Andrey Livanov: biography and death. The unexpected cause of death of Irina Bezrukova’s son has been revealed. How Andrei Livanov died

Igor Livanov revealed the tragic details of his biography. The actor lost his family and children twice, but still believed in a happy future. Now the artist is raising two sons from his third wife, and every day he is afraid of losing them.

Irina Bezrukova with her son

Igor Livanov is used to embodying images of strong and brave men on screen. He often plays the roles of military men, police officers and heroes who find themselves in difficult life circumstances. Livanov himself repeatedly had to test his strength. Having endured the blows of fate over and over again, he lost two children, but still retained faith in a bright future.
The artist met his first wife Tatyana back in the early 70s. Together they studied at the theater institute, and then worked in cinema. Colleagues never tired of admiring the harmonious relationship of the Livanovs, who almost never quarreled. In 1979, their daughter Olga was born, who instantly became the main joy of her caring father.
It seemed that this happiness would last forever, but in 1987 Tatyana and Olga died tragically. A freight train whose brakes failed crashed into a passenger train carrying Livanov’s relatives. Then the actor had to go through a terrible test: identifying his relatives, funeral and adaptation to a new life.
“We said goodbye at the station, I remember it well. Then he repeatedly returned to these memories. And in the morning a policeman and a doctor had already entered my apartment. I remember how they entered and there was a scream from my mother, who still didn’t know anything. She said: “They are no more.” Then there was long haul to Kamensk for identification. I had to get through it, and I did. This is probably the worst thing a person can go through. There were friends next to me who did not leave me, they understood. My neighbors helped. One of them brought me three-liter bottles of cognac. I drank them, but nothing happened to me. Alcohol didn't bother me. I understood that I needed to either end my life, that is, go to a monastery or be reborn through children. This abyss needed to be closed,” admitted Livanov, barely restraining his emotions.

Livanov could not come to terms with the tragedy for a long time

Realizing full well that he could not cope with grief on his own, Igor seized on a new feeling. A meeting with his second wife, Irina Bezrukova, helped him believe in happiness again. In 1989, the lovers had a son, Andrei, and now the boy became the center of the universe for the actor. The next test awaited Livanov in 2000. Then he received a serious injury on the set of his next project, and then Irina left him for Sergei Bezrukov. Realizing that the family could not be saved, the artist continued to work hard and communicate with his son. “I promised Andrei that I would never speak badly about his mother, and I keep my word. However, I remember calling my son in 2000, and he didn’t answer me. A little later he called back and said: “Dad, I’m in Volgograd, I live in an apartment. Mom sent me, this is Scientology.” I was furious and demanded that my son be returned home within 24 hours or I would go apply. They returned my son, but later I realized that I didn’t know him at all,” said the actor.
When son Andrei unexpectedly died in 2015, Igor was shocked more than anyone. Arriving at the heir’s apartment, he saw that the entire apartment was filled with his photographs.
“When I found myself in his room, I realized that my son was still just a child. There were my photographs everywhere: you open the closet, there is a photograph, on the table, on the bedside tables. There were also at least ten diplomas in Scientology on the table. He knew how I would feel about this hobby of his, so he didn’t tell me anything. I didn't know my own son well. I still don’t understand what happened to him then, I would really like to know,” the actor admitted.

The actor’s third wife was very close to his son Andrei

According to Livanov, after the tragedy, Irina Bezrukova asked him for forgiveness for everything. However, Andrei's death was a blow not only for his parents, but also for new wife Igor Olga, who was pregnant at that moment. “He and Leka had an incredible connection. She adored Andrey. When he died, I was really worried about the baby Leka was carrying. She was simply heartbroken,” the artist emphasized.
The third wife is 25 years younger than Livanov, but this does not bother them at all. family happiness. The actor admitted that his wife and two sons are for him a kind of cure for any sorrows. However, he remembers the dead children every day. “I know that they have not left, they are nearby. And his wife Tanya, and daughter Olya, and son. They are my guardian angels, they are together, and I believe in this,” the artist said at the end of the program.

News about tragic death Andrei Livanov, the 25-year-old son of actress Irina Bezrukova and actor Igor Livanov, blew up the Internet. Despite the fact that then the grief-stricken Irina did not comment on the situation, the media wrote a variety of versions of the guy’s death: from diabetes to drugs and tropical fever after a trip to Vietnam. Only six months after the tragedy, Irina still plucked up the courage to tell the truth in one of her last interviews Russian edition"Television week".

It’s not easy for me to philosophize on this topic, but again, I repeat, probably nothing is accidental. That is, some moments depend to a certain extent on our choice, but basically everything is not in our will. Health allowed Andryusha to live long life, but... There is probably something that is a foregone conclusion. He felt a little sick, was weak, had a runny nose and a slight fever. He went to the bathroom, and there, apparently, he slipped and fell and hit his temple. They stated: instant death. In fact, it was an accident.

The fact that Irina was not in the city at the time of her death made the situation even more tragic. IN last time she saw her son 2 days before the incident.

The first to enter the apartment and see Andryusha was my closest friend Lena - she is our family doctor. With her were two more doctors, two employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and a local police officer. I was worried because my son didn’t answer calls or text messages for a day. It was decided to open the apartment... At that time I was on tour with my husband in Irkutsk. We last saw Andrey two days before what happened - we returned from Vietnam, where we spent ten days together.

The actress said that the late Andryusha got along well with his stepfather, actor Sergei Bezrukov. It seems even more strange that Sergei Bezrukov did not come to the funeral to pay tribute to the boy and console his wife.

Son of Irina Bezrukova and actor Igor Livanov. As the press reported, the young man died of acute heart failure. But his half-sister, Nina Livanova, spoke about what really happened.

“Finally, after all the crazy days, after Andryushka’s death, I managed to contact the mother of my deceased brother, Ira Bezrukova, she answered. Anyway, I finally heard the story first hand. Andryusha had a very mild degree of diabetes, which did not affect the quality of life. he had never injected himself with insulin and did not know how. And there were no syringes at home and no one found them. Although there were many witnesses during the opening of the apartment. He didn't call an ambulance. I didn’t call or call, that’s a lie. And his temperature was a maximum of 37.5 (there is a thermometer by the bed). Everything was in place, nothing unusual, there was no phone next to the body. He just went barefoot to the toilet, fell and hit himself to death on the tiles. He fell extremely unsuccessfully. They don’t know why, maybe it was due to weakness. About the autopsy: they took tests of his body fluids for poisons and drugs and all that, as expected, but the autopsy itself was unnecessary due to the obviousness of the situation. and he would not have wanted to either, and so the parents asked not to do this, and the investigators did not consider that there were reasons not to respect the request. This means that the situation did not arouse any suspicion among the police. Everything was obvious. He fell. Everything else is lies and lies. The whole Internet is about “heart failure”, “drugs”, “why there was no autopsy, it’s a dark matter”... but I haven’t smoked a single cigarette in my life and can’t stand alcohol.”


Mikhail Zadornov about the death of Bezrukov’s stepson: “It was an accident!”

The writer wrote a column about the late son of Irina Bezrukova and Igor Livanov

Trouble came to Sergei Bezrukov’s house last weekend. While the actor and his wife Irina were on tour, the police found Bezrukov’s stepson, his wife’s son and famous artist Igor Livanov Andrei dead in a Moscow apartment. The boy's father told the police that young man had diabetes.


Irina Bezrukova: “He was too good for this world”

The actress thanks for the sympathy and remembers her untimely departed son

People from all over the country and abroad offer condolences to Irina Bezrukova and Igor Livanov, their family and friends. The life of Andrei Livanov, the 25-year-old son of theater and film artists, was tragically cut short last weekend; his body was discovered by police in a Moscow apartment. The circumstances of the death are being clarified. It is known that the young man suffered from diabetes and had recently returned from a trip to Vietnam, where he was vacationing with his mother.

According to theater workers, today it is known that the production of “Pushkin” on stage musical theater named after Zagursky with Bezrukov in leading role will take place as scheduled.

As it became known, just before his death, Sergei Bezrukov’s 25-year-old stepson Andrei Livanov himself called the emergency service 112 and asked doctors for help.

Doctors who arrived at the scene were unable to get into the apartment and called rescuers to break into it. front door, but it was already too late.

On March 14 at 19:47, Andrei Livanov himself dialed the emergency number 112 and managed to complain of severe malaise. Immediately after Livanov’s call, doctors tried to contact him several times, but he did not pick up the phone or get in touch. Already at 19:53, employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations arrived on the scene, at about 20:30, rescuers were able to break down the door to the apartment, but it was too late - they found a young man in the bathroom man dead, insulin syringes lay next to the deceased.

Earlier it became known that law enforcement officials and medical workers consider his serious illness as one of the main reasons for the death of Andrei Livanov. As the police found out,

a young man suffered from a severe form of diabetes mellitus. At times his blood sugar rose to critical levels. This fact was confirmed by the relatives of the deceased.

As Andrei’s father Igor Livanov says, his son, who lived with his mother Irina Bezrukova and stepfather Sergei Bezrukov, could not be left alone. “Andrey had very high blood sugar levels. He had personal doctor, who prescribed him a diet and himself formed his food menu. I don’t know how long he was unattended and what could have caused his death - maybe he ate the wrong thing or couldn’t handle the flight. He doesn’t live with me, my son reassured all my questions like this: “Dad, everything is fine, don’t worry!” Igor Livanov told law enforcement officers.

IN tragic death 25-year-old Andrei, his biological father, actor Igor Livanov, blames the expedition to Vietnam, from which his son and ex-wife returned a few days ago. According to the inconsolable father, it was after this trip that the guy felt bad.

Correspondence between Andrey and a friend, created in the best literary traditions travel notes, indirectly confirms the words of Igor Livanov.

The essay states that Irina felt unwell back in Vietnam. Andrey decided not to tell about his health,

focusing on the beauty of the resort country.

Irina published Andrei’s story on her Facebook page a few days before the tragedy. “Correspondence between my son and a friend.. Enjoying it)) Journal of Jonathan Wurgenappelsmithchestercherryontopshire... Expedition to Vietnam, day 5. 11:13 local time... Dear friend, Wolfgang, I am writing to you from a strange country. Our expedition reached the central part of Vietnam. What a marvelous place it is! We were met by a very impressive number of friendly natives. You know, my friend, they have a very strange accent. in English. Most peculiar I must say! Imagine, they don’t finish half the words! Imagine my surprise when “mil” turned out to be milk, and “masa” turned out to be a massage! I believe that Professor Edgeworth would be extremely interested in studying the features of local phonetics...”

On my official page in LiveJournal, Mikhail Zadornov left a long entry for Irina and Sergei Bezrukov. It is dedicated to the death of the artist’s son Andrei Livanov. “Ira, Seryozha, we are family friends. And Andrei took an active part in this friendship. He was interested in history, Christianity, Vedism... He tried, like many of our bright people, to learn the secrets of the Russian language. He was interested in the ideas of Shchetinin, this genius teacher . Parents can be proud of a son like Andrey", Zadornov began his entry.


The writer further commented on numerous reports from journalists about the death of the young man. He wrote: “I understand that the topic of this tragedy is being discussed in the media and on the Internet. Hold on, Ira! After all, even journalists from those who are not on the front line, but on the back line of the front, try to defile everything, since they themselves live a filthy life. Vices are attributed to Andrei by those who are themselves vicious. A person interested in Vedism cannot be dark and serve darkness. Not only journalists write nasty things, but also ordinary today's good-for-nothings. I feel sorry for them. Since they try to denigrate a bright person, they bring darkness upon themselves, and in the near future they will have troubles or get sick. If you don’t believe me, you can check it after some time.”

Zadornov denied the information that Andrei Livanov was killed by diabetes. " All this nonsense about diabetes and injections is a lie. It was a very unfortunate accident. I don't want to describe it because it's indecent. If people want to help, then this information will not give them anything. If they want to spoil or insult, there is no need for them to know what happened. To the question “What happened?” I answer: “What is your business?” There was a misfortune, a tragedy. And if you're interested in details, look at yourself in the mirror and think about your own life."

The writer spoke very highly of Irina Bezrukova’s son: “ Andrey was a very benevolent and responsible worker in the theater. He greeted guests, knew how and what to talk to each of them about - not according to the stupid American tradition of asking how you got there, but according to what interested the person."

Finally Zadornov appealed to his subscribers with a request to support the Bezrukovs. "I urge and even ask those who understand what I wrote about to send me good words for Andrei's parents - Ira Bezrukova and Igor Livanov, for Seryozha Bezrukov, for Andrei's friends. Of course, first of all, for Ira. I will pass on everything you send to Ira and Sergei. Please do not write nasty things, they will be deleted immediately anyway. In cases such as this, I will impose censorship on those who serve the darkness. Our family expresses its most sincere condolences to Ira and Seryozha. Happy memory to Andrei!"

Meanwhile, Moscow doctors have established the cause of death of 25-year-old Andrei. According to medical sources, the young man died of acute heart failure. An autopsy of Livanov’s body was not carried out at the personal request of the deceased’s relatives, LifeNews reports.

Let us remind you that 25-year-old Andrei Livanov was found dead in the Bezrukovs’ apartment on March 14. For a long time, his relatives could not reach him by phone, and then it turned out that he did not show up for work at the Provincial Theater of Sergei Bezrukov. Rescuers found the lifeless body of a young man in the apartment without external signs violent death. The ambulance doctors who arrived at the scene could no longer help and declared Andrei’s death.
