Dictionary of English suffixes. Suffixes in English: their role in word formation

1 .Suffix -er (-or ).

1) This suffix is ​​used to form nouns from verbs (infinitive without to + -er ,-or ). A noun with this ending denotes either a device that performs the action expressed by the verb from which it is derived, or a person who performs this action. When reading such derived words, you should remember that suffixes -er And -or the stress never falls, and therefore they are pronounced as a neutral sound [ə], for example:

to play (play) - a player [ə"pleɪə] player

to mix (mix) - a mixer [ə"mɪksə] mixer.

If the verb ends in e , then only the letter is added r ,For example:

to make (produce) - a maker [ə"meɪkə] producer

to use (use) - a user [ə"ju:zə] user.

It should be remembered that you often have to resort to descriptive translation of nouns with the suffix -er ,-or ,For example:

to lift (to lift) - a lifter [ə"lɪftə] lifting device

to time (assign time, calculate by time) - a timer [ə"taɪmə] a device that calculates time.

2) End letter r in words with such a suffix, it is pronounced as a connecting sound [r] only if it is followed by a word starting with a vowel, for example:

a reader of the book [ə"ri:də rəf ðə"buk] the reader of this book.

In this regard, you should pay attention to the reading of the conjunction and [ənd] - And ,A .This conjunction is pronounced very briefly, without stress and together, as if in one breath, with the words that it connects, for example:

a reader and a writer [ə"ri:də r ənd ə"raɪtə].

Exercise 1

A collector [əkə"lektə], a selector [əsə"lektə], a collector and a selector; a container [əkən"teɪnə], a protector [əprə"tektə], a container and a protector; an inventor [ənɪn"ventə], a reporter [ərɪ"pɔ:tə], an inventor and a reporter; a composer [əkəm"pəuzə], a producer [əprə"dju:sə], a composer and a producer.

2 .Suffix -ist .This is a very common suffix that forms nouns denoting professionals, supporters of a social or scientific direction. It can be attached to nouns and adjectives.

Task 2. Read and give Russian equivalents.

A specialist [ə"speʃəlɪst], a naturalist [ə"nætʃrəlɪst], a scientist [ə"saɪəntɪst], a chemist [ə"kemɪst], an economist, a "botanist, a "moralist.

3 .Suffix - ian .Nouns with this suffix denote nationality or title and profession, for example: Russian ["rʌʃən] - Russian, academician [ə,kædə"mɪʃən] - academician, musician musician. Darwinian - Darwinist.

Words formed by adding a suffix -ian, can also be translated by adjectives, for example:

the Russian language ["læŋɡwɪdʒ] Russian language

Neo-Darwinian interpretation of evolution [,nɪə dɑ:"wɪnɪən ɪn,tə:prɪ"teɪʃən əv,i:və"lu:ʃən] neo-Darwinian interpretation of evolution.

Note: Please note that nouns and adjectives denoting nationality are always capitalized: English, Russian, Polish, American.

4 .Suffix -ity (spelling options -ety ,-iety )forms abstract nouns with the meaning of state, quality, condition. Suffix -ity matches the suffix -ness , for example: able (capable) - ability [ə"bɪlɪtɪ] ability; active (active) - activity [æk"tɪvɪtɪ] activity, activity; valid (valid, justified, effective) - validity, effectiveness, fairness, legality, validity.

5 . Suffix -ing forms nouns from verbs (§ 85), for example: to meet (meet) - meeting ["mi:tɪŋ] meeting, to proceed (continue) - proceeding practice, proceedings, notes (of a scientific society).

6 .Suffix -hood forms nouns with the meaning “state, position, quality”, for example: child (child) - childhood ["tʃaɪldhud] childhood, man (man) - manhood ["mænhud] masculinity.

7 . Suffix -ment forms nouns denoting action, for example: to move (to move) - movement ["mu:vmənt] - movement.

Some words with this suffix take on the meaning of a collection of objects, for example: equipment [ɪ"kwɪpmənt] equipment.

8 . Suffix -ness forms nouns with the meaning “state, quality”, for example: dark (dark) - darkness ["dɑ:knɪs] darkness, good (good) - goodness ["ɡudnɪs] kindness, great (great) - greatness ["ɡreɪtnɪs] greatness.

9 .Suffix -y forms abstract nouns from verbs, for example: to discover (open) - discovery discovery; to inquire (ask, find out) - inquiry [ɪn"kwaɪərɪ] question, request.

10 .Suffix -th forms nouns with the meaning of quality, for example: true (true, truthful) - truth, health - health.

By adding a suffix -th nouns are formed from adjectives, and the root vowel often changes, for example: long (long) - length length, deep (deep) - depth depth, strong (strong) - strength strength.

11 .Suffix -ant forms nouns with the meaning of person and substance, for example: to assist (help) - assistant [ə"sɪstənt] assistant, to serve (serve) - servant ["sə:vənt] servant, an oxidant oxidizer, solvent solvent.

12 .Suffix -age forms nouns with different meanings, for example: to break (break) - breakage ["breɪkɪdʒ] breakdown; to marry (marry) - marriage ["mæ-rɪdʒ] wedding; courage ["kʌrɪdʒ] - courage, boldness, courage.

13 .Suffix -ism is characteristic of many languages, for example: Darwinism ["dɑ:wɪnɪzm], romanticism, capitalism ["kæpɪtəlɪzm], vandalism ["vændəlɪzm].

14 .Suffix -ire (-ture ,-sure ).

1) First of all, you should pay attention to the pronunciation of letter combinations ture And sure .As a result of certain phonetic changes in the English language, the combination ture began to be perceived as a symbol. For example: culture ["kʌltʃə], future ["fju:tʃə], lecture ["lektʃə], temperature ["temprɪtʃə].

Letter combination sure conveyed by the sound combination [ʃə]. For example: pressure ["preʃə], tonsure ["tɔnʃə].

If before the letter combination sure there is a vowel, then it is conveyed by the sound combination [ʒə]. For example: exposure [ɪks"pouʒə], measure ["meʒə], treasure ["treʒə", pleasure ["pleʒə].

2) Suffix -ire (-ture ,-sure )forms nouns denoting a process, for example: to press (press) - pressure ["preʃə] pressure, to mix (mix) - mixture ["mɪkstʃə] mixing.

Many nouns formed with the help of these suffixes can mean the result of an action in the form of an object, a substance, for example: mixture - medicine, mixture; fixture - fastening (part).

15 .Suffix -ship forms nouns with the meaning of state, position or property, for example: friend (friend) - friendship ["frendʃɪp] friendship, member (member) - membership ["membəʃɪp] membership.

Task 3. Based on the given verbs, form nouns using suffixes -er ,-or , and translate.

Example: to tell - a teller [ə"telə] narrator.

Suffix -er: to absorb - absorb, absorb; to advise - advise, advise; to compute - calculate; to point - to indicate; to produce - produce, cause; to report - to report, report; to design - to design, construct; to restore - restore, restore; to run - to run; to test - check, test.

Note: Be aware that the verb to inform [ɪn"fɔ:m] produces two nouns: informer -informant,informer And informant -informant("reporter").

Suffix -or: to act - to act; to correct - to correct; to inspect - to inspect; to invent - to invent; to operate - work, act, manage; to select - select, sort.

Task 4. Connect the given pairs of nouns with a conjunction and .Remember to use the connecting sound [r] before the conjunction and if the word before it ends with a letter r .Translate into Russian.

Sample: a reader, a writer - a reader and a writer - reader and writer.

An actor, a reporter; an artist, a proofreader; a designer, an inspector; a naturalist, an inventor; an adviser, an informer; a specialist, an adviser; an absorber, a selector; an operator, and separator; a chemist, a runner; a restorer, a tester; an informant, an inspector; a computer, an operator; a pointer, a selector; a scientist, a designer; a checker, a producer.

Task 5. Read and translate into Russian.

Suffix - (i )an: historian, arithmetician [ə,rɪθmə"tɪʃən], statistician [,stætɪs"tɪʃən], politician [,pɔlɪ"tɪʃən], phonetician [,fəunə"tɪʃən], librarian (library), tragedian (tragedy - tragedy), comedian (comedy - comedy).

Note: Please note that physician means doctor,doctor,a physicist ["fɪzɪsɪst] - physicist.

Suffix -ity: simplicity (simple - simple), similarity [,sɪmɪ"lærɪtɪ] (similar - similar), selectivity (to select - select), complexity (complex - complex), certainty ["sə:təntɪ] (certain - certain), relativity [ ,relə"tɪvɪtɪ] (relative - relative), conductivity [,kɔndʌk"tɪvɪtɪ] (to conduct - to conduct).

Suffix -ing: writings ["raɪtɪŋz] (to write - to write), finding ["faɪndɪŋ] (to find - to find), coming ["kʌmɪŋ] (to come - to come), going ["ɡouɪŋ] (to go - to walk), planning [ "plænɪŋ] (to plan - plan).

Suffix -hood: fatherhood ["fɑ:ðəhud] (father - father), brotherhood ["brʌðəhud] (brother - brother), serfhood ["sə:fhud] (serf - serf, slave), neighborhood ["neɪbəhud] (neighbor - neighbor).

Suffix -menu movement ["mu:vmənt] (to move - move), equipment [ɪ"kwɪpmənt] (to equip - equip), requirement (to require - demand), agreement [ə"ɡri:mənt] (to agree - agree), measurement ["meʒəmənt] (to measure - to measure), development (to develop - to develop), improvement [ɪm"pru:vmənt] (to improve - to improve), treatment ["tri:tmənt] (to treat - to interpret, process) .

Suffix -ness (basic Russian equivalent -ness ): emptiness ["emptɪnɪs] (empty - empty), weakness ["wi:knɪs] (weak - weak), usefulness ["ju:sfulnɪs] (useful - useful), readiness ["redɪnɪs] (ready - ready), effectiveness [ ɪ"fektɪvnɪs] (effective - effective).

Suffixes -y; -th; -ant; -ist; -ure: discovery (to discover - open), strength (strong - strong), truth (true - true), growth ["ɡrouθ] (to grow - grow), chemist ["kemɪst], physicist ["fɪzɪsɪst", capitalist ["kæpɪtəlɪst ], economist [ɪ"kɔnəmɪst], scientist ["saɪəntɪst] (science - science), meteorologist [,mi:tjə"rɔlədʒɪst], assistant [ə"sɪstənt], servant ["sə:vənt] (to serve - to serve) , exposure (ɪks "pouʒə] (to expose - withstand (in the light), expose).

Suffix -ship: leadership ["li:dəʃɪp] (to lead), citizenship ["sɪ(:)tɪzənʃɪp] (citizen - citizen), dictatorship (dictator - dictator).

Exercise 1.Translate by paying Special attention nouns that are formed in different ways (§ 31).

Memo: words possible And feasible["fɪ:zəbl] can be translated the same way - possible .However, know the difference: possible - possible ,likely; feasible - (physically) executable ,feasible ,possible .

1. Beggars cannot be choosers. 2.The impossibility of such a simplification is obvious. 3. Clearliness is next to godliness. 4. Death is the great leveler. 5. Idleness is the mother of all evil. 6. Overdocumentation has two dangers. 7. There are times when the weak can help the strong. 8. Two wrongs do not make a right. 9. They have the same likes and the same dislikes. 10. The capacity to select the important from the many is also necessary. 11. The difficult we can do at once the impossible may take a little time. 12. The wheres and whens are important.

If you determine that you have a noun with the endings “-ER” and “-OR”, then this is a specific noun indicating a person (profession, occupation, place of residence) or an object (tool, device, mechanism, device).

Suffix "-ER" comes from Old English and is productive. The suffix “-ER” gives the following meanings to the noun.

1. Attached to a verb and denotes a person, engaged in the type of activity indicated by the stem of the verb. This may be the name of a profession, position, rank or craft.

For example:

to BUILD = build + ER = BUILD ER= builder;

to DRIVE = drive a car, car + ER = DRIV ER= driver, driver;

to BAKE = bake bread + ER = BAK ER= baker;

to WELD = weld (metal) + ER = WELD ER= welder;

to DANCE = dance + ER = DANC ER= dancer;

to SELL = sell + ER = SELL ER= seller;

to DESIGN = to design, make sketches (clothes, shoes) + ER = DESIGN ER= designer; designer;

to COMMAND = command + ER = COMMAND ER= commander;

to PAINT = paint, paint + ER = PAINT ER= painter, artist;

to TEACH = teach, teach + ER = TEACH ER= teacher, teacher;

to WEAVE = weave + ER = WEAV ER= weaver;

to TURN = rotate, twirl + ER = TURN ER= turner;

to WEIGH = weigh + ER = WEIGH ER= weigher;

2. Attached to a verb and denotes a person, performing an action expressed by a verb. But this is not a profession, but simply an activity. Sometimes such nouns cannot be translated literally, then the translation is expressed in phrases.

For example:

to BEGIN = start + ER = BEGINN ER= beginner, beginner;

to OWN = own, possess + ER = OWN ER= owner;

to SLEEP = sleep + ER = SLEEP ER= sleeping, sleepyhead;

to EAT = eat, absorb + ER = EAT ER= eater;

Compound nouns are common.

For example:

CINEMA-GO ER= someone who often goes to the cinema, a movie lover, a moviegoer;

THEATER-GO ER= one who often goes to the theater, theatergoer, theatergoer;

NEW-COM ER= stranger, newcomer, newcomer;

EARLY-RIS ER= one who wakes up early, a “lark”.

LATE-RIS ER= one who wakes up late, “night owl”;

SCHOOL-LEAV ER= one who graduates from school, school graduate, applicant.

CHESS-PLAY ER= chess player, chess player.

STORY-TELL ER= storyteller, storyteller, inventor

WATCH-MAK ER= watchmaker;

BOOK-LOV ER= book lover;

TIME-WAST ER= someone who wastes time;

PLEASURE-SEEK ER= seeker of entertainment, seeker of pleasure;

RIGHT - HAND ER= right-handed;

LEFT - HAND ER= left-handed;

3. Points to a person living in a certain area or town.

For example:

LONDON —> LONDON ER= resident of London;

NEW-YORK —> NEW-YORK ER= New Yorker;

ISLAND —> ISLAND ER= islander, islander;

VILLAGE —> VILLAG ER= resident of a village, village;

COTTAGE —> COTTAG ER= resident of a country house;

RANCH —> RANCH ER= rancher;

SOUTHERN —> COUTHERN ER= southerner;

FOREIGN —> FOREIGN ER= foreigner;

STRANGE —> STRANG ER= stranger, foreigner;

HIGHLAND —> HIGHLAND ER= mountain dweller, mountaineer;

4. Denotes objects, with the help of which the action expressed by the verb is performed. These can be tools, devices, devices, mechanisms or equipment.

For example:

to CONTAIN = contain + ER = CONTAIN ER= container;

to CONTROL = regulate, control + ER = CONTROLL ER= regulator;

to BOIL = boil, heat + ER = BOIL ER= heater, boiler;

to MIX = mix + ER = MIX ER= mixer; mixer;

to BURN = burn, burn + ER = BURN ER= burner;

to CUT = cut + ER = CUTT ER= cutter, cutting tool;

to RACE = compete in speed + ER = RAC ER= racing car;

to GRIND = grind, grind + ER = GRIND ER= coffee mill, crusher;

to EXTINGUISH = extinguish, extinguish + ER = EXTINGUISH ER= extinguisher, fire extinguisher;

to PROPEL = to actuate + ER = PROPELL ER= propeller;

to RECTIFY = correct, clear + ER = RECTIFI ER= cleaner, straightener;

to MAGNIFY = increase + ER = MAGNIFI ER= magnifying glass, magnifying glass;

The suffix “-OR” comes from Latin and is unproductive. It mainly refers to nouns related to science and technology. The suffix "-OR" gives nouns the same meaning as the suffix "-ER", except to designate a person living in a particular area.

1. Denotes a profession, craft, rank, position person.

to ACT = play theater + OR = ACT OR= actor;

to DOCTOR = to treat, to practice medicine = DOCT OR= doctor, doctor;

to DIRECT = direct + OR = DIRECT OR= manager, director;

to TRANSLATE = translate from one language to another + OR = TRANSLAT OR= translator;

to CONDUCT = accompany, lead; conduct an orchestra + OR = CONDUCT OR= conductor, conductor; the conductor of orchestra;

to PROFESS = train, teach + OR = PROFESS OR= teacher, professor;

to CONSTRUCT = construct, build + OR = CONSTRUCT OR designer, builder;

to EDIT = edit + OR = EDIT OR= editor;

to INSPECT = inspect, examine + OR = INSPECT OR= inspector, auditor;

to SAIL = sail on a ship, sail + OR = SAIL OR= sailor, sailor;

to INVENT = invent, invent + OR = INVENT OR= inventor, inventor;

to GOVERN = manage, rule + OR = GOVERN OR= manager; governor;

2. Indicates a person’s occupation expressed by a verb. But this is not related to profession or craft.

For example:

to VISIT = to visit, visit, pay a visit + OR = VISIT OR= visitor, visitor;

to NARRATE = tell, narrate + OR = NARRAT OR= narrator;

to DEMONSTRATE = demonstrate + OR = DEMONSTRAT OR= demonstrator, demonstration participant;

to CREATE = create, create + OR = CREAT OR= creator, originator, author;

to SPECULATE = reflect, speculate + OR = SPECULAT OR= thinker, speculator; one who plays on the stock exchange;

3. Denotes objects with the help of which the action expressed by the verb is performed. These can be tools, devices, mechanisms, devices.

For example:

to GENERATE = generate, generate + OR = GENERAT OR= generator;

to ELEVATE = raise + OR = ELEVAT OR= elevator;

to INDICATE = indicate, show + OR = INDICAT OR= indicator, pointer;

to PERFORATE = drill + OR = PERFORAT OR= hammer drill;

to VENTILATE = ventilate, ventilate + OR = VENTILAT OR= fan;

to PROTECT = protect + OR = PROTECT OR= protector;

to SEPARATE = separate + OR = SEPARAT OR= separator;

to CALCULATE = carry out calculations + OR = CALCULAT OR= calculator;

to RADIATE = radiate + OR = RADIAT OR= radiator;

to COMPRESS = compress + OR = COMPRESS OR= compressor;

REVERSE. By the sound of words in Russian, you can guess from which English verb they originated. There are a lot of such words in our everyday life and it would be stupid to look for them in the dictionary. Everyone knows the meaning of words such as LEADER, MANAGER, DIRECTOR, RADIATOR, BATTERY, DECORATOR, INSPECTOR, INDICATOR, CALCULATOR, SEPARATOR, MIXER, COMPUTER, PROTECTOR. Each of these words corresponds to an English verb, the meaning of which is clear without translation.

The English sentence is like an impenetrable forest, we took a wrong turn, and now we are lost among unfamiliar words. How can you avoid getting into trouble and correctly determine which part of speech is in front of you? Suffixes to the rescue! We have prepared useful material especially for you, thanks to which you will distinguish these mysterious parts of speech. Understanding the meanings of common affixes will help you understand the meanings of new words you come across. Let's go

So, by suffix we mean a letter or group of letters that is typically found at the end of a word in English. Thanks to this element, amazing metamorphoses occur, so a completely new one is formed from the original word, and sometimes the part of speech changes. Let's look at an example, the verb to create (create), by adding the suffix - or we get the noun creat or(creator). Let's construct an adjective in a similar way, but this time we choose the suffix - ive:creat ive(creative).

Since practicing and creating vocabulary is a useful task, we suggest paying attention to three important features:

First, sometimes adding a suffix changes the spelling of the root or stem. The word ends with a vowel -y, and is preceded by a consonant - y replace with - i. Here's an example:

  • verb to justify y(to justify) > adjective justif i able (justified);
  • adjective ugl y(ugly) > noun ugl i ness (ugliness).

Also, if by the way with a dumb word - e an affix is ​​added at the end, then this vowel is simply falls out. For example:

  • verb to us e(use) > adjective usable(practical);
  • verb to adore e(adore) > adjective adorable(charming).

NOTA BENE: As with all rules of the English language, spelling, of course, has its exceptions. Therefore, if controversial questions arise, feel free to consult the dictionary.

Secondly, not all suffixes can be added to all roots, these are the owners of affixes, and there’s nothing you can do about it. For example:

  • beauty y(beauty) + - ful > beautiful(beautiful);
  • ugl y(ugly) + - ness > ugliness(ugliness).

But the words beauty or ugliful are not in the dictionary, since they do not exist in the language at all, period.

Thirdly, some suffixes have more than one meaning. How greedy! You all know the affix - er used in comparative degree: bright > bright er(brighter). However, the same suffix also means a person living in some certain place: London (London) > Londoner (Londoner).

Verb suffixes in English

An English verb, like any verb, means the state or action of an object or thing. The verb suffix is ​​quite unpretentious and has the following meanings: happen, become, do or create.

NOTA BENE: Many verbs with the suffix - size, can also end with - ise. For example: real size& real ise(realize) or patron size& patron ise(take care). Two options occur, however, the verb suffix is ​​- ise will use British. While - size use more Americans.

ate become
take place
regulate ["regjəleɪt] - regulate
eradicate [ɪ"rædɪkeɪt] - exterminate
enunciate [ɪ"nʌn(t)sɪeɪt] - to expound
repudiate - to reject
evaporate [ɪ"væp(ə)reɪt] - evaporate
en become
take place
harden ["hɑ:d(ə)n] - harden
soften ["sɔf(ə)n] - soften
enlighten [ɪn"laɪt(ə)n] - to enlighten
strengthen ["streŋθ(ə)n] - strengthen
loosen ["lu:s(ə)n] - loosen
size / ise become
take place
civilise ["sɪv(ə)laɪz] - to civilize
humanize ["hju:mənaɪz] - soften
economise [ɪ"kɔnəmaɪz] - save
utilize ["ju:tɪlaɪz] - spend
valorize ["væl(ə)raɪz] - increase prices
ify/fy do
satisfy ["sætɪsfaɪ] - to satisfy
rectify ["rektɪfaɪ] - to correct
terrify ["terɪfaɪ] - to terrify
exemplify [ɪk"semplɪfaɪ] - illustrate
clarify ["klærɪfaɪ] - clarify

Noun suffixes in English

A noun denotes some object or thing. The English noun suffix is ​​distinguished by its variety and includes the following elements: actor, quality or state, process or activity, etc.

NOTA BENE: If the verb ends in - here, but the noun will have a suffix - ence: to interfere > interfere ence(interference). If on - ate, -y, -ure / -ear, then the affix - ance: to devi ate(deviate) > devi ance(deviation); to appl y(apply) > appli ance(device); to cl ear(clear) > clear ance(cleaning).

ance / ence state
extravagance [ɪk"strævəgən(t)s] - quirk
preference ["pref(ə)r(ə)n(t)s] - preference
utterance ["ʌt(ə)r(ə)n(t)s] - pronunciation
acy state
fallacy ["fæləsɪ] - cunning
celibacy ["seləbəsɪ] - celibacy
ity/ty quality
probity ["prəubətɪ] - honesty
royalty ["rɔɪəltɪ] - greatness
ment state
endorsement [ɪn"dɔ:smənt] - approval
fragment ["frægmənt] - fragment
excitement [ɪk"saɪtmənt] - excitement
al action
recital - transfer
denial - refusal
dom state
boredom ["bɔ:dəm] - melancholy
earldom ["ɜ:ldəm] - count's title
ness state preparedness - readiness
wilderness ["wɪldənəs] - desert
xion / sion / tion state
fluxion ["flʌkʃ(ə)n] - change
concession - recognition
relation - relationship
hood characteristic
interest group
Current state
womanhood ["wumənhud] - femininity
brotherhood ["brʌðəhud] - brotherhood
childhood ["tʃaɪldhud] - brotherhood
ship Current state
interest group

ship Current state
interest group
membership ["membəʃɪp] - membership
friendship ["frendʃɪp] - friendship
ist actor narcissist ["nɑ:sɪsɪst] - “narcissist”
novelist ["nɔv(ə)lɪst] - novelist
ee actor addressee [ædre"si:] - recipient
employee [ɪmplɔɪ"i:] - employee
ess female character goddess ["gɔdes] - goddess
waitress ["weɪtrəs] - waitress
ism ideology
action and result
language features
hedonism ["hi:d(ə)nɪz(ə)m] - hedonism
exorcism ["skeptɪsɪz(ə)m] - skepticism
Americanism [ə"merɪkənɪz(ə)m] - Americanism

Adjective suffixes in English

An adjective is a part of speech that modifies a noun. The main meanings of the suffix include the following: absence or presence of quality, characteristic, ability, opportunity, etc.

able / ible capable
payable ["peɪəbl] - payable
edible ["edɪbl] - fit for food
fashionable ["fæʃ(ə)nəbl] - secular
al related to autumnal [ɔ:"tʌmn(ə)l] - autumn
accidental [æksɪ"dent(ə)l] - random
ic/ical related to metallic - metallic
Finnic ["fɪnɪk] - Finnish
esque related to style
manner or image
arabesque [ærə"besk] - decorated
picturesque - picturesque
ful having quality
masterful ["mɑ:stəf(ə)l] - self-willed
woeful ["wəuf(ə)l] - sorrowful
ious / ous having quality
cautious ["kɔ:ʃəs] - careful
nervous ["nɜ:vəs] - nervous
y having quality
sticky ["stɪkɪ] - sticky
nerdy ["nɜ:dɪ] - boring
ive having quality
palliative ["pælɪətɪv] - softening
corrective - corrective
ish having quality
in some ways
girlish ["gɜ:lɪʃ] - girlish
snobbish ["snɔbɪʃ] - snobbish
pinkish ["pɪŋkɪʃ] - pinkish
less lack of quality
without anything
skinless ["skɪnləs] - without skin
childless ["tʃaɪldləs] - childless

Adverb suffixes in English

An adverb is an irreplaceable part of speech that conveys a sign of a state or action primarily of a verb. The adverb suffix is ​​modest and has only three meanings: direction or direction, characteristic or attribute, relation of one to another.


So, we have looked at the most common suffixes different parts English speech. Think of the affix as a clue to the meaning of words. As in any detective story, sometimes the clues are visible to the naked eye and are quite obvious. In other cases, they can be confusing or misleading.

In any case, keep in mind that the meanings of words are best determined by examining the context in which they are used. We hope that this article was useful and informative for you.

We wish you success and development in English!

Big and friendly EnglishDom family

Any language, including English, is never “pure”, that is, consisting only of English words. In English, like in any other language, there are many borrowed words, suffixes and prefixes from other languages. Perhaps the most common languages, words from which are found in almost all languages, are Greek and Latin. Everyone knows that the foundations of many sciences were laid by the ancient Greeks, including the foundations of grammar. They say that the Greeks gave the world a lot. Words with the endings “IST” and “ISM” also entered the Russian language.

For example: ECONOMY IST, SPECIAL IST, OPTIM IST, PIAN IST, PAROD IST or PATRIOT MEASURE, MODERN MEASURE, REAL MEASURE, TOUR MEASURE, EGO MEASURE, DRAMA MEASURE. The meanings of these words are clear to everyone, and in English they will sound approximately the same and have the same meanings. All these words are international.

The suffixes “IST” and “ISM” should be considered together, since they have the same semantic basis, but form nouns belonging to different groups.

The suffixes “-ISM” and “-IST” reflect areas of human activity that can be classified as “mental” and “creative”, that is, we're talking about about science and art. Physical activity can be thought of as exercise.

The suffix “ISM” forms nouns that indicate the names of various theories and teachings and are abstract.

The suffix "IST" forms nouns that indicate a person who is engaged in these areas of activity and is specific.

We can conditionally divide the areas of human activity that are determined by “Greek” suffixes into two groups.

1. Theories, dogmas, teachings relating to all sciences, starting with philosophy and continuing social concepts, political trends and human behavior.

2. Literature and art.

Let's take a closer look at several groups of nouns with the suffixes “-ISM” and “-IST”.

There are pairs of words with the suffixes “ISM” and “IST” that are practically inseparable. The suffix "-ISM" indicates a field of activity, and the suffix "-IST" indicates a person who is a follower of any teachings of theories or dogmas, is engaged in art or literature of a certain direction, or is engaged in certain types physical exercise. But these nouns have a "source", that is, a root word that has the same meaning. Sometimes the base (root) is an independent word, and sometimes it loses its independent meaning. Such nouns have the same sound as similar Russian translations.

I will write pairs of well-known nouns with the suffixes “-ISM” and “-IST”.

SOCIAL ISM—> SOCIAL IST= socialism -> socialist;

CAPITAL ISM—> CAPITAL IST= capitalism -> capitalist;

COMMUN ISM—> COMMUN IST= communism -> communist;

IMPERIAL ISM—> IMPERIAL IST= imperialism -> imperialist

FASC ISM—> FASC IST= fascism -> fascist;

DARVIN ISM—> DARVI NIST= Darwinism -> Darwinist;

MARX ISM—> MARX IST= Marxism -> Marxist;

NATIONAL ISM—> NATIONAL IST= nationalism -> nationalist;

OPPORTUN ISM—>OPPORTUN IST= opportunism -> opportunist;

OPTIM ISM—> OPTIM IST= optimism -> optimist;

PESSIM ISM—> PESSIM IST= pessimism -> pessimism;

EGO ISM—> EGO IST= egoism -> egoist;

ALTRU ISM—> ALTRUI IST= altruism -> altruist;

S.A.D. ISM—> SAD IST= sadism -> sadist;

IMPRESSION ISM—> IMPRESSION IST= impressionism - impressionist;

PACIF ISM—> PACIF IST= pacifism -> pacifist;

FATAL ISM—> FATAL IST= fatalism -> fatalist;

REAL ISM—> REAL IST= realism -> realist;

There are nouns with the suffix “-IST”, which indicate a person’s occupation, his profession, but there is no “paired” noun with the suffix “-ISM”. There is a root word, which is an independent unit, and nouns with the suffixes “-IST” do not always sound the same as their Russian counterparts.

For example:

TOUR —> TOUR IST= travel, trip, tour, excursion -> tourist. traveler;

SCIENCE —> SCIENT IST= science -> scientist;

HUMOUR —> HUMOUR IST= humor, joke -> humorist, joker;

ART -> ART IST= art - artist, master of his craft, artist;

PHILOLOGY —> PHILOLOGY IST= philology -> philologist;

DRAMATICS —> DRAMAT IST= dramatic art -> playwright;

CHEMISTRY —> CHEM IST= chemistry -> chemist;

ECONOMICS —> ECONO MIST= economics -> economist;

BIOLOGY —> BIOLOG IST= biology -> biologist;

BOTANY —> BOTAN IST= botany -> botanist;

GEOLOGY —> GEOLOG IST= geology -> geologist;

PHYSICS —> PHYSIC IST= physics -> physicist;

PSYCOLOGY —> PSYCOLOG IST= psychology -> psychologist;

PSYCHIATRY —> PSYCHIATR IST= psychiatry -> psychiatrist;

ECOLOGY —> ECOLOG IST= ecology -> ecologist;

MINERALOGY —> MINERALOGY IST= mineralogy -> mineralogist;

CARTOON —> CARTOON IST= cartooncartoonist;

AGRONOMY —> AGRONOM IST= agronomy -> agronomist;

PIANO —> PIAN IST= piano, grand piano -> pianist;

VIOLIN —> VIOLIN IST= violin -> violinist


There is a group of nouns with the suffix “-ISM”, but they are paired with nouns with other suffixes or no suffixes at all.

For example:

DESPOT ISM—> DESPOT = despotism —> despot;

PATRIOT ISM—> PATRIOT = patriotism —> patriot;

DEMOCRAT ISM—> DEMOCRAT = democracy —> democrat;

RADICAL ISM—> RADICAL = radicalism —> radical;

PROFESSIONAL ISM—> PROFESSIONAL = professionalism —> professional;

SCEPTIC ISM—> SCEPTIC = skepticism —> skeptic;

PARLIAMENTAR ISM—> PARLIAMENTARIAN = parliamentarism —> parliamentarian;

HERO ISM—> HERO = heroism —> hero;

PROVINCIAL ISM—> PROVINCIAL = provincialism —> provincial;

LIBERAL ISM—> LIBERAL = liberalism —> liberal;

CONSERVAT ISM—> CONSERVATIVE = conservatism —> conservative;

This is a lesson from the series and in it we will look at common noun suffixes: -er/or, -tion, -ing, -ness, -ence/ance (5). The exercises will help you understand how nouns are formed in English, and also prepare for English language exams in the form of the OGE and the Unified State Exam.

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Basic suffixes of nouns in English (grade 9)

Remember these 5 main suffixes. Next, let's take a closer look at each of them.

  1. er/or
  2. ence/ance

1. Suffixes of nouns formed from a verb

verb + Ʌ =noun

  1. -er/or(doer suffix)
    dance - dancer (dance - dancer)
    work - worker
    collect - collector (collect - collector)
    invent - inventor
  2. -tion(process suffix)
    collect - collection (collection, collection)
    invent - invention
  3. -ing
    suffer - suffering (to suffer - suffering)
    warn - warning
    mean - meaning

Remember three suffixes -er (-or), -tion, -ing, with the help of which nouns are formed from a verb.

2. Suffixes of nouns formed from an adjective

adj + Ʌ =noun

  1. -ness
    ill - illness (patient - illness)
    kind - kindness
  2. -ance/ -ence(corresponding adjectives have suffixes: -ant/ -ent)
    important - importance (important - importance)
    different - difference

Remember two suffixes: -ness, -ence (ance), with the help of which nouns are formed from an adjective.

Suffixes of nouns in English. Exercises

-ness & -tion- the most common suffixes of nouns.

Exercise 1. Suffix -ness.Translate the indicated nouns and indicate the adjectives from which they are formed.

foolishness, happiness, seriousness, illness, readiness, richness, strangeness, carelessness, whiteness, cleverness, greatness, brightness

Note. Please note that the letter “y”, as a rule, occurs at the end of a word, but in the middle of the word its double is used - the letter “i”: happ i ness - happy y.

Exercise 2. Suffix –tion and its varieties -ation /-ion/ -sion/ -ssion.Translate the indicated nouns and indicate the verb from which they are formed.

translation, explanation, admiration, celebration, continuation, invitation, pronunciation, exhibition, demonstration, conversation, competition, communication

Exercise 3. Suffix –tion.Rephrase the sentence using a verb derived from it instead of a noun.

EXAMPLE. Their acting was very good. —— They acted very well.

1.His collection of books was mainly on art.
2. The farmer's quick actions saved the building from fire.
3.Her translation of the poem was so good that the professor invited her to take part in a translation contest.
4. The teacher's explanation of the task was clear to everyone.

Exercise 4. Guess the suffix and form nouns with it. Translate them.

  1. weak
  2. polite -
  3. fresh -
  4. ugly -
  5. cold -
  6. dark —
  7. careful -

Exercise 5. Suffix –er.Guess the profession.

EXAMPLE. Someone who bakes bread is a baker

  1. Someone who interviews people is a….
  2. Someone who plays football is a…
  3. Someone who eats well is a…
  4. Someone who sleeps well is a…
  5. Someone who rules the country is a…
  6. Someone who explores new lands is a…
  7. Someone who makes or repairs shoes is a…
  8. Someone who always causes trouble is a…
  9. Someone who makes films is a…
  10. Someone who has traveled to another place for a holiday is a…


  • trouble maker- bully, hooligan
  • holiday maker- vacationer

Exercise 6. If you know the verbs, then adding a suffix –tion you can easily form new words. Translate them into Russian.

  1. collect -
  2. explain -
  3. protect —
  4. prepare -
  5. found -
  6. inform
  7. celebrate -
  8. compose -
  9. create -
  10. decorate —

Exercise 7. Suffix –er/or.Form nouns from these words using suffixes: -er/-or.

Remember: to fail - failure

to construct, to direct, to protect, to transport, to fail, to educate, to manage, to govern, to achieve, to build, to sing, to act, to sleep

Exercise 8. Suffix –ence/ance.Translate and remember pairs of words with the suffixes -ence/-ance:

  1. import ant-import ance
  2. differ ent- differ ence
  3. indifferent - indifference
  4. independent - independence
  5. dependent - dependence
  6. patient - patience
  7. persistent - persistence
  8. insistent - insistence
  9. indulgent - indulgence
