Essay on the topic “Life values. OGE: arguments for the essay “What are life values

Each person has his own life values, on which the most important decisions and the choice of life path depend. Life values ​​are formed in a person depending on his character, what he likes, what he is interested in and what is most important to him.

For some, the most important thing in life is universal spiritual values. Such as family, love, creative development, finding your purpose, well-being. For others, material goods come first: money, clothes, jewelry, etc.

Some people believe that there is nothing more valuable in life than love and family. Such people always support their relatives in everything and try to do everything possible to ensure that they are happy and healthy. They strive to create their own family hearth; almost everything they do, they do for the sake of the prosperity of their family - their dearest and closest people.

Others opt for career growth. They work hard, making every effort to take the next step forward. career ladder, there are no barriers for them, they always strive to achieve a higher position. Some work for money; for such people their financial situation is very important, they want to be richer and have more valuable things. Such people often live in luxurious mansions, buy expensive things in famous boutiques, go to beauty salons and drive expensive cars.

With age, life values ​​often change dramatically. In youth, many consider friendship to be the most valuable thing. Then love appears, which makes the heart skip a beat or beat faster, it overshadows the eyes and everything seems insignificant and not so significant, but, unfortunately, love is not always mutual. Disappointed in love, people seek solace in work. And for some people, both material and spiritual values ​​are important.

I would just like to become a worthy citizen of my country, get a good education, and be the pride of my parents. My life values ​​are no different from the values ​​of millions of other people. I want to start my own family and become a role model for my children. I would also like to have a home and a decent job in order to financially support my family and raise my children in abundance.

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In the section on essay question 15.3 on the topic “Life Values,” what examples from the literature can be given? given by the author European the best answer is 1) As you know, A.S. Pushkin died in a duel, fighting for the honor of his wife. M. Lermontov in his poem called the poet “a slave of honor.” A quarrel, the cause of which was the insulted honor of A. Pushkin, led to death greatest writer. However, Alexander Sergeevich retained his honor and good name in the memory of people.
2) A hero with high moral qualities is Petrusha Grinev - a character in the story by A. S. Pushkin " Captain's daughter"Peter did not tarnish his honor even in those cases when he could have paid for it with his head. He was a highly moral person worthy of respect and pride. He could not leave Shvabrin’s slander against Masha unpunished, so he challenged him to a duel.
Shvabrin is the complete opposite of Grinev: he is a person for whom the concept of honor and nobility does not exist at all. He walked over the heads of others, stepping over himself to please his momentary desires. Popular rumor says: “Take care of your dress again, and take care of your honor from a young age.” Once you have tarnished your honor, you are unlikely to ever be able to restore your good name.
3) The heroine of A. Griboedov’s comedy “Woe from Wit” turned out to be a victim of false values. Sofya Pavlovna, reading sentimental novels, sees Molchalin, modest and devoted to her father, as her ideal romantic hero. Unfortunately, real sincere feelings Chatsky, who loves her with early years, she doesn't accept. The heroine's hopes are crushed in the finale: Sophia discovers that the person she considered her ideal does not love her at all. Thus, the outcome of the plot becomes a tragedy for Sophia.
4) I. A. Bunin in the story “The Gentleman from San Francisco” demonstrated the fate of a man who served false values. Wealth was his god, and this god he worshiped. During his life, everyone treated him with respect, but after his death, even his family did not remember him. If your trip to Old light the hero began in a luxurious cabin, then after death he was transported in a tarred coffin, hidden from living eyes deep below, in the black hold of the ship. Thus, living by mortal false values, the American millionaire died without ever knowing what real life with its earthly, intangible joys.

(Based on the story by Yu. Bondarev)


In my opinion, the author, when saying “how much and how little a person needs to be happy,” meant that man is a contradictory creature, he often changes his mind, today he wants one thing, tomorrow he wants another. The concept of happiness different people different: for some it’s money, fame, power, personal ambitions and fulfillment, but for others it’s family, the health and well-being of loved ones, helping other people, peace on the planet. Until a person understands what true happiness consists of, he rushes from one to another and often feels unhappy.
As evidence, we give examples from the text. Thus, the heroine Nadezhda reflects on the meaning of life, while feeling deeply unhappy, although she has no obvious reasons for this (sentences 3-5).
Unlike Nadezhda, her father has found his meaning in life, he clearly knows what happiness means for him. This is family, prosperity in the home, absence of war. For the sake of the happiness of his loved ones, he works day and night, sparing no effort (sentences 16-18). The heroine, realizing this simple truth and seeing how much her parents loved her, felt happier.
Thus, we understand that sometimes a person needs a lot to be happy, but for true happiness, simply the love and care of loved ones is enough.

In my opinion, life values ​​are the things that are the most significant in a person’s life.
Each person has his own view of life values. For some, these are material benefits, and everything else is secondary. And for some, love, friendship, children, family, and helping others come first. Based on priorities, a person builds his entire life, his relationships with the outside world.
As proof of what has been said, we can give an example from the text of Yu. Bondarev. The father of the girl Nadya has long ago decided what the values ​​of life are for him: the health and happiness of his family, peace and quiet on the planet. For this he is ready to work tirelessly.
As another argument, we can take an example from life. There are rich people main task which for a long time they were making money, but then they got into trouble. For example, serious illness, death of loved ones, betrayal of friends. After the problems are solved, many of these people rethink life and begin to see it in a different light. Very often they donate money to charities, saying their lives finally have meaning.
Based on all that has been said, it can be argued that life values ​​are priorities that each person determines for himself and builds his life in accordance with them.

Life values ​​essay


1. What are life values?

2. Diversity of life values.

3. Sources of life values.

4.Life values ​​and people.

A person is determined not only by his social position in society, his environment or material wealth. Each of us in life has our own guidelines and principles with which we go through life. In other words, each person has his own life values. What do life values ​​mean?

Life values ​​are what comes first in a person’s life; these are his ideals and aspirations, which he can rely on under any circumstances and situations. All people are different, and accordingly, everyone has different life values. For some, the most important thing in this life is family. Such a person values ​​his family, relationships with them, and a warm and cozy family hearth. And some people prioritize career and money. And there are those for whom self-development is important, who do not like to stop there. And in life there is beautiful people who have found a balance between family, career and self-development, and manage to devote time and attention to everything. These are the people you should look up to! One cannot be pushed forward at the expense of the other.

In life for any person, the main thing should be family, a favorite job, and self-development - these are the things that organize happy person. When there is order in all these areas of life, and the life of the person himself is interesting and full. You will never hear complaints about life from such people, they are perfectly disciplined, they live with pleasure. How are a person’s life values ​​determined?

The primary source of values ​​in life is the family where a person was born and raised. It is there that the concepts of good and evil, honor and honesty, decency, love and respect are laid down. Walking through life, a person encounters other people who become objects of admiration for him, who perfectly motivate us to move forward and not give up in the face of difficulties. We ourselves are also a source of life values. With age, we gain life experience, draw certain conclusions, and change, which, in turn, can complement our life values ​​or even change them.

Good films and books, communication with family and friends, travel, new acquaintances also play a role in the formation of life values. Why are all these values ​​needed in life? Without life values, a person is completely empty, his life turns into a dull and gray activity, nothing interests him and nothing inspires him. Thanks to values ​​in life, we set certain goals for ourselves and achieve them. Because they give us self-confidence, we believe in our values ​​in life. Life values ​​help a person make this or that choice, understand the essence of life itself, and values ​​also motivate people to live a full and vibrant life. Whatever our values ​​in life, let them be based on kindness, love, respect, understanding and decency.


1. wording of the task;

2. definition of the meaning of the concept;

3. abstracts on the topic;

4. examples of arguments;

5. essays;

6. bank of arguments;

1. Formulation of task 15.3

How do you understand the meaning of the combination " LIFE VALUES" ? Formulate and comment on the definition you have given. Write an essay-discussion on the topic "What's happened LIFE VALUES» , taking the definition you gave as a thesis. When arguing your thesis, give 2 (two) examples-arguments that confirm your reasoning: one example- give an argument from the text you read, and second - from your life experience.

2. Working with the concept

Life values ​​- it is what people consider important in their lives. These are their beliefs, principles, guidelines. This is a compass that determines not only a person’s fate, but also his relationships with others. Life values ​​are formed in childhood; they lay the foundation for all later life.


1.What are Life Values? Life values ​​are goals and priorities that, controlling a person’s life, determine his essence. For some, what is important in life is material well-being, that is, money, or power, or career. Others value their family, their homeland... Everyone chooses their own priorities.

2.What are life values? I think these are the values ​​that serve as guidelines in a person’s life, a standard, criteria for the quality of life and the “correctness” of decisions and actions.

3.Each of us strives for something, wants to achieve something. The life values ​​that we adhere to help us with this. After all, what we do and who we become depends on our core values.

4. Life values ​​are our internal compass by which we must check our every step on the road of life. I think that any of us would consider family, love, and friendship to be among our life values. They are the ones who serve as a support for a person.

Important for someone material values: money, food, clothing, housing. For some, spiritual values ​​are a priority: spiritual search, discovery and realization of one’s life purpose, creative self-development, fulfillment of one’s earthly mission. But there are so-called universal values ​​that are important for all people. Among these are the following:

1. Self-love (which has nothing to do with selfishness). Only self-love helps to show love towards other people.

2. Warm relationships with people on whom our whole life is built.

3. A close loved one, a soul mate who holds a special place in your heart. After all, only a couple living in love and harmony is able to realize themselves and leave a mark in life.

4. Creating a home.

5. Love for children.

6. Love for the Motherland - the place where you were born and spent your childhood. This is one of the most important factors personality formation.

7. Work or other social activity. Of course, work is very important. But in modern world there was a catastrophic shift in her direction. Many people devote much more time to making money than to their own health, sports, raising children, and creating a home combined.

8. Friends and like-minded people. Communication with such people gives joy and self-confidence.

9. Rest. It is rest that allows us to find peace and balance, to concentrate on ourselves.

10. Purpose. Having a true goal is an inevitable condition for a full-fledged human life. Life without a goal is boring, empty and monotonous.

11. Life itself in all the diversity of its manifestations.

Human life values play a key role in his fate, because it depends on them making decisions, fulfillment of life purpose, relationships with other people.

4. Examples of works.

5. Essays

What are life values?


Every person has their own values ​​in life. There are material values ​​that, unfortunately, are becoming increasingly important in modern society. In my opinion, the most important values ​​are family, love, loyalty, patriotism and much of what is the moral basis of the life of any of us. I will prove this thesis by taking arguments from the proposed fragment of the work of A.A. Aleksin and analyzing his life experience.

I would like to begin the argumentation of the above thesis with an example from the text. The boy's parents surrounded him with excessive care and love, but he did not like the excessive care: he tried to understand this, as it seemed to him, injustice (34-37). This is probably why the narrator did not grow up to be an egoist, but remained a kind and attentive son. Family for him is the main value in life.

In addition, I will refer to my life experience. I am sure that one of the main moral values ​​is memory. We must remember our heroic past... My school is named after Hero of the Soviet Union V.P. Zakharchenko, who died during the Great Patriotic War and was buried in Ukraine. Recent events taking place in the world indicate that people are beginning to forget the feat of our grandfathers and great-grandfathers. However, in our country, Victory Day is a sacred holiday, and Russians will never forget the price at which they got the peaceful sky above their heads. It is important to never forget this.

Thus, I proved that moral values ​​are much more important than material ones, because money, power, connections will not help a person in difficult times, but family, Motherland, native land will always be his support in life.

Orlova Irina


Life values ​​are what people consider important in their lives, what determines the goals and motives of their activities, what they dream about and what they strive for. Life values ​​play a key role in a person’s destiny, because decision-making, the fulfillment of life’s purpose, and relationships with other people depend on them. Each person has his own system of life values, his own priorities. I will prove this with examples from the text I read.

Let's turn to the text A.A. Aleksin a. It tells about one family. All members of this family have their own life values. For example, for the parents of the hero of the text, the main value in life is their late child, whose appearance they have been waiting for 16 years. Parents show great love and care for their son, they are proud of him and constantly praise him. It is clear that the son is the meaning of life for his parents.

But at older sister The hero has other priorities in life: education, career and work. Lyudmila is a PhD candidate and works in an architectural studio. Very for her great importance has professional development.

Thus, life values ​​are rules that are internally binding for a person; these are what a person adheres to and cannot change. (173 words)

Life values ​​are what people consider important in their lives, what they dream about and what they strive for. These are their beliefs, principles, guidelines. This is a compass that determines a person's destiny. Life values ​​are material and spiritual. I will prove my words with examples from the text I read.

In the text by I.A. Cleandrovatells about three friends. The main life value for Sophia and Lena was their appearance and expensive things. They strived to look impeccable and glamorous, constantly showing off their stylish outfits, had many fans and chances for a career in modeling business. They liked being loved for their looks. But one day Sophia had a dream that changed her outlook on life; it helped her understand that there are more significant values ​​in the world than bright appearance and fashionable clothes.

But their friend Katya has completely different priorities. Outwardly, she was not as impressive as Sophia and Lena, but she excelled in her studies and graduated from school with a gold medal. For this girl, one of the main values ​​in life is education. Katya was also very kind and sensitive: she worried about her friends not only in reality, but also in Sophia’s dreams. Exactly for her kind soul and the girl Masha fell in love with Katya. So, Katya put spiritual values ​​first in her life.
Thus, each person determines for himself what to strive for and what rules to adhere to. It’s just very important to determine the right guidelines for yourself, because it depends on them life path person. (234 words)

Life values ​​are what people consider important in their lives, what they dream about and what they strive for. These are their beliefs, principles, guidelines. This is a compass that determines a person's destiny. Life values ​​are material and spiritual. I will prove my words with examples from the text I read.

The hero of the text P.S. From the first day, Romanov and Trifon Petrovich managed to win the favor of the hostess, because he turned out to be a simple, cheerful, responsive person. For him, the main values ​​in life are selfless help, good memory and faith in people. It was not difficult for him to repair Polikarpovna’s porch for free and attract other guests. It is clear that Trifon Petrovich in his life is guided exclusively by spiritual guidelines.

At first, Polikarpovna was sympathetic to her guest; she, like him, condemned people who thought only about their own benefit. But then the hostess succumbed to the general mood and she, too, was overcome by the thirst for profit. So, for Polikarpovna, material values ​​turned out to be more important than spiritual ones.

Thus, a person decides for himself what life principles and guidelines he will be guided by. The main thing is to remember that not only the path of life, but also relationships with others depend on them.(170 words)

Life values ​​are what people consider important in their lives. These are their beliefs, principles, guidelines. This is a compass that determines not only a person’s fate, but relationships with others. Life values ​​are formed in childhood; they lay the foundation for the rest of life. I will prove my words with specific examples.

Let us turn to the text of the modern Russian prose writer and screenwriter V. Tokarev oh. Her hero, Korolkov, watches his own sixteen-year-old daughter with grief. He notes that she grew up selfish because she does not take into account the opinion of her own mother and thinks only of herself. Korolkov understands that he himself is to blame for what is happening: it was necessary to form spiritual values ​​in the child from early childhood. Therefore, the hero realizes responsibility for his own daughter and is ready to correct the mistakes he has made.

Another example that confirms my words can be cited from the comedy D.I. Fonvizin "Undergrown". Mrs. Prostakova, just like Korolkov, did not teach her son Mitrofan many important things: to respect own father and elders, work, study. The main priorities in life for him are to eat well, sleep and be idle. He lacks moral guidelines, so it will be difficult for him to establish relationships with people around him.

Thus, life values ​​must be formed in childhood, otherwise future life the person will face many difficulties. (185 words)

Text by V.S. Tokareva about Korolkov, Nadezhda and Oksana.

Life values ​​are formed in childhood; they lay the foundation for the rest of life.

Life values, childhood, foundation of future life

Life values ​​are what people consider important in their lives. These are their beliefs, principles, guidelines. This is a compass that determines not only a person’s fate, but relationships with others. Life values ​​are formed in childhood; they lay the foundation for the rest of life.

Comedy heroine D.I. Fonvizin "Undergrown" Mrs. Prostakova just like Korolkov, she did not teach her son Mitrofan many important things: respect your father and elders, work, study. The main priorities in life for him are to eat well, sleep and be idle. He lacks moral guidelines, so it will be difficult for him to establish relationships with people around him.

Text by I.A. Cleandrova about Sophia, Lena and Katya.

Text by P.S. Romanov about Trifon Petrovich and Polikarpovna.

Life values ​​are material and spiritual. Which of them are of greater importance to humans?

Life values, material values, spiritual values

Life values ​​are what people consider important in their lives, what they dream about and what they strive for. These are their beliefs, principles, guidelines. This is a compass that determines a person's destiny. Life values ​​are material and spiritual. Which of them are of greater importance to humans?

Comedy hero N.V. Gogol “The Inspector General” Khlestakov(life values ​​- entertainment, pleasure, fashionable clothes)

Hero of the story N.V. Gogol Chichikov (life values ​​- profit, material wealth).

The main character of the story I. Bunina “Mr. from San Francisco” (life values ​​– making money).

Text by A.G. Aleksin about grandmother.

Each person has his own life values.

Life values ​​are what people consider important in their lives. These are their beliefs, principles, guidelines. This is a compass that determines not only a person’s fate, but also relationships with others. Each person has his own life values.

Hero " Songs about Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich , the young guardsman and the daring merchant Kalashnikov" Kalashnikov(life values ​​– honor, family).

Text by A.G. Aleksin about a late child.

Each person has his own system of life values, his own priorities.

Life values, decision making, life purpose, relationships with people, your priorities

Life values ​​are what people consider important in their lives, what determines the goals and motives of their activities, what they dream about and what they strive for. Life values ​​play a key role in a person’s destiny, because decision-making, the fulfillment of life’s purpose, and relationships with other people depend on them. Each person has his own system of life values, his own priorities.

Heroes of the story N.V. Gogol “Taras Bulba” : Andriy(the main value in life is love for a woman), Ostap, Taras(the main value in life is love for the homeland, devotion to the common cause, comrades).

Hero of the story M. Gorky "Old Woman Izergil" Danko(life value is service to the people).

Heroes of the story M. Gorky "Makar Chudra" Loiko Zobar And Radda(life value is freedom).

Hero of the poem M. Lermontova "Mtsyri » (life value is freedom).

Life values, beliefs, principles, guidelines

Life values ​​are what people consider important in their lives. These are their beliefs, principles, guidelines. This is a compass that determines not only a person’s fate, but also relationships with others. In people belonging to different generations, life values ​​may differ.

Hero of the story How to determine your life values?

To determine life values ​​today there are quite a few a large number of techniques and techniques. We will tell you about the simplest option.

1. Write down on a piece of paper everything that you consider important in your life, but so important that you won’t be able to live without it if it doesn’t exist.

2. The list may get quite long, but now it needs to be reviewed. Ask yourself at every point whether this is really something you would be absolutely miserable without, or could it be something you could give up? If there is even a slight doubt on any point, feel free to cross it out.

3. Repeat step #2 until there are no more than ten items left on your list. The resulting list can be considered a list of your main life values, based on which you should build your life in the future.

Remember that your core values ​​in life will be formed based on everything that has happened in your life, and will include not only your personal opinions, but also the opinions of those people who mean something to you: parents and other members of your family. family, friends and mentors (teachers, professors, etc.), people you admire, etc. In addition, the impact will be exerted by sociocultural characteristics, trends in society, religious institutions and much more.

People who are the most effective and optimistic always try to take into account the maximum number of factors that influence their life values ​​and, if possible, cut off the unnecessary ones. For this reason, you should try to rely only on those meanings that are the most important to you, and that over the years have shaped you as a person. If you act in this way, then your life values ​​will become an extremely powerful tool for you that can help you make yourself and your life better and provide support in any difficulties that come your way.

IMPORTANT TIP:We understand perfectly well that determining your main life values ​​may not be as easy as it seems at first glance. That is why we suggest you not just make a list of your priorities and choose the most significant ones from it, but conduct a comprehensive assessment of your personality: find out life values, character and temperament traits, advantages and disadvantages, personality type, predispositions and even types of activities that suit you best Total.
