sight and a fixed sight. The pistol is controlled with one hand - turning off the safeties and cocking the hammers, with some skill, is done with one movement of the hand.
The special cartridge SP-3 is practically indistinguishable in appearance from the standard intermediate cartridge of the 1943 model. However internal organization This cartridge is truly quite unusual. The special cartridge SP-3 ensures a silent, flameless and smokeless shot by blocking the powder gases in the cartridge case with a special piston after the shot. Spent cartridges are not ejected from the pistol, but are only pulled out of the chamber and then removed manually - leaving spent cartridges at the target elimination site can create problems not only for the shooter, but also for the special service that sent him on this mission.
Here it makes sense to once again give Charles Cutshaw’s opinion about this pistol. He wrote: “The pistol is clearly a killer’s weapon, and it was in this role that it was used in Afghanistan and Central America. For this purpose, the SME is an almost ideal weapon. The killer only needs to get close enough to the victim and shoot. The moment of the shot will not be accompanied by any sound , since the gases will remain locked in the cartridge case, and the bullet will leave the barrel at subsonic speed. Moreover, there will not even be the noise of the bolt sliding back and forth. Since the bullet that will be removed from the victim’s body during autopsy will be identical to the bullet of a standard Soviet machine gun, this will create an insoluble mystery: after all, no one heard the sound of the shot... Where is it from? How did you manage to fire a machine gun on a crowded street in broad daylight without anyone hearing anything? ...The reader can imagine what capabilities these pistols provide for the killers for which they were designed."
The production of the SME pistol was mastered by the Tula Arms Plant.


IN THE EARLY 1980s, a new complex was developed in the Soviet Union, consisting of a pistol “product 6P28” with automatic reloading and 7.62x41 silent SP-4 cartridge. Its unique design allowed domestic special forces to obtain small-sized, silent weapons, ready to immediately open fire.

The new “silent” complex was developed by designers Yu. Krylov and V. Levchenko (during the development process it had the code “Vul”) chambered for the SP-4 cartridge designed by V. Petrov. In 1983, it was adopted by special forces of the Ministry of Defense and the KGB under the designation PSS ("special self-loading pistol").
The PSS is an effective individual weapon for covert attack and defense in conditions requiring silent and flameless shooting. The absence of a silencer made the pistol compact, easy to carry and always ready to fire. Its noiselessness and lack of flash when fired make it an almost ideal weapon for special operations at short distances, as well as in confined spaces.
The use of the 7.62 mm special SP-4 cartridge made it possible to obtain very high shot sound suppression characteristics. None of the modern muzzle silencers is capable of surpassing the SP-4 in this indicator. The high recoil impulse of the cartridge with gas cut-off in the cartridge case made it possible to achieve reliable operation in any conditions. A thick-walled steel sleeve provides initial speed to the bullet, retaining the pushing piston and powder gases in the body.
The automatic operation of the PSS pistol is based on the use of a free bolt recoil and a movable chamber. The design of the PSS at first glance is similar to conventional self-loading pistols. The barrel is placed inside a special frame bushing. The bolt casing covers the barrel from the front and top. The return spring is placed on the frame bushing. In the front part of the bolt there is a lock in the form of a sleeve rotating to the left with bevels for the fingers. The ejector is made open on the right side of the bolt.
The self-loading mode of operation was a considerable achievement, considering that the automatic removal of the cartridge case from the chamber is prevented by the high pressure inside it. Therefore, in addition to the special design of the cartridge, the PSS is also distinguished by the original design of the barrel - it consists of two separate parts - the rifled part and the chamber, which is adjacent to the rifled part of the barrel under the action of a spring. The rifled part of the barrel is separated from the chamber, the latter moves some distance along with the rolling bolt, and the rifled part of the barrel moves forward somewhat under the influence of a moving bullet. After the shot, when the bolt moves back until it reaches its extreme position, a special hook on its front part grabs the flange of the chamber sleeve and drags it along with the bolt. This compresses the return springs of the bolt and chamber. As the shutter moves backwards spent cartridge case is extracted and reflected. At the end of the withdrawal of the moving parts, the bolt is disengaged from the chamber, and it, under the action of its spring, is again adjacent to the rifled part of the barrel. The bolt then moves forward, sending the next cartridge into the chamber. The bolt moves along the guides of the pistol frame and is held on it by a rotating coupling, which, in the assembled weapon, closes the bolt with the muzzle of the barrel. To separate the bolt when disassembling the pistol, the coupling is pulled forward and rotated.
The PSS pistol can be installed red dot sight, which allows you not to close one eye when aiming and aim by pointing at the target with one aiming mark.
A replaceable, single-stack magazine with a capacity of six rounds is placed in the pistol grip and held in place by a latch on the magazine cover. Due to the long length of the SP-4 cartridges, the PSS handle is slightly wider than that of conventional pistols. However, this poses virtually no inconvenience to the shooter. The small size of the pistol and concealed carrying are quite consistent with a “secret shooting” weapon. The PSS pistol is gradually being replaced by the PB pistol, which is in service with special forces.
The sound level of a PSS shot is in the range between a 4.5 mm air rifle shot (which corresponds to 101 dB) and the clap of palms.
The new silent cartridge 7.62 mm SP-4 has a completely different design than its predecessors. The SP-4 wafer sleeve completely hides a cylindrical bullet, which does not protrude beyond the front cut of the sleeve. Behind the bullet there is a piston without an elongated pusher, then there is a powder charge and a primer in the bottom of the cartridge case. When fired, the piston acts on the bullet until it exits the cartridge case, but is completely jammed in the barrel, not extending further. This made it possible to develop a pistol with automatic reloading for this cartridge. After firing, the cartridge case is automatically removed from the chamber and removed from the weapon when the bolt moves backward under the influence of recoil, like a conventional cartridge case.
The production of the PSS pistol was mastered at the Tula Arms Plant. Currently, it is in service with special forces of various law enforcement agencies of the Russian Federation.


ALONG with silent pistols, the domestic special forces are armed with a knife, which is also a “silent” pistol. It was put into service in the late 1970s under the name "scout shooting knife" NRS ("product 6P25").

The NRS knife is a personal weapon of attack and defense and is designed to defeat an enemy in close combat with a knife blade when striking or throwing, as well as with a bullet when fired at ranges up to 25 m.
A single-shot firing device is placed in the cavity of the LDC handle. The barrel is 60 mm long and consists of a chamber and a rifled part with six grooves. The barrel is fixed in the firing position by two lugs, which, when rotated, fit into the corresponding cutouts in the inner walls of the handle, as well as by an external latch. Thus, the barrel itself simultaneously serves as a bolt. It holds a 7.62-mm special SP-3 cartridge (the same one used with the MSP silent pistol), with cut-off of powder gases when fired and subsonic muzzle velocity. The shot is silent and flameless. To load, the barrel is removed from the handle, a cartridge is inserted into the chamber, after which the barrel is returned to the handle, in which the firing mechanism, flag-type safety and trigger lever are mounted on the side. The role of the front sight is played by a small protrusion on the handle. If there is no need to immediately use the pistol, the safety is turned on.
The NRS firing device is a weapon for firing from a very short distance. The maximum effective range does not exceed 25 m. From this distance, the bullet pierces a 2-mm steel plate while maintaining sufficient lethal effect behind an obstacle.
The rate of fire is 1 shot per minute, that is, in a combat situation you can realistically count on only one shot, since there will be no time to reload. The shot occurs with virtually no noise or flame. The sound of the shot is muffled to the level of the sound of a shot from an air rifle. This is the main advantage of a shooting knife.
The design of the LDC provides multi-purpose use: a knife can be used to cut and plane wooden objects; saw through steel rods with a diameter of up to 10 mm. The sheath has a device for cutting wire with a diameter of up to 2.5 mm, twisted into two strands, a telephone wire with a diameter of up to 5 mm and electrical cables under voltage up to 400 V. The knife blade itself, with a one-and-a-half sharpening and a file on the butt, can be used for cutting rope, sling, detonating cord, sawing strong rods, including steel, serving as a screwdriver, etc.
According to experts, a modern army “shooting knife” is a reliable self-defense weapon for a special forces soldier and provides the necessary effect of surprise, because when you see a knife in the enemy’s hand, you certainly don’t expect a shot. And over the past couple of centuries, this weapon design has come full circle in its development and today appears in a new form in all its splendor.
Currently, the reconnaissance shooting knife NRS-2 is in service with special forces of various law enforcement agencies of the Russian Federation. Their production was mastered by the Tula Arms Plant.

Silent pistol PB (GAU index 6P9, also often found under the index 6PB-9) was designed on the basis of the Makarov pistol. Work on the pistol was led by designer Anatoly Arsenievich Deryagin. In 1967, the pistol was adopted by special forces of the USSR and the Russian Federation. The pistol was classified as “secret” - it had only Latin designations.

Although the pistol was created on the basis of the Makarov pistol, it differs from it in that the bolt returns due to a spring, which is hidden in the floor of the collapsible handle. The shot is suppressed in two chambers: an integrated silencer and a separately screwed on silencer. You can fire a shot without a screw-on muffler, which was necessary in a sudden situation. First of all, this pistol entered service with the KGB Alfa, Vympel and other special units.

For carrying pistol PB 6P9 A holster was created from artificial leather in which a silencer, a spare clip and the pistol itself are placed. The pistol has a non-adjustable sight, which is illuminated by capsules at night. The pistol was produced from 1967 to 1989 with such light capsules (most likely radioactive materials were used to create the glow, as with many military equipment that time). Silent production pistol PB (index 6PB-9) was resumed in 2003 at the Izhevsk plant, on these pistols the luminous front sight was replaced with a phosphorus-light-accumulating one. The button on the handle itself serves to partially disassemble the handle, where the bolt return spring is located. The magazine is removed from the pistol, just like on the PM. The lack of sound when fired is explained by the absorption of high power of powder gases in the silencer chambers and the fact that the bullet does not reach supersonic speed, which is accompanied by a sound shock wave.

This pistol turned out to be very successful, since it used the base of the Makarov pistol, which allowed even a person who saw this pistol for the first time to understand its operating principle and safety precautions. Interchangeability of magazines from the Makarov pistol and the strike group. The second point of popularity of the pistol is the use of a common standard cartridge from the PM. The PB silent pistol had a drawback: the clang of the bolt when fired, which gave it away at night. Over time, the PB pistol began to be replaced by other silent pistols that used the SP-4 cartridge, in which the gases were locked in the cartridge case itself and these pistols did not use a silencer, which made them weigh less than their counterparts, but in practice the PSS can fully replace it " Wool" After stopping in 1987, the Izhevsk plant began producing again in 2003. pistol PB 6P9. The military who used the pistol noted that, having shot several times more than the warranty, the pistol remained reliable. Pluspistol PB 6P9Compared to other silent pistols, they are simple and reliable, the price of cartridges is several times lower, as well as their prevalence.

Technical characteristics of the PB pistol (index 6P9 / 6PB-9)

Number of shots 8 in magazine + 1 in chamber
Barrel diameter 9x18 PM
Combat rate of fire 30 rounds per minute
Sighting range 25 meters
Maximum firing range no data
starting speed departure 290 m/s
Power no data
Automation blowback recoil
Weight 0.97 kg without cartridges
Dimensions 170/310 (with muffler)x134x32

Each military operation requires certain characteristics from personal small arms. For example, in an open attack, the main parameters are power, rate of fire and lethal force. If a hidden action is intended, the weapon should create as little noise as possible.

Especially for such purposes, Soviet and then Russian designers created low-noise modifications, in particular silent pistols. And one of the brightest representatives This type of weapon is a PB (GRAU 6P9).

History of the creation of PB

The rethinking of tactical combat schemes after the Great Patriotic War led to the realization of the need to develop and introduce more advanced low-noise weapons than those already available.

This was especially important for reconnaissance and sabotage units. The ability to interfere with the enemy and determine the direction of the shot is also in demand when setting up ambushes or during combat at night.

The first sign was the creation in 1954 of the PBS silencer (the full name of the PBS is a device for silent, flameless shooting).

This device was developed and produced for the 7.62*39mm cartridge caliber, that is, for machine guns, carbines and machine guns.

For its effective use, special ammunition with the US index was used. They had a reduced initial speed, or rather subsonic. At the end of the 60s, for various reasons, it was decided to abandon the use of PBBS on and.

However, in certain conditions, the use of these small arms was inappropriate - it was too bulky and noticeable. In these cases, the ideal option would be a gun with reduced noise generation.

Work on the creation of such weapons was started by A.A. Deryagin, a talented Soviet designer, in the early 60s at the Central Research Institute Tochmash. He took the then popular PM () as a basis.

However, it is impossible to say that one is a modification of the other - the design of the weapon has undergone more than serious reworking. In fact, all that remained from the original PM was the trigger mechanism (also subject to modifications) and the magazine.

A prototype was provided by Deryagin in 1967. In the same year, it passed successful field and bench tests, after which it was put into service under the designation 6P9 or 6PB-9.


Taking the PM as a basis, Deryagin subjected all its parts to a deep modernization, so the PB cannot be called a modification of this pistol - it is a completely independent system.

Since part of the barrel is a built-in silencer, the bolt-casing of the weapon had to be seriously shortened.

This entailed a change in the position of the return spring, which is now located in the handle, and in the vertical plane

Its operation and connection with the shutter itself is carried out through a special lever element, the design of which is “seen” from the Parabellum.

The 6P9 has a two-section muffler. Its first part is a component of the barrel and is an expansion chamber equipped with a special metal mesh. Its task is to quickly cool the gases formed during the combustion of gunpowder as a result of a shot.

Their entry into the chamber is ensured by special holes in the rifling fields, which is designed to ensure optimal removal of powder gases at the moment the shot is fired.

The edge of the built-in muffler has a special thread for attaching the nozzle. The nozzle is a removable muffler, inside of which there is a separator of a special design. The latter consists of a set of washers installed inside at different angles relative to the barrel.

They split the gas flow into several small ones and give them a “swirl”.

The additional weight of the barrel acquired by the attachment does not interfere with shooting at all - it creates a greater margin of stability due to reduced barrel toss.

All this contributes to a significant reduction in noise when fired. The second component of the volume reduction was the reduction in bullet speed to the subsonic threshold - in the PM it is 290 m/s. With this indicator, the bullet does not have the ability to create a serious shock wave, which, naturally, is reflected in the sound of the shot.

Thanks to all these design features, sound suppression when firing is considered quite effective. However, it cannot be called completely silent.

The movement of contacting metal parts creates a characteristic sound that can be heard at a distance of up to 50 meters in a quiet environment. This feature of the PB must be taken into account when using it at night, especially in open areas.

For firing from 6P9, special 9-millimeter ammunition is used, which has received the US index. The initial speed of such bullets is below the speed of sound. The magazine capacity is 8 rounds.


The performance characteristics of the PB silent pistol (GRAU 6P9/6PB-9) are contained in the following table:

Magazine capacity8 rounds
Number of cartridges in full equipment9 (1 cartridge per barrel)
Type of ammunition used9*18mm (PM-US)
Sighting rangeup to 25m / up to 50m
Rate of fire30 min.
Initial bullet speed290m/s
Weight950g (without cartridges), 1120g (loaded)
Length310mm (with muffler), 170mm (without muffler)
Height and width134*32mm
Barrel length100mm

Areas of use

The main customers of the PB silent pistol were reconnaissance and reconnaissance and sabotage units of the troops. For example, among GRU (Main Intelligence Directorate) special forces fighters, the presence of 6P9 in their equipment has become mandatory.

The KGB became another regular customer of weapons, especially after the appearance in their ranks of such special units as “Alpha” and “Vympel”. In addition, different departments can order silent pistols for specialized purposes.

For example, the Belarusian Ministry of Internal Affairs purchases the model in question for the execution of death sentences.

Production of the 6P9 was discontinued in 1987 in favor of new types of silent pistols. However, in 2003, the Izhevsk Mechanical Plant resumed production of PB.

Many experts recognized that ease of maintenance and use, as well as the use of common ammunition, more than compensated for all the shortcomings of the pistol. The scope of application after this, of course, did not change.

Other models of silent pistols

In addition to the PB, the domestic arms industry has created several more models positioned as silent or silenced pistols. One of the first was the C4, developed back in the 60s.

The pistol had two barrels located in a vertical plane and used ammunition of 7.62*63mm PZ caliber, and later 7.62*63mm PZAM. On their basis, SME was developed - Small-sized Special, also designated 6P24 and TOZ-37.

This model was adopted into service in 1972. The design of the pistol implied the use of a closed-type cartridge SP-3. It was withdrawn from service due to the development of more advanced ammunition of this type and weapons for it.

Speaking about silent weapons, one cannot fail to mention the APB (Automatic Silent Pistol), developed on the basis of the famous APS.

Its quiet operation was achieved through the use of a specially created removable muffler and an expansion chamber under the casing.

It was possible to use it in automatic firing mode, just like the APS. Particularly popular among fighters special troops. Ceased to be produced due to the high cost of production and maintenance, but is still actively used by special forces soldiers.

All of these models have certain disadvantages. They were taken into account when designing the PSS (Special Self-Loading Pistol), developed in the late 70s and early 80s. This model was one of the last to be adopted - in 1983.

It was specially designed for him new type ammunition with gases locked inside the SP-4 cartridge case. Now it is gradually being replaced by a modified version of the PSS-2, which has even more impressive characteristics. However, in several respects it still loses to PB - ease of maintenance and manufacturing cost.

Among the developments of domestic designers there is also a silent revolver - OTs38 (special Stechkin revolver).

It uses special 7.62mm ammunition with internal gas locking, which ensures a silent shot.

Bottom line

The PB pistol is one of the most successful Soviet developments in a row silent weapons. Unpretentiousness, ease of maintenance and use of common ammunition are qualities that are appreciated by many soldiers.

After it, many other models of similar weapons were developed, but it is the 6P9 that is still produced and used by some of special units national army.


Pistol PB in a combat-ready position

Tactical and technical characteristics of the PB

USM- double action

Caliber, mm - 9x18 PM

Assembled length, mm - 310

Length without attachment, mm - 170

Barrel length, mm - 105

Height, mm - 134

Width, mm - 34

Weight assembled with nozzle and loaded magazine, kg - 1.02

Weight with attachment and magazine without cartridges, kg - 0.970

Magazine capacity, Patr. - 8

Sighting range, m - 25

Initial bullet speed, m/s - 290

Muzzle energy of a bullet, J - 252

Rate of fire, rds/min - 30

It was developed by designer A.A. Deryagin based on the Makarov PM pistol for arming army reconnaissance groups as well as KGB personnel of the USSR, adopted for service in 1967.

The PB has a two-section muffler. A casing is placed on the barrel - an expansion chamber.

The action of such an integrated silencer is based on the preliminary removal of powder gases from the barrel bore, which reduces the pressure of the powder gases and the bullet speed (up to 290 m/s - obviously lower than sound).

The camera is fixed on the front extension of the pistol frame, powder gases are diverted into it through holes made along the bottom of the barrel rifling.

A metal mesh is laid in a roll between the barrel and the casing, taking the temperature of the powder gases. A removable muffler assembly is attached to the front of the chamber - nozzles with a separator placed in it with several washers installed in series at different angles of inclination.

In the nozzle chambers formed by them, the powder gases are crushed, gradually expand and lose their speed and temperature.

Moreover, unlike most similar systems, the shot silencer is made of two parts. This solution allows you to carry and store a pistol with the front part of the silencer (attachment) removed, and quickly install the attachment on the weapon before use.

At the same time, the pistol retains the ability to fire safely for the shooter with the attachment removed, which is important in critical situations. Naturally. that when the attachment is removed, the sound of the shot is close in volume to the sound of a shot from a conventional PM pistol.

However, even with the attachment installed, the pistol does not become completely silent, but the reduction in the volume of the shot is still quite significant. The removed attachment is carried in a special compartment of the holster designed for the PB pistol.

The PB pistol completely inherited from the PM pistol the design of the trigger mechanism with self-cocking and a fuse located on the left side of the bolt, which, when turned on, automatically removes the hammer from the cocking action.

Due to the fact that the front part of the barrel is closed by a muffler, the bolt has short length, which does not allow a return spring to be placed inside it.

Therefore, the return spring is located in the handle, under its right cheek, and acts on the bolt through a long swinging lever.

Sights are fixed, non-adjustable. The pistol uses standard PM magazines with 8 rounds.

The PB pistol consists of the following main parts and mechanisms:

1. Frame with barrel, trigger guard and handle latch

2. Bolt with firing pin, safety and ejector

3. Trigger mechanism (similar to the trigger mechanism of the PM pistol)

4. Return mechanism (return lever)

5. Pistol grip

6. Expansion chamber (body, front and rear bushings, mesh roll)

7. Shutter stop

8. Nozzles

Nozzle device

1.1 Housing

2.2 Separator:

A. Latch

b. Guide

V. Sloping partitions

d. Rusk ridges

Partial disassembly of 6P9

Produced for cleaning, lubrication, and troubleshooting.

1. Separate the magazine (while holding the weapon in right hand, thumb press the magazine latch with your left hand and remove the magazine from the handle).

2. Check the weapon for unloading (turn off the safety / lower the safety flag down / move the bolt to the rearmost position and, after inspecting the chamber, release the bolt. Perform a control release of the trigger).

3. Disconnect the nozzle (pressing the chamber latch all the way down, turn the nozzle counterclockwise, and moving it forward, separate it from the barrel).

4. Separate the handle (by pressing down the latch button, move the handle backwards to separate the handle from the frame).

5. Separate the lever of the return mechanism (by moving the bolt back 10-15 mm, separate the lever from the frame).

6. Separate the expansion chamber (pull the edge of the trigger guard down and, skewed to the right, rest it against the frame; turn the chamber on the barrel counterclockwise and, moving it forward, remove it from the barrel).
