Apricot jam slices. Apricot jam

It is believed that apricots came to us from China. This is not known for certain, but now apricots are popular both in Asia and Europe.

These beautiful, round, yellowish-red drupes with velvety skin and almond-like seeds are not only tasty, but also healthy.

Apricot pulp contains inulin, fiber, sugar, starch, and organic acids. The fruits contain vitamins C, PP, P, B1, B2. But most of all they contain carotene - vitamin A. Apricots also contain magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, iron, cobalt, copper, manganese.

Apricots are an excellent preventive remedy for cardiovascular diseases. Dried apricots have a diuretic effect.

In these fruits a large number of gland. They are recommended for people suffering from anemia and anemia, as they increase the level of hemoglobin in the blood.

Apricots must be included in the diet of people engaged in mental activity, because phosphorus and magnesium are useful for the active functioning of the brain.

Of course, it is better to eat apricots raw, but in order to enjoy their taste in winter, the fruits are dried and also preserved: compotes, jams, and preserves are made.

There are many ways to make jam. It is cooked from whole fruits, cut in half, into slices. Jam is also prepared with kernels, but this option is only suitable if the seeds (kernels) are sweet. Even the most sophisticated gourmet will appreciate this jam.

Subtleties of cooking

  • In order for the jam to be of high quality, the fruits must be ripe, healthy and free of worms. Green apricots are not suitable for jam. Such jam will be tasteless and flavorless. Broken, crushed and overripe fruits are also not used, because they will boil over. You can only make jam and marmalade from them.
  • Preserving the shape of the fruit depends on the cooking method. It must be carried out in stages so that the sugar penetrates into the fruit gradually. If you cover the apricots with sugar and immediately set them to cook, the sugar will quickly fill the intercellular space, the juice will release into syrup and the apricots will boil, turning into porridge.
  • During cooking, the jam must not be stirred, otherwise the fruits will lose their shape. The basin can only be shaken slightly.
  • Foam, which will certainly appear on the surface in large quantities, must be removed with a slotted spoon or spoon.
  • So that the finished product has beautiful view, apricots should be the same size.
  • If the jam is made from whole apricots, they are first pricked in several places and blanched for five minutes at 80-90°. Then cool quickly.
  • When cooking apricots in halves, first cut them and carefully remove the pit. Large apricots are divided into two halves and cut into slices.
  • Jars for packaging jam must be thoroughly washed, doused with boiling water and dried well in the sun or in the oven. Do not pour jam into wet jars. Drops of moisture getting into the jam can cause mold and spoilage.
  • If the jam is rolled up with tin lids, then it is poured hot, filling the jars as completely as possible. This jam is stored well in an ordinary room. The main thing is that no light falls on it and there are no heating devices nearby.
  • But most often the jam is packaged in jars already cooled. Then you can cover it with regular parchment. This jam is stored in a cool, dark place.
  • To make jam with seeds, varieties with sweet kernels are selected. The fact is that bitter kernels contain the glycoside amygdalin. If the jam is stored for a long time, then this substance begins to produce toxic hydrocyanic acid. Such preparation can cause poisoning. Therefore, jam with seeds or kernels can be stored for no more than one year.

Apricot jam with pits: recipe one

  • apricots – 1 kg;
  • sugar – 1.5 kg;
  • water – 400 ml;
  • citric acid – 3 g.

Cooking method

  • Select ripe fruits without wormholes. Remove the stems. Wash well.
  • Pour in large saucepan water and bring to a boil. Immerse the apricots in boiling water and blanch for two minutes at 90°. Then cool under running cold water. Wait for the liquid to drain. Then each fruit needs to be pricked with something sharp.
  • Pour sugar into a cooking basin and pour water. Place on the stove and cook the syrup.
  • Dip the apricots into the syrup, add citric acid and bring to a boil, removing the foam. Remove from stove.
  • Leave the bowl of jam to cool for 8 hours.
  • Then put the jam back on the stove and bring to a boil again. Make sure it doesn't burn: cook it over low heat. A second time, remove the jam from the stove and let it cool for eight hours.
  • For the third time, place the bowl of jam on the stove and cook for some more time. You can check readiness by placing a drop of syrup on a saucer. It must keep its shape. You can also determine the readiness of the jam by the foam. By the end of cooking, the foam collects in the center of the basin, rather than spreading out to the edges.
  • Cool the jam completely and put it into jars. Cover with parchment paper, tie with twine or secure with an elastic band. The jam can be sealed hermetically. To do this, place it hot in dry jars, cover with lids and immediately seal with a special seaming machine. Cool.

Apricot jam with pits: recipe two

Ingredients for five 0.5 liter containers:

  • apricots – 1 kg;
  • sugar – 1.25 kg;
  • water – 2.5 tbsp.

Cooking method

  • Select only ripe apricots without wormholes for jam. Remove the stems. Wash the fruits.
  • Pour water into a large saucepan and bring to a boil. Dip the apricots into it and blanch for five minutes at a temperature of 75-80°.
  • Cool quickly by submerging in a colander in cold water.
  • Prick each fruit with something sharp.
  • In a separate pan, cook syrup from 800 g of sugar and water.
  • Place all the apricots in a bowl. Pour hot syrup over. Leave for 4 hours.
  • Place on the fire and cook at a low boil for 5 minutes, removing any foam that appears.
  • Remove from heat again and leave for 10 hours.
  • Add the remaining sugar, put on fire and cook at low boil until tender.
  • Cool in a bowl and then transfer to clean, dry jars. Cover with parchment paper. If you want to roll up the jars with tin lids, then package the jam hot, filling the container as completely as possible. Turn the sealed jars upside down and cool in this position.

Apricot jam, sliced, pitted

Ingredients for six 0.5 liter containers:

  • apricots – 1 kg;
  • sugar – 1.5 kg;
  • water – 500 ml;
  • fruit essence – 10 drops;
  • vanilla to taste.

Cooking method

  • Wash the ripe apricots and remove the stems.
  • Cut each fruit in half along the groove. Remove the seeds.
  • Pour sugar into a saucepan, pour water. Boil the syrup. If it turns out cloudy, strain through several layers of gauze.
  • Place the apricots in a cooking bowl, cut side up. Carefully pour hot syrup over. Leave for a day so that the fruits are saturated with it.
  • The next day, pour the syrup into a saucepan and boil. Pour it over the apricots again. Leave it for another day.
  • On the third day, place the bowl of apricots on low heat, bring to a boil and cook until the thickness you need. At the end of cooking, add the essence and vanillin diluted in a small amount of syrup.
  • Remove from stove. Cool completely. Place in clean and dry jars. Cover with parchment paper.

Apricot jam “Pyatiminutka”

Ingredients for five 0.5 liter containers:

  • apricots – 1 kg;
  • sugar – 1.5 kg;
  • water – 400 ml.

Cooking method

  • Wash ripe apricots that are not damaged by insects and diseases and remove the stalks. Cut in half. Remove the seeds. If the fruits are large, cut them into slices.
  • Place the apricots, center side up, in a cooking bowl, sprinkling each layer with sugar. Leave for 6-8 hours (longer possible). During this time, the fruits will give juice, which will partially dissolve the sugar.
  • After this time, pour water into the basin and place it on the stove. If you want thick jam, you don’t need to add water. Bring to a boil over medium heat. To prevent the jam from acquiring the consistency of jam, do not stir it during cooking. You can only shake the pelvis a little or twist it from side to side. Cook for 5 minutes, being sure to remove any foam.
  • Then remove the bowl from the stove and let the jam brew for 3-5 hours.
  • Bring to a boil over low heat and cook again for 5 minutes.
  • After 5 hours of infusion, repeat this procedure again.
  • Pour hot jam into prepared, clean and dried jars and immediately roll up the lids. Turn it upside down and leave it in this position to cool.

Apricot jam “Royal”

Ingredients for three 0.5 liter containers:

  • apricots – 1 kg;
  • sugar – 400 g;
  • water – 250 ml.

Cooking method

  • Ripe but strong apricots are suitable for this jam. Sort them out and remove the stems. Then wash the fruits well and dry.
  • From each apricot, making a small cut along the groove, squeeze out the pit.
  • Break the seeds in a way convenient for you. Peel the kernels from the skin. To make the skins easy to remove, immerse them in boiling water and keep there for a few minutes. Although you can skip this step and use the kernels in an unpurified form.
  • Stuff the apricots with kernels, inserting them into the slot instead of pits.
  • Place the apricots in a cooking bowl.
  • Place sugar in a saucepan and add water. Boil the syrup. Pour it over the fruits, bring to a boil and remove from the stove. Leave for 10 hours to infuse.
  • Then put it back on low heat, bring to a boil, cook for 10-15 minutes over low heat, remembering to remove the foam.
  • Remove the basin from the stove and leave it to steep again for 10 hours.
  • Bring to a final boil and cook for 10 minutes.
  • While hot, place the apricot jam into clean, dry jars. Seal tightly with tin lids. If you plan to cover the jars with parchment paper, then the jam must be completely cooled in a basin and only then packaged.

Note to the hostess

If you are afraid that the kernels in jam can harm your health, you can safely replace them with something else: almonds, walnuts or hazelnuts.

You can add cinnamon, lemon zest, cloves and other spices to taste to apricot jam. But there should not be a lot of them, so as not to drown out the natural apricot aroma.

If you like sweet desserts made from ripe fruits, then take note of our recipes. Making apricot jam with slices is not like that simple task, as it may seem at first glance. Incorrect technology will lead to the fact that the fruits will boil and turn into a homogeneous mass. Therefore, carefully read our tips and recommendations, and then repeat all the steps in the right sequence.

Apricot jam with orange

The combination of sweet ripe fruits gives an unusually pleasant taste. Bright color of your favorite delicacy will remind you of hot summer days and is guaranteed to lift your spirits even on the gloomiest day.


  • apricots – one kilogram;
  • orange;
  • granulated sugar - kilogram;
  • water – 200 ml.

For this recipe you will need unripe greenish fruits. Soft juicy fruits quickly boil down, quickly turning into “porridge”.

How to cook delicious apricot jam? A step-by-step recipe with photos will help you solve the problem.

First, select the fruits, then wash them well under cool water, remove the seeds and cut each in half. If desired, you can cut the halves again. Place the pieces in a deep saucepan. Peel, squeeze out the juice, then strain the liquid.

Make a syrup from water and sugar, and then let it simmer on the stove for five minutes. At the very end, add orange juice. Remove the syrup from the stove, carefully pour it into the apricots and wait until the liquid has cooled. Return the resulting infusion back to the pan, bring it to a boil again and pour it over the fruit again.

When the syrup and apricots have cooled to room temperature, they need to be brought to a boil and simmered over low heat for several minutes. After this, spread the jam into sterilized jars and seal. Don't forget to turn the dishes over and cover them with a warm blanket. The next day, the jam can be transferred to the pantry or any other place suitable for storing it.

The finished dessert can be used to make sweet pies with fruit filling or simply served with hot drinks.

Jam “Five Minute”

The dessert got its name from its unusual, gentle method of preparation. Next, we will tell you in detail how to make jam with apricots for the winter.


  • pitted apricots – 700 grams;
  • sugar – 700 grams;
  • water – 250 ml.

Jam with apricot slices “Pyatiminutka” is prepared in several stages.

Select firm fruits, wash them, cut them in half and remove the seeds. Cover the pulp with granulated sugar and leave it alone for a while. Shake the bowl of fruit occasionally, but do not stir.

Weigh the apricots after processing on a kitchen scale. Ideal ratio fruits and sugar - proportion 1:1.

After an hour, the fruits can be filled with water and placed on the stove. When the jam boils, reduce the heat and cook the treat for another five minutes. Cool the product and then bring it to a boil again. Repeat the procedure one more time.

After the third cooking, place the dessert in clean jars and cover with boiled lids.

Apricot jam with seeds added

An unusual way of preparing dessert will help you achieve original taste. We are sure that you will appreciate the sweet apricot jam. Slices in aromatic syrup make an excellent company with freshly brewed tea or any other hot drink.


  • apricot pulp - one kilogram;
  • sugar – one kilogram;
  • water - one glass.

It’s quite simple to prepare in slices, but the recipe has its own characteristics. Therefore, carefully read our instructions before starting cooking.

Process the fruits and cut into four parts. Chop the seeds and remove the soft core. Mix sugar with clean water.

The bright taste of this dessert directly depends on the seeds that we will use during cooking. Therefore, it is better to cut the kernels in half or crush them into small pieces.

Place the apricots and pits in a deep saucepan, then pour the syrup over them. Place the pan on the fire and bring its contents to a boil. After this, pour the syrup into a separate container and cool the products. This step is necessary to ensure that the slices remain intact and do not boil over.

Repeat this procedure two more times. The last boil should last longer - about ten or fifteen minutes. Pour the finished treat into a sterilized container and roll up.

We will be glad if you enjoy the apricot jam in slices. The recipes collected on this page will help you prepare for the winter. small stock delicious treat. A beautiful aromatic treat will delight your gloomy family winter evening and will bring back memories of bright sunny days.

Video recipe for Polish apricot jam

On a cold winter day, it is a special pleasure to open a jar of aromatic jam prepared in season. Learn how to make treats. Sweets lovers should pay attention to the most delicious recipes with juicy apricots and try them.

How to make jam from pitted apricots

The basic rule for making seedless apricot jam for the winter to turn out as intended is very simple. It is important not to miss the middle stage of fruit ripening in the summer. Velvety bright yellow-orange fruits must be ripe, without sourness, but not soft, in order to retain their shape. Choose whole fruits, of the same size, without external defects, unsightly spots, or rotting sides. Then the taste of prepared seedless apricot jam for the winter will be impeccable.

The shorter the period of time between harvesting and the start of cooking, the more delicious the preparation will be. One more point - you need to strictly know the weight of the prepared fruit. Jam made from pitted apricots for the winter will have the desired consistency if the proportions of sugar added during cooking are observed and the cooking recipe is not violated. You need suitable dishes in which the jam will not burn.

How to cook apricot jam in a slow cooker

Convenient, reliable multicookers help modern housewives prepare not only soups, cereals, but also jam for the winter. You will like this proven method of preparing apricot preserves in pieces for its simplicity and versatility.

List of products:

  • peeled fruits – 800 grams;
  • lemon juice - from 1 piece, if small, or from 2/3 of the fruit, if you took a medium one;
  • sugar – 1.5 kg.

Cooking process:

  1. Sort the fruits, remove the seeds, after washing them.
  2. Leave the fruits in halves, or to obtain jam-like jam, finely cut into slices.
  3. Place the prepared fruits in a multicooker bowl, pour in lemon juice, and add sugar. Stir and let stand for about five minutes.
  4. Set the multicooker to “simmering”. Time – 50-65 minutes.
  5. Stir the first half of the time with a spoon only periodically, the second half constantly, to avoid burning.
  6. Place the prepared thick sweet preserve hot into sterilized jars and roll up.

Traditional recipe for pitted apricot jam

The classic recipe for seedless apricot jam will come in handy if the housewife prefers traditional methods of preparing preserves for the year. Here's one option:

List of products used:

  • fruits of medium ripeness with the core removed - 1.5 kg;
  • sugar – 1.5 kg;
  • purified water – 300-350 ml.

Cooking process:

  1. Sort medium-sized fruits, wash them, remove excess water with a napkin or let them drain, placing them in one layer on a clean towel.
  2. Make neat cuts along the groove of each fruit and squeeze out the seed.
  3. Fill the prepared bowl for jam with sugar and water and let it boil until a uniform liquid is obtained.
  4. Place the fruits in hot liquid syrup. Cover with a lid and leave for 7.5 -11 hours.
  5. After the end of time, bring the sweet contents of the basin to the boiling stage and cook for 8.5-13 minutes. Turn off and leave for another 7.5-11 hours.
  6. Repeat the process three more times. Boil, remembering to skim off any foam that forms with a spoon.
  7. Place the resulting hot apricot jam with clear syrup into prepared jars and seal tightly with lids. Storage - as usual temperature conditions(up to 22 degrees).

Video: recipe for apricot and orange jam

Today we suggest you figure out how to properly prepare tender jam from pitted apricots for the winter for long-term storage. The consistency of the sweet dessert will be thick. Therefore, let's consider step by step recipes How to make a delicacy quickly and tasty.

IN summer time The main occupation of most housewives is canning vegetables, fruits and berries. After all, there is nothing better to open in late autumn or winter delicious jam or a fragrant salad, appetizer.

Apricot jam: a classic recipe for the winter

This option preparation involves the use of apricots along with pits. Let's look at how to make delicious jam with health benefits.


  • fresh fruit - 1.4 kilograms;
  • granulated sugar - 2.2 kilograms;
  • filtered liquid - 0.6 l;
  • citric acid - 4 g.


For cooking, fruits should be chosen fresh, ripe and without external signs rotten. Remove the stems, rinse thoroughly and dry.

Pour water into a large container, bring to a boil and place the fruits in boiling water. Cook for 2-3 minutes on medium heat. Drain in a colander and cool under cold water. Leave until excess moisture has completely drained.

Using a wooden toothpick, pierce each berry in several places.

Pour the required amount of liquid into an enamel food bowl and add granulated sugar. Place on the stove, boil and cook with regular stirring until the grains are completely dissolved.

Place apricots in hot syrup, add citric acid and bring to a boil again. If foam forms on the surface, remove it carefully. Remove container from heat.

Cover with gauze and wait 8 hours to cool. Repeat the boiling and cooling procedure. Do not forget to stir the mixture, otherwise it will burn and ruin the entire taste of the dish.

After the second cooling, boil the jam for another 5-10 minutes and check for doneness. Drop it onto the saucer and if the drop does not spread, then the dessert is ready. Otherwise, continue cooking.

Cover the container with the sweetness, cool and place in sterile jars. Place a small piece of parchment paper on top, tie with twine or simply seal tightly.

Apricot fruits will be cooked in 3 stages. The product must first be pitted. The process of preparing dessert helps to preserve most of the useful substances, taste and aroma of berries. The color of the finished product is natural.


  • apricots - 2.4 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 2.4 kg.

How to make seedless apricot jam for the winter?

Sort the berries, remove spoiled fruits. Rinse, dry, divide into 2 parts and carefully remove the seeds.

Place the prepared product in a large saucepan, add sugar. Stir gently, cover and leave for 8-10 hours. Behind given time the ingredient will give required amount berry juice.

Place on the stove, boil, reduce heat and heat for 3 minutes. Cover and let sit on the kitchen counter for 8 to 11 hours.

The berries will be completely soaked. Put it back on the fire and boil. Remove from heat and cool again for 10-12 hours.

On the third day, bring the mixture to a boil again and heat for 5 minutes. When foam forms, carefully remove it, otherwise the composition will taste bitter. Place into sterile jars, close tightly and turn the lid down. After cooling, store in the cellar.

This video will show you how to properly cook without seeds.

Royal recipe for apricot jam with pits

The second name is royal. Appearance its superb and for lovers of fine food a real treat. The simple cooking method is also attractive. It is allowed to cook whole fruits, but first carefully remove the pit. So, let's look at the detailed preparation option.


  • Apricots - 1.7 kg;
  • Sugar - 1.7 kg.

How to cook?

Sort the main component and remove the stem. Rinse under running water. Place in a saucepan, pour boiling water over it and wait 2-3 minutes. Drain in a colander, dry and carefully remove the seeds, but do not throw them away.

Place the prepared product in an enamel container and cover with granulated sugar.

Stir gently, cover and leave on the kitchen counter for 2 hours to release the aromatic juice.

Remove the grains from the seeds, which will be used in the future.

Place the container with the fruits on the hob, boil, lower the heat and cook for another 40 minutes. Do not forget to stir the mixture from time to time and remove any foam that has formed.

After the time has passed, pour out the kernels, stir and cook for another 5 minutes.

The jam turns out not only beautiful, but also very tasty and aromatic. When hot, place into sterile jars and close tightly. Check to see if the contents are leaking from under the lid of the jar.

Turn over, cover with a warm cape and leave in this form until completely cooled.

Be sure to check that nothing is running up, otherwise this could lead to an unpleasant situation after a while. This is the magical mixture you should get. Delicious discoveries and achievements to you!

Apricot confiture is prepared quickly and easily. The jam itself turns out thick, since no liquid is used during cooking. The dessert can be used when serving pancakes, pancakes, and also for baking.


  • apricots - 1.6 kilos;
  • sugar - 0.7-0.8 kg;
  • pectin (thickener) - 45 g.

Harvesting method

Sort the fruits, rinse, cut into 2 parts and remove the pit. Pour boiling water over it and place in a blender bowl. Grind until puree-like.

Pour the resulting mass into a saucepan with a thick bottom, add granulated sugar and 40 grams of thickener. Stir, put on the stove, boil and pour out the remaining sweet component. Bring to a boil and cook for another 5 minutes. Remove from stove.

Pour the finished dessert into clean, sterile jars. Close tightly, turn over and wrap in a warm blanket. After cooling, store in a cool place for the winter.

This jam will go well with:

  1. Lush pancakes with kefir

Apricot jam with citrus fruits (with orange)

Jam with the addition of citrus fruits is obtained with a delicate, pleasant aroma and taste of orange. To obtain a thicker consistency, a gelling component is used.


  • apricots - 900 gr;
  • apples - 600 g;
  • orange - 250 grams;
  • sugar - 1.4 kilograms;
  • red currant - 150 g;
  • "Zhelfix" - 1 sachet.

Harvesting apricots for the winter

All fruits and berries must be carefully sorted, washed and the seeds, seeds and stalks removed. Finely chop the orange zest on a grater. Chop all ingredients into small cubes.

Place in a large, capacious container and add granulated sugar and thickener. Close for a while on the kitchen table.

Then place on the stove, boil and cook for 7 minutes over medium heat. When foam forms, it must be removed regularly.

Then pour in the red currants and continue cooking for another 5 minutes. Remove from heat, cover with gauze until completely cool.

After the time has passed, wait for it to boil and cook for 10 minutes. When hot, place into sterile containers, close tightly, and after cooling, put in the refrigerator.

The finished jam has a consistency similar to honey or marmalade.

Apricot jam recipe in a slow cooker

Prepare delicious dessert quickly, a “miracle oven” will help, or to be more precise, a multicooker.


  • apricots - 1.7 kilos;
  • granulated sugar - 1.3 kg;
  • filtered liquid - 80 ml.

How to cook?

Sort the fruits, remove the stem and rinse. Cut into 2 parts and remove the pit. Place the prepared fruits in a multicooker bowl.

Add granulated sugar and mix. Pour in the specified amount of liquid; the apricots should sit in the sugar for 2-3 hours.

After the specified time, put it in the multicooker on the “Stew” mode. Stir gently, heat through, and after 5 minutes open the lid. And after 10, remove the foam and turn off the heating of the oven.

Leave the apricots in the syrup for 12 hours in the multicooker itself. Rinse the jars and dry them in the oven, and boil the lids.

Then the jam is brought back to a boil and boiled for another 5 minutes, in the “Stew” mode. Pack into clean, sterile jars and close tightly, turn over and wrap in a warm blanket. Store in a cool place.

Apricot jam with peaches

You have a large number of exotic fruits on your hands and you don’t know what to do with them. Then we suggest you make delicious jam so that the fruits do not disappear. IN winter time It will be nice to open a jar and remember the taste of summer.

What do you need

apricots - 1 kg;

peaches - 1 kg;

nectarines - 500 g;

granulated sugar - 2.5 kg.


Sort all purchased fruits, remove stems and seeds. Apricot kernels There is no need to throw them away, as they will be useful later for cooking.

Chop the prepared fruits into pieces of any size. Place them in a large, capacious bowl and cover with granulated sugar.

Place the container with the contents on the stove, turning on low heat. You can add a little water to prevent burning. While stirring, bring the mixture to a boil, but do not cook.

Remove from heat, cover with a lid and leave on the kitchen counter to cool. After 10-12 hours, the boiling and cooling procedure is repeated.

Peel the apricot kernels, cut into several pieces and place in the jam. Bring to a boil, pack into clean, sterile jars, close tightly, cool and put in a cool place.

Apricot confiture - jam with gelatin

This is very tasty dish Prepares without problems - quickly and easily. Instead of gelatin, gelatin based on natural ingredients is used. With it you can quickly make any preparations for the winter.

Apricot jam is prepared in several versions and turns out very tasty and aromatic. Especially if you keep all the proportions.
