Training the muscles of the face and neck. Facelift exercises for face and neck lift: perfect oval at home

All athletes know how important it is to train all muscle groups of the body. If you do abdominal exercises every day, the result will be a beautiful, elastic, toned stomach and the absence of fat and folds. When exercising with dumbbells, the result will be beautiful muscles. The face also consists of muscles, but few people do not train them.

As a result, they appear early crow's feet, the forehead wrinkles, the corners of the lips droop. Such consequences can be avoided if you do exercises for the facial muscles, train them so that they become more elastic and firm.

After all, with age, the facial muscles become weaker, and this leads to the sagging of the oval of the face, the appearance of a double chin, and loss of elasticity in the cheeks. Therefore, regular gymnastics will help transform your face.

There is a misconception that if facial expressions are as motionless as possible, then you can protect your skin from wrinkles and stretch marks. However, this is absolutely false; facial muscles do not work that way. The more load they bear, the more elastic they become.

After gymnastics, the desired tone appears, and the muscles resist early aging. If you do gymnastics regularly, you will soon notice the results.

Positive results with regular exercise:

With the help of cosmetics and procedures you will not be able to get such elastic and toned skin with a clear facial contour and no signs of age-related changes.

Therefore, it is important to choose exercises for yourself to strengthen your facial muscles, so that you can exercise at home when you have time and don’t have time to go to the gym.

How to do facial exercises correctly

In order for home exercises for facial muscles to help transform your skin and your hopes to come true, you need to perform the exercises correctly, especially at the beginning and for those who want to avoid the appearance of the first wrinkles.

Each session for your facial muscles will give you a feeling of freshness and relaxation. Then you will see results that will delight you.

Exercises for facial muscles

Among the variety of sets of exercises for the facial muscles, you need to choose 10-20 for yourself that you will be comfortable doing. If you want to get young and beautiful skin, then do the exercises regularly and according to the rules.

Let's consider one of the options for facial exercises with.

Let's consider another option for a set of exercises for training the facial muscles.

Here gymnastics begins from the upper part of the face, from the area between. Exercises here are needed to eliminate wrinkles and reduce fatigue.

Such exercises can be done while doing normal activities, while sitting. It should be noted that it is for this zone that there is maximum amount exercises.

We sit down and try to smile only with the corners of our mouth and at the same time immediately lower them down. Repeat about 25 times. After this, we make it a little more complicated, you need to raise the corners of your lips as much as possible and hold them in this position for 6 seconds, then release. Repeat three times.

Another effective exercise for the cheek muscles is to inflate and lower your cheeks for 22 seconds.

The mouth is closed, and you need to clench and unclench your teeth slowly so as not to open your mouth. Repeat the exercise 10 times.

Nose exercises

Gymnastics for the nose helps to narrow the tip and slightly raise the nose by training the muscle. The exercise is performed in any position. The tip of the nose should be raised with a finger, and upper lip pull down. Hold this for a few seconds, repeat 6 times.

Lower face workout

This area of ​​the face includes the lips, chin and neck. will help strengthen the muscles of the cheekbones and return the corners of the mouth to desired position, prevent the appearance of wrinkles. There are many exercises for this part of the face. Let's look at some of them.

Gymnastics for the oval face

Such gymnastics for the oval of the face helps to get rid of a double chin and strengthen the neck muscles. Lift your chin up, push your lower jaw forward and stretch your neck. Hold this position for three seconds. Repeat 5 times.

Turn your head to the left, slightly raise and open your mouth so that the muscles of your neck and chin tense.

Stay in this position for 5 seconds, then relax. Do the same when turning your head to the right. Repeat 2 times for each side.

Place your fist under your chin and lower your lower jaw onto it. The jaw presses down, while the pressure with the fist goes up, that is, they act against each other. Gradually increase the pressing force. When the tension is greatest, you need to stick out your tongue and try to reach your chin.

Clench your teeth, while stretching your lips in a smile. At this time, we press the tongue on the palate, feeling the tension in the muscles of the chin. Hold for 5 seconds and relax.

Gymnastics for the face according to the method of Carol Maggio

This is one of the most popular techniques for correcting facial features. If you do it regularly, you can tighten your cheeks, remove your chin and reduce the number of wrinkles.

The complex contains 14 exercises and works 56 muscles. The effect can be seen after 10 days.

Let's look at some of them.

There are other effective exercises:

Such exercises for the facial muscles can be found under different names— face building, yoga for the face, training for the face. But all of them are needed to preserve the beauty and youth of the skin for years.

By the age of thirty, women increasingly face unpleasant consequences hormonal aging: the clear youthful contour of the face “floats”, the cheeks begin to sag. To cope with the problem, exercises for tightening the oval of the face will help, which are not at all difficult to perform.

Basic Rules

As a result, the muscles will regain lost strength, the face will be visually rejuvenated, and you won’t have to pay a penny for effective home correction. But before you start practicing, you should prepare your skin and familiarize yourself with the rules:

  • gymnastics will be more effective if the skin is previously cleansed and moisturized;
  • when performing gymnastics, you need to sit in front of a mirror to control the result;
  • each exercise should be done by straining the facial muscles as much as possible;
  • the face complex must be performed daily for fifteen minutes, otherwise there will be no point;
  • When performing movements, you should achieve a slight burning sensation.

How to tighten your face contour

The proposed complex will allow you to effectively get rid of an unsightly double chin, flabby, flabby cheeks, and emphasize the cheekbone. If you are not lazy and give your facial muscles daily exercise, you will be pleased with the results after just a month.

  1. Take as much air as possible into your mouth and puff out your cheeks. Press on them with your palms, forcing the muscles to resist, for five to six seconds. Exhale vigorously. Repeat again. Stop when you feel very tired.
  2. Smile strongly at your reflection, achieving the maximum feeling muscle tension cheeks Quickly move your lips to the “kissing” position. Perform such movements until you feel tired (seven to eight times).
  3. Inhale and create the feeling of a balloon in your mouth. Roll the “ball” under the lower and upper lips, moving from the right cheek to the left. This exercise is great for working out sagging cheeks.
  4. Give your lips an oval shape, as if pronouncing the sound “o”. Using your tongue, pressing firmly, massage the inside of both cheeks.
  5. Raise your head and push your lower jaw forward as far as possible. At the same time, stretch your lips in the shape of a pipe, as if articulating the sound “u”. Hold the muscles in an uncomfortable position for five to six seconds. Repeat seven times.
  6. To lift the double chin, you need to perform a smooth movement of your head from the left shoulder to the right. Raise your head up. Perform at least 20 times.
  7. Tilt your head back as far as possible. Lower forward all the way. Repeat 20 times.

Gymnastics will be effective if performed regularly. The first results are noticeable after two weeks, so you shouldn’t quit work after seven to ten days.

Facelift from the famous Carol Maggio

Gymnastics, invented by the American Carol Maggio, gives excellent results. The whole complex allows you to completely tighten your face, including eyelids, lips, and nose. For a double chin and cheek lift, you should master the following exercises.

  1. Open your mouth slightly, pull your lips in so that they “hug” tightly, as if they were tightening your teeth. The corners of your lips should be pressed firmly against the far molars. Press your middle finger to your chin. Slowly make air-scooping movements with the lower jaw. With each “scoop”, raise your head a little. Continue until your head falls back completely. Hold your head back for about thirty seconds.
  2. Fake a smile by stretching your tightly closed lips. Grasp your neck equally tightly with one hand at the base, slightly pulling (very carefully, without stretching) the skin downwards. Lean your head back as far as possible and look up. Feel how the muscles of the neck and chin, the front and back of the neck tense. Hold the position for three or four seconds, take the usual position. Repeat 30 times.

Performing cycles of the two exercises described is good as an addition to basic gymnastics.

Getting rid of a double chin

There are other exercises that will help get rid of a fatty double chin, sagging cheeks, and a sagging face.

  1. Move your jaw forward as much as possible while lifting your chin. The movement should look like you are looking through an obstacle. Having felt the maximum tension of the muscle, you need to fix the position of the neck and face for three to four seconds, then release the tension. Repeat this and subsequent exercises eight to ten times.
  2. Clench your jaw. Use your little fingers to touch the edges of your lips. Pull the lower jaw forward as far as possible. Fix the position, relax your face, repeat the movement.
  3. Look straight ahead, turn your head to the left (slightly), lift your chin, then part your lips, as if you were preparing to take a bite of a sandwich. Feeling the maximum tension in your chin, jaw, and neck, count to five. Return to the starting position, repeat five to six times for the left and right sides.
  4. Place your little fingers again next to the edges of your lips. Smile a little, feeling the tension of the facial muscles with your fingers. Gradually tense your muscles to the maximum, count to six, and try to reach your chin with your tongue. Hold again until seven, relax the muscle.
  5. Place your chin on your clenched fist, resting your elbows on the table. Press your chin onto your clenched fist harder and harder. When the pressure reaches maximum, stop and count to five. Relax. Then, without changing position, try to touch your chin with your tongue. Stretch the tongue as much as possible, count to five, relax all facial muscles.
  6. Grit your teeth, purse your lips tightly, smile as wide as possible. Press your tongue on the roof of your mouth, feeling the tension in your chin. Hold the position for five to six seconds and repeat.

Over time, the number of repetitions should be increased to twenty to thirty times.

Complex for strengthening cheeks

Cheeks can lose elasticity not only after thirty, but also earlier, especially if a person is prone to obesity. To solve the problem, there is special gymnastics for the cheeks.

  1. Find the “bullseye” area by smiling and marking the point of the highest rise. Press your index fingers to the “apples”, then begin to press the upper and lower lip, trying to tense your cheeks at the same time. You need to constantly feel the work of the facial muscles with your fingers (otherwise the exercise is performed incorrectly). Stretch your lips into an oval shape, but do not pull them forward. Repeat ten times.
  2. Without removing your fingers from the “apples” area, smile slightly (only the tips of your lips work) without opening your lips. You need to feel the facial muscles. Repeat ten to twenty times.
  3. To strengthen lateral surface cheeks, you need to give your lips an oval shape so that the muscles are pressed tightly to the cheekbones. Place the fingers of the entire palm on the surface of the cheeks, slowly move the muscles upward, as if lifting the cheeks to the temples. Repeat until the muscles are thoroughly tired (up to twenty times).

Exercises to get rid of a double chin, sagging, unsightly cheeks must be done regularly, and you should start at the age of 25. This way you can postpone old age for a long time. Remember dramatic actresses, singers - these are whose oval faces you can envy.

All women after 30 face the problem of wrinkles appearing on their faces. And now you look at yourself in the mirror without pleasure, noticing age-related changes.

  • You can no longer afford bright makeup; you control your facial expressions so as not to aggravate the problem.
  • You begin to forget those moments when men complimented your impeccable appearance, and their eyes lit up when you appeared...
  • Every time you approach the mirror, it seems to you that the old days will never return...

Any athlete will tell you how important it is to train every muscle group in our body. By pumping up your abs every day, you can end up delighting everyone with your elastic, toned, beautiful tummy without a hint of fat or folds. By doing dumbbells, you can become the owner of beautiful muscles. It's the same with the face. Unfortunately, we forget that it also includes a group of muscles that most often remain without any training.

And then we naively wonder why at the age of 25 “crow’s feet” already appear, at 30 the forehead begins to wrinkle, and at 40 the corners of the lips droop down. But all this can be avoided if you regularly do exercises for the facial muscles, which train them and make them more flexible and elastic.

Many people mistakenly believe that by maintaining a motionless facial expression, they thereby save their skin from stretching and wrinkles. A fundamentally misconception about how muscles work. The more you load them, the more elastic and viable they become. As a result of special gymnastics, they acquire the necessary tone and more actively resist premature aging. The results of regular exercises for the facial muscles can be felt very soon:

  • the skin becomes elastic, elastic;
  • the complexion becomes radiant and healthy, since exercises of this kind also improve blood circulation;
  • the oval of the face becomes clear, prominent, beautifully outlined;
  • the double chin even begins to melt;
  • shallow, facial wrinkles begin to gradually smooth out: they are no longer so clearly visible;
  • the skin around the eyes also transforms: dark circles, puffiness, and mesh under the eyes disappear;
  • in addition, it has been scientifically proven that such exercises perfectly relieve tension and fatigue from the eyes;
  • tense lip muscles relax;
  • This is a kind of forehead massage;
  • The nasolabial muscles are strengthened.

No cosmetic products or salon procedures will give you such luxury as elastic, tightened skin with a clearly defined facial contour without the slightest hint of aging and age-related changes. So it’s worth looking for exercises to strengthen your facial muscles that won’t take up your precious time or energy, which we all lack for sports.

Instructions for performing gymnastics

Home gymnastics for the facial muscles can transform the skin in the most miraculous way at any age. In order for it to meet all your aspirations and hopes, you need to know a number of features for its implementation - especially for beginners who want to put their skin in order and prevent the annoying appearance of the first wrinkles.

  1. You need to exercise daily. Regularity is one of the main conditions for the success of such gymnastics. By receiving a constant load (which can be increased over time), the muscles acquire the necessary elasticity. If you miss a few classes, they become decrepit, atrophy and again lose precious elastin.
  2. The time for such gymnastics can be any: morning, evening or lunch break at work. The best option is a couple of hours before bedtime, when the skin is already in a semi-relaxed state and cleansed of cosmetics. Duration - about 20 minutes.
  3. Do 7-10 exercises at a time. Each - 5–7 times.
  4. After three months, change the set of exercises to another (fortunately, there is a choice). After the same period of time, you can change this one to the third one, or you can return to the old one. The main thing is variety, so that the muscles do not stop in their vital activity, getting used to the same workouts.
  5. After exercise, you can rinse your face cold water and apply your favorite cream to your skin.

Knowing these nuances, doing such gymnastics at home will turn into a real pleasure. After each such session, you will feel refreshed and rested. And after some time the first ones will begin to appear external results, which will definitely please you. But which facial exercises should we choose among the variety that today’s Internet resources offer us?

A set of exercises for facial muscles

In order not to get lost among the numerous sets of exercises, choose for yourself 10–15 that will not be difficult for you to perform. Naturally, they should all have the bar “exercises for tightening the facial muscles » , otherwise you may not achieve a rejuvenating result. And in no case should you confuse them with exercises for losing weight on your face. Having set a goal for yourself, go towards it day after day - and your skin will thank you, shining with youth and beauty. We present to your attention a small selection of facial exercises that have a pronounced lifting effect. They will help you fearlessly and with pleasure look at your reflection in the mirror and overcome complexes and fears.

  • 1. For cheeks

Take a mouthful of air. Roll this one balloon first on one cheek, then on the other.

  • 2. Facial exercises for forehead wrinkles

Open your eyes wide, as if in great surprise, while trying very hard not to wrinkle your forehead. Focus on some point in the distance and freeze for 5-10 seconds.

  • 3. For lips

Squeeze your lips tightly and try to smile through force, trying to keep your lips in a bow. Pull them forward and pull your cheeks in. Stay in this position for 10 seconds.

  • 4. For nasolabial folds

Smile and lightly press your fingertips on the area between your lips and nose. Lift the skin with your fingers and tense the muscles so that your own fingers feel resistance.

  • 5. For lips

Stretch your neck forward, depict air kiss. Tighten all the muscles of your face and begin to blow air through your lips. Then put your middle and index fingers to your lips, press lightly and try to do the same.

  • 6. Exercises for facial muscles

Open your mouth, stick out your tongue and roll your eyes. Freeze in this position for a minute. Then inhale through your nose, clench your fists and strongly tense all the muscles of your face. Exhale through your mouth, stick out your tongue, bulge your eyes.

  • 7. Against double chin

An excellent exercise for strengthening the muscles of the lower jaw, shoulders, and neck. Tilt your head back, press the tip of your tongue on the tubercle located at the top of your palate, turn your head to the left and stretch your neck. Do the same on the right side.

  • 8. For vertical wrinkles on the forehead

Press the 3 middle fingers of both hands tightly together, placing them on both sides of your vertical wrinkles. Wherein ring fingers should be below, just in front of the edge of the eyebrows. Then stretch the skin with your fingers and slowly begin to move your arms apart. Do not let go of the skin for a minute, keep it taut all this time and try to move your eyebrows, keeping them in a tense state.

  • 9. For horizontal wrinkles on the forehead

Place your index fingers above your eyebrows and try to repeat their curved shape. You need to raise your eyebrows in surprise, but at the same time resist them with your fingers lying on the arch of your eyebrows.

These exercises for the face and neck make up only a small part of those areas that exist today in gymnastics with a rejuvenating and tightening effect. It’s even called differently: face building, face yoga, face training. But there is only one goal - to preserve the beauty of your skin. long years, prolonging her youth. Change one exercise for another, look for something more difficult or easier, but the main thing is to do it so that after 30 years you don’t think with horror about your age, but simply enjoy every moment of this life.

What women do to prolong the youth of their faces. They buy expensive creams and other miracle products, visit beauty salons, undergo terrible procedures, and even go under the knife of a plastic surgeon. Many girls don’t even think that the problem can be solved in safer ways.

Exercises for the face and neck are very effective. They will tone the muscles, visibly tighten the skin and smooth out wrinkles. Moreover, you can study anywhere: at home, sitting in front of the TV, or in the office at the computer. In a few months, thanks to such gymnastics, your face will become young and beautiful again.

Features of exercise effectiveness

The skin on the neck and face is so delicate that it must be handled very carefully so as not to injure or stretch the epidermis. It is believed that after thirty years, any facial movement can turn into a new wrinkle. Therefore, in order to maintain youth, you do not need to frown, squint your eyes, or even smile at all.

But in Lately this opinion is often disputed. Plastic surgeons have noticed that those who have well-developed muscles look younger. facial muscles. These people include teachers, artists and television presenters. They use many facial muscles, which is why they have well-defined facial contours and firmer skin.

And necks are based on constructing active grimaces, which is why they are so effective. Gymnastics affects the deep layers of the epidermis, which masks, creams and massage are not capable of. Thanks to exercises, blood circulation in tissues improves, muscles become stronger and skin turgor increases, as a result of which the face becomes young and attractive. Moreover, you can do gymnastics at any age: from 15 to 60 years old.

Proper execution

  • Before starting the course, it is recommended to take a photograph of your face. Then you need to take a control photo every 15 days. This way the result after gymnastics will be clearly visible.
  • It is better to practice in front of a mirror while sitting on a chair. This way you can track the correctness of your actions.

  • Before starting any exercise for the oval of the face and neck, you need to take the starting position. Straighten your back, pull your shoulders back and straighten, pull in your tummy, tighten your buttocks and thighs.
  • During exercises, fix your facial muscles with your hands. Some cosmetologists recommend doing gymnastics with cotton gloves to prevent your fingers from slipping. But in fact, it is difficult to control and feel hand movements in them.
  • Follow the instructions carefully, since violation of the technique may result in the appearance of new wrinkles. Therefore, you can additionally visit a cosmetologist who teaches facial gymnastics, or watch educational video lessons.
  • Develop the habit of doing exercises for the muscles of your face and neck every day. The main thing is not to be lazy and not to take breaks, then the result will be visible within a week. Do it for 21 days, and facial exercises will become as commonplace as brushing your teeth.

Preparing the face

Before gymnastics it is better to wash your face special means, if possible, to clean it from contamination. After this, you need to apply oil, nourishing or baby cream. You need to pay attention not only to the face, but also to the neck.

When the product is absorbed, it is recommended to warm it up light skin massage. To do this, gently pat your palms or lightly tap your fingertips on your forehead, cheeks, chin and neck for several minutes. This massage will prepare the facial muscles for further stress and prevent stretching of the skin.

Now you can start gymnastics. On initial stage A few exercises will suffice, so pick two or three and get started. Increase the load and number of approaches gradually.


This is a very simple and fun exercise for the neck. The point is that you need to chant the vowel sounds: a, u, i, o, e. Wherein great importance has tension in the muscles of the neck and face. Repeat this exercise five to ten times.


Throw your head back, point your chin up. At the same time, you need to tense your neck muscles. Do not change the position of your head, forcefully lower your lower jaw as if you were trying to bite off a hanging apple. It is important to take your time when performing all actions. You need to try to feel the tension of the muscles in the face and neck. However, moderation must be observed, especially at the stage elementary lessons. If you have not done facial gymnastics before, then do five approaches. If you have experience in this matter, then ten repetitions will be optimal.


Want to do perfect oval? Exercise for the face and neck “Dandelion” will help make this dream come true. The steps are very simple and familiar to everyone. You need to slightly stretch your lips and exhale air at the same time. At the same time, you can imagine that you are blowing the fluffy cap off a dandelion or extinguishing the flame of a candle. As in previous cases, five to ten approaches are provided.


To perform this gymnastics, you need to strongly tense the muscles of your cheeks and press on the palate from the inside with the tip of your tongue. All actions are performed simultaneously. If there is a feeling of tension in the chin area, then the exercise is being performed without errors. Five to ten repetitions will be enough.


Although the action is funny, it is very effective exercise for the face and neck, against wrinkles in the mouth and nasolabial folds. The gymnastics is very simple. You can imagine that there is an object in front that you want to kiss. You need to stretch your lips forward and forcefully smack the air. After this, you should relax your facial muscles and repeat all the steps again. Ten to fifteen approaches will be enough.


To perform this exercise correctly, you need to sit up straight and lower your shoulders. The idea is to try to turn your head back to the left as much as possible. Owls, for example, can do this at 270 degrees. When turning, you should freeze for thirteen seconds and tense your neck muscles. In the same way, gymnastics is performed to the right. It is recommended to do this exercise five to ten times on each side.

Reach your nose

Perhaps many competed with each other in childhood in performing this exercise, not even suspecting that it tightens the oval of the face. The technique of this gymnastics is both complex and simple. Its meaning is that you need to try to reach the tip of your nose with your tongue. But what is important is not the fact of performing this exercise for the face and neck, but the efforts that are made. It is important to feel the tension in the muscles in the chin and neck and do everything at a calm pace. It will be enough to repeat the gymnastics ten to fifteen times.

Bodyflex - simplicity and effectiveness

This breathing exercises, which is part of the same name and famous technique developed for weight loss. Classes will help improve overall appearance, strengthen the muscles of the forehead, cheeks and neck. Thanks to improved blood circulation, your face will acquire a fresh color.

The main advantage of gymnastics is its simplicity. No need to exhaust yourself challenging workouts. Bodyflex contains only two exercises for the face and neck in its complex. At the same time, they have a wide spectrum of action, thanks to which many muscles are worked.

The technique is based on correct breathing, which saturates the blood with oxygen. This is why the tone of the face increases, the skin becomes tightened and elastic.

Features of performing bodyflex

For this type of gymnastics it is important to breathe correctly. First you need to release the air from your lungs, then take a deep breath. Again you need to exhale through your mouth, and then completely draw in your stomach. Now the breath is held for ten seconds, and again - inhale. The order of actions is of great importance, so it is very important not to violate it.

While holding your breath, you need to massage points on your face: around the lips, under the eyes, between the eyebrows, and so on. You need to apply a little pressure on these places with your fingertips and then release. All these actions are performed while there is no breathing. The manipulations are repeated about ten times for each active point.

Let's look at two miracle exercises for face and neck lifting, which are part of the breathing technique and help you look several years younger.

Exercise "Lion"

This element of gymnastics perfectly corrects the oval, eliminates wrinkles around the nose and mouth, strengthens the muscles of the cheeks and around the eyes. Let's take the starting position. Spread your legs about thirty centimeters wide, rest your hands on your thighs just above your knees. Lower your pelvis down a little, as if you are going to sit down, keep your head straight. Now you can begin bodyflex gymnastics, followed by drawing in the abdomen and holding your breath.

Pull your lips into a small circle and open your eyes very wide, trying to raise them as high as possible. This action will perfectly tighten the muscles under the eyes. Now the formed circle from the lips needs to be lowered down, straining the nasal area and cheeks as much as possible. Then stick out your tongue completely without relaxing your mouth. This will strengthen the muscles of the neck and chin. You should hold this position for at least eight seconds. Then return to the starting position. To strengthen the muscles of the face and neck, you need to repeat this exercise five times.

Exercise “Ugly grimace”

Here is the same starting position as in the “Lion” exercise. When you finish the introductory part, keep your back straight and try to move your lower jaw forward so that it extends beyond your upper teeth. After this, you need to stick out your lower lip and stretch your neck upward, tensing your muscles. Now slowly raise your head and try to reach the ceiling with your outstretched lips. In this case, the feet should be pressed to the floor, and the arms should be thrown back. We count to eight and return to the starting position. We also do five approaches of the exercise.

After exercise, you should feel a slight tingling or slight itching on the skin of your face and neck. This indicates increased blood circulation in the tissues, which means everything was done correctly. If there is no such feeling, you should work on your mistakes.

There is no need to try to complete all the suggested exercises for the face and neck at one time or set a record for the number of approaches. Loads should be moderate but regular.

After gymnastics, it is useful to do a contrast wash or wipe your face with an ice cube. This will provide additional stimulation of blood vessels and improve blood circulation in the tissues. After this procedure, it is recommended to apply your usual cream to the skin.

Perform the exercises correctly and you will restore your face and neck to their former elasticity and firmness.

In the struggle for eternal youth, women forget the most important thing: no matter how much cream they apply to their face, the facial muscles, be it the eyelids or the forehead muscles, lose their elasticity over the years.
To combat expression wrinkles and keep facial muscles toned, a yoga technique for the face was developed.

It combines traditional methods of training the muscles of the face and neck with elements of classical yoga. Carrying out special exercises With a facial yoga program, you can resist the effects of gravity and age-related changes that your facial skin undergoes over the years.

Today, there are several founders of the facial yoga technique. The most famous are the Americans Analyze Hagen (Face yoga) and Marie-Veronka Nadier (Facelift). Both women achieved good results in the fight against signs of aging with the help of facial gymnastics and, having each written a book about it, became famous.

Features of yoga techniques for the face

Practicing yoga for the face requires emotional calm and mental focus. Otherwise, the practice turns into banal gymnastics for the face, the mechanical implementation of which is not capable of deeply influencing mental condition person and give him emotional release.

Yoga exercises for the face are simple exercises combined with massage.
Some of the exercises are based on counteraction: the facial muscles are tensed, lightly pressing them with your fingers, interfering with movement. This increases the load and at the same time protects the skin from stretching.

Facial yoga directly targets the muscles of the face and head. Their strengthening leads to the correction of sagging cheeks, smoothing out wrinkles in the nasolabial triangle, correcting the jawline and tightening the upper eyelid, as well as strengthening the muscles behind the ears, which entails an improvement in the entire oval of the face.

Regular facial yoga exercises tone all the muscles of the face and neck, improve blood supply to the skin, helping to smooth out wrinkles and prevent the appearance of new ones.

Yoga for the face develops the mobility of the facial muscles, relieves spasms, and eliminates problems associated with excessive or uneven muscle tension.

Yoga exercises for the face are simple, but it is important to do them regularly. You shouldn’t overdo it either, because... Very frequent long-term practices can stretch the skin on the face.

Yoga exercises for the face can be performed at home. Adherents of these exercises claim that if you do just 5-10 minutes every day, the effect will be noticeable within a week.

  • Yoga for the face is contraindicated for those who have serious illnesses skin.
  • Those who have fragile facial skin vessels should perform the exercises carefully and carefully so as not to cause harm.
  • Optimal time for classes is the morning after sleep or the evening.
  • Before practice, it is necessary to cleanse the skin of decorative cosmetics and apply a nourishing cream.
  • When exercising on your own, you should gradually increase the duration of the workout, starting with five minutes a day.

A set of yoga exercises for the face

As an example, the video shows a set of exercises that are aimed at strengthening the facial muscles. This complex is easy to perform at home.

Exercise "V"
To soften crease lines and wrinkles around the eyes. The exercise also “opens” the eyes and makes them lively.
Place the middle fingers of both hands between the eyebrows, and press the index fingers on the outer corners of the eyes.
Look up and begin to lift your lower eyelids upward, like when you squint too much. Then relax and repeat the exercise 6 times. Then close your eyes for 10 seconds and relax.

Exercises against wrinkles around the mouth.
This exercise reduces wrinkles around the mouth and also has a lifting effect on the cheeks and chin.

Hide your teeth behind your lips and open your mouth, forming the letter “O”. Then smile as wide as possible without showing your teeth. Repeat 6 times.
Smile as before and place your index finger on your chin. Then start moving your chin up and down, keeping your head tilted back. Relax and repeat two more times.

Then connect your fingers in the middle of the forehead and spread them apart, stroking the skin, connect them again and stroke the forehead again.

Exercises to strengthen the eyelids
Gently, without pressing, place the index fingers of both hands horizontally under the lower part of the eye socket. Curl your mouth into an "O" shape to tighten the lower part of your face. Blink your eyes quickly, overcoming the resistance of your weighted fingers, taking a short pause after every 10 times. The eyelids should move as quickly as possible.

The essence of the exercise is to strengthen the thinnest muscles included in the group orbicularis muscle eyes.
Important: In this exercise, speed is important, but not strength. There is no need to try too hard to close your eyes completely.

Exercise "Giraffe".
An exercise to tone and tighten the neck area.

Look straight ahead. Place your fingertips on top of your neck. Pull your skin down while tilting your head back a little. Move your head to the original position and repeat the exercise two more times. Move your lower lip forward as far as possible, place your fingers on your collarbone and point your chin up, while lowering the tips of your mouth down. Stay in this position for 4 breathing cycles.

Then press the pad of your index finger to the skin between the eyebrows, where the expression line forms, and then gently massage the skin in a circular motion, trying to smooth out the crease.

And move on to the final one

The yoga complex for the face can be supplemented with the following exercises:

Facial exercises

Hot ball
Take some air into your mouth and form it into a ball. Move this ball under the right cheek, under the lower lip, under left cheek, under the upper lip (clockwise and in the opposite direction). Stop for a couple of seconds. Repeat 5-6 times. Benefits: prevention and correction of sagging cheeks, smoothing wrinkles of the nasolabial triangle, correcting the jawline.

Chin movement
Move your chin forward as far as you can and hold for a few seconds. Then pull it in and stop it too. Then move to the right, hold. Movement to the left, and again stop. Quickly move your jaw left and right. Repeat the entire cycle 5-6 times. Benefit: improvement of the oval of the lower part of the face, removed double chin, the muscles of the neck and cheeks are strengthened.

Cheek exercise
As you exhale, tighten your cheek muscles, clench your lips and teeth, and hold this position for a few seconds. As you inhale, slowly relax your face. Repeat five times. Benefits: blood circulation in the muscles improves, the oval shape of the face is corrected, and the neck muscles are strengthened.

Air kiss
Strongly stretch your lips, folded as if for a kiss, and stay in this position. Relax. Repeat 6 times. Benefits: tightens the cheeks and chin, refreshes the complexion.

False wink
Make a movement with your facial muscles as if you were blinking your left eye (the eye remains open), and hold. The same thing with the right eye. Repeat the cycle 5 - 6 times. Benefit: strengthens the muscles of the upper part of the face. Prevention of bags and bruises under the eyes.

Smooth forehead
Smooth your forehead completely by controlling the scalp muscles (directing the force upward and backward). At the same time, the eyes open wide. Hold for a few seconds, relax your muscles. Repeat 5-6 times. Benefit: prevention of transverse wrinkles on the forehead and bridge of the nose, prevention of drooping of the eyebrows.

Yoga for the face with Anneliese Hagen.
