Creation of Strategic Missile Forces. What are the strategic missile forces intended for?

The second half of the 20th century was marked as the “era of rockets.” Today, with their help, astronauts are delivered into orbit, space satellites are launched, and distant planets are studied. Another area of ​​widespread use of missile technology was military affairs. After invention nuclear weapons missiles are considered the most powerful instrument of war, capable of destroying several cities and millions of people at once. Since the use of such weapons leaves no winner, the world's largest players took advantage of this. They use rocket technology as effective remedy for nuclear deterrence. Russia is considered one of the countries with powerful nuclear arsenal. His triad consists of strategic purpose.

Today, several divisions of the Strategic Missile Forces are deployed on Russian territory, one of which is based in the city of Novosibirsk. Information about her combat strength and weapons are presented in the article.


The Strategic Missile Forces is one of the branches of the Armed Forces. Formed in 1959 by order of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. Today the Strategic Missile Forces is a separate branch of the Russian Armed Forces and the main component of its strategic nuclear forces. Reports directly General Staff Sun. In 1960, the composition of this type of troops was represented by ten missile divisions. The western parts became their bases Soviet Union And Far East. Currently, the Strategic Missile Forces army consists of 13 missile divisions.

1st Reserve Artillery Unit

According to historians, one of the very first formations to receive the Katyusha rocket during the Great Patriotic War and participate in the Battle of Stalingrad was the 39th Guards Rocket Division. It was created in 1942 as the 1st Guards Artillery Reserve Division. In 1960, the formation was reorganized into the 39th Missile Division of the Order of Lenin, Kutuzov and Bogdan Khmelnitsky. The formation received the 33rd Missile Army.

About the location of the unit

The location of the military unit was the village of Kalininka in the Novosibirsk region. Since the Strategic Missile Forces were armed with second-generation solid-fuel and environmentally hazardous missiles, experts believe that the great distance from the city became an ideal place for the deployment of this unit (military unit 34148).

In 2008 it was produced military reform. The location of the unit was the village of Pashino. This settlement is located near the city of Novosibirsk. There are 5 thousand people on duty. The command is exercised by Major General P.N. Burkov.

About the combat personnel

The structure of the military unit of the Strategic Missile Forces (Novosibirsk) is represented by the following sectors:

  • 6th site, which is the technical base for military unit 96777, a helicopter squadron (military unit 40260) and military units 40260-B and L.
  • 10th site (303rd communications center (military unit 34148-C), 1756th separate engineer battalion (military unit 34485), military unit 34148-G and B).
  • 12th site (357th missile regiment, military unit 54097).
  • 13th and 21st sites. The distance between them is no more than a thousand meters. Used for the deployment of the 428th Guards (military unit 73727) and 382nd (military unit 44238) missile regiments.
  • 22nd site. It is the 1319th mobile command post (military unit 34148).

The 10th site is used as the headquarters of the Strategic Missile Forces (Novosibirsk). 34148 is a military training unit. Recruits stay there before taking the oath. The 13th and 21st are long-range, since their distance from the headquarters is 40 thousand meters. Military unit 34148 has the shape of a square with an area of ​​120x120 km.

About purpose

The Strategic Missile Forces located in Novosibirsk, like other missile divisions, are in a state of constant combat readiness and primarily perform a defensive function. In addition, troops can launch massive, group or single nuclear missile strikes in one or several directions at once against strategically important targets that make up the enemy’s military and military-economic potential. The armament of the Strategic Missile Forces (Novosibirsk) is represented by Russian ground-based intercontinental ballistic missiles. Both mobile and mine-based deployment may be provided for them, and the mandatory presence nuclear warheads.

About PU "Pioneer"

In 1973, design work began on the creation of a solid fuel complex with a rocket medium range. In 1976, the launcher was ready. In the documentation it is listed as the RSD-10 Pioneer launcher.

In 1985, in Novosibirsk, the Strategic Missile Forces were equipped with 45 launchers. The complex was in operation until 1991. According to the terms of the agreement on the elimination of medium- and short-range missiles, signed in 1986 by Soviet and American representatives, part of the Pioneers was destroyed in the Chita region.


In 1975, employees of the Moscow Institute of Thermal Engineering carried out work on the creation of the RT-2PM Topol ground-based strategic missile system. The rocket was tested in 1982. The complex was fully ready for operation in 1987. In December 1988, it was adopted by the Soviet Strategic Missile Forces. The total number of complexes at that time did not exceed 72 units. By 1993, the number of Topols was increased to 369. According to military experts, the number of RT-2PM occupies almost 50% of the total strategic nuclear weapons Russia. The Strategic Missile Forces in Novosibirsk is considered one of the first missile divisions to receive this complex. In 1995, their number in the 39-missile division was 45 units. On the territory of military unit 34148, the distance between the deployed complexes varied between 20-50 thousand meters. The Topol launcher could be mounted on the MAZ-7912 seven-axle chassis. This had a positive effect on the possibility of rapid mass deployment of complexes, which ensured the survivability of the Russian Strategic Missile Forces during an enemy nuclear attack.

If in Soviet time The main emphasis was on powerful protection from mine-based complexes dispersed over a large area, but in the 90s security was provided by mobile installations. Unlike silo-based missile systems, the enemy could not target mobile deployment sites. Military experts assumed that if the enemy carried out a sudden nuclear strike, then due to the presence of mobile Topols, Russia would be able to save 60% of its nuclear potential and strike back.

RS-24 "Yars"

After the signing of the Soviet-American treaty, Topol was modernized. The work was carried out by employees of the Moscow Institute of Heat Engineering. The management was headed by Academician Yu. S. Solomonov. As a result, in 2009, the strike group of the Russian Strategic Missile Forces was replenished with a new complex, which is listed as the RS-24 Yars.

A mobile and silo-based solid-fuel intercontinental ballistic missile is provided for it. In 2012, the Russian Ministry of Defense decided to re-equip silo-based missile formations in Novosibirsk and Kozelsk with the RS-24. Work continued throughout 2013.

About the combat capabilities of the RS-24

In October 2013, 8 Yars were delivered to Novosibirsk. The RS-24, according to military experts, is today the most modern missile system. The transition to “Yarsy” is gradually taking place in many divisions of the Russian Strategic Missile Forces. A missile fired from the RS-24 is capable of covering 11 thousand km and bypassing any means in the world. During the detonation of one rocket, 4 explosions occur. To date, most of the information about tactical and technical characteristics RS-24 is classified. It is known that main feature"Yarsov" is highly mobile. The missile is equipped with a multiple warhead. The warhead itself is equipped with four nuclear warheads with a yield of 300 kilotons. In 2013, the media reported the arrival of 8 mobile missile systems in Novosibirsk. Before this event, 200 contract officers completed a retraining course at a special training center in Arkhangelsk.

About the stages of training

Retraining begins with mastering the theory of the design of a missile system. At this stage, training takes place on the basis of a military unit. Next, the military personnel are sent to a special training center, based at the Plesetsk cosmodrome. According to the press service of the Ministry of Defense, retraining in the missile regiments is being completed. The third stage is considered practical. It is intended for military personnel who have received clearance to perform combat duty and operate a missile launcher.

About combat duty

Three people are on duty: the driver, the operator and the commander. Their task is to bring the rocket launcher to full combat readiness and deliver to the previously designated square. The second stage is the delivery of a nuclear strike with warheads already aimed at the target. To do this, just press a special button. Because the rocket launcher It is a large-sized piece of equipment; as it moves into the square, the military has to block the routes, which causes discontent among the local civilian population.


As specialists from the missile unit assure, the presence of nuclear warheads poses absolutely no threat to Siberians. Detonation of "Yars" is reduced to a minimum. Local residents understand that the RS-24 was created for their safety, and have become accustomed to spending their days near nuclear weapons.

  • Structure, composition and armament of the Strategic Missile Forces

  • Missile Forces and Artillery (RF&A)

  • Rocket Forces and artillery(RV and A) - branch of the military Ground Forces, which is the main means of fire and nuclear destruction of the enemy during combined arms operations (combat operations). They are designed to perform the following main tasks:

    • gaining and maintaining fire superiority over the enemy;
    • defeat of its nuclear attack means, manpower, weapons, military and special equipment;
    • disorganization of systems for command and control of troops and weapons, reconnaissance and electronic warfare;
    • destruction of long-term defensive structures and other infrastructure;
    • disruption of operational and military logistics;
    • weakening and isolating the enemy's second echelons and reserves;
    • destruction of tanks and other tanks that broke through into the depths of the defense armored vehicles enemy;
    • covering open flanks and joints;
    • participation in the destruction of enemy air and sea landings;
    • remote mining of terrain and objects;
    • lighting support for night operations of troops;
    • smoke, blinding enemy targets;
    • distribution of propaganda materials and others.

    Organizationally, RV and A consist of missile, rocket, artillery brigades, including mixed, high-power artillery divisions, rocket artillery regiments, individual reconnaissance divisions, as well as artillery of combined arms brigades and military bases.

    Further development and enhancement of the combat capabilities of the Russian Army and Airborne Forces is carried out by creating reconnaissance and fire contours, including on a temporary basis, ensuring the destruction of targets in real time, equipping formations and units of the Russian Army and Army precision weapons, increasing the firing range and power of the ammunition used, as well as automating the processes of preparing and firing.

    This branch of the military also appeared in the early 60s of the last century. It consists of: formations of operational-tactical missiles, formations of tactical missiles, rocket artillery large caliber, as well as cannon, rocket and howitzer artillery. The missile forces also include mortar units and artillery reconnaissance, supply and control units.

    The military doctrine states that this branch of the military is the main means of inflicting fire damage on the enemy in battle. This branch of the military can also use weapons of mass destruction.

    Today the Missile Forces are armed with a large number of samples of artillery and missile weapons, mainly developed as in the Soviet years.

    The most famous to the general public are jet systems volley fire(MLRS) “Grad”, “Smerch”, “Hurricane”. These types of weapons were used by Soviet troops during the Afghan war, they went through both Chechen campaigns and proved to be very reliable and effective look weapons.

    Among the new developments, we can recall the Tornado MLRS and the Iskander operational missile system.

    The main type of weapons of the Strategic Missile Forces are intercontinental ballistic missiles with nuclear warheads that can hit a target anywhere on the planet. The Strategic Missile Forces is a separate branch of the military, which is subordinate to the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces. The Russian Missile Forces were formed on December 17, 1959. This date is the official Day of the Russian Missile Forces. The Military Academy of the Strategic Missile Forces is located in Balashikha (Moscow region).

    “Land” missilemen have their own professional holiday - November 19 is the Day of the Russian Missile Forces and Artillery.

    History of creation

    Man began to launch rockets into the sky a very long time ago, almost immediately after the invention of gunpowder. Eat historical information on the use of rockets for salutes and fireworks in Ancient China(circa 3rd century BC). They tried to use missiles in military affairs, but due to their imperfections, no particular success was achieved. Many prominent minds of the East and West were engaged in rockets, but they were more likely an interesting curiosity than an object suitable for practical use.

    In the 19th century, Congreve missiles were adopted by the British army and were used for several decades. However, the accuracy of these missiles left much to be desired, so they were eventually replaced by cannon artillery.

    Interest in the development of rocket technology arose again only after the end of the First World War. Design teams in many countries were engaged in practical work in area jet propulsion. And the results were not long in coming. Before the start of the next world war, the USSR created rocket launcher salvo fire BM-13 - the famous “Katyusha”, which later became one of the symbols of Victory.

    In Germany, the development of new rocket engines was carried out by the brilliant designer Wernher von Braun, the creator of the first V-2 ballistic missile and the “father” of the American Apollo project.

    During the war, several more examples of effective missile weapons appeared: a rocket-propelled grenade launcher (the German Faustpatron and the American Bazooka), the first anti-tank guided missiles, anti-aircraft missiles, V-1 cruise missile.

    After the invention of nuclear weapons, the importance of rocketry increased manifold. Rockets have become the main carrier of nuclear warheads. The United States could use nuclear weapons to launch nuclear strikes on Soviet territory. strategic aviation, which was stationed at numerous bases in Europe, Turkey and Japan. The Soviet Union did not have bases, so in the event of Armageddon it could only rely on strategic missiles.

    The first Soviet ballistic missiles were created on the basis of captured German technologies; they had a relatively short flight range and could only perform operational tasks. Engineering brigades were armed with similar missiles special purpose.

    The first Soviet ICBM (flight range 8 thousand km) was the royal R-7. It first started in 1957. With the help of the R-7, the first artificial Earth satellite was launched into orbit. In December of the same year, units with long-range ballistic missiles were separated into a separate branch of the military, and brigades armed with tactical and operational-tactical missiles became part of the Ground Forces.

    In the 60s, work on the creation of new types of artillery and missile systems for the Ground Forces were somewhat suspended, since it was believed that in the global nuclear war they will be of little use. In 1963, operation of the new BM-21 Grad MLRS began, which is still in service with the Russian Armed Forces today.

    In the 60-70s, the USSR began to deploy second-generation ICBMs, which were launched from highly protected launch silos. By the beginning of the 70s, at the cost of incredible efforts, it was achieved nuclear parity with the Americans. During the same period, the first mobile ICBM launchers were created.

    At the end of the 60s, the USSR began developing several self-propelled artillery systems, which later made up the so-called flower series: the Akatsiya self-propelled gun, the Gvozdika self-propelled gun and the Peony self-propelled gun. They are still in service with the Russian army today.

    In the early 70s, an agreement was signed between the USSR and the USA to limit the number of nuclear weapons. After the signing of this document, the Soviet Union significantly surpassed the United States in the number of missiles and warheads, but the Americans had more advanced technologies, their missiles were more powerful and more accurate.

    In the 70-80s, the Strategic Missile Forces received third-generation ICBMs with multiple warheads, and the accuracy of the missiles increased significantly. In 1975, the famous “Satan” missile, the R-36M, was put into service, which for a long time was the main striking force of the Soviet Strategic Missile Forces, and then the Russian missile forces. In the same year, the Tochka tactical missile system was adopted by the Ground Forces.

    At the end of the 80s, mobile and stationary systems of the fourth generation (Topol, RS-22, RS-20V) entered service with the missile forces; new system management. In 1987, the Smerch MLRS was adopted by the Ground Forces, which long years was considered the most powerful in the world (300 mm).

    After the collapse of the USSR, all ICBM missiles from the former Soviet republics were withdrawn to Russian territory, and the silos were destroyed. In 1996, the Strategic Missile Forces of the Russian Federation began to receive stationary-based fifth-generation ICBMs (Topol-M). In 2009-2010 in composition of the Strategic Missile Forces regiments armed with the new Topol-M mobile complex are introduced.

    Today, the replacement of obsolete ICBMs continues for more than modern complexes"Topol-M" and "Yars", the development of the heavy liquid-propellant rocket "Sarmat" continues.

    In 2010, the United States and Russia signed another treaty regarding the number of nuclear warheads and their delivery vehicles - SALT-3. According to this document, each country can have no more than 1,550 nuclear warheads and 770 carriers for them. Carriers mean not only ICBMs, but also missile-carrying submarines and strategic aircraft.

    Apparently, this treaty does not prohibit the production of missiles with multiple warheads, but at the same time it does not limit the creation of new elements of the missile defense system, which are currently actively underway in the United States.

    Structure, composition and armament of the Strategic Missile Forces

    Today, the Strategic Missile Forces includes three armies: the 31st (Orenburg), the 27th Guards (Vladimir) and the 33rd Guards (Omsk), consisting of twelve missile divisions, as well as the Central Command Post and the Main Headquarters of the Missile Forces.

    In addition to military units, the Strategic Missile Forces includes several training grounds (Kapustin Yar, Sary-Shagan, Kamchatka), two educational institutions(academy in Balashikha and institute in Serpukhov), production capacity and bases for storing and repairing equipment.

    Currently (information for 2015) the Strategic Missile Forces of the RF Armed Forces are armed with 305 missile systems of five different types:

    • UR-100NUTTKH – 60 (320 warheads);
    • R-36M2 (and its modifications) – 46 (460 warheads);
    • “Topol” – 72 (72 warheads);
    • “Topol-M” (including silo and mobile versions) – 78 (78 warheads);
    • "Yars" - 49 (196 warheads).

    In total, the above complexes can carry 1166 nuclear warheads.

    The central command post (CCP) of the Strategic Missile Forces is located in the village of Vlasikha (Moscow region), it is located in a bunker at a depth of 30 meters. Continuous combat duty is carried out by four rotating shifts. The communications equipment of the Central Command Center allows you to maintain continuous communication with all other posts of the missile forces and military units, receive information from them, decipher it and respond adequately to it.

    Russian strategic nuclear forces use the Kazbek automated combat control system, its portable terminal is the so-called black suitcase, which is constantly kept by the President of the Russian Federation; the Minister of Defense and the Chief of the General Staff have similar “suitcases”. Currently, work is underway to modernize the automated control system; the new fifth-generation system will make it possible to quickly retarget ICBMs, as well as communicate orders directly to each launcher.

    The Strategic Missile Forces of the Russian Federation are equipped with a unique “Perimeter” system, which in the West was nicknamed “Dead Hand”. It makes it possible to strike back at the aggressor, even if all command and control links of the Strategic Missile Forces are destroyed.

    Currently, the Strategic Missile Forces are being rearmed with new Yars missiles with multiple warheads. Tests of a more advanced modification of the Yars, the R-26 Rubezh, have been completed. Work is underway to create a new heavy missile “Sarmat”, which should replace the outdated Soviet “Voevoda”.

    The development of the new Barguzin railway missile system continues, but its testing dates are constantly being postponed.

    Missile Forces and Artillery (RF&A)

    The RFA is one of the military branches that is part of the Ground Forces. In addition to the Ground Forces, the RMiA is part of other structures: the coastal troops of the Russian Navy, the Airborne Troops, the border and internal troops RF.

    The RFA consists of artillery, missile and rocket brigades, rocket artillery regiments, high-power divisions, as well as units that are part of the brigades of the Ground Forces.

    The MFA has a wide range of weapons at its disposal, which allows it to effectively carry out the tasks facing this branch of the military. Although most of these missile and artillery systems were developed and manufactured in the Soviet Union, the troops also receive modern views weapons created in last years.

    Currently, the Russian army is armed with 48 Tochka-U tactical missile systems, as well as 108 Iskander tactical missile systems. Both missiles can carry a nuclear warhead.

    Barrel self-propelled artillery is represented mainly by samples created Soviet period: self-propelled guns "Gvozdika" (150 units), self-propelled guns "Akatsia" (about 800 units), self-propelled guns "Gyacinth-S" (about 100 units), self-propelled guns "Pion" (more than 300 units, most of them in storage). Also worth mentioning is the 152-mm Msta self-propelled gun (450 units), which was modernized after the collapse of the USSR. Russian-developed self-propelled artillery systems include the Khosta self-propelled gun (50 units), which is a modernization of the Gvozdika installation, as well as the Nona-SVK self-propelled mortar (30 vehicles).

    The following types of towed vehicles are in service with the Russian Military Army: barrel artillery: gun-howitzers-mortar "Nona-K" (100 units), howitzer D-30A (more than 4.5 thousand units, most of them in storage), howitzer "Msta-B" (150 units). To combat enemy armored vehicles, the Russian Military Army has more than 500 MT-12 Rapier anti-tank guns.

    Multiple launch rocket systems are represented by BM-21 "Grad" (550 units), BM-27 "Hurricane" (about 200 units) and MLRS BM-30 "Smerch" (100 units). In recent years, the BM-21 and BM-30 have been modernized, and the Tornado-G and Tornado-S MLRS were created on their basis. The improved Grad has already begun to enter service with the troops (about 20 vehicles), while the Tornado-S is still being tested. Work is also underway to modernize the Uragan MLRS.

    The Russian Military Army is armed with a large number of mortars various types and calibers: automatic mortar "Cornflower", 82-mm mortar "Tray" (800 units), mortar complex "Sani" (700 units), self-propelled mortar "Tulip" (430 units).

    Further development of missile defense and warfare will proceed through the creation of integral circuits, which will include reconnaissance means that will make it possible to find and hit targets in real time (“network-centric warfare”). Currently, much attention is paid to the development of new types of high-precision ammunition, increasing the firing range, and increasing its automation.

    In 2015, the new Russian self-propelled gun “Coalition-SV” was presented to the public, which will enter service with combat units by the end of 2016. This self-propelled gun has a greater firing range and accuracy, rate of fire and level of automation (compared to the Msta self-propelled guns).

    Armament and military equipment

    The purpose of the lesson: Introduce students to general outline with the Strategic Missile Forces as an independent branch of the military,

    its purpose, weapons and military equipment.

    Time: 45 minutes

    Lesson type: combined

    Educational and visual complex: life safety textbook grade 10


    I. Introductory part

    * Organizing time

    * Monitoring student knowledge:

    — What is the main purpose of the Navy?

    — What types of forces are included in the Russian Navy?

    — What are the main tasks that the submarine forces of the Russian Navy are called upon to perform?

    — What famous landing operations were carried out by the Marine Corps during the Great Patriotic War?

    Patriotic War of 1941-1945?

    Main part

    - announcement of the topic and purpose of the lesson

    — explanation of new material : § 37 pp. 186-189.

    1. Purpose, tasks and composition of the Strategic Missile Forces

    Strategic Missile Forces – an independent branch of the military designed to implement nuclear deterrence measures and destroy strategic targets that form the basis of the enemy’s military and military-economic potential.

    Nuclear deterrence remains a core element in national security. The Strategic Missile Forces are the main component of all our strategic nuclear forces. They are of particular importance for the security of the country. The Strategic Missile Forces account for 60% of warheads. They are responsible for 90% of nuclear deterrence tasks.

    A significant increase in the combat capabilities of the Strategic Missile Forces was provided by the integration of the Strategic Missile Forces itself, the Military Space Forces and the Missile and Space Defense Forces, which was carried out in 1997. This is not just a mechanical unification of a branch of the Armed Forces and two branches of the military. Integration provided a clear increase in the effectiveness of combat operations of the combined Strategic Missile Forces.

    As a result of the reorganization, the space sector acquires a single person responsible for organizing the use of assets in space.

    Integration has increased combat capabilities, optimized the structure, development and ordering systems for weapons of the Strategic Missile Forces as a whole.

    The Strategic Missile Forces are controlled by the Central Command Center, which represents an underground city with its own life support systems. Everyone is on duty in the Strategic Missile Forces - from privates to commander-in-chief. Combat duty is highest form maintaining the combat readiness of troops and weapons of the Strategic Missile Forces.

    Information on the “nuclear suitcase”, which is kept by the head of state, is provided by the missile and space defense, which is an integral part of the Strategic Missile Forces. It will detect the launch of ballistic missiles, calculate their flight trajectory and impact area. The command for a return launch is duplicated via wires, radio, through space. There are other ways of communicating orders to troops. The probability is guaranteed to be complete.

    Organizationally, the Strategic Missile Forces consist of missile armies and divisions, a training ground, military educational institutions, enterprises and institutions.

    1. Armament and military equipment of the Strategic Missile Forces

    Modern Strategic Missile Forces embody the achievements of advanced design and engineering thought. In many respects, domestic missile systems, combat command and control systems for troops and nuclear missile weapons are unique and have no analogues in the world.

    The basis of the Strategic Missile Forces' weapons are mobile (for example, the Topol mobile ground-based missile system) and stationary missile systems. The vast majority of their missiles are liquid-propelled, equipped with multiple warheads.

    The Strategic Missile Forces, as well as the naval nuclear component, have taken a course towards leaving one type of missile that best satisfies all future requirements. Previously, the missile forces had 11 types of missiles.

    Now the Topol-M missile system is in service - a weapon of the 21st century. Groupings of the Topol-M missile systems, together with the complexes of Russia's naval and aviation nuclear forces, should ensure a stable nuclear balance and strategic stability at the beginning of this millennium under any predicted options for the development of the military-political situation.


    1) Strategic Missile Forces are the basis of the combat power of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

    2) The Strategic Missile Forces have the ability to widely maneuver with nuclear missile strikes.

    3) The Strategic Missile Forces are capable of striking simultaneously at many strategic targets.

    4) The combat use of the Strategic Missile Forces does not depend on weather conditions, time of year and day.

    "Russian Ministry of Defense"

    TASS-DOSSIER /Valery Korneev/. December 17 annually in the Armed Forces (AF) Russian Federation A memorable date is being celebrated - Strategic Missile Forces Day. Established by decree of Russian President Vladimir Putin dated May 31, 2006.

    The date was chosen due to the fact that on December 17, 1959, the USSR government decided to create a new type of armed forces - the Strategic Missile Forces (Strategic Missile Forces), intended for nuclear deterrence of possible aggression and the destruction of strategic military and military-economic targets by nuclear missile strikes. enemy potential.

    Currently, the Strategic Missile Forces are one of the main components of Russia's strategic nuclear forces (SNF), along with naval strategic forces and strategic aviation.

    According to official data from the Russian Ministry of Defense as of December 2016, the Strategic Missile Forces are armed with about 400 intercontinental ballistic missiles. nuclear missiles mobile and silo-based with warheads of various capacities (about 60% of the total number of warheads and strategic nuclear forces carriers).

    Armament of troops

    • R-36M2 "Voevoda"

    A two-stage silo-based liquid-propellant rocket developed by the Ukrainian Yuzhnoye Design Bureau (Dnepr, former Dnepropetrovsk). Tests began in 1983, put into service in 1988. Firing range - up to 15 thousand km. Starting weight - 211 tons. Throwing cargo weight - 8.8 tons. Combat equipment - multiple warhead (10 individually targeted warheads).

    • UR-100N UTTH

    A two-stage silo-based liquid rocket, developed by the Mechanical Engineering Design Bureau (now the VPK NPO Mashinostroeniya, Reutov, Moscow region). Tests began in 1977, put into service in 1979. Firing range - 10 thousand km. Starting weight - 105.6 tons. Throwing cargo weight - 4.35 tons. Equipped with a multiple warhead with six warheads.

    • RT-2PM "Topol"

    A three-stage mobile-based solid-propellant rocket developed by the Moscow Institute of Thermal Engineering. Tests began in 1982, put into service in 1988. Firing range - 10.5 thousand km. Starting weight - 45 tons. Throwing cargo weight - 1 ton. Equipped with one warhead.

    • RT-2PM1/M2 "Topol-M"

    A silo-based or mobile-based three-stage solid-propellant rocket developed by the Moscow Institute of Thermal Engineering. Testing began in 1994, put into service in 2000 (mine version) and 2007 ( mobile option). Firing range - 11 thousand km, launch weight - 46.5 tons. Throwable cargo weight - 1.2 tons. Equipped with one warhead.

    • PC-24 "Yars"

    A three-stage mobile-based solid-propellant rocket developed by the Moscow Institute of Thermal Engineering. Tests began in 2007, put into service in 2009. Firing range - 11 thousand km. Starting weight - 49 tons. Equipped with several individually targeted warheads. Yars can evade space-based anti-missile systems.

    In 2019-2020, simultaneously with the phased withdrawal of the Voevoda complex from the Strategic Missile Forces, the Sarmat strategic missile system (mine-based, with a heavy multi-stage liquid-propellant rocket, the weight of the thrown cargo is expected to be 10 T.). The prototype of the new ballistic missile was ready in the fall of 2015, but throw tests have not yet begun. They are expected to take place at the end of 2016.

    Troop composition

    • The Strategic Missile Forces include the directorates of three missile armies (Vladimir, Omsk, Orenburg), including 12 missile divisions of constant readiness, missile ranges, arsenals, communications centers and training centers.
    • Officer cadres for the Strategic Missile Forces are trained by the Military Academy of the Strategic Missile Forces named after. Peter the Great (Moscow, branch in Serpukhov).
    • Training of junior military specialists is carried out in training centers in Pereslavl-Zalessky (Yaroslavl region), Ostrov (Pskov region) and Znamensk (Astrakhan region).
    • The headquarters of the Strategic Missile Forces is located in the village. Vlasikha, Moscow region.

    History of the troops

    Active research into rocket technology for military purposes began in the 1930s and 1940s. The first production guided ballistic missile was the German V-2 ("V-2"), first launched in 1942. From a military point of view, the use of the V-2 by Hitler's Germany had little effect, but after the end of World War II, ballistic missiles began to be considered as the most promising remedy delivery of nuclear weapons.

    August 15, 1946 as part of the Group Soviet troops in Germany, the 72nd Special Purpose Engineering Brigade was formed (in 1947 it was deployed to the Kapustin Yar training ground in the Astrakhan region, then stationed in Gvardeysk, Kaliningrad region). The brigade was engaged in test launches of German V-2 missiles, and then the first Soviet ballistic missiles developed under the leadership of Sergei Korolev (R-1, R-2, etc.).

    In 1946-1959 In the USSR, new missile units and formations were created; in 1957, the first Soviet intercontinental ballistic missile R-7 was successfully launched. On December 15, 1959, the combat launch position of these missiles was deployed in Plesetsk (Arkhangelsk region).

    On December 17, 1959, the USSR government decided to create a new type of armed forces - the Strategic Missile Forces (Strategic Missile Forces). The first commander-in-chief of the Strategic Missile Forces was Chief Marshal of Artillery Mitrofan Nedelin.

    The first Soviet silo-based ballistic missile R-16 went on combat duty in 1962. The first missile with multiple warheads R-36 - in 1970. The first intercontinental ballistic missiles as part of mobile complexes on a wheeled chassis "Temp-2s" appeared as part of Strategic Missile Forces in 1976, and the first railway-based RT-23 UTTH "Molodets" - in 1989.

    At the time of the collapse of the USSR, the Strategic Missile Forces had 6 armies and 28 divisions. The number of missiles on combat duty reached its peak in 1985 (2 thousand 500 missiles, of which 1 thousand 398 intercontinental). Moreover, the largest number of warheads on combat duty was noted in 1986 - 10 thousand 300.

    After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the Strategic Missile Forces became part of the RF Armed Forces in 1992, and in 1997 they were merged with the Military Space Forces and the Rocket and Space Defense Forces (as a result of which the Strategic Missile Forces included military units and institutions for launching and controlling spacecraft ). In 2001, the Space Forces were separated from the Strategic Missile Forces into a separate branch of the military (now part of the Aerospace Forces, VKS).

    Commanders of the Strategic Missile Forces:

    • Chief Marshal of Artillery Mitrofan Nedelin (1959-1960);
    • Marshal of the Soviet Union Kirill Moskalenko (1960-1962);
    • Marshal of the Soviet Union Sergei Biryuzov (1962-1963);
    • Marshal of the Soviet Union Nikolai Krylov (1963-1972);
    • Army General Vladimir Tolubko (1972-1985);
    • Army General Yuri Maksimov (1985-1992);
    • Colonel General Igor Sergeev (1992-1997);
    • Colonel General Vladimir Yakovlev (1997-2001);
    • Colonel General Nikolai Solovtsov (2001-2009);
    • Lieutenant General Andrei Shvaichenko (2009-2010);
    • Lieutenant General, later Colonel General Sergei Karakaev (2010-present).

    Strategic Missile Forces Day should not be confused with the Day of Missile Forces and Artillery, which is celebrated annually in the Russian Armed Forces on November 19.

    Rockets as weapons were known to many peoples and were created in different countries. It is believed that they appeared even before barreled firearms. Thus, the outstanding Russian general and also a scientist K.I. Konstantinov wrote that simultaneously with the invention of artillery, rockets also came into use. They were used wherever gunpowder was used. And since they began to be used for military purposes, it means that special missile forces were created for this purpose. This article is devoted to the emergence and development of the mentioned type of weapons, from fireworks to space flights.

    How it all began

    According to official history, gunpowder was invented in China around the 11th century AD. However, the naive Chinese did not come up with anything better than using it to stuff fireworks. And then, several centuries later, “enlightened” Europeans created more powerful gunpowder formulations and immediately found great uses for it: firearms, bombs, etc. Well, let's leave this statement to the conscience of historians. You and I were not in Ancient China, so there is no point in saying anything. What do written sources say about the first use of missiles in the army?

    The Charter of the Russian Army (1607-1621) as documentary evidence

    The fact that in Russia and Europe the military had information about the manufacture, design, storage and use of signal, incendiary and fireworks rockets is told to us by the “Charter of Military, Cannon and Other Affairs that Relate to Military Science.” It is composed of 663 articles and decrees selected from foreign military literature. That is, this document confirms the existence of missiles in the armies of Europe and Russia, but nowhere is there any mention of their use directly in any battles. And yet, we can conclude that they were used, since they fell into the hands of the military.

    Oh, this thorny path...

    Despite the misunderstanding and fear of everything new by military officials, the Russian missile forces nevertheless became one of the leading branches of the military. Modern army It’s hard to imagine without rocket scientists. However, the path to their formation was very difficult.

    Signal (lighting) flares were first officially adopted by the Russian army in 1717. Almost a hundred years later, in 1814-1817, military scientist A.I. Kartmazov sought recognition from officials of military high-explosive and incendiary missiles (2-, 2.5- and 3.6-inch) of his own production. They had a flight range of 1.5-3 km. They were never accepted into service.

    In 1815-1817 Russian artilleryman A.D. Zasyadko also invents similar military shells, and military officials also do not miss them. The next attempt was made in 1823-1825. After passing through many offices of the War Ministry, the idea was finally approved, and the first combat missiles (2-, 2.5-, 3- and 4-inch) entered service with the Russian army. The flight range was 1-2.7 km.

    This turbulent 19th century

    In 1826 begins mass release the mentioned weapon. For this purpose, the first rocket establishment is being created in St. Petersburg. In April of the following year, the first rocket company was formed (in 1831 it was renamed a battery). This combat unit intended for joint actions with cavalry and infantry. It is with this event that the official history of our country’s missile forces begins.

    Baptism of fire

    Russian missile forces were first used in August 1827 in the Caucasus during the Russian-Iranian War (1826-1828). A year later, during the war with Turkey, the command was placed on them during the siege of the Varna fortress. Thus, during the 1828 campaign, 1,191 rockets were fired, of which 380 were incendiary and 811 were high-explosive. Since then, missile forces have played a major role in any military battles.

    Military engineer K. A. Shilder

    This talented man in 1834 developed a design that brought rocket weapons to a new stage of development. His device was intended for underground missile launching; it had an inclined tubular guide. However, Schilder did not stop there. He developed missiles with enhanced high-explosive action. In addition, he was the first in the world to use electric fuses to ignite solid fuel. In the same year, 1834, Schilder designed and even tested the world's first rocket-carrying ferry and submarine. He installed installations on the watercraft for launching missiles from surface and submerged positions. As you can see, the first half of the 19th century is characterized by the creation and widespread use this type of weapon.

    Lieutenant General K. I. Konstantinov

    In 1840-1860 huge contribution to the development of missile weapons, as well as their theories combat use contributed by the representative of the Russian artillery school, inventor and scientist K. I. Konstantinov. His scientific work he made a revolution in rocket science, thanks to which Russian technology took a leading place in the world. He developed the fundamentals of experimental dynamics and scientific methods for designing this type of weapon. A number of devices and instruments have been created to determine ballistic characteristics. The scientist acted as an innovator in the field of rocket manufacturing and established mass production. He made a huge contribution to the safety of the technological process of weapons manufacturing.

    Konstantinov developed more powerful rockets and launchers for them. As a result maximum range the flight was 5.3 km. Launchers became more portable, convenient and sophisticated; they provided high accuracy and rate of fire, especially in mountainous areas. In 1856, according to Konstantinov’s design, a rocket plant was built in Nikolaev.

    The Moor has done his job

    In the 19th century, rocket forces and artillery made a tremendous leap in their development and spread. Thus, combat missiles were put into service in all military districts. There was not a single warship or naval base where missile forces were not used. They took a direct part in field battles, and during the siege and storming of fortresses, etc. However, by the end of the 19th century missile weapons began to be greatly inferior to the progressive barrel artillery, especially after the advent of long-range rifled guns. And then 1890 came. It marked the end for the missile forces: this type of weapon was discontinued in all countries of the world.

    Jet propulsion: like a phoenix...

    Despite the army's refusal of missile forces, scientists continued their work on this type of weapon. Thus, M. M. Pomortsev proposed new solutions regarding increasing flight range, as well as shooting accuracy. I.V. Volovsky developed rotating missiles, multi-barrel aircraft and ground launchers. N.V. Gerasimov designed combat anti-aircraft solid fuel analogues.

    The main obstacle to the development of such technology was the lack theoretical basis. To solve this problem, a group of Russian scientists at the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th century carried out titanic work and made a significant contribution to the theory of jet propulsion. However, the founder of the unified theory of rocket dynamics and astronautics was K. E. Tsiolkovsky. This outstanding scientist from 1883 to last days throughout his life he worked on solving problems in rocketry and space flight. He solved the main problems of the theory of jet propulsion.

    The selfless work of many Russian scientists gave a new impetus to the development of this type of weapon, and, consequently, new life this branch of the army. Even today in our country the rocket and space forces are associated with the names prominent figures- Tsiolkovsky and Korolev.

    After the revolution, work on rocket weapons was not stopped, and in 1933 a Jet Research Institute was even created in Moscow. In it, Soviet scientists designed ballistic and experimental cruise missiles and rocket gliders. In addition, significantly improved missiles and launchers for them have been created. This includes the later legendary fighting machine BM-13 "Katyusha". A number of discoveries were made at the RNII. A set of designs for units, devices and systems was proposed, which were subsequently used in rocket technology.

    The Great Patriotic War

    "Katyusha" became the world's first multiple launch rocket system. And most importantly, the creation of this machine contributed to the resumption of special missile forces. The BM-13 combat vehicle was put into service. The difficult situation that developed in 1941 required the rapid introduction of new missile weapons. Industrial restructuring was carried out in as soon as possible. And already in August, 214 factories were involved in the production of this type of weapon. As we said above, missile forces were newly created as part of the Armed Forces, but during the war they were called guards mortar units, and subsequently to this day - rocket artillery.

    Combat vehicle BM-13 "Katyusha"

    The first MMCs were divided into batteries and divisions. Thus, the first missile battery, which consisted of 7 experimental installations and a small number of shells, under the command of Captain Flerov, was formed within three days and on July 2 was sent to the Western Front. And already on July 14, the Katyushas fired their first combat salvo at the Orsha railway station (the BM-13 combat vehicle is shown in the photo).

    The Rocket Forces, in their debut, delivered a powerful fire strike with 112 shells simultaneously. As a result, a glow blazed over the station: ammunition was exploding, trains were burning. destroyed both enemy personnel and military equipment. The combat effectiveness of missile weapons exceeded all expectations. During the Second World War, there was a significant leap in the development of jet technology, which led to a significant spread of high-tech vehicles. By the end of the war, the missile forces consisted of 40 separate divisions, 115 regiments, 40 separate brigades and 7 divisions - a total of 519 divisions.

    If you want peace, prepare for war

    In the post-war period rocket artillery continued to develop - the range, accuracy of fire and salvo power increased. The Soviet military complex created entire generations of 40-barrel 122-mm MLRS "Grad" and "Prima", 16-barrel 220-mm MLRS "Uragan", ensuring the destruction of targets at a distance of 35 km. In 1987, the 12-barreled 300-mm long-range MLRS “Smerch” was developed, which to this day has no analogues in the world. The target engagement range in this installation is 70 km. In addition, they also received anti-tank systems.

    New types of weapons

    In the 50s of the last century, the missile forces were divided into various directions. But rocket artillery has retained its position to this day. New types were created - these are anti-aircraft missile forces and strategic troops. These units are firmly established on land, at sea, under water and in the air. Thus, anti-aircraft missile forces are represented in the air defense as a separate branch of the military, but similar units also exist in the Navy. With the creation of nuclear weapons came the main question: how to deliver the charge to its destination? In the USSR, the choice was made in favor of missiles, and as a result, strategic missile forces appeared.

    Stages of development of the Strategic Missile Forces

    1. 1959-1965 - creation, deployment, and placement on combat duty of intercontinental aircraft capable of solving strategic tasks in various military-geographical areas. In 1962, the Strategic Missile Forces took part in the military operation Anadyr, as a result of which medium-range missiles were secretly deployed in Cuba.
    2. 1965-1973 - deployment of second generation ICBMs. Transformation of the Strategic Missile Forces into the main component of the USSR's nuclear forces.
    3. 1973-1985 - equipping the Strategic Missile Forces with third-generation missiles with multiple warheads and individual guidance units.
    4. 1985-1991 - elimination of medium-range missiles and arming of the Strategic Missile Forces with fourth-generation complexes.
    5. 1992-1995 - withdrawal of ICBMs from Ukraine, Belarus and Kazakhstan. Russian
    6. 1996-2000 - introduction of the fifth generation Topol-M missiles. Unification of the Military Space Forces, Strategic Missile Forces and Rocket and Space Defense Forces.
    7. 2001 - The Strategic Missile Forces were transformed into 2 types of the Armed Forces - the Strategic Missile Forces and the Space Forces.


    The process of development and formation of missile forces is quite heterogeneous. It has its ups and downs, and even the complete elimination of “rocket men” in the armies of the whole world at the end of the 19th century. However, missiles, like the Phoenix bird, rise from the ashes during World War II and become firmly entrenched in the military complex.

    And despite the fact that over the past 70 years the missile forces have undergone significant changes in the organizational structure, forms, and methods of their combat use, they always retain a role that can be described in just a few words: to be a deterrent against unleashing aggression against our country. In Russia, November 19 is considered the professional day of the missile forces and artillery. This Day was approved by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 549 of May 31, 2006. On the right in the photo is the emblem of the Russian Missile Forces.
