Rifat Shaikhutdinov civil platform biography. Biography

(b. December 23, 1963) - Russian political figure. Deputy State Duma, 4th (2003-2007) and 5th convocation (2007-2011). Since 2012, member, and since March 2014, chairman of the federal political committee of the Civic Platform party.

He graduated from three courses at the Yeisk Military Pilot School. In 1986 he graduated from Kiev University with honors state institute physical culture. He worked in the city of Brezhnev (now Naberezhnye Chelny) at KAMAZ enterprises.

In the early 1990s, he worked as director of the laboratory for the methodology of humanitarian research in St. Petersburg, head of the department of conflictology at the Faculty of Philosophy of St. Petersburg State University.

In 1992-1997 - Director of the Center of Expertise of the Russian Ministry of Property for the North-Western District. Since 1993, he has been engaged in business consulting.

In 1997-1998 - Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Transport and Clearing Chamber. Since 1998 - General Director of the State unitary enterprise"Chief Air Transport Agency".

In 2003, he was elected to the State Duma of the Russian Federation of the 4th convocation. He was Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Energy, Transport and Communications, Deputy Chairman of the Committee on CIS Affairs and Relations with Compatriots. 2003 - 2005 participated as an observer from the State Duma of the Russian Federation in events in Kyrgyzstan (Osh events), Uzbekistan (Namangan events), Ukraine (Orange Revolution)

In 2007, he was elected to the State Duma of the fifth convocation (regional group No. 85: Chita region). Joined the State Duma of the fifth convocation. Member of the Committee on Constitutional Legislation and State Building. Member of the standing commission of the CIS Interparliamentary Assembly for studying the experience of state building and local self-government. Member of the Interparliamentary Commission on Cooperation between Federal Assembly Russia and the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.

October 27, 2012, at the congress political party Civic Platform, elected to its federal political committee. http://civilplatform.ru/page/sostav_federalnogo_politicheskogo_komiteta/ Composition of the Federal Committee of the Civil Platform Party] // Official website of the Civil Platform Party, 10/27/2012. [ Since March 2014, elected Chairman of the Federal Political Committee of the Civic Platform party

Literary activity

He has written four books: “The Hunt for Power” and “The Politics of a Positive Class,” published in 2006 and 2007, respectively. "Strategy: human and civil rights" was published in 2009. "Neopartism" was published in 2012.

In 2005, he gave a lecture as part of the “Public Lectures “Polit.ru”” project, where he touched on the topic of “orange revolutions”.

Awards and titles

Candidate of Economic Sciences (dissertation on the topic “Socio-economic problems government regulation activities of enterprises in the transition period", Moscow State University).

Awarded the medals “In memory of the 850th anniversary of Moscow”, “In memory of the 1000th anniversary of Kazan”, the anniversary medal “100 years since the establishment of the State Duma in Russia”, the medal “80 years civil aviation", medal "In memory of the 250th anniversary of Leningrad". "Honorary Transport Worker"


Married, six children.


Married, his wife Victoria is the general director of the Guild of Anti-Crisis Managers, six children (according to another version - two children).


He graduated from three courses at the Yeisk Military Pilot School and was given a health commission.

In 1986 he graduated from the Kiev State Institute of Physical Culture with honors.

He began his working career in the city of Brezhnev (now Naberezhnye Chelny) at KAMAZ enterprises.

Graduated from the Civil Service Academy. Candidate of Economic Sciences (dissertation on the topic "Socio-economic problems of state regulation of enterprises in the transition period", Moscow State University).

In the early 1990s, he headed the laboratory of the methodology of humanitarian research in St. Petersburg, and was the head of the conflictology department of the Faculty of Philosophy of St. Petersburg State University.

In 1992-1997 - Director of the Center of Expertise of the Russian Ministry of Property for the North-Western District. During these years he was engaged in business consulting.

In 1997-1998 - Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Transport and Clearing Chamber.

Since 1998 - General Director of the state unitary enterprise "Main Air Transport Agency". Author of four books: "The Hunt for Power" and "The Politics of the Positive Class", published in 2006 and 2007, respectively. “Strategy: Human and Civil Rights” was published in 2009. “Neopartism” was published in 2012.

In 2005, he gave a lecture as part of the project “Public lectures “Polit.ru””, where he touched on the topic of “orange revolutions”.

Has state awards.

Political activity

In 2003 he was elected as a deputy State Duma of the Russian Federation 4th convocation from . He was Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Energy, Transport and Communications, Deputy Chairman of the Committee on CIS Affairs and Relations with Compatriots.

In 2003 - 2005, he participated as an observer from the State Duma of the Russian Federation in events in Kyrgyzstan (Osh events), Uzbekistan (Namangan events), Ukraine (Orange Revolution).

The media note that Rifat Gabdulkhakovich has been part of the “Surkov pool” of politicians since 2005.

In 2007, he was elected to the State Duma of the 5th convocation (regional group No. 85: Chita region) from the Liberal Democratic Party. Member of the Committee on Constitutional Legislation and State Building. Member of the standing commission of the CIS Interparliamentary Assembly for studying the experience of state building and local self-government. Member of the Interparliamentary Commission on Cooperation between the Federal Assembly of Russia and the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.

In 2011, he appointed Shaikhutdinov as chief of staff "Just Cause". "Prokhorov invited me to the Right Cause election campaign, and I personally did not receive anything from him at all. I worked for free. This was my political choice and political bet“This is how he explained his purpose.

On October 27, 2012, at the congress of Mikhail Prokhorov’s new political party “Civic Platform”, Shaikhutdinov was elected to its governing body - the federal political committee.

After Mikhail Prokhorov left, and then from the post of chairman of the Civic Platform party (she held this post since December 2013), it was actually headed by Rifat Shaikhutdinov.

Officially, his post is called Chairman of the Federal Political Committee of the Party. The press calls him “Mikhail Prokhorov’s closest associate.” Shaikhutdinov did not rule out the return of Mikhail Prokhorov to big politics.

On March 13, 2015, a meeting of the Federal Civil Committee of the political party "Civil Platform" was held in Moscow.

The federal civil committee of the Civic Platform unanimously voted to remove Rifat Shaikhutdinov from the post of head of the federal political committee.

Shaikhutdinov, in parallel with the Prokhorov meeting, announced the convening of a party conference on March 24, where a decision would be made on the further development of the “Civil Platform”, without Prokhorov and his associates.


It is known that in 2010 Shaikhutdinov earned 2,224,603 rubles. His property included 2 plots of land (4,500 sq. m. each), a residential building (859.20 sq. m.), an apartment (78 sq. m.), a garage, and two cars.


Back in 2002, Rifat Shaikhutdinov was mentioned in the media as the leader of one of the organized crime group.

On July 5, 2007, the State Duma received a proposal to deprive Shaikhutdinov of parliamentary immunity. The Prosecutor General's Office accused him of deliberately bankrupting the Main Air Transport Agency and misappropriating state property.

According to the investigation, the management of the state unitary enterprise “deliberately created the insolvency of the enterprise before a group of commercial structures”, to which the property was transferred after bankruptcy. However, Duma deputies did not make a decision on depriving Shaikhutdinov of immunity. Head of the Investigative Committee Alexander Bastrykin stated that this is " prevents the involvement of a deputy in criminal liability for causing multi-billion dollar damage to a state unitary enterprise".

The essence of the matter is this: Shaikhutdinov, when he was the general director of the once largest government structure- The Main Civil Aviation Air Transport Agency (this organization was engaged in the sale and organization of air transportation within the structure of the Ministry of Transport - deliberately brought it into bankruptcy, transferred state property to the side for next to nothing, after which it magically turned into a millionaire and deputy. And the structure headed by him rested in Bose.

The direct damage from Shaikhutdinov’s actions alone, according to the prosecutor’s office, amounts to over 900 million rubles.

A criminal case into the deliberate bankruptcy of GAWS was opened by the Moscow prosecutor's office in the summer of 2004, and very soon the investigation came to the attention of the main defendant, Rifat Shaikhutdinov, but parliamentary immunity reliably protected him from any misfortunes.

Rifat Shaikhuttnov systematically entered into transactions on behalf of GAWS that were completely unprofitable for the enterprise, bringing it to the edge of a financial abyss. At the same time, at the other end of such operations there were invariably companies controlled by Shaikhutdinov himself, as well as his business partners and relatives. (One of the most active participants in all the scams was, for example, his brother-in-law, a certain Sheptenko.)

In particular, Shaikhutdinov transferred all the agency’s equipment necessary for selling tickets for indefinite free use to the commercial firm Glavagentstvo-Service controlled by himself, as a result of which by 2001 GAVS lost the opportunity to engage in its main activity.

At the same time, in order to create artificial debt, the future deputy squandered about 140 million government rubles (he distributed loans to “his” companies and entered into forged contracts allegedly for the provision of technological services to GAVS), which were transferred abroad.

At the same time, Shaikhutdinov deliberately recruited from companies organized by his business partners a large sum loans (over 183 million rubles), which, of course, he could not repay. Next, the “related” companies initiated the bankruptcy of GAVS, appointed their own bankruptcy manager - a close friend of Shaikhutdinov - and bought all the agency’s property for next to nothing.

For example, the building of the four-star Aerostar hotel on Leningradsky Prospekt cost only 44 million rubles, and the city air terminal cost 126 million; it is not difficult to calculate that the real cost of these objects was tens of times higher.

At the end of 2003, GAWS was finally liquidated. Literally a week after this, Rinat Shaikhutdinov became a State Duma deputy on the LDPR list and received parliamentary immunity.

The investigator who had the case under investigation, without hiding it, led to its termination. When the leadership of the department for the investigation of crimes in the sphere of economics of the capital's prosecutor's office tried to change the course of events, they were simply fired. The situation changed only with the arrival of a new Moscow prosecutor Yuri Semin, who took the scandalous case under personal control. The investigator was replaced, and the once fired managers economic management returned to service.

At the beginning of the year, the Prosecutor General addressed Supreme Court for the conclusion that the actions of Rifat Shaikhutdinov contained signs of a crime under two articles of the Criminal Code: deliberate bankruptcy and appropriation of state property.

In February, such a verdict was made, with which Shaikhutdinov did not agree and filed cassation appeal. The Supreme Court upheld this decision. However, thanks to influence, the issue was shelved.

On February 12, 2009, the head of the SKP, Alexander Bastrykin, stated that the proposal from the Prosecutor General’s Office had not yet been considered and this “ prevents deputy Shaikhutdinov from being brought to criminal liability as an accused for causing multi-billion dollar damage to a state unitary enterprise".

Rifat Shaikhutdinov himself bought a spare airfield as a last resort, media reports. Not long ago, he purchased a mansion in the Australian town of West Lake, registering it in his wife's name. However, the criminal case was hushed up, and Shaikhutdinov continued his political career in Russia.

Rifat Shaikhutdinov, leader of the Civic Platform party, explained that he intends to use the parliamentary platform to promote the ideas of his party.

R. SHAIKHUTDINOV: There are two main questions: it is necessary, of course, to answer the question of financial support for large national projects that have been announced: acceleration of the Trans-Siberian Railway, the Moscow - Nizhny Novgorod– Kazan – Ekaterinburg. That is, these super-large infrastructure projects that the state is developing - we need to answer the question of where the money for them comes from. We, as a right-wing party, still propose to go the emission route, so we will discuss the revenue component of the budget.

The second part is, of course, strengthening or formalizing the positions of this single-member deputy, because we want to strengthen his responsibility. All 225, so that they can be recalled if they work poorly, according to a fairly simplified procedure, so that these deputies can be given additional powers, so that they can not only decide something in their district from the party, but also receive, perhaps, funding to resolve issues in the district. Because they elected such people, but have not yet endowed them with finances, powers, or responsibility.

I. IZMAILOV: With us from this moment in the studio is Rifat Shaikhutdinov, chairman of the Federal Political Committee of the Civic Platform party. Hello!


I.I.: Should I congratulate you or not? It must be said that Rifat Shaikhutdinov entered the State Duma, but alone, and then in a single-mandate constituency from Bashkiria. The whole game simply failed miserably, you have second place from the end at the level of statistical error - 0.24. Should I congratulate you or not?

R.Sh.: Congratulations, of course.

I.I.: So you are in a single-mandate constituency.

R.S.: What's the difference? I can use the State Duma platform to promote the ideas of the party. Therefore, the fact that the party has its own representative in the State Duma is important. I ran for a single-mandate seat from the party, and not as a self-nominated candidate.

I.I.: Let’s go back to the party, you say, “use the State Duma platform,” and isn’t it easier to use YouTube? I think there is a much larger audience there.

R.S.: Well, no. We can use YouTube, the capabilities of a deputy, etc. Everything that strengthens the party must be used.

I.I.: You want to strengthen the party, but this party is zero. "Apple" is much taller than you.

R.S.: And what’s the point that she’s taller?

We made a bet, realizing that it would be difficult to overcome the barrier with our rather modest financial investments, so we relied on single-mandate candidates. Well, basically, I passed alone, two more had very high chances of attacking, they took second place.

I.I.: This suggests that people in Bashkiria probably know you personally. That is, people came and specifically ticked your box, but people don’t know the Civic Platform party. I don't know such a party.

R.Sh.: They will find out. You have already repeated it many times.

I.I.: Yes, I remember that we even talked on the phone once on the air, which did not add to my understanding in any way.

R.S.: We are three years old, but we are already in six legislative assemblies, in 21 city councils.

About the views of the "Civic Platform"

I.I.: What is the Civic Platform party about?

R.Sh.: This is the economic opposition. We promote a right-wing ideology, but a right-wing patriotic one. That is, we have national capitals and those who feed themselves.

I.I.: Right-wing patriotic is nonsense.

R.S.: No, why? This is Witte, Struve. Study history.

I.I.: Well, I know. Just right in Lately associated with the word "sect".

R.S.: Well, unfortunately, in our country the right-wing liberals are associated with the nineties, with Gaidar, Chubais, who used liberal ideology and hid behind it. But in fact, they were doing completely wrong things. They formed an oligarchy and another structure of statehood.

I.I.: How does an oligarchy differ from national capital?

R.S.: Everyone. The fact that super-large financial capital, which influences the state and practically replaces the state, considering itself that it is more important than the state, and ordinary capital, which develops on its own, without privatization, and is interested in living and being in this country and investing in it - this is national capital.

I.I.: As the experience of the last 25 years shows, capital is interested in offshores, and not in where it can sit and develop.

R.S.: No, capital is interested in three things: security, which the state should provide, convenience, so that it is convenient, and it goes where the profitability is higher. Well, with offshore companies almost everything has already become clear. So people went to Cyprus, and as a result, their money completely disappeared there.

I.I.: It’s interesting what we started talking about. And here we come to the question of your personal stay in the State Duma. First of all, once you set foot in the building, when will you be given a photo ID?

R.S.: Well, it depends on when the CEC finally announces the results. I heard that they are going to announce the results on Friday. In accordance with the law, the Duma must start working no later than 30 days after the elections. I heard that she should start working on the fourth of October. As soon as it starts, my foot will set foot there.

I.I.: Has she already stepped foot with her ID?

R.S.: Yes, of course.

I.I.: Will the Central Election Commission give this to you?

R.S.: Yes. Well, there are some technical details there. Well, if you are interested, the deputy’s certificate is signed by the head of the Duma, that is, the speaker of parliament, but he has not been elected. Therefore, first we will apparently enter with temporary IDs. After he is elected at the first meeting, he will sign certificates for all 450 deputies, and we will also receive certificates.

I.I.: Aren’t you afraid that they will give you a chair on a residual basis somewhere at the very top in the distance, since you are alone?

R.Sh.: Well, so what?

I.I.: Will you fight for the front row?

R.Sh.: Why the first rows?

You’ve seen how the Duma meets, there are practically only a few sitting there, and people run around and vote for them. I'm going to work in the State Duma.

I.I.:You won’t give your card to anyone?

R.Sh.: And to whom?

I.I.: Well, will you be part of a coalition with someone?

R.S.: No, I’m not going to.

I.I.: And you won’t be skipping either.

R.S.: I’m not going to.

I.I.: Is it already known what the deputy’s salary will be?

R.Sh.: More than 400 thousand rubles. I said that they would all go to the party fund, just as all the assistants would work for the party.

I.I.: Will there be many assistants?

R.Sh.: Well, there are 50 public activists and five in the civil service. They will all work for the party.

I.I.: Well, on the fourth, let’s say, the first meeting, who do you think should become chairman of the State Duma?

R.S.: Well, this will be a decision, of course, by those who have a constitutional majority, the party" United Russia", but no matter who it is, we will work.

On the first legislative initiatives in the new Duma

I.I.: And then the day will come when you will have the opportunity to say something from the podium or introduce your own bill. The most important thing, in your opinion, is what deserves attention now so that it’s worth including first?

R.S.: Well, there are two main questions. It is necessary, of course, to answer the question of financial support for large national projects that have been announced: acceleration of the Trans-Siberian Railway, the route Moscow - Nizhny Novgorod - Kazan - Yekaterinburg, etc. That is, these super-large infrastructure projects that the state is developing, we need to answer the question of where the money for them comes from. And therefore, the question will arise, well, we, as a right-wing party, still propose to go the emission route, so we will discuss the revenue component of the budget.

I.I.: Specifically, what will your first bill be called?

R.Sh.: Well, this bill will be called “On special federal targeted programs to support the industrial cluster.”

I.I.: So you will introduce a law to support the industrial cluster?

R.S.: Yes. The second part is, of course, strengthening or formalizing the positions of this single-member deputy, because we want to strengthen his responsibility. All 225, so that they can be recalled if they work poorly, according to a fairly simplified procedure, so that these deputies can be given additional powers, so that they can not only decide something in their district from the party, but also receive, perhaps, funding to resolve issues in the district. Because they elected such people, but have not yet endowed them with finances, powers, or responsibility.

I.I.: Aren’t you afraid that you will be recalled someday?

R.S.: Well, those who work are not recalled. I'm going to work. That's why I'm not afraid. I'm not going to sit there.

I.I.: Now let’s move on to the questions. A few words about the elections. How do you like the election campaign? Here is your video, the fact that you were jumping over something on a horse, did you do everything right? Did you like how it all went? I mean with you, with your party, and this Duma campaign.

R.S.: Did you like the video?

I.I.: How can I tell you?

R.S.: Well, we did what we could do. And the main focus was in the regions, where we went through legislative assemblies, to local self-government bodies, which ran parallel to the State Duma and plus single-mandate results, which are also obvious. Therefore, I believe that access was for everyone. We, you know, filed a lawsuit to remove Parnas from the elections for extremism. We were asked by a large part of the public, who did not support Parnassus, by the way, but simply in order to maintain the competitiveness of the elections, and we withdrew this lawsuit. Therefore, they were given the opportunity to gain their zero percent.

I.I.: A listener writes: “What can you live on if your entire salary goes to the needs of the party?”

R.S.: Well, I’m a wealthy person. I have something to live on. I also live on the businesses that I created. I have enough.

I.I.: And they say we should abandon businesses?

R.S.: They have all been in management for a long time. But the deputy still has the right to dividends.

I.I.: What kind of business do you have?

R.Sh.: My business is related to transportation reservation systems - one, and the second business is related to railway transportation.

I.I.: What about the initial capital?

R.Sh.: Initial capital, we just created this, this software control, which we created, and at the expense of copyright we were included in the share... Well, you can see it on the websites. The initial capital did not come from privatization.

I.I.: Interesting.

R.S.: I’m ready to tell you briefly. When the Aeroflot airline collapsed into 152 airlines, and each ticket office had 153 ticket forms, you can imagine how the cashiers could sell tickets and keep records. A neutral ticket form was invented, which was signed and accepted by all air carriers. We have done software for reservations and ticket reservations. And this is where our business began.

About Crimea and the unity of the country

I.I.: A listener writes: “Please ask Crimea, Navalny.”

R.S.: What does this mean? You know that we, our party, parted ways with Prokhorov and his retinue because of the Crimean issue, because they refused to support reunification with Crimea, but the whole party supported it. For us it was quite a dramatic plot when this reunion took place. For many, this is now such a tribute to the fashion of supporting Crimea, but we supported it then, and there was such a split in our party. For us this was political maturity, a kind of manifestation of it. According to Navalny, I think the work he is doing is correct. We need to do this kind of work. By the way, many people are doing it now: law enforcement agencies, etc. I believe that the more people there are who fight corruption, the better it will be.

I.I.: Do you think Navalny is fighting corruption?

R.S.: Well, his work related to the fight against corruption, I think that it is normal and correct. The fact that he and his colleagues then began to call for revolution, for anti-constitutional coups, etc. – this definitely does not deserve any ratings other than malicious. I was an observer in Ukraine in 2004, I even wrote a series of books about it, how our influence in Ukraine was taken away from us, and how this orange revolution took place. Therefore, I think it definitely cannot be supported.

By the way, the fact that voters voted so much for United Russia is understandable in support of Putin, who said that he created this party, etc. But they also voted for stability, given that they see what is happening in the world: sanctions, the situation in Ukraine, etc.

I.I.: There, in the previous convocation, a situation often developed when some landmark bills were passed, United Russia accepted them, everyone else kept silent and then said that it was all United Russia. Well, for example, here is the same juvenile justice that has been in the news lately, it was adopted by United Russia, everyone else did not vote. In such situations, how do you see your actions? Now, they say that there will be new laws related to sex education and much more. How will you vote on these positions?

R.S.: We agreed with my colleagues in the party and with those voters who supported me in the district (there is quite a lot of public support there now) that we will first discuss such bills that are resonant, and I will express my position, which will be discussed with the public and the party.

On differences of opinion with other parties

I.I.: Still, I can’t help but ask you, what is the difference between the “Civic Platform” and “Civil Force”, from the Growth Party, from “Yabloko” and from all the others?

R.S.: We even had a discussion on the Growth Party to unite on initial stage, but when they took the path of indiscriminately accepting into their ranks everyone who had already been somewhere. For example, they received Irina Khakamada, who says that Crimea has been annexed, an indemnity must be paid. When they accepted Ginzburg, who in Kaliningrad talks about renaming Kaliningrad to Koenigsberg, to begin the process of independent political status. That is, they took the path of taking everyone who would help the party enter the Duma and, therefore, abandoned ideology. They insisted on the word “growth,” for some reason believing that they would repeat it like a mantra and it would lead to something. And if you look at the economic program, our program, which, by the way, was developed by many famous economists, has now been dismantled into quotes by many parties. And it is fundamentally different from what the Growth Party is now proposing. I don’t know much about “Civil Force” at all. But the Growth Party, unfortunately, took this path, having not decided on an ideology, began recruiting incomprehensible people who are definitely letting the party down and taking it to some other completely marginal, incomprehensible sector

I.I.: Well, unfortunately, we don’t have time left. In general, all the most interesting things are ahead: and the resonant laws that will come. So we will closely monitor everything that happens. Thank you for coming and telling us. So, we still need to congratulate you.

R.S.: Thank you for your congratulations, if you wish. You are just asking whether it is necessary or not.

I.I.: I’m undecided.

R.Sh.: Decide. I hope that you will be an active supporter of ours, not only watching us, but also covering our activities.

I.I.: Rifat Shaikhutdinov. We try to illuminate everyone. Thank you for coming. "Civic Platform".

Rifat Shaikhutdinov was born on December 23, 1963 in the city of Okha, Sakhalin region. His parents are from Bashkortostan and Tatarstan. He received his secondary education at Okha School No. 7. He completed three courses at the Yeisk Military Pilot School, then was discharged for health reasons. In 1986 he graduated from the Kiev State Institute of Physical Culture with honors, then from the Academy civil service under the President of the Russian Federation.

Started his career at Kamskoye automobile plant- KAMAZ, head of the laboratory of new management methods. In the early 1990s, he worked as director of the laboratory for the methodology of humanitarian research in St. Petersburg, head of the department of conflictology at the Faculty of Philosophy of St. Petersburg State University. He took part in the activities of the Moscow Methodological Circle under the leadership of the philosopher Georgy Shchedrovitsky. From 1992 to 1997, Rifat Gabdulkhakovich was the director of the Center of Expertise of the Russian Ministry of Property for the North-Western District. In parallel, since 1993, he has been engaged in business consulting.

In 1997-1998, he was Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Transport and Clearing Chamber. Since 1998 became general director State Unitary Enterprise "Main Air Transport Agency" of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation. In 1999 in Moscow state university named after M.V. Lomonosov defended his dissertation on the topic: “Socio-economic problems of state regulation of enterprises in the transition period”, receiving academic degree Candidate of Economic Sciences. After the company went bankrupt, he worked as director of economics from 2003 construction company"Galis Terminal".

Since December 7, 2003, Rifat Shaikhutdinov has been a deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation of the fourth convocation. He was elected as part of the list of candidates from the Liberal Democratic Party. He was Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Energy, Transport and Communications, Deputy Chairman of the Committee on CIS Affairs and Relations with Compatriots. From 2003 to 2005, he participated as an observer from the State Duma of the Russian Federation in events in Kyrgyzstan - Osh events, Uzbekistan - Namangan events, Ukraine - Orange Revolution.

Parallel political activity, Shaikhutdinov studied literature. In 2005, he gave a lecture as part of the Polit.ru Public Lectures project, where he touched on the topic of the “orange revolutions.” In 2006 he published his first book, “The Hunt for Power.” Subsequently, such books as “Positive Class Politics” - 2007, “Strategy: Human and Civil Rights” - 2009, “Neopartism” - 2012 and others were published under his authorship.

In December 2007, he was elected to the State Duma of the Russian Federation of the fifth convocation on the LDPR list from regional group No. 85 - Chita Region. Member of the Committee on Constitutional Legislation and State Building. Member of the standing commission of the CIS Interparliamentary Assembly for studying the experience of state building and local self-government. Member of the Interparliamentary Commission on Cooperation between the Federal Assembly of Russia and the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.

In 2011, Shaikhutdinov became an ally of Mikhail Prokhorov, heading the executive committee of Right Cause. In July 2011, it became known that Rifat Gabdulkhakovich would head the election headquarters of the Right Cause party at the next State Duma elections, but in the elections on December 4, 2011, Right Cause received only 0.6% of the votes, taking last place in parliament the game didn't go through. Subsequently, Shaikhutdinov was one of the leaders of Prokhorov’s election campaign in the presidential elections of Russia in 2012, in which he took 3rd place, and one of the founders new party"Civil Platform".

Soon, on October 27, 2012, at the congress of the Civic Platform party, he was elected to the highest governing body of the party - the Federal Political Committee, and became a member of the Federal Civil Committee of the party. In 2017, on March 27, he was elected chairman of the FPC of the Civic Platform party. He was removed from the leadership of the party on March 13, 2015. The decision to resign Shaikhutdinov was initiated by Mikhail Prokhorov, who considered that the policies of the party leadership “discredited” the Civic Platform. The reason was the participation of a number of party members in the procession of the Anti-Maidan movement. On the same day, after Prokhorov and a number of his supporters left the party, Rifat Shaikhutdinov was re-elected chairman of the Civic Platform committee.

In the elections on September 18, 2016, Shaikhutdinov Rifat Gabdulkhakovich was elected as a Deputy of the State Duma of the VII convocation from electoral district 0006, Neftekamsk - Republic of Bashkortostan, from the Civic Platform party. Member of the State Duma Committee on economic policy, industry, innovative development and entrepreneurship. The start date of office is September 18, 2016. A deputy who is not a member of a faction, since the “Civic Platform” did not overcome the 5% barrier and did not enter the Duma, and the deputy, in turn, did not join any of the Duma factions.

Awarded the medals “In memory of the 850th anniversary of Moscow”, “In memory of the 1000th anniversary of Kazan”, the anniversary medal “100 years since the establishment of the State Duma in Russia”, the medal “80 years of civil aviation”, the medal “In memory of the 250th anniversary of Leningrad” " Honorary Transport Worker of Russia.

© "B-F.Ru", 03/10/2004

Secrets of the “empire” of Rifat Shaikhutdinov

Why does a philosopher and methodologist need the Main Air Transport Agency, or GAVS for short?

Alexander Akulov

Plato believed that society should be led by philosophers. The beautiful theory of the great singer of homosexual love was refuted by his modern followers. And not theoretically, but purely practically. However, one does not need to be a great thinker to discern this “wonderful new world", which is controlled by today's philosophers. Indeed, in our time, any rogue has the right to his own philosophy. “Without a sucker, life is bad” - why not an example of modern philosophical thought.

The great modern philosopher, a consistent successor of Plato, Rifat Gabdulkhakovich Shaikhutdinov, with all his activities proved that Plato was wrong. But, following traditions dialectical materialism, we must admit that the philosophy of Rifat Gabdulkhakovich allowed him to achieve significant influence in society. At the age of forty, Rifat Gabdulkhakovich, who had already held various leadership positions, became a deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation and even deputy of the Committee on Energy, Transport and Communications. However, as a true philosopher, Rifat Gabdulkhakovich treats his status as a statesman condescendingly. The main thing for him was and is philosophy, with which he connects all his dreams and hopes. In one of his autobiographical notes, Rifat Gabdulkhakovich wrote without undue modesty: “Shaikhutdinov Rifat Gabdulkhakovich, born in 1963, in games and methodological seminars since 1984 (worked with G.P. Shchedrovitsky, P.G. Shchedrovitsky, S. .V.Popov, A.P.Zinchenko, B.V.Sazonov, T.N. Segeytsev). Played 14 games independently. Director of the Laboratory of Humanitarian Research Methodology in St. Petersburg. In the near future, he will be the head of the conflictology department of the Faculty of Philosophy at St. Petersburg University.” One can, of course, doubt the foresight of a philosopher who has been “in games and methodological seminars” for so long, but what cannot be doubted is the unique experience that Rifat Gabdulkhakovich has in the field of conflictology and these very “games”.

One thing is not clear why in 1998 Rifat Gabdulkhakovich became the general director of the Main Air Transport Agency, abbreviated as GAWS? After all, someone advised him to take this post? But more on that later... Anyone who has tried to become an airline passenger has found it almost impossible to buy the right ticket at the first ticket office they come across. Need a good run. One of the main problems of Russian passenger transportation was that there are many booking and ticket sales systems in the country (Sirena-2, Sirena-3, Polet, etc.), each in its own right. In order to coordinate this confusion, the Main Agency for Civil Aviation Air Services, or simply GAVS, was created at one time. With the arrival of Rifat Gabdulkhakovich to this leadership and responsible post, the activities of the GAWS sharply intensified. The importance of GAWS for air travel and for the country as a whole can be judged by the fact that over the two years of operation, GAWS sold tickets for more than $80 million. And everything would be great, but money for tickets from the agency was not returned to the airline. This is the philosophical approach to doing business... Being a consistent successor of Plato’s ideas, Rifat Gabdulkhakovich, even then formulated one of the main principles of his business philosophy: “Airlines are born and die, but the sales network (tickets - author’s note) remains.” Rifat Gabdulkhakovich outlined and substantiated this philosophical principle in his work “And how people change the world,” which is very popular among the Scientology crowd, whose representatives consider business their religion.

In this work, “the future head of the department of conflictology at the Faculty of Philosophy of St. Petersburg University” expressed a number of bold thoughts. For example: “Even if, apart from, for example, LuftHansa and Aeroflot, there are no airlines at all, there will still be a need for distribution.”

Rifat Gabdulkhakovich, I must say, hit the nail on the head. As a true philosopher, he understood the essence of things. And I tested it in practice. In 1997-1998 his business partners, Ibragim Suleymanov and Tatevos Surinov, bankrupted Vnukovo Airlines and some other airlines. And GAWS flourished. GAVS flourished even when the airlines that sold tickets through this agency did not receive a penny from it. The philosophical mind of Rifat Gabdulkhakovich prompted: “You can throw them as many as you want.” Carriers could not refuse GAVS services: serious alternative systems There was simply no sale of tickets in the country.

Rifat Gabdulkhakovich, however, did not “directly” cheat the air carriers: he acted wiser, using the old proven scoring scheme. Everything that could be counted between the airlines, the agency, the Air Navigation service and other structures of the aviation chain was counted. As a result, the agency was left in debt, according to the general director, only to small airlines, but now almost all carriers at that time owed it, and quite a lot - about 160 million rubles.

Aeronavigation assigned GAWS the right to charge fees for its services. In addition, money from ticket sales still ended up in the agency’s accounts. And GAVS could write off the required amount at any time. Therefore, airlines had to agree to installments and pay off debts.

It was probably then that something happened that Rifat Gabdulkhakovich later wrote about in his work:

“I saw the image of our future enterprise. I helped my partners see it, buy into the idea and get into the game. This is how our common business was born, which we are successfully developing. I repeat: we're talking about not about creating a business, but about an example of constructing a new reality. What’s new?”

The answer to this question asked by Rifat Gabdulkhakovich was a plan to create a single center for booking and selling not only air tickets, but tickets and services of all carriers.

Only a true philosopher and follower of Plato could have attempted this. However, Rifat Gabdulkhakovich is also a member of one of the factions of the State Duma of the Russian Federation. And this, as we understand, explains a lot.

Rifat Gabdulkhakovich did not postpone the realization of his dream until the distant future. He, like a true philosopher, understands: “Strike iron while parliamentary immunity and the powers of the deputy head of the Committee on Energy, Transport and Communications are in effect.” As a result, the “students,” as they themselves declare it (by the way, law enforcement agencies are currently conducting proceedings against some of them, and for many this is already a relapse, for example Bystrov, an “innovator” moving from one criminal case to another ), the philosopher began an operation to seize Mostransagentstva OJSC, whose capabilities today allow it to sell 500 thousand air tickets per month alone, meeting the population’s needs for the services of all carriers.

OJSC Mostransagentstvo (MTA) is not only Moscow. MTA's capabilities make it possible to cover the entire CIS territory with its sales network. Moreover, you can order not only tickets through the MTA. In a few recent years The AIT has developed practical programs, which make it possible to book and buy tickets to theaters, concerts through the agency’s offices, sporting events, book hotels, etc.

The activities of the ITA took a worthy place in the thoughts, works and projects of the philosopher Shaikhutdinov. Another excerpt from his philosophical work for internal use Scientologists: “But if replacing the usual ticket offices with office desks is still a technical task, and, in fact, very simple, then changing the buyer’s ideas in such a way that he wants to buy a ticket to St. Petersburg right there, without leaving the counter , ticket to Mariinskii Opera House, an excursion to Peterhoff and a program of football (or tennis) matches for the coming week - this is already a task of tasks. And I am sure that it will be resolved, because without consumer development there will be no business development. I also have an equally strong feeling that on the way to its implementation, all creators of new realities - all Russian entrepreneurs“We are about to implement a colossal project in the near future, which includes carrying out several humanitarian and technological operations on a national scale.”

The work of the philosopher Shaikhuttnov certainly deserves the attention of not only scientists, but also specialists in the field of jurisprudence and criminology. We hope that we will also pay attention to these aspects of the life and work of Rifat Gabdulkhakovich and other students of Plato, the philosopher and singer of same-sex love.
